TOE SCBANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 189G. HAVE Serge or Summer. Clothes MADE TO OROR BY THE FRANK T. Coal Exchange Building, EASTERN LEAGUE BASE BALL GAMES Scrccton Succeeds in Jumping Wilkes-Barre. Over WE BREAK EVEN WITH ALBANY ilkts-linrre Slnil Out liy Hut-fulo-.llulh the Lender Wrn l'-li-ulcd V-I nla SjiiiiiKliilJ t'on tiniics tu 4 limit t'pwiird--IIodon Lom His ilumv Amtinxt Syruiusi'. Vt'Kti-rdnj's llrsulli. Scranton.... Alban Ku.lulu. Springfield.. Providence . .. 7 ..u .. 7 ..lit - Albany Scranton Wilkes-Uurrc Rochester Syracuse liy winnins one form Albany ami ly reason of liuiTuln sliuttins "Ut Wllkes ( I .am'. Si-raulon socs i"1" si'Vitith place, wliii h Isnl much il' a iiliire bill vastly liiiii'i' than tin- onm-olii Uus last. riin-iimlifld continues to win anil Sy-rai-mo aildH another In their nod. I'ert'fiilaat' Hei-ord. I'. ...IW l'. P.O. ..V.S .r.'-i .5;.7 .in .jL"J . I -S .::7ti rroviilt-ai'i' .. liu ll.'lUol' ... Albany Hurt'iilo Hyr.H-iise hi.i'iuKlli'M .. S't':iiilUil ' .... 'ilkcs-Uurrc :;i :a ii ii i;: Todn's KiiMt-rn Lcuyiic tininc. HulTslo al Si-rnnlnii. Albany ut Wllkra-Uanv. Rochester al I'rovlilenii-. Syracuse at S:rlimli. l'l. ' ' ' BASE BALL FEAST. There Was ' Enough and to SpareWe Won the First and Should Have Had Both. . It was luiimilii iluy al Alliletlc park. The I'riih Knl their 2" renin worth o; ball Willi s.-vi-ml iii-niiles worth to Hian nut alone bei-uuse there with two miniex. lait liei-uuse (lie two Kami's vi re just i hoi k lull of ban ball. 'i' won I hi' first nana-, niiule neces sary by tin' I'li'vi'ii-lniilnif il' of YVVil-m.-i-ul.l.v, ami we imne within tin are of winning tin' m-eiiinl. The wind np was another ciisiwit' In'urt-lirttik. Ninth in nlliK. woiv 1 2 lo II. two nii'ii out. three ini'ii on bast's ami llrillln at llii' bat. Willi tine.' hullrt anil only one strike. A W ild one rullle Hp. Ill Mill dropped to tin' ki'oiuiiI. Tin' bull hit his lint pupped fair ami was iiium'.H I'V I .nteiiliei h. J hid tills vr.v unusual bit of hard luck esi aii 'd ns n tie Kame, of a win for lis would have been tin' result, as it would lntve been the fourth ball and u run would have been furred III. The 'illeheis in the lirsl same show ed ii bi tter than those ill the second. Willi the txreotlon of the fourth anil Him Ii iimiims llrown was railed upon to fare but three nun and up to the i.mhth innini; not two hits were made off him. M.u-.m whs also very rlferlive except in two innings, when he allowed Srianlon to make successive hits, (iil lon did not seem to have his form and did not do himself Justice. He however pili lied better ihan Horton or lilneen. HAD TO OAl.M'OLK'E. ! D'irsriier again had Ills troubles with J'i'tMbili'K's rast-off scrappers. He did exrellent work III both games but a Solomon would not satisfy the Alban ians. Helehanty made u sorry exhibi tion of himself and Ihe uolire had to be railed to remove him from the eroimils. Ooesrher called a third strike on hiifi In the third Inning of Ihe second game, and this so riled Delehanty that ' he grew profane and insulting. Uoesrh er ordered him to the bench, but he refused to go until lines to the amount ' of JiM had been rharged against him. When he did finally sit down, he ron tlnued his jawing and to sriuoich htm liorscher ordered him out of the game. At tills Delehanty railed him a cur and thru Dnescher stopped the game and ordered Delehanty olT the grounds. lie refused to go until two policemen tann in and escorted him out. Freomau took his place, going to right and Cpsey to short, where the three errors that are charged against him were made. ISiiWciman was injured In Hie fourth and Krister was spiked in the fifth, u tea It succeeding tile former and Oridin the latter. Hasan and Casey carried off the nil around honors of the day, E;u':in ex- ITS TOE forpriulctit-miudcd men to wcar"Cel luloid" Collars and Culfa .They are waterproof, and besides sat ui laundry bills and bother, they are comfortable to wear, never chafmg the neck and Uever wrinkling. They can be in tantly cleaned with a' wet cloth or sponge. The original interlined col lars and cuffs with a "Celluloid" sur face. Kvcryonc is marked like this. EuuloiO MARK' INTERLINED TmttAtPil fit course, hut you wunt theKPnulne Anil your iijoiify'A witrlh. !nstt timn oo14 uurknl illi nlxjve tnnle murk. At tin; tnrnlali nxurillnt fn.m u. Idlliim'jndi.-.l'ulllijiUl, ymt, lumiuxv ilu. KtmU' bul- &ik1 style. , THKEl,MMirCOMPA.Y, New Vork. ' .SAPOLIO" ,&ftSi,a FASHION YOUR CARROLL CO., WYOMING AVENUE. celling slightly. Hutchinson, Outealt, Kagan, Wright and the two O'Briens made circus catches and Sugden dis tinguished himself by all around good work behind the bat. Hutchinson's good eye in the first game was aiso a feature, walking to first three times. THE FIRST GAME. Scranton made its first three runs In the jhird Inning. Hrown. the first man up, dropped a ufe one behind short. Waid got first on Smith's poor throw of his grounder to catch Himvn at serond. Until advanced on Mefmey'M sacrifice ami priiivd un O'Brien's timely double. O'Brien s. oi'ed on Magulre's pretty single. Mattuire got caught trying to reach home on a thiow to second. In the fourth Bowei tnnn got a base on balls, reached second on Hutchinson's capture at third and came in on Ward's low hard drive to right. O'Bi ien the first man up In the eighth, got around to second on Smith's over throw to first. Magulre rearhed first on Truby's error and each advanced a base on Hasan's hit. Hutrhinson knocked one down to l.utenberg, who threw it wild to Ihe plate, allowing O'Jrirlen and Magulie to score and send ing Han. in to third. Boiverinau's sucrl lleo brought Eh gan in. Albany's two in the fourth were due to two errors. Delehmity hit H- short mie to right, which Eagun i aclu d, but failed to hold. Delehanty collided with Alagulre when stealing second and both of them laid on the ground stunned for a few moments. They were so tangled up that neither could move, and it was laughable to see Mag'iii'e trying to rearh In one direction for the ball and Deleluinty reaching out In the opposite direction for the base. Before anybody could get Hie bull Delehanty wriggled uliuig far enough to touch the bug and then lost consciousness for a short time. His. runner came in on O'Bl ten's hit and o'KrVen scored from second mi the full lire of Krister and Magulre to stop Mea iiey 'H throw from center. In the lifth inning Albany would have si-uied another but fur Kelsler's suc cessful application of the old. time worn dodge of hiding the ball. Smith made a groat drive for three buses and In his glee neglected to find out who had Ihe ball. Kelstel waited until he saw the umpii'c looking his way and then tagged the greatly disgusted Smith. The trick saved a run. as he coiilil easily have scored on Trilby's long oui to Hiigan. Kngan's error In till- seventh was un excusable one. It was on a haul run and would have been u phenomena) had lie succeeded in holding it. In the ninth Casey got to first on a cleun single and oame home on Meaney's niisjudgnieiit of (I'Brlen's straight drtvc' over his head. Hutch inson's star cntcli of hiitenberg's foul, and Hugan's beautiful running catch ended the game. The score: THE SECOND CAME. Kugutl hit sale in the second, reaclud third, by daring running on Hutchin son's little sufe My, and coining home on Buwerman's drive to second, which Trilby terrorized. Ju the fourth Krister reached first on Cusoy's error al short. Maguire singled and Hasan drove both In with a corking double to left. Hutchinson gut a base mi balls and on (Jillon's life and Ward's lilt both came in. In Hit lifth a base on bulls to Ma gulre and hits by Hasan and Oulcalt bruughl in lwo,niore. Criflln sigmilis'cd his return lo the diamond by knocking u beautiful two bllgger to light center, which set the crowd wild Willi enthusiasm. He came Inline a moment later on Dlncen's over throw to first. Scranton went In for their last In ning with the score 12 to 8 against them. Magulre singled and Peter the (ireat followed with another. It looked like u Kiirrison finish. Hutrhinson knocked one clear to the fence, hut Wright nind ' n cirrus catch on It. Outcalt's lias on bulls advanced Magulre and Eagan. onion's force of Outrall brought Ma gulre in. Ward hit and drove Eagan in. Meaney singled and sent fllllon In. Three men on bases, one man out and only one more needed 'tu tie. (Srtflln got three bad bnlls and everybody said lurk was with us. Then the sad finale came and everybody cursed the luck. Orlflin looked as blue as If he had been sold to Wilkes-Barre. It couldn't be bellied. It was too bad. That's all. Score: First came SCRANTON. A.B. U. H. P.O. A. E. Ward, 2b 4 1 1 '.' 3 o j Mi'iinev. cf 4 1 3 0 0 .1. O'Brien, rf 4 2 1. 2 n 0 Krister, 3b 4 0 1 10 1 MaKiiire. ss 3 112 4 0 En sin. If 4 1 2 5 0 2 Hutrhinson. lb 1 o 0 11 1 Bnwernian, c 3 1 o 1 o o Brown, p 4 110 4 0 Totals 31 7 S 27 12 3 ALBANY. A.B. R. P.O. 1 li.-laliutity. Cascv. i f . T. O'Brien, Sudden, e LlltenlKTS. Wright, cf Smith. :,b Tiuby, 2b Moran, p . Totals ... lb 3 3 I 2 ! 3 - 7 1- 3 Scranton Albany .. .0 0 .0 0 Earned runs Si iantrn. "I. Two-uasp hits .1. O'Brien. Hasan, T. O'Brien. Three baye nil Smith. Sneritii-e hlts-Menney, Bcwerman. Stolen bases-Delnhitiity. iVft on basis Srranton. ;t; Albany. 2. Struck uiil Kugsii, Boweiman, Kelsler (3), Tru by. Bauble pluys .Musulre to Hutchin son: ftnith to Truhy: Delahatity to Truby. First on errors Scranton, 2: Albany, 3. First on balls off lb-own: Lutenbrrg; olf M.jian: Magulre Boweiman, Hutrhinson (:!). Passed balls Sugdi-n. l'mplr.' Doescher. Time 2 '13. Second game- Si RAN TON. A H. R. H. P.O. A. Ward, 2b .". 0 3 1 3 Meaney, cf., if '. 0 11 0 .1. O'Brien, rf., 31 .. " 0 2 o Krister, 3b 3 10 13 Magulre, ss 4 3 2 2 1 Easnn. ir B 1 4 2 0 Hutchinson, lb .... 4 1 1 Id 3 l'.oweriniin. c 1 0 0 2 1 iSMIon, p 5 10 14 iiutci'll. n 2 0 1 a II C.J ltlin. cf 3 t 1 0 0 Totals ., 43 11 13 27 15 ALBANY. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. Delahaii'ty, ss ...... 2 0 0 2 0 Casey: rr., ss ' '2 4 2 2 T. O'Biien. ir S 2 1 2 0 Sugden. c....' "i I 1 0 0 Lnteiiberg. lb a 2 3 9 0 Wrlshf! cr........... 4 0 0 I 0 Smith, 3b 4 1 0 1 1 Truby, i) 5 0 14 5 Horton, p .V. 2 1 0 fl 2 Dlneen. "p 1-1 0 .0 0 Freeman, rf ........ 3,2 2 0 0 Totals 42 12 12 27 10 E. 0 Seranton 0 10 4 3 0 10 J-U Albany it I 3 1 0 1 I ' 3 3 12 Two-base hits KuKan. Ward. Orttfln, Casey (HI. Three-base -hits huteniierg-. Sacrifice hits Hutchinson. Boweiman. Stolen bases Ward, Lutenbertr. JJtt on bases Scranton, 11; Allmny, 8. Struck out Ward. Ketster, J. O'Brien, Outealt. Un ion, Horton (2) Delahanty, Casey. First on errors Scranton 5; Albany, 4. First on balls Off Hnrton: Hutchinson, Outealt; off Dltieen: Outealt. Ward.. Hit by pitch, er J. O'Brien, Wrlsht. Freeman. Wild pitches Gillon. 1'niplre Doescher. Time -2.1.1. . COAKLEY WEAKENED. a ItcHiilt, the Bisons Tallied Seven and Shut Wilkes-Barrc Out. Wllkes-Barre, July 2i The game be tween Wilkes-Barre and Buffalo to day was a battle of pitchers up to the eighth Inning, when Coakley weakened, and six singles were made off his de livery. This, coupled with lA ttle's wild throw from the held, gave the visitors I seven runs and the game. Wadswortli pitched remarkably tine ball for the Bisons, the Wilkes-Barre beini! only able to hit him safely five times. The visitors also played the best game in the field. WeathnV fine. Attendance, r,-:,. s v: j WH.KF.S-BAKRE. I A.E. ... :i H. a P.O. A. E. I I ! ! o 0 I 1 0 1 , II ') I Lyllle. If Bonner, 2b ... Lezotle, if ... Bet is, cl C. Smith. 3li . Wrnte, 11) McMahon, ss . Hlirsin. c Cuakley. p ., Totals , 1 1 1 1 ( I ii . 1 . 1 ii o 0 1 II 1 ' :t' a o 2 24 17 32 a Bl'FFALO. A.B. Tt. ii. r.o. C'lyiner. 2b I'riiuliurt. rf Stahl, rr Field, lb (iiKileuoiigh, If .. lllti liey, ss hrwee, :th It. Smith, r Wu'lKM'urih, p ... Totals ilkcs-Hurre . liiiflalo Karn.'il runs errors B ii ffii lo, oft Coakley, 6; :ti 7 27 ...ii ft o a 6 a ft a a ...ii n ii II II ii i 7 Buffalo. First base liy '. First base nil bulls off Wailsworih. 1. Struck out By Coskliy: CIujiIciioukIi: by Wmls worth: l.yltle. Two-base hits-t'lyaier 2i, (Somleiiousti. Stolen basu Weiile. Dou ble ulays McVhilion lo Bonner 10 Welitc. Umpire Hurtiiins. Time I.I. I'rov dcnccS) rnciiic. Providence, July 23.-Syracuse defeated Providence today in a close and Interest ing same. Score: K.H.K. Providence UUOSUI 0 004 II .1 Syracuse ii :( 2 o o 0 0 5 P. 1 Biitlcrlesl!u.Uon and Dixon: Alasou, Whitehall and l.ioiuii. Spiiiit'lield-KocUeslcr. Spriii.slleld, July 23. Five rosily errors i liy Kiii hester in the seventh Inning more than made up lo the Ponies the pounding j which Coiisliliu had received in the tilth. Score: K.H.K. I Spilnelicl l Ml 1 0 ii I if 2-M la ! i ltocllesler 1 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0- 7 1" I i Biitteries-Seyiiioiir, Couglilin and hea 1 liy; Cullashaii and Boyd. NATIONAL LEAGUE i Tlie only changes 111 I lie National league standing yesterday were f'llts burg passing over Boston Into fifth I place by reason of the Pirates' two vic- lories over tlie New York and llo.slon remaining inactive. In the Washington-Louisville game ('enter Fielder Ab bey was seriously injured by being nit by a pitched ball. I'l'iccnlnac Kerord W. L. B.C. "ii; 2ti .Ml :'" .isi ail 2"i iitJ7 4x ::; ...i I 4:: :'..'i .:ir.l 42 :o .;"i4" ?."i 4:1 . 145 :'". i:l .44:1 :a 4.' .4:12 ::i it, .111:1 2:1 .Vi ..:iw l!i 5ii .255 Cincinnati .. Cleveland .. Baltimore .. Chiciiso Piilshurg ... Boston Philadelphia. Brooklyn ... Washington New Vork .. St. I.ouis ... Louisville ... ..X4 . .77 ..78 ,.7 ..71 ..77 ..7)1 I'lttnlMirg-Xcw Vork. Pittsliurs. July 23. I'iltshui'x and New York played two sanies today anil Pitts, buirf won betli. Score: First Kami- R.H.E. Plltsliui g 0 u 0 1 0 1 0 1 2- ." 4 4 New York 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 K 7 Batteries Haw-ley and Merrltt; Sulli van and Farreli. empire-Sheridan. Sivond sunn R.H.E. Plttsbui-K 2 10 10 10 1 (111 1 New York 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0- 3 7 3 Batteries Killen and Alerritt; Aleekln and Wilson, rtniilre Sheridan, l.ouiivillc-W sli iiulon. Louisville. July 23. Louisville lost lo Washington today by their Inability to hit Alereer. Ceiiterlielder Abbey, of Wash ington, was iTl by a pitched bull and se riously injured. Score: R.H.E. Louisville 1 II 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 4 0 E Washington 2 20 0 0101 17 8 3 Butteries Hill end Miller; Mercer and Mel In I re. 1 ' tr. )i re I let Is. . Irvrlund-!'li i lad clph in, Cleveland, July 23. Youngs' ivmurltalilo pitching was tile leal lire today. Score: H H.B Cleveland 1 0 1 0 ft 0 0 0 2 7 II Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 ft 0- 0 1 1 Bntti rles Yoiuis and Kinum-r; Keener and Clements. I'moire Hurst.' At Chicago Chicago-Brooklyn game postponed: rain. Al Cincinnati Cincinnati-Boston postponed; rain. tame AMATEUR BALL NOTES. John Conner, cuptain of the Hus-Beens, denies that the same last Saturday with the Stars was called n the seventh In Intr, w hen the score was 5 to 'Ii. He says that the score vas 11 to ." In the. Has Been's favor. And he wants to pluy the Stars at any time and for anything Imag inable. The Wally Wahs of Providence accept the challenge of the Actives of Dunmore to a game of base ball Saturday July 25, at 3 o'clock, on the Eureka grounds. At Olynhant, yesterday R. R. V. M. C. A 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 3 08 Browns 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 37 Batteries Cawley and McNulty; deary and (iarbelt. rmiiires Evans und Mc Andrew. ID6E SCRANTON DRIVING PARK, AUGUST 8, 1856, ISO P. M. A. W. Roles, L A. W. Sanction ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. BICYCLE RACES IHERIFFS SALE. -OF Valuable Real Estate ON- SATURDAY. AUGUST 8, 1896. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa cias and Lavarl Facias, Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County, to me directed, I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the COURT HOUSE. In the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County, on SATURDAY, THE E1C1HTH DAY OF AUOLST, A. D., J80R. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the right, title und Interest of Hie defendants in and to the following de scribed lots, pieces or parcels of land, via.: No. 1. All the right, title and interest of the Scranton Class Coinputiy in and to ad the following described lots, pieces or parcels of laud In the city Scranton, in tho county of I.ackawunnu. and state of Pennsylvania, bounded und described as follows: First lAits numbers one (1), two (2(, three (3), four (4), live (0), six bit. seven (71, eight (Si. nine (9), ten (10), thirteen (13i, fourteen (141, fifteen (li) and sixteen (Hit. and twenty 2i feet of lots numbers eleven and twelve ((Hand 12), lying along lots tun and thirteen (loand 13), in square or block number nine (9), on the plot of Sanderson's addition to Green Rldse, suid lota together being three hundred and thirty-one und one-half (331',ii) feet along Ureen R'dge street, three hundred and thirty (Xlui feet along Albright avenue (lute Third street), and three hundred and thirty (330) feet along Mylert avenue (late fourth street), and three nunurea ami thirty-one and one-half (SSI's) feet along the southwesterly Bide of the center line of lots eleven (11) and twelve (121. Said lots being improved and having thereon three glass factories, known as numbers one, two and three, a store house, an en gine room, a boiler room, blacksmith shop, a mixing house, gas house, sand house, soda house, coal house, pot house, barn, boxing and packing houses and shed ovens. Also, lots twelve (12), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14). in square or block number seven (7). and situate on Albright avenue (formerly Third street) on the plot of San derson's addition to the city of Scranton, Said lots being each forty (40) feet In width on said Albright avenue and one hundred and forty (140) feet lit deplh. The measurement of the depth to commence ten (10 feet from the inside of the side walk on said street or avenue, with right to enclose, occupy or use said ten (10) feet for porch, steps, etc. Said lots being im proved with a burn and packing houses and sheds. Also, all those oarts or fractions of lots numbers nine (ii), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12 In block number twelve (12), be the same more or less, lying be tween the right of way of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's railroad on the southeast, the rear line property of A. I.. Spencer on the southwest, the street called Mylert avemie( formerly Fourth street) on the northwest, and the em bankment of a switch built by the Dela wure nnd Hudson Canal Company, under permission of Oeorse Sandersou und oth ers, and running from their main track to the works of Ihe Scranton Glass Com pany and the Scranton Forging Company on Ihe iiortheust. Improved with an oil lank and oil pump, Also, all and singular the gluss works, machinery, engines, engine houses, dwell ing houses, buildings, boiler houses, of llces, tools, Improvements, easements and franchises of Ihe Scranton Glass Com pany. The land above described and the Im provements thereon and the fiunchlse be ing Hie property and manufacturing plant of the Scranton Glass Company, und being the sume premises fully described In the Indenture of Mortgage made by the Scran ton Glass Company to the Luckawuiina Trust and Safe Deposit Company, trus tee, on the 1st day of March, hiSti, and re corded in the otllee lor the recording of deeds in and for Lackuwiinnu county, in mortgage book No. 13, page 404, etc., as by reference thereunto had will more fimy und ut large appear. Subject to all excep tions, reservations and conditions as to eoul und minerals, etc., as are contained in the deeits for said laud. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of tlie Luekuwanna Trust nnd Safe De posit Company vs. the Scranton Gluss Company. Debt, $78,.'oo. Judgment No. fiiil. May T, IMHi. U'V. fa, lo September T, 1MW. C. II. WELLES, Atty. ALSO. " No. 2. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Minnie O. knight and Charles B. Knight, in and to all those certain pieces or parcels of land, situate In the townships of North Abington and Scott, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner in or near what is known as the Philadel phia and Great Bend turnpike, now called the Scott road; thence north 4,,4 degrees east 33 5-10 perches to a corner; thence north 612 degrees east 2'i perches to a corner; ihence north 57 degrees east 17 perches to a corner, the lust two courses being along the said turnpike or road; thence north 33 degrees west 11 4-10 perches to a corner; thence north 44 degrees east 144 8-10 perches to a corner; thence north 4fi degrees west 100 5-10 perches to a cor ner; thence south 44 degrees west 164 perches to a corner; thence north 46 de grees west 21 4-10 perches to a corner; thence south 44 degrees west 60 5-10 perch es to a corner: thence south 46 degrees east 121 8-10 perches to a corner to the place of beginning. Containing about 150 acres, being what Is known as the Stephen Parker farm. The interest of the said Minnie O. Knight be ing the interest she took under the last will and testament of Stephen Parker, second, the said parcel of land being formed of four pieces described In the fol lowing deeds, to wit.: Deed from Benja min Armltage to Shephen Parker, second, dated the 2Sth day of October, A. D 1S35, and recorded In the office for recording of deeds, etc., in Luzerne county, in deed book No. 33, page 4sl, etc. Deed from Job Sherman to Stephen Parker, dated June 14, 1S37, and recorded in deed book No. 35, page 482, etc. Deed from Charles Bailey and wife to Stephen Parker, dated June 13, 1837, and recorded in deed book No. 35, at page 4&3, etc., and deed from Reuben Sherman, et. ux., et. al., to Stephen Park er, seeonj, dated April 5 1S50, and re corded In deed book No. 50, at page 475, etc. All improved with two two-story frame dwelling houses, three barns, one ice house and two orchards and other out buildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Dickson and Eddy vs. Minnie O. Knight ami Charles B. Knight. Debt, $2,170.00. Judgment No. 4i, March T., ISHii. Lev. fa. to September T., 1t9S. C. H. WELLES, Atty. ALSO, No. 3. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, 11. L. Hall, in and to all the following described lots, pieces and parcels of land, together with the Improve ments thereon situate In the borough of Glenburn, Lackawanna county, state of Pennsylvania. First All that certain lot or piece of land situate, lying and being In Ihe bor ough of Glenburn, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a corner In line of lands of Edgar Noithup, and lands formerly con veyed by J. G. Hall to II. C. Hall; thence by lands of H. L. Hall and lands of Myron Hall, south 27Vi degrees east 83 rods to a corner In line of lands of William Hall Estate; thence by same lands north 51 de grees east 56 72-100 rods to u corner of lot conveyed to Samuel Hall and by It north 30 degrees west 17 6-10 roils lo a corner; thence still by same north Wi',4 degrees east II 2-10 rods to a corner In road, for merly Waterford turnpike: thence by said road north 26'4 degrees west nine rods to a corner in road; thence still by same north :1D degrees west 25 rods to corner of lands of W. J. Watts, and thence by said Watts' lands south 85 degrees west 56 5-10 rods to a corner; thence south 61 degrees west 8 7-io roas to tne place oi beginning. Con taining 25 8-10 acres of land more or less. All Improved with a barn and apple orch ard thereon. Second All that certain messuage or tenement and tract of land situate in the borough of Glenburn, county of Lacka wanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a stake and stones on the east side of a spring run and In line of Edgar Northup's luml; thence along hinds now or lute of the estate of Jabez G. Hail, south 27H degrees west (magnetic bear ing) 47 perches to a corner In the middle of an old stone wall, a corner of Al. J. Mall's land: thence shins lands of the hIi Al. J. Hall south MIA degrees west 28 16-100 percnes to a corner In the middle of the turnpike road leading from Glenburn lo Dalton; thence along the middle of the aiil roud north 31 degrees west 3 tW-loo perches to a corner or Nettle Colvln s lot; thence along the said Nettle Colvln's lot south 63 degrees west 18 1-10 perches to a corner at the side or the D., L. & W. R R.; thence along the side of said railroad north SV'.i degrees west 11 16-100 perches to a corner- thetice north 48 degrees west 20 21-lou perches to a corner by the side of said railroad and In line of Edgar North up's land, thence along the said Edgar Northup's land north 67'i degrees cast 23 perches to a corner in the middle of the said turnpike road; thence along the mid dle of the said road north 51 degrees west 20 perches to a corner in tho middle of the said road and In line of Edgar Northup's land; thence along the said Edgar North up's land north 62'i degrees east 40 perches to tho place of beginning. Containing 15 acres ot land, be tne same more or less, being the sume land conveyed by Jabes O. Hall to H. L. Hall, by deed bearing date April 19, 18S3, and recorded in the of fice of recorder of deeds in and for the county of Lackawanna In deed book No. 59, page 49.'. etc. All Improved with two two-story frame dwelling houses, out buildings and apple orchard thereon. Third All that certain lot of land ly ing In the borough of Glenburn, county ot Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, lying on the southwest side of the Dela ware, Iickawanna and Western railroad track, and bounded as follow, vie: Beginning at the northwest corner of the lot and running thence along lands now or late of Emily North up, south 05 degrees west twelve und six one-hundreds chains to a post and stones In line of lands late of J. G. Northup's Estate; thence by same south 42' degrees eust eighteen and eiev-en-one-hundredths chains to a stone cor ner of lands ot Jonathan Hall's Estate, now land of A. Lrighton; thence by same north 62 degrees and 40 minutes west ten and sixty-one one-hundredths chains to a point one hundred feet from center of main line of Ihe Delaware, lickuwanua and Western railroad track; then by iands of said railroad company north 34 de grees, seven chains; thence north de grees nest, '2't chains; thence north 3U'i degrees west two chains; thence north 46 degrees and 20 minutes west two cTiains; thence north 50 degrees and Ave minutes west, two chains; thence north 55 de grees west two and thirty-two one-hundredths chains to place of beginning. Con taining 20 acres and 84 perches ot land. be. lng same land conveyed by Jabex H. Hull and wife to Herbert U Hull by deed bear ing date April 7, 18S3, and recorded In the office of the recorder of deeds In and for the county of Lackawanna, in deed book No. 16, page 175, etc. All Improved with ofle barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles A. Hunter, assigned to J3. M. Green, executor, vs. H. L. Hall. Debt, 1523.08. Judgment No. 558, May T 1S05. Al. 11. fa. to September T., 1896. Also at the suit of Philip Harlos vs. H. L. Hall. Debt, 1300.00 Judgment No. 474, March T 18H6. Fi. fa. to September T., 1S96. Also at the suit of W. L. Atherton vs. H. L,. Hall. Debt. IhiO.OO. Judgment No. 492, Novem ber T., 1895. Al. tl. fa. to September T., 196. Also at the suit of James Holgate vs. II. L. Hall. Debt, ISv.OO. Judgment No. 594, November T., 1895. Al. 11. fa. to Sep tember T., 1S96. Also at the suit of W. L. Atherton vs. H. L. Hall. Debt, 175.00. Judgment No. 491, November T., 1895. Al. II. fa. tu September T., IK'.Ki. Also at the suit of ussigued to B. Al. Green, executor, vs. H. Ij. Hall. Debt, 11U0.00. Judgment No. SOI. January T., 1895. Fl. fa. to Sep. tember T., 1890. Also at the suit of W. U Atherton vs. H. 1.. Hall. Debt, 1100.00. Judgment No. 490, November T 1805. Al. fl. fa. to September T., 1S96. It. II. HOLGATE, Atty. ALSO. No. 4. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Clarence B. Watrous, ad ministrator of the estate of W. Scott Wat rous, deceased, in and to all that certain piece, lot or parcel of land situate In the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded utid described us follows, to wit.: Beginning at a slake and stones corner on Ash street; thence easterly one hun dred and tlfty (150) feet to a stake and stones corner in line of lund of Wm. La France; thetice northerly along said line one liumlreu ana tlfty (laO) feet to a street; thence a southerly course along said street and parallel with Ihe Pennsylvania Coul Company's railroad one hundred and tirty (150) feet to a stake and stones corner on Ash street, and thence along said street seventy-five (75) fejit lo the place ot be ginning. Comprising lots numbered otiu and two (land 2) In block number three (.11 In A. B. Sllkmaii's plot of lots In the city of Scranton. Excepting und reserving coul as the same ure excepted and reserved lu deed from Daniel Taylor to James W. Johnson. Being the same land conveyed by Garret Van Sickle and wile to W. 8. Watrous 2d April, 18S8, recorded In Luck awuiina county lu deed book No. 5 3,puge. 168. All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling- house und other outbuildings thereon. Seized and tuken In execution at the suit of of Win. Brady & Son asslened to John H. Fellows vs. Clarence B. Watrous, ad ministrator of W. Scott Watrous, de ceased. Debt. 1230.00. Judgment No. 226. September T IssW. Fl. fa. to September T., 18. Also at the suit of J. H. Fellows vs. 4'hirence B. Watrous, administrator of w. scott watrous, deceased. Debt. 1500.00. Judgment No. 227. September T., 1896. Fi. f. to September T., 1S96. Also at the suit of John H. Fellows vs. Clarence B. Wut- rous, administrator ot w. Scott Watrous, deceased. Debt, 3;000.00. Judgment No. 225, September T 1896. FL fa, to Septem ber T 1898. FELLOWS, Atty. ALSO, . No. E. All the right, title and Interest of the denfendants, V. E. McGtnnls and Isa bella McGlnnis, in and to all the surface or right of soil of that certain lot of land situate in the First ward of the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginnig at a stake In the western line of a street or alley (now called and known as Weston place), at a point one nunnrea ana two (UK) reet on a course or north, nine degrees west from the north em corner ot a lot of land now or late of Ira Tripp; thence by other lands, late of E. W. Weston, south eighty and ono- hal fdegrees west one hundred and fifty feet to a stake: thence north nine degrees west nrty reet to a stake: thence north eighty nnd one-half degrees east one hun dred and fifty feet to a stake, and thence by the western line of said street or alley south nine degrees east llfty feet to the place of beginning. Coat and minerals re served. All improved with a one nnd half story frame dwelling house with at tachments, frame barn, outhouses, fruit trees and shrubbery. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of A. L. Francois, et. al., trustees of Hiram Lodge, No. 261, F. and A. M of i-rovmence, i-a vs. wm. k. jucuinnis ana Isabella McGinis. Debt, 1800.00. Judgment No. 661, September T., 1890. Fl. fa. to Sep- lemoer i ism, WARREN & KNAPP, Attys. ALSO, No. C. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Guiseppe Rosa, In and to all mat certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in tne borough or Dunmore, coun ty of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a corner of lot number three (3) and five (5) on Willow street; thence along said Willow street north forty-eight degrees thirty minutes east forty reet to a corner; tnenee oy lot num ber seven (7) south forty-one degrees thirty minutes east one hundred and four teen feet to a corner; thence north forty eight degrees thirty minutes west forty feet to a corner: thence by lot number three (3) north forty-one degrees thirty minutes west one hundred and fourteen feet to the place of beginning. Contain ing four thousand, five hundred and sixty (4..V.0) square feet ot land more or less, being lot number five (5) on Willow street in said borough of Dunmore as the same Is laid down In the office of the Pennsylvania ;oai company in mew xonc. coal and minerals reserved. Improved with two story frame and stone dwelling house. frame barn and other outbuildings and rrult trees tnereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit or M. J. aioore vs. uuiseppe Itosa. Debt, 1180.00. Judgment No. 657, September T 1896. r I. lu lo nepieniDer 1., 1S9. E. C. NEWCOMB, Atty. All of which will be sold for cash only. FRANK H. CLEAION9, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Scranton, Pa,, July 14, 1896. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.20 a. m. to p. Ml. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and upper.) Particular Attention (liven to Collection. Prempt Settlement duarantetd. Yeur Bust aw to Respectfully Slctttd. Tttojoeaa 144. Clearance Sale of Shirts Our Entire Stock We Have Reduced THIS comprises every style in Hadras, Silks, Flan nel, Cheviot, and Cellular Cloth Shirts from the celebrated Manufacturers of the HANHATTAN BRAND who have an undisputable styles and makers of the very best shirt in the mar ket. I his is an exceptional extraordinary Shirt Values. FRANK P. 412 Spruce St. There Are Now Made In America Cycles ot Cheap, High Grade Humber Quality We Sell High Grade and Humber Quality. Kumber Quality... $110 Union Crack-a-Jack 100 Etie 75 Drop In and Examine the Brown Llpe Changeable Qear on Our CKACK-A-JACK. CHASE 4 FARRAR nden Street Opp. Court House. Charles Coleman, of the West Side Wheelmen, won both the mile and half mile opeu events at Pittston, July 4th, on a Spalding, the easiest run ning Bicycle made. i, 1 222 WYOMING AVENUE, TEINWAV ION'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS OI tho WmI4 DECKER BROS., K.RANICHB BACHBnd otbtrj. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise. Sheet Music and Music Books. urcttasert will always find complato stock and at prices as low as the qual ity of tho instrument will permit at I A. HUBERT'S flUSIC STORE, 117 Wyoming Are. - - Scranton Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO.. U. E. CR0FUT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance. Is new and well furnished and OPENED TO THE PUBLIC THE YEAR ROUND, is located midway between Binehumton anj Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka wanna Rallronil, six miles from D.. L. & W. R. R. at Alford Station, and five miles from Montrose; rapacity eighty-five, three minutes' walk from railroad station House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of the house, which Is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to (Jucsts. Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains. ' Fine groves, plenty of shade and beautl. ful scenery. miiklnK a Summer Resort un. excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, swlwrs. croquet grounds, etc. COLD SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OE MILK. Rates $7 to $io Per Week, Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations on V.. U & W. lines. Forttr metis all trains won on a SPALDING J of Negligee Shirts To Less than Cost reputation as leaders of opportunity for obtaining CHRISTIAN 205 Lackawanna Avenue, THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE T & CONNELL CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. JAMES MOIR, T Hat Moved to His New Quarters. 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to First National Dank. He has now in a Comprising- everything requisite for floe Herebsnt Tailoring. And the same oaa be shown to advantage in his spies, dialy fitted up r minis. A SPECIAL INVITATION It Extended to All Readers of The Trlb an to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In HIS New Business Home E. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPACITY! ioo,ooo Barrels per Annum CALL UP368Zi OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. Ml TO isi MERIDIAN STREET. M. W. COLLINS, Manager. KOITT PAIL TO SEE TUB BALDWIN'S 1 1 IIIIS AILOR 1 line o Mi wir lop if Wfl OIL UMMCfllll! CO. Oils. Vineoor eideii WOLF AMERICAN, The Finest and Highest Orade Wheels Made In America. 1806 Wheels. Up-to-Date In Every Particular. $3. BO. Come asses, e. R. Parker, 31 Spruci atrssu ,Ve Cu Save tie. to I40 a Your Btka.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers