v - THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. ft ElfillT PAGES -56 COLUMNS. MTOAKTOK, PAM TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 21, lh9. TWO CENTS A COPY. Ladles, Ought to Be Mi eve With Us These Days. You piobubly know all about our kid glove slock. It Is matchless in extent, unsurpassed In quality and unequalled in correct stylos. These are great points for glove buyers wlik-li few can ufford to slight, for there Is not a lady's hand ill Scran toii tliut We cannot glove to pelfec tiun. Kriough said on desirability, for that cannot be called in ques tluii. Now as To Price V'e have determined to reduce stock and offer the following iiuiu beis Itt the reduction nuined. The goods are regular, flesh, and in no way Jobblsh. e In Full Swing 25 DO'ZEN r. Iiook luclng Kid Gloves, tans only; a leader at Sue. Sale Price, 59c 0 DOZEN u hook I n i n-r or four button length Kid itloves in Black, Tans, Modes and Slates, with embroidered backs. This is our justly celebrated $ 1 00 quality, than which there is no better Value in the state. Sale Price, 75c 25 DOZEN lieiit' London "Coronet" Kid gloves In Hl.u k, Tans. Modes or Slate. You know their actual value. Our Sale Price, $1.19 40 DOZEN of the superb "Neptune" Kid gloves In lilack. Tun or .Modes; 4-button length. Guaranteed Vulue $1.2:1. Sale Price, 95c 10 DOZEN New style embroidered black kid gloves. Standard $1.00 quality. Sale Price, 59c 15 DOZEN Ladles' White Warn Chamois Kid gloves. Our popular $l.ou quality. Sale Price, 65c 10 DOZEN White Washable Chamois Kid gloves. A specially good 75c. qual ity. Sale Price, 59c Notice Slies are complete In all (if the lines named above, but quantities are restricted, therefore sixes once sold out will not be duplicated ut the special sale quotations. GLOBE WAREHOUSE AndG PLENTY OF RAIN AT CAMP JOHN GIBBON Soldier Boys Were Ail Huollof (or Cover Last Nifht INSPECTIONS HAVE COMMENCED Thirteenth Put Through the Kegi mcutal, Battalion and Company Drills That Will Be Part olTouior row's lnspcctioU".Wineitville Man Drowned W hile Bathing in the Ju-uiutu--oto About the Campers. By t'nlted Kress. Camp John Gibbon, Lewistown. Pa., July 20. This has been a day of hard Work for the first brigade, as the or ganizations have been put to a severe test In the Inspection drills. The In spections were conducted under the supervision of Governor Hastings, and by Inspector General Morrcll. Adjutant General Stewart. Colonel S. Summer, and Captain l.eydon, of the tegular a i'Ii i, v and the corps of national guard The troops were put through regi mental, battalion, extended order and company drill, and created a tine im pression, on account of appearance and maneuvers. The Third regiment under Colonel liulston. was out at seven o'clock, and after their Inspection the Second regiment under Colonel Porter, went out in the drill Held. The first regiment got out at 11 o'clock, the sixth regiment at 2 o'clock, the state fenclbles at four o'clock and the Invlncibles at six o'clock. The Inspections were considered ex cellent ami it was thought that there was an advancement shown. The per sonnel of the troops was, howeve. flrst class. and elicited the commendation of the otticers. This was especially so of the First and Second regiments and the Fenclbles. Coll.D NUT BE EXCELLED. General Wiley, commander of the Second brigade, remarked of the First regiment that the personnel of the com mand could not be excelled. Colonel Sumner, the regular army Inspecting otlleer, said that while it was not his place to speak of any particular com mand, the First regiment certainly pre sented a line appearance. Governor Hastings also spoke highly of the com mands of the brigade, and Colonel Sumner. Lieutenant Aultiuaii and Cap tain l.eyileii, of the regular army, spoke in teims of the highest praise of the First brigade. The lirst death In camp was reported today. John A. Breiinau, a stableman of the Thiid brigade, from .Mluersville, uas drowned while bathing in the Juni ata, lie was drowned In live feet of water and all efforts to save him were unavailing. Battery C turned out and tired over the river to raise the body, but unsuccessfully, tSieiinun was only twenty-one years old. Surgeon General McCandless, accom panied by Surgeon Eugle, of the Third brigude, today inspected I In quarters of the commands of the brigade and put the various hospital corps through their J drills. The surgeon general waJ pleastd v till the good snowing maJ . I lie troops of the regular cavalry hud u drill today, and tomorrow ull of the cavalry will give a drill under the supervision of Major Lebo, commander of the de tachments of the regulars TlK' two cavalry troops will be on the Hanks the national guard troops, ami the drill will be in close cider. LiltKiADB OFFICERS OC DAY. Major Williams will ie first brigade otliier of the day tomorrow. Major Watts, of the Eighth regiment, was bii gaile ollicer of tlie day In the Third bii gade. Lieutenant Colonel Weiherili was division staff officer of the day and Lieutenant Colonel Uruliam. of the Fourteenth regiment, was division field otlleer of the day. Lleui.-ntnt Colonel F.lvcrson and Lieutenants Chergelgei and Kessler, of the regular army, were puests of Colonel Good und Majors Wil liams and Keiisil of the Flri regiment. Tonight rain Is falling heully and the soldiers are hunting cover. EVENTS OF DAY IN CAMP. Patrick llrcniiun, of Minersville, Drowned in the Junintn. Special from a Staff Correspondent. Camp John Gibbon, Lewlstown, Pa., July 2n. Tonight a hard, steady rain is descending and scarcely a sound of mili tary life arises from the plain along the Juniata. The only evidence of a camp Is a faint glow of light ascending from each of the three brigades. Of noise there is none, as the soldiery has been forced by the rain to take refuge within the sea of tents. The day has been un eventful, excepting the afternoon drill In formation and movements prepara tory tc Wednesday's Inspection and the drowning of a man in ihe river. The drowning accident set the Third brigade camp In a stir. Patrick Brennan, of Minersvllle, a hostler In Battery C, was bathing in the river this morning with two compan ions and sank despite their efforts to suve him. The three were swimming in the middle of the stream, about a quarter of a mile above where the Thir teenth camp is located. Hundreds of the soldiers crowded the bank during the day watching the unsuccessful ef forts to recover the body. A cannon was fired near the spot for several hours in hopes of rising the remains to the surface by concussion and the river was waded and dragged. Tomorrow a whole battery or dynamite will be used In an effort to raise the body. The ac cident will, it is understood, cause a division order prohibiting bathing ex cept during certain hours. THIRTEENTH PREPAR1NQ. At 4 o'clock the Thirteenth was put through the regimental, battalion and company drill that will attend Wednes day's Inspection. Concerning today's Inspections of the First regiment, the Thirteenth's only rival. Colonel Cour en was heard to remark, "If no more dilllcult drill Is required of the Thir teenth I would be willing to have my boys attempt It" on a half-hour's no tice." The First was practicing the drill oil day Sunday, showing that its ojln'l knew In advance what the test drill was to be, yet the regiments of the Second brigade, which Will be inspected tomorrow, have not received any ad vance notification nor Is It expected Continued on Fate !- FUNERAL OF GOVERNOR RUSSELL ) Final Services in Khepard Memorial Church Are Largely Attended. Cumdridge. Mass., July 20. The funer al services over the remains of ex-Uov-emor William E. Russell pvtre held to day. At 10:30 a. m. prlvr.te Services were conducted at the late residence of the deceased by Rev. Dr. Alexander Mc Kenzle. of Shepard Memorial church, the late governor's pastor.' , The body was then placed In a hears?, and the hearse, preceded by sixteen Cambridge patrolmen and followed by carriages bearing many floral tributes, was slowly driven to City hall, where the remains lay in state from 12 until 3 o'clock and were viewed by thousands of people. thousands lined the route of the pro cession to the City hall, which was reached at noon und the doors tliro.vn open one minute later. A d:tarhmeut of the First corps of cadets guarded the remains. The final services were held at Shepard Memorial church. The three front rows of the centre u!sle were re served for the family and Immedl its friends. Directly behind the light cen ter sat President Cleveland. Acting Governor Walcott and two members of ills staff, while the front rows of the outside aisle were occupied by members of the press. Diiectly bth'nd the I resi dent and governor sat tiie Jusikes of the superior court of iMa-sutlisttts and the ex-membeis ' of ths senate 'and house. Behind these were seated ex members of the Cambi ldge city council, and in the rear of ttuse were seated the members of this year's senate and house, this year's members of the Cam bridge city government, with the mem bers of the Boston, city government and commissioners of-city governments of outside cities of the commonwealth. ETTA ROBBINS CRIME. A Bloodthirsty Young Woman With an Axe Nearly Succeeds in Wiping the Call Family Out of Existence. Cincinnati. July 20. A special to the Post from Huntington. W. Va., says: Six miles from above here, at the mouth of Three Mile Creek, occurred one of the most horrible murders ever known on the upper Ohio waters. The scene was on a shanty boat, ami the killed :tre A. J. Call. 4a; Nettle Call. Ills daughter, 24: Lottie Call, another daughter, is fatally injured. Those In a critical con dition are: Grace Call. II, and Otis Call. IX Last night Call and his family retired. Ettu Robblns. uged 24, was at their house and retired with one of the daugh ters. A little boy who was sleeving with his father makes the following statement, he being the only one .out side the Robblns woman able tu talk: "At three o'clock this morning 1 was uwakelied by Etta Kobbius cutting my father with a double bit uxe. My sis ters, Lottie and Nettie, ran Into our loom and Miss Robblns turned on them. She killed Nettie and cut Lottie several times, when Lottie leaped from the boat Into the river. She then cut several of us children and threw the axe at Lot tie, who was swimming to the shore." The woman acknowledged the killing of A. J. Call, but denies killing the others. Call's head was almost cut off and his heart was visible from a wound In his breast. The head of the girl killed was also almost cut off and her heart cut out. The children Were cut ill a dozen places. A coroner's Jury was Impanelled. The verdict was that Etta Robblns committed the murders. The boat was cut loose and brought here and the woman placed In jail. The feel ing Is very strong, and thousands of excited persons line the river bank and many threats are heard. EVENING TELEGRAPH'S FUND. Over Two Thousand Dollars Raised lor the Pittstou rtutlcrers. Philadelphia, July 20. The Evening Telegraph's Twin shaft fund has reach ed the sum or $2.2'JS.2;1. The Telegraph today devotes u page to the catastrophe and an appeal for a permanent relief fund. Mayor Warwick Issued a call to day for a meeting of the Citizens' Per manent Relief association, to take into consideration the distress that prevails In litis tun. and the means to allay it. The meeting will be held at the mayor's office at half past twelve o'ch ck tomor row . It is likely, too, at the same time, there will come up for consideration the appeal recently made for aid by the Ambler sufferers. The members of the committee are said to be very anxious to aid the move ment In behalf of the families of the en tombed ifilners. which was begun by the Evening Telegraph and there Is lit tle doubt that the fund will be substan tially helped by their contribution. There Is a balance to the credit of the fund, but It is more likely that a further appeal will be made. TO PREVENT GOLD HOARDING, Kansas City Bunks Have Ceased Put ing Out the Yellow Metul. Kansas City, Mo., July 20. All Kan sas City banks today ceased Issuing gold either ig exchange for bills as pay ment of checks, or withdrawals of de posits. Cashier Rule, of the bank of Commerce, who returned from St. Louis this morning, suld the banks there will take the same action. The reason given by the bankers here lor this move is that it was the evident Intention of many depositors to with draw their deposits in gold and hoard the yellow metal In the belief that it will go to a premium. ... Venezuela's Brief. Washington, July 20. Venezuela's brief, prepared by Counsel Storrow and present ed to the Venesuolan commission, as well as to the British consul today is the most important paper that has so fur uppeared In the case. For the first time a true di visional line In accordance with the evi dence Is laid down and Lord Salisbury's contention as to settlements Is shown lo be a mere diplomatic quibble, utterly un supported by law or fact ,und unworthy of any consideration by the commission. NtPtimship Arrivals. New York. July 20. Arrived: Allcr, from Bremen: Kaiser Wilhelm II, from Gibraltar. Sailed: Christine, for Copen hagen. Arrived out: Salle, at Bremen: Ems, at Ulbraltar; State of California, at Glasgow. Sailed for New York: Patiin, from Hamburg. Sighted: Mui.chen, New York for Bremen, passed Prawle Point; Alesla, Naples for New York, passed Gib raltar. , COLORADO WILL SUPPORT BRYAN Bolting Silver Republicans Come Out for the Democratic Ticket. RESULT OF SESSIONS AT MANITOU A Manifesto Is Issued in Which All Silver Advocate, Especially He pub licans, Are I rued to Vote the Demo craticTicket-.IMau of Operation. Manltou, Col., July 20. The commit tee of bolting Republicans who have been in session here for several duys. late this. afternoon made public the following manifesto: We deem it tilting that we who have heretofore atltlluteil with the national Ko publlcali party ulnl who have rejected the liimnclul plank of the platform adopted ut St. Louis und refused to support the nom inees of the convention should state our position In the presidential campaign and giving briefly our reasons therefor. When certain delegates repudiated the financial plunk of the platform and with drew from the convention, we determined tliut we would give our support to such candidates us should appear most willing and eanable of aiding in the restoration of silver to its rightful place as staudttrd money. The Deinuciatlc party- has at Its Chi cago convention taken a position in its platform so pronouncedly favorable tj sliver and has named candidates of su h unquestionable convictions, the bimetallic policy and hlxh personal character that we have determined lo alve t em our sup port. We support such candidates be cause they represent the great principles of bimetallism which we beli. ve to be the cause of humanity, of civilization, and the paramount question now before the Amer ican people. We therefore announce that we shall by voice and Vote support Messrs. Bryan and Sewall for president and vice president, and we appeal to ull citizens, especially Republicans who feel as We do. that Kold monometallism would be of lasting injury to the country, lo act with us in securing their election. The Democrats who believe in the gold stui.JaiJ are announcing thoir intention to support McKlnley or proposing to put a third candidate in the ueld for tiie avowed purpose of aiillnx ; MeKlnley's election. A meat number o leadliiK an inlliieiitlal Democratic journals have de clared .'.icy will support the Republican muuiiiees. It Is evident theie Is to be a union of forces on the purt of the advo cates and supporters of the gold standard to elect .McKlnley und a congress favor able to him which will support the tliian. clal policy outlined ill the Republican plat form: BI T ONE CUl'RSE TO Pl'RSCE. To those who believe In bimetallism, there is but one course to pursue, und tliut is to unite all the silver forces to oppose with ull our might the candidate repre senting tile policy which We believe is fraught with disaster to the notion and ruin to the people. Gold monometallism means the shifting to gc'J lone us pil luury money all the burdens of commerce and credit formerly borne by gold and sil ver, and the world's stock of these metals has always been about euuul In amount. It tueaus the doubling of the burden upon gold. Doubling the burden upon gold means doubliligthe demand for the same, und doubling tue demand of necessity doubles the value thereof. This gradual shifting tu gold of all the burdens of both gold and silver has caused a gradual and steady increase in the value of every dollar redeemuble In gold and hence a gradual and steady decline In the value of every commodity that Is measured by that dol lar. The representatives and supporters ot Mr. McKlnley consented to the insertion 111 the St. Louis pluttorm or the gold declared on thinly veneered by a declara tion for bimetallism when the leading cum UHlviai nations of the world should con sent, but until that consent was secured, the gold stdhdurd must be maintained. It is Well known that this consent cannot be -secure from Great Britain and that such declaration for bimetallism gains nothing with this limitation upon it. Mr. McKlnley consented to the declaration fur the gold standard In the platform and In his recent speeches has accepted It, and has become the advocate thereof, he has shown by his speeches heretofore made tiiat lie understood the danger of the gold standard and the distress which would be indicted upon the American peo ple by its adoption, und yet he pledges the people to support and maintain that sys tem, and fasten upon them ull the evils of this s stein, which he heretofore re pudiated. If they will make him president. Whatever may have been his attitude on the money question in the Past, he must Inevitably hereafter support the same tiuanctal system that the present Dem ocratic administration has, and If elected, mart continue the policy of Mr. Cleveland in the sale ol bonds 111 time of peace. Hence, with the success of Mr. McKlnley we may look for a continued lncreasr of the public debt and the sale of bonds to maintain the gold standard. UNSATISFACTORY CONDITIONS. That the condition of the country is not satisfactory, all admit. The producers of wealth are not receiving fair und proper compensation for their labor, whether In thiid, factory or mine, enterprise has ceased, values are constantly declining, labor Is unemployed, discontent and dis tress prevail to an extent, never before known in the history of the country and mi such system can remedy it. Some declare that It is because we have too much tariff, others that we have not enough. While thus differing In opinion, they unite in asserting that the gold standard must be maintained until foreign coun tries shall signify their willingness that the American people shall exercise the riRht of free men and create a financial system of their own. There is no hope for International bimetallism until the I'uited States shall establish bimetallism for it- Self, and when that Is done. International bimetallism may be secured without the consent of Qreat Britain. The t'nlted States on all other subjects of legislation acts independently of any other nation on earth, liy what process of reason Is Its right, authority, ability to legislate upon this, the most Important subject with which it has fo deal, questioned, or denied .' With. a nation equal in Wealth und power to one-fourth of the world, It Is folly to say that we must ask permission of G'e.it Britain to establish and maintain a finan cial policy of our own. Believing us we do, that a return to the monetary system especially recognized In the constitution has completely provided for by luw from 172 till 1173 affords the only ground or hope for the betterment of the distressed condition of all classes except those who live by the Increment that money loaned gives to those who loan It, we appeal to all classes to rally to the support of the only candidates whose success indicates any hope of relief. Let the merchant and business-man, whose dwindling and lessened profits have, despite his cures and economy brought him face to face with prospective bank ruptcy and ruin, the professional man whose best efforts scarcely afford him compensation for his labor alone, the farmer, the continually falling' price", of whose products have left him no return for capital Invested und work performed, and last, but not least, let the grand army of laboring men, so called, the artisan, the merchunt and the miner, and every one w ho depends upon his daily la'aor for his dally bread, look about him and ob serve the great number of those who vain ly seek for a chance to work upon the great army of enforced idlers, and one and all resolve to try, not an experiment (tor bimetallism is not un experiment), but rather return to a policy that through, out the vicissitudes of our nation's in fancy, through Ihe Internecine struggle of its manhood kept us a great, free and prosperous nation, in which the labor was Hot only respected and employed, but was so compensated that WHiit and distress such as now weigh upon us was unknown. Let the lesson of history, too recent and loo plain to he KUinsuid or denied, he heeded and let there be no fear that a system that so wonderfully protected la bor, developed business enterprise and secured to the nation a contented and prosperous people in the past, will do auuht but bring to us a return of like prosperity, the predictions of disaster of our opponents to the contrary notwith. standing. In Mr. Bryan the Chicago con vention placed ut the head of Its ticket, a gentleman of exceptional ability and of hiKh character, no man of his uue was f et ter known throiiKhout tile I'lilted States than he. A member of congress for four years, he commanded the admiration und respect of ull his associates In thai body us u scholarly stalesmun und profound thinker. No man has ever ussailed his character or In any way questioned hts integrity or moral worth. His charac ter Is a tit example for the young men of this country. He has shown in all his pub lic utterances that he lives his country and his countrymen and that he sym pathizes with them in their distress. He hus also shown that he believed Ihe finan cial system which makes gold the stand ard uf value was In u meat degrev the cuuse of the present distress throughout the land, that condition nuw existing In the country, while the present money sys tem lasts, and that lie would feign return to the use of both gold and silver as they were used prior to 173 and he lias pro posed such ft chuuge of the financial sys tem by the usuul constitutional methods. A CRITICAL PERIOD. This Is u critical period In our nutiniiHl history. Our Industrial and financial In dependence uf other nations is involved ill this campaign and we firmly believe there will be no return of prosperity until we shall have changed our lliiaiicial sys tem so as lo restore the bimetallic system established by the fathers of the republic, and so believing we urge all friends uf gold and silver as standard money and the opponents of a single gold standard to give Mr. Urvan and Air. Sewull their hearty support. In advising this course we do not consider It necessary that they shall abandon or surrender their present views on other (IlleSllotlS. Profoundly Impressed with the impor tance of this campaign, we respectfully submit the foregoing to the candid con sideration lit the American people. H. M. Teller. l'"red I). Dubois, Lee Mantle. Chas. S. Ilartman, Rdgnr Wilson, John P. Shuf rotlu A. M. Stevenson. Committee. .Manltou. Co., July 2o, MM. TRAMPS INVADE AN IOWA TOWN. Several Hundred Loafers Defy the Railroad Crews und Agents. Omaha, July 20. Hallway men at Blair report that last night fully 200 trumps hhd congregated there. Many of them departed during the night on late trains, evading the trainmen. Some were put off and walked back this morn ing. The agent tit Blair reports that there are 100 additional trumps In the town, some having walked In, while others came in on trains. They assert they will ride to Sioux City despite the efforts of the railroad company und the town authorities to prevent them. The first actual attack made by the tramps on u rallroud employe was this morning, when they assaulted Agent Klseffer, of the Omaha line, who had climbed on the train and ordered them off. The agent was considerably bruised by the guug. The two through freight trains on the Uiiiuha Hue were run through stations, because ut every small town there were gangs of the "tourists" that hud walked out from Omaha or had been put off by the train crews. These small gangs walked to Blair und there uiigiiiented the crowd. YALE AGAINST SILVER. Professors and Tutors Declare IIos ti'lity to the Chicago Ticket. New Haven, Conn., July 20. Yale professors und tutors, who ore usually Demuciats, are a unit In belting the Chicago convention. Professor W. O. Summer, head of the department of po litical economy; Professor Schwab and Professor Arthur iladley of the same department. Professor Tracey Heck, head of the Latin department and Pro fessor Andrew Phillips of the mathe matical department, declare they can not vote the ticket, and the' minor pro fessors, assert tliut they will follow suit. Piesldent Dwlght, who has been ac cused uf having mugwump tendencies, has gone to Kurope. Theatre and Hotel Burned. Henderson, Ky July 20. The Pythian building, Purk theater and Barrott House were destroyed by lire at 2 o'clock this morning. Loss, $20u.OUO. A. D. R. Rogers, manager of the theater, with his wife und two children and L. 11. Walker, superin tendent of the American Tobacco com pany, barely escaped tium the hotel. Shot by n T nun p. Reading, Pa., July 20. Mrs. Isaac Rehr, uged 30, residing with her lather, Daniel Yerger, neur Ilxepr station, was shot by a tramp this evening und will probably ille from Her injuries. Three bullets were tired into her body. The county detective and a posse ol' men have started in pursuit of the man, who is sard to be a cripple. THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today 1 Showers; Followed by Kslr Weather. 1 The Day at Camp Gibbon. Manifesto of Bolting Republicans. Orator Bryan riooeled with Letters. 2 List of Democratic leaders Who Bolted the liiicugo Pluttorm and Candidates. 3 (Local) Action Against the Poor Board. 4 Kdltorlal. Current Comment. s D (Local) Vlilm of Assault nt Jessup Still Lives. Convention of C. T. A. TJ. at St. Louis. 0 (Sports) Kastern and National League Base Bull Games. General Sporting Goaslp. 7 Suburban Happenings. Market and Financial News. t News Up and Down the Valley. MR. BRYAN CANNOT ANSWER LETTERS The Boy Orator Is i eluged by a Flood of Mail Matter. SENDS A STATEMENT TO FRIENDS Enthusiastic Adv. rates, Hungry llerlers and Others Are Advised to Consult State and National Com niltcemeu.-The Caudidute Is Now in Meed of u Manager. Lincoln, Neb.. July 20. When Mr. Bryan entered his library this morning to begin the day's work, lie was upalled by the formidable array of letters and telegrams lying on his desk. Hard work on Ihe part of Mrs. Bryan and himself and Dr. Kchlnd, the temporary private secretary , hus not mude much of a hole In the small mountain of correspond ence, und after seeing hupv matters stood. Mr. Bryan this morning diew up this statement w hich- he bunded to the United Press: I .ii. 'oln. Neb., July '20. To the Public: My dally mall hus grown so large that 1 find It Impossible to read ull letters received and still more impos sible to reply ut length to each. Those who are Interested In the success of our cause will appreciate the situation and pardon mo for making the following sug gestions First As time will not permit a full dis cussion of political questions In so large u number or private letters, 1 shall, in or der to avoid discrimination, reserve all such discussions for public occasions. Second All offers of services und sug gestions us to the conduct of the cam paign should be made to the national com mitteemen representing the various states und territories. Third-All requests for campaign llt eruture should be addressed to the secre tary of the national committeemen ut committee heiutquartera us soon as head quarters ure opened. If friends will be kind enough to observe the above suggestions, 1 shall be able to devote my time more fully to the work of tile campaign., W. J. Bryan. Mr. Bryan took possession of his new ofllce In the Lincoln hotel today. He has four communicating rooms at his disposal and will use them principally for consultation with delegations and other callers. He will continue to do most of his work ut his residence. The necessity for u manager of the political end uf his business Is becoming appar ent, mid It Is probable that the national committee will send him Home compet ent person to handle his mail, look after visitors, arrange luervlews and prepare schedules for Ills railway Journeys. BUSINESS MEN AROUSED. General Campaign Committee Started in I'avor of Mckinley's Interests. Philadelphia, July 20. A business men's general campaign committee has been started In this city for the pur pose of promoting the election of Mc Klnley. The projectors, who are well- known merchants and business men, claim that the replies received from the circular Inviting co-operation Indicate that 5.0UO names will be enrolled here by the end of this week. Similar or gunlttations ure to be effected in all prin cipal cities of the union and Mr. Hlank eubiirg, a leading merchant, will go to Boston tomorrow' night to confer with gentlemen there with the view of or ganlglng In that city. Later In the week he will go to New York. The circular sent to business men here says: "in view of the magnitude of the Interests ut stake, co-extensive with the boundaries of our country und Involving the most serious questions that have ever been presented to the people for settlement at the polls, and which today constitute u grave menace to the welfare of our country and very honor of our government, we ask you to Join this committee." BANKERS TO THE RESCUE. New York Houses Hill Put I p 910, 000,000 to Replenish Treasury. New York, July 20. The banks or Nef.v York will come to the aid of the govern ment and supply gold to the treasury from their vaults in exchange for legal tenders. The movement to this end was started by Frederick D. Tuppen president of the Gallatin National bank, who suld: "It is hoped that something definite will be done tomorrow. 1 huve been sur prised at the alacrity with which bank officers have lesponded to the request ti co-operate In replinlslilng the treasury gold reserve." ' President Tapppen late In tne day se- cured pledges from New York bunks to contribute In the aggregate $l.ri.0i)0.000 In gold to the United States treaasury In exchange for legal tenders. It Is possible tliut the amount will be In creased $20,000.(100 tomorrow. HE TOoTtoTaCCO CURE. Aged Habitual Devotee of the Weed May Die as a ltesult. Lansing, Mich., July 20. Charles Vv. Chittenden, of this city, a habitual user of tobacco, attempted to break tin? habit, and may die as a result. Mr. Chittenden, who Is 70 years of age, made an effort to cease the use of the weed by taking one of the "tobacco cures." He became Insane as a result, and in his delirium lust night jumped out of a second story window, breaking his leg and Injuring himself Internally, so that he may not recover. -Bishop t'oxi- Head. Buffalo. July 20 A dispatch from Clif ton Springs announces the death of the Rt. Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe. Kplscopnl bishop of Western New York, ut the sanl tiirlum In that place this urternoon. Bishop Coxe was born In lis IS and conse crated us bishop hi lxtiu. Cnrdiniil Ilunperford Dead. Rome. July 20. ''urdlnul llungerronl, father of Mrs. John W. Mackay, died ut his home in tills city today. He was born 111 the state of New Yolk, but had resided ill Rome since 1NS7. Herald's Weather Forecast. New York, July 21. In the middle stales, today, cloudy, suliry weather will pre vail, with slight temperature changes and rain, which will be locally heavy und fresh to brisk southerly winds, probably followed by clearing this evening or to night, except on the coast. On Wednes day, fair and less sultry weather and fresh southwest to northwest winds will prevail with slowly falling temperature. NIEY'S SiDcsky Slit? IF NOT It must be you do not know its merits. PinST It Is made by one of the larg est und best custom shirt manufactur ers In this country and Is therefore scientifically cut. Made by expert oper ators, und every garment guaranteed perfect. SECOND Its construction Is superior to all others, and seven points of im provements are covered by letters pa tent recently granted. . "THIRD The bodies are made full length "Uttcu. Nonpareil" cloth. Th bosom Is four ply und every ply Is war ranted pure linen. Can be easily laun dered by any domestic." FOURTH The button holes are worked by hund with "Barstow" Best Six Cord Thread. FIFTH It is made either open back, or open front and back, and besides thu regulur one, we have a special line for stout men. SIXTH. And best of all we can sell you this shirt (which is a better one than you would pay $2.00 for made to order) for one dollar. Call and examino the "Silesky Shirt," the best in the world. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Biuisy. Cool Shoes for Hot Feet. Our 60c. Outing Shoes sale begins today, for The Boys and Girls. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FINE CAN BE SEEN AT -8 SPRUCE STREET. When you pay for Jewelry you might at well get the best. A fine line of Novelties for Ladles and Gentlemen. W. J. Weichel 403 Spruce St. MATTHEWS BROTHERS Emiid Paiits, ReyioMs' Pure Colors, Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Garaunteed. rewie 11 II 17 It II UJILt V V v l'J..L