THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 1896. Absolutely Pure. A. (renin of tartar baking powder. Highest cf all In leaveuing treiiptli.-Lteat tutted Btataa Goverumant Food Report Royal Baking Powdcr Co., New York. GARBONDALE. fRadrn will plaaa nolo that aavertlat. Bienta, ordara for Job work, and ttema for Eublleatlon left at the establishment of hannon ft Co., newsdealers, North Main treat, will receive prompt attention; of Uce open frjm I a. m. to 10 p. m. WOOD'S COLLEGE BANQUET. Many I)ltingiiixhed l'etsons Will Bi Present. Wood's College class banquet will be one of the most elnborate affairs In this city. Professor W. P. Gregory havlnic done everything In hl power to make the affair a success. Many distinguished persons will be prment at the Invitation of the du. Governor Hastings annnunt-iiig: lila In tention to be here if passible. Hon. T. L. James, ex-postmaster frenerul of the United States will be preft, as will lon. H. M. Edward), of Scranton. und Uetuuikl Frank Reeder of Boston, sec retary of the commonwealth. The following; ajwnitlemen will re3ond to toasts. Hun. Thomas I James. Hon II. M. Edwards, Mayor J. J. O'Neill, H. J. Hoekenberry. Frederick Forbes. W. M. Utthrope. O. . Wtlmarth and M. A. PurcelJ. Th banquet will be held at Hotel Anthracite and Proprietor Outnaior Is making; preparations to serve his truest In the mont elaborate man ner. TWO ACCIDENTS. .Hiss Julia Kune and Nicholas Suleano Are Injured by Machinery. A peculiar and painful accident or-cut-red on Huturduy to Miss JulltuKane, uf Woodlawn avenue. Miss Kune Is employed ut the C'uiboinlale laundry, and while leaning over a machine was hit In the chin by u putt of It. The wound received was u severe one and It Is remarkable that the young ludy did not sustain a broken Jaw. Nicholas Haleano. of Electric alley. Is congratulating himself on his escape from Instant death Saturday. While at work In the Coalbrook breaker his hand caught In a rope and he came nearly being dragged Into some ma chinery and ground to pieces. As It Is his hand was mangled In a terrible manner. BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT. To Be Held Wednesday Kveuiug for the Pittston Sufferers. The diagram for the entertainment to be given for the relief of the Pittston sufferers Wednesday afternoon and evening opens today and people should not lose the opportunity to aid the per sons who have been left without sup port and at the same time witness a first-Class entertainment. It Is needless to say anything con cerning the attractions to be presented. They have been seen before and wore received with the greatest enthusiasm Miss Plnckei t will be seen In her skirt dance and the paper dulls, jumplng Jacks and letter blocks of the "Comedy of Toys" will again bow to the public. . WORK RESUMED. Klota Bros. Silk .Mill W ill Opeu This Morning. The Klott Bros, silk mill which has been shut down for mime time on ac count of the scarcity of orders, will re sume wuik this morning much to the Joy of the 1M0 employes who have befti thrown out of work. Trade it piTHent Is in an unsettled condition and it Is inipnnl!le to deter mine yet style of goods will be In rtemand. Several orders, however, have Just been received and it la now hoped matters will mend Vsceplionc Bund Excursion. The vocophone band paraded the treats Saturday evening d'scoursing sweet muie(?) and adveittslng the big picnic th-y wl'l hold next week at Crys tal Lake. The boys have ariauged on Interesting programme of.sports for the day Including foot, boat and bicycle rnces. At ten o'clock there will lie a game of ball between the Dclmonlcos, composed of Carboudule campers,' and the Nationals, of this city. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. A. J. Wells left Saturday for a two Week's stay at Atlantic. City. . Mrs. George Chapman and son Guy and Miss Jennie Vincent, are visiting at Glen Summit. Frank Miles spent Sunday with his parents Dr. and Mrs. A. Niles. Charles Hunter, of Clifford was in this city Saturday. A.' V. Gurney has returned from a short stay at Honesdale. Announcement la made of the mar riage of Miss Margaret Duffy, of Garden Carpet Remnants and Odd Pieces at Less Than Cost. See Our Show Windows for Bargains. Wall Papers Odd Lots at OncIIalf Price to Close Out. Now is the time to buy, as we have some very desirable lots left. J, 419 )i Lack Ave Until mi Will hjw 'talir. cmtt ran io avenue and Patrick Newcomb. of Far view street. They'wlll be wedded at St. RoVe. church Wednesday, July 2'J. George WMeman, of l'nlondale. was calling U!)ou friends In this city Satur day. H. i.eo. Moses, of Scranton, who has been the guest of B. L. Singer of South Main street for the last few days hus returned home. Mrsi Ellen McOafflgan, of Scranton, Is visiting friends In this city. Miss May Kllpatrlck of Darte avenue, has returned from a two weeks visit with relatives at Balnbrldge, N. Y. Miss Joule Lee, of Thompson, Is visit ing her sister. Mrs. J. F. Campbell on Wyoming street. Miss Annie Kerchoff Is spending a few days with friends In Nanticoke. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. A. Tlngley. who have been visiting friends In Susque hanna, returned home Saturday. ' Mrs. James O'Boyle and daughter Katharine, srent Saturday In Scran ton. Harry Kearney has gone to Missouri whore he will reside in the future. The Missis Ward, of Scranton. v.'ho have been visiting their sister. Mrs. J. Carden on Woodlawn avenue, have re turned home. Patrick Cavennugh, of Brooklyn street, left lust week for New York which will be his home in the fuluie. Miss Maggie Thomas, of Philadel phia, Is the guest of friends in town. Mrs. A. F. Giles and children left Saturday for New Mllford to visit Mrs. Giles' parents. Miss Kutli Ttcvenburg and Annie Evans spent Saturday in Scranton. Miss Tlllle Nealon and Master Andrew Nealoit spent Sunday with friends in Archbuld. John B. Shannon and family will move to Crystal Lake today where they will spend the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frank have re turned Dom their New England trip. Mrs. Strickland, of Lincoln avenue. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. William Blair, of Cuoperstown. N. ' Y. Mrs. Charles Rogers, of White Haven, who has been the guest of Mrs. K. B. Gardner for the past two weeks, left Saturday to visit her daughter. Mis. A. L. Derry, of Scranton. FOREST CITY. Farmers that visit this town, report the ravages of tlie destructive army worm A farmer living near the sil ver mines in Canaan, Wayne county, witnessed a very strange sight a few mornings uo. It was in the morning when old Sol's lays were beginning to dispel the darkness, that the farmer paid a visit to a :stuie trmt hud suf fered severely from the incursions of the pest during the nltfht. He noticed that they were very numerous, and were directing their utteiitlon to an old stump a few yards distant and which had been the abode of a wood-chuck for some time. The farmer awaited de velopments. The wood-chuck's Instinct must huve warned him of an approach ing danger, as he made his appearance at the entrance of Ills luililtutiou, to view the surroundings. The sight of the writhing muss of worms coming In a manner tliut would do credit to the organizing genius of a Napoleon with a goodly body of Intanto, this repre sentative of that species which gave Daniel Webster his llrst fame us a (ileuder, considering wisely the world thereabouts avus not huge enough for two conqueror, and lindlng himself outnumbered, and noticing the ene my about to execute a Hank movement. hastily departed for "other worlds to conquer" and hus not been Seen since. The members of St. Amies' Pioneer corps huve decided to hold their third annual picnic In the grove near the On tario station on Tuesday, August IS, and they are anticipating a moist en joyable time. A social will be held at Davis' opeta house in the evening. Geo. McKernou is general manager of the undertaking and John Callahan and David Huley are a committee to per fect arrangements. The. Crystal Luke hotel, under the management of Williams & Whipple, will have a grand opening July -1. The Ji.iinyn baud will furnish music. This popular hotel hus been thoroughly re inodled and refurnished throughout. The. lake is u delightful place for a day's outing. Samuel Martin, of Scranton, was In town Saturday. Business called M. J. Knrrell, of South Gibson, to this place Saturday. Mrs. William Maxey and children re turned Saturday from their visit with llazleton friends. F. E. Parkhurst. of Wilkees-Bnrre, was among the visitors In town Satur day. Miss Helen E. Leach, of Chinchilla, n graduate of the Mnnsllelil Normal class of '!i6. Is visiting her school friend, Mlrs Bertha Dunn. Miss Teresa Chirk, of Pleasant Mount, Is the guest of her sister. Mis. J. K. rienung. J. K. Thomas, of Ulnghaniton, was In tills borough Saturday. C. W. Lewis and O. L. Sampson, of Thompson, were visitors in town Sat urday. Mr. Lewis is the champion checker player of Susquehunna county. TAYLOR. The funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. E. Y. Evans were held Saturday morning from her late home on Grove street, and was largely at tended. Among those present were many of the d.-ceased's associates and friends. Hev. E. J. llaughton offici ated und spoke eloquently and with much pathos. There were u number of beautiful Moral offerings received. At the close of the services the remains were borne to the Forest Home ceme tery for Interment. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. D. A. Williams. M. C. Judge, John It. Johns. J. D. Atherton, Alonzo Hendeishot and William Tldd. Alfred Howen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bowen, of the West, is visit ing his parents on North Main street. On Saturday evnlng a party was tendered to John, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Owens, of this place, In honor of his sixteenth birthday. Gaines and amusements were indulged in until a late hour. Kefieshniunts were then served. Those present were: Misses Gertrude Morris. Sadie Gordon. Ger trude W'ntkins, Maxgle Jones. Minnie Baker, Blanche und Clara Wtnslow. Bertha Nelghhart, Mattle Powell. Cella McDonnell, Lizzie and Curdle Owens, and Eugene Reese, Thomas Evans. John Owens. William Grtfllths, Henry Powell, Alonzo Curl, Thomas Jones. Walter Hughes. The Independent social club will con duct its regular weekly dance at Web er's rink tomo: row evening. A valuable horse owned by our popu lar Undertaker, J. K. Davis, died Satur day evening. E. Whltehouse and E. McAndew, both of the Pyne, ran one hundred yards dash Saturday evening between & and 6 o'clock, on the back road for a purse of $50. which was Interesting from the start to the finish, the former winning by a small margin of six feet. Taylor colliery, which has been Idle for the past few months, will resume work tomorrow. ' , At the council meeting Friday even ing a request was presented to have the Traction company clean their gutterB and have the bridge crossing the Kelser creek mude luuiv secure:''" ' .Misses Janet I nulla and Polly Davis-; who have been spending the past week ut Washington, D. C, have returned home. ,. PECKVILLF. Mrs. J. B. Slckler has returned after visiting with relatives at Benton. Mr. and Mrs. diaries Miller, of Park Place, spent Sunday with the latter'a parents In town. Charles Webster, of Canaan, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. A. H. Jen kins, of the West End. Sheridan Lodge, No. 210, K. of P., will hold a public installation in Ledyard hall this evening, at which the follow ing programme will be given: Opening by prayer, Rev. Allan; singing; sitting of chancellor commander; solo, W. W. Watklns; Installation of chancellor commander; recitation, Miss Monies; Installation of vice-chancellor com mander; solo, Arthur Wiighston; In stallation of prelate and master works; solo, David Davis; recitation. Miss Bes sie Craig; installation of K. of R. and S., M. of E., M. of P.; recitation. Miss Annie Nute; cornet solo. Jay Barrett; iiintallatlon of M. of E. and Junior und outside guards: music by Mr. Lewis; address. Rev. S. O. Slmpklns; solo, Howell Davis; rccUalion, Miss Blanche Cede; charge to lodge by installing otll cers; solo, David Davis; recitation, Mr. Barrett: remarks. Rev. Allen; benedic tion. Rev. Siiupkius; accompanist, Mrs. W. W. Watkins. The employes of the Consumers' Pow der company will be paid today. Joseph G. Bull spent Sunday ut Lake Micridan. MY. and Mrs. William Peters spent Sunday with friends at Scranton. VICTIM OF A CLEVER SWINDLE. Indiana Couple Sell Their l'lirui lor Double lis Vitlur. Slielliwillc. I lid.. Julv 111. A neat piece of contidence work was exposed here todsy when Adolf Wreit related linw lie had been induced to purchase a small piece uf property of Ernest Schmidt, ids employer. Wrelt was known to have about $.i,0tio, and to think a great deal of Mrs. Schmidt, whose hUKbund wanted to dispose of his prop erty. Accordingly a trap was set for Wrelt and last week Mrs. Schmidt se cured a divorce from her husband in tin- circuit court, alleging cruelty, Schmidt making no defense. Before applying for the divorce, however, the woman agreed to marry Wrelt. If lie would purchase the property and house hold effects of Schmidt. This was agreed to. and when 'the divorce was granted Wrelt hunted up Schmidt and offered him $Lt)Oo for his place, $1,111)11 more than Its value. Schmidt refused, wanting $2,0uO, which he was tlnally given u check for. This was the next day after the divorce had been grunted, and thut evening Schmidt and his wife took a train for Clncln imti, where they were remarried and ure now en route to Germany. Wrelt threatens suicide. LOSS MADE HIM INSANE. About $1300 found Hidden in Uoxe iu a t'eltur. Chilian. Pa., July 1H. While visiting his sister at Homer City,' John Fuust. of Hlcktowu. became suddenly insane during the niyiit He raved about hid den wealth. Vesterday he was removed to un asylum. A valise was found here which belonged to Foiist. In It were written diiectioiis.wlth a diagram show ing where Fuust had hidden money at Homer City. An Investigation tvus made, and small Luxts containing Jl.i.1'0 in the aggregate Were unearthed In a cellar. It Is be lieved that the loss of this satchel con taining the diagram is what dethroned Koust's reason. - - SEARCH FOR A MISSING CHILD. Et-urs ut Kscnnubu That u Ueur Has Devoured n Girl. Estanaba, Mich., July IS. Over l.OWl people started for the woods- six miles fium here at :l o'clock this morning In search of the 10-jear-old daughter of Bernard Harvey, who was lost Tuesday while out picking berries. A well organized search was made all day, but no trace of the child has been fuund. Ik".' parents are distracted lest the little one has been devoured by a bear or some uther wild beast. Bluod huunds will bu employed in the search tomorrow. SHOOTS ONE OF HIS ASSAILANTS. Indiana ,11c reliant Bcateu tor Testily iiiK AtinniM Alleged Thieves. Bourbon. Ind., July 19. Samuel Bur-gi-ner of the linn of Iluigener lirotheia, of Donelvin. who was the principal wit ness iiifttlust John Howell an I John Al len, charged with robbing his stoi-e re cently, was attacked by the men today und buily beaten. Hurgener managed to draw a revolver nml lli-ed four shots, one taking effect In rtoi veU's bruin. Small hope a entet tuined of his recov- Presulent laac Lewis of fcsibinii. Oliio, Is liiylily rcs)ciii'(l all llirotieli that section, lie lias lived in Clinton Co. lb years, ami lias been president of the Subintt Hank 'JO years. Ho gladly test! lies to tlio merit of Hood's barsa ):irilla, and Tvlisit lie says Is worthy intention. All bruin workers liml Hood's !arsnmrilla peculiarly iuh)ted d their needs. It makes pui'i', rich, red blood, und from this comes ncne, mental, bodily and digestive strcntrth. "Iam glad to say that Hood's Parsara rllla is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It Las done me good many times. For eevcrnl J tan I suffered greatly with pains of in one eye and nbout my temples, es pecially at night when I hnd been having a bard day of ph.vbicul and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's Hurenparilln which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Sarsnparilla ban proved itself atrue friend. I al?o take Hood's Pilla to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills ' very much." Isaac Lewis, gabina, Ohio. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. AUdrugtilsU. II. Prepared only ly f. I. Howl Si to., Lowell. Mass. . rttfi are prompt, efficient and nOOCi 8 FillS caiy in effect SSoenU. Hoods ery. . Allen, after Rowel hod been shot, went around the streets boasting that he would kill Buigener before sunset. He was captured und taken to Ply mouth Jail. . - . CAVE UNDER LAKE MICHIGAN. Iron Miucrsnt Wukelield, Mich., !Mnkc a Itcmurknhle Discover). Bessemer, Mich., July IS. While drift ing in No. 1 shaft at the Chicago mine at Wakelleldd, at a depth of about 150 feet, the miners discovered a cave next to and following the foot wall. The cave Is perfectly dry, although almost directly under the like This cave Is reported to be Ir vu twenty to thirty feet high. William Oppen and William A. Monroe civil engineers, went today from this city to make a thorough ex ploration of this discovery. The floor Is said to be composed of a high grade of Bessemer ore. GIVEN TAR AND FEATHERS. Distuvtcliil Wicon..iii Man Punished by luiliguuiit Neighbors. Neenah. Wis., 111. A dozen men went to the residence of Patrick Gerughty in the town of Menasha last night., call ed him to the ihsir on the plea that a nlghbor wanted to buy some stone from his quarry, when they seized him and gave him a coat of tar and fathers. He was brought to this city, where he was taken to the Russell house wash room and by the aid of ammonia and turpentine the tar and feathers were partially removed. The affair Is prob ably an outcome cf the suit for divorce brought by his wife. SNAKES IN A DEI). Eleven Deadly Copperheads Found I ndcr the Pillow. Clearfield. Pa.. July ID.-Kdward Bar rett, residing at Falling Springs, was tejriukr down an oiit-hntiKe iieri lie hiu children as a play room, when he re moved the bedding from a cot in one i corner. In lifting a pillow he uncovered a nest of eleven copperhead snakes. Four jf the reptiles escaped through a knot le le. Several of the snalces were nv,r three feet long. PECULIAR DEATH OF A WOMAN. Cousin ofronurcstmHii Cooper of In diana Killed by Her Husband. Columbus.. 1ml., July 1. At Kdln burg today Pleasant Prultt was hand ling a shotgun, which was discharged, tearing off the top of his wife's head, killing her Instantly. Mrs. Co p.jr wu a cousin of Congressman Cooper, of this city. No one saw It. The coroner Is Invest igating the case. TRAIN MEN HELD FOR WRECK. Iowa Horror Attributed to Criminal Negligence by the Jury. Logan, Iowa, July in, The coroner's Jury which has been Investigating the wieck In which twenty-seven lives were lost hue Saturday night, has returned e veidict holding Engineer Montgomery und Conduc tor Reed of the excursion train guilty of criminal negligence. Warrants Were issued for them. They arc In Jul I at Boone, If the Ilaby 1st Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow':. Soothing Syrup hm been used for over Fifty Tears by Mil. j;cns of Mother-: for tlielr Children while Teething, with Perfect Succms. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, .'Hays all Pain, Curea Wind Collo nni Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no othr hind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. M SCH0H CHEST FfU 1 JL u JL y m u .j 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. HERE IS NO DOUBT sale. It has taken the town out of town, too. People coming from everywhere no let-up to the immense bargain offerings. To miss these bar gains is HKe uirowing money away. The extreme ly low prices have made a week's 'quick selling. Buyers know, without argument, great values aud are not slow in se curing their needs. Today will note old-tashioned crowds of buyers. Neighbors aud friends have been showing their purchases; that is the way with our goods sure to influ ence others. Imagine the biggest man in the city, see him walk out of our store with a pair of shoes. Paid either $2.00 or $3.00; looks as well, fits as well and wears as well as if $5.00 or $6.00 were paid. TODAY'S BARGAINS: Men's Dress Shoes only 99c. Men's targe Shoes, double sole and tip, 95c. Boys' Dress Shoes only 98c. Boys' Working Shoes only 85c. Youths' Dress Shoes only 85c. Youths' Working Shoes only 75c. Women's Street Shoes, only a few, at 70c. Misses' Shoes reduced to 69c. Child's Shoes, 5 to S, wedge heel, 43c. E INVITE COMPARISON aud defy competition. Remember, we have only one price to all. You can buy one pair or buy twelve pairs of shoes no reduction will be made. We do not add extra to come down, and Our One-Price U 25 Ppr Cent. Less than any other shoe store in the city. RflYEK . DAVSDOW 367 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. "WORN OUT" A COMMON, EXPRESSION USED BY AMERICAN WOMEN. , Muny do not lteullsa the Full Slgnlflcaae of TIiom Two Words, When a woman is nervous and irri table, head and back ache, feels tired all tho time, loses sleep and appetite, hsM pains in groins, bearing-down sensation, whites that a womb trouble is imminent, and she cannot net too promptly if she values her future comfort and happiness. The experience und testimony of somo of tho most noted women of America, go to prove beyond a ques tion that Lydia R 1'inkbaiu's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble tit once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy, aud iionnul condition, if in doubt, write Mrs. i'iiikhuui, tit Lynu, Musb., us thousands of women do. Here is a lady who says: " Let me add my Lame to your list of testimonials. For years I suffered with such a weakness of the back 1 couid not stand straight. 1 had terri ble paius in my womb. The doctor said au operation must be performed, as there was no other way to be eurcd. 1 was afraid to have the operation per formed, and keDt trying the medi- cities that 1 saw V T advertised. At lust 1 tried yours. After tuk iuL' three bottles I felt like a L new wo- s juuu. i rec ommend it to every woman, und cannot praise it enoiiph, for it saved mo from the tur peon's knife." Mtw. Ha.uh. Buctt DolcevUle. N. Y. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the best quality for domestic use and of all sizes. Including Buckwheat and Blrdspye, delivered in any part of the city at the price. Orders received ut the Office, first floor, Commonwealth building, room No. G; telephone No. 2(124 gr at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attended tu. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. about the success of our shoe sr- W$mmT ir,rT ; KERR'S SUMMER PREVIOUS TO SALE 0 Greatest Bargains ever given In Scranton. We have an immense assortment of short lengths in every grade; desirable patterns, too, the result of a good spring trade, and e have decided to close them out at about Half Price. Bring the measure of your rooms and we will surprise you very agreeably with the handsome carpets you can purchase for a small outlay. -For example, we quote best grade Body Brussels: BigrfOW. Whittttll, LOW ell aild Gleil EcllO, $1.00, formerly ji.2-;; other makes of Body Brussels, S5c rormcriy 51. 15; Velvets, We. and 65c former!) $1.00 and 85c. All other grades at proportionately low prices. An examination of our stock will convince you that au investment nOW will save you money, if purchased only for future use. S. 0. KERR, SON & GO. oppmh. MyEn um 405 Lackawanna Avenue Branch at Carbondala. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA.. Manufacturer, of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUMPING MACHINERY. FOR BUYING. Window Screens, Screen Doors, Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, Hammocks, Refrigeratoss, Lavn Hovers. Wc have the stock and assortment You need them now,- if-evcr. Liberal discount for cash on all seasonable goods. FOQTE li SHEAR CO,, 119 WASHINGTON AVEilUE. What Sarah Barnfaard My The Genuine "Economy" Kind of Bargains. m Bun siiui now NO. 1 500 Javanese Wilton Rugs, any regular Carpet Store will ask you $3.50 for what we are offering at . NO. 2 Is a great money saver in this great Rug Bargain sale. It's a genuine Japanese "Sat suti" Rug, in a great variety of beautiful designs and col orings, worth double our prices; 36x72 inches, , . NO. 3 Same as No. 2, only smaller size, 30x60 inches, . . . ESTABLISHED 1871 s IIUIIIII lifts Oil M CLEARING CARPETS STOCK TAKING. Oancral Office: SCRANTON, PA. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 Wyoming Ave. DIMONDS AND DlAIUOND JEWELRT, CLOCKS AND BRONZES, RICH CUT GLIS STERLING AND SILVER PLATED WARE. LEATHER BELTS, SILVER NOVELTIES, FIRE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 WYOMING AVE. THE I0SIC POWDER CO., ROOMS I AND 2, COITLTH B'L'O'G, SCRANTON. PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT M009IC AND RUH DALB WORKS. LAFLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Kleotrle Ttatterlos, Rlectrlc Exjilodara. tor plodlug blaata, Safety Faae, and Repanno Chemical Co. 's HIGH EXPLOSIVES, 98c 225,227 AND218 WYOMING AVENUE MERCEREAU CQNNELL hlERCEREAU a CQNNELL