The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 20, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Serge or Summer Clothes
Coal Exchang. Bulldina. WYOMING AVENUE.
Buffalo and Syracuse Chance Places
four or the Eis at Content Were Won
aud Lost by a Margin of One Hun.
Two Shut Outs on Saturdayliilloii
Pitches Superb Ball lor Scranton
aud Shuts Out the Stars.
Saturday's Results.
Scranton 3 Syracuse o
Wllkss-Barrs 7 Rochester 3
Springfield 3 Albany a
Buffalo 3 Providence o
Ycsterdny's Kesnlts.
Springfield 1a Albany s
Huffalo g Providence 4
Syracuse 4 Rochester 3
Rochester 10 Syracuse 9
The closeness of the scores In the
Barnes of Puturday and Sunday Indi
cate that the Eastern League patrons
are belntf treuted to their money's worth
of base ball, end the smallness of the
scureB shows that the pitchers In Presi
dent Powers domain are exceptionally
strong- as a class.
The eight guinea of Saturday and
yesterday made but one change In the
standing, Buffalo crawling buck over
Syracuse Into fourth place.
Percentage Record.
p. w. u re
Rochester '4 4i. a .mi
Providence 6i as M .:n
Albany tH W ai M
Buffalo 71 39 3:' .WJ
Syracuse ti 35 31 ..".)
Springfield J 27 4U . K3
Wllkes-fiarre to a 41 M
Scranton 53 13 4U .3o3
Today's Eastern League Uanie.
Rochester at Scruinon.
Syracuse ut Wllkes-Barre.
Buffalo at SprliiKlteld.
Albany ut Providence.
Whitewashed the Syracuseans and Al
lowed Them bul Two SingleaKehv
ter Shows Up Well at Third.
Syracuse was shut out Saturday by
the heady pitching of Tommy tillluii
and tin steady playing of his Htippurt
ers. Only two hits were atvured off
Scranton's little giant and only oiie bad
error marred the llelUing.
The game wus quick, snappy unci ex
citing from sturt to finish and particu
larly exciting at the finish when with
one mail out the Stars filled the bases,
aillofi. however, kept his head und
pitched the next two batters such be
fuddling balls that they could not make
even the semblance of a hit.
Kelster who made his first appear
ance Saturday In Arlie 1-atliain's place
will certainly do. He Is a short, broad
shouldered little fellow With the agility
of a monkey and an arm that is easily
a match for Mugiilre's. His two errors
were on two throws and both can be
safely attributed to nervousness. While
he did not make a safe hit he drove the
bull good and hard each time at bat and
showed that he Is able to find them ull
O'Brien's error was one of the kind
that a player ought to get a raise of
salary for making. It was on a html
low tly, which many a fielder would
take on the bound every time. O'Brien
made a bold effort for it but had to
it got away from him. He pretended
that he had caught the ball und started
to walk In us if the side was retired aud
while O'Brien was apparently all ab
sorbed In convincing the umpire that
he had not muffed the ball the runner,
Kagan, thought to steal second. But
O'Brien had one eye on him all the time
and with a pretty throw headed off the
neatly tricked Htar.
M AriiTir"a nnnn wnov
Man u Ire played a flue game ut short
eating Up a couple of red hot ones and
shooting them over In cannon ball style.
Pete Kagan also distinguished himself
by making two difficult running catches
in left garden.
Syracuse played the kind of ball that
kept 4 he result In doubt all the time.
Only six hits were secured off W'hlte
hlll and all of them were singles but
one, Hutchinson's corking drive to left
center which netted two bases. Kngan,
Shearon, Carey and Ityan all played
speedy ball, especially Shearon whose
catches In right Meld bordered on the
phenomenal in two Instances.
Two of Scran ton's three runs were
made by Ward. In the first inning he
(tot his base on balls, got to second on
Magulre'i hit to right, reached third on
O'Brien's safe hit, which was meant for
a sacrifice, and came home on Keister's
fly to short center. In the fourth Inning
Eagan started off with a single, was
sacrificed to second by Hutchinson,
reached third on Ryan's error and vir
tually stole home on llerger's out at
Purely vegetable, mild and reliable.
Cause Perfect Digestion, complete absorp
tion and healthrul regularity. For the
cure or all disorders of the Stomach, Liver,
Bowels, Kidneys. Bladder, Nervous Dis
eases, Constipation, Costtveness.
Loss of Appetite.
Sick Headache,
Observe the following symptoms result
ing; Irani uiBeuBcr ui mr uigesuve organs;
Constipation, Inward piles, fullness of
blood in the head, acidity of the stomach,
nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full
ness or Weight of the stomach, sour eruc
tations, sinking or fluttering of the heart,
choking or suffocating sensations when
In a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots
or webs before the sight, fever and dull
Vain lu the head, deficiency of perspira
tion, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain
In the side, chest, limbs, and sudden
flushes of heat, burning In the flesh.
A few doses of RADWAT'8 PILLS will
free the system ut all' the above-named
Price 25c.' per Box. Sola by druggists.
Send to DR. RAD WAV CO., Go Elm
Street, Mew York, for Book of Advice.
first, making a hair-raising slide to the
plate. Ward made the lust run of the
game In the fifth by beating out a little
one that dropped in front of the plate,
reaching second on Meaney'a out and
coming home on O'Brien's single.
Only In two or three innings did Gll
lon have more than three men to face
him, and In the ninth the Stars had
their only opportunity to score. Shea
ron's hit, Kelsler's wild throw on Min
nahan's bounder and Hill's hit by pitch
er tilled the bases. Olllon pitched ball
of the rarest kind and the three men
staid where they were. The score:
A.B. H. H. P.O. A. E.
Ward, 2I 3 a I 1' 1 0
.Meaney, cr 4 0 1 2 U
O'Urlen, 4 0 2 'J 1 1
Kelster. :m 4 0 2 '.'
.Maguire. ss 4 0 1) 2 3 11
Kagan. If 4 1 I 4 11 0
Hutchinson, lb .... 1 1 7 1
Bi-rger. c 3 " ' u
UlUoll, p 3 M 0 I 2 11
Totals Su 3 li 27 12 4
A B. R. It. P.O. A. E.
Eguit, 2b :t 0 2 3 u
Oarry, cr 4 0 (1 I 0 0
Shearon. rf 4 0 1 4 0
Minahan. 3b 4 0 0 1 1 0
tjurev. lb 4 U 0 10 n 0
Hill, If 2' 0 0 I 0 11
Moss, ss 4 0 1 " 2 1
Kvan. o :l 0 0 ii I 1
Whltehill, p :s tf U 1 0
Totals ::l U 2 21 S 2
Scranton 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 x- 3
Syracuse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned runs Scranton 1. First base on
erroiu Scranton 1, Syracuse 4. Led 011
bases Scranton D, Syracuse 7. First basy
oil balls-on Olllon 2. off Whltehill 2
Struck out By Olllon 3. by Whltehill 2.
Two-base lilt-Hntcliiiison. Sacrifice hit
-Hutchinson. Stolen basts Ward, Hutch
inson. Hit by pitcher By Olllon 1. L'ui
plre Loescher. Time of guine 1.40.
Took a tinuie from Dnn Shannon'
.Men on Saturday.
Wllkes-Barre. July 10. Coakley
pitched good ball for the locals yester
day aud received errorless support from
the teum behind him. He wus found
fifteen times by the Rochester players,
but the hits were well scattered. He
gave only two buses on bulls.
l.ovelt und Sturstell Were tried ill the
box by Shannon and both were lilt
pletty freely. The score:
K. 11. P.O. A. K.
1. ytlle, If 2 110 0
Bonner, 2b 2 2 12 0
lA-zotte, if I 3 1 I 0
licit, sf 0 3 2 0 0
Smith. 31 0 12 2 0
McMahon. ss 0 1110
Earl, lb 0 1 12 f. 0
l'lgglns, c 1 1 3 0 0
Couklty, 12 110
Totals 7 1'. 27 12 0
li. II P.O. A. E.
Bottelius. If 0 3 2 0 11
Shannon. 2li 11 - 0
Dallv. if 1 0 3 0 (i
Beard, ss ... 0 2 2 4 1
MulVey, 3b 0 I 1 U
Liooley, lb I I II 2 0
Johnson, cf 1 I 4 , 0 0
Boyd, e 0 1 4 11 U
Startxell. p 0 112 1
LuVell, p 0 0 0 3 0
Totals 0 10 27 14 2
Wllkes-Burre 3 1 0 2 0 I n 0 0 - 7
Rochester 1 2 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 3
Earned runs Wilkes-Burre 5, Rochester
2. Two-base hits Beard 2. Karl, Bonner,
Holteiius. Sacrifice lilts Lyttle, Bonner.
Lert on buses Wllkes-Burre S. Rochester
7. Struck out McMahon, Dlirxiiis, Boyd.
IHMible pluys Mc.Ualion to Runner to
Karl. First base oil errors-Wilkes-HuiTe
1. First base oil bulls Off t'oakley 3.
Wild pitch Coakley. Umpire Horning.
Time 1..
S prill .-lit'ld-Albany.
At SpringlleM- - R. H. E
Albany 2 8 3
Springlleld 3X2
Batteries Seymour und (iuiisoii; Dunn
und Casey. Umpire Swartwooil. .
At Providence R.
Provldtnce 0
Buffalo 3 7 1
Batteries Full und Dixon; Gray ami
Smith. Umpire G ruber.
P rov id i' nor-11 11 II a I o.
Providence, July 19. The Bisons defeat
ed the Providence I '.rays at Uocky Point
today in a very close and Interesting
game. The (iruya played an errorless
game und but for timely hitting by Buf
falo In the ninth would have had an easy
victory. Score: R.H.E.
Buffalo 0 00 3 01)00 2513 5
Providence 0 102001 0 0- 4 ft 0
Batteries Grubcr and Smith; Kuorr IK
Albany Springfield.
Albany, July 1H. Albany's bits were
scattered and inopportune today and her
errors costly. Score: K II.K.
Albuny '. 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 1- 8 13 4
SpriUKlleld 0 4 2 0 0 0 5 0 112 14 5
Butteries McFartlln and I'asey; Cougli
Iln and Ounson.
Rochester, July 19. The Syracuse Stars
and the home team played two guinea here
this afternoon. It was a case of break
even. The Hist game was a see-saw ron.
test throughout and the home team won
through disastrous errors on the part of
the visitors. In the second game neither
('nllahun nor Delaney was hit hard, but
Syracuse won by bunching hits lu the
fourth UiniiiK. Attendance u.Suo. Score:
First game R.H.E.
Rochester 5 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 0-10 I
Syracuse 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 V 15 5
Batteries .McFarlane and Boyd; Willis
und Ryan.
Second gume R.H.Kt
Rochester 0 002001003 R 2
Syracuse 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 4 10 2
Batteries Callahan and Boyd; Deluney
and Hess.
At Philadelphia- R.H.E.
Athletic S2 1 000 1 0 07 1
Newark 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 3 1
Batteries Smith and Mllllgun; Whlte
hill, Muekey and Hodge.
At Lancaster R.H.E.
Lancuster .1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 310 8 4
Hartford 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 13 2
Batteries Veager, Roth and Westlukei
Seeds and A. Smith.
At Paterson Morning H.H'.E.
Paterson 1 0 001020 1 5 0
Wilmington 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 S s 3
Batteries McMahon and Klllarkey; Mc
Carthy and Klnsella.
At Paterson Afternoon R. H 10..
Paterson 0 20002000 4 10 1
Wilmington 01020031 7 11 3
Batteries Gray and Klllarkey; Amole
and Klnsella.
Only one change resulted In the stand
ing of the major league clubs by reason
of the games of the past two days.
Philadelphia crowded Brooklyn out of
seventh place by winning two from Cin
cinnati. The Orioles came within an
uce of tielng the Reds for first place.
In a number of the cities the reports
from the Sunday games show the
largest attendance ever seen on the
Percentage Record.
P. W. L, P.O.
Cincinnati 7 03 .r,72
Baltimore 73 411 24 .071
Cleveland 74 ' 49 25 .f.i.2
Boston 74 42 32 .MS
Chicago 81 45 3'i ..V.ti
Pittsburg 74 4il 3f .541
Philadelphia 7'i 3fi 40 .474
Brooklyn 70 35 41 .4K1
Washington 70 31 30- .-HI
New York 72 31 U, .431
St. I.011IB 77 22 55 .2Sii
Louisville 72 17 55 .2M
' At Pittsburg H. II. E.
Pittsburg 8 11 1
Philadelphia 6 II 3
llaiterlcs Plltsburg, llawliy und Mer
litt; Philadelphia. Carsey and Clemen's.
At Cincinnati- K. H. E.
Cincinnati 3 lu 1
liallllmilv 10 12 1
Batteries Cincinnati, Ehrct and Peitz;
Baltimore, Hemming uud Cliy ke.
At Cleveland- R. H. K.
Cleveland 3 11 3
Bcstou 7 14 1
Batteries Cleveland, Wilson , and
O'.Meara: Boston, Nichols and Tcnny.
At Louisville- It. II. E.
Luuisvllle 3 S 1
New York 4 8 0
Butteries Louisville, Cunningham and
Nleklln; New York, Clarke and Zearfos.
At SI. Louis- R. H.
Pt. IxjiiIs s 11 li
Brooklyn 4 8 4
Batteries St. IahiIs, Breitensteln and
Murphy; Brooklyn, Abbey und Uriin.
At Chicago Chicago vs. Washington,
postponed on ucconnt of ruin.
At Louisville-First game R H E.
Louisville loullilOOU-3 5
Cleveland 001201000 4 10 3
Batteries Frasor an J Dexter; Cuppy
and O'.Meara. Umplro--McFai laud.
Second game R.H.K.
Louisville 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0- 0 0 2
Cleveland 0 ( 0 0.0 n 3 2 7 W 0
Butteries Hill and Dexter; Young und
.limner. Umpire Me Farldtid,
At St. Louis R.H.E.
St. Louis 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 10 1
Brooklyn 1 o o o 1 o o o o 2 7 2
Batei Its Hurt and McFarlind; Daub.
Harper und Orlni.Umplres- McCarthy and
At Cincinnati R.H.K.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0- 'i ! 4
Baltimore 0 S 0 1 0 0 0 1- -14 lit 2
. Batteries Foreman. Pepper uud Peltis;
Buffer and Clark. Umpire---Sheridan.
At Chicago First game ' R H.L.
Chicago 2 0 2 u 0 II 0 0 4 1
Washington 2 II 0 0 0 0 a 0 1 3 11 4
Batteries Urltliu and Killrldge; Mn
James and Mctiulre. Umpire Kiuslie.
Second game R H E.
Chicago 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 5 11 ti
Washington 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 5 1
Butteries Friend and Dnnofiue; Merc-jr,
(lei man and McUulre. Umpire Emslie.
Baltimore holds the record tor stolen
Syracuse did nut take kindly to Its
shut mil.
Arlie Lathi,)n saw Sa.tuixhiy gulnc
f rom the press box.
Tommy I'.lllon's work in the box Satur
day was Well lllgtl perl'ei-lluil.
Johnson and Buweiinaii will be tin
Scranton battery this afternoon.
Jack N'eul's ineludious voice was heard
on the bl eclieis again Saturday.
Right Fielder O'Brien Is entitled to lank
as the best throwing tickler lu the East
ern league.
Sprlngttel.l has had thirty-two men un
der contract since the championship sea
sou opened.
If Ward ran the bases In the tirst liiiiln.t
us he should Scranton would have had
another run.
( 41 Mull gave evidence of the quality of his
nerve by the way In which he kept t.
head Saturday In the ninth.
Eddie Burke is tlie second Cincinnati Re-J
to pass tlie century mark In the mutter of
nase hits. He now Is near 110.
Maguire played a game Saturday thai
surprised these who marvelled ut his poor
work Friday. Saturday he scooped ev
erything that came ills way heat utirt
clean aud his throwing wiui swift and ac
curals. Kelster, the young Baltimoicaii, who
succeeded Latham ut third Saturday,
gives Indications of being every Inch a
ball player. He has evidently absorbed
much of the dash and vim for winch the
Orioles are renow ned and his throw lug
across the diamond is beautiful to behold.
Although sutTerliiK somewhat from sttige
friKht Saturday he put up a good article
of ball.
The Browns, of olyphaut, challenge the
Scrantuii Reserves for a frame on -'-phalli
grounds fur Tuesday afternoon,
and also the Kurckas, or North Scranton,
for Saturday. Answer In The Tribune.
The base ball team of the Railroad
Young Men's Christian nssui latlon would
like to urraiige a game with the Olyphaut
Browns on their grounds on Thursday,
July 23, nt 3.30 p. in. Answer In The Trib
une. J. J. Cuv.inaugh, captain.
Clubs composed of city employes and
clerks In the wholesale stoles played a
gamo of ball Saturday nflernoon on the
James Hoys' grounds. The score was ID
to 8 In favor of the Wholesalers. The
batteries were Morton and Johnson fur the
Wholesalers, and Phillips und Davis for
the city employes. The umpire was Mr.
Abwut 1,901) bas? bull admirers assembled
on Mlnooku's new grounds yesterday af
ternoon to witness the game between
the home team and the South Side club.
O'Neil handliy he Bphere for the home
team and eltnough a trifle wild pitched u
good came. Fallon twirled a splendid
game throughout. The visitors outtlelded
the home team. The feature of the game
wus Philbin's greut stick work. Score:
Minooka 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1- 5 12 S
South Side 4 0 1 1 i) 1 1 0 8 lo 5
Butttrles O'Neil and Flannery; Fulloii
and Vuughau.
Two Very Exciting tannics Placed nl
Logan's Alley.
Two very intetestliig und exciting
games of ball were played on Lorain's
bull alley, Dutimore, Saturday after
noon. The first was the finish of the
game between Messrs. Klaiiiitlly and
tlilroy, of Dun more, and Cosgrove and
Barry, of Hyde Park, half or which was
played in ffydc Park last week, result
ing In the winning of the Dun more side,
score being 2 to 31. Saturday, how
ever, the tables were turned. Hyde Park
finally winning the game to the score of
CI to 48.
The excltinent was very Intense, and
as each side would cither muke a bud
or good play the 5oO spectators could
hardly restrain their enthusiasm. The
Dun mores were the favorites of the peo
ple at the start, the betting being heav
ily laid against their opponents. The
stakes were $5U a side. The game started
at 3.30, not being finished until 6 o'clock.
The game after them was played be
tween Messrs. Rlckuby and Coyne, of
Priceburg, and Wilson (ltd Stuart, cf
Dunmore.the latter winning very easily,
score 21 to 2. The stakes were $10 a side.
Matters of Interest to Those Who Push
the Pedals.
lie Will Have n Very Complete Equip
nicutoSonie Recent Invcutions.
Woman mid tin; VI hccl--Discussiou
of the Important Saddle Question.
Hit idson, the Cuuudinn 1'lycr.
Probably thcte Is not In this world a
pluckier young wheclmun than A. F.
Carey, of Lynn, Mass., who Is now well
started on his long journey around the
world. He will make the entire trip
awheel. The striking feature i t Carey's
undertaking Is the fact that the boy's
entire imtllt. Including his bicycle,
weighs only C7 pounds. The bold young
explorer carries a compute change of
ilolhiug:, including un extra pair of
knickerbockers, an extra sweater, puir
of shoes, pair of stockings and a cup.
Most of these nre In a case which is
fastened over the rear wheel.
Over the handle bar Is stiupped a
woolen and a rubber blanket. A small
cuntecii for currying water hangs from
the top bar of his frame, and all the
rest of his outfit Is curried In an alu
minium tiise, which is fastened between
the top and lower bur of the frame. In
this case is u little repair kit for his
wheel, eimtninins lAietiches, screw
drivers und un oil can, und u lot of tools
and pieces of material for repairing the
There is ulsn a repulr kit for his cloth
ing, containing- needles, thread, but
tons, u tlilinble, a pulr of scissois nml a
sinu.ll medicine cuse. Ills cooking outllt
consists of two ulumliiium pans, u mip
purl and two aluminium cups.
The support Is a little crane, which
may be stuck Into the ground to sup
port a pHii or kettle over u life.
Tlie lust article of his outfit Is u re
volver, weighing two pounds .He takes
this uloiig to protect himself from dogs
and other uuimuK Curey left his home
a few weeks ugo und Is now Well on h!s
way to tile Puclllc coast. The task he
has set t' ! himself Is huurdctis us we I
us laborious, but Caiey, though only 21
years old. Is full of pluck and pertever
uiuv. and no one doubts that be will ac
Coiupish his stupendou.-i undertaking.
He Is fast. tou. and may make a record
that will stand for years.
Cycle inventions ate on the Increase.
Among Hie late cues Is a new bicycle
brake that Is attracting consldeabk- at
tention. It differs from other brakes
principally In the manlier of its use. It
being worked by the pedal exli entitles
instead of by the hand. The device Is
ultucheil to one side of the front folks
by a spring damp. The brake shoe Is
securely fastened to the clamp, and is
prevented from eiiguging with the tin'
by a spiral spring. A toothed arm pro
jects from tlie shoe, so as to be in easy
distance of tlie rider's foot.
The latest clamp brake Is raid to be
a sure cure for "Jar outs." he contriv
ance is a spring sled rod connected by
a collar, made adjustable to the rear
brace of uny bicycle frame. The rod
extends underneath thy top rail and.
splitting In a fork, sttaldk-s the head
and Joins the bracket, which Is detach
able. The fork Is sheathed with rub
ber and the collar Is felt lined, to keep
the enamel of the frame from being
The rod attachment is Intended to
take up and ubsoi'b ull tile sharp vibra
tions or a wheel on the roughest roads,
and. It Is claimed. holds a lamp us gtead
'.lyns if it wen curled In tic hand. The
Inventor Is coulldcnt that It will also
prevent d iiuugJ and thi Jurrlng out of a
light that is frequently caused by sud
dn Jolts.
The saddle (Uestlun Is cue thut Is st!ll
much discussed. A very kim ving w heel
woniHii, In talking mi the subject re
cently, said:
"Saddle is everthiiiR ill a woman's
riding, und no time In studying' Its
r adjustment should be considered
wasted. If she will think a moment,
she will sec that the saddle tilled up in
front robs her leg muscles of a certain
strength. It' it Is straight, she is no!
depriving In r muscles, but not aiding
them. But till the saddle up the back
and down In front, that it may act as a
backer to the body, which' Is pushed
against It. and the pedal movement is
Vastly helped.
"If u woman will try 1 his on n long
ride, or especially il trip over rolling
country, she will quickly see its ad
vantage. "If you want to push Anything Very
vigorously with your feet, you lind a
strong substance that you tuny back
agalst and put more energy in the leg
movement. Use your Huddle us this
Rncliif; cyclists arc Just now consid
erably Interested In Hurley B. David
the young Canadian, who created a
new record for the nnpaccd quarter
mile recently at Rochester by riding the
distance In 2:1 3-5 s-ecoiuls. It is admitted
on ull sides thut Davidson Is nil of tlie
best shot distance men on the American
tacks. He lias been prominent since
18'4.when lie began to t rtulill-li records,
many of which still stand to his credit.
The best of his racing litis been done lu
the United States, though he holds more
Cauudlan records In both A. ami B.
classes than any other rider. Davidson
is not a .sprinter uloiie. He has some
distance records to his credit, and all
around, Is one of the fleetest, nerviest
riders on tlie path. He will probably
soon Join the National circuit and will
rank up with the best of the circuit rld
cis. In poTiie localities n luir and cry has
been raised against tlie wheel on the
ground thut cycling on Sunday has mil
itated ugainnt the cause of religion.
It Is an unjust and tun easonlng charge.
Men, women und children ure being
made ls'tter In mind mid Inidy by this
form of exercise und reeiiMtion, and
tlie re Is no doubt that In the end reli
gion will be a grout gainer. Healthy
bodies and healthy minds fi rm the good
ground in which the seeds of morality
tuke root and thrive.
WOI.P AMERICAN, The Finest and Highest
Grade Wheels Made In America. lSa6 Wheels,
tp-to-UsU In Every Particular, $38. ao. Ceiae
ad See. B. R. PARKER, aai Spruce Street.
Veej Cm Save ti$ U en Year Dike.
Stole a Turnout in Plymouth and f
Headed This Uny.
Acting Chief of Police Edwards yes
terday received a telegraphic message
from Plymouth asking him to be on the
lookout for a horse and carriage stolen
from A. FJ. Williams, of that place, by
a Polander named Frank Lelghton.
The animal is described as a dark
brown horse, about fifteen hands high,
having a V-shaped cut in one of his
ears, and the carriage Is a block-end
spring buggy made by the Empire State
Wagon company, of Buffalo, N. Y. The
thief Is a heavy-set man of medium
height, wenrs glasses and had on a light
suit of clothes. It Is thought he headed
towards Scranton.
Only the Plain Ordinary Run of Fights
About the; Island Snt rdny Night.
There wasn't very much of a time on
South Washington avenue. Hats Satur
day night, the only commotions being
the ordinary drunken lights.
Robert Flyiiit was put out of Central
Park garden at 9.45 o'clock for being
excessively belligerent and afterwards
fell Into the hands of the police by rea
son of his desire to continue his pugilis
tic capers outside the park. A fine of
$111 was bis share In police court yester
day morning,
Mceliiitfof People's Party.
There will be a meeting of the county
committee of tlie People's party ut
Judge Stanton's office, Washington ave
nue, Tuesday evening, July 21. Busi
ness of importance.
Chairman P. P. C. Club.
A. C. HOL'CK, Secretary.
They Are Marked This Way
The geuiiino interlined collurs aud
cull's with u 'Celluloid "surface, and the
only water-proof collurs uud culU
worth buying.
They nre worth buying, because they
wear six times longer than linen, keep
clean longer, und when soiled, you
cau clean them yourself.
" A A OK.
You can clcun them yourself with u
wet cloth ns easily und quickly as you
can wash your bunds whether at
borne or abroad.
B A rt
At home or ubroad, you'll find them
more comfortable, more convenient
and more economical thau any other
collars und culls mndo.
A?ctit nn iiuitftUuti.. Muik- In all nil .U..
Soil vv.T7wlK.rt' or Mnt l,y 11. illrvct. Coll.r. Hue. viwb,
tnrK 41V tmfr H'iliftiil. Stttr .fie Rnrt vlt.
'l llli (11,1.1 1,11111 C01PANV. fW YOKK.
O S in I a Is tlip bttt ctrnmn
BArU la I U lor tliu gooda.
CALL UP 3632:
M. W. COLLINS, Manager.
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
OFFICE HOURS from 7.H0 a. m. to 9 p.
m. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and
Particular Attention (liven to Collections.
Prompt Settlement tiuaranteed. Vour Bust,
ness is Respectfully Solicited. Telephone as.
The Finest in the City.
The latest improved furnish
tug and apparatus fur keeping
incut, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Avenue.
Ir.tB IJIv,
Made a
1st Day. l
- IMhUny. 0f Me.
THE QPEAT 30th liar
produces t be above results In 30 lines. It a-tl
liuwcrlnlly and quirk?. Cares when all others tail
Voiiuk meu will ri'tani their Inst manhood. aud olu
iuen will recover tlnlr youtlilnt vmor by usluii
R K VI VO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous
ness. Loft Vitality, linpoteuey, Nlgdtly amission,
Lost Power, Fsillnii JI"niorj', Wasting Pim aws. and
all clfects of sclt abuHe or eices and iudlscretion.
vhlrh aunts one lor stud, bunnies or marriaKe. It
'.Hit only cures by flnrtiuu at the seat ot ct-ipasu. but
isaureat nerio Ionic mid hlond builder, brow
in back the pink glow to pale check ami
'to-ln the lire ot youth. It ward olf lnnnity
iii.l Consumption, luabt on baTlnn REVIVO,nr
Uier. It enn be carried in vest rocket. By mill
1 .00 per package, or six lor 63.00, with a pol
ivo written cmimnleo to cure or return
'ic money. Clrctilarfreo. Adiircss
- ,r- iniMe rv.f.rA
For sale by MATTHEWS BROS.. Druggist
fctranton, Pe. '
Clearance Sale of Shirts
Our Entire Stock of Negligee Shirts
We Have Reduced
To Less than Cost
THIS comprises every style in Hadras, Silks, Flan
1 nel, Cheviot, and Cellular Cloth Shirts from the
celebrated Manufacturers of the
who have an undisputable reputation as leaders of
styles and makers of the very best shirt in the mar
ket. This is an exceptional opportunity for obtaining
extraordinary Shirt Values.
412 Spruce St.
There Are Now Made In America Cycles ol
Cheap, High Grade
-j Humber Quality
We Sell tilth tirade and Humber Quality.
Humber Quality $110
Union Crack-a-Jack 100
Erie 75
Drop In and Examine the Brown Llpe
Changeable Gear on Our
nden Street Opp. Court House.
Won on
Charles Colemau, of the
West Side Wheelmen,
won both the mile and
half mile open events at
Pittstou, July 4th, on a
Spalding, the easiest run
ning Bicycle made.
Acknowledged tbe Leading
Of the Warlt
KRAMCHB & BACHB and others.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Ourchasere will always find a complets
stock and at prices as low as the qual
ity at the Instrument will permit at
li. A.
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming A. - - Scranton
Spring House
THIS HOUSE is strictly temperance, is
new and well furnished and OPENED TO
located midway between Hinghamton and
Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka
wanna Railroad, six miles from D.. I,, ft
W. R. R. at Alford Station, and Ave miles
from Montrose; capacity eluhty-Hve,
three minutes' walk from railroad station
House situated 100 feet from the lake,
wide veranda extends the entire length
of the house, which is 100 feet.
Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc.
Free to Quests.
Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this
respect the Adirondack and C'atskill
Mountains. .
Fine (rroves. plenty of shade and beautl.
ful scenery, making a Summer Resort un
excelled in beauty and cheapness.
Dancing pavilion.- 'wlnss. - croquet
Itroiinrts. etc. COLD SPRING WATER
Rates $7 to Sio Per Week. Si.go Per Day.
Excuralon tickets sold at all stations on
D., L. A W. lines.
Porter meets all train, -
205 Lackawanna Avenue.
Has Moved te Hla New Quarters,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance on aide next to First National
Bank. Ho has now in a
1 Hie 0
Comprising everything requisite for Una
Merchant Tailoring. And the same can
be shown to advuntnge in his spl.a
dlnly fitted up rooms.
Is Extended to All Readers ol The TrltM
one to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In HI
New Business Home
Manufacturer! of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
are located the finest tuning and huntlns;
grounds in the world. Descriptive book
on application. Tickets to all points lot
Maine. Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian andt
United States Northwest, Vanvouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all tarought trains. Tourist
cars fully lilted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wunts of families
may be hud with second-class tickets.
Rates nl.v.ics less than via other line.
For further infoi inatlon, time tables, eto,
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. a A..
3SJ Broadway, New York.
rhlckMtrr KnslUh Olsaeat Braal -
Ortglnu. and Only ftetmlne. A.
a l, ol:; rclubta. vadicb uk sS
Prut. it fjr Afr fraink lu -fW
ti iced and f.w nwuuioVVv
with biu ribbon. Tnk -5r
e dMmnifl tttoffittf v
itt. AthniKatiti.raeBd4b
DftMtoulftra. leitinmlaU aitiJ
Ladle, in fefttr, bt rrtarti
ir.uvv i fMirairoiaia. Aam rwr
in hi Beer
nan ITvJ"u er. Krfut
- flt'imtuiidimitauo,
I aW . . Jf in umD for
am, I
attar ail LeralfiruaWi