THE SCR-ANTON THIBUNE-FRtb AY MOBNING, JULY 17, 1 806. 124-126 WycjEinj Avx We are offering the greatest values in every department that have ever bessi before the pub lic. We will not quote prices, but if you wish to realize that one dollar will go as far as two in the past, ATTEND THSS SALB Tlic t'u in era's Shorn Eyes. A Manchester photographer relates that In- recently took a photograph of a rhllcl who was apparently In good healtii mid had a clear skin. The negative showed the face to be thickly covered with an eruption. Three day afterward the child was covered with spots due to prickly hent. The camera had seen and photographed the eruption three days be fore It was visible to the naked eye. It l said that another ease of a similar kind ! recorded, when a child showed spots on his portrait which were Invisible on l.N face a fortnight previous to an attark of aniall-pox. Drinking Records of Europe. A Gorman journal chows that, takins Into consideration, not tho quantity of betr, wine, etc., consumed In various countries, bilt the pronottlonal amount of alcohol, the countries of Europe rank as f.illows: Helfrlum, 11.6$ liters per hea.l per annum: France, 11.12: Denmark, 10.(0; Germany. 9.01; Great Itrilaln. 8.7.1; Switz erland. 7.50: Austria-Hungary, 7.09; Hol land, (.14; Russia, 5. IS, etc. Tor Lndim Only, It Is patent to all thinking people that ladles require on account of their peculiar organism and functions rem edies quite different from the sterner sex. While the FKM1CUHE LITTLE LIVER PILLS act directly and pleas antly upon the Liver, Kidneys, Stom ach and Rowels, they at the same time wonderfully regulate and strengthen the functions and oreans peculiar to the sex. They relieve Constipation, Head ache, Dizziness, Indigestion, Torpid Liver, BilllmtsnesB, Faintness, Irregu larities, Hackache, Had Complexion, etc. A Pill a close. 23 cents. Hold by Carl Lorenz. druggist, 418 Lackawanna ave Scranton. A i mi Anniversary Sale Is - Row Going On VENEZUELA LETTERS TO BE PUBLISHED The Correspondence Between Secretary OJoey and Lord Salisbury THEY ARE OF A FRIENDLY CHARACTER The Tone Shows the Progress Tlint i'ti licun .Hade with Keiereuce to Arbitrating Diligences Between Crcat LuglUh-prakini Nations. ; Ills I'robuule Tl.nt a Treat r "ill Soon lie Ftumeil. Washington. July 16. Deolded'.y the j j:iost interesting recent event In diplo matic circles will be the publicity given in Greet Btltnin and the United States on Saturday next to the correrpandence between the two countries with refer ence to a trcsty of arbitration. The exchange of letters bctwoen Boorotary Olney and Lord Salisbury has been ef fected through tha British ambassador at Washington, Blr Julian Pauncefot. While the correspondence has been in progreso for nearly a year the number of Important litters whtah have passed has been comparatively limited, What "s lucking In numbers, however, is more than made up in the length of some of tho communications and the wholo if publithcd would All many columns of print. The correspond snae covers two points, first, with reference to a general treaty of arbitration, and secondly tho llnnl disposition of the boundary dispute be- j tweon Venezuela and British ii;!ann, ; It In r.nld at the state department that ; If the traaty of arbitration be agreed upon It will not only simplify but mater ially aid tho settlement of the Venesuela dispute, The tone of Uie omresponA r nee Is moat friendly and It shows the progress that has been made with ref-e-onoo to arbitrating all difference be tween the Brent English s;iea;lnff na tions. It Ik made puhilo at this time In order that British and American nitlzens i;:ay oo tor themselves what progrsss In being made, but it Is not definite. Thoro are numerous concessions yet to be made before a t ubstantlal agreement can be reached. OLXEY VERY INSISTENT. Secretary Olney had been very in sistent upoa certain points, to somo of hlch the B-ltleh government has yielded a rshict&nt consent; but upon others there id a wide divergence cf opinion. It Is still hoped that a mlduls course will bo found upon which both governments can agree, so that the treaty may be framed early next winter and lalfi before the senata In time for favorable action before Its adjournment in March ncrt. It Is expected that Secretary Olney will leave Washington for his summer outing shortly after ths publication of the correspondence. The British am bassador. Sir Julian Fauncefota and the Vencsuclan minister, Senov Andre, will I oth take their departure at the name time, aa neither, in view of complica tions between the tbreti countries, can abeont himself from Washington until the secretary seta the example. WALTER 0. LEWIS DEAD. Well Known as the Organizer of the Original Associated Press. Philadelphia, July 18. Walter O. ! Lewis, who built the original telegraph 1 line from New Tork to Sandy Hooi, and did much to develop the system cf ship news fathering now in vogue, dUd yesterday at Gcrmontown, this city. His : enterprise was abeorbed into the orgau- Ization of the original Aasoclated Pvejs, ; now the United Pross, where it still re mains. Air. Lewis was widely known among the telegraphic fraternity and was also a familiar figure in the newspaper cir cles of New York. He had ben a suf ferer from acute troubles in his head fr a number of years. The funeral will j take place on Saturday from the First rresoyierian cnurcn, Brooklyn, i. i. PROTECTED BY LAW. 3Irs. Hate Zerbri Loses Her Case Against I.yttln Coal Company. Pottsville, Pa., July 18. In the case of Kate Zerbri, widow, and her minor children against the Lyttle Coal cam I puny, in which they had been awarded : $0,000 damages for the life of the hus- band and father, Judge Albright, of Lehigh, specially presiding in the Schuylkill county court, In an opinion today overruled the motion to take off a compulsory non suit. The Judge wrote the following: "It is a painful duty to hold that this poor and worthy widow and her desti tute orphan children cannot recover damages, but under the law of the land the defendant cannot be required to pay because no negligence has been proved. With the first trial the verdict was for $6,000, which was probably a just and moderate sum. The jury at that trial were Instructed that the com pany was liable for th negligence for the certified mine foreman because the legislature had bo declared by said act of 1891. That decision having been de clared void by the supreme court soon after, said trial left the plaintiff 110 cause for action under the vldtnoe." The husband was on of the fifteen who were drowned In the defendant's colliery at Mlnersvllle about four year ago. This decision effects other suits brought, growing; out of the same accident. GOVERNOR RUSSELL DEAD. Tbo Massachusetts Politician Sad denly empires at a fishing Camp. St. Adelaide de Fobs. Quebec, July 17. William Russell, thrice governor of Massachusetts and prominently men tioned for the Democratic nomination for the presidency before the Bilver feel ing rncsnio so prommi..d in his party, died suddenly in a little fishing camp in the wooUs noar the settlement of St. Adelaide de Pa bos some time during Adelaide de Porss some time during morning. Heart failure was the proba ble cuufre of death, which came without warning to himself or friends, as he had not had a symptom of Illness up to tho time he retired for the night. That his death had been painless was shown by the position of the body when found and the expression of his face. Governor Russell, bis brother, Henry E. Russell, and Colonel Francla Pea body, of Boston, arrived at Little Pabos yesterday for a few days' fishing. They pitched their camp in the wood near the settlement of Little Pabos. Their tent was divided Into two rooms, one of which was occupied by the governor and the other by Henry Russell and Colonel Peabody. The party retired early, as they Intended to start about daylight for the fishing place. Colonel Pcabody and Henry Russoll wore Up early and were surprised th,t tha gov ernor had rot put In an appearance when they were ready to atari. They west to call him and were horrified at f.sdlng him diJid. The coroner was Im mediately notified and will hold on In iuet, when the remains will be taken to his Into home In Boston. Little Pabos, where Govonvor Russell died, His near the tnl rnnee to the buy of Chalcara, a largo Inlet of to CJulf cf St. Lnwrenco. It has always bean . favorite rert tor salmon floherrr.on. It Is reached by a small steamer from Quebec. CUY CBR!S CONFESSES. Admits Having Placed a Tie on tbo Pennsylvania Tracks. Lancaster. Pa.. July 16. Ouy Chris, of Olea Loch, this county, the little col ored boy arrested on Tuesday near Kln- station oa the choree cf attempt ing to wreck a Pennsylvania railroad train by placing a tin on the track, con fessed tci ay. He said he wanted to sen whet the engine would do when it struck the tie. When a train approached he became frightened, and feailni? somebody would be hilled, he signalled the train to stop. He has been locked up for a hearing. KILLED ON AN ENGINE. Fatal Accidont oa tho Baltimore nnl Ohio Kail road Near licKeesport. SIcKocsport. Pa., Juty 16. Engine No. CI, a Baltimore and Ohio railroad elilft er at Rankin station, ran Into a wash out near Guffy station last sight and was overturned. ThomRS Jacquay, agefl 23 years, a friend of the engineer, was instantly killed. Engineer Hughes and his fireman jumped, but were caught under the wreck and seriously injured. HOW TO TREAT BURNS. A Berlin Physician Introduces a New Remedy in Application of Thiol. From Current Literature. According to a Berlin physician thiol is highly approved aa an application in the treatment of burns in all degrees. The first step It to wash the surface with a very weak solution of corrosive sublimate, then remove whatever cuti cle hangs loose, talcing care not to break any blisters that are whole. The burn is dusted with powdered boric acid, then the entire burned surface and a considerable portion of the healthy skin around it are painted with a solution of equal parts of thiol and water, then a layer of greased cotton is kept in place with a bandage. This is undoubtedly a very scientific way to handle a burn, but for the mass es of people, many of whom live some distance from drug stores and doctors, there is nothing better than the old time application of pure lard and flour. It Is well worth while for every house keeper to buy some pounds of pure leaf lard, render it with the utmost care and put It while piping hot into pots or hottleg that may be heremetlcally sealed. A cupful of lard, mixed with flour, to form a soft paste, may be ap plied to a burn without loss of time. The experience of years has demon strated that If this application Is fol lowed up there will be neliaer scar nor irritation following the healing of the injured port. STOLEN. COLUMBIA WtYlLF. Oil PATTKI'N. NO' 641V, model 44. bin fiaia, rant's horn handle bars: taken from to Fray's Phomyraib Gallciy, 4-1 I ackewanna (.venue. W tdneaney, Jily 13. Litwoen the born or 4 an d 6 o'clock p. m. Kinder will be lib-rally rewarded by re' urn in j to owner, OITO R. CONRAD, or Colombia Bicyoie Agency, reran ton. l a. 01 CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MVCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LE33 THAN 25 CENTS. THI8 RITLK AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADB.. EX CEPT LOCAL 81TVATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. HELP WAXTF.D MALKS. 'A.TKi -A-. rXERIB rl) QAD- nsr with gooi re.Teicos w ted at Fa ton -sn-.tariiins, E. tton. Pa. State wajje pctd. l7TED-8 JlOKNT IN KYl BY HK.i'- tl-a to canvas"; t4.(H to S500 a lar mads ; sell at ir t; Uo a man to Kt'.fl" Goo'ls to dealers: b St aid line 74 month; lr or large commim on niedc: i-xporivoce nnnreeeary. Clifton tio.ip and Masui'itctar ;na Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN very town to roliett itoek nbserip tlors: a mooorolr: big tnnnny for agmtH: bo rapiUl EDWARD O. FIbU A CO., Borden Block, Chicneo, 111. HELP WANTED FEMALES. WANTED IMMEDUTKLV-COMPKTBNT girl for general housework; family cf two. IWtt Wathi niton avenua. WANTED-A GI. L TO ASSIST IN cooktnj. Apply at one at the Fanrot Rons, 8U Wtihm ton. WANTED - DINING NOOU GIRL wanted at L aton SaniUrinia, Em ion. Pa. Slate wag a anted. ,'ANTED- MIDDI.B AGFD PROTES- tant wornr.ii a nnrss nod houacn'oper In esinll faral r ftand honse; ti per w ck. t ddresi "It," Tribuno offieo 7 APIICH-1 HAXr. BIG W GF.S DOING 1 J pleasant fcomn o k, and t ill gladly "-nil full particulars 'e r.U nolnr t n-ntatanip. .. lbs M. A. & T.I BIN'S, Iaiwratire, Mic.1. (17ANTED-L -I'Y AGENTS IN SCRAN- V ton to ee 1 and introdue Bityders -k rlttf, extierlene d eenvtau-r yta'erred: wijilt Ttorinanat arid very profitable. V rtto for nart.onlara at c pee u A ret h.-rrflt of h ll.iay t ad T. B SNYDKH A CO.. Clueenai. a TSTANTKD lLliEDIATELY-TWO KNEB "V jetio taliswoman to rvpreaont na (tuarant'-ed $1 a oay without juterforrlng with other duties. Kralthlul orcunatiot.. Write foi rani. niute-endoeliiu- stamp. Manyo hemtcal Ceaipauy, lio. 72 John Street, Naw York. FOR RENT. POR BBK l'-FKOfT AND TIIP'riR CON". I1 uoetlni; rooms, furnirnedoruufurnlahvMl. I'.'S Alatns avuiun. opiioaltu eoiri bonne. FOB EKNT-PEWIIABI.JC 110Ve.R. GttEHN lilrl. o ftreot: jjcss saicn tkpt. 1st. 1'ti quiro l' W'iL)ui:oa aveno.i. TOH t.ENT-SALF ( T DOL'BLK HOUSE; ' niedci n itr.proviront; rent rea-onaM.; txirnor of Pine ai.d blssely ilv oU, Lnawo.-e. FOR SALi:. f.-OB SALE A f.ll.Vr.R-PLATaU CONN I dmhl shell ennliouinm. t.leels- onijraTed w.tii trrbonti bell, (old lined: nearlr new aud eac IW: will eoll ut a l..rain. Address thuwiMtto E. W. Q AYLOii, LaPAyavllle. I'A lOH SALE OBBCNT-SIX-HOOMEtl COT r tKO. Wyotnki Oirap Orooud: rartly fnrnleh d. V. U. BAZI.K'i'f. reraaton. r.-or. kle-hors:?. agid six ybaw. V welcat LCCJ poucda; can bo eon at lft!l Price street. LOB rlAI,E-IY COTTAQB AT ELM C tonret and the (onr l"ta on whinh it xtasrin; alio tho four lots eajoielTg; rnoat de s'raila location in Elithnrat; prloaa rwaoaa ble: tersn eaa' nosa-as'on elven at ones, V, P. KI HUMiUBY, Commonwealth Bnildinw. Srranon. l a. HOTEL FOR SALE, ELL FUR15I3HRD AND CRNTBAI.l Y locacad: Orsunaes buslicwl rutaon-. for Jilug, want to retire from hnnJnos'. Ad dress O. A. If.. Lock Cox i04, Nantirnte, Pa. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. i aa. hot and enld bath, sitting and read ing room. 'J15 kawnnna avenue. SPECIAL NOTICES. "ryH HOLD1EH IN OUB CIVIL WAR " 1 Yon want tills relic. Contains a!l nf Frank I!:es famona old wart'fcturet.ahow Idr the forces In actual hattle.vketi'hej on tli tpot. Tao rmnmra, icOO plnmrea. Bold on eaay monili'y pat nutria delivered by ex vrmn'lete, U ofaarffes propaid. Aadreaa P. O. !ODY. ttl Adams Ave. Heran'on, Pa. WANTED. AVVWAAAaAMAAMtAHirW WfUTCn SMART REPUBLICAN IN HrlltltU"" evoryo unty wbo will wora lor kti a -k for two months and will earn it. A' dmae. I ox 11N3. FbiLk P. I. CLAIRVOYANT. nOMPLEXION BL"'A('H. 60 CTS : TOivr O powder W ots. t'lairvoyanfy fre. Tll names, present sod ftvnre. 42 yars expert enoe. MRS. HAUrC, 141 Franklin avenae, cor tier Sprace. R8. FFHrON, CLAIBVf'YANT ANt Phronoloitist. ran lie c nnlsl at Na 41d Main avenue, hydo Park. Positively the List we-k. IO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. NerfWrVkVWefefrAV 4 LL PARTIES WFO ABE INDEBTED TO -1. t:ie Mtophja Onthelns and Barbara utheinx rstate nre hereby notlftVd to mak payn,iTta in part or whoie within 80 dura or accounts will tu to lected aerordiiiv to law; rayinptits can be made at residence, Si4 Alder iret, frnm 1 tog p. m.: at furniturrf store, 615 Cedar uvouue, any time darins day. C. biOKK, Alderman. c onnblly & Wallace SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY SALE of the goods damaged by witter at our store during the recent severe storm. They must bo closed out at at once at prices ruinous to u. but greatly to your beneilt. In conjunction with the disposal of the Watered Goods, we will conduct a general mark-down sale all through the house. Re member this Is no fire sale. Th4 goodA have only received water dttmagc and most the stuff is worth tall price to you. Don't neglect the opportunity. Printed Zephyrs Ginghams. Slightly wet oil cuge3, 2 1-2 c. a yard; former price, 10c. Chamois Gloves. The Vaha ble kiud; slir.htlv damaged bv dirty water. Wifl was,h out all right 4l)c. and 62c a pair; worth $1.00 and $1.25. Ladies' Silk and Lisle and Mitts. 25c. quality nt 2 pair for 2ac. Gloves Hundreds of other bargains, which our limited space forbids mention of, will be fount! on ourcoun tent during the sale. Departments not affected by the flood will keep pace with the others on low prices, which will make our store a rendezvous for bargain huutcrs during the next two weeks. CONNOLLY & AGENTS WANTED. rANTl D-a.liC0 AGSNTf. FvB. RU - sella anti.orisa.1 -L1V1W of IPKIN I KY AND lioUABr." (0 eiwntl lllu trat-d. Hrv only Si.00. 'I ho bi-at and the obaappst, and octa! a 1 others; b pt CnU to ApsnU and FroichtsI'aiU. 81"U.-ki now to liy; suV" time b aeadmit Nt e-niai-stau p for an outfit at onoo. Addrvai A. 1'. WuliXlliNUTi N & CO., Uartford, Cous. vv ANi'i D-ALKUVAN; 6ALAKY IFRO . atari; tinrnunent tilaoA LtiliWh PROS. iu rursxryui-n. iUioUeeter. S. Y. OKNTs WATED-TO BELL C1QARB: ITS tier month; stlary and expenses paid, rtdreea. wiih two-cent stamp, PIGAiiO tl UAU CO., Chicago. AQSNTS-TO BELT. OCR PRACTICAL plod, aileer, nickel aad ennper el-ctro plaatera; prices from i!t epwerd: salary and 'Xpdt.sus Te:d r otilflt free, ddixa, mu. stamp, MlCElOAri MFU Ol Chtugu. AGBNTS TO RRLLQIOABSTO DEALEUK; 3 weekly an 1 exponaen: erxperleoa nn neceaoary. CONKOUllATKU ai'0 CO- 4t Van Baron st , Chicago, CALKS MAN TO 0FBI SIDE LINE: S O per cent. cotnmlaajAB : sample bock 'rco. Address L. N. CO., LtatiuD L, New Yi-!r. AT c NCE-AUENT( APPOINTED TO aell nv Uchtnlng aellmi tahle doth, monoeite and boa fly iSaali at iO qaata and S) cent a bottle, hump's free. BcUilAWO i CO., rinltiuiore. lid. A OEx TS HTNDU'rt PATENT ONIYBR V tal Ha'r Crlora and IS avra (ttised witb c:tt beat), and "lyr folfled" Hair line, Ut era! eomm's.iona, Free asmple t ml fall par ticulars. AdiroM P. O. Box VA, New Yorb. SITUATIONS WANTED. I 'Position wanted-to drive a store dalivery; work arnnnd store or factory. Address, Wli. HACK. Sit Follows sret SITUATION WANTED UY A MIDDLE sged lady asbsree'eeeper in a audi family. Address T, Tribune, City. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO Ia4y ss copyist or office assistant: would work at any thing heaorable la order to se cure employment; eoxisns to oMaia work. Address MISS V., care Trlbuue offlea. S'lTOfcTION WAKTkD-BY A BOY. AQKD Is; will work at asythtau. Address J. R.. Trlbnne oifice. SITUATION WANTED-EY A TOUNQ O man as stenographer in a law olBee or with some bnsineos Adtlreas Bl'aiN OOUAPUEB, General Delivtry. city. CITUATIOX WANTID-BY A YOUNO) O man aa elerk la a grocery store, with seven years' xnerieaos; will work for stsall salary. P. OKNaEN, ls3 North Waahiagton avenue, city. &'ITUATI0N WANTED TO QO OUT washing; waalunge taken home also. Call or address, L, B., aM Bumnar aveane, Byde Park. ANTED SITUATION AS B RTEND- ror teamster. -Address 1118 Diamoud arenne. O. W. FUANTZ. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Del., Lack, and Vvestern, Effect Monday, June 1. ISM. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex- frees for Now York and all points East, 40, 2.S0, S.U, B.Oo and 8.05 a. m.; 1.10 and Z:M p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.56 a. m:; 1.10 and 3.38 p. ni. Washington and way stntlons. 4.00 p. m. accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mira. Corning, Hath, Dansville, Mount .Morris and Buffalo, 12.20, 2.3S a. m., and 1.49 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, North west and Southwest.- Bath accommodation, 9.15 a. m. Btnfshamton and way stations, 1.01 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 8.10 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra express S.5G p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Uticn and Richfield Springs, 2.3S a. m., and 1.4 p. m. Ithaca 2.3S and Bath 9.1S a. m. and 1.49 p. m. For Northumberland. Plttston. Wilkes Bnrre, Plymouth, Bloomaburg and Dan ville, making elosa connections at North umberland for Wllllamaport, Harrlaburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and lntrmedlate sta tions, 6.00, 9.53 s. m. and 1.66 and 6.00 p. m. Nanticoke and intermediate stations, Pcrkhill Zephyr Clnl.ams. 1 P.eaittihil raugd ol styles; edges omy wet. 5c. a yard; l9I.Omltb. s 4t eiuai a sj wiiij DIMITIES. The damage is hardly noticea ble. 6c. n yard; Regular 12 1-2 c grade. 60c. Corsets for 25c. They have been but slightly wet but are all right otherwise- WALLACE, s.0S and 11.20 a. a. Plymooth and l&rerv mediats statiroB, 8.40 and a. 47 p. m. Pullman prrlor and Bleeping coaches on all oxprers trains. For detailed lnfonnntlon, pocket time tables, etc., apply to XI. L. Smith, city ticket office, ia Lackawanna aeanue, or depot ticket ofilce. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division,) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort TIM HI TABLE IN Kb'rSCt JUNE T. IWi. Trains leave Sorantoa far Pltuten. ?yl0.sJVi?'.eine-.t, lt5, 1.00 8.06, 8. CO, p. m. Sandays 9.00. a. m.. 1.0b, US, T.10 p. m . 105. t.C0 p. m. Suudays, .0 a. m., LOO 2.1a p. m. For Atlantlo City. 120 a. m. For New York, Newark aad Elisabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 11.46 (expran with Bufi fet parlor car), 8.05 (rxpres) p. m. Bun day, 2.16 p. m. Train leaving 11 n m. arrive at Phdadelphla, Reading Term inal, 6.22 p. m. and New Tork 6.00 p m For Matteh Chunk, Allen'.own, Bethle hem, Easton ana Philadelphia, 8 20 a. m. 12.46. 8.06, S.00 (ercept PWladelphia) p m! Sunday, 2. IS p. ra. For Long Pranch, Ocean Grove, eto. at 8.20 a. m. (through car). 12.46 p. m. ' For Reading. Lebanon and Barrisbura Via Allnntown, 8.20 a. tn., U4f p. m.. S.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville. 8.30 a. m., 12.43 p, tn Returning, leave Now York, foot of Lib crty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) u. m., 1.10, 1.20, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. ra. Sunday. 4.(0 a. m. Iveave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 8.00 a. m., 100 aud 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.16 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Puss. Agt. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen. SupL DSLAWARS AND HUDSON TIME TAB LB. On Monday, Hay Is, train will leave Boron- mM JbM . For CarbenAale-C.45, g, s.Bo, ld-u a. m.; Fir ' U w nooni LSI. 2 20. 8.62, F' .. 6.2S. 7.ST, 9.19, 10(0, 11.65 p. m. For Albany. Saratoga. Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, eto-S.46 a. m.; (Sin m. For Honesdals S.4S, Its, 10.1S a, m.. 12.00 none: J SO. 8.X D. SS. For W1!kea-Baxre-6.4o, 7.46, 8.45, 9.S8, 10.45 a. m.i 12.0S, l.w, x.ev, ails, t.u, aw,, aw, 11.S8 p. m. For New Tork, Philadelphia, etc, via Lehigh Valley railroad 6.45. 7.45 a. m.; 12.06, 2 30, Ail (with Black Diamond Ex press) p. rs. I For Pennsylvania railroad points 6.4S, 9.J8 a. m.; 8.30, 4.41 n. an. Fori western polrts, via Lehigh Valley rallroad-7.45 a. m.; 12.05. 3.38 (with Black Diamond Express). 9.50, 1128 p. m. Trains will arrive Scranton as follows: From Carbondale and the north (140, 7.40, 8.40, 9.84, 10.40 a. m.; 12.00 noon; LOS, 2.27, 3.26, 4.77. 6.45. 1.46. 9.45. 11.33 p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and the south Jl.40, 7.60, 8.60. 10.10. 11.66 a. m.; 1.16, 114. 2.48, 5.22, C.21. 7.63. 9.03, 9.46, U.62 p. m. Schedule la Effect May ip, 1803. Trains Leave Wilkes. Bar re at Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.16 a. m., week days, for Hszleton, Pottsville, Reading, Norrlstown, and Phlladclohla; and for bun burv, Harr!tbur, Philadelphia, Baltimore, WashinRton and Pitts burg and the Wes. 3.17 p. m., wek days, for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia, BalH more, Washington und Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p m., Sundays only, for Sun. bury, Harritbure;, Philadelphia, e.-tltimore, Washington end Pitts burg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week (fays, for Haxeton and Pottsville. J. P.. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M, PREVOST, Qntral Manager. A TAt la V 5c Cotton Crash At 2 l2o 10c. Lotnet Flannel At 2 l-2o cc. Llcuchcd and Bro Muslin at 6fc 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting. The slight water damage don't hurt thiH u particle. 9c. a yard; regular price, 17c. Men's Natural Wool Underwear. Busy now for next fail and win ter, 'these goods were in our basement and wera pretty well soaked. 25c per garment; worth, 75c m8R2r' May 17, 1894. Train leavea Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. ft H. R. B, at 4.4. 7.4S a. m 12.06, L20, 2.80 4.41 (Blaok Dia mond Express) and 11.38 p. m., via D.. U W. R. R., 0.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. mM aad LSI p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston ud WUket Barre, via D:. L. W. R. R., 8.00, 8.04, U.80 a, m., 1.65, 140, 4.00, 8.47 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha cleton, Pottsville and all points oa the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branahes, via D. A H. K. R. at 4.44, 7 46 a. m., U.0S. 1.20, 2.30, 4.41 p. m., via D U 4t W. R, JC 400, 8.08. 1L20 n. ro., 12.20, l.SS. 8 4 p. nt. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eastoa, Reading, Barrlehurg and all Intermediate points, via D. ft H. R. IL, 6.45, 7.45 a. ra.. 12.06, 1.20, 2.80, 4.41 (Black Diamcnd Jix prees. p. m., via 1., L. & W. H. K., 6.00, 8.0. 11.20 a. Dl.. 12.20. LU. 8.40 p. a. Leave Boranton for Tuukhannock. To wanda, alimlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate peinta, via D. & II. R. R.. 14 a. m., 12.0C, lio. 11.S0 p. m., via D.. L. & W. It. K., 8.08, 9.65 a. in., 12.20 p. m. Leave Scranten for RoeheaitAr, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit. Chioage and all points west, via D. Ac H. R. R.. 8.46 a. m.. 1!.'J5. L20. 3.33 (Black Diamond IBxpreas), 460. 11. SS p. m., via D., L, & W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 8.03. 9.5S a. m.. 12.20, 8.47 p. m. For E'mlra and the west, via Salamanca, via D. & II. R. R., 8.15 a. m.. 12.06 p. ra.. via D., L. & W. R. R., 4.U4, 9.6u a. tn.. UJO. 3.40 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. Chair cars on all trains between L. B. Junetlon or Wllkes-Barre end New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLTN H. WILBUR, Qen. Bupt CIIAS. 3. LKE. Oen. Pans. Agt., PhUo-.Pa. A. W. NONEMACHER. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlohem, Pa. Scranton offlce, 809 Lackawanna avenue. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Effective June tx Trains leave Scranton for New Tork, Nenvtmrgh end intermediate points en Erie, also for Hawley aad local points at 7.0S and 8.4 a. tn. and 2.2S p. m and ar rive from above points at 11.18 a. m. and 3.18 and 9.38 p. m. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 6.1S p. m., returning arrives at Scranton at 7.41 p. ra. aad 8.14 a. bv SOBANTOM SITISlOIf. In Effect Joue Ulert, ISfltl. Nertb tviunej. sianili nueel, ioa OII ida.ii4; Stations 2 a(Tratns Dally. Ex-lfi t &l 4 o. le air s.Arrlve iarc 10 4N 7 fs.N. Y. rrancua tow, 7 W Wesf, 4)d street !.- tail nnl Wama.hswlrAr p air MlArrlve LrtrtU a'r 52 1 1 l&;Hancocic Juncueo 6 10 uanc-cc Starlight Preston Pork Com" royntelle Belukint Ploaatit, Mt. ITnlondslo Ptrest City Ca bnde bte Hrtdje Wavfleld Jernvvn Archibald Wlti'wn Peck vtl le (jlnUant Pilcetiurg I'hroop Prnrldnnos fsrk pace 6 6 4H.it40l 1 4-i i tel 4M f ull It iti in 4IMI14W ii fill 84 s eanifi 18 5tll9. 8 Nil! t!t UAljll H 8 46.11 It 8 43 11 II 8-iNll 07 8 -., 1 1 0) suit 0) 3 ) 11 0 i S f1W7 8 10 58 76 763 8 Ml 7-16 8 60. 8 00 4 01 81)8 4 01 8(5 4101 BOO til 18111417 seraatno S in 4 SOI 1 r i Mi m Leave Arrive! Au fcraaoe run uauj oawv t, eliiines that trains stop en signal for pas. -ecure rates via Ontario a Western before rnreaastng tl"lret and aave money. Day ana Kliki g. pros t the egt ' j c Anderson, Gen. Pass AgU T. Elltcroft, Div I sis, Agt Scranton, To, A i I HA "" Sffl::- fl 'B. I IU 4 eee tt f 941 .... 6 83 fill .... 6 42 8 41 .... 6 90 9 .... 6'S 2S9 .... 701 8 6 .... 7 .... T9t 819 .... 7: Ml 144 .... nwnm ... 1; 4i is m .... 74.11 S48 M 8 61 ....