The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 16, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Mumjoji's Improved Homoeopathic Rem.
edlea acit almost instantly, i-dUy cur
ing th moat obstinate caHea. Munyon'
Rheumatism Cure cure rheumatism in a
few days. Muuyon'a LysH!pla Cure
turei all forma of atoiiiacli troubles. Mun
you's Headache t'ure atop heodarhe In 5
mluutca. Nervous diseases promptly
cured. Kidney troublea. Pllea, Neuralsrii,
Asthma and nil Female Complalnts'qulck
ly cured. Munyou's Vitamer impart
new vhor lo weak man. Prion. $1.
fcraoiial letters to Prof. Munyon, 1506
Arch atreet. Philadelphia. Pa., answered
with free medical advice for any disease.
A Separate Cure for Each Disease.
fRear will please note that e,avrtlie.
tents, order for Job work, and Items for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main
street will receive prompt attention; of
fice open from a. m. to 10 p. ra. j
Carboudale and Jirmyii Athlete Will
Contest lor Honors.
On Friday evening will be held at
Alumni park the first Held day In this
district, and Judging from the prepara
tions lhat have heen made It will bf a
lilg gui'ces:. The event Is an experi
ment which It Is hoped will meet with
favor from the public. Good amateur
spoil is something that we have had
but few chances to see, but should this
meet with approval the Meld days will
be held oftenei.
In each race, Jermyn and Carbondale
will be represented by two contestant
and as there are speedy men In each
place close and exciting- laces will be
the order of the day. In August a Held
day will probably be held with tioran
ton. Alumni park Is now fully equipped
for carrying on athletic sports. During
the season a cinder path, tennis courts
and oroquet grounds have been put up,
so that the young men of Carbondale
have a great chance for ph)sUal de
velopment. Although the prizes to be awarded
Tuesday are quite expensive, there will
be no charge for entrance Into the races.
The trustees are hoping for a large pat
ronage to pay the heavy expenses oc
casioned. There will also be a base ball
game between the Allium! teum and the
Hickories, of Jermyn. .
A Scranton .Mini Is Jugged in
This City.
Carlton O. Palmer, a pension lawyer,
who halls from Scrunlon, Is In trouble
again, and has been landed In Jail. A
short time ago he came to this lity In
seureh of his wife, who hus secured em
ployment in a private family, and was
so annoyed tliut it wus necessary to
eject him.
His wife Is a woman of forty-seven
years, while he Is over seventy. Ac
cording to the man's story he took her
from the poor house some seven years
ago and has since provided for her. Two
weeks ago she left her home, saying she
was going to Port Jervis, but Instead
came to this city and secured employ
ment. In his endeavor to get her to re
turn home, he says he has culled at her
present home, but has earn time been
assaulted. As he could not furnish ball
he was sent to Jull, but promises to
make It hot for the persons who had
him arrested. It was his wife who en
tered the charge of assault and battery
against him.
Father ISrcnnnu's Keniiiins.
The remains of Father Urennan
reached this city last evening from
Philadelphia and were at once tukeu to
tit. Hose church, where they will lie in
state until hall'-pust nine this morning.
At thnt hour there will be soletngn hish
mass of requiem, after which the body
will be Interred In St. Kose cemetery.
To Reopen White llridge Station.
J. K. Burr, esq., will tomorrow present
before the officials of the Ontario and
Western at New York city a petition
asking them to reopen the White
Bridge station. The petition lias been
signed by a large number of the mer
chants and dealers in the vicinity who
have to have all their freight conveyed
by wagon from the freight house into
the city.
The full Mozart orchestra will ac
company the Episcopal Sunday school
to Far view Friday.
R. M. Vannun and John (Jubert were
at Newton Lake fishing yesterday and
limde a big catch.
Mrs. Edward Mitchell and children
have returned to their home In Hcran
ton after a visit with friends here.
They were accompanied by Frank .Mc
Donald. John Mknnlon, of the South Side, who
has been seriously 111, is improving.
Mtb. S. Bolten and Miss Bolton left
for their cottage at Crystal Lake yes
terday. Rev. Charles Lee and family, who
have been vpencNne; t,vo weeg on
Long Island return today.
H. L. Moses, of Scranton, was visit
ing In this city yesterday.
A party of wheelmen consisting of
H. J.. A. E., and E. R. Tlly, and A.
Sanderson, of Philadelphia, passed
through this city yesterday. They
made the entire Journey on their wheels
and were en route tor home.
Fifteen dollars has been added to the
Of Carpets, Mattings. Oil Cloth
4 Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace
Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Rags
and Carpet Sweepers.
Toe above goods have been overhauled and
marked down to nearly one-half their value.
This sal will last during th month of July,
to make room for fall goods. Come and get
Ve have torn desirable thln In Rocking
Chair sad Center Tablet: JS Per Cent. Leu
1 ban th Actual Cost that wc ar closing out.
419 Uckavanna
Pittston relief fund, making the amount
Miss Katharine Cilhool. of Brooklyn
street, left yesterday morning for Phil
adelphia, where she will enter the Ken
sington Hospital training school of that
city. She was tendered a farewell party
In the Electric Literary clubs rooms.
Miss .Mary TlMhe. of Pittston, Is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. H. b McOee of the
South Side.
Miss Ethel Morgan, of Seventh ave
nue. Is visiting friends in Lueine.
Miss Lena Topp, of Scranton, who
has been the guest of Mrs. William
Johnson, of Washington street, has
returned home.
Miss Nora O'Uoyle. of Scranton. Is
spending a few weeks with her grand
mother, Mrs. Ellen Moititt, on Main
A large number of people will attend
the dance at Dunduff this evening. The
management have secured a pluno from
this city.
5us Hanson, of Seventh avenue, hus
returned home from a weeks' visit with
John Lavey, of Bridgeport, Conn.
Not a very asreeable surprise met
Anthony Thlnkofsky when he returned
to his home on Hudson street yesterday
afternoon. I'pon entering his once
happy home ho found no one to greet
him. Upon investigating he found that
she who had vowed that her heart was
true to him hud now yielded it and An
thony's WOO to another In fact two
others (his boarders), ami had gone
Anthony knew not whence. The de
serted husband immediately repaired to
'Squire Maxey's ottice and told his sor
rowful talu. The 'squire recommended
that Anthony betake himself to Oar
bomlale, at which place he would un
doubtedly find many who are adepts
In such affairs und could assist him in
finding the fugitives.
The excursion and basket picnic to
Riverside Park. LaliesLxiro. proiu'si'S to
be a success. The date for it is next
Wednesday. Lanesboro Is situated on
the east bank of the Susquehanna river,
neur the Junction of the Delaware and
Hudson and Erie railroads. Here is
situated the famous Sturrucca viaduct,
one of the finest pieces of engineering in
the world. Un the mountains around
may be seen some of the famous Penn
sylvania blue stone quarries. On the
banks of the beuutiful and historic Sus
quehanna Is the beautiful Riverside
Park of seven ucrea. Two elegant
steamboats. Eriulule and ldlewild, with
wharf ut the park, run seven miles up
the river, through the most beautiful
scenery in Pennsylvania.
Miss Belle McColtuui. of New Milford,
who hus been the guest of Dr. and Mis.
W. h. Blakeslee for the padt fev days,
returned to her home yesterday.
Among the Sci anlouiuiis In town yes
terday were: E. A. Gllinoie, T. T. Da
vis. A. B. Holmes und J. W. Wolfoid.
V. P. Morgan, of Jermyn, was in
town yesterday.
Jeorge L. Barrett, of New Haven,
Conn., was registered ut the Forest
House yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ordung are
mourning the loss of their four-iuonths-old
daughter, who died Monday even
ing of inflammation of tne Iumks. The
funeral was held yesterday ulteriioon.
Interment was In Forest City cemetery.
John O'Malley. C. W, Klllkerson. John
D. Nealon. T. V. 1'owderly, jr., and
lieorge J. Benton, of Oaruoinlule, were
business visitors in this borough yes
terday. Schuyler C. LSernon. of Scranton, a
popular "grip suck knight," was a
pleasant culler in town yesterday.
K. B. Jermyn. of Scranton, wus in the
borough yesterday.
B. K. Maxey, the Tribune correspond
ent, returned yesterday from a brief
visit Willi Scruntou friends.
The entertainment given last night
at Village hull for the benefit of the VII
lage Improvement society was 'a suc
cess, not only from a tliianciul, but In
every other respect. The solo by Miss
K. P. Klley showed evidences of an un
ushliully quulilied contralto voice und
the playing of Miss Kmma Vaughan
Kiley was excellent, not only a to
technique, but In rendition. Every one
in the farce. "A Jack Trust," carried out
the author's Idea, which was to be fun
ny and amusing. The society made
about J:;o.
Captain 11. F. Beardsluy has Issued a
lengthy circular to the many old veter
ans In this a-ounty regarding their en
campment here in September and sug
gests that, as previously mentioned,
they leave here on the last day of their
encampment and ko to the Seven Coun
ty reunion ut Mountain Puck. A rate
of $2 will lie made from Bingham ton,
C.reat Bend, Hallsteud. New Milford
und Montrose with proportionate rates
for points betv.ven Alfoid and Scran
ton. This Is of course via the Dela
ware, Luckuwanna and Western tail
road and Is for return trip.
R. II. Hlllls. of Ruh, was in Mont
rose yesterday.
T. T. Davits, of Scranton. Is regis
tered at the Montrose House.
C. S. Hamlin, of f'.reut Bend, called
upon Montrose friends yesterday.
C. A. Johnston, of Hopbottom, is reg
istered at the Talbell Mouse.
The Montrose House recently placed
in all their rooms electric bell calls and
Mr. Ouy looks happier than ever.
Mrs. Curmalt Kose, accompanied by
a number of young men hiu! women
who are summering at Silver Lake,
drove over last evening for the enter
tainment given at Village hull.
- - - -MOOSIC.
Nitfnerous citizens of this place were
present in Scranton Tuesday, at the
ratification meeting.
I. F. Brice was a caller out of town
yesterday on business.
F. H. Johnson, of Penobscot, was a
caller in town Tuesday.
Miss Nellie Brown, of Wilkes-Barre,
spent yesterday at the home of I. F.
Btiee. on North Main street.
The Hillside Coal and Iron company
will pay their employes today for the
month of June.
lion, and Mrs. F. J. CJrover witnessed
the procession in Scranton Tuesday
The Epworth League of the Metho
dist Episcopal church will hold a social
on the church grounds on Thursday
evening, July 1$. J. I). Williams' cream
will be sold. Proceeds to go towards
the church.
Mrs. Harry Slckler and daughter
Anna ate spending some time with re
latives at VVyalusing.
Albert Mack, of Bethlehem, a former
resident of this place, and who has
been visiting friends here for the past
two weeks returned to his home today.
Mr. II. Dnle and son, of Scranton,
were In town yesterday.
Alius Mary Boyce returned yesterday
from a two weeks vacation with friends
In Lovelton.
This Is the second time this year that
Montrose has cancelled her base ball
game with us. Probably the score of
the Towanda game frightened them.
The Tritons are prepared any time to
give them a date and trust au oppor
tunlty will be given before too late in
the season.
Monda yevenlng Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
.CbafTee entertained the following at
their home on McComb street la honor
of their two guests, Miss Bennett of
Say re. and Albert Muck, of Bethlehem
Among those present were: Misses
Vose, Minnie Banuatyne. Katie Welch,
Blanch Carey. Maud Crawford. Mary
Jayne. Mr. Evan Avery. Lewi Chaffee,
Ouy Jackson, Harry-Cortrlght, Austin
Yesterday afternoon a special train
passed through here with delegates to
the Baptist convention at Milwaukee.
A number of the Italians who have
been at work on the sewer here, went
back to Scranton yesterday.
The work of boring the arteelan well
Is progiessing rapidly and smoothly,
the well being down over 60 feet. The
drill at piesent Is going through solid
rock, but us much progress as could be
expected is being made. The water
committee are thinking over the advis
ability of putting in another shift, thus
facilitating the work still more. Survey
or Dunning and his assistants, during
the past few days have been busily en
gaged In taking surveys and making
maps of the vicinity where the well
is located, and as the surveyor and his
assistants are said to be In the employ
of the Jermyn and Rushbrook Water
company. It is very probable that they
will commence proceedings In oppo
sition to the borough's water plaiit or
will cause tumble In some direction.
Attorney A. J. Colborn. of Scranton,
bus been engnged by the borough of
Jermyn to assist the botough attorney
In case legal pioreedingi are insti
tuted ugalust the borough. Two civil
eiipineeis have been engaged by the
borough to make iome preliminary sur
veys and ma!'." for them.
Hogarth's Temeperance baud will
give un open air concert on the luwn
of Dr. I. S. Ci raves on Main street
this evening. The following pro
gramme will be rendered: March. "Lead
on Lads." Howarth: overture. "Star of
India," Hume: euphonium solo. "The
Amateur." J. Jubb, Charles Lee; "Vve
Vaiie "Adeste Fldeles." Round: over
ture. "Crown of Vlctoiy," Ripley:
vause, "Wojdland Flowers." Watson:
polka, "U and I." Bevan;,
"March Away," Llngwood.
The Junior Order of United Ameri
can Mechanics will hold a picnic In
Elm Grove tomorrow. Extensive ar
rangements have been going on for tlte
past week and piovision inude for a
large crowd.
The Primitive Methodist Sunday
school will ousei ve Children's Day next
umlu.v. A programme has been pre
pared which will be given by the mem
bers oif the school.
Invitations huve been Istued by the
members of the Ladies Home Mission
ary Society lot a grand social and en
tertainment to be held at the home of
E. D. Bovurd on Second street, Friday
evening. An excellent programme of
Instrumental and vocal music und llt
ehary productions will be given during
the eeuil:g.
itev. T. F. Coffey, of Carboudule, was
a visitor In Jermyn yestelduy.
The death of Patrick K " . of Lin
coln Hill, occulted on Tuesday ufter
ncon at '2:'M o'clock al ter a lingering ill
ness olniiner's asthiim. Deceased was
an honest, upright citizen, devoted to
his family and and although his
death was expected for some time, his
wife and family are overcome with grief
over the loss of a fond parent. Mr.
Kelly wus about 45 years of age and Is
survived by a wife and seven children
besides three brothers. Michael, of Jer
myn: John, of Mooslc, and Bryan, In
Ireland, also a sister, Mrs. P. O'Malley,
of the West Side. The fuiierul will take
place this afternoon. Interment will be
made in St. Mary's cemetery.
Mis. Wllliiim Miller, of the West Side,
Is un the sick list.
Prof. Hooan, of Plains, was a caller
in town yesterday.
A large audience should greet the
Home Dramatic company In "The Yan
kee Detective" at O'Malley's Opera
house on July 2'X The proceeds will be
donated to the Twin Disaster Fund.
Mr. Ashley and daughter, Susie, of
Huckettstown, are visitors In town this
Rev. W. J. Henley, of Alton, III., is
spending n few weeks at the residence
of his parents on the West Side.
The borough council met on Tuesday
evening und transacted considerable
business. Representatives of the property-holders
on Pittston avenue were
present und complained of the exorblt
nnt levy placed upon them through Bo
rough Attorney Sherwood without con
sent of the member of council. No de
finite action was taken until the property-holders
und council conftr with
the attorney. Mr. Sherwood was se
verely censured for the responsibility
assumed und a llnul discharge from the
borough afi'airs would suith the majori
ty of residents in town.
Miss Maggie Shuuglinessy. of Wll
llamsport, will return home on Satur
day utter u few months' visit ut the
residence of her sister, Mrs. T. MeUWel.
Mr. and Mrs. Daveimll have returned
home after a pleasant visit with friends
in New York.
Mrs. John Buckley, of the North End,
is Eeiiously III.
Mrs. John Cawley. of Lincoln Hill, Is
critically III.
Mrs. George Detrick Is receiving treat
ment at Lackawanna Hospital, Scran
ton. Doctor und Mrs. Walter Seott spent
Sunday ut the home of F. L. Carr.
Rev. Anderson Reynolds gave an In
terestlng lecture to young men at the
Bupthi church last Sunday evening.
Mrs. H. B. Clay, who lias been sick
for some time. Is gaining In health.
J. T. Keone and family, of Scranton,
are occupying their cottage in this
There will be a dime social held at the
home of K. Frabe next Friday evening.
All are invited.
Hotel Elmhurst Is nearly filled with
guests at this time.
Alfred Griffin Is luivlng extensive re
pairs put on his home here. .
Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It
retains the digested food too long In the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, intli-
gestlon, bad taste, coated nsj a a B
tongue, sick headache. In- I QJ II
souutla. etc. Hood's Pills 1 1 I S
cure constipation and all its . .
results, easily and thoroughly, sta. All druggist.
Prepared by C. I. Hood Co., Lowes, Mas.
To ouly Pills to take with Hood s Barsapar ills.
Highest of all ia Leaveoiag Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report '
Yesterday morning at 8:30 o'clock a
quiet Wedding took pluce In St. Pat
rick's church, which was witnessed
only by a few friends and the relatives
of the contracting parties. It waa the
union of two popular young people.
Miss Alice Kelly, daughter of Mr. und
Mrs. Thomas Kelly, of Dunmore street,
and James B. Martin, who Is electrician
at the electric power house. The cere
mouy was performed by Rev. J. M.
Smoulter. The best mun was Al. J.
Walsh and Miss Nellie McAndrew act
ed as bridesmaid. The bride and her
maid were attired In pretty gowns of
white null trimmed with ribbon. After
partaking of a wedding breakfast the
newly wedded pair left on the 11:45
Delaware and Hudson train for New
York and Philadelphia. On their re
turn they will reside on Delaware ave
nue. Miss Marie Jones Is visiting Mrs. N.
F. Crans on Lackawunna avenue.
Miss Gertrude Ferguson, of Philadel
phia. Is the guest of her cousin, Miss
Mamie Faddett, on Dunmore street.
Wat kin Davis will spend today at
Eldildge Purk, Klmli a.
Miss Mamie Murphy, of Wilkes
Curre. Is visiting her hiother on Dun
more street.
Mrs. William Trlpplu. of New York,
is the guest of Mr. and Mis. T. E. "Wil
liumu, of Blakely.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cummlugs spent
lust evening culling un friends ut this
pluce. ,
There was a meeting of the Ladies'
Catholic Beneficial association in the
convent hall last evening.
The Olyphant Browns defeated the
Witidfor. N. Y., team at the latter pluce
yesterday by a score of ti to 3. Cleary
and Uarbett were the battery for the
Browns. The Brow ns will play at Bain-
bridge, N. Y., today.
Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge A. Bell, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Benscouter, Mr. und Mrs.
Floyd Giiener, Mr. and M'-s. William
Frear, Mrs. George G. Bell ami Mrs.
Jennie Frear left yesterday for a week's
outing at Lake Sheridan.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. MorRatis
wish to extend their sincere thanks to
all neighbors und friends who so kindly
assisted them during their recent be
reevment. Be sure and attend the union excur
sion of the three Sunday schools to
Luke Ariel next Saturday. Truin
leaves Delaware and Hudson depot ut
8 o'clock. Tickets for the round trip
UU cents, children 3u cents.
Children's Day exercises will be lield
at the Grassy Island chapel next Sun
day evening and will consist of singing
and recitations, and will be under the
supervision of Superintendent Thoinus
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Titun. of Wilkes-
Bmre, are visiting the former's purents,
Mr. and Airs. D. W. Titus.
Mra. E. S. Wheeler, daughter Bessie
and hei friend returned from the lake
last evening.
Mr. und Mrs. Philander Bell visited
his brother at Foster, who Is very ill at
this writing.
Fred. Williams and family and W ill
Leroy and family are camping on the
bank of the Tuiikliunuock creek, about
three miles below here. They report
that they have all the fish they can eat.
Miss Hattie Bacon went to Lake
Winola today for au indetlnlte stay.
Airs. James Corveii, daughter Grace
and son James are the guests of her
Sstur Mrs. Elmer G. Huron.
A man who said his home was Scran
ton was In town about July 1 und trad
ed horses with Paul Muniger. It after
wards proved that the team wus stolen
from a fanner near Binghamton who
came and got his teum on Tu.sduy. Mr.
Burriger is now f ying to locate the
man who has his team.
Marrow Escape of a .liourian Try
i it S to Remove Deadly l'uus.
Columbia, Mo., July 15. T. E. Cox. a
young farmer living four miles south of
this place, had a narrow escape yester
day from snake poisoning, yet he was
not bitten. While In the harvest field
Friday, Cox captured a monster rattle
snake. The reptile had fourteen rattles
and u button. Indicating that It was
15 years old. Cox offered the snake to
the state university museum, but the
museum authorities refused to accept
it unless the fangs Were removed. With
a forked stick Cox pinned the suuke to
the ground yesterday, and with the
aid of two other men, set about to re
move the reptile's teeth. He bent down
and was about to get hold with a pair
of forceps when the snake hissed and
blew its poisonous breath full in his
Instantly Cox became deathly sl' k.
His body became bloated and showed
every Indication of snake poisoning.
The liberal use of remedies restored
him to consciousness In three hours, lie
Is now pronounced out of danger. The
snake was killed.
Punic Among ttesortcr and Heavy
I,o ut Tiithiini Spring.
Frankfort, Ky., July 15. Dynamite
wus thrown Into the muin water sup
ply at Tatham Springs, a fashionable
summer resort In Washington county,
last night and the dikes were torn for
yards around. The explosion was ter
rific and created a panic among the
guests, about seventy-five of whom
were ladies. Soon after th" explosion
Chaplain -ivcr began to rise and cov
ered the springs. The dam.ige is large.
Some of i.he people In the vicinity are
said to De angry ut the managers f C
the springs, ,tho recently turn d off the
water suiipiy to outsiders, und the dy
namite explosion is th-iug.u to be the
work of jome of those wh i took ortens-c.
Joseph I.aur Think (the Favored aa
exConvirl and Kill Himself.
Whitehall. III.. July 15. Joseph Lauer
went to Davis Fisher's farm, nine miles
southwest of this city, Sunday after
noon, and finding that Fisher's daugh
ter had gone out with Frank Painter,
who recently concluded a second term
In the penitentiary for manslaughter,
walked off a few paces, placed a re
volver to his head and fired, dying In a
few minutes,
Priest to Impeach the .Mayorof Ham
ilton fur Permitting Noise.
Hamilton, Ohio, July 15. Father
Henry Anderson, priest of St. Mary's
Catholic church, caused a sensation
here today when he retained ex-Congressman
H. L. Morey to draw up the
necessary papers to Impeach Mayor
Charles S. Bosch.
The clergyman complained that he
can't sleep at night on account of hood
lums who gather In front of his parson
age and make night hideous, and he
suys the mayor refused to afford him
protection and cause the nuisance to
Soldier' Orphans' School t'aunot
Accommodate Applicants.
Ilanisburg. July 15. At a special
meeting of the experts' committee of
the soldiers' orphans' commission to
day, all of the old teachers were reap
pointed with the exception of those at
the Scotland Industrial school.
Some Bixty pupils were discharged
by order and a half dozen others were
discharged by reason of age. More ap
plicants have sought admission to the
schools than can be aceemmodated.
More Trouble with Strikers at Urown
lloim Works.
Cleveland. O.. July 15. When the
Brown Hoist Works attempted to start
up again today with non-union men the
strikers assaulted the non-union men
as they were going to the works and
beat a number of them severely.
The polke ute tumble to cope success
fully with the rioters and the muyor
hus culled for a company of mlhtla.
Auiuiul That Abundoned Lincoln
Park I Fat and Happy.
Cheboygan, Allch., July 15. The sea
Hon that escaped from Lincoln Park,
Chicago, two yea; s ago. was fishing for
suckers Jtist below the dam at Cheboy
gan river yesterday and was seen by a
dozen people.
He Is fat and appears to be having
a great time. He has been around here
for two weeks.
II the Baby I Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow':. Soothing Syrup hat
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
Kens of Motheri for t:ielr Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Oums,
.Mlays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo nnd
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
hy Druggists In every part of ths world.
Be sure and ask for "Mr. Wlnslow'
Soothing Syrup." and take no oth?r
lnd. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
CHOE VALUES were nev
er more worthy 3'our
thoughtful consideration than
the)' are at this moment. You
will simply thr -w away money
on shoes if you buy anywhere
else. In quality, from the
ordinary shoe to the finest
make, we have laid the knife
and make a quick selling
price beyond question. Your
eyes will jump at the fine
stock of men's and women's
Russet Shoes reduced to $3,
$2, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.
Misses' Russet Shoes re
duced to 89c. and $1.
Children's Russets reduced
to 40c, 50c. and 75c.
Boys' Shoes reduced to
65c, 75c, and 93c.
We invite you to call and
examine our goods and you
will surely save money by it.
No trouble to show goods.
We have only one price to all.
You can buy one pair shoes
or 3'ou can buy twelve pairs of
shoes and no reduction will
be made and 3'ou will find it
an advantage to buy at a place
where they do not add extra
to come down. A child can
buy as cheap as the shrewdest
Shoe Store
307 Lackawanna Avenua.
Greatest Bargains ever given In Scranton. We have aa immense
assortment of short lengths in every grade; desirable patterns, too, the result
of a good spring trade, and e have decided to close them out at about Half
Pl'lce. Bring the measure of jour rooms and ne will surprise you ?ery
sgre?ably with the handsome carpets you can purchase for a small outlay.
For example, wc quote best grade Rody Brussels: BlgelOW, Wblttall, LOW
ell and Ulen KellO, $1.00, formerly other makes of Body Brussels,
Sac, formerly ji.15; Velvets, 73c. and 05c, formerly $1.09 and 85C. All
other crudes at proportionately low prices.
An examination of our slock will convince you that aa investment HOW
will save you money, if purchased only for future use.
Opposite Main Entrance -.
to th Wyoming House,
Branch at CarboncJ
LocoiBOtives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Window Screens,
Screen Doors,
Garden Hose,
Lawn Sprinklers,
Water Coolers,
- Ice Cream Freezers,
Oil Stoves,
Gas StOTes,
Lawn Movers.
Vve have the stock and
assortment You need
them now, if ever. Liberal
discount for cash on all
seasonable goods.
VOI P AMERICAN, The Finest and Mistiest
tirade Wheels Made In America. iSoo Wheels,
Lp-tal)ate In livery Particular, 38.m. Cam
end See. E. R. PAKKER, JJI Sprues Street.
Vu Can Save lis to S30 on Voar BUtaw
fM rklttiMtrr. EacM.k ntaanl Braxt.
Pennyroyal pills
urifinai Hd unly von nine,
rc, always, rvlUttl. laoic tt
1 )rutFirlt for tTtirkeitcr fiTtis Uia ,
tnonJ Mnnd la Kf-d and '.'"tJ metallic'
rjkotit.. ni'iUud with blue rflihon. Take
f Htm ami imitfttitmt. At PruM-iMt. or tend 4
' In it nipt for itarllftulifi. t"tfni9tilal n4
" KCiier r or Laii r tmrr, or mnn
Mali. fMM0 Ti-4tlmnlnU. ttnmt Paptr.
ll(hifprt:a(!Bitli;wldA(llM(iti ttnniiias.
i bj tul Lowal DrugfUU. PhiiaMsab, i'a
Odd and End and
Remnant Sale
We begin the season with full
assortments of the best goods we can find, if they work
down evenly, all right; if they dont, it's all right too.
T There conies a
Lots of times people don't
don't buy it take dresses and bedsteads, but leave the
commode here an orphan as it were. There are lots of
homes where they are needed where they'd answer the pur
pose of a dresser, if a mirror M ere hung above them. Well
made, attractive looking commodes as low as $2.75 Mirrors,
suitable for such a purpose, 90c.
Odd Chairs
To break a set of chairs means to break the
prices on the remaining ones; it doesn't pay to give samplo
room to sorts that cannot be supplied in full sets; hence our
willingness to accept about two-thirds regular price.
Vm Coll 515
408 Lackawanna Avenue
OaMraJ Off lc 5CRAMT0N.PA.
Superior Face Bleach
Positively Remotes ill Facial Blemishes.
Aialea Fae Powder si mprjcr to say faoa
powder ever manoCactaMd, (Tied aaa 00m.
OMBdod by leadjas MeMjr ana rot!eiil
beaatle, becaun It siva IB tost poeetul
Ifoct and nnver laavo to skla rouffh or
naly. Price M pants.
Thrlxogehe, Nature's Hair Qrawnr, Is th
greatest Hair Inviixn-ator of til areeent pro
Teaslv sire, bonta purely a ftbl com
pound, entirely harml.s. wbA Marrroloo ia
ft beneficent fieata. All disease of tnoha!r
and sralp are rdaol'.y eared kr the dm of
Tbrtxegen. Price 60 oente ana $1. For sals
at K. U. llttiel Halr-drmlng anA Maalour
parlors, ISO Laekawenaa av. andHe. 1 Lan
nlnu Bnildiaa, Wllk-Bara MAU order
filled promptly.
Cinnplexifin Pressrn.
Itenore Frsekle. Pimples,
Liver . Moles, Blsckhetds!
8i:nhra sua Ten, and re
stores tbo skin to its orl
.1 al fwMlitlAM VkiAiinin A I
f.iap and aealthv mm-
pIcilOB. BnpcriortolJliaoa- ' '
nrsimntion and .perfectly haralasa. At an
tirugltta, or mailed lor SOcu, Bend for Circular.
VIOLA 8 ION SOAP ts mr tuf .'. a
Ihla pirtfTllf op, sonnfe Iks UIM, e wlOMet tot lb. HMir. Ulirtrt Mrs eaS lillulf BM
niA. A itncrt'", Prleo 3a Cent. ;
For sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and
JOHN H. PHET-P8. Scranton. Pa.
time when we clean out the
broken lots. We make the price so low
that quality wise, economical people can
not resist buying. Room to mention only
two or three items. There are dozen of
others equally worthy of mention.
Orphan Commodes
have room for a commode
; 225, 227 AND 218