The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 16, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Burglars Enter tbe Stores oi Kresky,
Bunnell & Co., and J. B. Doyle &
Co. Two Bellevue Weddings.
Amateur burglars plied their trade on
Ihls side during the early hours of yes
terday morning when the stores of
Kresky, Bunnell & Co., and J. B. Doyle
& Co, both of Muln avenue, were vis
ited. Mr. Doyle's loss Is about ISO. The
thieves carried away two dozen razors,
three revolvers, Jf in cash, two dozen
table knives, five pen knives and other
articles kept in hardware stores. The
entrance whs mude through the back
door which was forced open. There
were four bolts on the door but a gas
pipe in the hands of a strong, lusty
man, evidently did the business". The
loss was discovered when Mr. Doyle
reached his store at daylight.
Police OlHcer Lowry discovered the
raid on the Kresky store. At about 2
o'clock he noticed four men sitting on
the steps in front of the establishment.
The officer went around to the rear
to watch their movements, but they
suddenly disappeared. Afterward
Lowry found the back door slightly
ajar. Going into the store the evidence
of a burglary was general. Things were
topsy turvy and the condition of the
firm's private desk was anything but
private. Lotters, bill heads and all else
had been disarranged by the thteves.
The loss at this store I about $20.
Most of the articles taken were of the
dry goods order, but there Is a dearth
of cuff buttons In that particular case.
About $1.25 was taken In money
No clue to the burglars hus been ob
tained. The Kresky Job savors of
Juvenility. The entrance was made
through the o;ieii window which was
battered In at the recent fire and which
was not afterward repaired. The win
dow has bars but the spuces would ad
mit a small body.
Camp 333, Patriotic Order Sons of
America, conducted a public installa
tion of officers last evening In M ears'
hall, which was well lllkd with mem
bers of the order and men from the
Patriotic Order True Aumrlcaiis. Dis
trict President David J. Davis, of Ey
non street, was in charge. The ollicers
Installed were: Charles K. House,
president; J. V. Griffin, vice-president;
J. D. Truebody, master of ceremonies;
J. P. Harris, financial secretary: W. H.
Harris, recording set'retaiy; It. II. Haz
lett, treasurer; A. U Hauled, Inspector;
William Lyman, outside guardian; Wil
bur Busby, chaplain; Archie Busby,
past president. Previous to the instal
lation an entertainment was given, at
which William .Morgan, a real Welsh
comedian, was given an ovation for his
ertorts and huinoruii singing. Other
numbers on the programme wei":
' Selection by the Cambrian tilee club,
Sydney Hughes, soloist: John Evans,
who recited Uruce's address: William
Evans, who sang "The Sailor Boy;" A.
B. Hazlett, autolmi'p; descriptive selec
tion, Professor Johnson, pianist. The
last named number was one of the most
pleasing u the fvonlnff. Professor
'Johnson showed great skill in his musi
'cal panorama of the battlefield of
Manasses Junction. Professor James
'K. Hughes made a patriotic address
during the evening. The sentiments of
In his auditors. After the Installation!
refreshments were served, with a gen
erous deportment on the part of the
The funeral of Annie Hughes, daugh
ter of Mrs. Sarah Hughes, of Mdfi Ey
non street, will take place this after
noon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment will be
made In Washburn street cemetery.
An Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mahon, of Scranton street, died Tues
4ayand will be buried this afternoon In
Hyde Park Cathollo cemetery.
Th remains' of the late Mrs. Sarah
Pltchford will be buried tomorrow. The
service will be conducted at the res!
dence of the deceased's daughter, Mrs.
David J. Davis, of 350 Bromley avenue.
Interment will be made in Washburn
street cemetery.
Michael McNnmara died yesterday
afternoon at 4.30 o'clock after a long
Illness. Deceased was the parent of a
i ipi w i
EARLY all of the Men's Spi-ins Suits
DOLLARS, we have marked down to
in order to clear by July 1st.
Such grades stylesmakes and values we
never dreamed of offering. When we say we
sustain losses on many, and profit on none,
we appeal to the intelligence of our patrons,
and rely on our long record of reliable deal
ers to those who know us by reputation. Our
corner show window display will give you a
good idea of these suits.
Dealing Clothiers,
of lb? Suburbs.
large family. Funeral arrangements
will be made later.
Uellevue Heights had two marriages
this week, one Tuesday night, another
last night. The first was the wedding
of Mrs. Mary Ann Jones, of Roland ave
nue, to Evan Lewis, of Avenue D. Rev.
J. T. Morris, pastor of the Calvlnlstlc
Methodist church, performed the mar
riage ceremony. Both people are well
known to the residents of the Heights.
Miss Keturah Morgan, of Roland ave
nue, and Edward Weeden, of the
Heights, were united In marriage last
evening by Rev. Morris. The event
took place at the home of the bride's
mother. Miss Morgan has a large cir
cle of admiring friends. Mr. Weeden
Is a popular young ruan.
The engagement of Jenkln Jenkins
and Mary Ann Thomas is announced.
The marriage is an event of the im
mediate future.
Mrs. Benjamin Evans, of Twelfth
street, left Saturday for a western trip.
Watcyn Morgan, David Harris, Will
Collins and James Davis Is the latest
formed quartette lor singing purposes.
They will call themselves "The Ten
nis." Judge and Mrs, II. M. Edwards are
at the seashore.
The New club defeated the Browns
yesterday by a score of 7 to 5. The next
game will be on Friday. The opposing
team to the News has not yet been
selected. A challenge Is hereby Issued
to any local amateur team.
St. Mark's Lutheran Sunday School
will hold Its picnic today in Weber's
Grove. Free conveyance for the school
and friends to and from the grove.
The wagon will leave the church at
the corner of Fourteenth and Wash
burn streets every hour in the more
noon and at 1.30 in the afternoon, and
agal towards evening. Dinner and
supper will be served on the grounds at
a small cost. The public Is invited.
West Side Uusiness Directory.
FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de
sign a specialty. Floral figures, useful
as gifts, at lot Bouth Main avenue. Har
riet J. Davis, florist.
rilOTOORAPHER-Cuhlnrt Photos, 11.40
per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Startler's
Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see ths
stock of J. C. King, 1044 and 1020 Jack
Ma street.
The O'Malley family of the corner of
Warren street and Perry avenue, who
were nearly smothered Tuesday morn
ing, have ttearly recovered.
Walter Simpson, of East Market
street, has nearly recovered from the
effects of an Injury to his right hand,
sustained a few days ago while he was
enruged in heating a quantity cf babbit
Tl.o Father Whltty Glee club will con
duct a concei t and social In St. Mary's
hull Wednesday evening, August 6.
Cartleld lodge, Loyal Knights cf
America, will conduct an, excursion to
Harvey's Lake Saturday, August 1.1.
Misses Mary Helms and Clara Collier
and George Helms, of Pittston, were
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James White, William street, yester
dwy. Mrs. R. A. Reese, of Gayton, Va., Is
the guest of Mrs. J. B. Gillespie, of Oak
Jlw. Gavlgan, of New York city. Is
the guest cf Mrs. Miles Boyd, ot West
Muiket street.
The employees of the National col
liery will receive their monthly stip
end Friday.
The MInooka team will not play the
Mocslc Poplars this evening.
The Coony Hollow Pounders would
like to arrange a game with the Taylor
Reds for next week.
Miss Margaret O'Malley, of Pittston,
i sthe guest of her cousin, Miss Annie
Strayed from the premises of the un
dersigned on Saturday, July 11, a light
brown mare, white spot In forehead
between the eyes. Weight about 1,000
pounds. Liberal reward will be paid for
any Information leading to the where
abouts of the animal. Benjamin
Harris, superintendent Spring Brook
Water company, Mooslc, Pa.
en i
Hatters and Furnistas.
Annual Meeting and Election of Officer
of the New Germanla Building ad
Loan Association Store Cloied.
The first annual meeting of the New
Germanla Building and Loan associa
tion was held last evening in the office
of Alderman Peter Robling. of the
Eleventh ward. A year ago the asso
ciation was organized and Its progress
has been substantial and gratifying.
Officers to serve for the ensuing year
were re-elected as follows: President,
Robert P. Koehler; vice-president, John
Scheuer, Jr.; treasurer. Christian Flc
kus; secretary, Jacob F. Miller; direc
tors, for three years, Ambrose Hers,
Patrick M. Eagan and Henry J.
Spruks; for two years. Jacob Kunz,
George Neher, sr.. Frank NIchter; for
one year, John Halm, jr., R. A. Zimmer
man and Peter Robling, sr.
Leon F. Olchefskl was visited by
Deputy Sheriff John J. Fahey yesterday
and his store was closed until next Wed
nesday mornl-,g, when It will be sold
out. Leon was married not long ago to
the widow of the late lamented Joseph
Rudewlck. He opened a grocery store
at the corner of Pittston avenue and
Elm street, and borrowed $850 from his
wife to carry on the business. Two
judgment notes were given for this
amount and when they became due he
was unable to meet them.
Rev. Valentine Balough. formerly of
this side, later of Old Forge, but now
of Westmoreland county. Is visiting on
this side and spent last evening with
Michael Miller, of Cedar avenue. Rev.
Put her Balough has three sons and all
of them are priests. He belongs to the
Greek Cathollu faith. During his pas
torate In Old Forge he was opposed by
a clique In his congregation and the re
sult was much litigation last summer.
Undertaker O. A. Miller received his
new hearse yesterday. It is the finest
in the city.
Repairs on the Cedar avenue bridge
yesterday caused the patrons on the
South Side to transfer from, one car to
another and submit to a great deal of
The German Krelger Verein will run
a picnic at Central Park on August 24.
Frank Harper and Stephen Cleary,
two Pittston avenue youths not over
years of age, disappeared from home
Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock and did
not return until yesterday morning.
They had been out on the mountain
picking huckleberries and eating them
and got lost.
Miss Mamie Nolan, of Brooklyn, N.
Y Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James
F. Best, of Hotel Best, Cedar avenue.
Mrs. Thomas Spruks, of Prospect ave
nue, has recovered front a serious Ill
ness. DUNMORE.
Misses Mertis Finch and Kate Busch
are spending their vacation with Miss
Jessie Weatherly, at East Benton.
Will Harvey is visiting friends In
Englewood, N. J.
C. L. Jay spent yesterday with Car
bondale friends.
Miss Alice Eckersley, of the North
End. who has been the guest of Mrs.
William Jeffrey for the past few days,
has returned home.
Oscar Yost and son Lester, John
Helsner, Frank Smith and A. Wildi
have returned from a Ashing excursion
through Wayne county with a splendid
mess of fish.
Miss C. Cllne. of Shenandoah, is vis
iting friends in town.
Mrs. William Ralner, of Clay avenue,
sails Saturday for Johannesburg, Africa,
to Join her husband, who emigrated a
few years ago.
Miss Grace Stanton, of Whitney's
Point, Is the guest of Mrs. R. Savage, of
Green Ridge street.
E. F. Altemose Is spending today with
friends In Elmlra, N. Y.
The new hose carts of the John B.
Smith and A. D. Spencer Are companies
will arrive here today. The event will
be commemorated by a grand parade
In the evening and each company will
hold a reception and smokenln Its re
spective buildings. "
The Llllles base ball club,of Arch
bald, will play a return game with the
Nonpareils on Dunmore grounds, July
18, at 3.30 o'clock.
Miss Maggie Thomas, of Philadelphia,
Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mitchell, of
Centre street.
Edward Collins met with a serious
accident In the Calico mines while em
ployed In running cars. He Is being at
tended by Dr. Murphy and is progress
ing very favorably.
Mrs. Jacob Christ and daughter
Mabel are visiting frjends in Tunk
hannock. Miss Dalna Capwell, of Lake Winola,
Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. William
Packard, Of Cherry street.
Miss Annie Gilllgan has returned
home from a visit to Kingston.
Mrs. Henry Parfrey, of Brook street,
died at her home yesterday morning at
4.20. She had been ailing for a consid
erable time. Deceased was fifty-three
years old and was born at Carnaervon,
South Wales. She had lived In Dun
more for the last thirty-one years. She
Is survived by her husband and two
sons, David and Titnotheus. The
funeral will take place from the Metho
dist church at 1.30 o'clock Saturday af
ternoon. Interment will be made in the
Dunmore cemetery.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itch
ing and stinging; most at night;
worse by scratching. If allowed to
continue tumors form, which often
bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore,
Swaynes Ointment stops the Itching
and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in
most cases removes the tumors. At
druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents. Dr.
Swayne ft Son, Philadelphia.
A Deep Scheme.
From the Indianapolis Journal.
"She is that stingy," said Bridget Agnas
to her caller. "If I wrap up the least bit of
tay for the folks at hum, sure she misses
It at once."
"Fwy," atked the vliitor, "don't ye take
It out the bottum av the can?"
'When Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris,
When she waj a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she beoatus Miss, she clung to Castorls,
Wtuu aba haul Children, she gavettiein Castor! f.
Wall Street Review.
Xew York, July 15. The Stock market
was 'demoralised at one time today and
the liquidations were on a wholesale scale.
The break in prices which extended to 7'i
per cent, in the case of Lackawanna was
the result of Increased activity on the part
of the bear leaders who aro temporarily
unopposed by rhe bulls, the engagement of
Woo.000 guld for shipment to Europe to
morrow and a belief that about two mil
lions more will be exported on Saturday,
the slight advance in sterling exchange
and the Illness of Cornelius Vsnderbllt.
A drop In I'nited States four per cents of
1K!3 of nearly two per cent., which Is
something very unusual, added to the
nervousness which prevailed. The shrink
age in the gold reserve, however, gave the
most concern and the withdrawals of tho
metal for shipment were used with good
effect by those operating for lower prices.
There was an entire absence os support
and the friends of the Gransrers, anthra
cite coalers and Industrials stood idly by
while the prices for their erstwhile favor
ilea were cut down one per cent, or so be
tween sales. The depreciation naturally
uncovered a great number of atop los
orders and the selling for the account of
holders whose margins had been exhaust
ed reache large proportions. London Wis
attracted by the low range and bought
probably ten thousand shares, but this
was a drop in the bucket and proved un
availing so far as checking the downward
movement is concerned. A number of the
prominent issues touched the lowest fig
ures of the year and notwithstanding this
there was very little disposition to buy
until near the close. This led to a gen
eral rally and the market left off steady In
tone. Net changes show losses of 4 to
7i. Lackawanna leading. Total sal s were
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN AL
LBN CO., correspondenta for A. P.
CAMPBELL, stock broker. 413 Sprues
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. inc.
Am... Tobacco Co .... i0 CO4 G3',i CO1.
Am. Cot. Oil II S-4 k"i
Am. Sug. Re'g Co ..l'XHi lWVi 1W'4 1(8
Atch.. To. & S. fe.. 13H 13, 1S, 12
Can. South 45 43 43 43
Che. & Ohio 13H 13'- 13;
Chicago Gas EM 6tV 51 53
Chic. A N. W 97 97 '3 '4
Chic. B. & Q 7)i 7H4 IM4 61
C. C. C. & St. L 27 27 ! I!5'4
Chic, Mil. St. P .. 73 73H 71 7:'
Chic, H. I. & P .... 0OV4 tit4 57
Delaware & Hud....U'l 121 118 118
D. . L. A V lihi ISOH 149 -1D0
Dlst. & C. F 13 13 Vi KVi
Gen. Klectrlo 24 24 22i 23
Lake Shore 142 142 UlVi 142lj
Louis. Nash 47l-i 47 46i 4K'i
M. K. & Texas, Pr .. i'3 2IH U 19
Manhattan Ele 95 tWVa 94si 8.-14
Mo. Pacific 2U ) 19 19
Nat. Cordage 4H 4-H 4 4
Nat. Lead 21V 21W S 20
N. J. Central 5'i 5 91 Vi
N. Y. Central 93 83 92 14
N. Y., L. B. & W.... 14a 14' i 13 13
N. Y S. ft W.. Pr .. 2iH ttJij 17(3 l'i
Nor. Pacific Pr .... lu'i 13'a 15'i 15H
Out. West 13 13. 1? 12
Omaha St 3(5 .V 3."n
Pacific Mall 20H 20 194 ' 20
Phil. & Read 1-H l&ii 12 124
Southern R. R 8s 8V4 8 8
Southern R. R., Pr.. 23 23 21 22
Ten.. C. & Iron 19V 19H 17
Texas Pue lnc 64 H GMi
t'nlou Pacific 6 6H 674 i
Wabash 1 fi 0 it
Wabash, Pr lG'i 154 14 15
West. Union 81t 81, 7! H
W. L 8 8--S VI, 7
I.. 8. Leather 6 6 6
V. 8. Leather, Pr.... 6") f 4S4 W
I. S. Rubber 11 15H 15 U
Op'n- High- Low- Cloa
WITRAT. ing. est. out. ini.
Soptaimhor 65 fi Hi . K",
December V& 8 58H ii
September K 17 1CH 1G
September 2S !S 2714 27
December 23V 2SV 27"s 27
September 3.72 3.72 3 70 3 70
Docembar 3.87 3.S7 8.87 3.S7
September 6.60 6.65 6.55 6.G0
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
QuutationsAli Quotation Based
on Par of 100.
Dime Dep. ft Pis. Bank
Scranton Lace Curtain Co. ..
National Boring ft DrlU'g Co
First National Bank
Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co...
Elmhurst Boulevard Co
Scranton Savings Bank
Bonta Piute Glass Co
Scranton Car Replacer Co....
Scranton Packing Co
Weston Mill Co
LacRawanna Iron ft Steel Co.
Third National Bank
Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. ..
Scranton Traction Co
Scranton Glass Co
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage due 1918
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage due 1918
Scranton A Pittston Trac. Co.
People's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage due 1920 .....
Dickson Manufacturing Co. .
Lacka. Township School 5..
City of Scranton St. Imp 6
Borough of Winton 6
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Scranton Axle Works
20 50
Philadelphia Provision Market.
Philadelphia, July 15. Provisions The
market was steady, with a fair jobbing de
mand. We quote: City smoked beef, 11a
12c; beef hams, 315.50al6.50 for old and new,
as to average; pork, family, HOalO.jO;
hams, S. P. cured, In tierces, 8al0c; do.
smoked, 10allHic., as to average; sides,
ribbed. In salt, 4'c: do. do. smoked, 5a
5c; shoulders, plckle-cured. ta5!c.; do.
do. smoked, 6a6Hc; picnic bams, 8. P.
cured, 6Ha6c; do. do. smoked, 6a7c;
bellies, In pickle, according to average,
loose, 5a5lyc. ; breakfast bacon, "IjiiSc, as
to brand and average; lard, pure, city re
fined. In tierces, 4'sa4c. ; do. do. do. in
tubs, 4a5c: do. butchers', loose, 3a4c.j
city tallow. In hogsheads. 3c; country do.,
2Ha2c., as to quality, and cakes, 3'4c
Xcw York Produce Market.
New York, July 15. Flour Dull, weak,
unchanged. Wheat Spot market more
active, easier; f. o. b., 64lic; ungraded red,
64ati5cx No. 1 northern, 65c; options were
moderately active, closed weak at Halj.-.
decline; July, 61Vo.; August, 61c; Sep
tember, 62c; October, C2c. ; December,
63',so. Corn Spots dull, easier;. No. 2. 33", c.
elevator; 34c aoafit: options were dull,
steady, ic lower: July, 33c: September,
83c; October, 34c Oats Spots dull,
firmer; options dull, easier; July, 21lc;
'August. 20c; September, Vl'V. ; spot
prices. No. 2, 21V,c; No. 2 white, 22c,:
No. 2 Chicago, 22c; No. 3. 20He:: No. 3
white, 21c: mixed western. 21a224c;
white do., 22a2c; white state. 22a2tic. Beef
Quiet, steady. uncvhar.Kcd. Lard
Quiet, easier; western steam, 34; city, $3.30;
September, 34; refined, dull; continent,
34.25; South America, 34.65; compound. 4a
4c. Pork Steady, quiet; old mess, "a
8.50: new meess. I8.75a9. tsutter Qul"?t,
fancy steady: state dairy, I'laH'jc; do.
creamery. Il?al5c; western dairy, 9al2c;
d. creamery. It l-5al5c. ; do. factory, Ka
lie; Elglns. 15c; Imitation creamery, lua
12c. Cheese Quiet and unchanged. Ekm
Steady, moderate demand; stnte and
Pennsylvania, 134al4c.; western fresh, 11
al3c; do. case. M.59a3.
Buffalo Lire Stock.
Buffalo, July 15. Cattle Receipts. 2.008
head; on sale, 12 hd; market steaily;
veals active and higher; good to chjico
lots, S4.85a5; buttermilks and fed calves,
32.25a3.25. Hogs Receipts, 4.C49 head; on
sale, 3.200 head; market steafly; Yorkers,
13. 75a 3. 80;- pigs, 33.80;' mixed and packers,
S3.75n3.77H; medium, 33.62Haa.70: extreme
heavy quoted at 33.45a3.5o; roughs, 33a3.15:
stags, 32.25a2.75. Sheep and Lambs Re
ceipts, 2,tul head; on sale, 14 head; marlsat
. BATS ;. f) HATS
The Store Is a
And Must Be Seen to
Trimmed Hats
At less than quarter of regular prlcfa.
Trimmed Sailor Hats
One-quarter of former prices.
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
At lower prices than they have ever
been known to be.
firm; good to extra lambs, 36a6.25; com
mon to fair, 5a5.7f; culls. 3.50a4.25; mixed
shep, good to choice. J3.Sla4.l5; culls to
fair, $1.75a3.65; handy wethtrs, 31.30; export
sheep, In good demand with but a few
here, quoted at 34.25a4.75.
Chicago Live Stock.
Union Stock Yards, July 15. Cuttle Re
ceipts, 14,500 head; market firm: common
to extra steers, J3.30a4.0O; stockers u:t.l
feeders, 32.HM3.CO; cows and bulls, Jl.lO.i
3.25; calves, 33a.5.40; Toxans, $2a3.Si. Hoks
Rwelpts, 18,5ih h;ad; market steady;
heavy packing and shipping lots. JJ.:s
3.15; common to choice mixed, 3.10a3.4'i;
choice assorted, J3.C5a3.60; Hunt, $3.40o3.n5;
pigs, $2.iK)a3.55. Cheep Receipts, 14,uoO
head; market stendy; inferior to cholco,
$2a4; lambs, f3i0.fV.
Oil Mnrkct.
Oil City, July 15. Option oil was quoted
today at 107n; credit balances, lc7.
Gin ol siio M iiiii
Tear Eliding June 39, 1806.
Cash on hand July 1, 18D5 3100,851 117
Cash received from school taxes. iS0,7sl 7b
Cash received from delinquent
tax collectors 23,376 C7
Cash received from state appro
priation 2.4)8 51
Cash received form sulo of high
school bonds 4;!, 142 00
Cash received from Interest on
high school bonds 1,087 60
Cash received from Interest from
various banks cn school funds. 1,767 71
Cash received from E. D. Pel
lows, secretary 5S2 7fi
Carh received from H. A. Knapp.
solicitor G.'-G 09
Cash received from registered
taxes 55 21
Total J435,514 30
Cash paid en Interest and sinking
fund account 3 21,392 00
Cash paid far commissions to col
lectors end treasurer 6,636 45
Cosh paid high school building
account 7C.403 84
Cash paid school building account li'-VW) 70
Cash paid general school account 1P7.091 15
Cash balance on hand July 1, ISM.. .30,897 06
Total 3435.514 30
There ore also 335,000 hih school bonds
In the hands of the treasurer to the credit
of the sinking fund account.
C. O. BOLAND, Treasurer.
For the Year Ended Juno 30, 1836, as Shown
by the Books of the Secretary .
Teachers' warrants $123,973 02
Night schools 6.400 75
Officers 5,436 00
Janitors 15,004 SI
Repairs, labor and material 13,456 11
Supplies 8,256 28
Coal and wood 6,771 43
Printing and advertising 416 23
Horse and wagon 307 03
Insurance 2,2) 49
Oas, water and telephone 1.213 36
Rent 8,451 84
Legal 811 41
New furniture 6,792 14
Text books 4,642 96
Tax refunding 9 36
New high school 79,141 44
New buildings 101.77! 61
Incidentals '' IS
Street Improvements 479 18
Total $379,168 22
No. 1 $ 9.629 63
No. 2 4.86 37
No. 3 7.474 53.
No. 4 2AI fl
No. 5 3,545 "3
No. 6 2.501 S3
No. 7 1.681 91
No. 8 4.077 71
No. 9 4.49H 26
No. 10 6.8; 73
So. 11 4.653 81
No. 12 6.473 78
No. 13, new 32.025 M
No. 13, old 4,193 !Ui
No. 14 10,778 77
No. 15 1.B67 CI
No. 16, new 21.4'-3 62
No. 16. old 6.521 24
No. 17 2 871 56
No. IS 5.121 93
No. 19. new 32.2i 40
No. 19, old 3.923 57
No. 20 1.454 b3
No. 21 4.344 85
So. 23 2-493 M
No. 21 1.285 S7
No. 23 , 7,921 01
No. 26 3 522 39
No. 27 16.547 9S
No. 28 6.237 49
No. 11! 3,Si) '. 7
No. 30 4,186 75
No. 31 5.IWI 67
So. ?! 4.798 3
No. 33 12.363 72
No. 31 1.CW 76
No. S3 4,623 S7
No. 36 7.274 22
No. 27 1.457 73
Training school 1.200 00
Drawing 1.W0 00
General repairs, supplies, text
books, new hlh school, legal
expenses, Incidental, etc., as
above stated In detail 109.516 46
Total ." ITT9.168 22
. Becretary,
413 Lackawanna Avenue,
Be Appreciated. Everything Harked Down.
Untritnmed Straw Shapes
At one-quarter of regular prices.
Leghorn Hats
at less than half.
Vll the newest thlntra In Flowers for
Summer Hats at half price.
413 Lackawanna Avenue.
2,000,000 BARRELS
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending larch 1, 1896,
Total Product of
ill. Hail
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels,
Largest Run on Record.
Washburn, Crosby's Superlative Is sold everywhere from th
Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in England, Ireland
and Scotland very largely, and Is recognized a the best Hour in the
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rir
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dieg, Tools ana Sup
clics. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
r.nd a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - - 300,000
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Business and Personal
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spruce Street Scrantoo
of Bargains
The Great Ribbon Sale
Still goes on. All Ribbons at less than
half. Finest quality Satin Ribbon,
Taffeta Ribbon, Dresden Ribbon, Per
sian Ribbon at less than half price.
Ribbon Bows made free of charga.
i qua re Dealers.
When In tfp'jbt what to ue lot
Nctvuu Uebilhy. Lous ot lower,
oiber we.iknnwcs, Irom any nose,
rnc Sine Pills. Drain checked
aitd full vicor quickly rcttercd.
MaileJ fnril.OO-.GboiCTSS.CO. With
$.A0 ordrr. we plve a guarantee to
cure cr rtfurd tfce money. Adrirea
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming.Aviivaand