THE SCkXSTOS TRIBUNE "WEKNESDAT Mtittift8&9 JUte 15, . 189G. ! IT IS HONEST IF ! : ; NOT BRILLIANT Saoethlaf Aboat the Chancier of Pean aylvaola's Supreme Coirt, IT HAS PROVED A SAFE TRIBUNAL Tk Worst Scaadal is Its Bscsat Hi - tory Coaceracd the ftsdiaa of. ' Poeketbook fall of Passes Balsa lat to Oa of It Members. "Penn," In Philadelphia Bulletin. The Supreme court in Pennsylvania) haa not for many years been eonild ered a brlllant tribunal by those mem feera of the bar who are best qualified to pasa an opinion on Its ability. Jt nas been rc-sarded as a safe and re speotable court rather than as one made np of jurists of the first rank. Indeed, It haa not been uncommon to hear some lawyers express a mild reeling- of con tempt for the learning and Judicial aou men of one or two of the present mem bers of the court. It Is probable, how ever, that there has been no time when there have not been a similar propor tlon of such judges on the Supreme bench. They always are obliged to suf fer the additional disadvantage of be' ing held up for comparison with some of the great judges who have gone be fore them. In the legal profession the names of such Pennsylvania jurists as John Bannister Olbson, Jeremiah S. Black and Oeorga Sharswood, three of the strongest legal minds that have graced and strengthened that tribunal, are looked upon as standards of In tegrlty, learning and judicial capacity. Compared n-tth such men. It is probable that thr. four of the present Su preme court judges would not be raised rn the public estimation. Yet it must bo said that the Supreme court of this Mate has for some time- past beeen free from any serious criticism on the score of personal worth. II II II Although the Judges are selected by political conventions. It may be said that most of them keep out of politics, said that they are much less under the Influence of politicians than is common ly supposed. It has been a long time tnce any of them haa been accused of making a decision for purely polltl cal purposes. In fact, only one of the present occupants of the bench haa ever . been Involved In such a suspicion. With si term of twenty -one yean before nun Which practically amounts to life ear Vice, a judge of the Supreme court has little cause for servlLs fear of party matters. ' Even those judges who were originally closest to the politicians have not lowered their credit with the bar on that account. A noticeable example of this fact Is to be found in the case of Chief Justice Sterrett, of Allegheny. He was defeated as a candidate for Su preme Judge Hi the general reverse which befell the Republican tioket in the autumn of 1877. It was then a com mon allegation that his Intimacy with politicians would impair his usefulness. But a year or two later, when Judge Sterrett was vindicated by an election to a term which will not expire to the year 1 WO, he quietly took his seat in the court, and has slnoe made an excellent Impression on the mlqds of the law yers who have practiced before! htm. II II II It Is a remarkable fact that, with but one exception, there has been no Judge re-elected to the Supreme bench In the past forty years, even during the time when the term of" service was but fif teen years. Several times have Judges asked tor re-election, but for the last f hi rt v.n V VMM t ha V tiav haAn tint formly defeated. Among these were Walter H. Lcnvrle, James Thompson nd Daniel Agnew. William A. Porter and Henry V. Williams, of Pittsburg (not the Judge of the same name from Tioga county), and James P. Sterrett Were also defeated after they had been appointed by the governor to fill va cancles. II 41 II It is also seldom that any judge of the Supreme cnurt has ever reached a higher position. The only conspicuous exceptions to the rule were Jeremiah S. (' Black, who became Ruchanan's attor ney general, and William Strong, who was raised to the Supreme bench of the United States by President Grant. Those that have had political asplrn tions have almost Invariably failed in having them gratified. The Democrats once' persuaded George W. Woodward to become their candidate for governor, but . It was defeated by Curtln. The Venmwble Daniel Agnew, when his term expired In 1878, foolishly Imagined that he was strong with the people, and that he might become governor or senator. Judge Mercur was also strongly Im pressed with the Idea that he might In, made a candidate for governor up to the time that the leaders decided to give General Beaver a chance for vln dlcatlon. The most resolute of the Su preme Judges In putting aside political honors was Judge Trunkey, who, If he had consented to say the word, would have been the candidate of the Demo cratic party for governor In 1882, In stead of Pattlson. The firmness with which Judge Trunkey acted on that occasion was a lesson to every Supreme court Judge who may be tempted to enter the arena of political strife. Since the Judges haw been elected for a term of twenty-one years of service, the tendency of the members of the court has been to feel that they have been set apart and conseorated for the Judi cial service, and that the only avenue of distinction before them Is that which leads to the Supreme court of the Unit ed States. : - IHI li It has often been said that the selec tion of these Judges by political conven tion Is Injurious to the character of the supreme court Yet it will be found that In character, In attainments and In ex cellence In service the judges who have been chosen by the people since the elective system was adopted In 1851, rank as high as could be expected from any other system of selection. If we may Judge at this late day. from the average reputation of the supreme court Judges that were appointed by the governors, there la no reason why those of the last tlhrty-seven years should shrink from a comparison. After all that may be said of political conventions, It Is seldom that an unfit name for the Supreme wncn is aiwwea to go oexare tnem. . II II II ' The most serious charge and the one hot without some ground bore and there for justification, Is that the Supreme court la susceptible to the uflueno of cerporatloas. The railroad Interests hi particular have for many years endeav ored to have a votes ha the selection of lodges and sometimes hare succeeded, The power, social, offlelsJ and other wise, which may bo thus moved In ln fluenoM the judges Is Insidious and far nachlog. Nevertheless It Is a long while slnoe any decision of the Supreme surt affecting these Interests has been ailed ta . question. . There are some Jwdges, however, -who . lay themselves Be to IMputatkm which fhey oould aadly avoid. Judge Green, for exam ple, at one time lost his poeketbook; When It was picked up on the streets it was found filled with railroad passes. No good' Judge -will carry a pass or ac cept a private favor of any kind that might probably be consctrued as In fluencing his Judgment. I don't suppose that Judge Green's travelling on the passes) he lost Would have cost him $300 annually at the most if he had paid his fares, and he could have afforded to pay this rather than suffer the tart criticism which the discovery of his passes excit ed. The fact Is the Supreme court Judges, Indeed all Judges, and the mem bers of the legislature should by law and not by the grace of companies, ride free while In office. II II II The only Democrat on the Supreme bench is Judge McCollum, of Susque hanna, and he reached his place by a curious accident. In 1888 there was a regular vacancy in the court, and the Republicans nominated Judge James T. Mitchell, of this city. As It was certain that the Republicans would elect Judge Mitchell by a large majority, the Demo cratic nomination went begging. When the convention met, everybody, who had been proposed for Judgeship de clined, It could easily have been had by Judge Arnold and finally. In sheer WILFRID LAURIER, CANADA'S VICTORIOUS LIBERAL CHIZFTAIN. (Will Soon Pe the Prime Minister of the Dominion Government J From the Chkago Times-Herald. desperation, It was tossed to Judge Mo Cullum. In the midst of the campaign Judge Trunkey died. Under the con stitution when two places on the Su preme bench are to be filled at the same time, each party Is entitled to one. Thus lum fell into possession of one of the It was by sheer luck that Judge McCol great prises of his profession until the year, 11I. II II II Slnoe the Superior court was made a fender between the Supreme court and the lower courts there has been much curiosity to ascertain the effect of the Chang on the old tribunal CATCHING "CAP" NELSON. Bow Moonshiner Got Part of the Reward Offered for His Capture. From the Washington Evening Star. "Cap" Nelson Is a moonshiner whose stills In Clinton county, Ky., have never been found. (The revenue officers have endeavored for years to catch him, but the nearest they ever succeeded was about two years ago, the details of which raid were told by Thnd Arnold, one of the .deputies who accompanied tne posse. We left Point Burnslde," he said, "and stopped the first night In Monti cello, starting early the next morning for Benton mountain, near which Nel son was known' to live. As we rode up the narrow bridle nath. that Is the easiest wajpto the top of the mountain. a mountaineer met us. " 'Howdy, strangers.' he said. " 'Howdy.' we answered. " 'Going to Albany?' he Inquired. Tea.' " 'Wall, I reckon I kin do yo'uns some good an' make an' hones' dollar,' he re marked. 'One of yo' all jess git down an' come hyar.' 'Our leader dismounted, and the man aid, cautiously: 'Thar's a feller named Cap Nelson hyar, an' thar's rewards fur 'Im. Et yo' all will bring some men hvar, I'll go halves.' After a little sparring a deal was made with the fellow, who took us to a house for supper, where he said Nelson had an engagement to come that night. We watched the informer carefully and kept our weapons ready for use. 'Yo'uns all go up yander In the loft an' keep a sharp lookout. When It comes, Jump right down an' capter "Im suddent. Take me, too, for my hide would n' be worth chucks ef they hed an IJee he war given away.' "We were a little suspicious, but kect a close watch upon the man. He was not out of our sight except when he went to feed the horses. About the time It grew dark there were sounds of horses' hoofs and our spy whispered up the loft: 'He'll ride up an' 1 11 go out an' see 'lm an" stop In. When yo' all hear three pletol shots yo' kin know It's 'Im. CM yo' crit ters and surroun' 'lm.' "We started after the horses, the pis tol shots were heard as we reached the log stable. The horses were gone, the lights -were out in the cabin, and when we got back It was deserted. We finally got Into the house and loosely scrawled on a piece of brown paper was written: I told yo all I'd show you Cap Nelson for half the $2,000. You all et supper with him, but he don't live hear as a general thing. He took the horses for half what you owe him for showing himself, aad the rest can be sent to him at Montlcello.' "It was the last trace we could And of htm and we walked thirty miles to town, ' expecting every minute to be shot at." If Use Baby Is Catting Teeth. lira Window's Soothing Syrup has bean aw for ever Fifty Tsars by Mil- m BDUirj i or ieir cinom Teething, with Perteot fueeesm oetMatMCBlla. Softens Om Oama Ahaya nil Pain; Cares Wlad Colls and 1 r seay ror starrbsea. Sold at In svenr nart ef the world. ear aH as for "sirs. Wins low's r sVras- and take other 're 'cents n Dcxue. WHERE SALARIES ; ARE QUITE HIGH Bit Pay May Be Had by Competent Mine Managers, SOME NOTABLE INSTANCES CITED Remuneration Bich and the Road to Wealth a Bore One for Able BUnrag Engineers, bat Young Gruduates More Numerous Than the Oppor tunities That They Seek. The general statement sometimes made among men Interested in mines and mining, or in the branches of work onen to the young graduates of the colleges, that these are not enough competent mine managers to supply the demand, has led at times to the exten sion of that remark Into an assertion that every graduating cluss In the tech nical schools Is snapped up at once, says a writer In the Sun. As Knglish By the Courtesy of H. H. Kohlssat capital; operating' mines in this coun try and in Africa, is perhaps the most In evidence In the mining in dustry it Is commonly said that the Englishmen are doing thu or doing that, and the statement has been made that the British mining companies are grabbing up everybody In sight It Is added that the pay is big, as the field is great, and a ready In stance of the handsome remuneration awaiting these fortunate graduates Is found In the experience of John Hays Hammond, who, it is said, receives $60, 000 a year. Such statements are misleading. It Is unquestionably true that there are not enough competent mine managers to supply the demand. But authorities controvert the assertion that the grad uates of technical schools Immediately find tempting places watting for their appearance In the fields of the practical work. It is true that men of ability of John Hays Hammond can command very large salaries for their services in managing mines, but Mr. Hammond, when he went to Africa for 960,000, had already shown his capability and won a high reputation in the United States. He Is a graduate of Yale, but he did not step from the university Into tile $60,000 place. MISAPPREHENSIONS. It would be hard to show that in pro portion more graduates in mining en gineering make shining successes than graduates of a law, medical, or theolo gical school. There are not so many in the classes In the mining schools as at the other Institutions, and of the grad uates In the various branches of min ing those whose work is to be gold min ing the branch commonly fex".yl ta when mine managers are spoken of are very few When they get through their college course or their term of special study they scatter to work wherever there are mines. So a num ber, In fact small, tends to appear smal ler because less Is heard immediately of the Individuals. This being so, and news being heard of a lack of compe tent mine managers, the conclusion is sometimes jumped at that there - Is a managership awaiting the able grad nate. In time there Is one. But the graduate of a mining school Is not ready to take the direction of a mine. It Is accepted among mine own ers In these days of scientific mining that book knowledge is essential to the sat isfactory o:eratlon of a mine, but it has to be supplemented by an actual. practical working knowledge oi the mining Industry, which can only he ob tained by active,, and intel ligent labor In ths fields find under ground. So the graduate haa some thing to do before he Is prepared to of fer himself as a competent mine manag er. Some graduates seek work In offices or with other engineers, some In the mines. After this they are on the piano If they have been diligent and have na tural ability, whero they are likely to receive big offers to go and take charge of mining properties. There are good mine managerM who are not college graduates, but those of them who ore not nabobs, the product of an earlier and less utilitarian day. are not the ones who are making 160,000 a year to start In on. although some ttmes they may have good salaries. And they are not the one who are making their million or minion aad a half of dollars. . HAS TO BE SEASONED. The graduate who goes out to a mine is likely to be looked on at first as some thing of a hothouse growth and has not to bring the stores of his Intellect to bear upon the practical problems of the day's task and play one against the other to equip himself for the place of master. His technical knowledge of formations must enable him, an an ob server among the mines of two conti nents says, to make a good guess at the lay of a vein, and his experience must enable him to make surveys under ground as well as upon the surface. If he Is to be a manager, he must be able to do a given piece of work as well as the best of his workmen, and this Im plies strength as well as skill, and he must be equal to the task of managing men. too. "To become a successful mine man ager. " the same observer says, "three qualities are requisite: First, there must be endurance, and an accurate judgment of human nature must ac company scientific ability." When these qualities are combined their Doesessor has not far to seek for an opportunity to exercise his acquire ments In a remunerative' Held. More than that, he is assured of a fortune, for it means that he is at the top of his profession where the reward Is propor tionate to the early hard work and ac cording' to the scarcity of competent men. There are few professions, if. there Is one, that offer such promise of magnificent reward In a compara tively few years of labor as does that of a mining engineer. There are few that pay so handsomely In a short time: and yet, as in most of tho older professions, there seems to be, accord ing to Eome of those to whom applica tions for places are sent by young graduates, mure beginners in the field most of the time than there are good places. Tho mine owners ore not 6o anxious for graduates for managers that they tumble over one another in tho effort to secure one whom they may train up in the way they w.uit him to go. The owners of mines, as a rule, are not on, hand to oversee their property, and they want a man, already capable, to whom their Interests may be intrust ed. One reason, for the lilch salaries paid to mine managers is that, their work being bo far from headquarters, It is necessary that the proprietors shall secure men upon whom they can rely absolutely, not only for fidelity to their interests, but also as able to conduct the enterprises without directions from, home. And another is. in the case cf the African mines for Instance, that competent men wo not willing to go to so distant a place without very good salaries. It has been said that, should an ordinary mining man from here, above the grade of common laborer, go to Africa at the price he commanded here, he would probably find himself getting loss salary than some of his foreme.ri. OVERRUN. And yet tho word from South Africa is that young graduates should not go out there. Dr. Itosalter W. Raymond of the American Institute of Mining En gineers says that all his letters from tho Transvaal are to this effect: Don't send us any more men. Dr. Raymond says that his experience loads htm to a contrary eoaalUAton to that that ths companies ora snapping up all the graduating classes of the technical schools. He has numerous applications from young graduates for places which he cannot find. On, tho other hand, when a company Is seeking o. thorough ly competent manager It is not easy to lay finger on one. The English com panies have taken a good many Ameri can mining engineers, and they are pay ing thorn big salaries, and there are some more big salaries awaiting the thoroughly able men. But Dr. Ray mond says that he 1b unable to see that the demand exceeds the supply of com petent managers Inr minlnfr engineering except at the top of the profession. In one branch, however, that of hy draulio mining, there Is now a decided shortage of men. Inquiries for tliern come to this country. Dr. Raymond says, but the men are not to be had. Hydraulic mining in California stoppd ten years ago, and no one is paying at tentlon here to that kind of work. I know men who can do it." Dr. Ray mond said " but they are swells now, and $1,000,000 would be no inducement to them." One of the causes of thin ranks among mining engineers, particularly, perhaps, Americans, Is that a number of them have developed a facility of persuasion such that they have become most able and valuable promoters, and they find an agreeable and remunerative occu pation In the service of some English capitallets. A CHURCH CONTRIBUTION. I'niqne Method in Which the Minister Obtained It. Prom the San Francisco Post, 'Father Maloney was one of the best known and best lOved men In Nevada, romoked, on old mining man, as the grew reminiscent ova- a small bottle, "and I am sure ho did as much for the church ns any two men in tho state. When Father Maloney solicited sub scriptions for a new church, mon who never gave before dug down deep into their pockets and donated with an np pearance of cheerfulness that was sur prising. One . day he walked into a saloon where a big poker game was running. He wathched the play till he could speak without interrupting, and then said: ' 'Gentlemen, we are trying to get money enough to build a new churoh here. Do any of you feel disposed to help us out?' A big, raw-boned follow, who had been losing steadily and was conse quently In no pleasant mood, growled I'll rastle you for $40.' 'Without a word Father Maloney produced the amount and laid it on tlw bar. The gambler looked surprised and hesitated, but when the other players commenced to Jeer him ho got up and covereo the priest's wager. They pulled off their coats and squared oft. Father Maloney commenced playlnff for an opening in 'a manner that showed he was no stranger to the sport. The biK fellow made a rush and threw out a long arm to clinch h3 op ponent around the neck. Quick ns flash Father Maloney grabbed his wrist with both hands, turned and threrv the big fellow rloar over his shoiUder. He struck flat on his back with a crash that made the glass ware behind the bar rattle and jump. Father Maloney quietly donned hla clerical coat, pocket ed the stakes and watched the big fel low pick hirr.Btlf up painfully. " My friends,' said he. 'I would have been very thankful for $10. I had to be a little undignified, but I have made $10 for the church.' " Heresy in Chicago. From tho Imllanapolls Journal. The Studious Bon "Daddy, did you know the sun rises about nn hour earlier in Philadelphia than It does here?" The Chicago Father "How did you git that fool notion?" "Learnt it at school." "If they are teaching at school that Philadelphia is an hour ahead of Chicago, I guess it Is time you was took out of there and put In the store." What He Night Do. "I don't feel able to do any work on my story today," said a writer to his wife. "My head Is badly muddled' "Then I wouldn't try to write, dear," re plied his wife soothingly. "Supiwse you just turn off two or three poems today." Judge. Eve's Immunity. Once upon a time, ever and ever so long ago, there was a man named Adam. And tils wife's name wss Eve. And there arose a mighty epidemic of measles In that land. - But Eve wasn't afraid.' ..'." ' 8c had Adam. Judge. , NEW WOMAN AND : ' HER SUPERSTITIONS ' ' V Advanced Ideas Haven't Charged (he Sex in One Regard. THEY STILL BBUEYE IN OMENS Some of tho Notions Which Assist in Regulating the Uvea of the Best and Brainiest ofthe Better Halves of 9TnnklndWhat n Yasiar Girl and a Virginia Girl Thought, From the New York Telegram. The new woman believes In-the ex tension of suffrage to her sex, 1n dis cussing all social problems, In cancel ling the word "obey" from the mar riage service. In bloomers and In just as many superstitions as even her great-great-grandmother, adhered to. The very newest woman will hop oft her bicycle in a muddy road, drag an old horseshoe out of the mire, carry it home in triumph orid attribute her next piece of good luck to that rusty piece of iron, because one of her sex. by hubit or na tural inclination and in spite of her MADEME LAURIER. WIFE OF CANADA'S COMING PRIME MINISTER. yy . x - - . ' xor -v. iniri Mnio. Laurier, wlfo of Wilfrid Laurter. the coming premier of Canada, Is an ad mirable example of the best type of French-Canadian gentlewoman. For many years she has not only led In French society at the capital during par liamentary sessions, but has fulfilled with gentle dignity all those other manifold social offices whioh fall to the lot of tho wife of him who leads his party. Some what younger than her distinguished hus band. Mme. Laurler is a handsomo woman of about 45. with that type of good looks whioh is 111 portrayed by photograph. Delicate features, clear blue eyes, silvery hair, a fresh, girlish complexion in youth ful contrast to t he graying tresses, a quick French smile, with flashing impression ef white teeth and sudden dimples that U Mme. Laurler as no camera ever can do her justice. As Mile. Zoe Lafontalne, of Montreal, she who has become the wife of a premier was a noted beauty. As Mme. Wilfrid Laurler she Is a noted chatelaine and sweet helpmeet one as able as she is quiet and tasteful. Tne Laurler home Is at Arthabas fUvlllo, a email Onebeo aown, a quaint old house set In eight acres of land, where the suites man has quiet for trtklng- his rest, and Mine. Laurler opportunity for cultivating the plants and flowers which comprise Sue of her cfilt-f Joys. There are no chll ren In he Laurler household other than From the Chicago Times-Herald. higher education, continues to believe lit signs and omens, "It's jjood luck to pick up a pin only when you see ope on g?ttln out of bed," said a bespectacled Vassar gradu ate gravely, "but ones must pick up all the pins one Bees In the course of a day, elso one will be cheated or lose a bit of money before nightfall. It's good luck when the cracking sparks irom a wood lire spring towafl you, she continued, "and when the palm of your hand itches rub it with tho rough edge of a piece of money and you will soon receive money to add to that piece. If you dream three tiroes in suc cession of birds, you will fall heir to a fortuae within one year, and something agreeable will occur In twelve boors If you happen unconsolously to put any garment on inside out To reverse the garment changes tho luck. If you open a book upside down, don't attempt to read In It or you will presently overhear something disagreeable to yourself. I know a great many people who believe that blue-eyed people are mote lucky than dark-eyed ones, who only tell their secrets to gray-eyed friends, and who believe that a woman with a. black mole on her body is bound to come to n tragical end." "Hvery woman who entertains ie suro there la one day In the wek on. which sho can have no success In any under taking. J know lots of women who never make any positive engagements for Saturday," declared a woman in' a position to know. "Saturday Is a very b!ack day In society lists. Mid there ure numbers of otherw ise sensible individu als who will never entertain on the day of the week on which some member of their family has died, Just ns there nr.? those who, having once worn n gov.'n to a funeral, will promptly give the whole coslunu? away. Moreover some girls I know feel there are certain garments In which they always meet with lll-liir k. It may be a pair of pretty stockings or gloves, or a dainty petticoat that shows signs of being hoodooed, and once the evil genius is accurately fixed on the accutscd garment, off It goes, and usu ally the possessor burns it, or gives It to some girl she has a grudge against. Now, of course," continued the parlor Bernhardt solemnly, "you know all that using a cracked mirror brings wrinkles, and why have jewelers never been able to make tho topaz popular? It Is because the majority believe that di rectly you take to wearing those yellow stones yoa will have a rival. Tile old superstitious' about cpals are parsing out, but a woman U bcund to be fickle in her affections If she wears a turquols. The signs of bad luck are the kind ons is ant to notice more carefully, and no girl w;lth a care for her loolcs ever clips her. hair ends In the dark of the moon or in the month of May at all. 1 It's Just as well to be on the safe side and ob- serve, the traditions as to cutting- tht anger nails only on Tuesdays, Wednes days, Thursdays and Saturdays, "It's the worst possible luck to lay an umbrella on a bed or divan, and It Is a fafr warning, of wine impending mis fortune when a picture' falls. I really know of many cases where dreaming of water frequently baa bn followed by the death of friends, and all women seriously look for wedding cards In the mail after dreaming on real graveyard subjects. It Is recognised to be bad luck to go back on. one's footsteps for a thing forgotten, and tho girl who stumbles on her way upstairs under stands that. In spite of leap year, her matrimonial prospects aire over for twelve months." "There is a balm, however," remarked the Vassar girl. "In, the midst of bad luck signals, by whieh the ordinary girl wisely tries to conteract her pro mised ill fortune. That Is by wishing on things and turning back the hoodoo. ;uaKe a wisn when you meet a person who has one brown and one blue eye; It Is sure to bring you good luck: wish for wealth o good weather on a shoot ing star, and wish on the new nn.on but look at It through somebody's wed dlnir rliifr, saying these worda: All hall to thee, moon! All nail to thco! 1 pray thee, good moon, revel to me This night who my true lore Khali too. il small guests who come, suro of m wel come from the kindly two. who lovo all things young and beautiful and Kood. When the Lauriers remove-to th capital, as they will, it needs must bo almost like going home. Every session- they have appeared there In company, and havo grown as beloved as they are admired of the people. With Mme. Laurler there Is the same unaffected friendliness, refine ment of manner and native courtesy that mark her husband. It seems almost as though these two, after a quarter of a cen tury of married life, had grown to bo ons in ail such external ways. But, In spfte of Mme. Laurier s gentleness and forget fulseas of self, there Is a purpfe'W and a spirit In her make-up which impresses those whom she meets, and makes them feel that hare la a woman wiho oould suf fer and bo strong In ay grat orHa of life. Mme. Laurler Is a devout Roman Catholic, but broadmladed and sympa thetic to ell. Whatever burden of care and responsibility comes to the first min ister of the crown in Canada, he Is sure of near sympathy, and a wife to encour age, stimulate anil strengthen him. Les ser virtue, perhaps, but one which ap peals 10 the mind feminine. Is that Mme. Laurler knows how to- dress loeomtnTly end woll. lirr costumes are as qtilot and elegant as her manners are. Than that, praise can hardly, farther go. By tho Courtwy of H. 11 Koulsaat. "Well, I was always taught," broke in the Virginia girl, " by my ngro mammy, that no woman would ever grow bald or gray who kept ull hor combings and used them to stuff pin cushions; also that, two spoons at one place at table meant a proposal of marriage In a twelvemonth; that July and October were the only positively lucky months for weddings, and that no sharp Instrument, ns knives or scis sors, should ever be received as friendly gifts, else In a short while some friend ship would surely be severed. There are Southern brides so sensitive on this point they won't even allow knives to be included in their hoxes of tahle silver, of the pretty steel tools to ap pear In any serving or manicure sots they recel. All New Orlrans girls carry little Images of at. Joseph In their pockets as a charm against splu sterhood, faithfully wear yellow gart ers and refusu to receive thimbles as gifts. "In Virginia,' shr- continued, "thf old-fashioned housewives, use lnvor.der In their linen to prevent Its wearing out, quickly, though I . doubt If the dried flowers possess any such virtue. South ern Rlrls always read the white spots on their flnrror nulls bi,'!nn1nfr from the thumb r.s follows: 'A gift, a friend, a fne. a lover, a Journey to go.' Thoy confidently lock f.' the best youiifi man to calf nrhen by accident a knife, the seizors or even a needle sticks up In the flour, ami to break one's string of pearls Is the sure sign cf a great illness. As positive a sign of a jiproacbliig malady Is to lose a Jewel from its setting. It Isn't to be supposed, of course." went on the fair Virginian, "that any woman pretends to k?ep puce with all ther.w signs and orm?ns: but there are very few of us who don't cherish a belief in half a dosen or more, and. partly from habit, partly from genuine fear of Ili3 to come, Wb refrain from crossing funeral processions, never walk under ladders and collect pins as wo po and confident ly believe we are safe for these pre cautions." Rheumatism Relieved in 3 Hours. "MYSTIC CURE" for . RHEUMA TISM and NEURALGIA relieves In three hours. Its action upon the sys tem Is marvellous and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and the dis ease quicly disappears. The first dose preatly benefits. 7r, ceits. Sold by Carl Lorenz, Druggist, 41S Lackawan na ave., Ecranton, A Matcrinlisl. CihaUerly Don't you believe that travl broadens a Ouirletoii Well, that depends on tho quality of the hotels he can afford to dine at! Truth. 1 frtCT' TSOft?iTrfoiror1T-enatt7T"SBS mtirt'k tmmc roff.7xteMi mm 'flit tm cacqrttBw ri rT-"rr tiht-tiim lrffisassL. THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THIS hunt icon. CO., muamm avexos. iran i FOR BUYING. Window Screens, ' Screen Doors, Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, GuStnes, Hammocks, Refrigeratoss, Lawn Motors. We have the Block and assortment. Yoa need tucai now, If ever. Literal; discount for cash on all seasonable goods. Ill CO., i:9 UfiSKlR&TOH A'JEftUL TH5 lw phi co ROOMS I AriO 2, CO'VLTH B'L'O'B, SCRANTON, PA. .KGARDLnLASTiRG JvrADE AT MOOSIO AND RUSH PALE WCJRKS. LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Eloctrio JlnHwion F.lectria Exrlodera, for es ptodluff blaatj, Hnfuty Fttue, and Repanno Chemical Co. 's HIGH EXPLOSIVB3, CALL UP 3682i CO. OFFICE AND WAREHOl'SJ. M TO Ifli MERIDIAN STREET. II. W. COLLINS, Elanager. STATE KAL SC3Q8L. i3 W-ZW-V'&IZ&j- ' K . -r- - i.W 1 ta-". aTl BALDWIN'S II 1111 M'fltF NEW GYMNASIUM. . i !.; EAST STRqUDSBURG, PA. A Famous School in a Famous Location MO!: TEE MOUNTAINS OF THE JV noto? rewrt thn DcUunrn Water Gap. A tc-hool nf thr -r to four hundred pupil. wltb bflt rrhw ttehMa phu Wmitr., n(nalntel with ttMlr pnplB) sod bell) tliom Ir JmJually lu thnir work. Mod.Tn itnprovementa. A fine naw gyrana inm. in chtrn of oxprt tralnti. We. toacu Fawin. Itraminatrln?. Ony ilaflallns. Frs band and jlmhaniojl Drawing without extra clia'-t?'. Write to as at odco for our catalogue anil other inforpit:on. You ffutn more In a small actioul titan in the overcrowded acboola. . Address GEO. P. BIBLE, Principal.