The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 15, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Pure nd
Baking powder.
Every ingredient used in making Cleveland's bak
ing powder is plainly printed on the label, information
' not given by makers of other pcwders.
. Recipe booic free. Send stamp and address. Cleveland Baking Powder Co., N.Y.
Uorrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
1 ackawanna
joS Penn A vs.
3. kind.
now 2Bc.
now 28c.
now 40c,
now B3c,
now 63c,
400. kind,
BOc, kind.
6Bo. kind,
7Sc, kind.
, esse. Kina
now 7SAc.
$1,OOklnd, now 7Bo,
1.1B kind, n
These Howls consist of Ingrains and
Brussels. . This Is a genuine Mark
Down Sale.
IIS i Ml
Carpels, Draperies and Wall Papar.
citx botes.
ToJay ends the trout fishing season.
Excursion of the Sheridan Monument
association to Farvlew today.
H. F. Ferber, exrchlef of the Are de
partment, has been made general mun-
aer of the Union Transfer company.
Josephine Kupsko, of the North Knd,
charged with unlawful conduct, wan re-
. leased from the eounty Jail yesterday on
. ball.
A lawn festival 'was conducted last night
by the ladles of the Urace Lutheran
church at Madison avenue and .Mulberry
' street.
The Kurekas and South Side teams will
V'uy a' game of ball at Athletic park
- Thursday for the benefit of the Pittston
mine sufferers.
A marriage license was granted yester
day by Clerk of the Courts John H.
Thomas to Edward Wldden und Kelur
rah Morgan, of Bellevue.
Benjamin Adklns, or Washburn street.
' became 111 at the Railroad Young Men's
Christian association rooms yesterday
. and had to be removed to his home.
The sheriff's sale of the stock and flx-
- tures of Flanaghan A Bird, proprietors
i Of the Globe hotel, on Wyoming avenue,
Ji been postponed until this morning.
' The ground about the Federal building
Vhere a few straggling blades of glass
. have been growing, was dug up yester
day preparatory to the sodding of the
Mary Mortow, of the Nineteenth ward,
was released from the county Jail yester
day on ball. She was committed the day
before on the charge of being a common
George Galdauff was committed to Jail
Mil default of ball on the charge of (le-
fraudmg a boarding bouse. He lives In
Providence and was sent down byAlder-
man Fldler.
The annual picnic and clam bake of the
; Nay Aug Hose company will be held to
day and tonight at Lincoln pack, formerly
Wahler's grove. It Is sure to attract a
large crowd.
Robert Allen, charged with assaulting
Conductor James O'Boyie, of the Dun
more Suburban line, was yesterday sent
to the county Jail In default of !uO ball
to answer at court.
. The 3-year-old son of Martin Duffy, or
Old Forge, formerly of Mlnooka, died
yesterday. The funeral will tuke place
this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment
will be made In St. Joseph's cemetery, Ml
nooka! letters of administration were granted
to Henry J. Kaufhold In the estate or
Catherine Stelnle, later or this city. The
will or Catharine Surdlval was' probated
and letters testamentary were granted to
Mark J. Irwin.
The Men's guild of St. Luke's Episcopal
church will use for another season for a
1 summer home the building at Lake Ariel
Which was placed at the guild's disposal
. by Charles Behlager. For this season the
plan for purchasing a permanent summer
home Is abandoned.
Yeataro Okano. a native of Jaoan nnd
graduate of .Cumberland university,
Tenn., will lecture this evening In the
Providence Methodist Episcopal church.
His lecture will be Illustrated by native
costumes and curiosities from Japan. A
free-will offering; will be taken.
' A number of the German singing socle
ties of the city will go to Honesdale this
afternoon to participate In the celebration
. of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the
' Honesdale Llederkrans. The Scranton
Llederkrant Is one of the societies that
I going over and wUI be accompanied by
Bauer's band.
' An excursion" to Atlantic City will be
conducted by the Jersey Central railroad
Saturday,- August !. The fare tor the
round trip will be $5 and the return tick
ets will be good on all regular passenger
trains fop twelve days. - The train will
leave here at S o'clock In the morning and
will make no stops for passengers beyond
Members of Crystal Hose Compaay
' ' Were the Pall Bearers.
The funeral services of E. A. Need
ham took place yesterday afternoon at
tit . Mulberry street, where he was
boarding when he died. The service
was conducted by Rev. Rogers Israel,
of St. Lukes Episcopal church.
The pall bearers were the following
members of the Crystal Hose company,
of which Mr. Needham was a member:
Z. J. Newman. M. P. Wilcox. Isaac
.Vice, C E. Tropp and H 3. Klin. In
terment was made In Forest HUl ccrrc-
Investigation of -the Twin Shaft Disas
ter Promises New Disclosures Pro
press Being Made la (be Mine.
The Investigation of the Twin shaft
disaster will, be' resumed tomorrow
morning in St. Atoyslus Hall, Pittston,
before Inspectors Stein, Roderick and
Brennan. -Attorney - General McCor
mlck will also be present. The attor
neys for. the miners have been busy
since adjournment' last Friday swurlng
and examining .witnesses and it Is ex
pected that some new disclosures will
be made.
There is nothing new reported from
the mine.- The tunneling: of the slope
is still going on at the usual slow but
steady rate of progress. The settlings
have apparently erased for good.
Contributions That Wire llcocivcd
Yesterday by Secretary Atherton.
New contributions received yesterday
by Secretary pi R. Atheiton of the
Board of Trado for' the Twin shnft
fund Were as follows :
Prevlouslv. acknowledged $7,1K ZO
Hairy Miller, Harlty Zlntell. Ar
thur Thomas, Arthur Ellas.
Jeorgle Payne, five Hyde Purk.
boys under 13 years of age 1 W
A. F. Law 1)
Garrett Van Sickle i W
Mrs. Thomas Ulcksou GO to)
Cash W "
Dr. N. Y. Leet 1M W
Postofllce employes 4U L'j
Sum Subscribed for the Benefit of the
Pittston Sufferers.
A meeting was held 'In the Central
school building at Olypliant. Monday
evening for the purpose of soliciting aid
for the families of the Pittston Twin
shaft disaster. The meeting was called
to order by Rev. P. J. Murphy. David
E. Lewis, Inside foreman of the Grassy
Island, was elected permanent chair
man: James Jordan, treasurer; 8. J.
Evans, secretary. The following com
mittee was appointed to solicit. First
ward, Thomas F. Nealon and Edward
Cayglll: Second ward, Matthew Gray
and M. VV.: Cumminsrs; Third ward,
John T. Mooney and Michael Curran;
Fourth ward.'T. F. Jordan and Thomas
P. Lloyd. The .committees will report
at another general meeting which will
be held one week from tonight. "The
Convict's Daughter" will be produced
at the Father Mathew Opera House
Thursday evening, July 23 by the Adonis
Dramatic eomnany for the benefit of
the fund. .
The following contributions) were re
ceived at the meeting: James Jordan.
$25; Rev. P. J. Murphy. liW; Rev. J. M.
Smoulter. $10; J. W. O'Rrlen. $10; Rev.
Peter Roberts, $5 M. W. Cummlnirs, $5;
Matthew Gray, $5; M. J. Lavln, $5;
Michael Curran, $2; P. F. Douglier. $3;
Thomas L. Williams. $2: T. F. Jordan,
$5; Thomas Gllboy. $1; Paul Kelly, $2;
Michael Ruddy, $1; P. J. Kelly, $2; M. J.
O'Halloran, $2; Thomas F. Curran, $1;
John T. Mooney, $3; James Walsh, $1;
Thomas P. Lloyd, $2; David E. Lewis,
$5; David Morgan, $1; David Edwards,
$1: Henry P. Williams. $1; David R.
Davis, $1; Thomas Donnelly, $2; M. D.
Flynn, $1; Thomas F. taealon, $1; James
J. O'Malley, $1; Thomas Kennedy, SO
cents. Total, $128.50.
WilkegxBnrre Artists, to Produce It
for the Benefit of Pittston Fund.
What will undoubtedly swell the
Pittston fund handsomely will be the
production of the opera "Mikado" In
this city on Thursday, July 23, at the
Frothlngham.-by, the-Carolen Glee club
of Wllkes-Barre. It U an organization
of much merit and includes a cast and
chorus of fine singers. Joseph P. Burns
will take' the part of Pooh Bah.
The Delaware and Hudson company
will furnish transportation free to the
eighty-seven members of the club from
Wllkes-Barre . to this city. The man
agement of the Frothlnshnm here and
the Grand Opera house. Wllkes-Barre,
will give the theatres free; the Eaver
Costume company, of New York, has
supplied costumes gratis, and Oppen
helnier's orchestra' of Wllkes-Barce,
have volunteered their services.
The prices of admtslon will be 25, 50,
T5 and $1. Checks will be given out two
days in advance. The opera Will be
given in Wllkes-Barre for the same
purpose tomorrow night and Friday
Polish Catholics' .Hake Another Ap
peal for Removal of Pastor.
The end of the' trouble in the Polish
Catholic congregation of the South
Side has not come yet.
Last night a committee consisting of
the oldest members of the congregation
again waited .upon Rt. Rev. Bishop
O'Hara to urge him to remove the
pastor. Rev, Richard Aust and compel
him to account for the money paid
Into his hands, during recent years to
sustain the church. The bishop prom
ised to make known his determination
Friday evening. The members of the
committee who waited on the bishop
last night were:' A." Sheverkowskl, J.
Narodzonek. J Krecherskl, L. F. Ols
hefskl and G. Griywrenskl.
They allege that the congregation ap
pointed a committee and Instructed it
to collect all moneys In the church
hereafter and take general charge of
the financial affialrs of the congrega
tion but that Father Aust last Sunday
refused to allow It to act. The feeling
against' the pastor appears to he grow
ing In Intensity. '
Ask Your Dealer
for McQarrah's Insect Powder, 25 and
10-cent boxes. Never sold In bulk.
Take no other. '
Hotel Warwick.
Ocean end of South Carolina avenue,
Atlantic Cltjr, N. J. Fin lawn and good
new of the ocean.
. .. Daalal Coleman, Prop.
Monster Demonstration Ratify
ing the Nomination of
McKinley and". Hobait .
Cheers Greeted the Marclnrs All
Along the Line of March Bicycle
Brigade Made a Fine Appearance.
Ringing Resolations Adopted Ad
dresses by Kablon Chance and A,
J. Colborn, Jr.
Tf there was any nml of domn
stratlnu the eentlmunt of the Republi
can of this community towards tholr
national ticket last nlrrht's natiilcation
supplied that need in tho fullest meas
ure. Despite the fact tliut people do
tint enter Into torr-h light processions
aiid the like, with as much zest as they
did In ye olden tlmi it was one of' the
blirgest polltcal demonstrations the city
evr witnessed.
There vere between four and five
thousand men in line and the streets
over which the procession passed were
literally jammed with spectators. Is
olations were profuse ami all along the
line of march there was an almost
continuous blaze of colored lights, set
oft' by the enthusiastic Itt-publlcan busi
ness men nnd residents.
The parade In addition toMts Rise was
very picturesque and contained many
new and Interesting features. There
were twenty-two clubs In line, in addi
tion to the wheelmen, and all wore the
regulation McKinley-Hobart white
yachting cap, with gold buttons on the
side, ond carried a lanterh of one de
scription nr another. Each club also
carried one or more transparencies
hearing some very catchy sentiment,
the most commented on being one car
ried by the Keystone Colored Republi
can club, "A Boy Orator is O. K., but a
Boy President Is N. O."
Stations for supplying fireworks were
established at regular Intervals along
the route and the marchers were thus
enabled to keep up an Incessant fusil
lade of Roman candles and the like.
Wherever they "moved the air was fair
ly afire and the sight presented on the
avenues where the prooesslon marched,
for a long distance, was magnificent.
The parade started at 8:20 and was
In motion until after 10 o'clock. The
four divisions formed', on the streets
running at right angles with Franklin
avenue and at the word of command
from the chief marshal. F. L. Hitch
cock, moved out Franklin to Lacka
wanna and thence over the following
route: l'j Lackawanna to Adams ave
nue, to Spruce street, to Jefferson ave
nue, to Olive street, to Washington ave
nue, to Mulberry street, to Penn ave
nue, to 8pruce street, to Adams avenue,
to Linden street, breaking ranks In
front of court house, where the mas3
meeting was held.
First came the bicyclists' division an
escort to Colonel Hitchcock and his
staff numbering, 25 aides, with J. W.
Oakford as chief. There were 600 wheel
men in line and each' wheel carried
Japanese lanterns HUHiended from the
handle-bars, forming a most beautiful
picture. Some of the. wheels also bore
other decorations and not a few were
quite elaborate.
There were also a number of women
among the cyclists. One girl wore a
bicycle costume made of American flaas
und was applauded all along the line.
The clubs represented In the division
were the West Sde Wheelmen, th
Green Ridge Wheelmen, the South SluV
Wheelmen, the Suburban Wheelmen of
Olyphant and the Scranton Bicycle
club. Coming up Lackawanna avenu
they rode four abreast and occupied the
entire stretch of street between Adams
and Franklin avenues. JJolph B. Ath
eiton was marshal and organizer of this
division and he had good reason to be
proud of It. His aides were Charles
Kerr. John Atheiton. Herbert Hall.
William Woelker, Harry Lucas and
Wallace Ruth.
One of the most applauded transpar
encies carried by the wheelmen was
"All the World's Awhoel and all the
Wheelmen ore for McKinley."
After the marshal and his aides, all
mounted, came the Luvrenee band and
then the first division, which was mar
shaled by T. Hunt Brock, with Alfred
Shoplnnd and Fred Widmayer aa aides.
The Dr. Throop McKinley club of the
Sixteenth ward had the light of line and
as far as novel display gneg deserved It.
Their torches were decidedly fin (le
Steele, being Incandescent lights mount
ed on poles and supplied toy a machine
operated on a wnson which preceded
them as they marched. A big steam
boiler and stationary engine, also car
ried on the wagon, supplied the power
for the electric light machine. Threi?
ear splltlng steam gongs were also part
of their paraphernalia. The club had
one hundred men in line, and were led
by Eugene Strong. Dr. Throop rode at
their head In a carriage drawn by four
Then ennie a carriage containing the
delegates und alternates to the Ht.
Louis convention. William Council,
Hon. John T. Williams, Conrad Sehroe
der and James J. Williams aiid another
containing District Attorney John It.
Jones. H. E. Paine, Thomas II. Dale
and Major Everett Warren.
The Polish Republican club of tho
South Side followed with 120 men. led by
Martin Woyshner nnd carrying a tran
sparency which read "Pondage In Po
land, but Freedom In America," and
another "We are In Favor of 1G Repub
lican to 1 Democrat."-
The- First, Second find Third ward
Republican clubs marched in a body
and were 200 strong. ' They enlivened
the mnrrhlnar by singing appropriate
patriotic songs.
The Olyphant McKinley Club
brought down 110 men'and a transpar
ency declarng for "McKinley and Hard
Money." D. D. Davis was their mar
shal. Throop sent down a delegation of 80
men under Joseph Fnrrlftger and were
led by the Throop band. Their banner
read "Good Money. . Protection and
Good Tlrnes.."
The second division embraced the
West Side and Green Ridge clubs. Dr.
W. A. Paine was marshal and his aides
were W.E.Thayer, George Benore, John
Pern. Dr. J. J. Uoberts, William Mor
gan and Frank Sevan.
A mounted squad, some of the riders
dressed In fantastic costumes came first
nnd then followed Crump's band lead
ing the AVest Side Central Republican
club, me.rslialed by Will Menrs and car
rying red, wh'te nml bhi' lanterns. This
club had.n-Mrly irn'n In Hn". On? of
their transparencies rend "Free Com-
n. Will Redi'ce our Wages Fifty Per
Tlir West Sitle Republican l au? hed
1L'5 men In line and wa. cuntnhW by
Harry Decker. Ainoujr their transpar
encies was this, "Sound i'iise, duuml
Cent?. IS to 1. Kit."
The I'leasnnt Vi- Republican club
which conies from the Belh'vue district
ef the Sixth ward had fft men In linn
Wall'.er Harris was their marshal. They
cp.rtlcd one of the meat novel transpar
encies in the parade. It represent oil a
latse buo; labeled "Oold" and had un
derneath the clasrlcal quotation "There
Are No Fliei on Me."
j:C'lct Councilman Tur.itlo T. Fellows
led 7."i men from the Fifteenth ward,
v.iio are not uiliattd with any of the
West Side clubs.
Select Councilman Otoixe Sanderson
marshaled 110 men from the Thirteenth
ward and behind tham marched forty
other residents of Green Ridge under
the name of the RaUroad Men's Mc
Kinley club of Green Ridge. All the
membi rs are Delaware nnd Hud:itm "in
ployes and their carried various rail
road lanterns. Georgo Geary was mar
fhil. "There Is Nothing to Worry
About. McKinley Is ihe Engineer," was
the very appropriate legend which the
railroad men bore.
The South Side clubs were assembled
in the third division, which was mar
shaled by Hon. Alex. T. Cornell, who
had for his aides Philip Wlrth, Charles
Stone. J.tmes McGuInness, Fred Miller,
Charles Neuls, Charles W. WestpfMi!.
George Wirth, Louis Fehwass. Peter
Nehr, William Smith, Cliurles Slmrcll,
James Toohll. Fred Junes, Fred Hewitt
and Charles Kloss.
Camp 430 drum corps headed the line.
Then came the Ezra Ripple Republican
club of the Twentieth ward, numbering
120 men and captained by Thomas Grif
fiths. "Protect the Man Who Protects
l's." and "Oratory Does Not Increase
the Value of Silver" were among the
behests und declarations on their trans
parencies. The Nineteenth ward McKinley club
numbered 100 men and was led by
George Wlrth.
The Eleventh ward Republican club
carrying the significant banner "The
Solid South Is Broken" marched 110
men behind Philip Wlrth, who gave the
banner the peculiar significance by
carrying that ward In the eounellmanlo
election. The Germanla band headed
this club.
Colonel E. H. Ripple marshaled the
fourth division which contained the
Dunmore delegation, the colored clubs,
the Ninth ward club and the Central
Republican club und.T whose auspices
the demonstration was held.
First came a carriage drawn by four
horses containing the officers of the
colored clubs. William Simpson. H. A.
Patterson. John A. Walker and George
W. Brown. Then followed the Key
stone Republican club numbering 73
men, officered hv G. W. Brown, Frank
Thomas, and W. H. Johnson. One of
their banners read "Only one Choice for
Congress" and the other was the one
above referred to "A Boy Orator Is O.
K., hut a Roy President Is N. G."
The Central Republican club headed
by Bauer's Band nnd captained by Mil
ton W. Lowry came next. They num-'
bered 150 men, Including many of
Scranton's most prominent citizens.
Then came the Ninth ward Republi
can club led by George Marshall and
numbering CO men.
The Dunmore delegation under the
leadership of Charles Savage followed
200 strong, being one of the strongest
clubs In line. They carried a trans
parency reading "Major McKinley now,
but President McKinley next March."
The left of the line was brought up
by the William Connell McKinley club
composed of 43 colored men. led by John
W. Muse. "There Is No Collor Like
Mine" was one of the legends
which caused people to take a second
look. Another read "Honest Vote,
Honest Count, Honest Money."
Whatever there was of red fire, shouts
ond enthusiasm during the march, all
those things were several times multi
plied at court house square, around
which the parade wound Itself and came
to n close. Here was located the speak
ers' stand, on the lawn facing Linden
street, and here was let loose till the
pent-up noise, fireworks and hurrah
that had been reserved since the pro
cession stalled. The speakers' stand,
made conspicuous by the constant burn
ing within it of colored fire, was the re
minder or the encouragement for a ver
itable river of fireworks, wave of c heers
and outburst of music which encircled
the whole square. The paratlers and
their lanterns and torches, the Immense
crowd occupying the big lawn and the
streets that encircled it combined to
niuke the scene an auspicious and en
thusiastic, curtain-rsiser to the now
present campaign. The campaign cer
tainly began with n vehemence which
argued well for a stiff and earnest flht
by Republicans.
Ttte long line of bicycles which head
ed the parade halted and arranged Itself
In two lines, one along each curb from
Spruce street and Adams avenue, along
the latter thoroughfare and through
Linden street to Washington avenue.
Between the two lines thus formed the
main body of the paraders passed, this
movement, together with the fireworks
and music which encircled the square,
making a lively picture which will not
soon be forgotten by the thousands of
In the speakers' stand only a few Re
publican notables were gathered before
the parade was ended. They entered
later and while the crowd was gather
ing on the lawn. This crowd, by the
way, contained a sprinkling of Demo
crats, as evidenced by their noise at in
tervals during the speech-making, but
their minority was so apparent and
their efforts so fruitless that the Re
publican listeners received the Interfer
ence with good nature and as one of the
natural features of a campaign nnd
drowned the Democratic Interruptions
with such lusty yells for McKinley, for
protection and for gold that the oppo
sition ceased to make Itself heard after
the speech-making was fairly begun.
Thomas H. Dale was chairman. The
speuker of the evening was Mahlon
Chance, formerly a congressman from
McKlnley's district in Ohio and a per
sonal friend of the Republican candi
date, but for twelve years a resident of
New York city and a leading member of
the American Protective Tariff league
of that city. District Attorney John R.'
Jones read a set of ringing Republican
resolutions which were endorsed by the
crowd, and A. J. Colborn made the con
cluding speech of the evening.
Others who occupied chairs in the
stand were: Major Everett Warren.
William Connell, Prothonotary C. E.
Pryor Conrad Schroeder. . Assistant
District Attorney John M. Harris, H. E.
Paine. Colonel James Falrman, Judge
n. M, McClue, of Lewlsburg, and Hon.
A. O. Furst, of Rellefonte. A number
of other well-known Republicans chose
til occupy a space back of the rtand.
'It was 10 o'clock when Chairman Dale
stepped forward und formally opened
the- meeting by briefly congratulating
the assemblage on the part It bore In
the parade. ,
Chairman Dale Introduced restrict
Attorney Jones with the announcement
that' the latter would read resolutions
which in their adoption would aiTord
the listeners an opportunity to have a
voice In the proceedings. The resolu
tions wtre an endorsement of Republi
can principles and candidates and wera
as follows:
The Republicans of Lackawanna coun:y
assembled In muss meeting for the pur
pose, of ratifying the nominations or the
party nt fit. Louis, representing not only
the several clubs and organizations of (liu
party, but also the people generally who
are In sympathy with the cause of Repub
licanism, desire to impress upon the citi
zens of Lackawanna the exceptional Im
portance of the'natlonal canvass this year.
We believe It Is the most momentous In
its effects of any since WW; not only Is
the prosperity of the people deeply con
certed and menaced, but the national
honor Is at Slake. We" assert In the moat
positive manner our abhorrence of those
who, In carrying out tlielr schemes, trail
the spotless honor of the nation through
the mire of ilisEiace. Euuully reprehen
sible are thos who are seeking to an
tagonize the sections against each other
in the spirit or envy and hate, and to cre
ate prejudices antagonistic to the rights
of the people and the constitution.
We heartily endorse the action of the
convention In St. Louis und the platform
there adopted. We believe in a protec
tive tariff; we are convinced thut pro
tection is the key note to prosperity.
Wo desire a protective tariff that really
protects, that offers eiiqal reward to labor.-
and capital that all may enjoy in
the best sense the fruit of their labor. We
not only, advocate a tariff that furnishes
revenue for all the government's needs,
but Ruch ns Is an ubsihite safeguard
against every line of foreign 'competition,
protecting fully our labor In whateverllel.l
It Is from competition with foreign pauper
labor. A protection that Insures to our
people a better life, brighter hopes, higher
education, more comfort and refinement.
The goal of the poorly paiil foreign la
borer "the alms house," must not be the
result and reward of a life of toil and In
We believe In the reciprocity policy In
augurated by that wisest of American
(atatesmtMV. James O. Blaine. We be
lieve In America and In a vigorous Amer
ican policy. We are In favor of resisting
any and all aggressions of foreign powers
and of any attempt on their part to en
croach on this nation or to 4mlnat the
Western Hemisphere. The American ptft
lcy we believe Is synonymous with pa
triotism. Aside from the protective policy of the
Republican party which we believe- to be
the key note to national prosperity, the
most Important Issue this full Is the ques
tion of the currency. The mutter is most
momentous and serious. The honor of
the nation and incidentally of every' Indi
vidual Is gt .stake make no mistake
"whom the Gods would destroy they first
make mad." A wild hysterical frenzy
seems to. have come upon a section of our
ralr Union. A party Is striving to dis
honor us before the world In advocating
a policy that will inevitably depreciate
our currency und place this greut and all
powerful nation upon the footing of small
and comparatively inconsequential coun
tries and overthrowing onr standard of
money which Is acknowledged by all the
most enl!i;htened notions of the world to
be the real stundurd of value and on which
basis we have Incurred Immense obliga
tions Mit we cannot dishonor.
Ws wish to state most emphatically
that we are' for and uphold the present
gold .standard. The American dollar must
be und shall be what It purports to be and
Intrinsically worth 100 cents all over the
world. We emphasize thut we believe
the luborer Is worthy of his hire rnd that
an houe?t dollar must and shall be paid
and received Tor a dollar's worth of work.
That no 'nation can fool with Its money
standard which is acknowledged to be the
standard of the world, any more than they
can play around a powder mill with
matches without dangsr of an explosion.
No nation on earth can make- a thing
worth more than what Its market value
Is In the commercial centers of the world,
No Fire Sale
No Water Sale
No sale of old shop-worn goods, but a
splendid lot of up-to-date Millinery at
pilce3 never before heard of In th Mil
linery art.
Oiir First Semi
Annual Clearance Sale
Already a, great success! Already a tride
wonuer! If you don't attend thin sale It because you are not Interested .n
Millinery. Uon't read our advertisements
or shut your eyes to the advantages we
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Including the painless extracting or
teeth by au entirely new process.
. M BfTUCS St., Opp. Hotel Jrrmyn.
and until such time as there Is an interna
tional agreement among the enlightened
nations upon a ratio, of silver and gold
and they abide, by an uccepted bimetal
lism the use ;of gold and silver to
gether as currency Is Impossible and no
one knows It better than the silver mine
owners. They do not tell you, but they
know the moment free coluuge laws pass
our congress, rrom that day gold will
vanish and Instead or bimetallism we will
still have a slnfsle standard, out It will
be Instead. of gold a silver standard; are
we prepared for that? Mnke no mistake.
T.e Unite 1 Statf s -must mnintuin Its pres
ent standard nml keep the national honor
unsullied and Its labor honestly rewardel
and Its currency pure and unadulterated.
We affirm this can only be done by stead
fastly upholding the platform' of tile St.
l.onls convention, and working faithfully
for the candlates of the Republican p-.iriy.
We heartily endorse the nominees of the
convention, William -McKinley, the cham
pion cf protection nnd sound money, who,
tf elected, tic bellnve will truly be an ad
vance nyreiit or prosperity, and his dis
tinguished associate. Hon. Garrett A. Ho
burt, the sterling ltepublicun lender :f
(Continued on Page 7.1
Dl F.D.
MAHON. In Scranton, July II, 1SW1, Wil
lie, .!if:int sun of Mr. and Mrs. James
Million, of Scranton street. Funeral will
tuke place ' Thursday afternoon ut 2
o'clock, interment at Hyde Purk Catho
lic cemetery.-
July Month
Close Out
Pi 1-3 1 lie Renal pn.
AU our Silver Is Quadruple
Plate ut this Price. You get it as
cheap u the. single plate goods
you see everywhere.
423 Lackawanna Avenue.
We close the first
seven days of each
month at 8 p. in.
The balance of the
month at 6 p. m.,
excepting Saturdays,
when we are open
until 10 p. m.
Cut This Out
And You Will Have a List of the Most
1 tn jr
For Sale In the City.
And the Place to Buy Them Is
flusic Store.
226.230 WYOVll0 AVE.
A Look
Over the World
Villi illsrlofp many lipautiful 1 hitiRn. hut
there Is nothing to eqmil the Elpctilr
Ferris Wheel, now on exhibition at our
store. Think of the diilcnte tints nnl
forrfoul colors muHied into a frorifoim
Hiinset. Set the colors with bift diamonds
turn on a flood of Rolden sunlight, anil yo.i
will have some Idea of the aelntlliatlnif,
lightenlng-llke flashes of beauty flung from
the wheel at every revolution. It talks
to you too In electrlrlty nnd you will
understand what it says. Come and bring
the children.
in iisi
The greatest salesman la tho world
is Price, and in. this final reduction
sale of
Ladies' and
ChHdreiVs Hats
The prices will sell If prices ever
diil, of course. The cost of making
and material is lost Bight of.
1"0 Ladies' ami Children's Trim,
med Jlat's, $3.00; sale price $1.49
100 Children's Trimmed Leghorn
Hats, with fancy edge, J3.5U;
sale prii!.....? $1.49
i!o0 Ladles' and Children's Uu
trimmed Leghorn Hats, $1.50;
sale price 47o
100 Ladies' Cnlrimmed JIuU, 08e;
sale price 19o
10 dozen Children's Lawn Hats,
40c; sale price 15a
10 doen Chlldreu'd Law n Caps,
"5c; sale price ..10o
20 dozen Children's Bailors, 40c;
sale price ..15o
Closing Out 1 lot of Ludios' Belts
nt ltu Kuch
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladies' Link
Buttons aud Stinls at 9c u Set
138 Wyoming Avena
Emerson, .
Malcolm Lm
Clough & Warrao,
And Lows. Grads; a)
Very, Lew Piicss.
We keep in stock every Color, Qual
ity, ami width of Shading, wlfu
Fringes and Laces to match.
We have SHADES two yards long,
nituintwd on spring rollers at
18 cents each.
We have auj thing else your taste or
means may require, and the BEST
VALUE for your money always.
Samples end Estates Submittal
. H'CREA a CO.
Gold or Silver
You can nav us in either
T of above, it will matter little J
to us which, but if you are in V
need of a
nrnnniup nnrcrHT
Consider Something In jjT
China.Silver, Lamps
j or Bric-a-Brac,
The Host Appropriate st All Times,
01 Course You V III Not Korfet 4
SIPenn Are. Opp. Baptist Church.
Middle of the Block.
1 II