The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 15, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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Header wfll pteaxe not that advertls.
Bint. order for Job work, and Items tor
Subnotion lft at the establishment of
hannon A Co.. newsdealers. North Main
ireet, will receive prompt attention; of
see open trjtn t a. m. to 10 p. m.J
Irizcs That Will be Uiven to the Sue
rcnolul Athlete.
Next Friday a field day will be held
nt Alumni park, and judging from the
persons who have entered, there will
be some close and exciting contents.
Prizes of considerable vulue have been
offered for each event, so that they will
well be worth wlnnlns. Some of the
prizes are now on exhibition In Burr's
store. They are as follows:
Flint prise, boy's bicycle race Gold
watch chain: second prize, gold scarf
First prize, 100 yard dash Gold Iieau
rtrummel cuff buttons; second prize,
gold scarf pin.
First prize. 22(1 yard dimli tluld and
enitmH scurf pin; second prize, silver
trimmed pocket drinking cup 'with
leather ease.
The directors who are holding the af
fair deserve good putronuge.
A Popular Vomit; Couple .Untried
Trinity rectoiy was the scene of n
qnlut wedding last evening when Hev.
E. J. Paisley united in marriage Miss
Maud Hubbard and Andrew Gramer.
The wedding was private, only the Im
mediate relatives of the contracting
parties being present
llolli bride and gn cm are very popu
lar In this city, and while the affair will
be a surprise tc many of their ac
quaintances, th.'y Join In giving their
congntulatiuiiij to the newly-married
Uurial of Fredrick lar; ih.
The funeral of Fredi'i' lk Monlfh,
who ill.'d at his home on Dion Hill
Suiulny morning was held yesterday
afternoon ut three o'clock. The ser
vices wehi- held at Trinity church and
were conducted by Kev. K. .1. Paisley
pastor of the church. The funeral cor
tege was a very large one, the Shield
of Honor, of which the deceased was
member, attending In a body. The
pall bearers were: Fred Watts, James
Oregg. Kll Dickinson, Wnlter Gregg,
Wllllum Shelly and George Hams.
The l and Not Increasing.
The fund for the relief of the Pitts
ton mine disaster has reached but 1332,
no money being sent out during the last
two days. We are sorry to see that the
amount of money Is so small. Situated
as we are In the mining district and
liable at any moment to be placed In a
Blmllar situation the people should re
spond moro generously to the cry uf
their fellow men.
K.of F. .11. Kxcursion to llonesdale.
The Knights of Father Mathew have
decided to run their annual excursion
to Honesdale this year. It will take
place on August 26. and tlu'l'e will be
many attractions furnltdied. The plc
nlo will be held at Bellvue Park.
Miss Anna Maria Burke, of South
Church street, Is visiting relatives In
Mrs. Samuel Dawson, of South Main
street, has returned from a visit with
Scranton friends.
Howard Foster and Joseph Blrs, who
made a "hit" In the recent production
of Prlsc llla," will got to Plttston In a
few days to give a scene from the opera
at an- entertainment for the benefit of
the Plttston mine sufferers.
Miss Emma Pidgeon, of itrooklyn
Street, Is visiting friends in Plttston.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church will spend tnls af
ternoon In Waymart as the guests of
Mrs. A. L. Patterson.
Miss Helen Mulvehlll.of South Church
Btroet, Is visiting relatives here.
The friends of Dr. W. Morrison, who
Is resident physician at St. Joseph hos
pital, Reading, will be glad to hear that
he has passed the examination of the
state board of medical examiners, which
qualifies him to practice In any purk of
the state.
Mrs. John Kellow, of Scranton, Is the
guest of Mrs. Wallace McMullen, on
Archbald street.
Miss Sarah MeComb, who has been
pending the last two weeks at Lake
Vlnola. has returned.
The Traction company will offer a
prize to the winning club In the pro
posed county league.
R. W. Blair has returned from a busi
ness trip to Gilbertsvllle, N. V.
Miss Nora Healy. of this city, who
haa been the guest of Mrs. N. Flood, of
Suq..channa, for the last week, has re
turned. Mrs. J. J. O'Boyle and Miss Alida Cot
ter are tho guosts of Miss Bertha Lee,
Of Clifford.
Mrs. John McGran, of Scranton, who
has been visiting Miss Hannah Lee, of
Foutlt Washington street, for the past
eek. has returned home. Mis. Thom
as U'Connell, of Seventh avenue, ac
companied her.
Miss Ida May. of Halstead. Is visiting
Mrs. Peter Devanel. of Erooklyn street.
M. F. Nrary has resigned his position
s salesman with Wilkes, Gaddus &
Co., of Jersey City.
Miss Mitchell, of Plttston, Is visiting
friends In town.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corbln. of Al
bany, N. T., are the guests of the for
mer's brother, A. Y. Corbln, of -ar-Celd
The Popular of this place and the
Dashers, of Old Forge, played an In
teresting game of base ball yesterday
afternon on the school house grounds.
Of Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths,
4t Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace
w Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Rugs
and Carpet Sweepers. .
. The above goods bare been owhanled and
narked down to nearly onebalf their value.
This sale will hut daring the month of July,
to make room fur fad foods. Com, and get
We have some desirable thing in Rocking
Chairs and Center Tables; at Per Cent. Leu
Than the Actual Cost that we are closing out.
419 Lackaxia A.a. .
which ended In victory for the Dash
ers by a score of 13 to 10.
This afternoon and evening the
Toung American Drum corps will pic
nic at Weber's Park. All are cordially
Miss Annie McDonald Is spending a
few day's wtyh her friends at Parsons.
The water company with a large force
of men digging a water main for the
benefit of the residents of Feltsvllle.
John P. Jones, of Nantlcoke, visited
his sister. Mrs. E. Y. Evans. Monday.
Don't fall to attend the lawn social
at the Presbyterian church this even
ing John Richards, of this place, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Davis,
of Bellevue Saturday.
The Independent social club conduct
ed a largely attended social at Weber's
link last evening. A large number of
out of town folks were present. The
club is composed of prominent young
men from Mtnooka.
Taylor colliery, which has been Idle
for the past few months, will resume
work tomorrow.
Mrs. ChampIIeuver visited her hus
band Ferdinand ChampIIeuver yester
day, who is confined In the county Jail
here for the murder of Benjamin Carter
at Skinner's Kddy on the night of July
2d. The two had had frequent quar
rels and It was during a drunken row
at the hotel that Carter was stabbed
to death by ChampIIeuver In self-de-fense,
as the murderer claims. Cham
pIIeuver Is a Frenchman and has a wife
and three small children. His trial will
probably take place In November.
Dr. Dlefcndufer. of Lake Carey, owner
of the Surlng Grove Hotel, was In
town yesterday.
Miss Mary Brown, of Towunda, who
has been visiting Miss Mary Calahan
for the past week, returned home yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fargo are visit
ing In Nantlcoke.
Harry Alger lias accepted a position
In Camnbell's barber shop.
Tonight the young people have ar
ranged for a dance in the operu house.
James L. Vose left yesterday on a
business trip to Great Bend.
George Gray, of Wllkes-Bai re, spent
Sunday In town.
A. D. Kresge, of Noxen was a business
man In Tunkhnnuock yesterday.
John B. Fassett cashier of the
Wyoming National Hank spent Sunday
at his former home In Scottsville.
Yesterday the Tritons did not get to
Montrose to play ball ns was expected.
On Friday they will go to Towanda.
and Sutiirday they play the Wllkes
Barre Young Men's Christian Associa
tion team here.
William Morris, of Hazleton, who has
charge of the Armour Dressed F.eef
Co.'s office at that place, visited rela
tives here Sundny.
Dr. Harry Avery, of Sayre. is visit
ing his futher. County Treasurer Wil
liam Avery.
Misses Carrie Smith and Mary Bene
dict, of WIlkes-Ban-e. spent Sunday
with their friend. Miss Clara Smith.
Misses Lewis and Weiss, of Wllkes
Barre, spent Sunday with their friend.
Miss Mamie Greenfield.
Miss Lillian Barrett, of Shlckshlnny,
Is visiting her parent; this week.
Miss Maggie Switzer and Mrs. T. N.
Chestworth spent Sunday afternoon
with Miss lamina Ellsworth, of Dor
ranceton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harris and daughter, of
Mount Zion. were the guests of their
daughter, Mrs. O'Dcll DeWolf. Sunday.
Miss Augusta Keller spent Sunday
with her parents ut Centernioreland.
Stanley Durland was u culler ut
Mount Zion Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Breeee. of Klinlia.
is visiting the hitter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. 1. Shoemaker.
Mrs. Irving Drake and daughter.
Lizzie, wer filling m Mis. Joseph Mc
Kill recently.
Frank Denis, of WIlkesBarre, was
calling on Miss Maggie Switzer Satur
day. Edward Rozelle and daughter Maud
wer vlsltelng his mother-in-law Satur
day afternoon.
The school board held its regular
monthly meeting Monday evening and
appointed the following teachers for
the ensuing year: Profs. M. J. Lloyd,
L. J. Richards and Joseph Gray: Misses
Cora M. Griffin, Clara drier. Julia Lan
gan, Nora Murphy, Lily Palmer and
Kate Dolphin. Last year's Janitors,
viz: Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. E. L. F.vans and
J. J. Langun were reemployed.
Miss Annie Coleman, of Hyde Park
returned yesterday after n visit with
her aunt, Mrs, D. L. Owens, of North
Main street.
Street car traffic was delayed here
considerably on uccount of the storm
John Judire. of the bnulevnid, was a
visitor in Olyphant yesterday.
CLARK' s"s L' M M I T.
The storm that passtd through here
Monday ufternoon was accompanied
with some Inrge hail stones.
Bert and Edith Billings, visited Mill
City friends Saturday, and Sunday.
Mrs. II. N. Patrick, and daughter
Grace, have returned home, after
spending a few weeks with relatives In
York State.
Messrs. Frank Keith, William and
Howard Smith. Edwin Emery, and
llrenford Ackerly. attended the Bicycle
parade at Scranton last night.
Mrs. Davis, of Scranton, visited Mrs.
William Juston on Friday last.
Rymer brothers are plastering Mr.
Tallman's house on Wodluwn Park.
As n Combination of the Iiertillon
Method it Enable Identification.
From the Westminster Review.
By a combination of the Bertillon
method of measurement with the finger-print
system any prisoner can be
identified with almost absolute certain
ty and In a short space of time. Mr.
Galton calculates that the chance of
two finger-prints being Identical is less
than 1 In 64,000,000,000. and when we
consider the relatively small numbers
of the criminal population, and that
other personal evidence would bo avail
able in any doubtful case, mistaken
Identity ought now to be a thing of the
past. The method of Indexing finger
prints proposed by Mr. Galton is at first
sight somewhat complicated, but with
a little practice we are told that about
five minutes would suffice for the com
plete verification of any one of l',CU2 sets
forming a directory.
A specimen directory of 300 sets has
been given, together with numerous
fingerprints. The method of obtaining:
the prints is to press the thumb or fin
ger upon a plate of copper which, has
previously been coated with a very thin
film of printer's ink. The inked fingers
are then pressed or rolled upon the card
which Is kept a a record.- Although
fingerprints have been used as a sign
manual from the earlist times, yet it' I
only recently that thy have been
studied from a scientific point ot view,
and the evdence accumulated is as yet
Insufficient to enable us to realize their
value to the anthropologist. Now that
a good system of classification has been
worked out. it Is to be hoped that ob
servers will multiply rapidly, and that
the bulk of the material at our disposal
will soon be considerable.
George Wells and sister, Mrs. Mlna
Aldrlch. of West Side, Scranton. visit
ed their parents. Mr. and Mrs Judson
Wells, on Sunday last.
Messrs. J. . Williams and Robert Wil
liams called on friends here on Sunday.
Miss Lula Brown, of Plttston, Is visit
ing the family of her uncle Samuel
Benjamin Mead and family spent Sun
day iwith friends at Luke Wlnola.
Miss Jessie Robinson returned last
week from a seven week's visit with
friends at Pleasant Reach, N. J.
Howard E. N'orthup, of Stroudsburg.
will spend a short time with relatives
and friends here.
An exhibition of the wonders of the
stereopttcan will be given in the Baptist
church here on Thursduy evening of
this week, by G. H. Button of Keystone,
Academy, of Factory ville Admission,
ten cents
Mrs. D. A. Robinson is visiting fi lends
The storm of Monday ,was the most
terriflo of the year, and beat down and
did much damage to crops. Lightning
played near the homes of Messrs. C. P.
Matthews and William H. Swallows
boring a hole In the former and destroy
ing the chimney of the latter and stun
ning some of the occupants of both.
Yesterday morning about 2 o'clock an
alarm of lire was sent forth from our
two breakers. On Investigation the
hotel of Peter Walsh, near the depot,
was found to be ablaze. The Hillside
company reached the scene lirst and
soon had a stream plying on the burn
ing building. The tire was soon under
control and little damage was done save
perhaps that by the water.
The Tribune scribe visited friends in
Scranton yesterday.
Tuesday, this month, was the greut
monthly day In Forest City. The Hill
side company paid its employes. A
very good tonnage. considering the num
ber of duys worked, Is reported for last
John Matey and John Blggio, two of
Forest City's prominent business men
and "knljrhts of the wheel," attended
the female bicycle races at Carbondale
"I'm for free silver" we find displayed
on the coat lapels of some of our promt-,
nent Democrats. The Intellectual forces
of McKlnley and Hobart, however, seem
to be predominant.
A Peculiar Exuerii uce of a Man Who
Has Wounded in the Civil War.
From the fhlcaso Record.
j Colonel Sidney Cooke, of Herrington,
Kas one of the managers of the Na
tional Soldiers' home, tells of a peculiar
experience in the army during the civil
war. At the outbreak of the war be
was a strapping New England boy,
with strength and vitality which stood
him well during his army life.
After talking i.ait In several engage
ments, Colonel Cooke was shot In the
head and left on the battlefield us dead.
The Federals retreated from the field
and the Confederates soon occupied It.
Colonel Cocke, who was then a private,
was uroused to consciousness by some
one tugging at his boots. The boots
were very fine and the pride of his boy
ish heart, having been given to hltn by
the dear ones at home.
"Ain't you dead, Yank?" asked tho
Confederate, as he ceused tugging to
remove the boots from the feet of the
wounded boy.
On being assured that Cooke was not
dead a compromise was effected. The
Confederate brought the Union Boldler
some water and carried hltn to a Con
federate surgeon. In return he se
cured the coveted boots.
Cooke had a lonff convalescence, and
tlnully recovered sufficiently to be Bent
to Andersonville prison, where he suf
feied, In addition to the privations of
piison life, great palii'fniln-Js. wound.
This sufiering continued even after-bis
release and his dischatge fioin thi
uriny nt the close of the war.
one day, long after war was over.
Colonel Cooke, who had settled In Kan
sas, was seized with a violent spell of Just In the midst of it the
bullet was expelled from his nose.
It is round in India, and it Touch is
.linen Dreaded by the Natives.
From the Detro!t Free Press.
There has lately been added to the
collection of plants at the botanic gar
dens at Madras, India, a specimen
of a strange tree, writes un East Indian
correspondent to London. It Is In size
Stomach, sometimes called watcrbrash,
ami lmi-niii? pain, distress, nausea,
dyspepsia, are ctii'ud by Hood's Sursa
parilla. This it accomplishes because
with its wonderful power as a blood
r.' i ...
I jiuriiier, noons rursiipuriiiu penny
tones and strengthens the stomach and
digestive orjraiis, invigorates the liver,
creates uu appetite, gives refreshing
sleep, iiinl raises the health tone. In
cases of dyspepsia and indigestion it
seems to have " a nnijrie touch."
"For over 12 years I suffered from soul
with severe pains across my shoulders,
and great distress. I had violent nausea
which would leave mo very weak end
taint, difficult to get my breath. These
spells came oftener and more severe. I
did not receive any lasting benefit from
physicians, but found such happy effects
from a trial ot Hood's Sarsaparilta, that I
took several bottles and mean to always
keep it in the house. I am now able to
do all my own work, which tor six years
I have been unable to do. My husband
and son have also been greatly bene
filed by Hood's Sarsaparilla for pains in
the back, and after the grip. I gladly
recommend this grand blood medicine."
Mas. Peter Burby, Leominster, Mass.
Is the One True Blood rurifler. A'l druggists. II.
i ti a j. fffl euro nil liiTcr jits mm
i flOOQ S PUIS Bick Bsadacbe. asceuu.
V 1 . 4. ...J
3? Absolutely Pmes 5
THE Royal Baking Powder makes sweeter, lighter, finci
flavored and more wholesome bread, biscuit and cake
than any other leavening agent. It is of higher strength,
and therefore more economical. All government and scicn.
tine tests show that as a leavening agent it is actually with
out an equal.
Royal is undoubtedly the purest and most relinble baking powder
offered to the public U. S. GovU ChemisCs Report.
scarcely more than a bush, but other In
dividuals of its species are known to
have attained, in their habitat in the
Himalayas, Burniah nnd the Malacca
peninsula, the dimensions of a large
tiee. from fifty to seventy-five feet In
height. The Madras specimen Is sur
rounded by a strong railing, which
bears the sign: "Dangerous; all persons
are forbidden, to touch the leaves or
branches of this tree."
It is, therefore, a forbidden tree In
the midst of the garden, but no one
is tempted to touch It, for It Is known
to be a "burning tree." The name Is a
misnomer, for the tree stings rather
than burns. Beneath the leaves there
are stings comparable to those of net
eles, which, when touched, pierce the
skin and secrete a fluid which certainly
has a burning: effect.
The sting leaves no outward sign,
but the sensation of pain exists some
times for months, and Is especially keen
on damp days, or when the place which
has been wounded Is plunged In water.
The natives in the part of Bur man
where this tree grows are In such terror
of it that they fly when they perceive the
peculiar odor which It exhales. If they
happen to touch it they fall on the
ground and (oil over and over on the
earth with shrieks. Dogs touched by it
yelp and run, biting and tearing the
part of the body which has been
A horse which has been in contact
with a burning tree ran like a mad
thing, biting: everything and every
body that It could reach. A missionary
at Mandalay, who Investigated a leaf of
the plant with his finger, suffered agony
for several weeks, and for ten months
felt uccasiuna pains in his finger.
They Were but Trifles, but They
Helped to Unravel a Murder.
From the Chicago Chronicle.
Chicago had a chief of detectives fif
teen or sixteen years ago who compared
In many respects with the best Euro
pean talent. He did some work which
for neatness and adroit application was
equal to anything; that Gaborlau In
vented. I have in mind now a murder
case in which he figured. Some un
known person had shot a farmer living
a few miles out of Chicago through the
heart. The murder happened in the
dead of night and the victim was de
coyed out of the house to meet his
The farmer's wife was suspected of
being a trifle too fond of a dull-witted
farm hand who had been discharged by
the dead man. and was then working
in Chictrgo. This fellow was promptly
placed under arrest. A pawn ticket for
a revolver was found In his pocket. '. It
was a cheap weapon, and very little
significance was attached to the fact
that the man should have owned it and
pawned it at that particular time. He
gave a reasonable account of his move
ments on the night of the crime, and the
murdered mar's wife was firm In her
protestations that she hud not seen him
for weeks.
During the inquest, however, the de
tectives observed that the bullet which
came out of the dead man's heart was
marked in a peculiar way. It had
scratches on one side, as though there
were defects In the pistol from which It
was fired. Examination of the revolver
found in the pawn shop showed two
spots of rust in the chamber near the
muzzle. The detectives llred the weapon
three times Into a barrel of water and
the bails were marked exactly like the
bullet that killed the farmer. A num
ber of other pistols of the same make
and calibre were obtulned and subjected
tu the same test, but none of the other
bullets were marked In the same man
ner as those from the farm hand's pis
tol. It appeared, therefore, that the lat
ter weapon had been used in killing the
man. but while the detective skill that
discovered the damaging fact was loud
ly extolled, shrewd lawyers got hold of
the case tor the defense and succeeded
In getting the man acquitted.
The President lleliisest i be Disturb
cd When Hhc in Kn gaged i'ly.
From the Chieaco Post.
The messenger came In haste.
"Madam." he said to the incident of
the Board of County Commissioners,
"your presence is urgently isqucsted "
"I can't come." she replied, promptly.
"I was told to impress upon you."
persisted the messenger, "that It was
a matter of the greatest Importance"
"I can't come." alte repeated, sharply.
"The afTalrs of the county are In a
most perilous condition"
"Let 'em stay In that condition." she
"Your signature la reeded to various
documents that " - ' '
"Send 'em up here and I'U sign them
If I Ret time."
"You have not Ibeen to your office
for nearly a week, and"
"And probably 'won't be there for an
other week,' she sai'd, with asperity.
"There are nt least a dozen men and
women who have been there eyery day
to see you on pressing official 'business
that will no longer brcok delay."
It will have to."
- In despair the messenger made hi
last appeal: - .
" Madam," ho said, "owing to your
absence the business of the county Is
fiuci it'u uy ui u stamisiui. ve win
have to close up the building unless
some provision Is made "
"Close It," she exclaimed, angrily. "Do
nnythlng you please with It, but don't
bother me when I have more Important
mutteis to u (tend to. The baby is
teething, and 1 Fliull remain here until
the poor little thing feels better."
If you cun't break un apple you'll die
an oid meld. "
Every time a star falls there's a death
If you toe a load of empty barrells It's
going to rain.
Cobwebs In a house Is a sign there is no
kissing there.
If it doesn't clear up at 11 or 3 It won't
clear up all day.
If the water bolls away on the stove It's
a sign it Is going to rain.
If her petticoat hanm below her dress
It's a sign her father loves her best.
Put on something new New Year's Day
and you'll have plenty all through the
Sharp things cut friendship, l'ay a piece
of money to the person who gives you a
knife or a pair of scissors.
If you see a load of hay you must wish
on it, but your wish won't come true It
you look at It after wishing.
In picking berries be sure to throw the
first one you find over your right shoulrter
If you want to till your pall. If you should
est It, you'll have no luck at all.
If you take a slice of bread or anything
elue on your plate when you have already
hud some. It's a sure sign that someboily
Is coining to your house hungry.
L Ulvi
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
CHOE VALUES were nev
er more worth)' your
thoughtful consideration than
they are at this moment. You
will simply throw away money
on shoes if j'ou buy anywhere
else. In quality, from the
ordinary shoe to the finest
make, we havs laid the kuife
and make a quick selling
price beyond question. Your
eyes will jump at the fine
stock of men's and women's
Russet vShocs reduced to $3,
$2, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.
Misses' Russet Shoes re
duced to 89c. and $!.
Children's Russets reduced
to 40c, 50c. and 75c.
Boys' Shoes reduced to
65c, 75c, and 98c.
We Invite you to call and
examine our goods and j'ou
will sunly save money by it.
No trpuble to show goods.
We have only one price to all.
You can buy one pair shoes
or you can buy twelve pairs of
shoes and no reduction will
be made and you will find it
an advantage to buy at a place
where they do not add extra
to come down. A child can
buy as cheap as the shrewdest
Scranton s
307 Lackawanna Avanu&
i a issisnaHiHiaMiiiiiiaifcuiiMtguiHiiuanaaaiBiM iiiiuMiiKiiiiiiiniis;
4 3
All Reduced to
i UUu.
Greatest Bargains ever given In Seranton. We have ai lmaensi
assortment of short lengths in every grade; desirable patterns, too, the retail
of a good spring trade, and we have decided to close them out at about Hall
Price. Bring the measure of your rooms and we will surprise you very
screably with the handsome carpets you can purchase for a small outlay.
For example, we quote best grade Body Brussels: BlfelOW, Wblttall, LOW"
ell and Glen Echo, $1.00, formerly lt.2 other makes of Body Brussels,
85c, formerly ji.15; Velvets, 73c and 65&, formerly $1.00 and 85C All
other trades at proportionately low prices.
An examination of our stock will convince you that aa lavestmcat nOW
will save you money, if purchased only for future use.
Opposite Main Entrance
to tht Wyoming. HauM,
Branch at Cairbendal,
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Odd and End and
We begin the season with full
assortments of the best goods we can find, if they work
down evenl', all right; if they dont, it's all right too.
7 There comss
O 0 3
. $
Lots of times people don't have room for a commode
don't buy it take dresses and bedsteads, but leave the
commode here an orphan as it were. There are lots of
homes where they are needed where they'd answer the pur
pose of a dresser, if a mirror were hung above them. Well
made, attractive looking commodes as low as $2.75 Mirrors
suitable for such a purpose, 90c.
Odd Chairs
To break a set of chairs means to break the
prices on the remaining ones; it doesn't pay to give sample
room to sorts that cannot be supplied in full sets; hence our
willingness to accept about two-thirds regular price.
u UVLiLi
tt pttooe Coll IU.
408 Lackawanna Avenue
a time when we clean out the
broken lots. We make the price so low
that quality wise, economical people can
not resist buying. Room to mention only
two or three items. There are dozen r
others equally worthy of mention.
Orphan Commodes