THE BCHANTttff "KilBtJinS XftSBKESDAY MOTKNTNGK JTTLT 15, 1898. iO ?-A Flytag . March- ? P V; i BV W. L. ALDEN. . P . . . Copyright, 1890, by W. U Alden. part I. " n ' " One day Frof. Van "vVafrcnor and 1 were walking' together on our way to the poBtoMce, when we mot a resiment of infantry. Of course we stopped to look at them, for I don't suppose there is a man living who doesn't like to look at soldiers. Kven a rvteiinent of counter-jumpers, dressed in a ridiculous uni form, and playing at soldiers. Interests me, and as for this particular regiment, it was one of the best In the federal army, and that's saying a good deal. The professor looked at the men In the critical noi l of way that everybody puts on In such circumstances, and present ly he said: "Colonel. Isn't It your opin ion that a regiment that could march two hundred miles a day would be much more efficient than one that could willy march twenty miles?" "All other things being equal. It cer tainly would," 1 replied; "but the sol dier who can march a hundred miles a day, not to speak of two hundred, Isn't born yet." "I think you are mistaken, colonel!" paid he. "It's my Idea that by the use of prop-T means it can be made Just as easy to march at the rate of twenty miles an hour as It is now to march at the rate of four miles 'an hour." "There you are again!" said I. "You're thinking of pome invention that is going t ) revolut'ovize the art of war fare! My dear prolVssor! You've been revolutionizing warfare ever since 1 knew you, but I have'n'J: noticed that It lias been revolutionized to any great ex tent." Well! nothing more was said on the subject at Unit tiiiie,tbut about a ajonth later Van Wagencr came over to iny house one morning with a big basketful of machinery and chemicals on his arm and asked ine to lend him the use of my backyard for-an hour or two. while he revolutionized the art of warfare. Of course, 1 told him he could do anything In my backyard that he might want to do, provided he didn't do It with dyna mite or any other explosive, and lie as sured me that this time there was noth ing In the slightest degree dangerous In what he meant to do. "1 will explain the whole matter to you," he hold, sitting down on a bench In my back yard, and wiping his fore head with a cloth stained with chemi cals, for the basket was heavy, and the day was hot,. "You remember we were speaking tha Other day about the marching abilities of Infantry regi ments. Now, let me ask you what it Is that makes it hard to work for a sol dier tj march, or for any man to walk. Isn't It-the force of gravitation, which holds hint down to the ground, and pro vents hinv from lining his foot except by a muscular effort?" "1 suppose it is," said I. "Very good," said . Van Wagner. "Now If you could red uce the force of gravitation one-hnlf,'or, say, two-thirds it would be' Just that much easier for a man ,lo walk than'it Is In existing cir cumstances, wouldn't it?" "I admit it," said I. For It was al ways necessary to admit Van Wagner's premises, provided you wanted to carry on a conversation with Ttltn. "You ure really an Intedlligent man, colonel!" Bald he, "although at times you are lather slow to perceive the merits of any valuable Invention. , As I was saying, the thing to do:if you' want to make walking or marching easier, Is to reduce the force of gravitation. Now, this is what I propose to do In the case of every Individual soldier. Why no one has hit on the same Idea long ago is something I can't understand. But that's the way with most inventors. They never see what . is directly before their eyes, but always look for some thing that Is miles away." As this was what I had said hundreds of times to Van Wagener about his own inventions, I began to think that lie wasn't aa utterly unreachable as a scientific man generally Is. "I'lcnse to look nt my shirt for a moment," continued the professor. " isjnade of very thin eloth coated with a coating of India rub tier. Also, you will perceive that it Is' made of two thicknesses of rubber cloth. Joined together at the neck and the waist, nnd that Just where the collar buttons would ordinarily come at the back of my neck, Is a small valve. Now this shirt will hold as many cubic, feet, of hydrogen gas as would te sufliclent to lift a man of my weight, together with eighty pounds of arms and ac coutrements." "Don't you find the rubbor shirt rather warm?" I asked. "It is a little warm," he replied, "but I can easily overcome that. Hesides. the warmth of the shirt has nothing to do with the question. The fact on which I wish you to fix your mind Is that by filling this shirt with hydrogen, I over come the effect of gravitation. That is. to say, I make myself as light us air." "Then you mean a soldier shall lly Ifistead of march?" I said. "Not at oil," said Van Wagener. "I simply propose to make him so ligtit that he will be able to take steps thirty or forty feet long, and to Jump over hedges and streams with perfect ease." I wanted to remind the professor of a ' Jumping machine that he had once in- THIS'I'SAtD IIR. "IS THE GENER ,.' . ATOJi." ' vented, and that had ifeai-ly killed him When he tred to use It. but I kept quiet. "Now,, said my friend, taking off hla coat amV waistcoat, and wiping off his perspiration that wag streaming down his face-ri will proceed to give you a practical illustration of; the- value of my invention,'nrst time I' ' v have actually experimented with It, but I have absolute confidence in its practi cability." With that Van Wagener opened his basket, nnd took out a sort of tin knap sack with a rubber tube attached to It: "This," said he, is the generator. 1 fasten this on my back, and you will understand that If I were a soldier I should carry It outside my knapsack. I connect this tube with the shirt-valve, and turn this little stop-cock. The moment the stop-cock Is turned the gas begins to generate and Hows through the tube Into the shirt. When I have gas enough to reduce my weight one half, 1 shut off the supply.and march on my way. taking steps twenty feet long, and feeling almost as light as a bird. Hut tirst. I must fasten these leaden soles to my boots, so that I can be sure of yreservng an uoright attitude. You see, I shall be In Just the same condi tion as a diver, the weight of whose body Is reduced as he sinks in the water, lie s obliged to wear shoes weighted with lead, for without them he night go down head first." Van Wagener carefully lied his lead soles to his feet, and then he buckled tho generator on his back, and tried to turn the stop-cock of which he had spoken. He had so much ditllculty In finding it that he asked me to turn It for him. which, of course, I did. Presently the gas beeaii to hiss us It was generuted, ami the professor began tf swell as his shirt gradually tilled.. When it was apareiitly about half full he asked me to turn off the, gas. nnd then he started to walk across my buck yard. There is no denying that the Wagener went across that yard taking steps that were about ten feet long and bounding gently Into the air every time bis feet touched the ground. Si 111. his walk wus to all appearance the (irunkeliest walk thut has ever le.n seen MOSTLY AT AN ANOI.I- OF FIFTY iK(J RISKS WITH T11K OKolIND. since the days when Noah made his great invention of drunkeiiess. The professor's Body was swinging forwards and backwards and sideways, and was mostly at an angle of. say, fifty degrees with the ground. It was clear that If It hadn't been for the lead soh-s fastened to his boots, he would have done a good deal of walking on his head. 1 followed pretty close after him, and he evidently enjoyed himself immensely, for he kept calling out to me to notice how light he was, and demanded to know whether he hadn't knocked gravitation endways with his gas machine. Kven when he came down with both feet In a briar bush, and stuck there until I pulled him out by main force, leaving a large pro portion of bis trousers In the bush, he never .lost , his spirits. He had walked twice around the yard When n little ac cident hanionpd which Interrupted his experiment. He came down with both feet tin one cat's tail. Now Tonimle was one of the best-tempered cats I ever knew, that is to say so long as you treated him with proper respect. He was also the champion catftghter of New Uerlinopollsville, nnd there wasn't hardly a night that he didn't have n match with some rival cat. and, us a rule, he won it In two. or nt the most three rounds. He was lyng nsp'ep under n small rose bush when the pro fessor came down on his nil. and It Irritated, him, as was only natural. I should have been Irritated myself If I had been In his place. Heins mad nil over, Tommle frees his mind with a few remarks, and then he-makes n Jump for the irofessor's shoulder, where he stopped long enough to give him a couple of good one on the check that drew the blood, and then he went over the fence in starch of a quiet spot whore he coud make repairs to his tail. He came up to the professor to sympathize with him while he was wiping the blood from his face, but he sang out to me not to bring my cigar nnywhere near him, for the gas was baking, and an ex plosion night be brought about. I could see that lis size was rapidly grow ing less, and In a little while the gas had all esca!ed through half a dozen holes that the rat's claws hnd made In the shirt, and the professor w as able to walk like nri ordinary Christian. "I can't do anything more." said Van Wagener, "until I have mended the leaks in my shirt." And then he used a lot of scientific language about cats in general, which was excusable In the circumstances. I said to him that Tommy was one of the leading cats of New Herlinopolls- ville, and was universally respected. As for his getting angry when a sclentiMe man with leaden soles landed on his tall, that was only human, and he ought not to blame the cat for It. "I don't blame. him so much for get ting angry," said Van Wagener, "us I do for not taking any interest In science, l!ut that's just the way with a cat. Any rat-would sooner spoil an experiment than not. A friend of mine who does a goo'd deal of vivisecting tells me that he has,- more trouble with cats than with any. other animals. However, the mis chief's done now, and there's no use In saying anything more. "You'll admit. I tlllnk, that my experiment was a great success?" 'XII admit," snld I, "that any army In the-, world would run away from an enemy approaching in the- same style as'you circulated round my yard. "Wait till I have had a little more ex perience," said the professor. "I did not have quite gas enough In my shirt, and my, shoes were not quite heavy enough. When I find out the exact quantity of gits. I ought to use, and the precise weight that needs to be attached to my feet, all that will he necessary will be practice. I venture to say, that with about three days of practice, I shall be able to walk at the rate of thirty miles an hour, with perfect steadiness, and without the least danger of accident. Tomorrow, at about this hour, I will come back here with my shirt repaired, and everything ready for a final and conclusive experiment. I hope you will have the goodness to lock up that ab ominable cat, for I can't promise to suc ceed Jn my experiment if that beast is on hand." "All right." said I, "the cat shall be locked up. But I ask you what will happen when your army marches across country with their shirts Inflated with gas? Cats are-awfully-common, and If the urmy treads on a cat's tall there'll be a panic that will be worse than a de feat." Van Wagener didn't condescend to answer me, but he marched out of my yard with his basket on his arm, and a glow of triumph in his face, which struck me as being a little previous, in view of all the facts. Well! the next day the professor turned up at the sajne hour in the very bst of spirits. VAKT n. This time he had extra heavy lead weights to his feet, and when every thing was ready, I turned on the supply of gas for him, until he judged that his weight had been reduced to ubout one third of what it ordinarily was. Then he gave me the word to turn off the gas. and he started to walk across the yard. His walk was only a little drunker in appearance than it hnd been the day be fore, but he certainly did get over the ground at a tremendous rate. Every time his feet touched the earth he bounded nbuut ten feet into the air, and came down again a good thirty feet from where he had started. He went the 1-ngth of the yard, which was fully five hundred feet. In no time at all, and us he passed me on the way back, he was so excited that he tried to clap his feet together, and to crow like a rooster. 1 don't say this was. c.tilte worthy of a respectable sclentitio man, but allow ance must be made for an inventor who finds that his Invention works. Hut the professor made the biggest mistake In his life when he tried to clap his feet to gether. In so doing, one of his lead soles. which had been tied on by the professor himself, with a sort of knot that was of no murine!-of use, dropped oft', and Van JV'agener went up into the all" like a shot. I saw him trying to reach the stopcock that shut oft' the gas from his shirt, but be could Hot tlud it. and it would have done bint no good If he had found It. What that shirt needed was some sort of safety valve for letting the gas escape in case of accident, but Van Wagener had omitted to furnish it with any such valve. Without his lead sole he was considerably lighter than the at mosphere, and consequently there was nothing to prevent him front going up. There was a gentle breeze fiom the southward, and as Van Wagejier rose slowly and seemed to be drifting to wards a tliiekly-huilt part of the town 1 was In holies that he would be able to catch hold of some building and uold on till some one could come to his aid. Hp never said a word as he sailed up wards, but I'm ready to bet that he Would have given a good deal If the cat could have jumped on him fronvlhe roof of the house and punctured his shirt. 1 sang out to him to keep cool, which is the easiest tiling to say to a man who U in dltlictiltics, but he simply smiled a resigned sort of smile, and disappeared behind the house. I ran out of the front door and chafed the professor, keeping my eye on him Just as a sailor keeps his eye on a 'man who falls overboard, though there wasn't any chance of sending a lifeboat, or for that matter, a life-balloon, after him. He drifted along at an elevation of pcrhHp fifty feet, and presently I saw that he was heading directly for the I'resliyterlitn church. The church itself was only about thirty feet high from the ground to the roof, but It had a steeple that was a good hundred feet 111 height, though it didn't look it. In fact It looked as If It was lower than the Kaptlst steeple, which (Was only elglity tlve feet high, and the Presbyterians used to w in no end of bets by Inducing strangers to bet on the comparative height of the two steeples. However, that Is neither here or there. Van Wagner drifted along amid the generul enthusiasm of the inhabitants, who all rushed out of doors to see him. and Imagined that he had contrived some new way of nuvlgating the air, and was making a big success of it. Everybody said that this time the professor had made the greatest Invention of the cen tury, and that New Heillnopollsville i would have a chance to put up a monu ment to him. after his death, that would attract thousands of visitors. I said nothing, for nothing that 1 could suy would be of any help towards getting the professor down to the ground In safety, and I hadn't the heart to destroy the reputation that lie had so suddenly and accidentally made. l!y rare good luck; Vnn Wagner hap pened to hit the very top of the Presby terlan steeple, nnd cuught hold of It nnd held on for all he was worth. There wasn't much to hold on to except the lightning rod, for, of course, there wasn't any cross there, and In the place where a cross ought to have been there was a big gilt pineapple ,whlch was too ,THE LATE Raa tbt Ckicsr Tints-IUnld. big to put one's arms around. I never could understand why a gilt, pineapple was put there.' 1 asked the head deacon about It one day, but he didn't conde scend to answer me, and merely sug gested that I haj better study the Scrip tures. Now, I've been In the habit of studying them ever since I was a boy, but I never remember coming across any allusion to pineapples. Some day I'm going to Inquire into the thing and get a satisfactory answer. My own idea 19 that when the commktete that was building the church came to deciding on a decoration for the top of the steeple, old Deacon White, who was an Importer of pineapples and bananas and such, though he could advertise his business by putting a big gilt pine apple v.-here nobody could fall to see it. lly the time I got alongside of the church there were about two thousand people, men, women and children there, waiting to see the professor fall, and speculating as to what extent he would be smashed by the time he should strike the ground. They were all In the best of spirits, as folks generally are when they are admitted free to some attrac tive show, beacon White was the only exception; he disapproved strongly of Van Wagener's conduct.' and said that it was little better than sacrilege. Of course, I knew that the professor was In no danger of falling down. - What he wanted to do was to avoid falling up, whenever It should become necessary for him to let go his hold.' I saw that the thing to do was to get a rope to him as soon as possible, calculating that he would have sense enough to know how to use It. The difficulty was how to get the rope to him, for the steeple was per fectly smooth On the outside,' so thut nobody could possibly climb It, ' and there was no ladder In the town that would reach half way up to the pine apple. Pretty soon I saw my way. I sent a mail to get two hundred feet of stout line, and then I found a boy who was flying a ' kite, and bought out his whole stock for fifty cettts. I used to be a midddling good kite flyer when I was a boy, and It didn't take me very long to nianuever that kite so thut the string! fell across Van Wagener's shoulder, and j I saw him seise It with one hand. Then , I bent the two hundred feet of line to the kltestrlng, and shqolt It. as a signal to the professor to haul' away.' He uiu so. and in a little while he had one end of the line in his possession, and he cast the kite adrift, suing. and all.' Any man who wasn't a scientific per son would have known that 1 expected Van Wagener to tie the .line to his ankles, und let me pull hjni gently down. But the professor never thought of thut. He tied the line fast to the lightning rod, and stat ted to slide down It. Naturally, his Inflated shirt made that Impossible. We could see him hanging on to the Hue with both hands, and with his body swinging out at right uugles, but In spite of till he could do he couldn't man age I i climb down the line a single foot. The public got more excited than ever, and the betting on the professor's ulti mate fate was lively. But after a time he came to the conclusion that he had made a mistake, and I was never more relieved in my life than when I saw him climb back to his perch on the piue- t. ri 1 1': till I 111 THERE WASN'T MUCH TO HOLD ON TO Hl'T THE LIGHTNING KOD. apple and begin to unfasten the line. Ho kept me on the anxious seat for the next ten minutes while he waited to rest, and then I was delighted to see him make the line fast to both his ankles. I hauled away on my end till the line was taut, and then Van Wagener let go his hold, and I began gently to gather him In. The crowd cheered when they saw what was going on, and though there was a good deal of wrangling about the bets, which some people claimed that I had interfered with by providing Van Wagener with the means of escape. Of course, there was some thing to be said In support of this view of the matter, for if it hadn't been for me the men who bet that Van Wagener would full and kill himself must have won. However, the dispute was settled by arbitration, and Deacon White, the arbitrator, declared nil bets off, in con sequence of my Interference, which, he added, was entirely justifiable in the circumstances. He wasn't a very so- KATE FIELD. Br Conrttsy of & H. Kbktastt M M 'kflfii W VLW s Waser v ". iilt ii clable sort of a chap, but he was a per fectly square man In all business deal ings, and the public had confidence In him. It was a beautiful spectacle, the way in which the professor came down as I hauled in on the line. He kept perfectly erect, but he also kept slowly revolving on -his-ax te, as you might say. His arms were stretched out at right angles to his body in order to steady himself a little, and the general effect of him was that of an angel without wings in the act of blessing the public. There was a sweet smile on his face when he came near enough for us to notice It, and his eyes were closed, probably because he THE GENERAL EFFECT WAS THAT OF AN ANCiEL WITHOUT WINGS. felt a little dizzy, and that gave him a peuceful sort of look that aroused uni versal admiration. 'When he reached the ground, 1 got a good hold of him and slit his Inflated shirt with my pen knife. Then, when the gas had all escaped, I untied his legs, and, giving him my arm. for he was more or less weak with the excitement of his ad venture. I took him home, followed by a cheering nud. enthusiastic crowd com posed of all the ieidlng citizens of the .place, without distinction of creed or polities. ' For my part I consider that Van Wagner's Invention was a success, but, curious': enough, he never mnde any furthei r'-.iit rlments with it. You see he ha:: --.t a pretty big scare when he was drifting over the town and clinging to the Presbyterian steepl", and the re sult was that heweakend, as you might say, on h'.s Invention. I never could get him to speak of It afterwards, and .when I saw that It really troubled him to have me remind him of it, I dropped the subject. Now, that Van Wagner is dead, It is open to anyone to take up his Invention and make a prac tical success of It. I shouldn't be at all surprised if Edison took It up some day, for he Is a master hand at working out other people's Ideas. Of course, I don't Intend to meddle In the thing. The world Is good enough for me as It stands and If I had my way ther wouldn't be anything fresh Invented for the next hundred years. (THE END.) PSYCHIC PUZZLES. Phenomena That Bewilder the W isdom of MenHuman Efforts to Com prehend Their Meaning. A person placed under the Influence of ether sometimes cries out piteously during a surgical operation. An hour later, having entirely regained his senses, he declares that he was utterly oblivious to the occurrence and felt no pain whatever. A bookkeeper, troubled over his failure to balance his accounts rises In his sleep, goes to his office, straightens out the error and then re turns home. On reaching his place of business next day he is as completely surprised at the discovery as any one else connected with the establishment. A man, falling from a ladder, receives a blow on the back of his head, and for six weeks cannot spenk, fails to recog nize his friends and shows a wonrful change In disposition although evident ly as intelligent and conscious as ever. In short, he appears to be a different person. Then suddenly a violent head ache, which has bothered him during the intervale, abates. He looks around like one awakened from sleep, and asks: "Where am l?" He has become him self aguln, and has no recollection of anything since he lost his footing on the ladder. A good subject, having been placed In a hypnotic trance, may be made to believe himself a greater actor than Irving, a finer singer than either of the De Kezskes, or a daintier verse writer than Shelley. The delu sion Is as complete as that of the worst lunatic In an asylum. But with a snap of the finsrer the hypnotizer can bring the fellow back to his normal con dition. These nnd many other unusual and. puzzling cases resemble, In one respect at least, the more familiar experiences of sleep and dreams (such as perfectly healthy people may have) and of hys teria and Insanity. They all suggest that human beings possess various fac ulties which may be active without th'?lr being aware of It. Hence, a few of the scientists who have studied the matter carefully, have acquired the habit of distinguishing, In their talk, between the conscious nnd the uncon scious self. They also call the latter the "sub-liminal" self, because as they say, it Is the pnrt of the mind which lies "be low the threshold of consciousness." Whether this part of a person's nature Is a unit or is subdivided Into several personalities Is a question on which leading psychologists still differ, but there Is now a general disposition to concede the "subliminal" self great di mensions and more startling possibili ties than would have been granted a few years ago HYPERAESTIIESIA, A wonderful power of obtaining In formation by other than the ordinary methods of communication Is among the gifts In which some of these cold blooded, skeptical scientists evince faith. They do not believe that every one pnssesse It. On the other hand, at present, they are inclined to limit It to a comparatively small class. But evi dence on this point Is Inadequate. The matter Is still under Investigation. It Is svggested on the one hand that In many. If not all. Instances there Is only an exercise of usual sensibilities ex ceptionally sharpened. That sort of perception is called "hyperaestehesla." But some of the facts are thought to point, on the other hand, to the exist ence of a distinct faculty, still in rudi mentary state, perhaps, and found only here and there; as- If evolution were about to add still further the equipment of man's higher nature. However this may be, a dilligent hunt has been made for years after stories of telepathy, mind-reading, second sight, clairvoy ance, crystal vision and so on, by the Society for Psychical Research, and great pains have been taken to obtain oorroboratlon If possible One of the most experienced and In defatigable workers in that organiza tion, Frederic W. H. Meyers, embodies scores of these narratives In a paper printed in the last report df the. pro- i ceedlngs of the Society for PsyoWcal Research. A few. are selected for- re production here to Illustrate some-of the supposed workings of the myster ious faculty In qusetlon. .' QUEER INSTANCES.'. ' . D. J. Parsons, a physician In Sweet Springs, Mo., says he discovered years ago that he was able to see things men tally which had happened many miles away and years before. He wrote In lsui: "While In company, with Dr. .Trotter, of Lexington, Mo., I could sec before and near to him a. delicate hand, on which was a dnrk red kid glove. The hand was all the time in motion. I called his attention to it, and he was much surprised. I told him the hand had a history, and if he had no objec tion I would be pleused to know it He said: "I was traveling In Canada on the ears, and one day we ran u to a train that had been wreckeiL-and about the first thing that I r- was a young ludy lying upon the ground dead. One hand was nuked and one was cov ered with a dark red kid glove.; In stantly upon his uttering the words the dark red kid glove and the hand had vanished." Subsequently the Dr. Trotter here mentioned sent a full account of the accident und the conversation with Dr. Parsons to on aflicer of the Psychical Research In reply to Inquiries. He corroborated the foregoing story fully, adding that the gloved hanil made a strong Impression on him, "which has remained to this day, abcut 40 years." He was astonished at Dr. Pearson's remark to him nearly 30 years after the event, and even yet cannot understand how that person should have broached the subject. Inasmuch as Dr. Trotter had never, to his know ledge, mentioned tlte sight of the dead girl to a living soul. OTHE EXAMPLES. A well known member of the society for Psychical Research In England, a woman who veils her Identity from the general public by the name of "Miss X," has had many such experiences. For Instance, on meeting for the tirst time a mature gentleman whom she had every reason to esteem highly, she per ceived near him a vague but petslstent image of a lad, wearing a terror-stricken aspect nnd holding his arm up In self defense. Later she learned In boyhood at school, for some misbehavior, he was obliged to "run the gauntlet." Mr. My ers cited these two stories as suggest ing the "udherence of phantusmal scenes to a living person." A large group of Incidents found In this collection occurred almost exactly at the same time when the "percipient" received a corresponding Impression. Shipwrecks, more trilling accidents, the recovery of a lost dog and the position In which a watch that had been dropped In a haylleld a few hours before still lay were paralleled by visions, either in sleep or half-waking condition. Thus, on the morning of October 7, 1SS5, the wife of a Chicago man asked him, while they were both dressing and before either of them had left their sleeping room, if he had ever known a person named "Esdaile." He replied in tlte negative. Then she narrated a dream In which she saw a coffin on the lake shore so marked. Later In the day the man discovered In the morning paper of that date an account of the disappear ance of William E. Ksdaile, but with no theory as to his fate. After elaborate Inquiry it seems to be established that this was the first public mention of the fact that he was missing. For several days the Chicago papers referred to the topic, but suggested that he was alive but Insane, and would be found. The notion of suicide was scouted. On Octo ber 10 Esdaile's body wus found. He had been drowned. In the great majority of cases the vision came entirely unsought and un expected. Sometimes it was the only experience of the kind which that par ticular person had had, and sometimes the seer was accustomed to receiving such Impressions. Very often they re lated to people and things n which the "percipient" had not the slightest inter est, and of which perhaps he had no previous knowledge. PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. Let Kadway's tteadv Relief be used on tlte Indication nl I'aln or Uneusines; : if threatened vlth Uiseaae or Sicknes, the Cure win muuc uciurc ine lamiiy doctor would ordinarily reach the house. CI K KS THE WUUST TAIN'S In fr.lm one to twenty minutes. Not nun hmir uft..r reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PA1X. ACMES AM) PAINS. For headache (whether sick or iwnmii toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumlia go, pains and weukness In the buck, splno or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleuri sy, swelling of the joints and pains of nil kinds, the appllentlon of ICadwny'a Ready Relief will alforrt Immediate ease, and Its continued use fur a few duys -'f-feut a permanent cure. A CURB IOR ALL Summer Complain fs, Dysentery, Diarrhsa, Cholera Morbus, A half to a teaspoonfu of Heady TMIef In a half tumbler of water, repeated as often as the discharges continue, and a flannel saturated with Heady Hellef placed over the stomach and bowels will afford Immediate relief ami soon effect a cure. Internally A half to a teaspuonful In a half tumbler of water will in a few min utes cure cramps, spa.-ma. sour stomach, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, nervousness, sleeplessness, sick headache, flatulency and internal pains. alaria la Its various forms cured and Pre vented. There Is not a remedlul agent In tho. world that will cure Fever and Ague and all other Malarious, Bilious and other fe vers, aided by RADWAVS PILLS, so quick as RADWAY S HKADY KELI BK. Travelers should always carry h bottle of Hadway's Ready Relief with theiji. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It fs bettor than French brandy or bitters us a stimu lant. Miners and lumbermen should always be provided with it. Price SO cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. si 11 IP MT. PLEASANT COAL AX RETAIL. Coal of th best quality for domestic us and of all sizes. Including Buckwheat and Blrdseye, delivered in any part of tha city at the lowest price. Orders received at, the Office, first floor, Commonwealth building, room No. tt; telephone No. 2H4 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to-Dealura supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. GIRLS IN STORES, offices, or factories, are peculiarly liable to female diseases, spcelslly tbnse who are constantly on-telrfcafc Often they are unable to perform thcuf duties, their suffering; is so Intense. When the first symptoms present themselves, such aa backaohe, pains i. groins, heod ache, dizziness fd-mtntBs, swelled feet, blues, etc. i they should at once write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., stating symptoms; she Will tell them exactly what to do, and in the meantime they will find prompt relief In Lydia E. IMnkham's Vegttble Compound, which cuu be obtained from any drug-gist. "My Pkau Mks. I'ixkham : I am so prateful to you for what your Corn- pound has done for me. ,For four years I suffered such pains from ovarian trouble, which caused dreadful weak ncss of the limbs, tenderness and burn lng- pain in tho groins, pain when standing- or walking-, and increased pain during- menstruation, headache " and lcucorrhieu. I weighed only 93 pounds, and was advised to use your Vegetable Compound, which I did. I felt tho benefit before I had taken all of one bottle. I continued using- it, and it has entirely cured ine. I have not been troubled with leucorrhau for months, ami now 1 weigh IIS pounds. Lh.i.if. IIahtsox, Flushing, UenusM Co.. Michigan, liox CD. Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO. U. E. CROfUT, PROPRIETOR. THI3 HOUSE Is strictly tetnpjnUM.-! new and well furnished and OPRNED TO THE I'UHLIC THUS YEAR ROUND, IS located midway between Hlnghumton n4 Scranton, on the Montrose and LACJca' wanna Railroad, six milea from D L. & W. R. R. at Alford Station, and nr. mites from Montros; capacity eirlHr-UVw, three minutes' walk from railroad station. House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends tha Mi tiro teeta) of the house, which 1 100 feet Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc Free to (Juests. Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack and C'aCskHl Mountains. Finn sroves, plenty of shaft and beawtU ful nccrrfry. making a Summer Resort iwu excelled In beauty and cheaprtess. Dancing puvVllon. swings, croquvt grounds, etc. t'OT.P SPUING "WATER AND I'LKNTY OP MILK. katea $7 to $10 Per Week. $1.50 Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations on D., L. & W. lines. Porter meets all trains. Hotel Walton Broad and Locust Street, Philadelphia, Ono of the most, magnificent hotels ia the world. Palatial in every detail. Absolutely Fireproof. European Plan $1.50 Upwards, American Plan $4 Upwards . Pihintcd near all the leading theatres and railroad atationa. STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH I. D. CRAWFORD, Manager. J The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St.. New York Opp. Grace Church. -European Plan. Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upwards. fn a modest anil nnnhtruslr way thors ar f"W brttrr conducted hotuls in the metropolis than tlin St. Denis. Tho irtmt popularity it has acquired eaa rKudlly bo traced to its nniqilo location, its tiomelike atmosphere, the peculiar excellence of tin miteine and aurvice, and its very moder ate prices. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC 0 are located the finest fishing- and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points in Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and I'nitPd States Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle, Tui-oma, Portland, Ore., Son Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throucht trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with beddine-, curtain snd specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always lesa than via other line. For further information, time tabtcs, eta, on application to E. V. SKiNNER, G. E. A., 353 Broadway, New York. REVIVE RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Weil Man of Me. tc:e opeat .toth tin PREnrCK I1EMEDY produces the nliore results In HO days. It art Dnwrf nil; aad qulrklr. Curi hnn all othftr fal L rang mirn will retain th-lr lost manaood. asjl ol j men will recover their youthful nior br 61 n RKVIVO. It quickly and siirrlr restores Nervous, pes, Iot Vitality, Imtxiteney. HUrliUy tmUKKRV. Lut fewer, Falllna Memory, Wasting Dlmsiiwi. aad an cdfeots ol self-shiw or eiewaand Indiscretion, fhtoh an5tHene for study, business r anurias). It a"t ony cures by vtsrttug at tus seat of d. an, tt ha-grcat nerve tonic and blond tniUtlet brine, till bark tun pink ahw to ! eheekd re storing the fire of ywfifh. ft wards off TnnnUf and Consumption. Insist on having RKVIVO. ai, nther. It ran be carried in vest poet. Br'bfeil, " l.OO p. r parkage. or en ter SJO.OO, tcttb tlll tlve written sattrRnae tt rari. r fMstanl he money. Circuit I'M. AvhV-Ef, ""M.MrBiRt''". .tHttm- Fer'Jale by MATTHEWS BROSt. UraniM ScrastM. Pa. I r a fm Vtrm.phA 1st Day. V M l b 'ite sfk