The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 14, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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(Readers wtll pteasa not that adverting
menta, ordere for job work, una Items tor
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon A Co., newsdealers. North Main
treet, will receive prompt attention; of
Bce open from I L m. to 10 p. ru.
Could Not Furnixh 500 Bnil Ke
quired by Aldcrmun Joiiph.
The case of Abram Glazier against
Michael Scanlon was heard yesterday
mornlnj at Alderman Jones.' It seems
that for some time back Scanlon. who
boards with Glazier, hits not paid hi
board. Glazier needed the money and
ns It was not forthcoming had It de
ducted from Scanlon's wages.
When Scanlon received his wanes
minus the board bill he became angry
and made his way to the home of Gla
zier, determined to make things lively.
He was disappointed, however, as both
the landlord and his wife were absent.
He then proceeded to vent his anger up
on the furniture, and when the head of
the house returned ho found things in
a badly mixed up condition. He at
once had a warrant sworn out for Scan
ion's arrest and a constable soon had
the prisoner In the toils. Glassier do
llied having anything to do with the
affair. Glazier's little daushfr. who
was a witness of the alTalr, Untitled
against him, so his stury did not go.
He was therefore placed under $500 bail
and upon failure to secure It was sent
to the county jail.
The Assailant Now Hiding in Hit:
A stabbing affray took plane late Sun
day night which cume very near ending
the life of an Italian residim? near the
hospital, and It was from no good in
tention on the port of the person who
did the stabbing that there was not a
more serious ending.
A woman was the cause of the stab
bing. Several years ago, before coining
to this country, Anton Volpe paid con
siderable attention to the wife of his
cousin, Saverla Volpe. The former
lives In this city, the .latter in Archbnld.
Sunday they met for the first time since
the quarrel In Italy and at once came
to blows. In the tight Antonio drew a
knife and made a ferocious plunge at
Saverla. Fortunately the man was able
to evade the full force of the blow or he
would have been killed, as the blade
truck over the heart and made a wound
several Inches In length. It Is not dan
gerous, however.
The two men were soon separated by
Companions and Severla at once made
good his escape, and when last seen was
making his way In the direction of the
West Side mountains. He kept tiie
crowd from following him by means of
revolver, and has not yet been caught.
f nrbondnle Will He Represented in a
County 1,1'uiiiif.
The county league of amateur bafl
ball which furnlnhed good sport last
year Is being reorganized and this city
will be represented by the Alumni team.
The league will be composed of six
clubs, which will probably be ns fol
lows: Jenny n, Ilurmonles of Scranton,
Pcranton Hullrnud Y. M. C. A., Oly
phant, the Reserves of Scranton and
the Alumni team of this city. All the
teams are ilaylng fast ball this year
and good games may be expected. Now
that there Is no professional games to
detract patronage there will probably
be a large attendance, so that the games
will not be played on a losing basis. A
schedule is being prepared and games
will be played next week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gabriel, of Pittsburg,
who have been the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Hockenbury, of Salem ave
nue, left yesterday for Chatauqua, N. Y.
Miss Sarah Tribley, of Ilrooklyn, N.
Y.. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. 1 !a lu
ll y.
Mr. and Mrs. P E. Dennis and daugh
ter Gertrude yeft yesterday afternoon
for Atlantic City.
Miss Anna Stephens, of Salem avenue,
Is spending a few weeks with friends in
Mark Hart has accepted a position in
Hotel American.
O. A. Townsend, of New York city, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hyrne, of
Washington street.
Mrs. W. R. linker, of Garfield avenue.
Is confined to her home by sickness.
Professor J. E. Williams, principal of
the public Bchools of Dunmore, was the
f uest of Dr. W. J. Lowry yesterday.
Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of Mechanlcsville,
N. Y., and children are visiting her
mother, Mrs. Wesley Stanton, of Drum
tnnnd avenue.
Mr. James Carden, of Chicago, is vis
iting relatives In this city.
Miss Grace Vana&n Is ill at her home
on Belmont street.
Patrick Lunny, Jr., of South Main
street, has returned from a stay In New
York city.
Mrs. Cotter and daughter, Mrs. Va
lley, of St. Thomas. Ont., are visiting
friends In this city.
Miss Bertha Africa, of Huntingdon, Is
the guest of Mrs. T. V. McMullan.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Vanderford and
Miss Delia Bagley spent yesterday at lake.
Mrs. Karl Roeslnger left this morning
for New York city and tomorrow wlil
tail on the steamship Berlin for Ant
werp. She expects to be ?onc three
Mr. and Mrs. T.oren Pain and chll
,dren, of Blnghamton, are visiting Dr.
and Mrs. Place, of Ten-ace street.
Mrs. J. J. Mongan, of Scranton, is vis
iting In this city.
Mis Loretta Coxe. of the West 8ide,
has returned home from a visit with
Oreen Ridge friends. '
Mis. Patrick Carey, of New Jersey, is
Visiting her Bister, Mrs. Patrick Man
. nlon, of Battle aveneu.
Miss Kate Ruane, of Green Ridge, Is
Of Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths,
t Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace
Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Rugs
and Carpet Sweepers.
Toe abnre goods hsVn been overbanled and
narked down to nearly one-half their value.
Tbli sale will last daring the month of July,
to make room for (all goods. Coma and get
We have seme desirable thing In Rocking
Chairs and Center Tables; as Per Cent. Leas
- Than the Actual Cost that wa are closing ant.
419 Utessa Ant
the guest of Miss Margaret MoAn
drew, of Cottage street.
The Honesdale todge of the Royal Ar
canum will be Inspected tonight by Dis
trict Deputy J VV. DimoeW.
Without being too personal It might
be a pertinent question to ask of Col.
Cruiser, who Is Sewall?
There has been so much said about
the "Army Worm" that is of the whole
cloth that your correspondent has taken
pains to find out from personal obser
vation the habits and nature of this
dire destructor. The worm varies in
size from a half-Inch to two inches in
length and In the latter case Is as large
around as one's little lingpr. Us color is
when small and young a brownish black,
the underside being a yellowish green,
the older ones being Jet black. About
two o'clock In the afternoon It arouses
from a dormant state and begins Its
work of destruction. Everything, save
a few weeds are literally mowed down
by them, some crawling up the tender
stalks and sawing them off for the bene
fit of those on the ground. At dusk they
crawl under stones. boai'Js or ensconce
themselves under the clods of grass and
make no further appearance until the
following day about two o'clock. It Is
a fallacy that they march forward In a
straifrht line. Many farmers In this sec
tion are cutting half ripened grain in
order to save It and on Sunday the
humming of the reaper could have been
heard on many farms.
The best balloon ascension by far that
has ever been seen in Montrose occurred
on Saturday lust when Prof. C O.
Smith, of VV'ilkes-liarre, was lifted high
Into the heavens and successfully de
scended In his parachute, prof. Smith
enjoys the distinction of being the only
colored aeronaut In this country. It
was his eleventh ascension, and to your
correspondent he stated: "Yes, I am
back on the earth once, more, sute and
sound. What were lay feelings, the
sensation 1 experienced? Why, that Is
a hard matter to explain. The view
was beautitul, but everybody and all
the buildings seeme to lean sideways,
nothing stood up straight. I passed
through three currents of air and when
I was up In the third one It was very
cold. I believe thut I was up lo a height
of frtmi S.f'UO to 'l.dOO feet." Prof. Smith
Is a daring man: he performs many ac
robatic feuts while the balloon was in
mid air. and when he returned to town
wa given a royal welcome by the large
crowd which hud assembled to view the
Mrs. K. P. Riley and Miss Riley, of
Summit, N. J., are In Montrose for the
month of July. Next month they will
go to Silver Lake to Join Mrs. Holmes
and Miss Holmes, who are already oc
cupying a cottage there.
P. A. Miller and K. A. Roberts, of
Binghamton, are registered at the Tar
bell House.
Veal calves today brought from 4 to
44 cents.
An entertainment for the benefit of
the Village Improvement society will be
given on Tuesday evening. July 14. It
will be followed by dancing. Following
Is the programme: Piano, (a) "Song of
the Rushes," Seeling, (b) "Fabliau."
Halt, Miss tinma Vaughan Riley; reci
tation, "The Courtln,' " Miss Susie War
ner; solo, "Celeste." K. A. P. Newcomb,
Miss Katharine P. Riley; recitation,
selected, Miss Anne Williams. Farce.
"The Jack Trust," with the following
cast of characters: Lord Jink Town
ley, R. J. McCausland; Jennie Patle,
Miss K. I. Kiley; Clorlnchi' de Courcey.
Miss Jean Taylor; Eula Otis, Miss Anne
H. Cromwell; Old Mrs. Boothley, Miss
Throop; Marie, Miss F. E. Throop.
Henry Raise, of Silver Lake, was vis
iting with his Montrose friends yester
day. Mrs. John Jay, of New Milford, Is In
The lawn social of the Presbyterian
church, postponed from last month, will
be held Wednesday and Thursday even
ing of this week.
Miss Mollle Ollgallon, of Oak street.
Is spending a few days with her parents
at the Archbald.
The people of the Flats were treated
with some excellent music, Suturday
evening, by the I'nlon band of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cleary. of New
York city, are spending a few weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Connolly, on
Taylor street.
A number of our wheelmen will par
ticipate In the McKinley parade this
evening. All wheelmen of town are In
vited to accompany them.
The B. Y. P. IT. of the Calvary Bap
tist church will meet this evening. All
the young people are requested to be
present for the purpose of reorganiza
tion. The topic for discussion will be
"Local Missionary Work." An address
will also be delivered on the "Chief
Aim of the Young People's Society."
Subscriptions to the Plttstnn relief I
fund are still coming in, but rather!
slowly. It is hoped that after pay It !
will Increase rapidly. It is something
that all people In the mining districts
should feel an interest in nnd contribute
something to the families of those men
who suffered such a terrible death. Let
everyone respond generously to the ap
peal. The Independent Social club, who
rye'-e abtu to discontinue their weekly
Mc'els. will rontlnue them unt'l fur-
thrfotico from the club.
, - .
Cr.e of the hardest rain, hall and
elcctilcal storms of the season passed
over fills place yesterday.
Mr. William Williams nnd daughter
Etrel, of Ann Arbor, Mich., are the
e"'t of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Titus.
I-eon Poyle Is spending his vacation
with Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N.
1a. A. Bingham, of Blngharrton, Is
here looking after the repairing and
painting of his residence.
Mr. Oeorge Heminger, of Weatherly,
Pa., sent the Sabbath with his wife's
parent3 Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Williams.
Lewis Boyle, of Marshwood, spent the
Sabbath with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
V. N. Boyle. But he had a time getting
here. He left Marshwood on a wheel,
with twenty minutes to make No. 6, at
Scranton, and while coasting along the
way, his wheel went In pieces. He got
oft without Injury to himself, and led
the conveyance Into ths city, taking a
later train home.
T. J. Stewart killed a blacksnake on
Sunday afternoon that measured over
five feet.
The children of the Presbyterian Sun
for the excursion on July 30. The school
day school were given tickets on Sunday
Is in a flourishing condition under C. S.
Jones as superintendent
The Ladies' Aid society will meet at
the home of Mrs. E. Foote on Wednes
day afternoon
. On Saturday a party of our people en
Joyed a day's outing on Campbell's
Ledge. They were taken In wagons and
nothing marred their pleasure. The
party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. O. K.
Drake, sr., Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. George Drake, Jr., William
Repp, Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Frlnk, Prof.
L. B. Broadhead, Misses Wealthy and
Margaret Broadhead, Misses Welsh and
Montanya. Misses Kerr and Chaffee, or
Trenton. N. J., Miss Stella Phlnney, C.
J. Ludgate, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Stark,
Dr. Myers, and Misses Nellie Dills and
Isabelle Allen, of Duryea.
The Ladles' Aid Society, of the Meth
odist Episcopal church will be tendered
a social at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Harris on July 16. Ice cream
and cake will be served by Mrs. Harris.
Mrs. E. C. Kellum and Mrs. N. E.
Hosktns returned home yesterday af
ter a t j-ee w ks' visit with friends, in
The Home Dramatic comrany will
produce "The Yankee Detective" for
the benefit of the Twin dlsuster relief
fund on July 29. T. J. O'Mallv has
kindly contributed the use of the opera
house and Editor Dopey of the Argua
will donate the advertising required for
The Plttston Reds defeated the Mooslc
Poplars on Sunday alteinoon. Score
12 to 13.
Mrs. H. Webb hns returned home af
ter a few weeks' visit with friends In
oneonta, X. Y.
Jllss R MiHuwan, of Jersey City, Is
the gue.?t of her cousin. Miss Nellie Me
Gowan. The Daughters of St. George will hold
a social In Jackson Purk on Satuiday
No. 13 shaft of the Pennsylvania Coal
company will resume work today after
being closed down several weeks to un
dergo repairs.
Prof. J. J. Toye, who has been teach
ing In Marcy district during the past
few years, has been elected principal
of the Hughestown borough schools.
Messrs. S. A. Hendrlck, of Jermyn,
and William Crane, of Dunmore, were
visitors In town on Sunday.
Solomon, the three-months-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dnvls, died on
Saturday afternoon of cholera Infan
tum. The funeral took place yesterday
afternoon . Interment was) made In
IjUiiKciift'e cemetery.
The LanijclilYe excursion to Lake
Ariel promises to be one of the largest
to leave the town this season. TIcke'ts
60c.. The Mooslc bajid' will accom
pany the excursion.
Mr. und Mrs H. F. O'Donnell, of
Pasuns wore visitors In town on Sunl
day. Mr. and Mrs. Solomen Deeble have
returned home from a week's' visit with
Albany friends.
The school board met In regular ses
sion last evening. After the reading of
the minutes by Secretary O'Malley,
communications were received, D. R.
Davis making application for school
olllcer, Mrs. A. O'Malley for Janltress of
Fourth ward t'chool, and Miss Meredith
for teacher. The communications were
referred to the teachers' committee.
Bills were read and ordered paid from
the following: Scranton Republican,
advertising, $10.50; Scranton Times, ad
vertising. $18.50; D. Appleton, for en
cyclopedia, $6. A motion prevailed that
all the regular teachers be appointed.
It was defeated by a vote ot six to three.
The board will meet on the second
Thursday of the month In the future.
The secretary was Instructed to sub
scribe for the School Journal. Ad
journed. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Quinlan, of Phila
delphia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Cummlngs, ot Hudson avenue.
The funerul of Edrls, the six-year-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. William Mosley,
who died on Saturday last, took place
yesterday afternoon. The remains were
taken to Union cemetery for burial.
Mrs. D. J. Campbell, Mrs. John Camp
bell and little daughter Marie, of Scran
ton, visited the Misses Carbine, on
Lackawanna avenue, Sunday,
Miss McLoughlln, of Schuylkill, Is vis
iting Mrs. Frank V heeler.
Mrs. D. A. Van Sickle and granll
dren, Clara and Carl Van Sickle, have
returned from a month's sojourn at As
bury Park.
A Hungarian whose name Is unknown
was seriously Injured by a premature
blast at Johnson's mines yesterday af
ternoon. He was taken to the Lacka
wanna hospital at Scranton.
Misses Sarah Connors and Katie Ken
nedy, of Scranton, spent Sunday with
relatives at this place.
John A. O'Connell, of Niagara uni
versity, who Is spending his vacation at
Oavbondale, called on John Sweeney, of
this place, yesterday.
All members of the Central Bicycle
club are requested to meet at heir
rooms Tuesday, July 14, ISM. at 6.46 p.
in., to take part In the McKinley par
fide at Scranton, All wheelmen that
are not members of th club are cor
dially Invited to accompany the club.
John L. (Jaurd, secretary
S'r. od Mrs. Robert Whitley, of Wy
ovilng, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
S M. Rogers.
Frank W. Day, of Wllkes-Bnrre.spent
Sunday In town with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Barber. .
G. L. Keller and A. W. Jenkins spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Webster, at South Canaan.
Thnmna Spanenburg mode a trip to
Wayne county on his bicycle last Sun
day. Stanley Newton, of Blnghamton, Is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Cieotge B. Newton, on North Main
Last Snudny afternoon at 2.45, Mrs.
Ann Wlllian'S. widow of the late Wil
liam Williams. Ywssed to her eternal re
ward, after an illness of several months.
Mrs. Williams was born In North
Wales In 1S48. She came to this coun
try ten years ago and located nt Miners'
Mills. By her kind and loving manner
she won for herself many friends who
will greatly mourn her. She Is survived
by one daughter. Mrs. Thomas W. Mor
gans, with whom she lived for sr-veral
years. The fureral services wlil be
held at the Baptist church this after
noon at 2.S0, and the Rev. W. J. Guest,
her former pastor, will preaeh her
funeral sermon. He will be assisted by
the present pastor. Rev. Mr. Allen.
Mrs. Charles Davis, of Afton, N. Y.,
Is visiting her son. Rev. John Davis, on
Church street.
L. G. Wllmot. sr., and old resident
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to Rood's Pills. Small In
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
aid: You never know you p,. sj
bare taken a pU) till It U all l3bij
over." SSe. C.L Rood Co., IflllS
Proprietors, Lowell, Mm.
The oaly pills t take with Hood'l Sartaparllla.
y .
Highest of tH fa LcaTada; Pcpc. Lttcrt CZ.Cz v'l Expert
"j3Hyf I Bailing
of this place, died at his home on Rail
road street Sunday afternoon. The
funeral services will be conducted from
the Baptist church this afternoon.
E. H. B. Rossa, was In Montrose on
An open air meeting will be conducted
on Chaw avenue Tuesday evening.
Attorney J. N. Kelly, of Moiuxise,
was In town on Monday.
Arch Llfcday cf V.'yomiif, ?-. Vf
a calli;' In town on f-'ar-ds:',
Mrs. J. T. Annflcld hM Wli C!!
to the bedside of her tiiutl hi' wh :
sustained a broken W. Mrsi Ar" ---cpecta
to reach California this wt-r:
C. C. BrcedJioad, of Scranton, was
csIJt In tur.-n ui flay.
V.'. 3. Kut. -hinge vae e, visitor out
to-vn ycs'.o.dsy.
Ono cf ho llttio children ( ?p'f V
mond, Is confined to tho ho'JGJ -i
attack of sickness.
Mrs. Frank Mlllvd, l tWwly rsvB
erlng from h'.-r la'.J tljl-.i-or.
Had Rrcnks, IuadvcrtcnMr Kt6e, Aa
Often the Cause of Quiet lluraor.
From the New York Dispatch,
In the hurry of speech and the
anxiety to be polite one Is very often
liable to slips of the tongue which may
put an entirely different construction
upon the sentence than was Intended.
For example, upon arriving at youir en
tertainer's house, you say :"I beg a
thousand pardons for coming Bo late,"
and are met by your hostess with the
words: "My dear sir, no pardons ore
needed; you can never come too late."
Take another Instance. At an even
ing party In Cork a lady said to her
patrner: "Can you tell me who that
exceedingly plain rrun is sitting oppo
site to us?" "That Is my brother.,' "Oh,
I beg your pardon," slie replied, much
confused, " I did not notice the re
semblance." That was certainly putting one's foot
In It, and yet perhaps was not so awk
ward as the following: After a certain
concert a wvll known German
cautratice asked a gentleman to whom
he had been Introduced how he liked
hr duiet. "You sang- charmingly,
madam. But why do you select such
a horrid piece of music?" "Sir, that
was written by my late hsband!" "Ah.
yes, of course. I did not mean But
why did you select such an os to Ring
with you?" "Ach himmel, that Sa my
present husband!"
A laxly said aomethlng the other &r.y
t a friend's dinner that found a'.t
the archer llttio meant. There was sev
eral strangers present, nnd In response
to a remark madu at. out a certain
the fair guest In question unclaimed:
"Why, good gi-acloua! she la us old
as the hills!" and could not Imagine
in the least what had caused the gener-
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
CHOE VALUES were nev
er more worth' 'our
thoughtful consideration than
they are at this moment. You
will simply thr -w away money
on shoes if you buy anywhere
else. In quality, from the
ordinary shoe to the finest
make, we have laid the knife
and make a quick selling
price beyond question. Your
eyes will jump at the fine
stock of men's ar,d women's
Russet Shoes reduced to $3,
$2, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.
Misses' Russet Shoes re
duced to 89c. and $1.
Children's Russets reduced
to 40c, 50c. and 75c.
Boys' Shoes reduced to
65c, 75c, and ,98c.
We invite j'ou to call and
examine our goods and you
will surely save money by it.
No trouble to show goods.
We have only one price to all.
You can buy one pair shoes
or you can buy twelve pairs of
shoes and no reduction will
be made and you will find it
an advantage to buy at a place
where they do not add extra
to come down. A child can
buy as cheap as the shrewdest
Scranton s
Shoe Store
307 Lackawanna Avanu& .
al consternation. She did a little later,
however, when It was explained to nor
that two maiden sisters at the table,
whose names she did not catch In the
Introduction, wore called lllll and were
exremely sensitive on the subject of
"Here, my dear husband, ' said a lov
ing wife, " I huve brought you a lUtlc
silver pljr for luck. It'B a charm, you
know. doar. to bring happiness to a
' ,,1.. how kind of you darling! Cut
wiiv .-li.mld I need a little pU; to brl:s3 luck when I have you still?"
uwkwaid compliment r;ccru!y
rather disturbed tin- linruumy of u
wedding breakfast glwn ty a sulistitn
tlel farmer Messed Willi Pve diiUKht-VM.
th-; rlrie.-,t Icing- the lii.l. A neigh
boring young tanner, who was honovd
wlih an Invitation, thll.klnp, no Count,
he ousht to say Bomethlntr smart r.r.a
complimentary upon the event, nd
dresFlngr the brldorrrooin, said: " Weil
you have cot the pl''k of the batch."
Tho countenance cf tro four unman led
ears may bo Imagined.
!ITow to Cure all bklu Dldonson." apply "SwaynVn Olntmrnt."
Jfo lutrrnul rnO'l'.rSr'j reiulrd. Curoj
tttter, twm, itch, ail emptier. on tht
tae, imml, r.os-, rtc, leAVintf the ltn
cleats white bud healthy, It Great
healing and cu;ailva powari are pop.
sessed by no other remedy. Ask ynur
druggist fur Swayne's Ointment.
rftlie Fri? to Cattlsg Teeth.
Mfj, wtnclnw';. frotliniB Sj-mp Hm
tern Ue6 foi- OVT fifty TMirs by VIS
J'fi.a c" J.trtitn ir Children
wMI T"'tl"C. With Perfect eucea
It Nt)ntho the Child, Softens th Quid.
,' llnjn all I'ain; Cure3 Wind Collo nm)
Is the best remedy fqr diarrhoea, Pfilij
by ltruxtristf In evy f.ivt ef the world,
)t sure and hit tT "J"r Wlnslow'a
rio.Mlilim PyrMiV' tn no oth;r
tlnr1 Twer-fiw nt a fcwttla,
.-. ,tl JJ. P"U..M il.IHltil.l.i..l..Li
Sdperior Fac? Bleach
Pttltitelj RemOT33 All Facial Elcalsici
Azalea Fdce Powder is superior to any ton
poiMioi' wr mniiuiactured. Lio l nd oota
inani3 by lmding society Mid profusion l
b iiitles, Vkcjusu it ii'vo th bwt pouibl
effort and rvtr leaves the tkln rough or
sr. Mr. I rli'A 6) ont.
Thrlxcfccnc, Nturo Hair Orowor, It th
fjrcttnit nun- lavltorntor ot tb prent pr
ro-l r. blii i pnrelr a Tej'tax'e roa
pound, entirely h.vuil-M. slid murTelnai iu
I'm umirnaMOr, o.,tc. ah uivnpra mi Ian nnir
an I 1) are lenciliT curstt liv tus git of
'ihrli.'RHnfi. Prico Mlnent a' d 31 For sale
at I'. U. Hotzel s Hair-dreiaiiiK asd Uanianra
Farlkir-, 1W LRckuwnnna are. ana N' 1 Lau
i In Ku.lrilnj. Willtes-Barre. Mail ordors
flllod promptly.
m em
F:paovop Track!', Fmpfoct
Liver iilobs. Liac:.S jnda-
46. .-I n'T.. n4
ttrrej t;e cliin to Us orlji- 1 ..M &n
cear raid hculthy c.)3i-iJv. VfOT'C-"1
pinion. Fiipcrior to S'llo '
jifparntloia ail prfcr'.ly hurmVM. At nil
uruuior moiled iat SOcU. Scud ior Circular,
VIOLA SKIN 80AP iimrir lKcapMa ai a
kla rur.l.loif tioftp, anccjimlcrl ftr tli loilft, awl wltfamil a
flr&l lur tlia nurs.-iy tmr ixd rkltoattl awtt
out. Atdityiiu, Priro 15 Cenfa.
G. C. BITTNKH c CO., Toledo, a
For sale hy MATTIIKW3 BROS, and
JOHN II. PHEps. Scranton, Pa.
CSKRacs r Tt Huwt.T k1i9iet AtmiSFmn
lKnr.m win euro yon. A
woiwrfn! bvon tn miffererf
from VnMm, oreThrsnt,
orllAli FEVEB. Ari
mmrmtutTtii'j. Anefflclin.
In pnetn.ntAr to
f'Amtfaii1 ITaak
rcraenr. onnrenlent to rrrt
('aatlanee Vae I rreta ermmoemt rnn.
jatnf action nurantecd or moner rerunled. Pr In,
eta. 'Irlul frco at Drorjiisu. Krcntorad nail.
MENTHfiL Tho iuretand (areatramedr for
I?!. 5. Irt'BdlaaaseaVK-aema.ltca Bhl-
!,?"csii;irsi".m,-i'"u- wuiernii
rfrPII.Ea. Prlca.3Seta.t Dniit-Bal r
TlattorkruaUpropaiii. AdKnuuibor. DAI I
For sale by MATTHEWS BV.OSL and
IB ijC
JOHN H, PHELPS, Bcrantn. Pa.
tnii..ii --ari - ri a mnrti n nri "tiiirJ no
. M
' mm
1 mr
- 3
4 '
2 im
1 m
, l.'t
4C0 m 4C2 LACKAWA'.NA fiVZ.
Filll GB8B3. SUITS,
All Reduced to
Greatest Bargains ever jdven In Scranton. We have aa immense
assortment of short lengths in every grade; desirable patterns, too, the result
f a good spring trade, and we have decided to close them out at about Half
Price. Bring the measure of your rooms and we will surprise you very
agrerably with the handsome carpets you can purchase for a small outlay.
For example, we quote best grade Body Brussels: BlffelOW. Whlttttll, LOW
ell and Ullll Fetid, Sl.Oi). formerly $1.2 other makes of Body Brussels,
$5C, formerly $1x5; Velvets, 75c. and 05c, formerly $1.00 and S5e. All
other grades at proportionately low prices.
An examination of our stock will convince you that an investment now
will save you money, if purchased only for future use.
Oppoalte Main Entrance
ta to Wyoming Haas.
Branch at Carbondala.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Odd and End and
Remnant Sale
We begin the season with full
assortments of the best goods we can find, if they work
down evenly, all right; if they dout, it's all right too.
T There comes
Lots of times people don't have room for a commode
don't buy it take dresses and bedsteads, but leave the
commode here an orphan as it were. There are lots of
homes where they are needed where they'd answer the pur
pose of a dresser, if a mirror were hung above them. Well
made, attractive looking commodes as low as $2.75 Mirrors,
suitable for such a purpose, 90c.
Odd Chairs
To break a set of chairs means to break the
prices on the remaining ones; it doesn't pay to give sample
room to sorts that cannot be supplied in full sets; hence our
willingness to accept about two-thirds regular price.
AinnMiaainia,. t
Wooe Coll 5154.
408 Lackawanna Avenue
Qeueral Office: SCRANTON. PA.
a time when we clean out the
broken lots. We make the price so low
that quality wise, . economical people can
not resist buying. Room to mention only
two or three items. There are dozen of
others equally worthy of mention.
Orphan Commodes
urvnumf aucvuc