The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 14, 1896, Image 1

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    ;' . ..." 4' ' '
- .
; -
Lots at
3 9
Egg Lots at
Less Ttosi Cc-st
Today we speak of wash gods, par
ticularly, but It might as well be
abeut any other department where
hummer Roods still Unser, for we've
mowed the prices down bo close on
all that profits are now entirely out
fcf the qutstion.
It's. Clearance
We're After
and as you know, we usually man
age to niRke a clean sweep as each
succeeding season closes.
May We Single
Oat Was! Cools
Tomorrow It may be something else,
bet anyway, you can take your
pi lee cue on anything summerlsh
from what follows.
Swivel Sits
In a mttern range almost ns com
plete a? when first opened for the
season. In quality they are the
hlahest grade produced, and mmiy
of the effects are exclusive novel
ties. Ckanurjg up price, 37c
Exquisite designs In fancy combina
tion hem stitched stripes or plain
linen grounds. The most popular
25c wash stuff of the season.
Cleaning up price, 15 c
Imputed Btaities
The genuine French printed good
In the daintiest of flora.! Idea,.
White grounds oji'y. Price all sea
son, :.jc.
Cleaning up price, 35c
The Queen of all the cob-web fa
brics Magnificent styles. Your
pick of all that remains of a 20'.
cr.d "1'aC. tiualltieb.
Cleaning up price, 20c
Domestic Dimities
American Dimities
You might readily take them for the
expensive Imported kind, but they're
not. although they look as well and
will probably be Just as Sri vireabla.
No end to pattern range. Regular
price, 1?ic
Cleaning up price, 5c
A little over a case still on hand, so
that there Is no dearth as to styles.
White grounds only. Actual every
day value, 10c.
Cleaning up price, 5c
Heavy wave, especially made for
separate skirts. The patterns In clude
choice effects In Black and
White, Blue and White, Olive and
Pink; also plain narrow bar stripes.
High class 60c. quality.
Cleaning up price, 25c
Democratic Quid Standard Leaders Have
Not Fixed Upon Date of Conference.
Tbcy Desire to Ignore the Presi
dential Ticket and Elect tiold
Standard OongressmenJiuw. Jer
sey Democrats of l'rominence Op
pose the Silver-Plated Chicago
New York. July 13. The Democratic
gold standard leaders have not yet de
cided on the date and plt..-e of the con
ference at T. iiich, It Is expected, a mani
festo will be issued defining their at
titude towards the national ticket nom
inated ut Chicago.
One of the Tammany leaders said to
day that the-conference would probably
be held at Long Branch on Wednesday,
and that It would be attended by Dem
ocratic leaders from New York and sev
eral other states. From the talk of the
Tammany leaders and the followers of
Hill up the state, It appeared today that
the organization Democrats are gen
erally opposed to the nomination of a
third ticket. Hill and Whitney are be
leved to be opposed to a bolt, and the
machine men in their talk appear to be
reflecting the sentiments of these lead
ers, Accordng to a statement made this
morning by a friend of Air. Whitney, the
conference of New York leaders Is like
ly to result In a decision to Ignore the
national ticket as far as possible, and
call on sound money Democrats to help
to elect congressmen opposed to Free
silver coinage and to Join In an effort to
carry New York for the Democratlo
state ticket. By refusing to bolt, It Is
said that the organisation can main
tain its "regularity" and at the same
time work effectively against Bryan and
Bewail. The organization men seem to
tt-Hr that a bolt would result In the es
tablishment of another state organisa
tion, which would be recognized as
"regular" by the Democratic National
committee, and to make a great deal of
trouble for the present state leaders.
Senator A- P. Gorman, of Maryland,
arrived at the Fifth avenue hotel to
day. He said he would be in the city
lor a tew days, but lie would not give
any Information about the conference
of the gold standard men or say any
thing about the Ik-mocratlc National
ticket. Mr. Gorman had a tulk with
Senator Murphy at Long yes
Calvin S. Brloe, senator of the state
of Ohio, was seen in this city today, and
asked .whether he would repudiate the
Cliu'fctfo ticket and platform. In reply
Mr. Hiice said: "I um not ready to be
quoted on that subject, and shall not be
until I have had my own convention,
that Is, until 1 have- heard from my
friends in Ohio and learn what they are
golns to do or recommend."
All the leading Democratic bank
presidents In this city repudiate the
Democratic platform and ticket. E. D.
Handolph, president of the Continental
hank, and a life-long Democrat, said:
"I repudiate utterly both the platform
and the nominations and so far as I can
Judge from the present circumstances
shall vote for McKlulcy. bitter though
It would be to do so."
J. T. Woodward, presldnt of the
Hanover National bank, repudiates
both the ticket and the platform, but
whether he will vote for McKlnky is
not known.
.1. Edward Simmons, president of the
Fourth National bank, was one of the
first to repudiate the Democratic ticket
and platform, and to annonuce bis in
tention to vote for McKlnley.
Ex-Congressman Joseph C. Hendrix,
president of the National I'nlon bank
of this city, repudiates both platform
and ticket.
The most prominent Democrats of
New Jersey openly repudiate the Chi
cago ticket and platform. ArlioriR these
may be mentioned Secretary of Slate
Henty C. Kelsey, O. D. W. Vmoin, It M.
Anderson, ex-Senator J. H. Hlackwell.
ex-Comptroller W. P. He- penhelmer,
Samuel Walkei, Jr., who resigned as a
member of the Democratic state com
mittee on Saturday, ex-Senator Oorley,
of f'aterson, and a long list of otners
all over the state. Just how many sil
ver Democrats there will be In New Jur
sry cannot be stated.
Sussex reports a good many of them,
including' a Baptist clergymen and an
ex-Judga, Samuel F. I'.igelow and Wil
liam P. Daly are among the ptoinlnent
Democrats to pin on the Bryan badge
In the en;i-ri part of the state.
Illinois Sound .Money Men Call Tor
Another Convention.
Chicago, July 13. The honest money
Democracy of Illinois through Its ex
ecutive committee, Issued an address
tonight to the Democrats of other states
calling upon them to nominate another
national ticket and adopt a platform of
"sound money" principles upon which
the nominees can appeal to the people
of that opinion. This address was au
thorized at a. meeting of the executive
committee Saturday night and a com
mittee of three was appointed to write
and Issue It. This committee met today
In the law office of Henry J. Robbing,
president of the Illinois Democratic
Sound Money League and agreed upon
the address, which Is as follows:
To Our Fellow Democrats of Other States:
A national convention, convened untlcr
the constituted authority of our party,
has Just closed Its session in the city of
Chicago. It entered upon Its work by vio
lating all party precedents in the rejection
of a distinguished Democrat as its tempo
rary presiding officer. It deprived a sov
ereign state, of a voice In Its deliberations
by unseating, without cause or legal Jus
tification, delegates elected with all the
regularity known to party organization.
It refused tqadorse the honesty and fidel
ity of the present national Democracy. It
adopted a platform which favors ths free
and unlimited coinage of silver by this
country, alone, at a ratio of IS to 1,'and
thereby K repudiated a time honored
Democratic principle which demands the
strict maintenance of a sound and stable
national currency. Flvally, to make it
still plainer thai, although In name, it was
not la foot a Democratic convention,
nominated for president one who is not In
his political convictions, and has not al
ways been even In his professions, a Dem
ocrat. This has made such a crisis, both for the
n.aloii and the Democratic party, tTiat the
sound money lemocrats must at
deride what politics! action they will
take for the protection of the honor of teh
nation, the prosperity of the people and
life and usefulness of tho party. The
sound money Democrats of Illinois hav
fairly mude up their minds that a new
Democratic national convention should be
called for the earliest feasible day to nom
inate Democratic candidates for president
and vice president, and to adopt a plat
form of Democratic principles.
The address then gives the reasons
for calling another convention and con
cludes as follows:
Democrats who believe In Democratic
principles must have a party. They will
have a party sooner or lau r. The sooner
the better. They now have the opportun
ity to reorganise and k--ep the Democratic
party Intact and the Interests of teh
party Intact und tliu luternta of the
nation Imperatively demand that the
Democratic purty shall be rescued out
of populism and kept on Its historic,
foundation. The sound money Demo
crats are already sulttcieiitly argun
ln'il In this state to be ablo to meet
their fellow Democrats In a new convea
tlon and are unxlous te confer with rep
resentatives of another state whenever a
representative conference can be brought
about. We hope that out of tho responses
to this public statement of the views of
the Illinois Democracy there can be gath
ered so much of the j ml mucin of the lead
ing sound money Democrats of the United
Stutes as can be formulated Into a plan of
action. Communications should be ad
dressed to .Mr. Charles A. Ewlng chair
man, Palmer, House, Chicago.
The address Is signed: John M. Pal
mer, Charles A. Ewlng, Franklin Mac
Veugh, Ben. T. Cable. W. 8. Foreman,
Thomas A. Moran, John P. Hopkins,
Henry S.'Rnbhlns, A. A. Goodrich. Jas.
T. Hobbs. Adolph Kraus, Janves Shee
han, Charles H. Williamson, Linden
Evans, R. E. Sl angier, executive com
mittee of the honest money Democracy
of Illinois.
This pronounclamento of the gold
party of Illinois sets forth the pace for
the east, but In the minds of the leadeis
there is not an abundance of faith that
the party organizations which sent
gold delegates to the Chicago conven
tion will declare for another conven
tion. The most that Illinois expects is
that enough gold Democrats outside
the regular organization will send dele
gations to the new convention pro
posed as to make it successful and the
middle and southern states are relied
on to give the new movement much sup
port It Is In those that the gold men
cj7vot to win. Names of standard
bearers have been freely mentioned.
CMef among them Is Secrtary Car
lisle. He Is regarded as the IdeaJ can
didate if he would accept but the as
surances have not been received from
him. Henry Watterson, Is too, looked
upon with almost equal favor, romlng
from the same state, but he Is out of
the country and it Is not known when
he will return. The other statesmen
mentioned are Senator John M. Pal
mer, of Illinois, and Secretary J. Ster
ling Morton, who Is from Bryan's
The senator Is regarded as the local
obstacle to the co-operation of eastern
party organization In the ooll for a new
tleket. From private telegrams re
ceived today from the New York senu
tor and other party lenders In the Em
pire state It seems almost certain that
New York's Democratic organization
will not favor another convention. Sen
ator Hill's plan Is reported to be fight
for the election of gold congressmen
and for the throw.lng of the presidential
election Into the house of representa
tives, in which event a successful con
test for a gold president would be more
probuhle than with a third ticket.
The Illinois gold Democrat received
another setback today by the announce
ment of Postmaster Washington, a
leader of that factor In the start, that
he was opposed to a third ticket. He
denounced the proposition on the ground
that a third tleket would mean the elec
tion of the silver Democratic ticket.
The revolt of the Illinois delegation
ngainst Uov. Altgeld, which broke out
first In the convention hall when the
state swung to Bryan, was accentuated
today by the resignation of Col. Henry
l F. 1 'one-van. of Chicago, of his position
; of Inspector general of the Illinois Na
; tli nal guard, to which he was appointed
i by the governor. Col. Donovan wn an
original Boies man and led the auit
Blund forces against the governor. Be
fore leaving Chicago Mr. Sew-all de
nounced the attack which had been
mnde on him In a morning paper, de
picting him as a fnn of organized labor.
He said: "Any one ncqtiuinted with
Maine and her lumber and ship bulld
Inb Industry , knows that the house of
U. ..-nil 1. ........ 1 I .t. - , ....
l-wau nin uiuj?s ijuii iue rrieudtinip
in us employes, we nave never had
the slightest trouble nor have we ever
opposed union labor. I nm an advocate
of the cause of laboring men and our
men have always been treated on thut
Pennsylvania Leaders tjuict.
Philadelphia, July 13. On the authority
of some of the most Influential mm in the
management of the Democratic organisa
tion of this state It Is asserted that the
Pennsylvania party leaders, notwith
standing the gold mens' condemnation of
the platform, would take no hand In put
ting a gold standard ticket In the Held.
They seem to think thut the better plan
Is to let every voice choose between Mc
Klnley and Bryan.
Clifford Sentenced to Death.
New York, July 13. Edward Clifford,
the West Shore railroad detective, who
wnseonvleted of the murder of William fl.
Wntson, superintendent of the West Shore
road in Weehswken, was arraigned to
day In the Hudson county court at Jersey
City before Judge Llpplneott, anJ sen
tenced to be hanged on Thursday, Sep
tember 17.
Jot- Untlcr Knocked Out.
Philadelphia. July 13. At the Caledonian
Athletic club tonight Patrick F. Slivin
knocked out Joe Butler, the colored heavy
weight, in one minute and ten seconds,
with a half right arm swing on the Jawi
Congressman Sperry Kicks.
Hartford. Conn., July 13. Ex-Congressman
Lewis Sperry (Democrat), of the
First Connecticut district, said today that
he Is opposed to everything done at the
Chicago convention and will not vote for
Bryan nor support the platform,
- Earthquake ia Ontario.
Whitby, Ont., July 13. A shock or earth
uqake was felt 'here about 1 o'clock this
morning. Hundreds of people were awak
ened by to shock which tested about, in
Names of His Cc-Laborcrs in the Mckin
ley Campaign Announced.
William Osborn Is Mado Secretary
of tlio Committee--Mr. (nuy Re
signs the Pennsylvania, Chairman
shipGeneral John P. Klkin Sue
' Cleveland, July 13. After nearly a
month of careful consideration, Chalr
man M. A. Hanna, of tne Republican
National committee, has named the ex
ecutive committeemen who will be his
co-laborers and advisors In McKinley's
campaign. The list was furnished to
the press today. It contains the names
of M. A. Hanna, of Ohio, chairman; M.
S. Quay, of Pennsylvania; Joseph H.
Mauley, of Maine; H. C. Payne, of Wis
consin; Cyrus Lelnnd, of Kansas; Pow
ell Clayton, of Arkansas; C. G. Dawes,
of Illinois; W. T. Durbln. of Indiana,
and N. B. Sc ott, of West Virginia. Wil
liam M. Osborn is made secretary of
the committee and J. A. Dlx, of this
city, assistant secretary. The commit
tee will meet In this city Wednesday of
this week. "I am now preparing for
the fight," Mr. Hanna said today with
an air of a man who is confident of win
ning a prospective battle, "for there Is
going to be a fight and a hot one at
that. We think that the western and
southern states are debatable ground,
and we shall go into the contest with
that Idea. The Dakotas should go Re
publican, Nebraska should be Republi
can and the same 1h true of Alabama
and Louisiana.
"I have not fully made up my mind
as to the conditions political, of the
people of the border states, but think
we have a fighting chance there. In
the campaign there are more 1 sours
than the tariff and the money ques
tions, which are of fully as much mo
ment as the other two and which, If
anything concern the maintenance of
our government more than the two
Issi'fs which now hold the public mind.
I -nrtlcularly to the stability of
' a I system, which Is threat-
.he Demooratlc party. In their
, Is a plank, which contends
I... i .he present system of selecting the
Juuges of the Supreme court be swept
away. That court should be surround
ed with the greatest protection In order
to keep It pure and untainted and the
selection of Judges should net be set
tled by a sudden wave, a sudden excite
ment of the people, hysteria of the
masses that Is a good expression. Fre
quently the people are swayed by sen
timents of momentary duration. They
are wrought ud to a htgh rltch and
without giving the matter sober second
thought, and on the morrow they are
sorry for their course of aotlon, but
then it Is too late. The supreme court
must be guarded as on Its stability de
pends the soundness of our govern
Philadelphia, July 13. United States
Senator Quay has resigned the state
chairmanship and his successor will be
elected at once by Auditor General My
lin, permanent chairman of the last Re
publican state convention, and Judge
Davenport, of Erie, and Representative
Galusha A. Grow, the candidate for
congressman-at-large. Deputy Attor
ney General John P. Elkln will be elect
ed Mr. Quay's successr. He Is a staunch
follower of the senator. Mr. Quay's res
ignation of the state chairmanship Is
taken to Indicate that as a member of
the executive committee of the Repub
lican National committee he intends to
take an active part la the presidential
The Efforts trt Secure a Representative
Form of Government for Chris
tian Endeavor Societies Fail.
Washington, July 13. Th? board of
trustees of the United Soc ieties Christ
ian Endeavor held Its flnnl meeting for
the year today In Its room at the Eb
bitt House and formally wound up the
business of this convention. The trus
tees were gratliied during the meeting
by the reception of a signed statement
bearing the names of nearly every state
union of Christian Endeavor societies
approving their administration of the
affairs of the society and endorsing their
system of government.
Ths statement was called forth by an
agitation started In some parts of the
west and continued for several years,
seeking to effect a change In the man
agement of the societies. No criticisms
has been directed against officers or
trustees by the agtntors. The aim was
to secure a representative form of gov
ernment in the society. At present all
powr over tho affairs of the society is
vested in the board of trustees and their
officers and the board is self perpetua
ting. Some of the western ciideavorers
want to change this system so that va
cancies In the board should be filled by
electing either in the conventions or
by the local uniuns. Opposition to this
proposed charge found expression today
in this formal statement which bears
the signatures of twenty-eight state
union presidents and the expression Is
no emphatic that the agitation for a
changof of system Is not likely to be
heard from a;ain' for some time. The
statement further says that the Chris
tian Endeavor is not an institution, but
a movement. The vast simplicity of
Its organization, Its freedom from ma-chln-iiy,
combined with high character,
sober Judgment and willingness ta gain
light from every rightful source on the
part of the officers and trustees, have
done much to lift It to its present high
position of Influence,
It endorses the recent council of the
trustees of the united society and presi
dents of state and provincial unions, as
a wise step in the progress of the move
ment, recommends that such a council
be made a permanent feature In con
nection with succeeding international
The statement bears the signatures of
the following; state presidents: C, A.
Barbour, New Yorkj J. T. McCreery,
Pennsylvania; C. N. Hunt, Minnesota;
W. H. Strong;, Michigan; W. P, Taylor.
Alabama; A. D. Klnser. Iowa; T. G.
Langdale. South Dakota; Cora B. Blek
ford. Maine; Miles M. Shand, District
of Columbia: Robert J. Caskr-y, Utah;
T. J. Conner, Arkansas; T. P. Barber,
Colorado; A. F. McGregor, Ontario;
Arthur D. Thaeler, North Carolina; Ed
ward T. Root, Maryland; I. J. Klrkpat
rlck, Indiana; J. Clement French, New
Jersey; Henry Martyn Grant, South
Carolina; Wlllard Elliott. Florida; W.
O. Fennel), Connecticut; Joseph Brown
Turner, Delaware; A. O. Lelfinwell,
Wisconsin; John J. Hall.Vermont: Sam
uel W. Marsh. Rhode Island; O. C. Sar
gent. New; Hampshire; John D. Ellis,
Kentucky;Fred. P. Morse, Louisiana;
Harry Omarcott, Nebraska.
Eight meetings In tents and churches
closed the proceedings of the conven
tion tonight and speeches were made
by many prominent Endeavorers.nmong
others Rev. Doctor B. Fay Mills, J.
Wllber Chapman, of Philadelphia, and
J. T. Vance, of Tennessee.
After a brief consecration service at
each meeting the convention adjourned
without day.
Mr. Bryan Makes a Good Record as a
Handshaker The First Cam
paign Speech of Season.
Campaign, 111., July 13. William J.
Bryan arrived here on the Illinois Cen
tral road at 6.05 this evening, after a
pleasant ride of three hours and a halt
from Chicago.
At several places along the route Mr.
Bryun was given hearty receptions. His
first experience was at Kankakee, where
about a thousand men, women and
children were gathered and a cheer
went up from the crowd as Mr. Bryan
appeared on the platform of the Pull
man sleeper, and he was obliged to get
down Into the crowd and grasp the
many hands extended. Kankakee was
reached at 4.02 and although the train
remained there for 1 minutes only Mfc.
Bryan made a good record as a hand
shaker. At Kankakee Mr. Bryan was
handed this telegram:
"Franklin, Pa. Accept congratula
tions. Your spurs were won on the
field. Signed, Joseph C. Sibley."
At Oilman a stop was made to enable
the hundred or more farmers gathered
at thnt station to give a cheer fur the
candidate and shake his hand. The
crowd was very good natured and In
dulged In many Joking remarks which
Mr. Bryan seemed to appreciate. The
train on which Mr. Bryan made the
Journey to Odin, the nearest point on
the Illinois Central to Salem, Is the regu
lar train which left Chicago at 2.20. Mr.
and Mrs. Bryan and a party of news
paper men occupied the attached Pull
man sleeper. Scott Jackson and wife,
of Salem, old friends of the Bryans,
were also in the car and the only other
occupant was P. U. Adams, of Chicago,
who will be secretary of the Democratic
literary bureau.
"There he is, the man with the white
hat," was the cry at Paxton, a small
station which was reached at 6:15 and a
stop of a minute made. Mr. Bryan's
white hat is likely to be a conspicuous
object in the campaign. It Is one of
thone soft felt affairs, creamy n color,
adorned by a band of lighter hue than
its texture. It could be readily seen by
the two hundred people gathered on
the Paxton station platform..' They
made a rush toward it as Mr. 'Bryan
stepped from the train. A hearty shout
went up and then the crowd laughed
uprorlously as Mr. Bryan's remark that
"If you vote as well as you shout we'll
get along all right."
Rantoul, another small station turn
ed out a hundred or more people and
a big Hag and they too had the opportu
nity of congratulating Mr. Bryan.
Mr. Bryan mnde his first campaign
speech at Champaign where the train
stopped twenty minutes. , A flat car had
been improvised Into a speaker's stand,
from this Mr. Bryan addressed his audi
ence, consisting of 1,500 people. Mr.
Bryan spoke as follows:
I have not been in your city since 1S79,
In that year I was a student at the Illi
nois college when I attended an Inter-eol-leeliite
corttfSt at this place. I am not mo.
lug K make a political speech this even
ing. Here a small boy yelled "lioorii.e"
and Mr. Tityan jnin-'cl In the laugh and
was unable to resume for u minute or two.
I have Just been luikliig some In Chl
csito and am short of between speeches.
This is an Important compalgn, In my
Judgment, nnd It is the most
campaign this country has pasueti througn
In time of peace. The issues are thoae
which affect every man, woman and child
In the nation and I beg of you that you
shall appreciate the Important part you
bear In this campaign. This Is the. great
est nation on earth, It Is In advance of u"l
other nutiona. Its advancement Is be
c;iii" our form of government Is the bet
on !.-t h, because being In the hands of
the people 41 can be made as good as the
people desire, if our laws are good, If
our laws are Just, It is because our peop'e
have force to make them Just. I believe
there Is more Justice In the people than Is
'expressed through their representatives.
If laws are bad It Is the fault of the rep
resentatives of the people nnd so must be
remedied by the people. There are rhos?
who have the idea that patriotism can
only be manifested in tlnle of war. I was
too young to go to the war, but In every
campaign such as this you and I have a
chance to show our patriotism. Our gov
ernment Is the most perfect form of gov
ernment because It Is the best that the
people "an offer for a display of patriot
kin. Every great economic question Is a
great moral question and when you come
to the settlement of a question like thut of
the present campaign, morality Is Invited.
The financial question Is the most Impor
tant Issue In this campaign and I wish that
you would study It so that you may un
derstand the wuy It affects you and your
Interests. There Is no one class that can
bo trusted to take care of It. P.efore the
campaign Is over the discussion will turn
on one question: "Is this nation great
enough to legislante for Itself?" We be
lieve we are strong enough to determine
our own financial policy, not waiting for
any one on earth. It Is a complicated
question. Every great economic question
Is at least a great moral question and when
It comes to be settled It can only be done
by the sreat common people of the nation.
The politicians have tried to settle tho
money question, but it was was not to be
settled until the people have a chance to
express their opinions and then It will be
settled and from that there Is no appeal.
The people cheered Mr. Bryan as the
train pulled out.
Gold Withdrawals.
Washington, July 13. Tho goto with
drawals toduy amounted to 157,600, leav
ing the reserve at close ef business $US,.
Serious Accident on the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Near Hasleton.
The Bovine on the Track Became
Entangled in the Machincrf of the
Locomotive and Caused II te Leap
Down an F.mbankmienWM any Pas
scngers Injured.
Wllkes-Barre, July 13. A serious
wreck occurred on the Hazleton branch
of the Lehigh Valley railroad between
White Haven and Freeland this after
noon by which one man, the engineer,
was killed and quite a number were
more or less seriously Injured. It was
the most serious passenger wreck since
the memorable Mud Run disaster.
The train consisting of an engine
and three passenger coaches left Hasle
ton at 1.45 p. m. for White Haven. It
was in charge of Engineer William
Down, Conductor Joseph Holler and
Fireman B. Mooney, all of Hasleton.
When the train reached a point about
200 yards from Pond Creek Junction,
where tho Highland branch of the Le
high Valley and the Upper Lehigh
Branch of the Central railroad come
together. It rounded a sharp curve
at a good rate of speed, probably 30
miles an hour. Just as the train was
shootinc along the curve the engine
struck a cow and the animal became
entangled In the machinery of the en
gine. The big machine ran along the
ties for a distance of over 200 yards
and then broke loose from the tender
and rolled down an embankment nearly
fifty feet. The engine ploughed
through the around, steamed and
puffed, then turned over and over, and
In a moment was at the foot of the em
bankment. The fireman, Mr. Mooney,
Jumped out of the cab window and fol
lowed the engine dowra. the bank, re
ceiving serloua Injury, while Engineer
Dowd was pinned under the engine
when found. He was so terribly tn
Jured and scalded that he died soon
after being taken out from under the
When the engine broke loose from the
coaches the latter bumped over the ties
for a distance of over 200 wards and
then ran Into an embankment and all
threo of the coaches turned over on
their sides. The passengers were thrown
over the seats in all directions. The
following were .Injured:
F. McCloskey, of Philadelphia, arm
Henry Brodhun, of Wllkes-Barre, arm
broken and back Injured,
Mrs. H. Rrodhun, Wllkes-Barre, serious
ly Irjured about the back and chest.
Mary S. Bauer, Tow and, cut on head and
Miss Rose Ann Clark, Ashland, arm, back
and hrp Injured.
Daniel Cllonaara. Philadelphia, bruised
about body.
Jaime McDonald, Freeland, three ribs
R. L. Clark. Ashley, Injured upon head
and bis daughter slightly bruised,
Mrs. Lorenie, Ashley, cut on head, and
her daughter slightly hurt.
Frank Lorenze, Ashluy, cut on head and
Dixon Green, Philadelphia, cut on head.
Charles Gaier, Baltimore, scalp wound.
A. D. Humphrey, Towanda, hip bruised.
E. E. Richard. Boston, bruised on limbs.
James W. Hoyt,, Binghamton, leg and
arm bruised.
Nathaniel Gale, New York, leg bruised
and right hand Injured.
Attorney Bernard Mooney, Wllkes-Barre,
knee cap Injured.
James McDonald, three ribs brokem
Among those badly shaken up were
Ida O'Donnell, of Ashley; Bessie Eagan,
of Darkwater; Mrs. H. D. Jones ana
son, Scranton; Jennie Lowry, Scran
ton; Max Schmltt and four children, of
Shenandoah. None of them were serl
ously hurt.
.Tore Tn!k of Abandoning the Almost
Hopeless Work oi'Kescue. to The Tribune.
Plttston, Pa.. July 13. There is noth
ing to report from the Twin shaft ex
cept that the progress of the rescuers
Is getting slower as they get deeper into
the main falL
There Is some taik of the company
making n. proposition to the families of
the victims, to give up the work of re
covering the bodies and divide among
the families the money that It will cost
to recover the bodes, the amount to be
determined by a committee of expert,
disintrested miners and operators.
It will take weeks and possibly months
to get to the point where the search for
the victims Is to be commenced and If
the bodies are recovered they will by
that time be unrecognizable.
Steamship Arrivals.
JTH.W York July 13. Arrived out: Steam
er Kulila. at Gibraltar. Sa'led for New
York' Steamer Aller, from Antwerp;
New Orleans, from Antwerp. Sighted:
Steamer Weendam, New York for Rotter
dam passed the Ltcard. Arrived: Steam
ers Manitoba, from Ioudon; Olvenun,
Oporto and Lisbon,
Weather Indications Today I
Thunder Showers 1 coMer. j
1 Serious Accident on the Lehigh Valley,
llunna Names His Co-Laborers.
Bank Presidents Bolt Democratic
Illinois Gold Democrats Call Another
2 Arrangements Complete for Tonight's
U!g Demonstration.
An English View of Bimetallism,
3 (Local) Teachers for the Coming Year.
4 Editorial.
Comments of the Press.
5 (Local) llaln. Hall and Wind Plays
Havoc in the City.
( (Sports) Scranton Fails to Score at
Eastern and National League Games.
7 Suburban News.
Market and Financial News.
News Up and Down the Valley.
Sale if
Our stock la unsurpassed In style,
workmanship and assortment, and to
close the season we offer
As the following prices will shew, we
guarantee them to be the very, beat
values offered thto season:
Fancy Lawn Waists, all colors, 48a.
Fancy Percale Waists, all slaes, J Sc.
Better quality Percale Waists. Mo.
Fancy Stripe Lawn Waists, 11.19.
Extra Fine Waists at IL38. $1.45, 11.6&
The Celebrated "King Waists," In
Percales, Lawns and Dimities, at (LIS,
11.75, 11.98, 12.25.
These goods sell themselves.
Plain White Waists In Batiste and
Dimity, Plain Black Himalaya Watots.
Bilk Jaequard House Waists; also a su
perior line of Children' Dimity and
Lawn Dresses, Boys' Kilt Suits If
Pique and Fine Galatea Cloth at great
ly reduoed prices. k
510 AND 512
Always Busy.
Cool Shoes for Hot Feet.
Our 60c. Outing Shoes sale begins todtfl
The Boys and Girls.
When you pay for Jewelry you mlfht at
well get the best.
A line line of Novelties for Ladies and
Gentlemen. .
W.- J. WeicheJ
408 Spruce St.
Atlantic tai
FreacSi Ziic,
Eaamcl Mints,
Carriage fM
ReyMMs' Pure Cdcrs,
Reynold Wool FMsHs,
rockctfs Preservative
Ready Mixed Tinted
Qloss PaJnts, Strictly Pure
Linseed OH, Qaraunteed.
, : rV iL j-"1 ju.
r'- ltV;- J i ' '.'' '
iAA4A44 A 4 1