J THE SCBANTOJf TBIBU1TB-SATWBDAT MOBNINtt. JULY 11. 189(1. t, r NeWs WEST SIDE EVENTS. Christian Eodeavorere Enterlaioed at the Residence of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Morgan Last Evenlnf . Members of the Christian Endeavor society of the Grace Reformed church met last evening and enjoyed, a social time at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Morgan, of 127 North Hyde Park avenue. Miss Mamie Thomas acted as hostess. The guests passed a most pleasant time. Those present were: Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Ourd. Mrs, S. J. Ferber, Mr. and Mm. W. T. Hackett. Mr. and Mrs. R. It. Frenr, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morgan: Misses Elizabeth Walker, Jessie Kein. Lnura Waugh, Lillian Warner. Carrie PeVVilde, Eve lyn Frear, Mae Urown. Elizabeth Mac Farlane, of Drlfton, O.; Nellie Uonney, Elizabeth L MacFarlane, of Drlfton, O.. Nellie Bonnery, Elizabeth Tucker, Bessie Pitman, Sadie Ferber. Fannie Scott, Mary McCulloch. Lulu Morgan, and Walter Jones, O. Bert Eynun, Ed ward Frear, Charles Graves, E. C. Anneman, Edward Klechler, David Reed, C. F. Hess, Sam H. Powell, James 8. Lawson. LEAQUE ELECTS OFFICERS. The West Side Republican League met last night and after electing offi cers, talked over their part In the com ing Republican ratification demonstra tion. The otllcers elected are: Chas. C. Olver, president; William A. Phil lips, first vice-president; Simon Thomas second vice-president; William Cam pion, recording secretary; W. H. Mor gan, financial secretary; W, It. Coons, treasurer. The committee hove not yet been appointed. President Olver will give the names nt. probably the next meeting of the league. Ten new names for membership were received last night. Th club will march In Tuesday night's parade and much ef fort Is belns made to create a good showing. The members have not yet decided what they will carry when on the march. W. H. Morgan Is a can didate for delegate to the coming state convention at Erie, THE BALL GAME. The newly organized ball club, wl.hiut a name, played Its first game yesterday and at the end of the game Pitcher John Edwards took the score card. Hence, the result Is unknown. There were Beveal features. The rlnht Udd er's work was of a brilliant order and the front-end collision before the cur tain went up. The Browns put up a good game and are praise deserving. Other games will be played, the time to be appointed by the self-made manager. Among those who strupcled through the strife were: John R, Edwards. W. 12. Thayer, Walter Jones, Gordon Nnnkes, Joseph Jeremiah, Irving, Lloyd, Hums, Owen and others. Spectators, Henry Williams, Lou Davis, G. A. Williams and Will Price. PROMINENT PREACHER COMING. Rev, Allen J. Morton, who is recog nized as one of the ablest preachers of the Baptist denomination, will occupy the,pulpit of the Jackson street Baptist church tomorrow morning mid evening. All are cordially Invited to attend and hear him. The communion will be ad ministered after the sermon In the evening. YOUNG MEN WILL PARADE. St. Brenden Council of the Young Men's Institute will parade this even ing for the purpose of advertising their excursion next Tuesday. The Law rence band will accompany the parall els. The exurslon will rank with the most Pleasurable of the season, as the companionship offered will be of the best. With the St. Brenden boys an outing can be spent which will be un tlnged by any disagreeable Incident, NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Miss Belle Miller, of Plttston, Is the guest of Miss Helen Thayer, of South Main avenue. Miss Adeline Hall, of Hampton street, has returned from a visit to friends at Berwick and Hazletun. Mrs. Thomas Ash, of West Plttston, has returned home after a visit to Mrs. Charles Hagen. The funeral of the late Mrs. Margaret Bteavson will take place this morning. Interment will be made at Waymart. The Twilight Social club will hold HE 10 1 EARLY all of the Men's Sprin? Suits worth from TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN DOLLARS, we have marked down to In order to clear by July 1st. Such grades styles-makes and values we never dreamed of offering. When we say we sustain losses on many, and profit on none, we appeal to the intelligence of our patrons, and rely on our long record of reliable deal ers to those who know us by reputation. Our corner show window display will give you a good idea of these suits. T! SAMTERS i ,.-... I Squara Dej Clothisrs, oi fh? Stibtirbs. their picnic today at Laurel Hill park and not at Weber's grove, as announced yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. John Lowry, Mrs. H. F. Ferber and their children rode to Birds-eye View, near Marshwood, yesterday. Undertaker P. W. Tague and Peter Rlnker, of Bromley avenue, left yester day for Broadheadsvllle, Monroe coun ty, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Tague's uncle. Miss Lillian Moore left yesterday for a stay at Kenza Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Price, Sr., are on a summer tour. Syracuse and the Thousand Islands are the chief ob jective points. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drenger and son, Herbert, of Brooklyn, are the guests of Mrs. L. II. Gibbs. of South Main avenue. Mrs. Jones, wife of Police Officer Tom Jones, and children left last night for a visit to friends at Glrard. O. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Miles and family, of Denver, Colorado, are visiting West Side frionds. , The condition of Edward Harrgan the miner who so dreadfully suffered from an explosion at the Hyde Park mine Thursday, is very low and his death Is momentarily expected. Children's Day exercises will be held tomorrow evening, commencing at 6 oYlnck, nt the Tabernacle Congrega tional church The Luther League, of St. Mark's I.'itheran church assumed a one hund red dollar share of the present church debt, to pay the same by Jan. 1, 1S87. The Sunday school of St. Murk's Lutheran church will hold Its annual picnic on next Thursday, the 16th Inst. In Weber's Grove. Commodious con veyances have bpen secured to take the school children and friends to and from the grove. Dinner will be served on the grounds at a small cost. The friends of the school are invited. J West Side Business Directory.. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral 5 Sim a specialty. Floral figures, ufteftil ai sifts, at lot South Main avsnur. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, S1.M per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Starner's Photo Parlors. 101 and 103 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves. Tools, etc. Cull and see th stock of J. C. King, 10i and 1028 Jack son street. GREEN KIDGE. Mrs. Lizzie T. Beane. of Sanderson avenue, has been called to Plttston on account of the severe lllnes sof her sister. Miss Mabel Heeld and Jennie Miller returned home yesterday from a short visit with friends at Green Grove. Merrlt Gardner, engineer on the Dela were and Hudson, Is able to be at work asaln after a severe Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kury, who spent the past week with relatives In Blng hamton, N. Y., returned home last even ing. Harold Pargoant, of New Berlin, N. Y., Is the guest of Green Ridge friends. The Misses Grace and Ilessie Stack house, of Marlon street, went to Ber wick yesterday, where they will spend a few weeks. Itev. G. L. Alrlcli will resume his Bible study Monday evening at 8 o'clock In the W. C. T. IT, rooms on Tcnn avenue. Miss May Benedict, of Deacon street, Is entertaining Miss Maud Mallalnex, of Clark's Green. Mrs. Dr. C. W. Trevcrton, of Sander- sun avenue, has returned home from Beech Lake, where she has been visit ing relatives. At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the Christian Endeavor soci ety of the l'resbyterlun church last Thursday evening nt the home of An drew Nlcol, a committee was appoint ed to make arrangements for holding meetings with the other Endeavor so cieties In the Ridge once a month. Mrs. F. C. Cooper, of Dickson avenue, who has been spending the past two months ut Chinchilla, is at home for a few days. T. H. Hawley, of the Green Ridge market, spent yesterday at Lake Ariel. The Misses Ella and Pearl Lidstone and Miss Grace Chllds went to Clark's Summit yesterday. The gospel temperance meeting to be held on Penn avenue Sunday afternoon at 3.45 will be led by Rev. Mr. Hlnman. DUN MOKE, J. S. Lawson, of 419 Drinker street. Is at the Ocean Spray Hotel, Asbury Park, N. J., spending his vacation. till II Hatters and Furnlski . SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Board o! Trade Old Not Meet for the Same Old Reason Ao Arablaa Cut on toe Head. Not enough to constitute a quorum were present at last night's meeting of the board of trade, and for that very good reason no business was done. President M. P. Judge feels that the warm weather had all to do with keep ing a large slsed number of men away, who have recently signified a willing ness to Join the board. There will be no meeting now until the second Friday of September. It seems strange that there should be so much Indifference shown among the enterprising business men of this side .as to seem to care very little whether the board of trade lives or dies. An untold amount of good has been ac complished In the Industrial advance ment of the South Side, and the same possibilities are and will be available for a live energetic organization. There ought to be enough of local pride In the active citizens and business men to preclude the necessity of having the board begging for membership and un able to muster a bare quorum. EPIDEMIC OF DYENTERY. An epidemic of dysentery Is preva lent throughout the South Side, and the doctors are kept busy attending to calls at all hours of the day and night. Dr. A. J. Kolb, of Cedar avenue, stated that the cause of the sickness In his experience has been the lark of sanita tion. Advocates of a sewer might use this as an argument, but the sewer Is conceded to be a necessity and Is not In need of a champion. What It needs is some energetic person to push It through, by keeping at the councils until the work Is done. The advice of physicians is to be careful about diet and drink only filtered water. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. Dr. J. A. Manlcy, of Plttston avenue. Is confined to his room with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Spruks are in Philadelphia today. They will visit At lantic City and remain away a week longer. s 1'ndertaker G. A. filler has purchas ed a new hearse from the factory of George L. Brttnnell, of New Bedford, Muss., paying therefor $1,800. There will be nothing to surpass It in Scran ton. An Arabian peddler was struck on the head with a stone yesterday afternoon on Plttston avenue near Brook street, and Dr. J. J. Walsh had to put two stitches In the cut. The stone was thrown from a crowd of boys congre gated at that corner, and there was absolutely no provocation on the part of the Injured man. PROVIDENCE. George Mabey, or the Bristol House, has entirely recovered from the effects of his recent Illness. Men have been at work during the past few days laying stone crosswalks on the principal thoroughfares In this part of the city. Enos Flynn, of West Market street, Is visiting friends at Old Point Comfort, Vn. Mr. and Mrs. James Fldiam, of Whee ler Place, who have been visiting at Chicago for the past four months, have returned home. At the lust business meeting of Sil ver Star castle, No. 1491, Knights of the Golden Eagle, of this place, the follow ing officers were installed for the en suing six months' term: Past chief, William Davis; noble chief, Titus Davis; vice chief, G. R. Davis; high priest, Joseph Webb; master of records, William Pugh; clerk of exchequer, Henry DaVis; keeper of the exchequer, Henry Coles; sir herald, John Morgan; worthy bard. Rees Davis; worthy chamberlain, William Hopkins; ensign, Daniel Bo wen; esquire, James Wil liams; first guardsman, John Igler; second guardsman, William Holman; trustees, Henry Morgan, H. V. Hall stead and Joseph Webb; representative to grand castle, John Morgan. The children's day service iwlll be repeated, by request, tomorrow even ing. Services will commence at seven o'clock. The responsive readings will be led by the Sunday school superinten dent. P. J. Richards; musical director, O. R. Davis; organist, Mrs. E.- Price Thomas. The programme will be as follows: Organ Voluntary Mrs. Thomas Chorus, "Onward Christian Soldiers," School Scripture Reading and Prayer Selection, "Building on the Rock," G. R. Davis and Party Recitation, ".My Way"... .Alma Rlchanls Chorus. "Pilgrim Way" Little Olrls Recitation, "Our Guide" Elsla Phillips Responsive Reading. Solo and Chorus, "Fatherland," Maste r Kdgar Richards and School Responsive Reading. Duet. "Forget Me Not". .Two Little Girls Recitation, "Be True". ...Maggie Thomas Responsive Heading. Bxerelse, Crown, Palm and Cross. Chorus Criisuder'B Hymn Kxerclse, "End of the Pilgrimage. Chorus "Children's Hosannah" Responsive Heading. Double Quartette.. a. R. Davis and Party Recitation, "God's Way" Klah Davis Chorus Pilgrim's Song Closing Hymn, Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. At the North Main Avenue Baptist church tomorrow, the morning services will be conducted by a Japanese, named Yaestaro Okano. In the evening the pastor. Rev. W. G. Watklns, wilt preach. Rev. O. Q. Hertzog, of Hiram college, Ohio, will preach In the Christian church, on North Main avenue, tomor row morning and evening. The Rev. M. H. Jones, late of Wales, will preach at he Welsh Baptist church on West Market street tomorrow. The postponed lawn social will be given this afternoon and evening by the unior Christian Endeavor society of the North Main avenue Baptist church. A pleasant time Is anticipated. Misses Maud Oakley and Nellie Qrlr- fin are visiting at Green Grove. Mrs. A. W. Palmer, wife of Patrol man Palmer, of Oak street, leaves to day for Sprlngvllle, Susquehanna coun ty, where she will spend her summer vacation. Miles Barrett and Richard Shove- land are spending a ftw days at Atlan tic City. The Misses and Catharine Gabriel, of Church avenue, are spending their va cation among friends in Youngstown, Ohio. . A meeting of the Republican voters of this part of the city will be held In Al derman Fldler's office this evening. James Brace, of William street, Is seriously 111. , MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New York, July lO.-The transactions at the Stock Exchange were less than M.000 shares today and at times there was a close approach to stagnation. At the opening the railway list was Itrm and a general though moderate ad vance in prices was established. A slump in Cotton Oil and the weakness of the other Industrials named had but little Influence on the general market, which ruled Arm throughout. Specu lation closed firm. Net change show gains of Furnished by WILLIAM LINN At tS It CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMPBELL, stock broker. 4U Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co .... 61 61 61 14 61V4 Am. Cot. Oil 10 10 8i 9 Am. Sug. Re'g Co..Hl4 lt 1U8V 104 Atch.. To. AS. Fe .. 13i 14 13H 13' Ches. & Ohio 141, 14H 14 II Chicago Gas 57'4 674 664 ,37'i Chic, B. & Q tli 71'4 71i H Chic. Mil. & St. P.. 7IS 74'4 74 7li Chic, U. I. p ta'i B4 62H Ci'H Delaware & Hud ....124H IJS 124H l-t" D., U & V U7 157 157 157 Dlst. & C. F 13i 13', 13J. 111', Gen. Clectric 25; 2U 20 25'j Lake Shore 1..4T 147 1461, 14Uj Louis. & Nash Wt 4s'i 4i 4S M. K. ft Texas, Pr.. 22 22 214 21'j Manhattan Etc !7 in) W4 Mo. Pacltlc 204 2Uj 2U'i Wj N. J. Central luife luUj lul li'l X. Y.. 8. & W.. Pr .. 22 22 22 22 Nor. Pacific. Pr .... 16 VI lil'j, Ont. & West 14 12i 13U I'-f's Pacific Mall 22 22i 22 IK'S, Phil. & Road 13i 13a4 13:14 n Tenn., C. & Iron .... 2 2i 20. 2U4 Texas Pacltlc 7 7 7 7 Wabash. Pr 16'4 Ki I')1, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low. Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. tng. September W C6V4 654 iu December M'j 6S' 67. OATS. September )."'i 15? 15 l.'.N, December 15' 15 15 157 CORN. September 20 26' K 2'At December 27!t 27'. 27 27 LARD. September 3.60 3.65 3.r.7 3.65 December 3.V2 2.35 3.82 3. S3 PORK. September 6.50 6.65 6.50 6.60 Scrauton Board of Trade Exchange QuotntionsAII Quotatiou 'Uaicd en Par of 100. Name. Bid. Askod. Dime Deprft Dis.-Bank...., 140 Scranton Lace Curtain Co 60 National Boring & Drlll'g Co First National Bank 650 Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 25 Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100 Scranton Savings Bank 200 Bonta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Car Replacer Co 100 Boranton Packing Co 5 Weston Mill Co 250 Lackawanna Iron & Stsel Co. ... 100 Third National Bank 350 Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co 90 Scranton Traction Co 17 20 CO BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 100 Scranton Pais. Railway, first mortgage due 1U18 110 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton & Plttston True. Co. ... 80 People's Street Hallway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 5 Wl City of Scranton St. Imp 6 ... 103 DorouKh of Wlnton 6 100 Mt. Vernon Coal Co S5 Scranton Axle Works - 100 New York Produce Market. New York, July lO.-Flour Dull ani un changed. Wheat Spot market dull, eas ier, No. 2 easier, closing steady at ta'c under yesterday with a moderately active trade; July 61 Uc ; August, 61Hc ; Septem ber, 61?ic; October, 62c V: December, Si'rtc. Corn Spot dull, easier; July 32c; Sep tember, 32sic; October. 345;c. Oats Spots moderately active, easier; July, 20'c; August, UK40.; Scpti'mbcr. rjc; spot prices, No. 2, 201iu2uV Beef Steady and quiet; family, S.S0u9; extra mess, tta7. Beef Hams ulet; 14 50iil5. Tlerced Beef Dull; city extra India mess, Slla13. Cut .Meats Finn, fair demutld; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 4r4a4tC. ; pickled shoulders, 4'4a 4V.; pickled hams, 94aukr. Lard Quiet and firmer; western steam, 3.9u; city, J3.H); September, 13.97; retlned dull, continent, $4.20; South America, 14.55; compound, 4a 44C Pork Steady; eld mess, S7.7GaS.2o; new mess, $8.50a8.75 Butter Quiet anil unchanged. Cheese Moderate demand, steady; state large. 6a6e.; do. small, 5'a7c; part skims, J!a4Hc; full skims. Use Eggs Fancy scarce; state and Pennsyl vania. 13al3Hc; western fresh, 10i,al2I.jc; do. case, Jl.C0a2 85. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, July lO.-Provlslons were In steady Jobbing demand at former rates. Wa quote: CSty smokOd bdef, llal2a; beef hams, 816.2al0.&0: pom, lamtiy, uu 10.50: hams, . P. cured, In tierces, 8ftlc; do. smoked, 10'iallVjC, as to average ; gkTes, ribbed. In salt, 4a4ft4C.; do. Uo. smoked, S'iaOVic; shoulders, pickle-cured, 55' jc; do. do. smoked, OViaSMic.; plcnij hams. 8. P. cured, tMiaGic; do. do. smoked. 6-4a7c; bellies In pickle, according to average, loose, GaSftc; tjroamaci oacon 7ac. for round and Jobbing lots, as to brand and average; lard, pure, city re fined, intlerces. 4'!ta4c; do. do. do. in tubs, 4s4a5c; do. butchers', loose, 3a4c.j city tallow, In hogsheads, Sc.; country ao., StjiUSc. os t0 QUuH'V- Bn cakes, 3'iu. Chicago Live Stock. I'ninn fltnMt YnrdSL Julv 10. Cattle Re- celpts, 3.000 head: market steady, un changed. Hogs Keceipts, Ji,uw neau; market easy; heavy .pac-King anu Bnippini? KtI id- nnmmon tn choice mixed. 1.10 a3.40; cholve assorted, S3.40a3.4S; light, 13.35 .q in; nicra s'j 7r.ns Mnecn iteceiuia. qa.' 000 head; market strong; Inferlr to choice tl.50a4.30; lambs,, S2.50u6.50. English Capital for American Invest ments. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of 350 successful promoters who have placed over flOO,000,000 sterling In for eign Investments within the last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven months of 1895. Price 5 or $25, payable by postal order to the London and Uni versal Bureau of Investors, 20, Cheap side, London. E. C. Subscribers will be entitled, by arrangement with the directors to receive either personal or letters of introduction to any of these successful promoters. This list is first class in every re spect, and every man or firm whose name appears therein may be depend ed upon. For placing the following It will be found Invaluable Bonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, . HON. WALTER C. PEPYS, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE, Copyright. When Baby v&s lick, we gsrs her Castorla, ' When sha ws a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became. Hiss, she clung to Csstorls. Whan she had Children, she gars them Castorla, MIS 7j . ' v HATS ' " mMMMK The Store Is a Perfect And Must Be Seen to Trimmed Hats At loss than quarter of regular pliers. Trimmed Sailor Hats One-quarter of former prices. Ladies' Shirt Waists. At lower prices than they have ever been known to be. HATS TRIMMED FREE. MISOOKA. The Mtnooka team is trying to ar range a game with the West Side team for July 12. The Y. M. I. team will cross bats with the Coary Hollow Pounders Sunday mornng. , The St. Monica branch Ladles' I. C. B. U. will receive communion In a body Sunday morning. James Mcekln was painfully Injured yesterday morning at the mule barn of the Oreenwood Coal company by being thrown from the back of a mule which was frightentd by a passing street car. The In.i titles may prove fatal. A l.cpubllcun club Is being organized In the South and Southwest districts. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name, ine irioune win not be tielil re sponsible for opinions here expressed. She Did Not Retract. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: The ea.e which was ta have come oft before arbitration Tuesday last be tween Mrs. Minnie (. Twining, plaintiff, and Mrs. Cora Evans, defendant, was withdrawn by the plaintiff. There ure ru. mors nlloi'.t that I came to a settlement, also recalled the words I had said. I wish to explain to the public thai It Is all lulsc. I came to no settlement, neither did I re call the words I said. Hoping this will prove satisfactory, 1 rcmwtn, Mr. Cora Evans. 1 July 10, 1S96. Feniicurc Little Liver Pills, Bright women will use "FEMICURE LITTLE LIVER PILLS" because they are specially prepared for ladles only. While they act directly and pleasantly upon the Liver, Kldnpys, Stomach jnd Bowels, they at the same time wonder fully regulate and strengthen the func tions and organs peculiar to the sex. They relieve Constipation. Sick Head ache, Dizziness, Indigestion, Torpid Liver. Bllliousness, Bad Complexion, Ir regularities, Backaehe,We!:ht in Pelvis, etc. One little pill a dose. ?t cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz, Druggist, 418 Lackawanna ave Scranton. Are you tired all the time? Then your blood needs to be enriched and purified by Hood's Sursaparilla, the One True Bleod Purifier. It gives vigor and vitality. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure Indigestion, biliousness. 25c. NNUAL REPORT OP LACKAWANNA SCHOOL DISTRICT For the Tear Ending June 1, 199S Whole number of schools 21 Number of months taught lj Numberof male teachers employed i Number of female teachers em ployed jo Average salaries of males per month $fi0 00 Average salaries of females per month 42 gi Number of male scholars attend ing all the schools in district... . 711 Number of female scholurs attend ing all the school In district $13 Whole number in attendance J.fej Averuge dally attendance 733 Average percentage of attend ance so Average cost of each pupil per month Jl is Number of mills levied for school purposes 13 Number of mills levied for build ing purposes g Amount levied for school pur poses $12,173 42 Amount levied for building pur poses 6,765 6 $17,910 9$ TAX COLLECTORS ACCOUNT. DR. To amount of duplicate $17,940 iS CR. By cash paid treasurer ...$15,424 61 Ky exonerations 714 (1 Rebate on tax paid within 60 days K0 00 Returned to commission ers 413 03 By abatements by com missioners 6! 44 By commission 477 05 $17,940 93 From State appropriation $ 5,273 3) Balance from last year z.tCl 73 From tax collector for all kinds of tax 15,424 CI From county treasurer 25 67 $21,545 25 EXPENDITURES. Purchasing grounds $ 7.V) 00 milium 0 n i iiirnisning nouses .. 4, Iks l-i Rent and repairing l.&nn 27 Janitors' nnd Uaehers' wages.... 11.120 00 Text books 1,9:11 ;i School supplies 221 81 Fuel and contingencies 072 d Treasurer's commission 4:7 01 Salary of secretary 350 i Interest paid on bonds 650 00 Attorneys' fees, freightage and in cidentals 49fi 30 Cash in hand 2,257 79 $24,545 35 Overpaid Smcad & Wills luo v) $21,615 35 Estimated value of school prop erty $30,000 00 O. T. DAVIS. President. WM. MORGAN, Secretary. Examined and approved this 16th dav of June, 1896. WU.HAKI, U. UU8ICK, . MICHAEL J. HOOAN, EUGENE DRI8COLL, Auditors. Attest: M. 3. EUAN, Twp. Clerk. MILLINERY, 413 Lackawanna Avenue, laze Be Appreciated. Everything Harked Down. Untrimmed Straw Shapes At one-quarter of regular prices. Leghorn Hats at less than half. Flowers Ml the newest things In Flowers for Summer Hats at half price. GERSON'S. 413 Lackawanna Avenue. imstsm J 2,000 ,000 Made and Sold In Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1896, Total Product of 1 11 CS The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. W BRlibtirn, Crosby's Superlative in sold everywhere from tlia Pacific Coast to St. John's. Nov FouiullairJ, nnd in I-ngJand. Ireland and Scotland very largely, and la recognized as the best Hour iu th world. KEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. ON THE SQUARE EDGED I SQUARE BUTTED LUMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH. OQUARE DEALING TO 0 QUA RE UEALERS. RICHARDS LUMBER CO., EC2 CCM.UEiLTH DJIL01NG. 'PH1NE 422. mOM AMD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rir ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTEllEliS 1 01 SCRANTON. PA. Book and News Linotype Composition Done Quickly and Reasonably At The Tribune Office. Write or Call for Samples and Rates. For ai Spruce lie by JOHN H.PHELPS, Pharmacist cor. Wyoming Avenue and Street Scranton, Pa. of Bargains i The Qreat Ribbon Sale Still goes on. All Ribbons at less than half. FlneBt quality Satin Ribbon, Taffeta Ribbon, Dresden Ribbon, Per sian Ribbon at less than half price. Ribbon Bows made free of charge. HATS TRIMMED FREE. BARRELS .1 SQUARE. When In doubt what to ue tot Nervous Lwbility, Lom of Power. I ro potency. Atrophy, Varicocele nJ other wealtaraes, from any cause. uie Senine Pills. Draim checked and full i?or quickly restored. lrw;Mt.J. Back irMblmrwah hltny. Mailed lor $1.00;boe.,VnO. With $5.0U order, we five a guarantee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, U ioi. GONNELL 2V-