TJJE 5CRANTON . TBIBUNE TUESDAY MOBNTNtf. JULY 7. 1890. I e ; WEST SIDE EVENTS. A Reading Club Likely to Be Organiz ed by Prominent Men of Hyde Park. Other News Matters. Of late thi-re has been mucli t:il'K enU strlous talk it Is that the next winter season will st- a nttdlns club otftaniztd on this Kid", whirh will rank with the best In thin lesion us an educa tor of Its iminliei'S. The promoters of the project arc the ynuii;? lawyers and the rrofeslsuiial and l!.!iv!s nun of this side. If successful the new club will evolve from and take the present place of the Hyde I 'ark Literary nnd Uebaiiun noclvty and tin- meeting place vill likely l.e th rooms of the Welsh riillosophli al snelely. The Idea of the promoters Is not to have a mere sioiit Jni: arena for deliatel'ul members Imt other lines of mental cultivation and the pleasure il afiords lie f.illmvtd. AinuiiK those who will he asked 1 1 Join the new organization are: Attorneys Will It. Lewis, David J. Pavls, Jehu I!. Kd wards, Herbert 1.. Taj lor. W. K. Thayer, llatllnw t'awley and K. K. Koimtlinn. Howell Harris, Dr. Heath, Dr. ,. II. Hibbs, Joseph 1). Lewis. C. K. lianiels. John t'ourler Morris. Lewis A. Hancock. Jr.. Ji !in .1. I)avl:i, It'J'ert Williams, Supei intendent (i ome How ell. I J. A. l'hlllip.', James lu ilim-hes. There will tie ma My more ?. tulrie. n of a like mcr.p'l calibre tin! I'.ie r.a tendency of the i,iy..iiii::atiuii will make Focial afiUirs a frequent occurrence. MISS WILLIAMS' liElTr-AL. Miss Anna 1!. Williams, the aiic plislu il ti'aeher of mu-ie, i ntcrtaliicd last evening villi n recital f;lvn by l-er pttiMIs at Jliss Williams' home in Tenth sit ec(. Th" fiont and record purlors of the res'denci; seated r.lioiit one hundred nnd tll'ty proide, nn st of whom were lchtlves of the pupils r.nd friends of Ml.-a Williams. Aretin 1 the rooms were placed H: veral pretty tilinches of fresh yeli.e.v dais' s p. ml the "fleet was d-eliledly harmo.diiii". Ml-s "Wllllhms and tiupils tvere losist'd l y Misses Ttronv. e.iiaiml -Llty.Jusi pil A. duet, well pin ye J l).v Misfes Htixuiteth Ilolser nnd Luis Fellows, op.iivd the prop ram nil-. The ynnti'r ladies ne nnionT Miss Williams' "pi! vaneed" t.a pl!s and the l'i :vl.-rin7 of t').' ! . 1 11 plere, "La .'!.a-.;e Infernal:," ly Kol linK, was mi eviilence of mm a liblliij". "Nymphs ut l'iny." by Mis-t (V.rr! l.oy rrins. was writ received and a ilon.lo l'er's Pi ronnde by Miss F.tdi' Costt. tl created favorable comment. JIIsh I !.-! Ilia Carson foll'iweil with the "Spinnins Sons:," and the effort was clev 'i Then, JIaster .ludson Hinnian rraw an i xlill.i V.inx. He played "Far i-'l"m l'oi.e'" in a pleasUv: wiy. At ia-cs il- .tha 1'ii 'i d and F.ihd L. vaa dclihte.! their i-udll-ors wllh silietlnns fr en Xuvri.i, "Heather t: lis," 1..y Jliss Ontce nian, wis one of the most iilearin.-,' of the evonhin. A Irln from :o'ihn'its was next Riven by Miss: s .T,u t Acker, Kay Pnvls mil Kihel Hevan. H wrs npptaudeij. -Mi-s Anna Yuan.; played "The Swallow" In a competent v ay ami Hiss Lessle I'liilllio: also creiiitably attended to le r part. At this point the Misses Joseph sn'i.ic "Ably Flowers." Miss Hronweii afterward nave "oh JiCVlnc lli art." Nittie and Lessle I aieara played n pretty duct and ili. s May Kdwards sleiwed much talent in her execution of "The Murmuring llrook." Miss I'.flle Fell-iws, Miss Helen Donnelly, Miss Helper and Mi..i Lois Fellows, In their respective parts. I made puccissfnl efforts. As a cl islnB Kelectlon Misses Grace t'owoll and Grace Fhamberiain played an intiieuie piece by Ha'rtlelt. Kefreshmeiits were afterward served. UK HAD A SENS 10 OF lli'lloi!. On JaoUson street, below Main nve ltie, is a Clilnainan whose Imsitiess Is to make Immaculate the garments of West Side hot weather victims. Fourth of July was celebrated by this China man In a reuular star-spangled way. About !l o'clock nt nlRht a lonir, linked tap, tap, tun was heard In front of his crtabllshinciit and the crowd on Main avenue rushed dewn to see the fun. The Monciillan r'toed In his shirt sleeves on the door step of his place and In his hand was a peculiar look ins' bunch of peculiar tire crackers. The noise they made was- far different from the usual report and the crowd were dellehted nnd curious. This pleased the Chinaman, tie walked up to Lieutenant Williams nnd sputtered: "Meliran ninii no know hcv shout; Chlnajnan ttood, maka noise; Mellcan l ... ; . . 9 EARLY all of tlio I. yiiiiiifiiiii woi-lli from TWELVE TO EltiUTEKX DOJiLAIiS, wc have marked down to sa J in order to clear by July 1st. Such grades sty les-makea and values we never dreamed of offering. When wc say we sustain losses on many, and profit on none, wo appeal to the intelligence of our pntrons, and rely on our long record of reliable deal ers to those who know us by reputation. Our corner show window display will give you a good idea of these suits.; THE ' Square Dealing Cloihisrs, s 01 man no pood." Fifteen minutes af terward this same Chinaman saw and heard the lire works so off from the Hand of J. I). Williams on South Main avenue. This also pleased him and he bubbled with enthusiasm as ho again saluted the lieutenant: "Chinaman no Kood," he .said, "J. 1. Williams alle same buns." PAKTY AT THE STF.EL MILL. In honor of the visit of Miss Clara Doehler. of iUiiuinsburw, the following party visited the South Steel mill last ninlu: Mary Owens, Sarah Hushes, Sllss Doebler, Catharine I'riee, .Mamie Thomas. Nettie Llrtley, David Owens, Harry Francis. Itichard Thomas, Dr. Lyde Ktal. Dr. Will Hush, John Owens and Walter Jones. NKWS NOTKH AND t'F.KSONALS, Professor nnd Mrs. James It. Hushes are home from their weddinn tour. Miss Jessie Smith, of Meridian street. is entertuinin;; friends from the Parlor city. Misses; Mildred Leiden and Jennie Laubsher are at Water Cap. Taliesoii Phillips, of Academy street, has successfully passed the Junior year exa mini: lions at the Fniverslty of Pennsylvania Dental school. Word to this effect was received yesterday. J osi ph Murphy, of Jackson street, Is Inane from attendance at schools at Iialtini iie, Md. The Christian Knde.-.vor society of the Welsh Ct.lvlnlstie .Methodist church has selected the following otlicers: Miss Kahcl Powell, president; Kay Williams vice-president: Crwcnnle Thomas, sec retary; Mrs. George Howell, treasur er. David owens returned yesterday from IMociuisbur;? State Normal schools where he nsslted the school team In a orle.. of ball victories. The fimi al of the late John K. O'Mal-1-v will take pl.icc from his late home on Jackson street tomorrow afternoon. Mil vices at St. Patrick's church at o'clock and int rmeut In Hyde Park Catholic rcmotciy. Tiiomas Murtaush died yesterday mornimT nt the Hillside Home at the rue of lit years. lie has been at the tiii-nr f ir-thf TastTl yearn. Miss Anna May Uichaid, of Scranton street, Is visitlnc at i'hlladclnhla. Mr. and. Mrs. Daniels and son Thomas, of PecliVille. spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. W. ts. Daniels, of South Main avi niie. A child of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Green of Sixth ur.d Swetland rtfiets, died yrslerday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jones, of F.ynon Flreot, are at the sea shore for a two- weclis' stay. 1'. M. Mass and family, of North Pi'e.dcy nvenu.', left yesterday for As- huvy Park. The L .publican league held a meet lir.r la: t nlnht at which they made nr- raiiRenienls to attend the blot rally ne week from loulKht. The Atst Side lte pubiican club will meet Thursday ni-:lit. Mrs. Thomas P.enney, of South Sher man avenue, Is recovering from typhoid fever. Mrs. Dnnh 1 Kvans, of North lteheeca avenue, Is reeoverins from nil illness. The Christian Kndeavor choir will meet nnd rehearse this evening at the Washburn Street Presbyterian church. The funeral of John K. O'Malley, who died Sunday nt his homo. ISiC Jackson street, will take place Wednesday af ternoon at " p. m. West Side I'lisincus Directory. itlohts'P Cut flowprs nnd funeral tie- flR .s a sjiwml'y. Floral llRiires, useful as pirn, nt loi Poiith Main avenue, liar rlct J. ")avis. ftoriEt. rHOTonnAPHF.R Cahlnet Photos, 1.4 pir docn. Thoy are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calllnc nt Stamer's Plio'o I'urlors, lul and 11)3 South Main avenue. EECOXD HAND FFRNITURE Cash for nnythinff you have to sell. Furniture, Btoves, Tools, to. Call and nee the stock of J. C. Klntf. im and 102l Jack son strict. l'cmiciire Little Liver I'ills. P.ilpht women will use "FKMlCt'ItR L1TTLIC L1V1CH PILLS" because they are specially prepared for ladles only. While they act directly and pleasantly upon the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Dowels, they at the same time wonder fully regulate and strengthen the func tions nnd orpins peculiar to the sex. They relieve Constipation, Sick Head ache, Dizziness, Indigestion, Torpid Liver, Itilliotisness. Had Complexion, Ir regularities, P.aekache.We'.- ht in Pelvis, etc. one little pill a dose. LTi cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz, Druggist, 418 Lackawanna ave Scranton. 51 en's Spring Suits Halters and Furnlshari. me SASSIXERS Stibforbs. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Fatally Injured by a Crowbar Piercing His ThighOwen Walsh Again. Work for Sanitary Officer. Stephen Jobloske, a Polish laborer, 23 years old, employed In the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western lumber yard, was fatally Injured yesterday morn ing and his death la looked for every hour. A crowbar apralnst which he fell penetrated the lleshy part of his right thigh near the hip Joint, and the shock was so great that he cannot recover. He was brought to the Moses Taylor hospital, .where the doctors found that an operation could not save his life. and they dressed the wound. He lapsed Into unconsciousness and at midnight was sinking rapidly. lie Is unmarried and lived on South Wash intjton avenue. W IFK liKATEK IN JAIL. Owen Walsh, of the Twelfth ward, was arrested Sunday night for Indulg ing In one of his old pasttimes, getting drunk and beating his wife. He was arrested and was given a hearing yes terday morning by Alderman Storr. In default of bail for his appearance nt court, he was sent to the county Jail. SIIOI LD UK REMOVED. Lnut Friday night the barn of John Myers, of Stone avenue and Elm street was destroyed by fire, and his horse vvas roasted In the llames. The animal's body was not Incinerated by nr.y means, but was In such shape that It otiirht to be removed before the sun was many hours high the next day. It was still there yesterday, and one doe not have to go within three blocks to know thnt It Is still there. Hound nbout the place Is a thickly built tip district, and the complaints of the res idents are loud and Insistent. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OP NEWS, Miss Mamie Fagan and Miss Katie Tight-, of Plttston, have returned after Visiting illss Lizzie Kelley, of Crown avenue. John Dolin and Joseph Melvln, of Ce Oar avenue, were driving down Mattes street yesterday morning and a street car bumped their carriage, under the railroad bridge. The accident was only slight, and though the horse made a runaway dash Mr. Dolan held onto his reins and prevented the animal from do Ing damage. District Engineer Louis Schwass, who was painfully burned by the bursting of a bottle of chemicals In his face, is much Improved and will be nlll right In a few days. How his eyes escaped from serious Injury Is a mystery. The funeral of Margaret, the two year-old daughter of Mrs. August Dies- lng, of Prospect avenue, will be held nt 2 o'clock this afternoon. Interment will be made in Plttston avenue cemetery. DUN.MOKfc). At the examination of teachers held In the high school building yesterday the following persons presented them selves: Mable Daniels, Ilessle Henja mln, Annie McLean, lleexle Wynne, Nellie Wilson, Mary Early, Anna Mc Donald, Martha C. Matthews. Miss Mary Ualetely, of Chicago, Is the guest of her cousin. Miss Anna Hazle- ton, of Qulncey avenue. Wulter Tripp has returned from a llshlng excursion In Wyoming county. Oentge Wlnterstein Is spending the summer mouths with relatives at Mauch Chunk. Court Ethnn Allen, No. 73S2, of Green Ridge, will remove from Nettlcton's Hall to their new quarters In Masonic Hall over Hone's drug store, Dunmore, Wednesday evening. This Is the orginal Ancient Order of Foresters. A grand rereptlon and smoker will celebrate the occasion. Invititlons have been isssued and n most pleasant time Is anticipated. Matthew Jeffrey, of Clay avenue, spent Sunday In Plttston. Mr. Daniel Powell is erecting a new house on Hlakely street. A local branch of the International Hulldlng nnd Loa'n Association of Washington, D. C is being formed. The offices have been nearly filled and con siderable stock has been already sub scribed for. GKl'KN UIUGC. V. J. Hodrlck, of Richmond Park, who has been to Danville and wife who has been spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Shultz, of Plmouth, have returned home. Mrs. George Hessler, of ltoston, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. B. Reynolds, of Monsey avenue. F. H. Dunn, of Iloulevard avenue, has opend a grocery store on Adams avenue near Marloon street. K. L. Brazier and son, Payne, of Del aware street, have returned from a week's visit with friends In New York city. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kear, of Plttston, siient Sunday with G. H. Monies, of Monsey avenue. ' Miss Ella Lldstone, of Dickson ave nue, Is entertaining her friend, Miss Grace Childs, of Omaha, Neb. Gardner liean, of the Green Ridge Item. Is In New York.' James Fid lam, who has been residing at Pullman, 111., for the past year, has Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hadsall have been visiting friends at Arart. Susquehanna county, for the past few days. P. A. street has accepted a position with the vltascope company. William Cobb, of Delnware street, has gone to Oxford, N. Y., on a business trip. L. W, Lewis, who keeps a hardware store on Dickson avenue, had his horse tied In front of his store yesterday, when It took fright and ran across the railroad where Its foot got entangled In the mils and broke a leg which nec- esltated the killing of the animal. The Baptist Sunday school will run an excursion to Lake Ariel today. "How to Cure nil Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on ths face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative, powers are pos ressed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. ChicnRO Live Stork. Vnion Stock Yards, III., July 5. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; steady; common to extra Htcers. $3.!(0a4.05; stockers and feod ers,; cevw. and bulls, 11a3.2u; calves, $3m"i.l0; Texans; $1.75a4.03. Hobs Receipts, 26,iK"0 head; market strong, early closing weak; heavy packing nnd shipping lots, $3.03a3.4O; common to choice mixed, $3.13a3.50; choice assorted, . $3.00:1 8.03; light, $.1.3i!n3.fi0; lilgs, $2.75n3.53. Sheep Receipts, Ifi.lHK) head; market strong; In ferior to choice, $2u4; lambs, $2.730.23. MARKETS AND STOCKS Mali Street Review. New York, July 6. The opening of the stock market was characterized by firmness, London having reported a further advance In American securities there. The early gain was equal to U til per cent, nearly every active stock on the list participating In the upward movement. A reduction in the posted rates of Sterling exchange of j per cent, which renders gold exports out of the Question unless foreign bankers are willing to pay a heavy commission was the most favorable development at this time. The firmness was short lived, however, and soon after the opening the market broke M to 2 per cent, under the leadership of Chicago Gas and Sugar, the former dropping to fid and the latter to 107Vi. Sugar was depressed by the reduction of ,43-l6 ler cent, per pound In refined. The Grangers were then taken in hand and soon lost V.iul1!. per cent. Manhattan, Jersey Central nnd Louisville nnd Nashville lacked support and scored material losses as of late the decline brought In orders for Euroiiean ac count and according to good authorities foreign houses bought anywhere from llfteen to twenty thousand shares dur ing the morning session. Speculation during the afternoon was quiet for a time, but in the last hour the traders bid the market up all around. They were influenced mainly by the steady buying for London account although the news from Chicago late In tin day was looked upon as more encouraging. It beinir stated that the gold men hod been able to make some impression on the silver ranks and that the platform to be adopted would probably be less radical than ut llrst supposed The later rumor led to fairly large cov ering of shorts which stimulated the upward movement. In the afternoon advances. Sugar, Chicago Gas, St. Paul, Laud N.. General Electric and Pacific Mail were notably strong. Speculation left off firm with prices anywhere from 'i to per cent, hirher thtin on Friday last. Rock Island lost and Jersey Central Hi per cent. Total sales were 204,100 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN AL LKM CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMl'LIKLL, stock broker, 412 Sprues treeu Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. Am. Tobnero Co. ... ftli (M'i Hi . Am. Sugar Kef. Co... Il h"s 107U A tin., to. B.J'U ll't i 14 . io ('lies. & Ohio Mi U-i 14"; ll'i ChtcRlto Gas liS 88 '4 B'l 5r' Clile. & N. VT M'i P!"4 Chic.. 11. y 71 72 70"a 71", C. C. C. & St. 1 28 2S 2S 2S Chic. It. 1. & I'hc. .. U MTa 'i Del. ft Hud 12'. 151 ' 12". Dlst. C. V II 14 1'Ji; 11 (Jen. Kleetrlc -I "'''a "t'-j IS lwtke Snore 117 117 147 147 Louis. & Nash 4HU 4 41"2 '!" M. K. ft Texas IT. .. 21 22 2i'i 22 .Man. Klevateil 7i !7!4 .Mo. I'ae 2' 21 SO' 20'i N. J. Central mi iHi'i Hsu PH'j X. Y. Central i W"4 !l'i tM", N. Y L. K. ti W. ... I.". 1.". ll-'i 1" X. Y., S. ft W X H Vn 77i X. Y.. S. ft W. IT. ..214 22 21 'a 22 Nor. I'ae M. S'i 8'i X'i out. ft West 12"s It 13", II f-.c. .Mull 21 22", 21 22'i Phil, ft Read 18'i I.!-1, lit X Southern H. 11 M's 8 Southern It. 11. IT. . 25; 2il 1"; 2"."s Tenn. C. ft Iron .... ; 21 20 21"h I'nlon Pacific 7 7 7 7 Western Union S2'i &! SI"; f&tt w. 1 !' ; r4 V. S. Leather 7'n 1 7 7'i V. fl. Leather IT. ... 57-i W; r.T'i r.s V. a. Rubber Hi'i l'JVg ltl'i, pj'i CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- WHRAT. ing. e?t. est. Ing. September fifed ri'l'i f)s fi""i December 5S iiS DT'ii ti7'i OATS. September Ki'h 1."' 1" December li" lies 15:st CORN. September 27 27!i 2'ei 27 LAUD. September 3.90 3.92 3.83 D.S7 PORK. September C.S7 C.9l) 6.70 C.S2 Scriuitcn Hoard of Trade Exchange QiiotntionsAII Quotation Bused on Tar of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. 14U ... Dlmo Dep. & Dis. Bank Scranton Lace Curtain Co. .. NationiU Boring & Drill'g Co CO I' lrst National Hank (0 firranton Jar & Stopper Co... Klmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank 23 lUi) 10 ll 1)3 2.V) 130 110 2U0 Konta Plate Glass Co Scranton Car Replacer Co.... Szranton Packing Co Weston Mill Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. Third Nntlonal Bank Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. .. Bcranton Traction Co 17 110 110 110 20 50 BOXDS. Scranton Glass Co Scranton Pass. Railway, first t 100 mortgage due 1918 People'B Street Railway, first mortgage due 1913 Scranton & Plttston Trao. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec 80 ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. , Lacka. Township School 100 102 102 M0 K5 100 City of Scranton St. Imp Borough of Wlnton u70.. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works New York Produce Market. New York, July C Flour Stendy, dull. Winter wheat Low grades, l.$70a2.73: do. fair to fancy, $2.45a3.43; do. patents, $3.;i0a 3.80; Minnesota clear, $2.402.90; do. straights, $; do. patents, $3.13al; low extras, $l."Oa2.35: city mills, $; do, patents, $4.10a4.33; rye mixture, $2.4ua3; su perfine, $1.40a2.23; fine, $l.5oa2.U3. Uyc flour ijulct nnd steauy; comment yulet, steady; yellow western, Branilywlne $2.15. Rye Dull, steady, western, 3Se. f. O. b. Barley Otilet. 49 pounds, quoted 32c. f. o. h. Barley malt Quiet; western. 4Su5!te. Wheat Spot mar- EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Fac? Bleach Positively Removes All Facial Blcmisiies. Azalea Face Powder Is mtperior to any faoa powder nvur mnnufuetured, L'sed and eouv mended by lmdinz aoet-ty and proNuionnl bHiities, bt'cause it uivos the' boat poaoiblo 'fleet and tinvt-r loavca the kkiu rough or bonlv. i'rlce 5t cntfi. Thrlxogcne, Katiirs' Hair Grower, il ths gratmt null' inrlorator of the prrsant pro greMiveaae, belli imrulr a voa-tali!e com- fiound, entirely )mi tnlt ss, and marrelona in i bdui-flcimit effoct. All divusea of the Ualr aniiealpuro lumlilv run d by tha use of '1 liriX'iRJiie. Price 3y rents and il. Foraalo nt r. M. It'itrel'ii llutr-dreaalng and Manicure Parlurx, tpto Laeknwanan ve. and N 1 bale nine Cullding, Wilkai-Uarro, Uail ordera Ollod promptly, , 'Mb ket, dull, easier with options; 63ic; un graded red, Ou'taUJ'jc.; No. 1 northern, iMVic; options wer moderately active n. Bteady ut aTHC decline; July, inc.; Aug ust, (ilc; Septemtter, tilc. ; December, 63c. Corn Spots dull, easier: Xo. 2 ut S3e. ; opt Ions dull, lower; closed wchk;! juiy, sjtsc; Bepieniner, 33e.; OctoOL-r, 3Sc; May, 33?ic tats Spots quiet, firm; oiHions. dull, easier; July, 2c; August, l!t-c; September.. Wici Xo. 2 while July, 21'.-jC ; spot prices. Xo. 2, ut 2i-c. ; do. white, 2lic; No. 2 Chicago, 211-c"; Xo. 3 at l!i",c; do. white, SOc; mixed" western, 22H221jc; white do., 2:ta2'ic; while state, 23a2iic. Beef Quiet; family. $.f.n.i9; extra mess, $'.a7e. Beet hams inactive. $14.30a 15. Pried beef Dull nnd steady; city ex tra India mes, $11011.30. Cut meats l-'lrni; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 4t-ia44e.; pic kled shoulders, 4a4'jie.: pickled hams, L4al0c. Lard Quiet, o i.-ler; western steam, $4.07( bid: July. $4.ltvV.; city. Sit.iJii. Rye flour Dull; rontlnent. S4.33: S nith America, $1.73; compound. 4'i4';c. pork Diill. easy, old mess, 57.73.iS.23; new mess, $s.30a8.33. But ter Quiet, easier: statu dairy, lOJll'jC. ; H. ereamry, 11'-..!i13e. ; do. factory, 8illc.; Klgins, 13e.: Imitailun creamery, t'al2.', theese Quiet, freely offered; state large, 5l-..a'i'14C.: do. small, 3'ja7c.; part skims. 2it41,c; full skims, 2'-a3c. Kggs Firm, fair ilemand; state and Pennsylvania, li'tnlk'. ; western fresh, lla'.'c. ; do. case, $1.30aX HiifTiilo Live Stock. Buffalo, X. Y.. July 0. Cattle-Receipts, 3,7s: head; on sule, 2,S'!0 liLad; opened ac tive uml Inc. higher for good butchers' and steady to easy for heavy anil ex port grades, closing steady for good, bandy grades, but dull and weaker for he.ivy steers, early sales, prime Rteers, $l.33at.rj); good butchers' and liliieers, $l.llla4.23; lhrht to medium steers. $;i.s3a4: mixed hatchers' common to choice, $2.',o.i 3 C; bulls steady, good In avy, $3:i3.23; fra-h cows an. I rplngi rs, $!Sn4o per hun dred. Veals Klrni; fair to choice,' $3. Via 4.50; late sales, two loads exlr.i fancy heavy steers. 5t..'u; ronrse fat he:ivy steers, Sts4.'3; stags, vli:!.T.0, Hons Re celjits, 10,210 heail; on s:ile. O.ih'O heal; opened active and hlrner, closed easier; early sales, gro l to clieiee Yoikers, $!.i0,i 3.93; light bits aid plus. $:i.:.3al; mixed packers, $.',..c.3.i:;.73: miPum weights, $o.i'.o.i 3.1: heavy grades. $;U"a3. i." ; roughs, $!a 3.2(1: stags, $:':i'.'.r.o: late sales, extreme heavy, nonilr.aliy quoiilile nt $3'l.'i.i3.-ii; piKS straight sold at $l:il.13. Slice') nnd liimhs Receipts. 2i'0 head; on Bale, ii.'M bead ; opened linn to strong fur good har.ily grades with others iinchnmrcd, closed weak; prime to cxtci spring l imbs. S3.73ui!; fair to rood. ?:.ti3,i3 iM; culls anil common, r.'. 0a I..,'); mixed sheep, g.ic.l to choice, $2.73al.13; V iiidy wethers, M. 1.3,1 4.2."i; heavy ewes, i;i.o3a3.73; no export ile mainl. Oil "Inrbct. 0)1 City, Pa., July li. Option oil was quoted at $1.13 bid; credit balances, SI. 13. ONCB S10RM In harnionv with the world, 2000 I c',;- ,y ewaijueicij cureu men aro r4 jv v sittjiiii; happy prubei for 1 11 "ft the grenteiit, grand. - , ' 1 i'.miiii i.iuuiuriK:i til'. I weakness and lc'it. vbror known to lneiiical seicaco. An laecouutof liilsu'on di'i'Jui tliM'oriTU, la book form, widi ref erences and proofs, Will lwim trt t.i af ferlnff men (scried! free. Knll nmnly vigor peraiatieutly restored. Failuro imiKistiblj. EP.!i:Fi'!E0!0.UC0.,3yFFfiL0,Jj.Y. ON THS LIE CF TH are located the finest fishing and hunting grounds in the world. Descriptive booita on application. Tickets to nil points irj Maine, Canada and Marliimn Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian und I'nited Stntes Northwest, Vaavouvor Beattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Kranclseo. Rrst-Class SIsoping and Din-ins Csrs attached to nil throtiqjht trains. Tourist cara fully tlttcd with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rotes always less than via other i;ni. For further Information, time tables, etc. on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 353 Broadway, New York. AK F0THEB5KLT Off GIVES THil BEcSTIKiilTVc FOR SALE BY THE ATLANTIC Mil CO SCRANTON STATION. Coxpleilca terrs3 DR. KEBRA'3 Ecmovcs I Liver Mr. BunfeL'rn find Ten. and in. ttcrcs tho lilu to in crl::i- nal fn-shneas.'if n C'i - clear tad healthy c.m-:i. ,) ' picxion. i:iipericri3niii.-..M prejiarattor j a" p'riViiir hnnrloa. At all tlruiglits.or JErtiled tor SCi u. ticiid lor Ciiculr.T, VIOLA OKIJS 83A? t' ''"rlr Imminn m v rUa purU.ilnff Swi.p, tin.'TulM Uifl toiltt, ie.lut n Ut il nur-ury, t'vil 1 ; ;i:ril & ill .f '.J Bui. mted. Ailrr.Tii':, fr'ra Js C n".. G. C. t3ITTK".Kcs f;0 Toledo, C. ror nle by MATTHEWS BRna. and JOHN H. I'lIKLrS. Scranton. Pa. mtntt ar Thc HicwtoT W.'.ikh. AurHoam-. ' . lOTAr.rn will yoi. t llit 'iH11'"111 to nif.-mrj 4 I 'iZ Srnm oll, Koro 'I' l!-or k, A li'iirnTn, jr:mnciiilii , V,i't f.r!!A11-niiV;t. tCV iinnh ileriuiif. Anon:cli-n: , . ' ri.mriir.cnnvinlriittncurr; In portcl. reailT to rn on lir-t lii'ilrailun of cni(f. I'ontlmied Vo :ncto Irerroinvn Curt. s itlitaftUmfrtiarinti'nd r 11101117 rci urilcni. yrlrr, Si ttn. lrtal freo ot Iinit.;Ui:i. mail. JO couia. B. D. tBSIMH, air., It Lirra, Ujch., 0, S. t lil.tll HOL a'!li;ndliM.i;.v,t,.ca.ii(ih.xni Ithenm. oM soresl'iiriie, f'uii. Vimftrrti1 rei my fur PI I. us. rpite.SK utn.nt Pn.a- H I r bymail prs; nil. Au lri'lmaiiiiboTn. a? I ' For sale by MATTHEWS BR03. and JOHN II. PIIELP3, Bcranton. Fa. 4111! i 'V -IvV- O mh mm em HmiSlitlllllllllllllUSigiEIISIIIIIIIIUIIIIIlllllllUlllllUlllllllllUllllllltl TH E 308 UCKAWANSA AVENUE 308 Save Meiisy Is Making Money. Are you in need of Shirt Waists or Para sols? If so, we can save at least 25 to 50 per cent on same. ICls V ill buy an Elrtrant Lann- nn Will boy a fine Dimity J V L ""'d Waiat, in choic pat- VftC Waiat iu choice colon, da- terna, advertised eU.wtero tached collara, worth fully foriOc ma. Afn Will buy an oloeant Latin- .,,.., 4VC drlu'l Waiat. 111 all atyle tQr Fo' White China 3ilk Para strictly f ast color, well VOC ol. extra heavy quality, ad worth 73c. TartUod elnawhar for L80. . . . I 7 p- A Ohnlce lino of Waiata, in J )C Jtripes and plain liuen ef- on For Limm effect Parasol . tuct8' dUpUyed elsewhere rUc thn latest novelty, would ba for $1.00. JZr ch0M) f(ir 50--PER Reduction in all illinery at 'Am 2,000,000 BARRELS Mads and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896 Total Product of The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative Is sold everywhere from ths Pacific Const to St. John's, New I'oundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and is recognized as the best flour in the world. mEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. ON THE CHARE EDGED I SCUA&E BUTTED LUMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH. RICHARDS LUMBER CO., 02 Cam'iWEJLTH BJILDINS. THINE 422. MOM AMD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Eolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Suj plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. I1TTEIIE1B SCRANTON. PA. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Persona! Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. BIBB For sals by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming Avenue; and Spruce Street, Soranton, Pa. I FASHION CENT.--50 Capes and Jackets, Half Price. SQUARE. QUARE nEALING TO QUARE llEALERS. 00 When In doubt what to use for Nervuu. Debility, Low of Power, Impotcncy.Atrophv.Varii occlc and other weaknesses, Irom anjr cause, use Scxine l'llis. Drains checked and full viiror quickly rettord. If plwtcd. loeb lrmtt,U mult rt1lf. Mai!cJlnrl.U);rjlxeEfJ.CU. With $3.00 orderi we Rive a guarantee to cure or refund the money. Address Pt-AL MEJICINE CO., Cleveland, O. CONNELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers