The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 07, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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"Pure and
" I have used Cleveland's Baking Powder with
entire satisfaction in the preparation of breads, biscuits
and cakes." Juliet Corsox, FjunJtrof Xev yW Cvoiiitg Sihvo.
& loore
120 IVyoming Ave.
;oK Pern Ave
33 1 o.
33c. Wclncl,
Oc. kind,
EOc, kind,
65c. kind,
78c, kind,
85c. kind,
31. OO kind,
3S1.1S kind.
now 2EJG.
mow 2Sc.
now 3-C c.
now G3o,
now S3c.
now 7;
now ' S.
These Good consist ofln','rrtins nnd
Brussels. Tina is a genuine Mark
Down Kale.
ffill I 111
Carpets, Draperies anJ Wall Pap:r.
The IVruihlicin slunilinp rommi'.tro of
the Thinl lczlsliitivu ilistrict will nnvt
Bt the arbitration room. In tin- rotivt
house, Scrnntuti, l'a., on TtipmUiy, .Inly 7,
at 2.39 1. m. John ilrOrlmll-.
J. W. Ilousi-r, Secretary.
Thomn Murtaiurh. ;i-r" CI your:-. llel
yes'.enlny nt th" 1 1 Ml- tt,. ir..tne.
.he nti'lItliiK t itiihi-I! li'M
V meetlm? Inttt iilsrlit ami i'i:-nvvl of a
lat'iro number of bill-".
The rlinlrs of I Inly Kovnry cluiroli if nnd Pt. Patrick's rlim-rli of
tho West Plile v.ill aiiciid today at Lake
Timothy 'MeXiilty. of the West Fi'le,
elinrrreil with ytalulory lmrtrlnry. was mir
renilrreil by Irs liomlnniuu yeserday, and
la In jail.
, The Dr. Throop McKinley clnh of the
Blxteentli wild will meet thii eveiiiim' In
the vacant store on Linden street, next
to the Windsor hotel.
The convention of district Attorneys of
the state will -li was, to have been held
hero this month has been postponed until
the latter part of Aiurnst.
It was Rehener's Keystone bakery and
not the Keystone h'.tinilry that had the
dlspluy In Fatnrdny'a pnrade, of which an
engine bell was n feature.
The regular ln'siness nn'i-tlns; of the
hoard of niimn;:' rs of the Florence Crit
tenton home will be held nt the home, lo7
Pprnce street, at la !i. m. today.
Nathan 11. Hull, of TVumnml court, an
ashman, died nt the Lackawanna hospital
yesterday morning of typhoid fever. Ho
was ndniitted to the hospital on Jn'y n.
Itlehard Cray. Jr., of the West Side, was
arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn
out before Alderman Millar by Mr.i. Sarah
'.Tones, who swore that (li'uy nireatened n
lo ln;r bodily harm. He was held In i"M)
hall to keep the peace.
John Mel lonouuh, of the Notch, was
enuuht Hteallns a riilo on a Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western coal train yes
terday, nnd In default of a line of Jr. and
co.Hts Aldcrntan .Millar sent him to the
county jail for ten days.
The Delaware. Lackawanna and West
ern company will pay its employes at the
machine shops, Cayuga and Drlsbin mines
today. The Delaware and Hudson Canal
uny paid nt the Olyphant and Kddy
collieries yesterday.
F. VanHusklrk, of South Wnslilnvr-
ivenue, was arrested on complaint of
.vlfe on the elinrse of thi-eiiteniiiK to
kill her. He was held in .m bail ns a
Runrantee not to carry out the threat. Al
derman Wright Issued the warrant.
Thomas Iloblnson and Henry Johnson.
' -two colon ' men who were arrested
taymond court while to dispose
e stolen brass, were ijlven a liearlnj; yes
terday hy Alderman Miliar and were com
mitted to Jail In default of JSlHiO bail.
Tt was not Dan We'i'ier, the l'cnn ave
nue butcher, who wan lined In Alderman
Millar's court Saturday for contempt.
Webber Is the man front whom Sherwood
horrowed the frmi, hot be did not appear
at the It was one' of Sherwood's
friends who was lined.
A warrant Is out for the arrest of Hen
Johnson, the oolor?d ashman of Kdly's
Patch, for drlvlnir a lame home. ' n rooks
A. Bass, Hfrent of the Society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Animals, Is the
prosecutor. Johmon will be taken, if
found, brforo Alderman II owe today.
8. Luke's conprpRaUon 13 reminded of
the desiro r.nd hope that the Sunday
school exeurs'on to Lake Ariel on Thurs
day may lie made a parish otitins-. Tick
ets, 75 cents for adults and 41 cents for
children, may lie had at Powell's. Hau
er'n orchestra accompanies the excursion.
Thomas Itoed, of the West Side. Jumped
off a movlnp Delaware, Lackawanna r.nd
Western train yesterday while the nip
was passim? by the stone yard In Kcyser
valley. Reed's limbs were badly lacer
ated by tho fall. He was taken to the
Lackawanna hospital, where he now is.
His age U 40 years.
John PuterhauRh, of Wllkes-Hnrre, was
attacked with an epileptic stroke on tho
sidewalk In front of the City hotel on
Penn avenuo last nlKht. 'i'lio ambulance
was' summoned and he was taken to the
Lackawanna hospital. He is 23 years old,
a teamster by occupation, and will bo
able to leave for home today.
William Connor, charged with rttrety of
the peace, was admitted to ball yester
day, in the sum of $2(K) by JutlRo H. W.
Archbald. Ills own rccoKnlzance was ac
cepted. Barney Bear entered hall before
tho samo Juiltro In the sum of turn to nn
wer a charge of assault and battery at
court. Max Sear became his bondsman.
The lecture room of tho Howard Place
African Methodist Episcopal church Is
Very elaborately decorated with flats,
verg reena and handsome canopies which
will be need as booths for the display of
different articles on exhibition at the fair
which will bo conducted by the ladles of
the church coininencin this cvenliiK and
continuing until July 10. Tho display is
one that is worthy of attention. It is the
cipial of any ever peon in the city.
Tho Cold Stream Water ompany was
chartered at, 1 Inrrisliurg yesterday with a
capital stock of Slet'.mia, and the dlrctoers
aro will known Permit on capitalists, John
A. Meal's, Joseph J. .lermyn, 1. S. Patre,
i. D. Shepherd and .1. Alton Davis. Mr.
Jerinyn was asked by a Tribune reporter
where the company Intends to Bet its sup
ply from ami what parts of the city aro
to by suppllfd. lie said that he could not
liivo the information at present.
tloortre t'arr. of this city, was arrested
by Fpeel ;l .i:!!ci r Williams at the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western station
,v: tit ! .y tnoniiiur; for bicycle rldinK on
the asphalt ti ar th" platform to the Krent
ilhiein iiort of the persons roniiu to and
leaviii;; the station, as alleged by the ol
I '.:"i who was further provoked Into ar
rer.tlni; him on account of ceriidn sauel
ness made ttse of by Cnrr (p.- he was
told to take hlnisolf and his wfcecl to seme
more suitable, place. The prisoner was
hroinrht before Alderman Millar, who im
posed a line of f;l and costs.
?.iarri.i;re lleeiufes were granted by
Clerk of the Courts Thomas yesterday to
James T. Kearney and Delia A. Kivley,
ei" Seranton: Wasel SUIhhi-r and Anna;o, Ker.inton: Jacob Itutteiman and
Lc-.ll. Jo
Crown, Carbondalo; Ceow Mo
a'ersim township, and -Ada Kirer,
i: John Muln and Ksenla Mneh
I". II township; Chath :; Henry
id Mrs. Vilettle D. Hoover, of
Vkma county, X. V. Tlie l ist
i'otv ;
( '..i.r
i::;tM'l were on their way to fresco, Mon
roe county, to be married, nnd as they had
to wait rcwr.i! hours In this city for a
train, conclaih'd to tttlliia- part of the
ll'.ae In i-ccui'lni; n license. Mr. Doty Is a
v. i low r and a wealthy contractor of
The annual excursion and picnic of
Mt -JVtttt Avenue Baptist Sunday will la- July 7, nt Lake Ariel.
Train leaves tit S.IJO.
An Italian CtMitcmplutiim a Trip
linck tlouic Hits to Dcl'cr II.
l'rs.ltia Citmbo Is nn Italian who cune
to America n lew years no and saved
' i since then by froim; every month
b the bank with few dollars. Think
iptr iliat he cmihl jro Imrk to his native
l.tml and bo leckoned well off with that
an. mil. t. ho drew the money out Hat
vr.luy and was nrrannlns to leave this
W ' k for across the deep, Idue sea. The
voyage has been postponed on account
of luck of funds.
Vinco Mnmlo was showing n friendly
ir.ti re.-1 In l'asiiun and they both went
aro mill lor;i tlier Saturday eveiiittK to
dtinl; to eaeli other's fortune In future.
The la Iter burrowed n fiver, nnd invited
his f;lend homo to sleep with him.
Sorry was lie that he accepted the kind
of. i r, lor when lie. awoke on the Sab
bath morning his $L'0t and his friend
were K'ono. He wont to Alderman Mil
lar's nlHee yesterday und .".wore out a
The thief was cnunht and Riven a
liearinir. Hp could not furnish bail nnd
wps sent to the county Jail in default.
The two men boarded near each other
on the South Wni-hlnston avenue Flats.
Shoemaker Murk Ifnrrett, of .New
Slrci'l, Is Hie DelriMliint.
Mrs. Mary 12. Lindsny, of New street,
appeared before Alderman Millar venter-lay
afbriioon and swore out a war mi u very serious r barge: npainst
Mai k Ilarrett, n shoemaker occupying
the other half of the house In which she
lives, ile was in-rested and was held
In thr sum of J S00 for his appearance at
.Vim, Lhnlsny is a middle nged widow
and has two sons, one is and the otlur
i:i years old. Wh'-n 1 years old she was
unfortunate enouch to meet with an
aeeld lit w hich resultil in the nmi u
tntlim of one tf her less above the
knee, and locomotion is made by means
of a crutch. She nllcses that on Sun
day, Juno MX. when she wns alone In
tho bou-'e Harrett came iii and made
nn attempt criminally to assault her.
Si.e Kcrc'inied and some one camo to
the door, cuusini; liarrett to cense.
This is the third time she has bom at
tacked by hlin. she claims. Ile is a
married man of middle age nnd has a
The .VcviiiicimI Ones Uaw tx Keeital in
Powell's I, list Night.
The rcnlor pupils of Haydn Kvans,
piano-forte teat her, gave a very inter
esting recital in Powell's last night.
Tin-- pupils were Miss Maude Copoland,
;f Carbondnle; Miss Mary Cavanaugh
and Miss Arum, l.uirkin, of this city, and
Miss C-enevleVo Haeon, of Xlcholson.
They were assisted by Misses Margaret
Reynolds, contralto; Lizzie Reynolds,
soprano, nnd V. II. Widmayer, violinist.
The numbers selecu d for the pupils
were very dirTtelilt requiring thoughtful
intorprt tation ami skillful execution,
yet so well were they rendered that
the audience iruve th warmest praise
to the young pf rforiners. The compos
ers whose works found n place on the
programme were Heethoven, Schuman,
Aft, Mozart, Chopin, ISncli, Gounod,
Mendelssohn niid Mills.
Hepubliriin Itnt ilicntion Parade, Sat
urday Night. July I.
Organizations intending to take part
are reminded that notice should be sent
to Major J. W. dakford. chief 01 staff,
at once, in order that they may have
a place assigned dthem In the line, and
that the lino may be properly formed.
The parade will undoubtedly be a large
one, nnd the necessity for this will be
apparent. Prompt action will avoid
confusion nnd will contribute greatly
to the success of the occasion.
J. V. Oakford,
Chief ot Staff,
Commonwealth Eldg.
.!!enls nnd Cold Lunches.
Jlcnls and cold lunches served at all
fiours at Lohmann's, Spruce street.
Regular dinner 40 cents. Imported
and domestic wines, cigars and liquors.
Poor Tax, 1800.
The 'above mentioned taxes having
been rlaced In my hands for collection,
all persons are notified to pay them at
once and save costs. Office in the
municipal building.
WADE M. FINN, Collector.
Date of the Demonstration Changed to
Tuesday, July 14.
It Is Probable the Orators Will Talk
to tho Multitude nt the Court House
Squiirc--McKiiilcy and Uobart Club
Organized at (irecn HidguAclion
of the Polish Club.
At the meeting of the Central Repub
lican club Inst night the date of the
McKlnley ratification meeting was
changed from next Saturday night to
the subsequent Tuisday night, July 14.
Colonel E. II. Rlpplrt presided and the
meeting was adjourned early In time
to let the members out to see the tire
works display. The ratification meet
ing was postponed because It would
Interfere with the Saturday night trade
of the merchants.
Alderman Millar, the secretary, re
ported for the committee on hall that
it will be impossible to secure the
armory, because the regiment is pre
paring to go to camp, and the Hour of
the armory will huve to be used from
now on in packing up the equipments.
He said ho asked what the Frothing
linm theater could be rented for nnd
was informed that the price Is $1'). but
that the management would dunate
jL'a to the finance committee.
Colonel Ripple suggested that an open
air meeting be held on the court house
square, nnd a platform built out from
the Linden street entrance to the court
house. There will be no question then
about accommodating those who wish
to attend ns there will be plenty ot
room for everybody. The idea met wllh
approbation and Secretary Millar was
Instructed to proceed along that line,
and was given power to act. He iwill
see the county commissioner.-! today
about permission to build the platform.
KNCOniAGlXO unroitTS.
A letter was read from S. J. Mathews,
president of the McKinley club of Oly
phant, asking for Information as to the
arrangements and offering to co-operate
In the parade. The secretary will
furnish Mr. JIathews w-lth all the In
formation necessary, and the Olyphant
club will come down in largo numbers.
Colonel Ripple said that assurances
have been received from the West and
South Sides nnd Green Ridge that each
section will send large delegations.
Captain V. H. Atherton said the North
Knd will not be behind. The Republi
cans of that place got together lusf
night and organized a McKinley club.
Captain Atherton said, also, that he
has sent an invitation to every bicy
clist in and around the city to join In
the parade.
Captain Thompson had V.vo samples
of caps, both white nnd of the ordinary
make, except that they differed in qual
ity and price. The dearer of the two
has "McKinley and Hobart" ' lettered
above the visor. Tho captain was In
structed to use his own Judgment, nnd
will purchase about 1.000 caps, as that
many men are expected to he in line.
The next meeting will be held Thurs
day night.
Thirteenth ward Republicans perfect
ed an organization of a McKinley and
H ibnrt dub last night In the olllce of
Alderman Hailey on. Dickson avenue.
George Sanderson, president of select
council, was elected chairman and C.
S. Fowler, jr., secretary.
Thirty signatures were made to the
club roll and assurance given that 150
voters would turn out with the club in
the big ratification parade. For that
event C. S. Seamans, O. S. Jacobs and
t S. .Fowler, Jr., were appointed a
committee to make the necessary ar
rangements and to net In the same cap
acity permanently.
The Polish Republican club of the
South Side met last evening in the olllce
of the Tygondik. the weekly Polish
newspaper published by J. A. Llplnski,
and decided to participate In the parade
on the n!;rht of. the rat I Ilea Hon meet
ing. The club lias a membership of
over 200 nnd by the time of the parade
they hope to have Increased that to
Martin Woyshnor Is president and he
was chosen to make n report to the next
meetingon the arrangements for Joining
in the parade, that is with reference to
the time the members will assemble
and form in line to mnrch to the cen
tral city. The constitution nnd rules
which govern the Central Republican
club were adopted.
Committee of Prirrbjirg Catholics
Wait on the Itishop,
A committee consisting of Jacob
Ycrka, John Jezurski, Thomas Krajuck
and oseph Surdykouskl, representing
the congregation of the Polish Catholic
church of Prleoburg, waited upon Hlsh
op o'llara yesterday and asked him to
remove Rev. Father Iwanowskl, the
pastor of the church and appoint some
one In his place. A petition setting
forth the committee's request was pre
sented to the bishop .who promised to
give the matter his attention nnd have
his answer prepared Thursday.
There has be.-n a luck of harmony for
some time between Father Iwanowskl
and the members of his congregation
and the members of the committee al
lege that two weeks ago last Sunday
their priest w hile on the altar removed
his priestly robes and declared that he
would no longer be their spiritual guide
and that he had no desire to longer lie
u Calhc.'ie priest. Tiic following Sun
day he did not read mar.' for his con
gregation and a meeting wns held and
the committre whiot. waited on the
bishop yesterday wns appointed. Last
Sunday Father Iwanowskl read mass
as nstial but many members of the con
gregation would not go Into the church.
lU-Eidcs his removal the committee
asks that Fnther Iwanowskl be com
plied to render an account of the fin
ances of the parish for the last two
Embezzlement Charged Against John
A. Hart, of the West Hide.
John A. Hart, of the West Side;, had a
hearing yesterday afternoon before Al
derman Howe on a charge of em
bezzlement preferred by Charles J.
Helmes, agent of the Pennsylvania
Mutual Life Insurance, of Philadelphia.
Hart was employed on commission and
had a verbal contract whereby he was
to receive Rj per cent, of the first premi
um, but when the policy was delivered
he was obliged to pay the company the
amount less his percentage.
It Is alleged that he failed to account
for $113 that he ought to have paid Mr.
Helmes, and after giving him eut
ficlent time to make good the amount
and his failure to do so, a warrant was
sworn out and he was held In the sum
of $300 for his appearance at court. At
torney Frank E. Royle represented the
prosecutor. Mr. Hart conducted his
own ense and tried to raise the plea that
as there was no contract only a verbal
one, the exact status of the agreement
could not be definitely ascertained and
that he could not be held for embezzle
ment, but might be sued for a debt.
M ill Probably lie Named by District
Committee Today.
This afternoon at 2.30 o'clock the Re
publican standing committee of the
Third Legislative district will meet In
the arbitration room of the court house.
The call Issued by Chairman John Me
Crindle docs not state what business
will come before the committee but It Is
generally understood that before It ad
journs a date will be fixed for a con
vention at which a candidate for the
legislature will be named. A date early
In August may be decided upon.
There Is a good safe Republican ma
jority In tho Third district and a nom
ination is usually equivalent to an elec
tion. For that reason a Republican
nomination in the Third is very deslr
able nnd there are several who are will
ing that thev should be honored in
thnt way. Oulte a lively canvass for
the nomination has been in progress for
Konie lime between the following: F.
J. G rover, of Moosie. the present repre
sentative from the district; Attorney
R. H. Holgate, of Ln Plume: Dr. N. C.
Mackey, of Waverly; W. P. Griffiths,
burgess cf Taylor, and J. W. Cure, of
Friend & Ruyl's Stock Levied Upon by
the Sheriff Amount of the
Liabilities Is $9,603.82.
Friend & Ruyl, who have for several
years conducted a dry goods and no
tion business at Lackawanna, and Wy
oming avenues, under the name of
"The Fair." failed yesterday and their
stock was taken charge of by Sheriff
demons' deputies. The total amount
of the Judgments against them to date
Is JSI.C0S.S2.
During the afternoon the following
judgments against the firm were filed
with Prnthonntary Pryor: Kelly &
Healejv IW10.12;- MJloscs, Brother -
company, $1,307.83: same firm, 51,3.1ti.-10;
II. Ruyl. $1,400; Teft, Weller & com
pany. New York, $H,C72.13; L. II. Ruyl,
$1,000. Executions were Issued on these
Judgments nnd last evening Deputy
Sheriff Ferber levied on the stock. The
sale will take pl-wo next Monday.
Friend & Ruyl had a similar experi
ence on July 27, 1S!)."i, when the sheriff
selxed their effect on executions
amounting to $17,000.71.
The stock and fixtures of the Globe
hotel on Wyoming avenue, Flanaghan
& Hird, proprietors, also went Into tho
hands of the sheriff yesterday. The
levy was made at the Instance of E.
Robinson's Sons on an execution for
John Whltbeck's hotel nt Olyphant
was Rnother business place that went
into the Sheriff's hands yesUrduy. E.
Robinson's Sons held an execution for
$b"0 against Whitbeck nnd the latter's
wife had two judgments, one for $300
and the other for $300.
Figures from the Spring Inspections
of Hie National Guard.
Tho reports of the spring Inspections
Just irivi n out from national guard
headquarters show that the Thirteenth
regiment still retains its position nt tho
head of the national guard of the state
with a general average of 9ti.!0. Here
are the figures by companies for the
- "3 J -
" - 2 '
i a - o
o . fc
- . si
a ct zj o
i ; i
t. C 0 t".
c6T"a....ioi) rn.RS w.nt "imf j7jw m.SS
Co. P.. ...100 71.47 S5.73 H !"i.7U K'i.'.H)
Co. f 71. !W 1 l'H:l
Co. D....IU0 .N3.MI !0.4!t I'M I'T.W HI. 11
Co. E....1U0 fsU Iin) 117.30 !i.n"
Co. F....l' ti3.4l 71.70 l !i".:n 7:ti
Co. 0....!HI C.1.7S &!.MI K !";.3'i 7!i.N7
Co. II. ...100 70..SL MU1 I'M H7.00 St...7fi
Totals Wi.W
The generalaveragesof the other regi
ments of the state nre: First Regiment,
fla.76; Second, S9.96; Third, S7.27; Sixth,
87.:i; Tenth, 88.77; Fourteenth, 79.57;
Fifteenth, M.fil; Sixteenth, S7.72;
Eighteenth, 87.W); Fourth, 91.9:1; Eighth,
95.33; Ninth, 93.53; Twelfth, 94.94.
Commissioners Will Award Contract
ns Soon ns Possible,
Bids for erecting the third story of
the county court house will close to
day with the county commissioners,
and ns soon as possible tho contract
will be awarded. It is specified that
the contractor for the stone work must
have hits task so far completed that the
contractor for the iron work can be
gin to lay the roof trusses on Aug. 3.
The stone used in the addition will
be taken from the Wert Mountain, nnd
Is to resemble, so far as possible, that
now In the building.
Ilnmiiiersnien Went Out Yesterday
nnd Will Not Accept Reduction.
The hnmmersmcn at the Seranton
Axle works went on strike yesterday
morning because of a reduction In
wages. There are six hammers at the
factory and two men are employed as
haminersmcn at each of them. Re
sides there nre two helpers at each
hammer, making 24 employes who are
effected by the cut In wages and re
fuse to work at the new scale.
The reduction amounts to nbout 23
cents a day on regular work, and when
the men are employed on what is called
"short stock," which Is only during
very dull seasons the cut will reach
75 cents a day. The other departments
of the factory are running as usual.
Thnt Was the Sentence (liven to
Trniiiwrcckcr John Jnnmnrcli.
Justice was meted out yesterday at
Morrlstown, N. J., to John Janmarch,
the Polander who tried to wreck train
No. 12 on the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western tlx weeks ago ut Dover.
In the court of sessions held at Mnr
rlstoiwn he was convicted of attempting
to wreck the tinln and the Judge sent
enced him to five years imprisonment
at hard labor.
. Ask Your Dealer
for McGarrah'8 Insect Powder, 25 and
19-cent boxes. Never told in built
Take no other. . -
Filled His Pockets with Stones and
Threw Himself luto Lily Lake.
Was Fifty Yenrs of Age nnd Spent
.Host of His Time nt nn Old Farm
House Near the Lnlu Talked with
n Number of Persons About Drown
ing Accidents Sunday.
Imagining that he was In the way
nnd that the world and his relatives
would be better off if lid of him, Perry
Ilopfer, of North Abington, loaded
every pocket of his clothes with stones
yesterday morning and dropped him
self from the end of a boat Into Lily
Lake. His body was recovered several
houraUer, und the stones taken from
his clothes weighed about thirty
Hopfer wns not married and had been
a cripple since birth. He moved about
from place to place with great dif
ficulty and had to use two crutches.
Ills age was about 50 years. Two yearj
it go his mother died and he was pas
sionately fond of her. Since her death
he had been despondent and sa l, and
he had to leave the old home and live
with relatives. Most of Ills time was
spent nt an old farm house above the
lake, but he came frequently to the
hotel and remained a few hours at a
On Sunday he discussed drowning ac
cidents iwllh whomsoever he bad any
conversation, and he wes heard to won
der what kind uC a death It was
whether it mis hard or easy. Ho did
not Intimate, however, that he intend
ed to destroy himself.
He i-'-t i oil to bed at the hotel about
9 o'clock Sunday night and slept until
some time yesterday before daylight.
When Ins uncle went to call him he
found him gone. The hours passed by
without any news of him, and a search
was made. His hut vvas found on the
bank of the. lake, and In It was a pcii ki t
book and a penknife. A bout was
moored ut the waters edge-, and In it
wui!ehls..criitc4rea.. -Mini tuld-thu limy.
Wlllintit thorn he could not move a
step, and looking In tho water his body
was seen lylnp: at the bottom. The
depth was not over live feet.
The body wns lifted to the rut-face and
brought to the hotel. A telephone mes
sage was sent to Coroner Longstreet,
and Deputy Coroner K. M. Pctiny
pneker drove there In the afternoon.
The following jury .was empaneled: A.
J. Winebrake, of this cltv; Charles E.
Lee. of Waverly; C. I. Tinkham. John
S. Perry, Andrew J. Smith nnd J. H.
Mershnn, of Lily Lake. A verdict of
suicide was rendered.
Last Meek IlroLe the Record of
Deaths in the City,
The largest number cf deaths occur
ring In any one wrek in tills city since
the board of liyalth. was organized i.i
50, which Is the record for the veel;
ending Fourth of July. The principal
pnrt of that number nre children.
Five of the deaths were from contag
ious diseases as follows: Diphtheria,
2; scarlet fever, 2; typhoid fever, 1.
Two died of consumption. Three easts
of contagious diseases were reported.
Wanted to give a bear show.
Street Commissioner Kinsley Kc-luscd
to Issue :i rrririt.
Two greasy looking Arabians applied
nt Street Commissioner Kinsley's office
yesterday for a permit to allow them
to give exhibitions with two bears on
the streets of the central city.
The manner in which their request
was refused did not leave them In any
doubt as to the street commissioner's
view on bear shows, and they went
away, inquiring before they left as to
Trimmed Hat Sale
If you don't buy a nc-.v hat at
this sale, It will be because you
don't read our advertisements, or shut
your eyrs to Its full advantages. Money
never had equal buying powers and the
Trimmed Hats offered are new, stylish
and no to date.
$2.00 Trliiuactl Hals at 7.)C.
3.K " M $1.25
U0 " " J, S3
;.o; " " " 2.D
MO " " " 3. sa
We're with the fnshlon except in one par
ticular i' rice.
Wyomiaj Ave.
f tore Open FriJny Evening.
BEST SB Cf ill 13.03
Incluilin? the painless extractinj cf
teth by an entirely now procca.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
3I Spruce SU Cppliotel Jermyn.
- 0
9 q
cry taste may be, you will
goods and prices.
' (Large Show Window.)
the first train for Wllkes-Barre, where
they expect to reap a harvest.
Are you tired all the time? Then
your blood needs to be enriched and
purified by Hood's Sarsaparllla, the One
True Wood Purifier. It gives vigor and
Hood's Pills aro easy to take, easy to
operate. Cure Indigestion, biliousness.
For .Mind Tiredness Cue Ilorsford's
Acid Phosphate.
Dr. S. W. Oley, Danbury, Conn., says:
"I have used It In mind tiredness from
overwork, dyspepsia and nervous on
ditlons, und found It always very bene
ficial." The King of Pills is Hee-hum's.
Plllsbury Flour mills have a capac
ity of 17.500 barrels a day.
July Month
Close Out
sim mm ware
fi! 1-3 i 119 W& Ftt.
All m:r Silver is Quadruple
Plate ut this Price. You get it us
cheap as the single plate goods
you see everywhere.
23 Lackawanna Aveniu,
With all purchases
of 50c. or over, at our
stores, a ticket for
the Bicycle races and
Lockhart's Comedy
Elephants for Mon
day, Tuesday and
Wednesday, July 6,
7 and 8 will be given
free of charge.
Cut This Out
And You Wlil Have a Llt of the Moat
For Sale In the City.
And the Place to Buy Them Is
sic Store. WYOMIMQ AVE.
Is one which has plenty of
soft, graceful draperies to soft
en the corners and staring
stairways. They add color,
elegance aud poetry to a room.
We have some very beau
tiful effects the cblor har
monies are exquisitely blend
ed, and varied enough to
please everyone. Then there
are plain, restful colors of all
kinds. Whatever your drap
fiud satisfaction here, both in
ly Offers I
tail Ms
The greatest salesman in the world
la Price, and in this final reductioo
tale of
Ladies' and
Children's Hats
The pi Ices will sell if prices ever
did, of course. The cost of making
and material Is lost sight of.
loO Ladies' and Children's Trim
med Hats, $3.00; sale price $1.49
ion Children's Trimmed Leghorn
Hals, with fuuey edge, $3 50;
sale price $1.49
30 Ladies' and Children's Un
trimmed Leghorn Hats, fl 50;
sale price ; 47o
100 Ladies' Untriinnied Hats, 98c;
sale price 19a
10 dozen Children's Lawn Hats,
40c j tale price 15i
10 dozen Children's Lawn Caps,
"jc; sale price 10u
20 dozen Children's Bailors, 40c;
sale price. ..13j
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladies' Belts
at 10c linch
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladies' Link
Buttons aud Studs at 9c a Set
138 Wyoming Avsnui
Malcolm Loyi
dough & Warroa,
M sm Grata al
Very Low Hm
We keep in stock every Color, Qual
ity, and width or Shading, with
Fringes and Laces to match.
We have SHADES two yards long,
mounted on spring rollers at
18 cents each.
We have anything else your taste of
means may require, and the BEST
VALl'Ii for your money always.
Samples and Estimates Submittal
P. fn'CREAfi CO.,
128 WYCMifn AVEH'JZ.
Gold or Silver
O -:o,-
You can pay us in cither Y
v ofattove. it will matter little X
to us which, but If you arc in T
need of a
Coneider Something In X
China,SiIver, Lamps
O or Bric-a-Brac,
Thf rioat Appropriate at AH Times.
01 Course You Will Cot Forget
X tSlPenn Avi Cpo-Eaptist Ctarcb. Y
Middle of the Block.
1 I
mm mi
mm m$L