THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. ! t crttiiiioii E1GIIT PAGES 50 COLUMNS. SCKANTON, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 189. TWO CENTS A COPY. Black 6 Comely aifl Bcsir ale Atoye A. .,. Colors, combinations r.nd blends In dress Roods chancre with every pesslns season. What is rlfrht this year, is hideous in fashion's eyes next yt:ar, find so on It crocs; there is nothing fixed In fancy dress longer than one season at any rate. Black Is the only color that Is never out of style, that Is never out of place, and that never can grow old. Never a sale of staple weaves In Ulack Dress fabrics Is a matter of unusual Im portance ami one which prudent women will not overlook. re a Si Staple Black Hi of guaranteed qualities ami best "' dyes. The reductions quoted are warranted. 15 Pieces new Mohair Brocades, very hand some designs and tine finish. Fully worth 6ac. Sale Price, 49c. 10 Pieces 40-Inch fine Wool Brocades In ex quisite new effects. A cloth worth all of S5c. Sale Price, 6Pc. 8 Pieces 4C-lnch Uroeades, the newest out, In a superb new linlsh; a hundred Cent 8' worth of value. Sale Price, 75c. a. The leading weave 'among fashion's fancies. Many styles' to select from. No better makes on the market. $1.25 quality cut to 7"c. $l.:i5 quality cut to S!e. $1.7.r. quality cut to $.00. 5 .'.no quality cut to $1.25. Black Sicilians, These are 50 Inches wide and spec ially finished to meet popular de mands as a correct skirt fabric. Full value for 65c. Sale Price, 45c. all silk, 24 Inches wide, and worth 360. Sale Price, 50c. $1.00 quality of Silk Grenadines, 24 Inches wide. Elegant goods. Sale1 Price, 75c. Si 6 pieces 24-Inch Black Silk Taffeta Brocades, clean fresh stock that t ought to bring 65c. Sale Price, 49c. GLOBE WAfflOUSE : Others 1 Names Senator Hill as Tem porary Chairman. Gives Notice That tin Minority of the Committee Will Report the Name of John V.. Daniel, of Virginia,! as a Substitute Bland Eoomers! i Ave Confident. Ohlcnnrn. July C The national com mittee liPKlnnitiR Its second meetlni: i at noon today transacted Us business at a single session, disposing of all the contests for scats and voting 2" to ;'3 to report the name of Senator David H. Illll. of New York, for temporary chairman of the national convention This was -the test vote-In the coinivV . tee, showing the relative gold and ail: strength. The silver showing v. .'Life: V- "avid n iiii.u made by the presence of several proxies of members of the commit tee who would have voted for Hill had they been present. There were also one or two members of the committee, who. within the past few days, had an nounced the transfer of their allegiance from gold to silver, notably Mr. J. L. Norrls, of the District of Columbia, and Mr. Arthur Sexvall, of Maine. Af ter the calling of the roll Secretary Sheerln stated that the Clark contest ants from Texas, known as gold men, had withdrawn from the fuither con test for seats In the convention. The wlthdnu.val was accompanied by a statement of the occasion which im pelled them to enter upon the content and now to voluntarily abandon It. This statement was read by the secretary and made a part of the records of the committee. Senator Jones, representing the steer ing committee of the lii-Metalllstio league, was given an opportunity to ad dress the committee. He stated that the silver men had no -candidate to presmt for the temporary chairman. The selection of anyone who was In accord with the Idea of the silver men would be acceptable to them, and he urged In the Interest of harmony that the wishes of the majority of the convention be not antagonized. . TUB CONTESTED CASES. The committee decided to proceed with the consideration and settlement of the contested cases first and that from Nebraska was settled for General Keating and his associates, silver men, without a vote. In the cases over whic h a contest was made, fifteen minutes ' .is given to each side for argument. The first case of theklnd called was that of John P. Ftenzet, gold, against Charles M. Cooper, silver, from the DOKACE BOIES. seventh (Indianapolis) district of Indi ana. Mr. Cooper made his own argu ment, while Attorney General Oreen smlth spoke for Mr. Frenzol. Cooper had been recognized by the state con vention of Indiana, and he was placed on the temporay roll by a Vote of 47 to 1, the negative vote being cast by Mr. Campbell, of Michigan. A contest brought by the sliver men for seats for three districts In Michigan, was argued for the contesting gold men by Mr. Kllott O. Stevenson, chairman of the gold delegation, and for the sil ver men by Mr. Daniel J. Campau, the Michigan member of the national com mittee. On motion of Mr. Charles S. Thomas, of Colorado, the gold members were placed oa the temporary foil, Mr. Campau's being the only vote cast for the contestants. Mr. D. J. M.thoney spoke for the con testing gold elegates from Nebraska, headed by Mr. Castor, and he warned the Democratic party, through the na tional commltte. of the dinner there Wit ' was before it of defeat at the polls should It nominate a Populist rather than a -Democrat. Mr. Smith replied for the Bryan silver delegation and by the first test of the afternoon 27 to 2.1 It was decided to place the Castor dele gation on the temixjrary roll. Next came' the Ohio contest that from the Eighteenth district wherein John H. Clark, gold man, sought the place of Conrad Schexveitzer, sliver man. The gold men had been reeognlztd by their district convention and the silver men by the state convention and their cases were presented to the committee by Mr Clark in person for himself nnd Mr. Raff and by Mr. John C. Weldy for the silver men. The committee voted 21 to 17 to sustain the decision of the state cnventlon and gave the silver men a place on the roll. A rather unexpected contest came up from South Dakota, where a delegation of silver men, headed by Dr. rtoss, sought to secure the seats certl"ed by the state convention to the delegation lieded by Delegate F. M. Stover It was a clear case of silver against gold, but the committee decided without the formality of a ballot and practically by a unanimous vote, to put the contort over. This ended the contests for seats in the convention as far ns the natiornl committee was concerned. Mr. Hryan was somewhat suvprls-d at the actio'i in the Nebraskn ca'3o, having be n firmly of the oi.i-iori that the fj Id men It r.d ro show when tl result ws an nounced he said to a report- r for the I'r.lter Press: '"Well, we received more thnn the silver votes of the committee anyhow and will bo seated by the com mittee on credentials without question because we have as chiana right to a place as the delegation of any statu." DON DICKINSON SMILKS. 'Ex-Post inastuf-Gt tieiu 1 T)on lJicRln-" son was more than usually smllins and complacent when the vote upon the Michigan contest was announced Michi gan contest was announced to him. "You will notice," ho remarked, that Mr. Campus' motion to sent the silver delegates received only his. ..own vote and live more to give the delegates their seats was made by Mr. Charles. Thomas, one of the leading silver men the national committtee. W hlwtall of the national committtee. Whut will be rone in the convention about the matter? Mr. Dickinson was asked. "Oh, that's Immaterial, quite Imma terial," he replied ns he walked away. The committee then decided to recom mend a temporary chairman of the con vention, and Mr. Clayton, the delegate from Alabama, nomlnuted for that po sition Senator John W. Daniel, of Vir ginia. He spoke briefly In support of his nomination, urging the committee to recognize the overwhelming major ity for free stiver that was known to exist. At the close of his remurks he was loudly applauded. Kx-Lloutennnt Governor Sheehan, of New York, presented the name of Sen ator David It. Hill, of that state, set ting forth his enpal illtles us a presid ing officer and his merits as a Demo crat. HILL ELECTED CHAIUMAN. No other candidates being numed, the committee proceeded to ballot und Mr. Hill was chosen by a vote of 27 to 23. Mr. Hill received the votes of the committeemen from the following states and territories: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana. Inn. Ken tucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Min nesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Klipde Island. South Dakota. Tennesse, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia. Wisconsin and Alaska 27. Committeemen from the following states and territories voted for Senator Daniel: Alabama. Arkansas, Cali fornia, Colorado. Florida. Georgia, Ida ho. Kansas, Maine, Michigan. Montana, Nevada. North Carolina. North Dakota, South Carolina, Virginia. Wyoming, Arizona. New Mexico,, t'tah, Indian Territory and the 1 list met of Columbia 23. . Mr. James Jeffries, the committee man from Louisiana, was not recorded ns voting. His support had been ex pected by the friends of Senator Hill. After the result of the vote had been announced, the only exciting incident of the afternoon occurred. THOMAS MAKES THREATS. Mr. Thomas, of Colotado, rose and said that he had been assigned to the un pleasant task of notifying the commit tee In case the senator from New York was selected as the choice of the ma jority, that a minority report would be made and the name of Hon. John W. Daniel, of Virginia, would be presented to the convention us a substitute. Mr. Thomas said: "The views of the senator from New York on the currency question are at variance with those of a majority of delegates to the new convention. He stands as the representative of the eastern gold men. We have been In formed by the press that these men have Bent delegations here to Influence the action of the convention, and state ments have been made by these men In the press, and at public meetings, which they have held In this city, that they will agree to no compromise, and will spare no effort to accomplish their ends We would say to them that the majority will accept no comnromlsp, and also will spare no effort to attain their purpose, which Is to name a man in accord with their views. They do not d ?sire to work In secret, but to fight In the open, and therefore notify tlv committee that a minority report wi'l be presented with the Hen. John W. Daniel named for temporary chairman of the convention, and they will ask that that d"liberate body be permitted to se lect a presiding officer who is In ac cord with the views vof the majority." HAKRITY APPEALED TO. In conclusion Mr. Thomas asked Chairman Harrlty, in view of the state ment that had been made, what kind of reception the silver men might be ex pected to be accorded If a motion to substitute the minority for the majority report was made. Mr. Harrlty said such a question was not justified. Mr. Thomas disclaimed any intention to reflect in the slightest degree upon the chairman of the committee. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Sheehan fol lowed Mr. Thomas In an impassioned speech, which evoked applause at In tervals from the gold mn en the com mittee. He said: "I recall that four years ago, sitting In this very room, fCcntlni-pd on Pa?e 8.1 n Attorney and the Inspectors Bein the Investigation. PROCEEDINGS WILL BE OPEN Committee of Ilincrs YJait cn the! i Commissioner and Are Told They i May Have an Attorney at the H.-arXs "Rippings" Eytfery Is1 Explained Ee!is. CiHaiiiee Or-1 Simile;--A Trcbnna Rsportcr Gois to the Faca of iha Llope. Pursuant to the directions of Gover nor Hastings, .Mine Inspectors William Stein of Shenandoah. Edward lloderlck of Scran ton, and Edward lirennan of Shainokiu. the coiiimlssion ui'jijiificd to investigate the Twin shaft disaster, met yebterduy at Pitt-ston nnd began its labors. Attorney General Henry C. Me Corinick. of Williamsport, accompanied by his stenographer, H. M. Hoke, of Hurrisbiirg, came on to direct the pro ceedings und advise with the Inspect ors. The commission secured quarters at the Eagle hotel and after a short con sultation, organized by electing In spector Stein chairman. At this Junc ture they received word of the coming of Attorney General MeCormlck and pending his arrival they refrained from further action. While this was going on nt the hotel the relatives of the entombed men to gether with the survix lug miners of the Twin.xvere holding an Impromptu melt ing ut the shaft. The outcome of this meeting xvas ucoininit tee consisting of Michael Kane, P. J. Hughes, John Cur den. John Williams, James Derrig, Martin Tig lie and .Michael Lee, which proceeded to the hotel and conferred with the Inspectors regarding the man ner of conducting the Investigation. At their solicitation the couiinislson agreed to have the proceedings con ducted openly and to permit the miner! to have uli attorney to represent them If they saw fit.' They gave notice that they would have an attorney but as yet have not decided whom they will en gage. Attorney General McCormick arrived at 1 o'clock, proceeding direct to the shaft and telephoning the commission to meet him there. Half an hour later the three inspectors arlrved at the shaft and xent into consultation xvith Mr. McCormick. The session, which lusted about twenty minutes, xvas held in the company's olilcc und was attended only by the members of the commission. MR. M'COIEMICK'S STATEMENT. When the conference xvas over Mr. McCormick gave out the statement that they had agreed to first make personal observations of the mine nnd then take testimony. He states further that he would be present throughout the pro ceedings, in the same capacity as the Inspector, an officer of the stnte de partment assigned to secure Informa tion for the benefit of the common xvealth. The attorney general returned to the hotel and the Inspectors went down the mine, in the party which neeonipunled them were Mine Inspector McDonald, Foreman W. tt. Tlmnias, of the Alon quln; Fire Mosses MeDernmtt and Sic Cormack. James Langan, son of the entombed superintendent; Mplrd Hal berstradt, of the Colliery Engineer: P. P. Mangan, of the Wilkes-Kurre News Dealer, und a representative of The Tribune. Nearly txvo hours xvero spent inside exploring the xx-orkings thnt are open and examining Into the precau tions that have been taken for the pro tection of the rescuers. The members of the commisison plied Inspector Mc Donald and Foreman McMillan xvith all kinds of questions nnd nosed about In a manner xxhloh betokened that they were there on business nnd that they Intended to transact it fearlessly and fairly. Vpon returning to the surfnee the In spectors repaired to the Ea:rh hotel xvhere they again held a conference xvith the attorney general, after which the folloxving official statement of the day's transactions xvas handed The Tribune reporter by Attorney General McCormick: Mine Inspectors Brennan, Bteln and Roderick convened at the Twin shaft mine at 2 o'clock p. m. pursuant to the call of the gox-ernor. Attorney General Me Cormlck was present and held a consulta tion xvith the inspector'?. He advised them to lnx"estlgat thoroughly the causes of the dlsnsler, and If anyone xvas to Mnme to fix It where It belonged, nil proper precautions having he?) used, hen to deter. nine whether nnx- and whn' T'ditional legislation could prevent du"h disasters In the future. The Inspectors then went Into the mine anl after thpir return determined to take such leptltnony na might be volunteered or called for by them on Thursday, July 9, at nttston, at 10..HI a. m., all henrlntrs to be open to the piili'lc. The attorney general will be pres ent at the meetings. DETAILS NOT COMPLETED. Just where the session of the com mission xxill be held has not been de cided Upon but It is likely that they xvlll be in the council chamber. The company has not decided as yet wheth er or not it will lie represented ' by counsel at the taking of testimony. The attorney general returned to Harris burg at 6.30 but wilt be on hand Thurs day morning. Today and tomorrow the commission will busy Itself continuing its personal Investigation in and about the mine, studying the ropes and making tours into the workings. Inncldentally the In spectors will strive to hit upon Borne more effective means of reaching the ?ntombed men. Many of the questlr" yesterdny would tend to show that the furtherance of the work of rescue is by no means the least object of their mission. The miners are perfectly satisfied xvlwth the. make-up und policy of the commission and place every reliance up on the governor Insisting on a thorough and fearless Investigation. There xvas pome talk among1 them of suggesting to the gox-ernor that the commission be Increased to nine memoes, three In spectors, threee mining engineers and three business men, but the proposition xvns not generally fax'ored, the ma-jo-lty of them advising that It is best to let well enough alone. The theory of the mine officials, con cerning the rapplngs heard Saturday night has been proven correct. They xvere made by one of the rescuers, a relative of one of the entombed men for the supposed purp -seof encouraglcg the rescuers who he thought xvere be coming disheartened. The mystery xx-as explained In a rather unexpected way Sunday night. Foreman Evans xvhlle passing along a portion of the gungwny xvhere no one happened to be at work, heard rapplngs nearly similar to those xvhich hax-e caused bo much talk during the past fexv d.iys. Stealing cautiously behind a large pillar xvhere tWie sounds seemed to emenato he came upon one one of the driver boys, Thomas Lee, a brother of Oxvcn Li e, one of the victims, itlu itriotii-ly ripping on the face of the coal with a lti:s;e piece of Iron. The foreman Immediately sent him out of the mine and gave Instructions that he should not be alloxved to enter again. Another boy xvho xvas suspected of making the nietaliv raps that on Sntuday night xvere licit supposed to hax'e teen tmide by the entombed men luMilog on the rail, was taken to the office-and xvhn-'loMely questlonwl-vlr-tually admitted his guilt by making a very xxeak denial. THE BOY MEANT WELL. It afterwards came to light that he c!ld the rapping not to deceive the rescuers but us un experiment of his own, it having occurred to him that no one had thought to attempt to signal the entombed men by rapping on the pipe xvhich runs to the pump. He was discharged but afterwards reinstated, ns the foreman of the shift became con vinced that the boy did not mean any deception. Another relative of one of the entombed men had to be ordered out of the mine because of his threats to set off the gns unless he xvas per mitted to explore the fall In advance of the rescue gang. The rescuer are now talking of Insisting on all of the relatives of the entombed men being kept out of the mine as they feel It Is not safe to xvork with them on account of their half-frantic condition. The general relief committee appoint ed at the public meeting of the citizens of Pittston met yesterdny afternoon In the board of trade rooms on Main street, und proceeded to organize. There xvere present William Council arid C. l. Simpson, of this city; Isaac Long, of Wilkes-Barre. and the following from Pittston: K. J. Itoss, C. C. P.owmatt, Uev. John Finnen, itcv. N. G. Parke, D. D., Andrew Hryden, Joseph Langfurd, Uenjamln Harding. William Drury, M. A. Kelly, K. L. Thorpe. A. L. Hryden, Theodore Strong, M. M. Donnelly, S. II. Dennett. Thomas Mangan. J. L. Cake. P. A. O'Doyle. C. F. Mohan, Dr. Heap and Thomas English.- K. J. Hoss xvas chosen president, C. C. Howman, secretary and Rev. John Finnen, Rev. Dr. Parke and Andrexv Hryden, vice-presidents. These per manent officers xvere entrusted xvith the selection r.f a committee of five, xvhich with the chairman and secretary, are to comprise the executive committee. J. H. Foy. C. F. Mohan. Joseph Longford, Andrexv Mryden and S. M. Mennett xvere settled upon as the committee. C. D. Simpson, of this city, and W. A. Lnth rope, of Wilkes-liarre, xvere nominated as meihbers of the committee but at the suggestion of Mr. Simpson they xvere replaced by Pittston men It being felt that to give proper attention to the duties of the committee one should nec essarily be a resident of Pittston. The selection of a treasurer xvas postponed until the next meeting, when It Is ex pected the executive committee xvlll have prepared un outline of the duties of the office xvhich xvlll enable the general committee to act more intelli gently In selecting a man and xxill give the prospective treasurer an un derstanding of xvhnt he Is expected to take upon himself should he assume the office. It xvas decided to secure a charter and draft a constitution and by-Iuxvs, containing the scop and plan of the committee. The board of trade com mittee which drew up the appeal sent out by that body xvas Instructed to dra xv up an nppeul for fhe general com mittee nnd report at the next meeting xvhich xvlll be held at the call of the chair. The first time that any newspaper man has entered the mine since the Sunday of th? cavc-In xvas yesterday, when a Tribune reporter nnd repre sentatives of the Colliery Engineer and Wllkes-Harre Nexvs-Dealer accompan ied the Inspectors on their first tour of investigation. The Tribune reporter has spent a good poition of the nine days since the accident occurred, about the Twin shaft Continued on Page 3. THE SEWS TIUS )!0C1G. Weather In Jitat Inns Today ; j Llfiht Shutvers; Slijht'y Warner. 1 Gold Men Wi l Firht It Out at Chi cago. Investigating Committee. Meets at Pittston. Notional Silver Party Convention in Jersey. 2 Gold Men Fight (Concluded). 3 I.lytt of Promotions to High School. Fireworks Lust Night. 4 Editorial. ' Comments of the Press. 5 (Local) Arrangements for McKlnley Ratification. Perry Hopfer XVas Tired of Life. ItusineBS Itevcrses. 6 (Sports) Scranton Wins from Provi dence. Eastern. National and State League Chimes. Pittsburg Phil, King of Plungers. 7 Suburban News. ' Market and Stock Reports. News Vt and Down the Valley. THE NATIONAL SILVER PARTY New Jersey's Contingent Is Now Ready for Business. DELEGATES ELECTED TO ST. LOUIS rintlorm Adopted Declares That the Object of u Gold Standard Is to Create a Monexcd Aristocracy. The National liaukiug Syttuiu Dc nouuecd. Trenton, July G. The national ellx-er party of New Jersey held Its conven tion here today, forty delegates lielng present Sinter of Palmyria, presided and the folloxving xvere chosen dele gates to the convention to be held at St. 1auIs on the 22d Instant. At large: Dr. W. A. Glover, of Gloucester county ; William. F. M.Hgnn, of Ititrlington; A. C. Smith, oti Essex; S. W. Reese, of Union. First district, Daniel Horner, Mer chantvllle; Second, Theodore Uudd, Pembeitoti; Sixth, James H. Fleming, Newark: Seventh. Samuel G. dinner, Jersey City ; Kiglith.James McCullough, Elizabeth. The of her districts xvlll be filled by a committee. The platform adopted says that the object of the gold stand ard la to establish in this country a moneyed aristocracy and it demands the free und unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. Th w resolu tions are also In the platform: Resolved. That we denounce the attempt to retire the greenbac k and treasury note, Together wltli'snverrantT lnfhclr place to substitute interest hearing bonds to the amount of over JyKi.ufl.i.iie't upon which to Luse a nutlunul bank currency. KesolX'nd, That we denounce the estab lishment by congress of thn national banking system as an unwarranted and unpatriotic usurpation of authority of the constitution and privileges of the people delegated to their government ut Wash ington. THE STORM'S PATHWAY. Streets of Newark Are Flooded Great Damage to Property at Wheel ingCrops Destroyed. Nexvark, N. J., July C The streets of this city xvere flooded about noon today by the heaviest ruin storm ever ex perienced in this neighborhood, about 'Jo inches fulling in about half an hour. Trafllc was suspended In the lower sec tion of the city us a result of the storm. The water xvas over two feet deep In Railroad avenue. The passengers cf the stalled trolley cars were removed lev express wagons. Great daiuuge xvas done to merchandise" stored in cellars. Moats xvere used for a time In the lower streets of the city and many factories xvere obllred to lose down on account of the engine rooms being flooded, put ting the fires out. Wheeling, W. Va., uly . The storm which passed over this vicinity lust night xvtns particularly sex'ere. The txvo Haltimore and Ohio railway bridges across Wheeling creek ut this place are badly damaged. The creek throughout its length Is out of its banks and build ings ami crops have been washed away. Txvo Haltimore ami Ohio railway bridg es dYross rove creek have been swept away, us bus ulso -Im) yards of track at the nurroxvs. At Moundsville, the farm house of James Marry was xvushed away. Mrs. Marry and a daughter were drowned. An estimate of the damage reported exceeds $''li.ini0. A later dispatch states that Just before noon today u portion or the Haltimore nnd Ohio railway iwis senu'er station ut Wheeling was swept away by the Hood in Wheeling creek. A number of cars standing in the depot at the time xvere lost. CAPTURE OF A MURDERER. Hurley Offlcinla Think Thnt They Have Secured James Dinilinni. Fargo, N. D., July fi. James Dun ham, xvho murdered a family of six persons In San HU-kh. Cala., recently, Is thought to have been captured in Hurley und he Is ut present languish ing In the county jail, awaiting word from the authorities at San Francisco. The man came to this city about a xveek ago, and xvhlle here sttde a bi cycle and rode about lot' miles civny from Fsrco before being captured. He was brought back to the city and plead ed guilty to the charge of petit lar ceny. He was I'.ncd SUJU and xvas sent enced to thirty days in the county jail. In the menntime Detective Dellls. of this city, has been in correspondence with the San Francisco authorities a -d the description of this man and Dun ham nre Identical. When he came here he registered as Frank Dalton, of Bos ton. Steamship Arrivnls. New Tork. July fi. Arrived, steiniers Snlle from Ttrenien nnd Southampton; State of California trom Glasgow. Ar rived out. s'eamer Ahr at l-remen; Werra at Gibraltar: Kciser Wtlheltn It. lit Genoa. Sd S'ute of Nebraska ut Movitl-. i-'Mled foe Now a c-"r. steamers Weimar from Mrcr.ii-n (ppss. d Llstm-d), Furnesla from Movil'e, "'-h. Skilled, feamer Tdai.nelr.v. ! M. v.-w York for I'.remen, j-assed I'rawle Point. .. lfvrlncd Is Anxi'Mis. TluJtard's I'ny, .T'ilyfl.-P is Inti mated Pel" tlist the president will lv in close conimunlT.tlon with tin- round mone- leaders at the Chicago convention, nnd wi l be kept posted dining the entire session. The reuort that Serr-tarles l.u mot t nnd Carlisle hax-e been summoned to Grny Cables by the president is not mi lted here. lOnrtlinunkcs at Cyprus. Constnntinople.Jtily fj. Advices rocelx'ed here from the Island of Cyurus sav that shocks of earthquakes have occurred throughout th9 isli nd and that the Iti habltnnts of the towns of und Tarnana hax'e deserted their houses and taken refuge In the open fields, where they are living in tents. - - Herald's Weather Fnrccnxt. New York, July fi. In the Middle States today fair weather will prevail, possibly preceded by rain on the coast of New Jersey, with fresh southwesterly winds shifting to northerly and lower followed by rising temperature. On Wednesday, fair, warmer weather will prevail, with ll"rht variable winds. HLEYS Special Sale if SIIT WAISTS Our stork is unsurpassed in style, workmanship and assortment, and to close the season xve olter Special Mrccemcite To f ureters. . . . As the following prices will show, wti guarantee them to be the x-ery besv values offerd this season: Fancy Lawn Wnlets, all colors, 48a Fancy Percale Waists, all sizes, 9c. " Better quality Percale Waists, 90u. Fancy Stripe Lawn Waists, 11.19. Extra Fine Waists at $1.38. $1.45, $1.63. The Celebrated "King; Waists." in Percales. Lawns and Dimities, at $1.48, $1.75, $1.98, $2.15. These goods sell themselves. Plain White Waists In Batiste and Dimity, Plain HInck Himalaya Waists, Silk Jucquurd House Waists; also a su perior line of Children's Dimity and Lawn Dresses, Boys' Kilt Suits In Pique and Fine Galatea Cloth at great ly reduced prices. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE I Always Busy. Cool Shoes f or Mot Feet. Our 80c. Outing Shoes sale begins today for The Boys and Girls. LEWI&RHLLY& DAVES A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FINE T7YF1 YTTTVm WELRY I 111. ID II I 111 r 1LJ CAN BE SEEN AT 403 SPRUCE STREET. When you pay for Jewelry you might at well get the beat. A fine line of Noxcllics for Lajim anl Gentlemen. W. J. Weichel 403 Spruce St. MATTHEWS &R0THEK fftacli Zinc zimg: Palais, lEleyinioZLals Pmre Calars, P.eyMMs9 Wosd FiiM, Crockett's Preservative Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Garaunteed. v