. THE SCBA27TON , TMBUNE MONPAT MOBNIN. JULY G. 18fl. NeA)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. Way the Fourth Was Observed to This Part cf the City. Several Fires. The Fourth was quietly spent by West Slders. There was one lire of the regular Fourth-of-July order. The fireworks on the stand In front of J. D. Williams' South Alain avenue store become Ignited ut 9.30 o'clock by a young man who held a pack of lighted crackers In his hand while near the stand. There was a prand display for few minutes. Skyrockets shot across the street and bombarded Mears' hall, and the pin-wheels sputtered In an at tempt to go around on a nallk'S9 pivot. Then there were crackers and general what-not. Even the money on the tand went off and the small boy was the richer after a scrape In the de bris. The fire-works stand of 11. I. Evans across the way was encircled many times by the exelteable salesmen and women, and the escupe from a chance rocket wus curious. The scene In the Ice cream parlor at the rear of the store was punde tnonlum at Its greatest. Everybody In the room sought the rear exit at once and a great tansle resulted when they found the door locked. Then they went out through windows. An alarm for fire was sent in from box 35 but the. hose companies were not needed and "out" was sounded ten minutes after the sturt. The only other excitement was of the usual order with the cus tomary annual reports. The West Shle wheelmen to the num ber of about twenty-five went to Pitts ton In the afternoon, und at the races there did us proud. Coleman, one of the club's racers, won four prises of the six races run. Jlobert White, of Fcranton, captured the remaining two with Dunne, of the West Side, the likely victor if an accident had not happened to the handle bar cf his wheel. Dunne and Coleman were the heroes with the West Side contingent. A gold watch, two smoking sets, and a tie pin were the booty bought back by-Coleman.-- - Two arrests were made, and both were for drunkenness, one of the pris oners being- a woman. . . WEDDING ANNI VEUHAKY. A most pleasuralii'S event occurred on Si.;u.dn evening, Julv 4, at tha lion.? of Mr. and Airs. Thomai Ed wu.ck of Bromley avenue. It beiiiT tha twenty-nt'lh annivejsKiv of their vc! dliih Th. home was prettily decorat ed with ferns, flowers, etc, presenting u particularly enlruncliiix appearance. The original programme was somewhit interfere! with by th; inclement weath.T, -t belnrr thei" Intention to havt enleriul;i"t their friends in their KH'-d-T, whlrh had been specially dec orated fo, th" occasion,' but, notwith standing this slight disarrangement, a most enjoyable time wu spent, diversi fied with muslo and titt'ri.-hw aud other forms 'if entertainment. Mr. nnd Mrs, Edwurd Were the recipient.' of many costly presents, evlclem ing the high esteem in which they are held by their many friends. Among the large num ber present were the following: From rVratifoii, Mr and Airs. J. James, Mr. and Mrs Walters, Mr. and Mrs. David Weed. Mr. and Mrs. Oeerge Weed, Mr. and Mm. William C. Kdwardis Mr. .mrt Mrs. Henry Schmaltz, Mr.' Mary Stan ton, Mrs. fleorge Benninger, Mrs. Edith Carter, Miss Lizzi Connors, Mr. and Mrs. Pike, Miss Hour, Mr and Mrs. I'avld Perry, Miss Lula Stanton, Miss Mary James, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Ley shon, Mi. and Mrs. Charles Soper, Mr. and Mrs Louis Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Ohurchlll.Mr. Rosnr, Miss Cora Oslacer, 'Mr. Charles B. Ed,wards; from Moscow, Mr. and Mrs. William Decker and son, Willie, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwnrds and son, Archie, and daughter, Mar garet; from Tobyhanna, Mrs. C. W. Transue, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Cramer. CATHARINE DAVIS' DEATH. Catharine Davis, wife of D. M. Davis, kfornierly proprietor of the Eagle hotel, died Saturday eveninjr at 6:30 o'clock at the family home, 142 South Hyde Park avenue. She had suffered for over six months and has born the strain with great resignation and christian forti tude. The friends she leaves are many and the neighborhood Is the poorer by the demise. She was born In Dulais, Wales, on March 17, 1844. After coming to this country In l.KGC, she, with her hus I IK I0G IB EARLY all of the Meu's Sprinsr Suits worth from TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN DOLLARS, we have marked down to in order to clear by July 1st. Such grades styles-makes and values we never dreamed of offering. When we say we sustain losses on many, and profit on none, we appeal to the intelligence of our patrons, and rely on our long record of reliable deal ers to those who know us by reputation. Our corner show window display will give you a good idea of these suits., y SAMTERS Sip? Dk-sj Ctet&rs, Hattors and Fumlsliri of th? Stiblirbs. band, located in ittston, where they lived for Ave years. They moved to Taylor and afterwards to Scranton, where they have lived since 1882.. She was a member of the Calvary Baptist church at Taylor. Her hucband and one daughter. Miss Louisa Davls, survive. The funeral will be held to-morrow from the late residence at 2 o'clock. Inter ment wll be made In Washburn Street cemetery. OTHER DEIATHS. Jahn E. O'Malley, the well-known con tractor and builder, died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at his home, 1S03 Jackson street. Deceased is survived by his wife and the following- children Barbara, Eiword, John, Malachl, Walter Charles, Joseph and Arthur. David Sehlense of 214 Chestnut street died Friday afternoon and will be bur led at two o'clock this afternoon from his late home. Deceased had suffered an Illness of a half-year's duration. He wus 58 yeafrs of age. The funeral sehvlce will be conducted at the late home and at the German Methodist church on Adams Avenue. The Baden society will have charge of the services. Interment will be made In Forest Hill cemetery. William Dapper died yesterday at his home, 222 West Lakawanna Avenue, Deceased was thirty years old. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternon at 2 o'clock. Interment In Washburn Street cemetery. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Lewis Roberts, of Bellevue street, Is ill. Miss Anna It. Williams, of Tenth street, will entertain with a piano re cital tills evening. Superintendent of Schools fleorge Howell, Mrs. Howell and daughter An nelte, will leave today for a summer sojourn at Buffalo and vicinity. Assistant City Solicitor Uavld J. Davis and wife have returned from. their weddlntr tour. Rev. John Crlfliths preached tit the Jackson Street Baptist church last evening. Rev. J. B. Sweet preached a patriotic sermon lust evening before a large au dience at JheSInipsun Methodist Epis copal church. T. Fellows Mason, Franklin Howell and Professor O. W. Phillips spent Saturday at Honesdal. Misses Jemima Joue), of North Brom ley avenue, Jcnnfa Williams-, of North Sumner avenue, and Messrs. Kvan R. Wllliann, of Hampton street and Isaac Htirrhi, of South Main avenue;, spnt Saturday at the Allen house, Hones da le. Yesterday afternoon a man, whose name Is not known, entered the house of an Arabian family In Nealls court and he was urrested by Lieutenant V'llllum:( and Oftieer ThomaH. At 1 o'clock u. m. there was a slight blaze In a house on Seventh street, but little damage was done. Albert Ellas spent the Fourth with his parents on this Bide. The funeral of the late Mrs. James F. Cummliifcs occurred Saturduy from the family home on South Main avenue. The remains were taken to St. Pat rlck's.church where Father Dunne read mass The pallbearers were: John Mullh'enrn, Peter Henry, William Mo ran, William Norton, Thomas Prosser, end John Clarke. Interment was made In Hyue Park Catholic cemetery. The First Welsh Congregatlona! and Edwordsdale Welsh Congregational churches will niTi a combined excursion to Mountain Park on Tuesday, July 21. In the afternoon an entertainment will be held, in which the well known Owent Glee club will participate. West Side Business Directory. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de signs a eyeelHlty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at lot South Main avenue. Bar rlet J. Davis, florist. FHOTOORAFHER Cabinet Photos, I1.4J per dozen. They are lust lovely. Con vince yourself bv calling at Startler's Photo Parlors, lul and 103 South Ma!n avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Etoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stuck of J. C. King, 1024 and 102S Jack son street. ltliPumntUm Relieved in 3 Hours. - "MYSTIC CURE" for RHEUMA TISM and NEURALGIA relieves In three hours. Its action upon the sys tem la marvellous and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease qulcly disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz, Druggist, 418 Lackawan na ave., Scranton. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Ficht in the Rear of Plttstoa Avenue Resulted in John Bolaod Beiof Seriously Injured. Rumors were current yesterday that John Roland, of Plttston avenue, was dead as the result of a blow on the forehead with a stone thrown by a young man named Kcllerman. The two families live on an alley In the rear of Plttston avenue, near the cor ner oi Willow street, and they were Indulging during the afternoon and evening of Fourth of July to the ex tent that all hands got drunk and a fight started. Stones figured as the most conspic uous weapons of warfare, and Bo land, less fortunate than the others. got in front of one which .was propelled with considerable force. It sent him to the ground and a doctor was sent for. An examination of the wound showed that It was not dangerous, though It required a few stitches and a half yard of plaster, Kellerman was not arrested. LOOKING FOR A SITE. The school board of Lackawanna township are looking up an available site for a new- school for Mlnooka The building now In use is Insufllclent to meet the demands of the place, and it is an old-style structure. The di rectors are not In favor of erecting the new school on the present site, and they are casting about for a desirable location. The corner of the Main street and the street which runs down to the school is regarded as having the best advantages, and a school built on three lots In that locality would suit the people better than any other obtain able without paying a high price. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS Harney Maciso, of Rreck street, who was Injured In Connell's mines last week and was brought to the Lacka nvanna hospital, is Improving nicely. His injuries were such that it was doubtful whether or not he would re cover. Contractor P. J. May, of Bellevue, Is erecting a residence for P. J. Nealls, of Hickory street.-- Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was Imparted at St. John's church last evening by Rev. J. A. Moffltt, at the Sacred Heart devotions. Rev. J. L. Race, of Cedar avenue Methodist Episcopal church, preached a sermon last evening appropriate to the r curth of July. PROVIDENCE. John Schultz, Joe Iiostes, George Sehlor and Thomas Kupts were arrested Satur day evening for belnK drunk and disorder ly. About o'clock word was sent to the ottieers that a big tight was taking place in a nouao on .Market street, occupied by John Hchultz. Patrolman Rodham, ac companied by Special Officer Smith, wus sent to the scene. When they arrived at the place John Schults was beating his wife. They went Into the house and learned that a free tight had taken place which was ver-ltled by the wrecked condl tion of the room, places of glass were strewn about and pools of blood were found on the floor. John Schults, Sehler and Thomas Kupta wero found in another room covered with blood. They were ar. rested. Word was sent to the station house Sat urday evening that four men were en gaged In lighting In a house on Parker street. A squad of police were sent to the scene, but found everything quiet, with the exception or a party of men, wno were rather boisterous. They were ar rested. Tho F. O. W. Social club held a banquet nt their rooms, on North Main avenue, last Friday evening. A large number of invited guests were present. Speeches were made by several of the members. Music and games were indulged in throughout the evening. At a late hour tho guests departed voting the club most excellent entertainers. Harry Miller, of Church avenue, is con valescing, Benjamin O. Williams, of Spring street, Is slowly recovering. Henry V. Davis, who boards on West Market street, and who was injured a few days ago in the Von Storch shart. died Saturday afternoon. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Saturday afternoon the house on Cayu ga street owned by James McCarthy and occupied by John Mulherln was slightly damaged by fire. The cause Is thought 'o be a defective due. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Collins, of Elmlra, Is visiting friends on West Market street. Major J. II. Fish and family are rusti cating at Preston Park. The Band of Hope of the Welsh Calvin- Itule Methodist church of Wayne avenue on Friday evening conducted an enter tainment tinder the leadership of John Morgan. Thomas J. Morgan presided. After the entertainment a free Ice cream treat was given to the Sunday school, . SECOND DAY ADVENTISTS. Doing Missionary Work in a Tent on South Main Avenue. In a tent on South Main avenue, West Side, about ISO people, most of whom were children, gathered last evening- and listened to a discourse by K. C. Kussell, an evangelist sent out by the Seventh Day Adventlsts of Pennsylvania. With Mr. Russell are W. H. Smith, of Wellsboro. and J. H. Schilling, of Allentown. They come here for several weeks' missionary work upon Invitation of local Advent lsts. Last evening Mr. Russell gave a very interesting "lecture,' as he calls It, and, by an older audience, his remarks might have been better appreciated. He started out to tell what and who the Adventlsts are and the audience was correspondingly absorbed as he began to define the denominational doc trine. But Mr. Russell last evening did not furnish a complete explanation. During the early part of his discourse he expatiated on one claim and told what Christ is, by what names He is mentioned In the bible, that He is the true foundation for Christian belief and that the apostles are built upon Him, contrary to any adverse Interpretation based on the scripture text: "and are built upon the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the corner stone," KpheBlans, 11:19-20. Mr. Russell wished to Impress his hearers with the idea that the apostles should not be considered as being part of the divine foundation. Jesus Christ is the foundation and the only One and on Him the faith of the apostles rest. To enforce his statement Mr. Russell quoted from Peter. 1:10-11 and Corlnthlanfl. 3:1. The speaker used his bible readily. "It, Is the old family bible," h said; "all of you can follow me when you lot home." ' He said that his church recognises and loves all other denominations. The Adventlsts believe In a Christ; they believe that there was a Christ not only In the new dispensation but also in, the old; that Christ Is mentioned all through the old testament; that He is not alone "Je sus Christ" but that He Is given. In the Scripture, many other names, all of which are synonyms for goodness and moral perfection. The idea about div ine virtue was one of Mr. Russell's strong; arguments. He attempted to convert his hearers to the belief that wherever a certain Godly grace and goodness Is mentioned in either the old or new testament that bears a direct reference to the Christ in an existing form. Then Mr. Russell pointed out passages from Exodus to prove his point. In conversation with Mr. Schilling after the sermon the gentleman. Who Is a young student of the denomina tional school at South Lancaster, Vir ginia, mentioned as a further belief of the Adventlsts that Christ is yet to come; that He Is all exlstant, and that He mill again visit the earth in a cor poral form. Mr. Schilling said that his creed believed In immersion. In talking of the point made by Mr. Rus sell that Christ existed In the old dis pensation the question was asked: "If the ancient Jews of Abraham's time worshiped Jesus Christ, why was there a form of birth and an after cruclllc tlon?" Mr. Schilling's explanation was that the birth and death ended all ceremonial worship, such as sacrifice. The Adventlsts believe In keeping the Seventh day, not the first, holy. Lectures will be given every evening, except Saturday of this week, and per haps, for several weeks. The tent Is a large one, and can seat about 400 persons. KILLED A RATTLER. Two Tribune Employes Have a Fourth of July Experience. A huge rattlesnake with twelve rat tles and measuring 5 feet and 1 Inch In length was killed Saturday afternoon by two Tribune employes, Kll Davis, machinist, and Louis Conner, adver tisement compositor, In the roadway four miles north of Beaumont, on Bow man's cretk, Wyoming county. The men were riding their bicycles and were within about a mile of Ella worth Smith's house, where they pro posed stopping for the night. Davis was several rods in advance of his companion and did not notice the big reptile until he heard Its warning rat tle. The snake lay colled In the middle of the road and was within two feet of Davis' wheel. Davis turned sharp ly to the left but the snake wriggled off In the same direction. It gave vent to a loud hiss which ceased only when the bicycle passed over his body. Conner, who was peddallng along In. the rear saw the occurrence and dis mounted. Davis put on steam and didn't slow up until he was several rods away from the spot. Meanwhile the big rattler had gained the upper side of the road and lay colled near tho bank. it was making a great ado, hissing and rattling, but showed no de sire to escape. Apparently it was challenging a fight, as its head was reared and neck arched and it looked first toward one of the disturbers and then toward the other, meantime keep ing up on Incessant hissing and rat tling. ..!. The two wheelmen decided on a duel with the big fellow and after securing a supply of large stones for ammunition approached from opposite directions. Either their aim was bad or the rattler was tough for the fusllade of rocks failed to drive him from his position, which he seemed to occupy as a kind of rUht and continued his hissing and rattle. Conner finally secured a large Jagged rock weighing -possibly twenty pounds and, approaching as close as he dared, hurled it with both hands. The aim was true and the missile ended the snake's life. The body of the reptile was tied by its head to Davis' saddle and drag ged to Mr. Smith's house where it was skinned. Last night Davis and Conner returned to Scranton with the hide of their prey and it Is now a gruesome ornament of The Tribune's composing room. HAS GONE TO GERMANY. Professor t'arl Stnlbrr tiiven a lie ccption by His Friends. The young ladles' class and the active members of the Scranton Turn Vereln gave Professor Carl Stalvrr, their phy sical teacher and Instructor, a recep tion and dance at their hall Friday evening In honor of Professor Stalver going to his home In Germany for a vacation for the next two months. Pro fessor Stalver left New York city for Germany at 11.30 Saturday morning. Among those who attended Friday night's event were: Misses llary Poarcha, Emma Miner, Annie G ravin, Schnell, McArcher. Mary Miner, Emma Miner, Rosar, Hefflefinger, Houch, Welker, Jennie Nott, Weiss. Messrs. Henry and William Vockroth, Theo dore Huber, Will Hemmcr, Oeorge Koch, Nelson G. Teete, Timothy and James Quinnan, Oeorge Gravln, Ed ward Vail, Charles E. House, Joseph McDonald, Edward Bartl. Professor Saft furnished the music for dancing, and a very enjoyable time was had by all who attended. George Koch, Nelson G. Teete, Ed ward Vail, Theodore Huber, Joseph Mc Donald, William and Henry Vockroth and Charles E. House were the party who escorted the professor to the train. On his return home the professor will start to train his class for the gTand Turn Fest In St. Louis, and expects to have a class with twenty or twenty five members. - SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS. If the heater Are is out at this setfson, and the morning happens to be chilly, don't send your child into the damp, cool parlor to practice her music lesson. Many a serious cold has been contract ed In this way. A wrap thrown over the shoulders will be very little protec tion. Let the room be well aired and warmed. If it is impossible to allow the child, on account of school duties, to wait until the warmth of the sun light takes away the morning dampnesc and chilliness, keep the Are in the heat er for some time to come. Better econo mize on doctor's bills, rather than coal, at this season. II II II A CONVENIENT MUCILEGE. A mother of several little tots who And scrap book making ohe of their most fascinating of pastimes, has accl- dently discovered a convenient muci lage. At this season quantities of gum my sap oozes from cherry trees, and the children bringing some of It into the house one day with no special object in view, left It soaking In a glass of water, where It soon formed a strong, good mucilage. It is needless to state that the mother took advantage of the fact, for reducing mucilage bills on future scrap books. II II II VARIOUS BOILED GREENS. The "new cook" -has displayed some excellent methods of treating the var ious sprouts and greens of springtime. and she manages to cook them without having them turn that - objectionable dark, almost black color. Tbey sre psfc over the fire In plenty of salted boiling water, boiled only until tender, then, quickly drained and rinsed with cold water, allowing the cold water to run through them In the colander. This method of cooking greens will preserve both color and flavor. They should be drained Immediately from the cold wa ter, and quickly heated with any good sauce, or with Bait, pepper and butter, and served as soon as they are hot. They will not lose color unless by con tinued exposure to the heat. Brussels sprouts, spinach, dandelions, chlckory, and all of the field and garden greens may be treated in the same way with good results.' ' II II II STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. It is difficult to Improve on the old fashioned strawberry shortcake of our grandmothers. None of the newer re cipes seem to quite equal It. Plenty of good cream is absolutely necessary for it. Make a good soda-btsrutt dough with buttermilk, sour milk and cream, or sour milk alone; using soda with the sour milk or cream or buttermilk, and baking powder, or soda and cream of tartar. If sweet milk is used. Roll about one inch thick nnd bake In a quick oven. When nicely browned slip In on a large platter, and with a very slim, sharp knife divide the cake hnrlzontally into three layers; butter tha bottom piece liberally and put on a thick layer of berries, sprinkle on plenty of sugar and moisten well with sweet cream; then butter the middle layer of the under side and place over the berries, butter the top of this, cover with berries, sugar and cream as before, nnd put on the buttered top crust. I'unless this is very tender, moisten the top with cream, or cover it with sweetened whipped cream. II II II A RICH SHORT CAKK. Another good old-fashioned method of making berry shortcake is formed with a foundation of Bweet layer cake. I'se a plain cake recipe made up with one cup of sugar, one cup of milk, one quarter cup of shortening, two eggs, and two and a half cups of flour with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder thoroughly sifted through. Bake In two or three layers as desired, and when cold place plenty of berries, sugar and whipped cream between each layer and on top, Scranton Hoard of Trade Exchange Quotatioii9AII Quotation Uusrd in Tor of 100. Name. ma. Asked. Dime Dep. & DI3. Bank 140 Scranton Lace Curtain Co 59 National Boring & Drlll'g Co First National Bank (jjo Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 23 Elmhurst Boulevard Co nw Scranton Savings Bank 2uo Bonta Plate Glass Co o Scranton Car Replacer Co li Bcreuitoa Packing Co s Weston Mill Co jr) Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. ... 1M Third National Bank 330 Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. SO Scranton Traction Co 17 no 50 BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 100 Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due litis no ... People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 no ... Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. ..; 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due )92) 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co 00 Lacka. Township School E . wi City of Scranton St. Imp ... loj Borough of Wlnton 6 300 Mt. Vernon Coal Co . ... 83 Scranton Axle Works 100 every day in the week, every week in the year, is assured to wearers of the "Celluloid" water proof collars. Neither dirt nor water can hurt them. One will, outwear six linen collars and save dollars in laundry bills. It costs nothing to keep them clean. A wet clod or sponge is all you need use. Made iu all styles and sizes. The "TRAD? LUJL0! MARK- iMTrat impk Collars and Cufisnrc the original, penu ineinterlined collars and cuffs with a "celluloid" surface. Get them nt your furnisher's, or send direct to us. Collars 20c. each. Cuffs 40c. pair. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, J New York. if SAFOLIO" & rETi Hotel Walton Broad end Locust Strecta, Philadelphia. One of tho moat mazniflrent hotels in tho world. Palatial in every detail. Absolutely Fireproof. European Plan $1.50 Upwards, American Plan $4 Upwards. Situated near all the leadinz theatro and railroad stations. STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH ' I. D. CRAWFORD, Manazer. ON THE LINE OF THE IAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest fishing and hunting ground in the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points in Main. Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis. St. Paul, Can.Tlmn and United State Northwest. Vanvouver. Seattle, Tucoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throua-ht trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further information, time tables, etc on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. aS3 Broadway, New York. ML"""'''""iHiiiiiiiiui;iiiiiiurHiniiiHiiiitiUiiiiiiiiiuiitirHuiiiMt THE ;. FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 308 Save Money Is Making Money. Are you in need of Shirt Waists or Para sols ? If so, we can save at least 25 to 50 per cent on same. 39c foruOc. Will buy an Elegant Laun. dried Wslst, in cbolce pat terns, advertUed elsewhere A f Will buy ru elegant Lun 4yC dr'ed Waist, iu all styles, striotly fust colore, well worth 75c. .1 75c for $1.00. A Choice line of Walsta, la "tripos and plain linen ef fects, ditplayad elsewhere 50 PER Redaction in all Millinery at IIUll8at8Hi.taHtMHIIllHIMIlllll8li;illlllHillliroillllllllllillllllHIIIlia 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896, Total Product of 0 The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels. Largest Run on Record. .Washburn. Crosby's Superlative is old everywhere from th Pacific Const to St. John's. New Foundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotlund very largely, and is recognized as tiie best flour in th MEGARGEL WHOLESALE ON THE SQUARE EDGED I SQUARE BUTTED LUMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH. RICHARDS LUMBER CO., EC2 CORIfflOXWElLTH BJILDING. 'PH3NE 422. BRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Su plies. Sail Duck for mine use iu stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. iTTEHEll SCRANTON. PA. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. EVERY WOMAN Sometl ire. neeJs a reliable, nonthl, regulating medicine. Only h era leas gmt toe paiectdrugsaheuld seated. 11 j4u want the best, get Dr. IPsal's Pennyroyal Pills . The n prompt, wife ard rtrtaln In retilt The irei.ii.ne (Dr. Pnl'i) nrr JLtaa Mint Cant anvuibwra ll Idl AA.Itma Pi Uihiria. l i'i-1 1 For aale by JOHN H. PHEL-'V a.macist, cor Wyoming Avonuaand Spruea Streat, Scranton, Pa. Will bay fine Dimity Waist, iu cholco oelore, U tacked collars, worth folly AQ For White China Silk Para yQfJ sol, extra heavy quality, a1- 89c For Linen effect Paraaol tho latest novelty, would be cheap for $1.39. CENT.50 Capes and Jackets. Half Price. AGENTS. SQUARE. 98c $i.w. l!i!aFLOUii.2 CONNELL SQUARE n EALING TO quare Healers. 11