The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 06, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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" Pure
Baking Powder,
Manufactured oripnally ty Cleveland Brnthen, Albany, N. Y., '
now by the ClcvcUad Caking Powder Company, New Yolk.
has been used by American housewives for twenty-five
years, and those who have used it longest praise it most
Receipt book free. Send stamp and addrcsa, Cleveland Baking Powder Co., Naw York "
Norrman & Moore
J20 Wyoming Ave.
308 Penn Ave.
3Bo. kind.
400, kind,
BOo, kind,
660. kind,
7Be, kind,
esc. kind, -$1.00
S1.1S kind,
now 23c,
now 28c.
now -Q-Oc.
now 53c,
now 63o,
now 721c.
now 78o,
now $1..S.
These Good consist of Ingrains and
BrusselH. This is a geuuiuo Mark
Down Sale.
Carptls, Draperies pad Wall Papjr.
The Republican Htandlnfr committee of
the Third letftsl!itlve district will meet
at the arbitration room, In the court
house, Scrunton, Pa., on Tuesday, July 7,
at 2.20 p, ni. John .Mi Crlinllc,
J. W. Ilouser, Secretary,
A beautiful blue-eyed baby Klrl, 8 weeks
old, Is at the Home for the Kriendlisa and
may be adopted Into some home.
Henry Duvls, who was Injured last
Wednesday In the Von Storch mine, died
Saturday at hit. residence, on West .Mar.
ket afreet. Providence.
The management of the Home for the
Friendless announces that the total
amount realissed on the Klrmesg was
4.238.77. Tho gross receipts were fT,08tl.3.
The Peck Lumber company has been
awarded the contract for erecting the new
building: for the home at North Park. The
company's bid was 7,(H.;!'i.
. Theexecutorsof the Hundley estate have
filed an answer with Clerk Colborn, of the
t'nlted States circuit court, to the equity
ult begun some time rro by Henry Hand
ley, Margaret Handley, Margaret McCul
lagh, Henry Handley, Patrick Murphy,
Alargaret Colburn, John Handley, Hrldset
Handley, Anustasla Handley, Kliza ICIInn
Blnnot, Kliza Sanders and John Hund
ley, who cluim to be first cousins of the
late judge. The answer denies that the
plaintiffs in the equity suit nre first cou
sins in blood or heirs at law of Juilye
The annual excursion nnd picnic of
the Penn Avenue Haptlst Sunday
School will be July 7, at Lake Ariel.
Train leaves at 8.30.
Was the Mother of Mrs. (Iinilea
Tropp, of Washington Avenue.
Mrs. Margaret A. Lolimann died at
the residence of her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Tropp, 415 Washington ave
nue, Sunday morning. Mrs. Lolimann
was born at Kberfsbrum, IJavarlu, June
8, 1822, but has lived in this city the
past thirty years. Her goodness of
heart and the usefulness of her life
will be missed by u largo circle of
friends. She has been a constant at
tendant of the German Lutheran church
on Mifflin avenue.
Mrs. Lohmunn is survived by two
daughters, Mrs. Charles Tropp and
Mrs. Robert D. Schlmpff. Funeral will
take place Tuesduy afternoon at 3
o'clock from her late residence, nnd
the remains will lie laid at rest In For
est Hill cemetery.
For Saturday Nitflit's Hntitlcntion of
the McKinley and Hobtirt Ticket.
The leading Republicans of the city
are leaving nothing undone which will
help make a monstrous success out of
the proposed Saturday night's ratifi
cation of the McKinley and Hoburt
In the Central Republican club rooms
tonight there will be another general
meeting of Republicans and the pres
ence is desired of every person having
sympathy with the ticket, whether he
has been appointed to a committee or
The bicycle committee appointed at tho
last meeting of tho Republican club will
meet at the Central Republican club
rooms Price building, Monday evening,
July 6, at 8 o'clock. Every member should
b present. D. B. Atherton, marshal.
It. Ac li. Employes.
A Delaware and Hudson employers'
Republican club will be organized Mon
day evening at 7 o'clock at the Green
Ridge depot. All railroad empoyes of
that company are Invited to be present.
By order of
Thirteenth Ward Voters.
.To the voters of the Thirteenth ward.
All who are Interested In the election
of Major McKinley to the presidency,
re requested to meet at the office of
Alderman Bailey on Dickson avenue,
Monday evening, July 6, at 8 o'clock
p. m.
Geo. Sanderson, jr.
C. 8. Sesmans.
and Sure."
The Tribune will publicly acknowl
edge and promptly transmit to the
proper authorities In Pittston any Bums
of money which Its readers may wish
to send In its care for the relief of the
widows and orphans of the victims of
tho Twin shaft disaster. The follow
ing subscriptions are authorized:
William Cunnell $500 00
Richard O'Brien ,.... 100 00
George li. Jermyn CO 00
Williams & McAnulty 25 00
Total $075 00
Committer Appointed to Prepare for
the Statu Convention.
The July county convention of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians was hold
yesterday afternoon in College hall,
Wyoming avenue. County President
William Dawson was chairman. The
reports of delegates to the recent state
convention were heard, und the follow
ing gentlemen were appointed a com
mittee on ways and means to enter
tain the next state convention, which
comes to Scranton two years from now:
Senator J. C. Vaughan, M. H. tirlfnn,
Anthony McAndrew, C. C. Donovan,
James J. Giier, William Moore, J. J,
Contello, P. F. Calpin und Martin Fer
guson. The state convention meets only
every two years. The order In Lack
awanna county at present consists of
twenty divisions, and in two years It
Is expected confidently, that It will
number thirty divisions. Applications
are nu,v In for two new divisions and
preparations are In progress for appli
cations for three more, before the next
convention In October,
A board of directors to have charge
of business In the interim of conven
tions was chosen as follows: T. D.
Hayes, of Dickson City; P. J. McNally,
of Oly pliant; Senator J. C. Vaughan,
John J. Costello and P. V. Calpin, of
this city; and John P. Collins, of Car
bondule. The following committee was
appointed to go around und visit the
various divisions of the county; M. A.
Grlflln, C. C. Donovan, T. D. Hayes,
John P. Collins and T. J. Gavin.
Nine-Venr Old Abraham Nchlinccr
.Met Death Yesterday Afternoon.
While bathing in the pond near the
mule barn of the Lackawanna Iron and
Steel company near River street, Abra
ham Schllnger, 8-year-old Bon of Jacob
Schiinger, of River street, waa drown
ed, yesterday afternoon. He and some
other boys were In the pond and the
deceased while swimming In the deep
est iart, which is about 11 feet to the
bottom, was quite likely attacked with
cramps and he sank beneath the Bur
face, not coming up again until his
lifeltss body was taken out a half hour
later. The pond In only two blocks
from his home.
Coroner S. P. Iongstreet went to the
parents' home, empaneled a jury and
after viewing the body took the testi
mony of the two boys who were with
the deceased. There was no other ver
dict to arrive at from the evidence than
that it was a case of accidental drown
ing. The Jury empaneled by the coroner
are: Dr. K. M. Penny packer, Charles
Raver. Einil Davidowitz, John Kowal
cliil', Thomas Caffrey, and Michael Caf
frey. The pond Is in the Seventeenth
ward and the boy's home 1 in It also.
Some one sent for Alderman John T.
Howe and lie empaneled a jury that
adjourned until today after viewing the
Discharge from a Cannon Kills n
Tcn-Vear-Old Mouth Hide Hoy.
Ten-year-old Richard Gallagher, son
of Patrick Gallagher, of 6::3 Hemlock
street, on Friday night attempted to
pass In front of a cannon after the
fuse had been lighted and received the
full charge in the head.
He was conveyed unconscious to the
Lackawanna hospital, where he died
yesterday morning.
Tho cause of death was concussion
of the brain, the tamping of the gun
having fractured Ills skull. His face
was also badly burned and lacerated.
The funeral will take place this af
ternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment will
be made in Hyde Park Catholic ceme
Two Colored Men Caught Disposing
of the Plunder.
Henry Williams, of 316 Vine street,
and George Thompson, one of his
boarders, both colored, were arrested,
yesterday afternoon by Special Officer
Williams and Patrolmen May, JJIoch
and Johler, while trying to dispose of
a large quantity of brass and copper
to Nathan Suravltz, a Raymond court
Junk dealer.
The store of Grass & Smith, 407 Penn
avenue, was broken Into Saturday
night and robbed of a large quantity
of brass and copper. The two "large
quantities" were found to tally, and
now Williams and Thompson will have
to answer for burglarizing the store.
The prisoners explain that they
bought the stuff from a party of
tramps, but the police are base enough
to doubt their word.
Hotel Warwick.
Oeean end of South Carolina avenue,
Atlantic City, N. J. Fine lawn and good
view of the ocean.
ItadelOdtemarL Prop.
SCHLIXG In Scranton, Pa., July 8, lgHi,
Daniel Settling, aged C8 years, 5 months
' end 24 days. Funeral Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from his late residence, on
Chestnut street, to Adams Avenue Ger
man Methodist Episcopal church. Inter
ment at Forest Hill cemetery,
FAIRCHILD-In' Beranton, Ta., July 6,
1890, Harold, youngest child of Thomas
and Mary Fairfield, aged 10 months and
22 days. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at
2.80 o'clock from residence, Bpellman
court, near Ash street.
An Old-Fashioned -Patriotic Demonstra
tion lo Tbii City.
Trade Division Was One of tho Great
Features of the Parade--fire worts
in the Evening Postponed on Ac
count of the RainOther Features
of the Day's Observance.
Fourth of July was celebrated by the
citizens of Scranton with a splendid
demonstration of patriotic spirit, and
the city was not outdone by any mu
nicipality in the country in the loyal
and unstinted manner that the day of
Freedom's birth was honored. The
rarado was two and one-half miles In
length, and was moving from 10 o'clock
until noon. The weather was oppres
sive, but that In no way detracted from
the appearance of the marchers.
A feature of the day's celebration
which had been eagerly awaited was
the fireworks display on the court
house square In the evening. This had
to be postponed on account of rain,
but it will take place this evening, and
Professor Haydn Evans and his male
glee club and Bauer's band will give
a concert. The fireworks will be shot
off from the ground on which the Vol
unteers' tent Is situated.
The citv was crowded with people
from 9 o'clock In the morning until
3 In the afternoon, and by this time the
streets were pretty well deserted, the
people liuving gone to the various
pleasure resorts in and out of the city.
Just about the time the rain started,
then they began returning to town,
and until 10 o'clock the street cars
were packed like cans of sardines, con
veying the people home.
The first five divisions of the parade
were made up of veterans, civic so
cieties, carriages containing city and
county officials, and bicyclists. The
sixth division represented the push and
enterprise of Scranton business men.
Grand Marshal H. N. Dunnell gave
the word of command at 10 o'clock and
theidong line assumed motion, George
11. Rice was chief of Btaff ; W. F. Albro
was color-bearer; and Edward Rich
ards was bugler. The staff was made
up of Major James W. Oak ford, James
H. Hopkins. W. E. Davis, A. R. Whlt
more, K. C. Youmans, H. S. Alworth,
Emll Schlmpff, C. W. DeWlght, Joseph
Oliver, John H. Fellows, James O'Hara.
'. H. Syron, Isaac Brqwn and George
D. Brown. All wete mounted and they
wore patriotic colors. Their steeds
were caparisoned liberally with the red,
white and blue.
Franklin W. Martin was marshal of
the first division with E. C. Youmans,
W. N. Cole, Levi Getz, M. Y. Houpt,
Charles O'Malley, James Chambers, L.
M. Bunnell and E. L. Haas as aids.
Lieutenant Ezra S. Griffin Post, No.
139, Grand Army of the Republic, was
the first organization. Bauer's band
led the veterans. Joshua R. Thomas
was in command of them, and there
were upwards of 150 afoot and 100 in
A float came next with Miss Bessie
Sloat representing the Goddess of Lib
erty, seated In the center of a group
of forty-five young girls, representing
the sisterhood of states. On either
side of the wagon an escort of Camp
8, Sons of Veterans, marched and be
hind came the remaining members of
the camp. They had forty men in line.
Captain P. DeLacy commanded the
veterans of Colonel Monies Post, No.
319, forty marching afoot and several
carriages following containing mem
bers upon whom the fatigue of jhe
march would fall too heavily. The old
Neptune hand engine In charge of a
delegation from the Volunteer Fire
men's association made up the rear of
the first division. -
John M. Hornbaker was marshal of
the second division, which with the
third consisted of the chic societies.
The aids were Morton L. Wage, A. E.
Vorhls, D. A. Beemer, G. W. Powtdl,
H. F. Bradsha,w. A. 8. Pursel, M. D.
Hockenbury, J. W. Benjamin and J. J.
Green. Scranton Council, No. 229, Gar
field Council, No. 354, Dunmore Coun
cil, No. 1022, and Moses Taylor Coun
cil, No. 151, of the Order of United
American Mechanics, were first In line.
They were captained respectively by
M. D. Hockenbury, Henry Swinkle and
Charles Sherrar. Guth's band furn
ished them music. Of these organiza
tions the membership In line was about
Company A, Patriotic Guards, of the
South Side, under command of Cap
tain August Weymeyer, followed with
forty members In full military uniform.
They were led by Washington Drum
Corps of the Patriotic Order Sons of
America. Next in line were the fol
lowing Patriotic Order Sons of Amer
ica camps: Camp No. 25, commanded
by Captain O. S. Lutz; Camp 75, com
manded by Moses Ace; Camp No. 177,
commanded by Charles Canstantlne;
Camp 178, commanded by Captain
James P. Stanton, and headed by the
Ringgold band; Camp 242, commanded
by Captain J. S. Woodling; Camp S33,
commanded by Captain W. B. Blsblng;
Camp 430, commanded by Henry Wlrth;
and Camp 572, commanded by Cap
tain George B. Thompson. There were
upwards of 800 members of these so
cieties in line.
The third division was made up of
three unlfoimed societies, Canton Scran
ton No. 4, Patriarchs' Militant, Scrun
ton Division No. 60 uniformed rank,
Knights of Pythias, and St. Aloyslus
Young Men's Total Abstenance and
Benevolent Society of St. John's parish,
South Side. W. C. Coules was comman
der of the first organization. Captain
David Brown of the second, nnd P. F.
Walsh, of the third. The St. Aloyslus
members were led by Forest band In
handsome new uniforms,
E. C. Deans was marshall of the divi
sion, and his aids were Slg. Brandt, Dr.
G. E. Hill and George W. Sklllhorn,
and G. W. Houpt.
Deputy Register of Wills, James H.
Hopkins, was marc-hall of the fourth
division and It consisted of carriages
containing the following city and county
officials: C. G. Boland, Jos. P. Phillips,
S. W. Roberts, Giles Roberts, John De
muth, C. E. Pryor, ex-Sheriff John J.
Farey. A carriage decorated for the
Scranton Truth contained the following
persons connected with the paper: It
W. Jordan, James J. Cumnilng.-t, Thomas
F. Barrett, Martin O'Malley and Jerome
The fifth division commanded by Alex.
Dunn, Jr., was made up of the Caledon
ians, the Knights of Malta, Knights or
the Mystic Chain, the Red Men and the
Hay Makers. A band of Highland pip
ers furnished music for the Scots and
Lawrence band played for the Knights
of Malta.
Jacob R. Schllger was marchall of the
sixth division and It was made up of
about 100 wagons and floats, exhibiting
the wares of the progressive business
men of the city. Megargee Bros.' excel
lent display was first in line with rolls
of wrapping and printing paper, setting
forth that the firm is supplied with all
the equlpmentsof a first-class wholesale
paper house. A man on stilts walked
along advertising Smith's Colombo Bit
ters. Two delivery wagons loaded with
a varied assortment of groceries repre
sented W. E. Smith's Cash Store, South
Washington Avenue. Harris, the auc
tioneer, occupied his wagon, suitably
decorated and after him were the tri
cycle of the Lacka Steam Laundry and
Its nine delivery wagons. Contractor E.
S. Williams was next in line with his
Blttenbender's display was an elabor
ate one, and was made up largely of
bicycles, one of which was gaily decor
ated in Oriental style. Courscn's store
waa advertised by means of a float.
Slack's tlnsmithlng establishment was
next with a display showing men at
work. Powell's music store had two
wagons in line, one containing a star
made of violins and guitars, and the
second containing a piano, Brandow &
Miller's three grocery wagons followed
and behind them were the wagons of the
Union Transfer Co., loaded with bag
Stowers' Packing Co. had a unique
display. In the first wagon a group of
colored employes singing plantation
melodies sat around a large ham. A
wagon loaded with lard, one containing
a sheep and a cow, and one loaded with
hot frankfurters came next. The Scran
ton Supply and Machinery Co. had a
wagon In line loaded with machinery
and drawn by four horses.
An arch represented the display of the
Keystone Laundry. Under the Key
stone a space opened revealing a loco
motive bell which kept ringing continu
ally. Scheuer Bros.' Keystone Bakery, of
Brook street. Sauth Side, had Its bread,
cake and biscuit wagons In line. In suc
cession came furniture dealer Mr. Hen
nigan's wagon, the Blue Label Cigar
wagon, M. T. Keller's bicycle and car
riage display, Lehr Organ Co's. wagon,
and a house built of bags of the Paragon
Plaster Co.
Edward Slebecker's grocery wagon,
loaded with goods, was the next, and
following It came Megargel & Connell's
display. Six of their colored employes
were dressed In coats made from bags
used In packing White Sponge flour,
and after them came a wagon advertis
ing Gold Medal flour, another brand
sold by the same firm. They had an
other wagon for general groceries.
The three wagons of Nolan, Galla
gher & Mauley's Crystal laundry made
a handsome showing and were admired
for their neatness. Next In succession
were wagons advertising the business
of Carlucci Bros., contractors. Gold
smith's Bhoe store, Lewis, Reilly & Da
vies, and Clemons, Ferber and O'Mal
Clarke Bros., the enterprising West
Side firm. Is entitled to special mention
for the elaborate display made. First
came a calvacade of tv?fcnty-eight of
their employes In uniform, and after
them the delivery wagons. Eah of the
various departments of their store
was represented separately by a wagon.
Williams & McAnulty's display con
sisted of an attractive float In the cen
ter of which was a lady dressed in red;
white and blue on a bicycle. The
Lackawanna Wheel company had a
float on which seven employes were at
work making bicycles. Jermyn ct Duf
fy's delivery wagons were next in line.
Protheroe's furniture store had three
wagons In line with parlor, dining room
and bed room suits.
S. O. Kerr & Son's carpet and decorat
ing store was represented by a float
showing a room furnished In luxuriant
style. Their delivery wagons followed.
Next came the wagons of Reese &
Long, bill posters. Making up the rear
of the trade's display were the wagons
and carriages of H, N. Patrick's real
estate business. Brown's Bee Hive,
Jones & Hall, sewing machine agents,
and a transparency announcing the an
nual excursion of St. Brenden council,
Young Men's Institute to Lake Ariel on
July 14.
Following the wagons came a com
pany of bicyclists under command of
Captain D. B. Atherton. The Scranton
Athletic club or the South Side, led by
Germania band, was the last organiza
tion in line, but they made a most
creditable showing with their linen
dusters, canes and white stovepipe hats.
The parade moved along Jefferson
avenue to Spruce street, to Franklin
avenue, to Lackawanna avenue, to Jef
ferson avenue, to Pine street, to Adams
avenue, to Spruce street, to Washing
ton avenue, to Gibson street, counter
marching to Vine street, to Wyoming
avenue, to Mulberry street, to Penn
avenue, to Spruce street, to Wyoming,
to Lackawanna, where ranks were
broken. The reviewing stand was on
Wyoming avenue, opposite the Wyom
ing house.
A novel trade display was that of
"Slack, the Tinker," C. P. Slack, 615
Green Ridge street. It Included a cart
and hot air furnace, and was the only
display of Its kind In the parade, and
well Illustrated the enterprise of Mr.
Slack, Its promoter.
In Which the Police Cut Quite a
Prominent Figure.
Twenty-four Is the sum total of po
lice arrests on the Fourth of July In
all the precincts. Few, however, were
foi. r.harcrea more serious than drunk
enness and disorderly conduct.
The worst offender was frame bner
wood, a hostler from the central city,
who started out to have a regular old
Arizona sort of a time. He borrowed
a shotgun from Dan Webber, the Penn
avenue butcher and set off down the
street with the avowed Intention of ter
rorizing the alley district. Berore get
ting that far, however, his exuberance
got the best of him.
In front of Gallen's store he leveled
his gun nt Druggist J. E. Harris, who
was standing In his doorway and
caused him to beat a hasty retreat into
the store. Then raising the gun, i.e
fired its contents Into the sign over
Mac's book store, demolishing It.
Some of the buckshot, with which the
gun was loaded, lodged In Arrlgonl
Ferdlnando's porch, where his two
daughters were sitting. He was look
ing around for another target for the
remaining charge In the gun, when
Patrolmen May and Bloch pounced on
him and took possession of him and
the gun.
At the station house he was allowed
to depart on depositing $25 for his ap
pearance at police court in the morning.
Sherwood and his friend Webber came
n round In the eveninnr to arcue the
matter with Desk Sergeant Dciter, and
becoming somewnat ooisterous, were
thrown out, with the Injunction not to
return under penalty of arrest At the
hearing before Alderman Millar, Web
ber again became obstreperous and only
ubsided when he ws fined $2 for con
tempt of court. SlTtrwood was fined $25
and directed to reimburse Mr. Mac for
his sign. The gun was confiscated.
Lyman Melvin, a watchman at
Gould's carriage works, was arrested
for firing a large cannon on Lackawan
na avenue at noon when'the street was
literally Jammed with people. His of
fense cost him $4.
William Lauson was arrested for be
ing drunk and discharging blank cart
ridges at people he encountered on the
street. He paid $2.
Michael Ruddy, of Pine Brook, was
one of a gang that assaulted John Ly
ons and his nephew, Thomas Frehl,
and was held In $300 ball for his ap
pearance at court. Tho assault grew
out of a general fight which took place
on Capouse avenue, near the corner of
Phelps stieet early In the evening.
Ruddy and his friends got the worst
of It and a.fter securing reinforcements
started out to revenge themselves on
Lyons and Frehl. The latter were
drinking In a saloon when they heard
that a gang was outside waiting for
them. They discreetly went out the
back way and headed for home.
Their departure was discovered be
fore they had gone far and chase was
given. At Wyoming avenue they over
took Lyons and gave him a brutal beat
ing. He might have been killed had
not F. L, Schoen. with the aid of a
stout club, caused them to desist. Rud
dy and his crowd then set out to find
Frehl. but encountered tne police and
dispersed. Ruddy was the only one
captured. Warrants are out lot some
of the others.
Those Who Won Prizes in Laurel
Hill Park.
The annual games of the Scranton
Caledonian club attracted a largo
crowd to Laurel Hill park Saturday
afternoon. The rain Interfered with
the attendance at night. At 9.30 p m
Professor L, N. O'Dell made an ascen
sion1 in an Illuminated balloon and fired
off a large quantity of fireworks while
In mid-air. He descended by means of
a parachute. Those who won prizes In
the various events at the games were:
Boys' race-T. Walking, first; R. Alex
ander, second; T. Uilmartln, third.
Hest-dressed Highlander, without ac-coutrements-L.
McMillan, first; R. Ran
kin, second.
Trowing the hammer U. Rutledge, first,
S3 feet, 10 Inches; L. Moralian, second. M
feet, Inches; James Dick, third, 82 feet
10'i Inches.
Putting t he stone T. Gemmell, first,
feet, 3 Inches; T. Harvey, second, 33 feet,
7 Inches; W. Harvey, thrld, 31 feet, 11
Hop, step and leap L. Morahan, first, 2
feet, 8 Inches; T. .Morahan, second, 42 feet,
6 Inches; J. Nocton, third, 41 feet, 4'i
Broad jump H. McDonald, first; 19 feci,
9 inches; K. Forest, second, 19 feet, 3
inches: J. B. Smith, third, 18 feet, 6 Inches.
Half-mile race J. Nolan, first; (.'.
Marks, second; F. Curley, third.
Running high Jump McDonald and L.
Morahan, tie for first; J. Nocton and T.
Morahan, tie for third.
220-yard race J. llurke, first; McDonald,
second; K. Staunton, third.
Sack race, members only J. Molr, first;
L. McMillan, second; .1. .McMillan, third.
Hitch and kick L. Morahan, first; J. B.
Smith, second; T. Morahan, third.
Highland Fling William Johnstone,
first; McNeilage, second; Wilson, third.
100-yard race J. llurke, first; K. Staun
ton, second; McDonald, third.
Magplpe competitions H. Vrquhart,
first; H. Lamb, second; W. Johnstone,
Egg and saucer race McDonald, first;
McHugh, second; B. Kerr, third.
Vaulting with pole L. Morahan and Mc
Donald, tie for first; T. Morahan, third.
Sword dance R. Riddle, first; Lamb,
second; W. Johnstone, third.
One-mile race J. Nolan, first; C. Marks,
second; P. Curley, third.
Reel and Strathepe Wilson, first; W.
Johnston, second; F. Riddle, third.
Throwing 56 over bar L. Morahan, first;
J. Naughton, second; James Dick, third.
8ack race W. Molr, first; J. McHugh,
second, Ruane, third.
Bagpipe W. Johnstone, first; J, R.
Lamb, second; F. Riddle, third.
Best-dreracd Highlander James Moir,
first; W. S. Collins, second.
Sailor's Hornpipe W. Johnstone, first;
F. Riddle, second; Wilson, third.
Five-mile race C. Marks, first; J. No
lun, second; J. McHugh, third.
Trimmed Hat Sale
If you don't buy a new hat nt
this sale. It will be because you
don't read our advertisements, or shut
your eyes to Its full advantages. .Money
never had equal buying powers and the
Trimmed Hats offered are new, stylish
and Ui to date,
$2.00 Trimmed Hats at 75c.
3.00 $1.25
4.50 " 1.85
0.00 " " " 2.3
S.00 " " " 3.19
We're with the fashion except In one par
ticular price.
A. R. SAWYER Wyoming A
tor Open Friday Evening.
Including the painless extracting of
teeth by an entirely ner procus.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
M Sprac St, Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
ery taste may be, you
goods and prices.
(Large Show Window.)
Over Five Thousand Persons Spent
the Day There.
St. Mary's congregation of Dunmore
conducted an excursion to Lake Ariel
Saturday which attracted upwards of
five thousand persons. The day waa
very enjoyable to the excursionists
and passed without accident.
The Eurekas. of Providence, and the
Morning Glories, of Dunmore. played
a game of ball which was won by the
latter by a score of 6-1.
Fourth at the Hillside Home.
There was a patriotic celebration at
th"e Hillside Home Saturday, which
was greatly enjoyed by the inmates.
On Friday a flag pole ninety-five feet
In height was erected, and Saturday a
large American Has waa unfurled from
It and a patriotic oration delivered by
Chaplain Smith. Superintendent Beem
er was In general charge of the exer
cises. During the afternoon light re
freshments were served to the Inmates.
Close Out
li u on ite Repi Prices.
All our Silver i Quadruple
Plate at this Price. You get it as
cheap as the single plate goods
you see everywhere.
423 Lackawanna Avenin.
Store will be
closed all day
JULY 4, ex
cept the Heat
Dep't, which
will be open
until 9 o'clock
in the morn
ing, and from
6 until lo in
the evening.
Cut This Out
And Vou Will Have a Llt of the Moat
For Sale In the City.
And the Place to Buy Them I
flusic Store.
Is one which has plenty of
soft, graceful draperies to soft
en the corners and staring
stairways. They add color,
elegance and poetry to a room.
We have some very beau
tiful effects the color har
monies are exquisitely blend
ed, and varied enough to
please everyone. Then there
are plain, restful colors of all
kinds. Whatever your drap
fiud satisfaction here, both in
Mil 11
The greatest salesman In the world
is PriueKaud ia tuU final reduction
sale of
Ladies' and
Children's Hats
The prices will sell if prices aver
did, ofcourxo. The coat of making
and material is lost sight of.
150 Ladies' and Children's Trim'
nied Hats, $3.00; sale price $1.49
100 Children's Trimmed Leghorn
Hats, with fancy edge, $3 60;
sale price $1.49
2i0 'Ladies' and Children's Un
trimmed Leghorn Hats, (1.50;
sale price . ,47c
100 Ladies' Un trimmed Hats, 08c;
sale price 19e
10 dozen Children's Lawn Hats,
40c; sale price . ..15a
10 dozen Children's Lawn Caps,
25c; sale price , 10c
20 dozen Children's Sailors, 40c;
sale price ..15c
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladies' Belts
at 19c Each
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladles' Link
Buttons aud HtuUs at 9c a Set
138 Wyoming Avenm,
Malcolm Lots.
Clongli 4 Warren,
And Lower Gradas a)
Very Low Pricas.
We keep in stock every Color, Qual
ity, and width of Shadiog, with
Fringes and Laces to match.
We have SHADES two yards long,
mounted on spring rollers at
18 cents each.
Wc have anything else your taste or
means may require, and the BEST
VALUE for your money always.
Samples and Estimates Submittal
P. M'Cn& GO,,
Gold or Silver
fou can pay us in either T
v of above, it will matter little
to us which, but If you are in
need of a
Consider Something In
China, Silver, Lamps
0 or Bric-a-Brac,
The float Appropriate at All Times.
OI Wpurae yoii win run rorgci
231PCDD Ave. Cpp. Baptist Church. Y
Middle of the Block.
HSr Dunn's