The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 06, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Always io the past the
Best in Scranton
Will be in the future as
good as oats that can be
. made by the
Which removes the foul seeds
and dust Try our
If ai nun ANTfl 39
en of mmm.
Have the initial 0., B. 4 CO. imprint-
ed in each cigar.
Diseases of the Lower Uowel a
Specialty. 308 Washington Ave.,
Opp. Tribune Building.
CFFIC: HOURS 9 TO 12, 2 TO 5.
Attorney Frank J. Louyhian, of Huzle
ton, spend yesterday In the city.
" Mr. and Mis. William Sando; of Boston,
Mass., are visiting friends In the city.
' -Miss I.lla O'Neill, or Honesdule, Is the
guest of Miss May O' Hoy If. of Vine street.
Mrs. C. D. Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam B. Dow. of Wilkes-Burre, were here
Miss Vkla Johnson, one of Mr. South
worth's pupils, will (jive a piano recital at
Ills studio next Thursday evening.
Secretary F. A. Dony, of the Sabbath
union, wa3 In Hunbury yesterday. He
held up the Sabbath observance banner In
the Presbyterian und Methodist churches.
ScTtuitoiiinuo iu to Morristowii in
the Train W recking Case.
The crew of Delaware, Lackawanna
mid Western train. No. 12, were sum
moned to go to MoiTlstown, N. J.,
today to attend the hearing of John
Vssras, the Pnlunder charged with at
tempting to wreck that train near Dov
er, N. J., six weeks ago last night.
It will lie remembered a switch was
turned, and the frog jammed with cob
Me stones so that it was almost cer
tain a terrible accident would have
occurred had not the engineer saw the
cobble stones In time to stop the train
before reaching them. As the emerg
ency" brake was applied the conductor
of the train jumped to the window to
look ahead, and us he did he saw a man
standing between the tracks, his fea
tures clearly revealed by the light from
the car. When It was discovered what
the trouble was ahead a search wus
made for the man whom the conductor
had seen, but he was nowhere to be
found. Quarter of an hour later an
other train tncountered a switch that
had been tampered with less than half
a miln'bark from where the first at
tempt had been made.
rjctPCllvcB were on the scene In short
order and before three hours hud
passed this Polander, Vzras, was ar
rested on suspicion. He was found
sU. liking around Dover, and as he had
switch grease on hla hunds the de
tective thought best to hold him. The
next tiny Vzras with thirty-nine other
inen, some of whom were countrymen
of his, v. ere arranged In a room in the
Morrlstown juil and the conductor of
the train was ushered In to see If he
could Identify any of them as the
man whom he had seen from the car
window. He unhesitatingly selected
Vzias as the man.
Vzras is supposed to be demented by
the authorities.
Rcdit cq d Kntcs to V mliii:tcii,D.
Reduced rates to Washington, P. C,
will be made by the Lehigh alley Rail
Road company on occasion of Young
People's Society of Christian Kryleavor
convention. July 7 to 13. One way fare
for the round tvlp. Tickets sold July 6,
7. and 8, good for return until July 15,
with privilege of having time extended
to July 81, by deposit of ticket with
Joint agent at Washington.
A Fine Russia Calf
T -1 VT--J1- T -
all sizes and
widths, Goodyear
welt, up-to-date,
Cannot get any more to
sell at that price.
It Was the Subject of Rev. D. P. Joan'
Morning Discourse.
Reverend Speaker Believes That
They Should Be More Rigidly Kn
forred.Hinrr Is a Useful Member
of Society, Whose Safety It Is the
Duty of.lline Owners and Olliciuls
to Safeguard.
Rev. D. P. Jones, of the Tabernacle
church, West Side, preached a sermon
yosfrday morning from his pulpit o"h
"The .Miner." Ho took for his text the
words, "Thou shalt not kill," taken
from Exodus, xx, .1;;. During his dis
course lie said:
line oi" the most proiltable servants of
society Is the miner who goes down to the
pit to work out our coal. It's a fuct that
he Is not appreciated according to the
value of his labor to humanity. The ma
Jorlty of people have an Inclination to look
down on the class of men that are work
ing In the mines mid laboring their
strength out in the darkness of the earth,
when It is u fact that their servlca is nil
essential to the happiness of society. The
occupation of the miner Is very dangerous.
As a rule the upper veins which are to a extent free from gases, water und
caves are worked tlrst. But when we llnd
mines opened to the lower veins and sunk
to the depth of hundreds of feet throUKh
the heart of the most fiery elements of na
ture, then becomes the occupation of the
miner a most dangerous one, demanding
tho greatest care.
In such places only miners of experience
should bo employed. Such u policy would
pay the masters by reducing the number
of accidents und consequent loss of lite
und property. The masters and employ
ers that are doing so are far better off
than those that give employment to
whosoever may come and ask for It.
Those that are careful In' so doing are
tho best employers and should have the
confidence of the miners. A question that
comes before us here Is, Does the miner
have the defense due to the difficulties
of his employment V We believe the question
Important, especially in the days when the
Hlttston disaster should give us a little
light upon what the miner has to take
care of. There are thousands of our fel
lowmen compelled to work out their
strength In the mines, therefore we Bhould
think of them from the standpoint of good
human feelings We believe that the rudl
ments of Christianity demand an Investi
gation of the management and the defense
that thousands of miners get In this
country, especially from those that are
employed as officers by the owners to look
after their mines.
We believe that we have as good mine
owners as van be found upon the face of
the earth. Yet a great many of them
are not acquainted with the principles
of mining, and have to depend to a great
extent upon their ollicers. On the other
hand, we have great confidence In many
of the officers that are In and around the
mines. We have good laws In regard to
mines and mining. The Inspectorship that
belongs to the mines Is of great value to
the miner and should be so to the em
ployer. But after ull, It stems that the
miner needs more than he has today, anil
It is time to Inquire where is the weak
ness of his defetiee.
Has the pulpit and the church any
thing to do with the right of the miner?
I believe so. In these vjllies our church
es (as common people, are composed
mostly of miners, and they are good peo
ple; we love them, we Uy to preach to
them the Gospel of Christ end we cannot
do so without going some times down to
the mines to see how they are treated by
their mas'srs. We are glad of the great
Improvements that have been made by
law In the interests of the miner during
the past twenty years. But sometimes
it seems to me that the most of them are
as dead laws. What may be the reason
of It the reader may think for himself.
As we have mentioned before, we believe
the occupation of the miner is very dan
gerous; we also believe that many acci
dents have their cause- in the fact that
miners are unqualified for the work they
profess, to be able to do. It would be of
great value to most miners to study what
they have to do In the mines. 1 don't
care much for the nmn that does not
study his daily occupation to an extent
that enable him to be a muster of his
What nn unreasonable habit exlsteth
among miners to leave their fellowmen
alone in the mines the greater part of the
day when they need not to do so, and to
spend their time on the streets. My deur
friends let it die out and take hold of
the best method to master your work for
the safety of yourselves as well as your
On the other hand. Is it not true that
many accidents In our days happen
throush the negligence of the- officers In
authority at the mines to act in accord
ance with the laws. The ollicers of the
mlr.s are in there to do what the law
demands, and are In better position to do
their work than the miner that has to
work hard to get his coal ready for the
car. The unfairness comes In when the
authority is heedless of the law that pro
tects the workmen, and then stating after
an accident that everything had been done
to have the colliery safe when facts arc
plain to the contrary. Who can deny that
in ninny eases tho authorities have com
bined together to testify to the wrong,
rather than confess the real causes of ac
cident. Sometimes It seems to me that mules
and working materials at the mines are
of greater value than men and boys. It
may be that I do not look at things In the
proper light, but, however, I cannot less
than express myself in that way when 1
am compelled to take up some facts.
Tho avarice for wealth has much to do
with the hardships of the miner. Men In
offices are very ambitious to have ,the
honor of working collieries as cheaply .ls
possible. It Is the duty of every ollicer
to do his best to save, and not to waste a
dollar of his master'3 money, and he
should be gioritled in his ambition of do
ing so. But there ls another feature to the
same law that should insure to the miner
his rights. His life ls not to be sacrificed
on the altar of narrow doings In order to
Increase the profits of the colliery and to
add to his great name. We do not see any
reason why the rights of the miner should
be taken away from him because there
are plenty of men to be had. Of course it
happens sometimes when hands are scarce
there Is a better chance to have higher
wages. But when man is employed by his
master and doing his work according o
the law of his master, his master Is re
sponsible for his rights and his life should
be protected by his master while he Is on
duty that Is as far as the law of the state
and the country calls for, and, moreover,
If tho master has a manly feeling, he
should do so without the power of the
John Howard did a grand work by going
as a ministering angel through
prisons and jails of the world to know
tho true condition of .those that were in
bondage, ls it possible that we arc In
need of another kind of John Howard
In our days to travel through our collieries
to examine and to be witness of things
that are going on where the sun of the
day does not throw its light? During the
past years, what are the terrible accidents
that are on record as of Nantlcoke, Kings
ton and at Plttston. falls and cavesl
What, can they toe the works of Provl
dene? No, no, my dear friends; "Clod
Is love." Think not of Uod as the author
of such disasters. Let us come back to
the duties of men toward each other; let
us try. to be faithful to the laws of na
ture; let humanity have Its flace In our
thoughts as well as In our doings; let
the law of Christ teach us not to abuse
things of this world whluh are given io is
by the lord.
There are secrets In connection with
mining life that should be made known to
society, so as to feel the right value of his
labor. We know that the miner lias his
faults as well as other workmen; he
knows that himself. We believe that he
woubl be on a higher stand today than be
is If he had been more faithful to hlmseir,
to his master and to the laws of ad
vancement. But after all the miner of
today deserves anfl Is worthy of more
praise for his service to society.
The great need of our days In regard to
mining is to bring the miner and his mas.
ter into u closer understanding with each
other, (iood humanity should be of great
value In the sight of the owners of mines
to chose their ollicers to look after the
miners In their collieries. Men of educa
tion are a blessing, but, when education
and good humanity are combined In tho
same ollicer he ls a man to bo proud
of, and as a rule he keeps the master sat
isfied as well us the people who are work
ing for him.
The mines Is not a place to drive and
force people to do things at the first
thought. Man that is regardless toward
man and his rights should not have charge
of mines, because he lacks in one of the
greatest qualities to such a position. A
manly mun should be of great value In
the sight of those good people that are
giving out their wealth In behulf of their
fellowmen. The state puys a great
amount of money to those officers appoint
ed for Inspecting mines; does it pay? is a
question Ihnt comes often to my mind.
After an accident the officers are to be
seen, but what about them In the proper
time, are they of some use? A mine that
gives an output of l.ouo tons of coal daily
for one month without being visited dur
ing such time by an inspector seems to me
a very wrong thing. How could a man In
such Btrungeness to tho working testify
to the safety of the mines?
The miners In general should be Inter
ested In tho prosperity of their masters,
and should endeavor to keep up with good
laws to that end. Masters and the work
ing people ore great losers of money by
frequent accidents of the mines, to be
sure; it comes more upon the workmen
because their lives are taken away and
their families are great sufferers. Noth
ing can pay better to the company as well
as to the people that are at work than
management according to law. The man
that has no regard for law should not at
any time carry tho name of a master, nor
should he have his freedom to enter Into
the mines as a common miner. Life,
O, what a dear word, how we love tt,
what can be of greater honor than to give
man the best chance to live.
Consecruted by the African Zion Con
gregation Yesterday.
Special services were held yesterday
by the African Methodist Episcopal
Zion congregation in its new chapel on
Dlx court. The services were three in
number and of the consecration order.
The- chapel Is located back of the
church and extends from Dlx to Lee
court. It Is a plain but well-built, com
fortable structure that used for
social and guild purposes.
Rev. Owen T. Davis, of Waverly,
preached In the morning und evening,
and Kev. W. H. Stubbleblne, of Calvary
church. In the afternoon. A choir of
young people led the singing: in the
morning and afternoon, and a choir of
the older people sang In the evening.
The Ladles' Sewing circle of the
church will conduct a fair In the chapel
tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday nights.
Nearly all of yesterday's sermons
were of a patriotic nature.
ReV. John Bentzeln, of Paterson, N.
J., occupied the pulpit of Penn Avenue
Baptist church.
Holy communion was celebrated at
the Green Kldge Baptist church. Rev.
W. J. Ford, pastor.
The Christian Endeavor Sticlety of the
Presbyterian church conducted a "Twi
light service" at seven o'clock.
The meeting of the Young Women's
Christian Aaoclatlon yesterday after
noon waa In charge of Miss Helen San
derson. A special meeting of the Women's
Oulld, of St. Luke's church, will be held
this afternoon at 4 o'clock In the resi
dence of Mrs. B. H. Throop.
Rev. A. Bergen Browe, pastor of the
Abington Baptist church, of Waverly,
begun a series of Illustrated sermons
last night on "Pilgrim's Progress."
In the first Presbyterian church there
was preaching morning and evening by
Rev. Joseph T. Smith, D. D., L. L, D.,
ex-moderator of the general assembly.
The Christian Endeavor Society of the
Washburn Street Presbyterian church
conducted a patriotic service at 6:45
o'clock. Professor D. H. Stone was the
Rev. T. M. Stearns, formerly pastor
of Grace Reformed Episcopal church,
preached in the Green Ridge Presbyter
Ian church morning and evening and
taught the lesson of the day at the bible
school service. He will talk on missions
In Grace church to-night
P.ev. J. L. Race of the Cedar Avenue
Methodist church, was born on July 4.
In his church the services morning and
evening were of a patriotic order and
the interbr was decorated with flags
and hunting. A feature In the evening
was the "Chatauqua Salute" to the Stars
and Strides.
Camber VV. Evans, who was formerly
a resident of this city, was ordained a
minister of the gospel and installed as
pastor of the Congregational church at
Givin, Mahaska county, Iowa, on June
27. The Oskaloosa Herald contained the
following In its report of the ordination:
"The ordination prayer was given to
Rev. Aliram Jones in a very effective
manner. Hand of fellowship was given
by Rev.. Owen Thomas, a class-mate of
Mr. Evans, at Oberlln. Ohio. The charge
to the pastor by Rev. Mr. Dray, of Oska
loosa. was very practical and powerful.
The charge to the church, by Rev. Mr.
Hughes, of Des Moines, was touching
and very pointed. Letters were read
by the moderator from Rev. R. S.
Jones, D. D., and D. P. Jones, Scranton,
Pa., congratulating the church and pas
tor. The devotional exercises Sunday
evening were led by Rev. L.. Williams
and he also delivered a sermon In Welsh,
followed by an English sermon by Rev.
C. W. Evans, pastor of the church."
Employe of the Blast Furnace Badly
Injured at Midnight.
John Glynn, a young man employed
at the blast furnace, was badly squeez
ed about the hips by being caught be
tween two cars while at work last
night shortly after 12 o'clock.
He was removed to the Lackawanna
hospital, where it was found tha,t his
Injuries were not of an extremely seri
ous nature. He lives at No. 25 River
street. ,
Ask Your Dealer.
for McGarrah's Insect Powder. 25 and
10-cent boxes. Never sold in bulk.
Take no other.-
Plllsbury's Flour mills have a cspae.
itjr Qt 17.M0 parrels a Car.,
Concluded from Page 1.
caused by the settling of the roof, and
while they may resemble the signals
that miners are wont to give by rapping
on a pillar, they can be readily ex
plained by the fact that very similar
sounds are made by "squeezes," as ev
ery miner knows.
The rescuers have gained about for
ty feet since Friday night, which ls
the average progress made since the
descent of the slope was begun. As
they have over 630 feet yet to go before
reaching the foot of the slope, it can be
seen that there are still many days of
weary waiting for the bereaved rela
fives, whose only hope now Is to secure
the remains of their beloved ones that
they may give them Christian burial.
The investigation advised by Gover
nor Hastings will begin today. The
three inspectors, William Stein, of
Shenandoah, Edward Roderick, of
Scranton, and Edward Brannon, of
Shamokin, who compose the commis
sion. Will meet on the grounds at noon
today to rhake personal abservatlons.
What they will do afterwards ls not
definitely known as they have hud no
consultation as yet.
It was the saddest Fourth of July
that I'ittston has ever known. There
was no cannonading and only a few
thoughtless persons set off any lire
works. The only celebration was the
one conducted by the Bicycle club,
which held a parade and races in West
Plttston, .which they felt they could
not postpone on account of the great
expense to which they were put. How
ever, to show that It was through no
lack of consideration or sympathy they
did not put off their meet, they will
turn over 25 pei cent, of their prollts to
the relief fund.
This fund Is growing steadily, and
promises to reach most liberal propor
tions. The committee which ls to have
It In charge will meet at the bourd
of trade rooms In Pittstou this after
noon, for the purpose of organizing,
when a treasurer Is elected and people
from abroad see that there ls a proper
and authorized custodian f'ir the money
it Is expected that many contributions
will be received.
Representatives of the different coun
cils of Young Men's Institute of this
city ard vicinity met in the rooms of
John Boyle O'Reilly council, on Lack
awanna avenue, yesterday-afternoon
and voted to make a systematic col
lection among the members for the re
lief of the families of the Twin shaft
victims, eight of whom were members
of the Institute.
Programme That Will Be Rendered
by Haydn Evnn' Pupils.
The following programme will be giv
en this evening at L. B. Powell & Co.'s
music store by four of Haydn Evans'
piano pupils, assisted by Misses Mar
garet and Lizzie Reynolds and F. 11.
Sonata, op. 31, No. 3 Beethoven
Miss Anna Durkln.
Novellette in F .4chuman
Mis Maud Copeland.
Vocal duet. Harp of the Winds Abt
Misses Reynolds.
Sonata In l Mozart
Miss Mary Cavanaugh.
Mazurka No. 6, Nocturnal In B... .Chopin
Miss Oenevleve Bacon.
Fugue In F Bach
Valse In E flat Chopin
Miss Durkln.
Violin, vision de Jean d'Arc....t!ounod
Mr. Wydmayer.
Mazurka No. 7 Chopin
Valse In A flat Chopin
Miss Copeland.
Caprlccio No. 3 Mendelssohn
Miss Bacon.
Vooal duet, I Live and Love Thee,
.Misses Reynolds
Taranttlle, op 20 Mills
Miss Cavanaugh.
Donations Received and Acknowl
edged by Management.
The managers of the Home for the
Friendless wish to acknowledge gifts
from the following kind friends:
Operative Plusterers' International as
sociation, check for $."0; S. L. Gallon,
check for $12; much assistance from the
dally papers previous to the recent ex
cursion to Bingham ton; Mrs. F. W. Ma
son, fruit, reading matter, etc.; Hunt
ington's bakery, bread, cake, etc.; Mrs,
W. Watson, vegetables, fruit, etc.; Mrs.
A. E. Hunt, Mrs. Everett Warren. Mrs.
George Catlln, Mrs-. E. N. U'illard,
milk; Pennsylvania Coal company, ten
tons coal; Lackawanna Iron and Steel
Are now sellincr their Tan and Sum
mer Weight Shoes at a Cash
Cut Price bale.
Men's Rcaular $5.00 and $5.50
Tan Ual., now $:?.!0.
Men's Kecular $1.00 Tan Bal..
now 2.)0.
Men's Kcmilar $3.50 Tan Bal..
how $2.00.
Men's Kecular $2.50 Tan Bals..
now $1.90.
Ladies' Kcmilar $3.50 Tan Bals.
now $2.00.
Ladies' Kecular $2.50 Tan Ox.
fords, now $1.00.
Misses and Children's. Bovs'
and Youths' Tan Shoes at a very
low price.
Baby Carriages at Surprise Prices.
The Best Value for the Least Money, in this valley. See theni.
AT N O RTO N 'S, 322 Lackawanna Avenua.
company, two tons of coal; Mrs. Will
lam Blume. fruit; Mrs. K, S. Moffat.
Mrs. A. H. Vandllng. Mta. Charles
Schlager, Mrs. D. E. Taylor, desserti;
Girl's band. First church, provisions;
Cedar Avenue mission, provisions; Tal
mage & Co., New York, rice; Mrs. H.
Jay,' reading matter; Mrs. D. E. Taylor,
reading matter; Mrs. C. E. Robinson,
strawberries; Goldberg & Barnes, buns;
Mrs. Simon Rice, entertainment of the
Howe children, flowers, etc.; Qlobe
Warehouse, fans; Louis Conrad, two
dozen hats; Mrs. J. L. Stelle, straw
berries; Mrs. L. A. Watrous, clothing;
Llndley & Co., vegetables; Mrs. G. L.
Dickson, rending matter; Mrs. Breck's
school, quilt; Mrs. C. S. Wool worth,
clothing, shoes; S. C. Stelle, literature;
Friends of the Home, literature; Mrs.
E. Wenz, carpet rags, clothing; Mrs.
A. H. Storrs, clothing; Mrs. Janet
Storrs, reading matter; Millar & Peck,
china, glassware; Mrs. Sancton, carpet
rags; Mrs. Jones, clothing; George Kel
ler, sharpening tools; Church of Good
Shepherd, provisions; Consumer's Ice
company, ice daily.
Washington Is Outdoing Herself for
I he Big Event.
Waohlngtonv July 5. The arrange
ments for the entertainment of the thou
sand of visiting Christian Endeavorers
planning to come to the fifteenth Inter
national Christian Endeavor convention
whose opening session will be held In
this, city Wednesday night, July 8, ore
practlealy completed.
Three Immense tents have been
erected on the beautiful Ellipse located
between theWhite House and the Wash
ington monument and known as the
White Lot." Each of these tents will
comfortably seat 8000 people, and with
the large churches of the city will pro
vide a combined seating capacity of
nearly 40,000, available at any given mo
ment during the convention. The city
Is dressed in gala attire. The convention
programme is finer and larger than any
of the fourteen that have preceded It. It
covers nearly thre hundred separate
meetings and more than two hundred
speakers, embracing the formost divines
and religious workers of this country,
and many foreign lands.
Steamship Arrivals.
New- York, July G.-Arrlved: Odam, from
Rotterdam. Sutled for New York: Cam
pania, from Queenstown. Sighted: Vir
ginia, from New York for Copenhagen,
passed Dunnel Head; Berlin, from Ant
werp for New York, passed Sicilly.
Christians Take a Hand.
Athens, July 6. As an outcome of tho
insurrection in Crete against Aurklsh rule
tho Christians of the Island today elected
a provisional government and decided to
proclaim the union of tho Island with
stock in many of our
various departments. Sev
eral thousand dollars
worth ot desirable goods
will be turned into
money at prices that will
crowd the store.
July with us shall not
be dull. True, we can
not afford to lose money
all the time, but for the
next three weeks we have
an object in view.
the goods will be re
priced and arranged. To
morrow shall talk prices
and be busy.
303 Lacka. Ave.
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
- "vu i i i . . . ..ull. , . 'IV u. III. .V .
m. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and
Parflrnlar Atf-nflnn flit an tn C nll-rlnn
Prompt Settlement Ouarantead. Your Bust
acts is Respectfully Solicited. Telephone 134.
Coke Plant Destroyed. T"
Holllda'ysburg, Pa., July 5. All the com
bustible property In the plant of the Taylor-McCoy
Coal and Coke company was
detroyed by tire yesterday. Loss, fcW.UOO.
and 400 men will lose their employment
Ftles? Piles! Itching Piles!
Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases
removes tne tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for CO cents. Dr. Swuyne &
Hon, Philadelphia.
Knows that the decorations of
her dinner table will be regarded
as reflecting her good taste and
judgment. An artistic and hand
some Dinner Set will add much
to the c licet
The recent productions in China
of Haviland & Co. and Theo. Hav
iland arc remarkably beautiful
and surprisingly low in price.
We have a number of their new
leading "Stock Patterns," from
which We sell course sets or any
pieces desired. Whether you
purchase or not we shall be glad
to see you when you
Walk in and look around.
China Hall,
134 Wyoming Ave.
If ws should make a display of fireworks It
would take the form of this design. "Right
Prices" ere wast w strive for winter end
rammer, Cknatnu and "4th of July." We
don't offer yea ieaietbing for nothing. We
don't misrepresent anything. Our prices are
imply easotly "KlhH" Yon get full value
for every oent yen pay us. v
aoj Wyoming Ave.
Ladles' "KNOX" SAILORS, Stetson Agency
The Finest In the Otj.
The latest innrtrred farnisV
lip aod apparatus far kerylm?
neat, batter and eggs.
223 Wyoming
A Famous School in a Famous Location
V noted renort, the Delaware Watsr ap.
A school of threa to four hundred pupils, with
no eTer-crowdi ng clames, lint whare teachers
can become acquainted with their pupils and
help them individually in their work.
llodera improrements. A fin new gym
nnsium, in charge of expert trainers. We
teucb Sewing, Dmss-Maklni, Clay modeling,
Freehand and Mechanical Drawing without
extra charge-
Write to as at once for our catalogue and
ether information. You tain more in a small
school than in the overcrowded schools.
GEO. P. BIBLE, Principal.
- for Men Boys tf Ghildrei
An elegant assortment at prices that
are very low considering the quality,
make-up, etc., is being shown at our
store. If you are thiuking of baying
a Spring Suit cat 1 in and look at our
steck it will do you good, and as.
too, of course. We are almost sun
you will buy cannot resist
Is replete with everything that ia new
and stylish; all the latest styles and
colors. Call in and be convinced.
We Have
On Hand
Also the Newest.
Also the Cheapest.
Also the Largest.
Porcelain, Onyx, EtO
Silver Novelties la Infinite Variety
Latest Importation.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamond!
fl. E. ROGERS,
Watcnaiaker, 215 Lackawanna An.
Are always our most satisfied custom,
crs. They know what thev want and
appreciate the slylish outfits we tura
out for them. After all there is a
great deal in being properly dressed,
and we make a business of seeing that
yeu appear that way.
Acknowledged the Leading
Of the WerlA
aRANICHE ft BACHB and ethers.
Musical Instruments,
riusical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchasers will always find a complete
stock and at prices as low as the quel.
Ity of the instrument will permit at
I A,
music STORE, !
117 Wyoming Ave. Scranton
Manufactured at tho WaswallopNt Mill
Luzerne county, Pa., end at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District.
Third National Bank Butldlaf.
THOS. FORD, Plttston. Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH A BON. Plymouth, Pa.
B. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkm-Barre, Pa. -Agents
for the Kcpaurui rhnilnl Cea
pan' Hlfh Ksyloalvejfe