The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 04, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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.ssMBiaa '
Pure and
" I use it in my kitchen and class work."
EMMA P. EwiNO, Principal Chautauqua Cttking ScAeel.
florrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
I ackawanna
jol Ptaa Ave.
SBo, kind.
40c, Kind,
BOc, kind,
SBo. kind,
7Bc, kind,
SBo. kind,
91.00 kind,
01.1S kind.
now SBe,
now 28c.
now 40c,
now B3c,
now 63o,
now 7&ia.
now 7Bc,
now S1.1S.
These Goods consist of Ingrains and
Brussels. This is a genuine Mark
Down Sale.
Carpets, Draperies and Wall Paper.
The Republican standing committee of
(tie Third legislative district will meet
ftt the arbitration room. In the court
house, Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday, July 7,
et 2. SO p. m. John AR-Crindle,
J. VT. Houser, Secretary.
John J. Shea has entered upon his
duties as deputy United States marshal.
A special train on the Delaware and
Hudson for Farvlew will leave at 9.30 tills
C. Reynolds Bedford was yesterdny, on
motion of City Solicitor Torrey, admitted
to practice In the courts of this county.
The Delaware and Hudson Canal com
pany paid yesterday at the Dickson and
Von Storch mines and the Providence re
pair shops.
A marriage license was granted yester
day by Clerk of the Courts John II.
Thomas to Andro Ondry and Annie Ya
nlo, of Olypliant.
The Chautauqua class and the Laurel
club of the Young Women's Chrlstlun as
sociation, attended the services at the
.Wyoming monument yesterday.
William Hodby, Fred Tropp, Bart Dun
An, W. II. Smith, Bert Thayer and K. 8.
Rennle started early this morning for
New York. They will ride the entire 41s
Mnnce on their wheels.
There will be a special meeting of the
Women's guild of St. Luke's church on
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the resi
dence of Mrs. B. II. Throop for the con
sideration of important business.
There will lie a special matinee for chil
dren at Welsh ros.' circus this after
noon, when the little ones will be admit
ted for fi cents. On ilondav the circus
will exhibit at Plttston for the benefit of
the entombed miners.
The bicycle committee appointed at the
last meeting of the Republican club will
meet at the Central Republican club
rooms, Price building, Monday evening,
July fi, at I o'clock. Every member
should be present. V. B. Atherton, mar
shal. Colonel IT. A. Coursen has issued an
order directing that an election be held
on July 14 In Company V, Thirteenth regi
ment, for second lieutenant to fill the
vacancy caused by the appointment of
Lieutenant F. W. Mason, Jr., to be adju
tant of the First battalion. The election
will be conducted by Captain E. D. Fel
lows. The funeral of the late Mrs. Terrence
Raffcrty, of Phelps street, took place at
Bt. Peter's cathedral yesterday morning.
A requiem mass was celebrated by Rev.
J. W, M alone. The pall-bearers were
Tames Smith, Richard Flynn, Bernard
Dolan. James Durkin, Frank Dolan and
Robert Wills. Interment was made in
Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Four young ladles of Haydn Evans'
senior class of piano pupils will give a
recital Monday evening at Powell's'music
store. The pupils are Miss Anna Dur
kin and Miss Mary Cavanaugh. of this
city; Miss Genevieve Bacon, Nicholson;
Miss Maud Copeland, Carbondale. They
will be assisted by it.isses Margaret and
Llszie Reynolds and F. II. Widmayer.
Firecrackers started a blaze yesterday
afternoon In the summer kitchen of a
house occupied by John Corabb. and
owned by Thomas E. Thomas, 1818 Meylert
avenue. An alarm of Are was sounded,
but before the district companies respond
ed the flames were extinguished by water
from a Una of hose stretched from the
Marvtne breaker. The damage was slight
and was chiefly caused by water,
i TherVwiu be a meeting Sunday after-
noon at 2.30 In the rooms of John Boyle
lO'Reilljr council. Young Men's institute,
lot this city, of the delegates from this
Icily and vicinity who attended the recent
ronvent!on of the Pennsylvania Jurlsdlc
. . lion. Ten members of the Plttston cpun-
ell of the Institute are entombed In the
Twin shaft at Plttston and ' Sunday's
meeting Is for the purpose of having the
councils of the Young Men's institute of
t Ms, region take united action In express
ing their sympathy for the relatives of
the entombed men.
Special arrangements have been made
With Bauer's magnificent band of soloists
to give one of their concerts at Riverside
park, adjoining Scranton Driving park,
Sunday, July G. Concert 2.30 to S p. m.
On this occasion new music, new fea
tures and new soloists will be Introduced.
On this day all privileges are granted to
wheelmen. The price of admission to the
park Is 10 cents. The grounds are cool
and shady. Plenty of seats. Cool air and
Bo mosquitoes. Go to the Driving park
today. Cars direct to the ground. Per.
feet order will be maintained.
The annual excursion and picnic of
the Penn Avenue Baptist Sunday
School will be July 7, at Lake Ariel.
Train leaves at 1. 30.
The Tribune will publicly acknowl
edge and promptly transmit to the
proper authorities in Plttston any sums
of money which its readers may wish
to send In Its care tor the relief of the
widows and orphans of the victims of
the Twin shaft disaster. The follow
ing subscriptions are authorized:
William Connell $500 00
Richard O'Brien 100 00
George B. Jermyn CO 00
Williams & McAnulty 25 00
Total .-. $65 00
The following contributions were ad
ded to the board of trade fund yester
day: Previously acknowledged J2.323
T. E. Jones -'
Ed J Rut ledge K
Goldsmith's Bazaar .-"
J. D. Williams & Bro -5
Dr. 0. E. Hill 6
C S. Woolworth 6
Samter Bros 23
A. W. Dickson W
Megargel & Connell -3
R. J. Matthews 13
F. L. Phillips 10
S. W. Roberts C
Greenwood Coal Co 15
C. P. Davidson W
Lewis, Roilly & Davis 10
J. II. Fellow r.
Cash 35
John J. Maghran 6
J. Lawrence Stelle 23
Clarke Bros 85
J. L. Atherton 6
Total .7.7.T..7r.."..l:',650
Plans Adopted for an Electric Lighting
and Steam Heating Plant at
the Hillside Home.
During August work will probably be
started on the proposed electrical light
ing and steam heating plant at the Hill
side Home. Such was indicated by the
proceedings at yesterday afternoon's
meeting of the poor board.
Architect Amsden waa present with
plans for the structure which he esti
mates wll cost about SD.OOO. It is to be
of brick and will be one story and a half
high with a large uncovered cellar or
basement. The plana were approved
and the architect instructed to prepare
specifications and the home committee
to advertise for builders' bids to be
submitted not later than July 1". The
sepciflcatlons wll be finished Monday.
Next Friday evening, to which time
the meeting adjourned, bids will be re
ceived for supplying the electric appara
tus. Yesterday's meeting granted the relief
asked by .the usual number of applica
tion. There were no directors' reports.
Superintendent Beemer's report showed
there were 112 male and 31 female in'
mates at the Home.
To Laurel Hill Park, to Witness tbe
Caledonian Games.
The "skirl" of the pipes last night
told that at least some of the contest
ants from abroad had arrived In the
city to compete for honors In the Cale
donian pames which take place In
Laurel Hill Park today. This annual
athletic tournament !s always an Inter
esting event, but this year the pro
gramme excels all former schedules In
its variety and extent.
Five hundred dollars will be given In
rash prizes, besides valuable trophies
for fancy drill exhibitions, eta An 11
lumlnated balloon ascension with fire
works and parachute drop comes off In
the evening, while solo dancing compe
titlons. exhibition dancing and Daisy
Dawson and other enjoyable features
will make the night session quite at
tractive as the sports during the day.
Attention, Wheelmen.
Every bicycle rider in Scranton and
vicinity, male or female, young or old,
who Is friendly to the Republican
standard bearers McKinley and Ho
bart, is hereby invited to take part in
the grand ratification meeting and par
ade to be held Saturday evening, July
11. It Is Intended to make the bicycle
feature an Important one in this par
ade. In order to do this It is necessary
that as many take part as possible.
There are In round numbers 3,000 bi
cycle riders In this city, and In the
county at least 6,000. Out of this num
ber there should be no less than 1,000
bicycles In line. We will form on Wash
ington avenue, Court House square.
Each rider Is requested to report not
later than 7.30 with a stick about two
feet Ions secured to the handle bars,
upon each end of which will be hung
a Japanese lantern. Lanterns will be
furnished by the committee, and dis
tributed after the line is formed. The
undersigned would like to hear from
clubs and wheelmen from up and down
the valley who Intend joining In this
grand parade. Let us show the people
what the wheelmen can do, and also
give them some Idea of how many
there are of us in this city and coun
ty. Wat;h the papers for further In
formation. Hurrah for McKinley and
D. B. Atherton.
Marshal Bicycle Division.
D. & II. Employes.
A Delaware and Hudson employers'
Republican club will be organized Mon
day evening at 7 o'clock at the Green
Ridge depot. All railroad employes of
that company are Invited to be present.
. ' By order of
Globe Hotel.
Between the Academy of Musle and the
Frothlngham. Special rats, made to the
atrical people and Jurors. Rates 11.00 to
SZ.W per aay. tsira & lanagn&n, props.,
. 82 Wyoming ave, Scranton, Pa.
Brook Trot.
Lohmann. on Spruce street, will serve
you with Brook Trout fresh from the
mountain streams. s.
Arrangements Made for the Observance
of ladependance Day,
Will Be Participated in by a Large
Number or 8ocictietGreat Dis
play of Fireworks in the Evening on
Linden Street, Opposite the Court
IIouieOlhcr Events of the Da v.
The ushering in of Independence Day
was preceded last night by the blaz
ing of rockets, bursting of all kinds
of crackers, and the booming of can
nons planted at various points in the
suburbs. Crowds thronged the streets
in the center of the city, and the small
boy and the always present fire crack
er made plenty of excitement
The aforesaid small boy was never
so happy as when exploding a cracker
or a torpedo at the feet of some staid
citizen or sober, sedate matron, and In
consequence many a start and Jump
wus knocked out of the promenadera
by the imps of the curb-stone, who
were charged more heavily with mis
chief than with patriotism.
It was a busy night In Scranton for
those having charge of today's big
demonstration were hard at work com
pleting the lust details of the arrange
ments and others were engaged In
preparing for the various picnic, etc.,
to be conducted by societies. The
greatest interest centers in the public
demonstration to be held here in the
morning and evening.
At sunrise this morning a salute of
100 guns will be fired by Uncle John
Anneman at the court house square.
His gun will be plunted on Spruce
street, near Washington avenue, and
will be pointed across the court house
square in the direction of Adums ave
nue. Early in the morning the floats that
will bo a bis? feature of the parade
will begin to form on Washington ave
nue. They obtain position in line ac
cording to the time of urrival, and
there promises to be some lively
scrambling for the positions at the
head of the column. There will be
many beautiful floats in this division,
and the reports received up to last eve
ning Indicated that there would be up
wards of 400 vehicles in the division.
The parade will start promptly at 10
o'clock, and organizations not then in
line will not participate in the parade.
The fantastic parade for the after
noon has been abandoned on account
of the mine disaster at Plttston.
The veterans will lead this morn
ing's parade and following them will
be a float containing forty-six young
ladles representing the Goddess of Lib
erty and forty-five states. This float
will be In charge of Professor D. A.
Stone, of No. 33 school. Sons of Vet
erans follow the float. Veterans un
able to walk will be provided with car
riages. The order issued by the grand
marshal for the parude Is as follows:
The principal event of today will be
the parade at 10 o'clock this morning,
the programme for which is as followes:
Grand marshal and aids Colonel H. N.
Dunnell, grand marshal; Sergeant Major
Ueorge 1!. Xtice, chief of staff; Captain W.
F. Albro, color beurer; Sergeant Teddy
Rh'hards, bugler.
Start-Major J. W. Oakford, W. E. Da
vis, A. R. W'hltmore, Colonel E. C. You
mans, John P. Jones, John J. Gordon, W.
L. Hen wood. E. Schlmpff, H. S. Alworth,
esq.. Captain K. E. Chase, Captain C. W.
DoWlght, Joseph Ober, Hon. J. H. Fel
lows, Captain J. A. O'Hara, Captain P,
H. Syron, George D. Brown, Charles W.
Shank, Isaac Brown and D. J. Campbell.
Uniform of start Dark clothes, white
helmets as far as possible, white gloves
or gauntlets.
The aids will report to the chief of staff
at 9.30 a. m.. corner of Jefferson avenue
and Spruce street, the headquarters of the
chief marshal.
The assembly will sound at 9.30 a. m.
The signal gun will be fired at 10 a. m.
sharp, when the parade will move.
The following badges will be worn:
Grand marshal, rosette of gold; chief of
staff, crimson and gold; aids to grand
marshal, blue and gold; first division
Marshal, uniform of the Sons of Veterans;
second division Uniform of the Order
of United American Mechanics; third di
visionUniform of the Patriarchs -Militant;
fourth division Badge, blue and
white; fifth division Badge, red, white
and blue; sixth division Badge, yellow
and crimson; seventh dlvison Cream and
sky blue.
All societies, or organizations and trad3s
displays will be put in line as they report
to the marshals of their several divi
sions. The uniformed societies in the
third division, and ununlformed In the
fifth division, and the trades display In
the sixth division,
Frank .Martin, marshal, and aids.
Bauer's Band.
Lieut. Ezra S. Griffin post, No. 139, O. A. R.
Visiting posts, Q. A. R.
Veterans In carriages.
Car of Liberty.
Representing Goddess of Liberty and the
Forty-five States.
Eons of Veterans, Camp No. 8.
Visiting Camps.
John M. Hornbaker, marshal.
Aides II. F. Bradshaw, Morton L.
Wage, A. 8. Pursel, D. A. Beemer, A. U.
Vorhls, M. D. Hockenbury, O. L. Powell,
Lieutenant J. W. Benjamin, J. J. Green.
Scranton Council, No. 229, O. IT. A. M.
Garfield Council. No. SM, O. V. A. M.
Nay Aug Council, No. 334, O. U. A. M.
Visiting members.
Council No. 131, Jr. O. U. A. M.
Council No. 4D7, Jr. O. U. A. M.
Visiting members.
Patriotic Guards.
P. O. S. Of A. Camps Nos. 23, 173, 177, 178,
242, 333, iH2. 43U, 627.
Visiting members.
P. O. T. A. Anthracite No. 1"4, No. 33, No.
Gen. Ed. C. Deans, marshal.
Aides Dr. George E. Hill, Sigmund
Brandt, S. r. Haupt.
Drum Corps.
Patriarchs Militant, Scranton, No. 4.
Visiting members.
Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias.
Scranton Division, No. GO.
Visiting members.
Knights of the Mystic Chain, in uniform.
St. Aloysius Society.
J. H. Hopkins, marshal.
Citizens mounted, county and city officials
and citizens and their families
in carriages.
. (Uniformed.)
Alexander Dunn, jr., marshal.
- Two bands and pipers.
Lawrence Band.
Knights of Malta.
Knights of the Mystic Chain,
Division No. 7, A. O. H., B. of E., and
other A. O. H. Societies.
Victor Emanuel Sooty.
Slavonic Aid Society.
Red ilea and Haymakers.
Jacob Sfhlcgcr, marshal.
Floats, etc.. representing every branch &f
trade and Industry, many in
actual operation.
Dolph Atherton, marshal.
Cermanla Band.
Scranton Athletic Club, South Side, with
South Scranton Wheelmen.
Bicycle exhibits.
First dlvsion On Jefferson avenue, right
resting on Spruce street.
Second division On Jefferson avenue
right resting on Linden street.
Third division On Adams avenue, right
resting on B:ruce street.
Fourth dlvison On Wyoming avenue,
right resting on 8nn'ce street.
Fifth division On Penn avenue, right
resting on Spruce street.
Sixth division On Washington avenue,
right resting on Spruce street.
Seventh division On Franklin avenue,
right resting on Spruce street.
Jefferson avenue to Spruce street, to
Franklin, to Lackawanna, to Jefferson,
to Pine, to Adams, to Spruce, to Wash
ington, to Gibson, eountermurch on Wash
ington, .to Vine, to Wyoming, to Mulberry,
to Penn, to Spruce, to Wyoming, to Lack
awanna, passing chief marshal and staff
In review on Wyoming avenue, opposite
Wyoming House and dismiss.
Grand Marshal Dunnell has Issued
the following special order to the mar
shals of the divisions:
1. Today we elebrate the anniversary of
our Independence, thankful and proud of
the liberty whlcn we as American citi
zens enjoy. Ever ready to defend and
protect our country, whilu we remember
with pride the deeds oi our forefathers,
let us not forget on this occasion to pay
honor to the living heroes; therefore, as
a mark of respect to the men who from
1SGI to IStiu fought to maintain this coun
try, thereby settling forever the ques
tion that we are to be one people with
one country and one flag. It Is hereby or
dered that the Grand Army of the Repub
lic form on the northwesterly side of
Washington avenue, facing Albright li
brary, upon reaching that point, for the
purpose of receiving a marching salute
from tho column. The column will con
tinue to point of countermarch without
the Grand Army of the Republic, who will
again take position on right of line when
the grand marshal, staff and band Bhall
have passed on Vine street.
2. Tho sixth division will, upon reach
ing Pine street, go east to Adums avenue,
to Gibson street, to Washington avenue,
and tuke original position in line as quick
ly us posslhle. By order of
Colonel If. C. Dunnell,
Grand Marshal.
George B. Rico, Chief of Staff.
In the evening there will be a fine
display of fireworks on Linden street
opposite the court house square. The
fireworks stand will be erected where
the American Volunteers tent has
stood for several weeks. On the oppo
site side of Linden street a stand with
three hundred reserve seats has been
erected and tickets entitling the hold
er to u. sent on it can be obtained to
day at Sanderson's drug store for 25
cents. The fireworks display will be In
charge of Messrs. Brown and Connell
sent here by the Paine's fireworks com
pany of New York.
There will be nine big set pieces,
among which are; "Washington," fif
teen feet squure; "Blazing Bun," with
wheel and closing "Good Night." A
heavy cannonade of thirty-inch shells
will roar, then the set pieces will pay
In a rullbow of tinted letters, "Good
Night," while a bouquet of rockets will
fill the heavens with pyrotechnic, glory.
The baseball game, bicycle races,
Caledonian games and excursions to
Lake Ariel and Farvlew will also fur
nish amusements for the thousands to
Dicyclo Hares and Lockhart's Ele
phant the Attractions.
Everything Is now In readiness for
the cycle races at the Scranton Driving
Park, this afternoon and this evening,
on which occasion the grounds will be
brilliantly lighted, All the speedy
riders are now in the city, and Lock
hart's famous comedy elephants are
Quartered at the grounds.
Many exciting contests will be given
at the Park besides the exhibition of
the elephant bicycle riders, acrobats
and actors, positively the greatest act
of Its kind ever seen In this country.
In addition to all the other attractions,
the management have added still
another, the famous Wilsons, late of
Sandow's Trocodero Vaudeville com
pany, two gentlemen and one lady on
the high wire; one of the greatest acts
of Its kind ever witnessed in this city.
In all, it Is a mamouth exhibition for
the small price of admission, 25 cents,
and deserves hearty patronage. Per
fect car sen-ice has been arranged for.
The races called at 3.30 In the afternoon
and 8.30 In the evening.
John Van Horn, of Carbondale, in
Husinrss Like Maggie Conway.
Alderman L. I. Bunnell, of Carbon
dale, committed John Van Horn, of the
same city, to Jail last night on the
charge of corrupting girls under 16
years of age. The fate of Maggie Con
way, who began a term of three years
In penitentiary yesterday for a sim
ilar offense, did not act as a deterrent
upon him.
The two girls whom he is charged
with leading astray are Maud A. Bass
and Estella Cole.
Republican League at Work.
The chairman of the Republican
League of Pennsylvania, Major Everett
Warren, has issued a circular to League
members throughout the state urging
them to organize during the summer
months and be In readiness for the fall
campaign. All clubs are expected to
have representation at the convention
of the National League at Milwaukee,
August 25-27. Republicans desiring in
formation upon the subject may receive
the same by communicating with Fred.
W. Fleltz, corresponding secretary,
Low Rates to Outt'alo via. the Lehigh
Valley Railroad.
Acct. Nat'l Educational Ass. Meeting
at Buffalo, July 7th to 11th, the Lehigh
Valley R. R. Co. will place on sale spec
ial tickets at greatly reduced rates.
These tickets will be sold July 6th and
6th. and good for return until July 15th,
with extension of time until July 31st
by deposit of ticket with Joint agent at
Buffalo. See nearest Lv V. agent for
full particulars.
Thirteenth Ward Voters.
To the voters of the Thirteenth ward.
All who are Interested In the election
of Major McKinley to the presidency,
are requested to meet at the office of
Alderman Bailey on Dickson avenue,
Monday evening, July 6, at 8 o'clock
p. m.
Geo. Sanderson, Jr.
C, 8, Seamana. .
That Firm Will Do Iron Work cn Third
Story of Court House.
Contract Let Yesterday by County
CoumisionersThrec Other Firms
Were After the Job and the Bids
Varied Only 9800Contract for the
Stone Work Will Bo Let Tuesday.
The county commissioners let the
contract yesterduy afternoon for the
iron work on the third story of the
court house.- Something worth notic
ing is that the bids of the four com
panies did not differ $1,000. The Berlin
Iron company, of East Berlin, Conn.,
got the contract for 120.000. The other
bidders and the amounts they wanted
are; The Carnegie Steel company, $20,
875; the Pottsvllle Iron and Steel com
pany, $20,100; the Phoenix Bridge com
pany, of Phoenlxville, Pa., which built
the Linden Btreet bridge, $20,500.
According to the terms of the con
tract the roof over the main court room
must be up by Sept 1. under penalty
of $25 a duy thereafter, and the roof
must be on the court house not later
than Sept. 25, under penalty of the
same forfeit. Next Tuesday the com
missioners will let the contract for the
stone work, and as soon as practicable
thereafter the contractors will get to
Several changes are decided upon In
the way of otllceg. The room now oc
cuped by the law library, petit and
grand juries, and District Attorney
John R. Jones' office will be taken up
with a superior court room. The li
brary and petit Jury rooms will formi
the court room and the grand Jury
room and district attorney's otllce will
be lilted up for the Judges' chambers.
The library will be transferred across
the corridor to the quarters now occu
pied by County Superintendent Taylor
and Court Stenographer Coston. Both
of these will have offices somewhere
else, but just where has not been decid
ed upon by the commissioners. No. 2
court room will be enlarged by adding
to it the room now occupied by the
tipstaffs for a sitting room.
Space on the third floor will be occu
pied by quarters for the district attor
ney, a grand jury room and petit Jury
rooms. The rooms for Juries to sit and
deliberate In will be apart from the
dormitories where they will sleep If
they be detained over night unable to
Wouldn't Discuss Board of Health or
Patrolmen Appointments.
Mayor Bailey is not going to take
any immediate action concerning the
board of health's action In falling to
heed his letter requesting the board to
postpone its reorganization, which took
plnce Thursday.
To a Tribune reporter Mayor Bailey
yesterday said he was going today to
the National Democratic convention at
Chicago and would be absent one week
and on his return would take final
consideration and action on the matter.
The iiiayor also declined to say what
his action would be in relation to his
appointments of two patrolmen and
councils' failure to confirm them.
Thut matter, also, he said would receive
attention from him on his return from
The Lackawanna Wheel Company Is
Manufacturing Bicycles.
The Lackawanna Wheel company, re
cently organized by well-known Scran
ton people, has located its factory at
Nos. 1216-1218 North Washington ave
nue, and commenced the manufacture
of bicycles of the highest grade and
quality. Their wheels possess merits
which are found In no other wheels and
are protected by patents owned by the
company, bewldw the best features
Celebration Sale
If you don't buy a new hat to celebrate
the Glorious Fourth, it will be because you
don't read our advertisements, or shut
your eyes to Its full advantages. Money
never had equal buying powers and the
Trimmed Hats ottered are nw, stylish
and Ui to date.
$2.00 Trimmed Hats at "5c.
3.00 $1.25
4.50 1.85
0.00 M " 2.39
8.00 " 3.49
We're with the fashion except In one par.
tlcular price.
A. R. SAWYER, WyJ? Ave.
Etore Open Friday Evening.
Including the painless extracting of
testa by an entirely new proof si.
si SpraceSt, pp. Hotel Jennyo.
I .fe
ery taste may be, you will
goods and prices.
(Large Show Window.)
which are common to most high grade
For tho present but one grade of
wheel will be manufactured the high
est. Kext year. In addition, a No. 2
grade wheel w:il be built. The sales
room of the company will be opened In
the Mears building on or about July 11,
when sample wheels will be exhibited.
The names chosen for-the company's
wheels are "The Black Diamond" and
"The Lackawanna."
Miss Hardenbergh announces a special
course In music for the month of July
and August The course will be es
pecially adapted to teachers, and will
include Mason's system of Technics,
Harmony and Musical Analysis. Studio
633 Madison avenue.
Hotel W arwick.
Ocean end of South Carolina avenue,
Atlantic City. N. J. Fine lawn and good
view of the ocean.
Daniel Coleman, Prop.
July Month
Close Out
m 1-3 oil the Remtiar Pifca
All our Silver in $ua3ruple
Plate at this Price. You get it an
cheap as the single plato goods
you see everywhere.
423 Lackawanna Avuua.
Store will be
closed all day
JULY 4, ex
cept the Heat
Dep't, which
will be open
until 9 o'clock
in the morn
ing, and from
6 until lo in
the evening.
Cut This Out
And You Will Hit a List of tbe Most
rot Sale In the City.
and the Placs to Buy Them Is
riusic Store,
Is oiie which has plenty of
soft, graceful draperies to soft
en the corners and staring
stairways. They add color,
elegance and poetry to a room.
We have some very beau
tiful effects the color har
monies are exquisitely blend
ed, and varied enough to
please everyone. Then there
are plain, restful colors of all
kinds. Whatever your drap
find satisfaction here, both in
it OB II .
III!!!:! I'lllS
The greatest salesman Id tbe world
Is Price, and in this final reduction
ea!e of
Ladies' and
Children's Hats
The prices will sell if prices ever
did, of course. The cost of making
and material is lost sight of.
150 Ladies' and Children's Trim,
med Hats, $3.00; sale price SIM
100 Children's Trimmed Leghorn
Hats, with fancy edge, 3&0;
sale price $1.M
250 Ladies' and Children's TTn
trimmed Leghorn Hats, $1.60;
sale price - . 7a
100 Ladles' Un trimmed Hats, 93c;
. sale price 19c
10 dozen Children's Lawn Hats,
40c; sale price ....w18a
10 dozen Children's Lawn Caps,
25c; sale price 10s
0 dozen Children's Bailors, 40o;
sale price, ; 15a
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladies' Belts
at 19c Eaoh
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladies' Link
Buttons and tBtuds at Oa a Set
138 Wyoming Avenus.
Malcolm Lou
Clongh & lima,
And Lower Grade at
Very Low Prlcai
We keep in stock every Color, Qual
ity, and width of Shading, wltb
Fringes and Laces to match.
We have SHADES two yards long,
mounted on sprinj rollers at
18 cents each.
We hare anything else your taste or
means may require, and tho BEST
VALUE for your money always.
Samples and Estimates Submittal
128 WYOfllMG 1VENUE.
$Gold or Silver
- i
You can pay U9 in cither
5 of above, it will matter little V
to ns which, but if you are in V
need of a V
Coaslder Something lo
China, Silver, Lamps J,
or Bric-a-Brac,
The rlost Appropriate st Alt Times. Y
OI Couru Vail Will Nat Forget
T Z31Pena Are. Opp. Baptist Cbarco.
Middle of the Block.
- "T
J J u