The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 04, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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i mmmm mast
Where the
Powder only can
-I have found the
end it. C. Gorju, late
'Header wtll p1fl!" not that aflvertlj
merits, orders for Job work, nnrt Items for
publlcdtlon left nt th establishment pf
Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; of
fice open from t a. m. to 10 p. m.)
Tbe City Uli(iiiin Out iu Bunting
ii nd I'Iuk'h.
Toiluy will be a ll," day in tin
history of rnrljundult'. Alieudy the
Htrveta nrn lii'KlnnitiK to till ti with
people and the Incomintr trains bring
crowds of itsoiis who ure hi-re to ln-lp
cek-brute our country' uutal day. At
an early hour this iiiorniii the country
people liefcim to pour in and never were
ho many rustics seen on the streets as
there ure tod:;y.
The city hus undeiBone u sudden
truiisformiitloii. Lust night left the
buildings comparatively undecoruted
but when persons awoke this momlnir
they hud bloomed out in a beautiful
dress of bunting itnd Hags.
Every person in the city has seemed
to enter the plan of a big celebration
with enthusiasm, and there Is no doubt
but what It will be a success. The
parade will be the greatest display ever
witnessed In this city. The civic par
ade under eharife of Captain M. J.
Quinn will move promptly at SLSO and
will pass over all the principal streets.
Jt will be immediately followed by the
address of the day by Hon. Calusha
A. Grow, congressman-at-Iarge from
The fantastic parade In the afternoon
will be the funniest feature of the day.
It will move at 2 p. m., and as large
prizes have been offered for the fun
niest and most original get ups, it will
be very large, A series o(races will be
held after the paraile on Main street.
In the evening there will be a bicycle
parade in which all wheelmen are in
vited to participate. When dark enough
the fireworks will be set off from San
dy's field. This will enable them to be
seen from any part of the city.
The I'snnl Cnrelcsncs of the Small
Boy Lnds Disastrously.
As long as there Is a Fourth of July
the small boy will celebrate in his
own way and the usual number of ac
cidents will occur.
This year they seem to have com
menced early enough as two accidents
have happened already. The little 12-year-old
son of Willium McMullen, the
tailor. Is one of the llrst victims. He,
with a number of companions, was en
gaged In firing a cannon, and to make
the report louder tilled it up with
gravel and small stones. Just as the
cannon exploded young McMullen
stepped In front of it and received the
charge in the leg. He was carried
home and Dr. Nlles called, who dressed
the wounds. He was oMIged to cut
out part of the charge, which was em
bedded deep In the calf. The leg was
badly burned also, and It Is needless
to say that the boy will spend the
Fourth In bed.
The second accident occurred to
James, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Wylle. The little fellow had
been busy preparing a monster kite
to send up on the Fourth, and was
trying It when the accident happened.
The kite falling suddenly and hitting
the boy upon the forehead. An artery
Of Carpets, Mattings. Oil Cloths,
Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace
Certains, Chenille Curtains, Bags
and Carpet Sweepers.
Tim above goods have been overbsnled and
marked down to nearly one-bslf their vnlne.
This sale will lut during the month of July,
to make room for fall goods. Come and get
Wt have some desirable tbinsj In Rocking
Chairs and Center Tables; is Per Cent, toss
Tbaa the Actual Cost that we are closing out.
419 Lackawanna Av&
yC354 e
best food is required, the
be used.
Royal Baking Powder superior to
Chef, Delmonuo's, N. Y.
was severed, which bled profusely but
us assistance was near there were no
serious results.
Sonic ol' the Attractions That Will
AiiiudR the .Multitude.
Among the many places at which a
person can spend an enjoyable day
there Is none better than at Anthracite
park, where many features will occur
during the day.
Much Interest is centered in the
horse races, in which speedy horses
from I'urbondale, Jermyn, Simpson
and Forest City have been entered.
Purses to the amount of 200 will be
given away, which will make each
event an exciting one.
There will also be a 100-yard pro
fessional nice between Jim Daley, of
Detrlot, Mich., and John Burke, of
Havei-straw. N. Y race between bi
cycle anl horse, sack races and others.
The Jlozart orchestra will furnish
music for dancing during the after
noon and evening, and refreshments of
different kinds will be furnished on the
Wlien j'ou think about our shoe store just remember three things. First, the marvelous gro wth of our shoe busi
ness iu the face of active competition, is due to the brains and the' capital invested, united with methods that command
ing the respect of our public, has created an ever increasing constituency. Second, every day our shoe store grows in
popular favor, grows more crowded, too. We don't sell shoes for looks and not for wear, or sho2s for wear and not for
looks. It is just as easy to combine the two and do it cheaply, with our usual enterprise and determination to make our
shoe store the most popular one in Scranton. Third, if this thing be true, our shoe news has a particular claim upon
your attention.
Greatest Bargains in Mercantile History.
Men's Fine Hand Sewed Russia Calf Shoes, sold all over town for $5.00. Our price only $3.00.
Men's Fine Hand Sewed Russia Calf Shoss, all sizes and styles, sold all over town for $3. Our price only $2
' Men's $2.50 Russet Shoes. Reduced to $1.50. Men's $2.00 Russet Shoes. Reduced to $1.25.
- Men's Fine Calf, hand-sewed Shoes, sold the world over for $3.00. Our price only $2 00.
Men's Dress Shoes, only 99c. Boys' Russet Shoes reduced to $1.10, $1.25 and $1.50.
Boys' Calf Double Sole Low Shoes only 75c.
Extraordinary Sale of Ladies' Fine Shoes, Ladies' Fine Russet Shoes, Button and Lace,
Regular selling price the world over $2.50. Ours only $1.50
Ladies' $2.00 Russet Shoes, reduced to $1.25.. Ladies Dark Russet Oxfords, Reduced to $1.00.
Ladies' Hand Turned Dongola Oxfords, A, B, C, D and E widths.. Reduced to $1.25.
Ladies Russet Oxfords, reduced to 69c. HISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND SLrPPERS
Misses' Light and Dark Russet Shoes, Button and Lace, only 89c.
Misses' Patent Leather, Tan and Dongola Slippers, 11 to 2, reduced to 85c.
Children's Shoes in Dark and Tan from 20c. to $1.00.
We invite comparison and defy competition. We want you to call and examine our stock. There is no trouble to
show goods. , Remember, we have only one price to all and we will guarantee you that our one price is 25 per cent. less
than any Shoe Store in the City. If you cannot come send your child they will buy them as cheap as the shrewdest buyer.
"mm.-, i
Royal Baking
all others. Irecom--
Two Young Men Arrested tor Cntic
ing Young Wirt.
Alderman Hunnell's was the scene of
a case iu V-hlch several young men were
tried for enticing young girls for Im
moral purposes.
The men are CI. I. Westeott, of Jer
myn and George Van lloran, und wire
arrested at the Instance of James C'ule,
of Jermyn, and George Koss, of this
The charge is a serious one and the
men will probably fare badly before
they are free again. The alderman
placed them under $500 bull on each
charge, and as Van Horn was unable
to furnish It he was sent to the county
Jail. Van Horn was found by the of
ficers in a disreputable place near
Miss Martha Hiney, of Kaston, form
erly of this city, is visiting her bIsUt,
Mrs. Thonius Schultz.
Mrs. Mary Hice and Mrs. John Tay
lor and son, Met ton, of Kileyvllle,
Great Bargains Today in Men's, "Women's and Children's
Wayne county, are spending; a few
day with H. V. Iteml.-.e. South Wash
ington street.
ilis. Matthi Gu.lssiier. of Pike
ttrctt. us in Seiamon yenrday.
llirs Kate Hdrvey. of ArchWJ. was
a visitof in town this week.
Miss Iiose Bo'.unU. of Colorado, who
has been atteliding school in Hocliesler,
Is spending her vacation w'tii her
Uncle, Mrs. John Uolund, of Dunuarf
L. C. Darte and son. of Wilkes-Bane,
will spend the Fourth with relulive
In this city.
Edward and Jo?eph Hiali:.g. of
Wayne street, are spending their vaca
tion with rrhitivra in Honesdaie.
Wallace m:d Ailella Sampson, of the
Soldiers' Orphan school, of Iiurfcr.
spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs.
Hobirt W. Whltfleld, South Washing
ton street. '
Misses Mamie Drum, Jennie Igo and
Kate Flnntrty, of Honesdale, attend
ed the reception at St. Rose convent
Mrs. Workheizer, of Kaston, is vis
iting Mrs. F. H. Klmer. of North
Church street.
Albert Crane and Hu-sell Jones at
tended a party Thursday evening at
Waymart, given by Mrs. Knslgn.
John Kelly, of Niagara university,
who has been the guest of John O'Con
nell. of this city, left yesterday tor his
home in Bridgeport. Conn.
Mrs. Martha Cone and daughter.
Ma me, who have been visiting here
left yesterday for their home In Rlv
erton, Va.
Miss Hattie Rolls, of Williams ave
nue, left yesterday for a two weeks'
visit with relatives In New York city.
Missis Maggie I'upo and Annie Dal
ton called on friends In Scranton
No. 2 Tire company Is In perfect
readiness to celebrate the Fourth of
July. Their attractions are many and
with a good day they Bhould gain
enougn money to enable them to pro
ceed Iu the purchase of such material
which they sadly need.
Mis Nellie Carpenter Is visiting
kinsfolk at Carbondale.
L. S. Ruvnsfnrd. of Scranton, Is
spending a tew days with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Itaynsford.
Walter E. Jackson recently accepted
a position at Crystal Beach, Ontario.
N. C. Warner left today to Join Mrs.
Warner at Montclaire. N. J., where
they 7lll be the guests of Mrs. War
ner's sister, Mrs. Arthur Harris.
Congressman J. II Codding, of To
wanda, will deliver the oration here to
day. Miss Mary Smith, who has for the
past school year held a lucrative posi
tion ut Viutiand, N. J., is now at her
home here.
The Ladies' Musical club held an in
teresting meeting at Mrs. R. U. Little's
last Tuesday afternoon. The subjects
were: Heller und Goddard. Among
those present were: Airs. U. H. Wat
rous, Mrs. W. A. Tltsworth. Miss Har
liet Warner, Miss Annie Little, Miss
Jean Taylor, Miss Lillian Chamberlain,
Miss Agnes Scott, Miss May me Coon,
Miss Anna Sharer. Mrs. Newton, Mis.
Shafer, Mrs. H. i Read, Mrs. G. P.
Little, Mrs. Daniel Searle, Mrs. Lyon
and Mrs. Post.
The following challenge which eman
ated from an article in a recent Issue
of Colonel Crush's Democrat is today
made public. Cot respondent Scranton
Tribune: Judging from the public cor-lespundt-nce,
between Mr. Cruscr of
Montrose, and Mr. Kklllen of New Mil
ford, there will be in the near future, a
contest of speed, between their respect
ive horses, and as adding another horse
to the contest would make It a more
interesting performauie, I desire to en
ter the horse Auriol Ilysdyk to go in
the contest, and if he fails to distance
both the other horses I will present a
gold inedal to each of the agricultural
societies nf the county. Three weeks'
notice of tin e cf mni.-f t, and 1 urn no
driver, fctt-.-ndants cr owners of the
horse to drive, best two in three or
three in five. Performance to be a
square trot, i.o 'single footing or change
of gait.
V. 8. Patterson.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas Swabs and
duughter. Alice, will visit with friends
at Nantleoiu: today.'
Dr. K. P. Budd. of New York. Is vis
iting his urivle. William Budd.
A. I". Thorpe, a i umicr on the Gravity
railroad, wis seriously Injured last
Thursday by falling i.ft hl. train.
Thomas V.'arnc and William Snook
will lave this morning on thiir wheels
to pnend the Fturih at Nanlicoke.
The lidi- s i f the Baptist churc-'.i will
hold hii ice cream festival this after
noon and evening in the church parlors.
Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Kay and daugh
ter, Edith, left yesterday morning for
a few days' visit relatives at Living
ston Manor, N. Y., anJ New York
Wlillain Swulcs will spelid the Fourth
at William Guynes today. It
William Swales will spend the fourth
at Luke Wluola.
Mr. John 1. Snnpklns. wife and son,
Howard, of Hawley, Pa., will spend the
Fourth with his brother. Rev. F. C.
Services in the Methodist Episcopal
chun-h tomorrow u usual at 10.30 a.
m. and T.iO p. m. Preaching by the
pastor. Rev. 8. C. Snnpklns. Theme
for morning. "The Cnlon between
Heaven and Kartlr," evening subject,
"Th" True Idea of Overcoming the
World." Sermon to the young people.
A welcome to all.
()( ill licultli, despondency und despair,
(fives way to the sniisliino of hope,
happiness and health, upon taking
Hood's Savsapai-illa. Iiecnuso it givvo
renewed lil'c und vitality to tho blood,
and through that imparls
nerve siren Jl gth, vljror
and cnrri;)' C3Ay to tho whole
body. Read l("ff 1) this letter:
"Hood'sSar s a par I lis
helped me wonderfully,
changed sickness to health, gloom to sun
shine. No pen can describe what I suf
fered. I vrss deathly sick, had sick head
aches every few days and those terrible
tired, despondent feelings, with heart
troubles so that I could not go up and
down stalro without clasping my hand
over my heart and resting. In fact, It
would almost tsko my bresth sway. 1 suf
fered so I did not care to live, yet I had
much to livo for. There is no pleasure In
lifo If deprived of health, for life becomes
a burden. Hood's ftarsaparllla does far
more than advertised. After taking one
bottle, It is sufficient to recommend
itself." MRS. J. . Smith, Ueloit, Iowa.
Is the One True Blood l'uritler. All druggists. SI.
I'rcpare Joiily by (.'. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
1JJ ft: 1 1., euro all liver ills, bilious
rlOOd S flllS ness, headache. -JiceuU,
iff- 5
2 w
400 AND 402
U If
All Reduced to
lcsrMore Closed All Day Saturday
Will Be Open Friday Evening.
iitiMiiiHiiMiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;nKn:KKiiiwwwmiar.:-j FURNISHINGS
Every conceivable color and weave, in Japanese and
Chinese. A liberal discount by the roll, each containing
forty yards.
Linen Floor and Stair Cloths, in all the various
widths and colors.
English and Domestic Linoleums, plain, printed
and inlaid, in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4, 13-4 and 16-4 widths.
India and Japanese Rugs, all sizes up to 12x15 feet.
Best Quality Bamboo Porch Shades, 4 ft. by 8 ft,
5x8, 6x8, 8xS, 10x8 and 12x8, with cords and pulleys, ready
to put up.
Opposite Mtln Entrance
to the Wyoming House,
Branch st Carbondale.
Locomotives. Stationary Engines, Boilers.
Oeoerai Office SCRANTON, PA.
We carry a great many pairs of
Odd Trousers. This is because a man usually needs
two pairs to one coat and vest. If you buy here, how
ever, you will not need quite so many trousers, because
.1. ...
You need the coolest kind of clothing this hot weath
er; a person's health and happiness depend a great deal on
his garments. Light weight clothing can be bought here
for almost any price you care to give For instance, come
and see those coats and vests at $6.50. Tbe material is a
good quality of Imported Serge. We believe that this is the
best bargain of the kind that any dealer has offered in Scran
ton this year. Our system of giving credit makes it possi
ble for every man to buy, no matter how small his income.
We have made it possible for the laboring class to dress bet
ter than they ever did before in the city. We have found
that nearly every man that works by the day is perfectly
honest and will pay us for the clothes we sell him just as
quickly as he can.
Credit 2r
408 Lackawanna Avenue
we oeneve ours win wear
better, cost considered, than
those you get in any other
store. We believe the mate
rials are better and so is the
Odd Trousers to match,
any coat and vest $2.25 to $4.
If you paid a dollar more on
a pair you would get your
money's worth.
225. 227 AND 218 .