The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 04, 1896, Image 1

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    J- ..-r r
Vv ' .
3 V
Wit a vengeance. Why? Simply
because we determined to put an
end to the so-called price cutting in
this line that Is commonly adver
tised in the papers, but falls to ma
terialize at the counter.
We had a way of setting them not
uncommon to us. We knew that
the bottom had literally fallen out
of the market and that spot cash
was a great temptation to sell. We
tried the experiment. Here's the
Before, saying one word about
prices, we wish to state that the
goods quoted below are the
Newest Freslest anal
of fie Present Season
Pull prices will buy no better
styles, qualities or makes, and to
nsy the difference between our
and regular values simply means
an absolute waste of money, with
no benefit gained whatever, looked
at from any standpoint you will.
; Correct Summer SMrts
30 Doz.
hen's Laundrled Rhlrts. all sles;
best White Muslin, with tutored
'caw boBur.i-, .'".'..h auu
Very. 'nobby styles that
IjJtider $1.00.
"imock out price, ovc.
100 Doz.
Men'fcil.00 Laundried Shirts In the
followmg popular brands: "Eu
reka," "Trumpet" or "Mascot."
Collars and cuffs detachable. Very
choice patterns. (luarunteed value
J 1. 00.
Knock out price, 5Pc.
SO Doz.
Colored Laundried Shirts, better
than the kind you usually see ad
vertised at "half price" (?) for 49c.
or 60c.
Knock out price, 40c.
Top Mel Hosiery
for Ma's Weir
1C0 D02.
Men's imported half hose. Black or j
Tan shades. All sizes. The qUal-'
Ity you usually pay a quarter for. '
Knock out price,
2 pre., 25c.
250 Doz.
Men's half hose in Tan, modes and
absolutely Fast black or Black
with split feet. This Is our well
known 25c. special, than which
'. , there Is no better.
Knock out price for
' ' Box of 6 pairs, $1.19.
Sweito Bargains.
30 Doz.
Genuine "duyot" French suspend
. ers; clean, new stock. You know
them at 60c.
Knock out price, 39c.'
80 Doz.
Various styles "Crown" make sus
penders, the American favorite at
f X 5 or-
ivuuiii uui priwc, oyt.
if -ttelfatf Mum
The real imported article, made
from pure Irish flax. Half-Inch,
one Inch, and one and one-half Inch
hem-stitched borders; extra 25c.
Knock out price,
$1.19 for Six.
Sale Now.. On
mc B E
Relatives Now Only Hops
the Bodies May Be
Possibility Which Is Terrible to Dwell
Upon in View of tin Fact That It
Will Take Werts to Reach Than.
Indication That the Whole Place
Has Caved In from the Surface
These nre dreary days of waiting and
watching for those who hunt? about the
mouth of the Ill-fated Twin shaft at
Pittston. Not the slightest Incident
hus occurred In the lust forty-eight
hours to help kiep alive the faint ray of
hope that possibly some of the unfortu
nate men might be brought out alive
and, now, this dim possibility causes
Mtter anguish Instead of consolation
for they feel that It were far better
that their beloved ones should be dead
than to be dying in delirium Inch by
Inch In the dark lonesome caverns of
the mine. The fact thut many of the
bereaved women now appear In mourn
ing when they make their Ti-equent Vis
its to the mine Indicates as strongly as
unythlng can that even they have
ieus;d to hone
There Is still the possibility, quite
generally admitted that some of the
men may still be alive' but those who
hold this belief are loth to give It
words for the terrible picture this possi
bility conjectures up before the mind is
dreadful to contemplate, now that It Is
so certain three or four weeks will
pass before the rescuers can reach the
spot where the men are supposed to
have been caught.
Vesterday like the days Immediately
preceding brought forth no goad news.
The rate of progress was If unythlng. a
trllle slower than on Thursday. Right
und a half feet were cleared but only
ti's feet were completely tunnelled, dur
Ini the eight hours between 7 a. in.
and 3 p. m.. .From that time until 11
o'clock last night when the next shift
came up the progress was just about
the same. Yesterday morning the res
cuers encountered an unusually large
boulder 10xfix3 und lost much tinid in
breaking It up and removing- it.
It Is hoped today that a little better
time will be made as the roud Just In
advance of where the men were work
ing yesterday hus been explored uml
appears to be free from extra sized
rocks and lias one or two clear Bpots.
The use of sledges for breaking the
rock has been dune away with to a
great extent by the adoption of the "pin
and feather" method, so much in vogue
in quarries. A row of shallow holes
are drilled In the rock, wortges ar in
serted In these hole! and when ham
mered caused the rock to split. A doz. n
large boxes of dynamite wi-ro yetderduy
brought to the mine and Ftored In the
powder house that the explosive may
be on hand In case It is found exedlent
to u?e It. .1 UPt at present there is talk
of ( xperimcnting with it.
The proposed Investigation by a enm
mlslson of mine Inspectors appointed by
the governor was the principal topic of
comersanon yesu-may. i ne miners
a"d of the entombed men have
'ed r.o fixed opinion on the matter
I n? yet. simpiy cnnieniini tnemseivi-s
witn talking It over and making con
jectures ns to what it will b like.
Theoflicials say thry will welcome the
Investigation and have no fenrs of the
outcome. Oeneral Manager Law In talk
ing with a Tribune reporter said he was
glad of the governor's action and that
it was Intelligent and competent men
who were to conduct the Investigation
and not a coroner's jury with Its Indis
criminate make-up. To the reporter's
question as to whether there was any
truth In the report that the company
had Instigated the governiv's investiga
tion, Mr. Law said: "Not the slightest.
IL17;Z"ZZZ 2255
of the company, had seen the governor
and Invited the Investigation, but this
Mr. Patterson denied when I was talk
ing with him this morning. Neither he
nor any of the other officers of the com
pany had any knowledge of the gover
nor's action until we saw the dispatches
in this morning's papers. Mr. Patterson
agreed with me that the Investigation
was to be welcomed by us and that we
should congratulate ourselves that it is
to be an Intelligent Investigation. We
will do all In our power to aid the In
vestigating commission in making a
full and complete report on the matter."
Inspector William teln, of Shenan
doah, one of the commission, arrived
on the scene yesterday morning having
eome simply as a visitor. He learned
of the letter addressed to him by Gov
ernor Hastings after he had Btarted
from home and consequently had not
had much time to consider the matter.
When Interviewed on the matter he
said that the Investigation will probably
be private out of courtesy to the gov
ernor who Is entitled to the first Infor
mation concerning the commission's
findings, inasmuch as the investigation
was suggested by him and the com
mission was his creation. Mr. Stein had
not seen Inspectors Broderlck or Bar
num, the other .members of the com
mlaleon and consequently could not
say definitely how the Investigation will
be conducted. As far as he was con
cerned himself he would not object to
relatives of the widows or their repres
entatives being present at the sessions
of the commission, but believed that It
(Continued on Pag a.
A. I). ISbcnccr Victorious in N'lilionu
Shooting Tournament.
Syracuse, X. Y.. July 3. Today saw
the Inst of the double rest match In the
national shooting tournament and fes
tival. A. D. Spencer, of Scran ton, Pa.,
won the event and the Herald's medal
of honor with a total of 142 Inches with
15 strings; H. M. Baker was second,
179 3-10 inches, with H. M. Spencer, a
son of the winner, third with a string
of 1H2 2-10 Inches.
. Hiiencer beat out he celebrated
Jamestown quurtette. consisting of II.
H. Perry, J. I.. Bacon, O. Oarfield and
13. Page. Ilia lowest string was 6 2-10
Slayer of .Mnrgnrct Uryxdnle Weeps
I'pou Learning Hi Doom.
Philadelphia, July 3. Judge Yerkes
In the court of oyer ami terminer today
heard argument for a new trial In the
case of Jnnn s tlentry, who wus convict
ed on .Saturday last of the murder of
his fiancee, Margar.-t W. lnysdale. The
motion was overruled ami ilentry wus
sentenced to be bunged.
The prisoner bore every apiearance
of great suffering and he crbtl bitterly
while the judge was pronouncing the
Plan to R'jdiici the Production Darirj
the Months of July and August.
Secretary Howard's
A J vie
Fall River. Mass.. July ."..The fol
lowing ollicial letter reRardlriK the clos
ing of the cotton mills In New KuKland,
was given out this afternoon by Secre
tary llounseville, of the Fall Iliver Cot
ton Manufacturers' association:
Hostou. July 3. ISWi.
The committee appointed on the 2"th
nil. to iiuiulre whet Iter Hie cot i on' manu
facturers of NVw ICiiKlund would Ketierul
ly co-operate in a movement to curtail
production during the mouths of July and
August, wul:ll report that agreements lo
curtail have been drawn up and have been
signed by the nmnnKers of over V).0!iO
spindles in .Massachusetts, Rhode Island
und Connecticut, besides wulch there ure
enough spindles now runniiiK short lime
in New KiiKlund and tile Middle states,
to lirliiR the uraretfute up to over O.Uuu.oju
A telesrum received this date front
Charlotte, N. C., says that at a meeting
of southern manufacturers, held June
resolutions were pussed urnlnif mill own
ers to reduce production GO per cent, ill
tlie next two months, and l'Hi esttthllxli
nicnts have ulreudy acquiesced in tlibi
(Slirnnli Jonutlian Chare,
C. C. Itoiinsevlllc, Secrctury.
To William C. I.everiut,'. President of the
Aikwrli:ht Club. . Kail River. Vuss.,
July 3.
Secietary Howard, of the Spinner'.
I'nlon. has issued a circular letter to
spinners bearing on the promised cur
tailment of production. Among many
other things he says:
ileltig on the eve of a general shut down
of the iiiills. we deem it advisable to In
form you that rule -1. relating to stop
page puy, reads: ilmt in the event of
a majority of the mills i.nK shut down,
the rule stands suspended." Therefore,
whoever may be ill receipt of stoppage
pay when the uiajorlty of Hie mills shut
down, will not be entitled to any more
puy under said law until the mills re
sume steady work and the law is put in
foive atruiii.
The ollleers ore quite willing to do with
out sulartes for the time i..e mills ure
stopped and close I lie ottie'es up if It is
agreeable lo members.
llusbuiid your tvsuuives and live with
in your means. Make the let invest
ment yo'i can of tin leiKure t line ut your
disposal during the nest two mouths Mial
we run see i:o belter way f doing this
than by keeping temper ite end enjoying
nil the soi lal and physleal leeieatluu pos
sible, lly uetiug in tins wny you will
recuperate your Hasted energies unit lay
by un abundance of health wbteh is more
valuable than gold by ,,ie time the mills
resume regular work a!?aln.
I Trouble at the Brown Hasting Works
Not Yd OverAlbert Saunders
Rek-asd on SI0.OJ3 Ball.
Cleveland, Ohio, July 3. The locked -out
employes of the Rruwn Hoistlrg and
Conveying company held a meeting at
Superior hall this morning. The situa
tion was thoroughly canvassed und it
was ordered that these telegrams be
"Kugene V. Debs, New York cHy:
Workmen here In awful ferment. I'lilon
man deliberately murdered by scabs.
lUnlal Sunday afternoon. Can you come
and deliver funeral oration?"
"James O'Connell, grand master ma
chinist. Oil City: Great ferment; union
man murdered by scabs. Can't you
A burning proclamation to all labor
ing men in the city was issued. The
Brown Hoisting company and the mu
nicipal government which furnished po
lice to protect the non-union men, were
bitterly denounced. A strong appeal
was sent to all union men In northern
Ohio to make special effort and attend
the funeral services of the dead striker
at Immaculate Conception church, Sun
day afternoon. Those attending the
funeral were requested to wear a white
The parade will be formed at Superior
hall In the neighborhood of the works
at 12.30 p. m. Sunday. The majority of
the labor organizations In the city have
already signified their Intention to par
ticipate. A monster demonstration is
The strikers when not indulging In
threats of avenging the death of Wil
liam Rettger, who was killed yesterday
are tonight expressing confidence of
victory In the strike, owing: to the ac
tion of the Brown Hoisting company
toda.y Shortly before noon the 72 men
at work were paid off and told that the
works would close at noon and not re
open until Monday. This the striker
think means that they will not be re
opened at all. Manager Leeds insists
however, that the works will open Mon
day with 250 men.
Albert G. Saunders, who fired the fa
tal shot is In a critical condition. He
was released on $10,000 ball and lies
with a broken nose and Jav and terri
ble cuts -and bruises about his head
and body. The doctors are doubtful of
hit recovery.
No Hope for t! D.mcnitic Gold Bugs
at Chicago.
His Associates in the Senate Arc
All (living Him Supports-Senator
Jones Declurcs Thut There Shall
Uc No Jugglery wilii the Platform.
Chicago, July 3. It looks as If the
Chicago Democratic convention would
he quite as lnp-slded nc the recent
Republican gathering at St. Iouis.
There has been no break today In the
monotony of the signs and tokens of
whut Is to happen. It Is to be a free
silver convention. Moreov-r, with sur
prising unanimity the controlling men
of the western and southern delega
tions have declared thxir preference for
Teller. Nearly all his associates or for
mer associates in the senate who be
lieve In ftie coinage are giving hltn
their support. The list includes Tur
Pie, of Indiana; Jones, of Arkansas;
Harrison, of Tennessee; Walsh, of
Ceoigla: Chilton, of Texas, and Cock
rell, of Missouri.
When the eastern delegates and
friends of the gold standard reach
Chicago they will lind that the silver
men have absolute control of tho situa
tion. Conferences have been frequent
during the day. Out of ull this con
sultation but .one concrete fact seems
to huve been developed. The platform
will be concise, short and clear cut.
without so much as a ambiguous word
thut can be misconstrued into mean
ing anything other than out and out
declaration for the free and unlimited
coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1.
Senators Jones, of Arkansas; Rate
and Harris, of Tennessee; 'Blackburn,
of Kentucky; Tillman, of South Caro
lina, und Cockrell, of Missouri: Senator-elect
Money, of Mississippi: Rep
resentative Richardson, of Tennessee,
and Hon. Joint R. Mi Lean, have been
in conference during the day, and all
arc unxeed that the financial plank
shall be (riven that prominence which
its importance demands, and that Its
text shall be so short and Its meaning so
llxed and determined thai he who runs
can read it utidetvtuiidlngly,
"T'latltudes will be eschewed by this
convention," said Senator Jones, of Ar
kansas, today. "The silver men repre.
sent the plain people of tile country,
the thinking masses, and our declara
tion will be such that no can Jug
cle with lis meaning or i-'ieak to rep
resent it us some thlnt, r A'J. It.,. J'tHl
This convention Is to P-? run by Hie
silver men; we ure in control and
everything that Is done will be by thu
consent of the mujoiity only. This sit
uation might us well be accepted by
the minority at once. The minority
will be accorded ull its rights and will
be part or parcel of the Democratic
convention, but the voice of the ma
jority is the voice of the party In the
When usked if he had any fear of
the delegates being weaned from their
allegiance to silver. Mr. Jones replied
with a negative that was emphatic und
coinlucliig as to the sincerity of his
own views. "If the gold men are hop
ing to be successful in proselyting
among the silver men," he continued,
"it Is high time they understood the
character of timber of which this con
vention will be constructed. The del
egates to the convention are men who
can neither be hoii:rht cr bull-dozed.
They are firm In the faith, and noth
ing can shnkw their loyalty to the
cause, which they put above all other
political questions. Long months ago,
when we llrst org.inl::ed the silver
movement In Washington, we took
en re to provide ngalnst such Intltiercs
and wrote our people in every district
to see (hat strong men Were selected
as delegates.
V.'l'll" tl-ere seems to he no concen
tration i. pun uny one for temporary
chairman the p-p.-rel opinion H that
elthir Senator Hani:-, of Representa
tive Richardson, l.oth of Tonue.'see,
may be permanent chairman, and that
Senator Blackburn, of Kentucky, may
be temporary cha'rmnn. All th se g n
1 tletnen are good parliamentarians, Mr.
Harris having been president pro tern
of the senate. Mr. Richardson a fre
quent nnd expirieneed occupant of the
speaker's chair during the two terriis
of Speaker Crisp, and Mr. lilnckhtirn
having frequently presided over the
Concerning the report that the na
tional committee intended to attempt
to force a gold standard man upon
the convention for tempoiaiy chair
man, Mr. Richardson said: "Nothing
of the kind will be done. Of course
we recognize the fact that the commit
tee, as at present constituted. Is
against silver, but the committee will
be very apt to remember also that the
convention Is very largely the other
way. If It decides by a majority vote
to recommend to the convention a geld
man, the minority of the committee
will offer a substitute naming a silver
man. When the committee makes Its
report to the convention the first sub
stitute will be offered, and a substitute
is always voted on first. The substi
tute will be adopted, and If there is to
be a brush about the question. It will
be short and quick and result In a
sweeping victory for the silver men.
The majority will not listen to the
sounding of a gold note In the opening
of the convention.
Governor Altgeld's idea that the con
vention can complete Its work in one
day is scouted by experienced politi
cians. One of them said this after
noon that while he was In favor of
reasonable haste, he recognized the
fact that It required time to err
fully transact the business of a nation
al convention. The platform would
cause some debate, depending entirely
upon the pleasure of the convention,
exercised through the gavel of the
chairman. It Is not Improbable that
some prominent person representing
the gold side of the question will be
selected to antagonise the report of the
committee on resolutions, and with
that single speech discussion will end.
This will be accomplished by a motion
from the floor demanding the previous
question, which will be promptly put
and carried. While all reasonable
pedltiort Is desired by those having- con
trol, no one of pood Judgment predicts
less than a three dcys' session.
.Mr. Whitney, Senator Hill and Cover
nor flower on thu Scene.
Chicago, July 3. The attractive event
of the day and the most important
from the standpoint of the anti-free
silver members of the party assem
bled In the convention city was the
arrival this evening of the advance
guard from the eastern states, prin
cipally New York, representing the
gold standard minority. Their leader
was William C. Whitney. The former
Secretary of the navy had engaged al
most the whole of the parlor floor of
the Auditorium annex nine bed rooms
and six parlous for the use of the
sound money Democracy. Mr. Whit
ney was the first to Inscribe his name
and among others were Thomas Y.
Ryan. Walter Stanton, James Smith,
Jr.. John R. Fellows, William E. Rus
sell, Boston; Senator George Gray,
Delaware; J. J. Martin, C. V. Baldwin,
Smith M. Weed, O. H. M. Harvey, H.
D. Macllona. C. R. Meller, Thomas J.
Ryan. New York.
When asked If he had any statement
to make to the press, Mr. Whitney
said:. "I shall have nothing to say to
night In the" way of an Interview. The
fact Is I have not anything to add to
whut I said for publication In New
York on the Issue, and crisis before
the party. I have been on a train for
twenty-four hours, and have Just got
In to look over the ground."
U'ontlnued on Page 7.
Believes the Country Needs More
Patriotism and Less Partisanship.
Will Support Any Silver Man.
Chicago, July 3. In vtew of the
many conflicting statements put In cir
culation respecting Senator Teller's at
titude and the Inuntlon of his friends
who walked with him out of the St.
Louis convention a fortnight ago. Sen
ator Dubois this afternoon gave out
the following letter from his associate,
the only one, he said, that hud been
received from Senator Teller since the
adjournment of the Republican na
tional convention:
Morrison, 111.. June 24, ISM.
Hon. Fred Dubois, SprlnKtleld, III,
Dear Sir: I reached tills place yester
day und will remain here until the lust of
the week, when 1 will leave for Denver.
I notice thai the gold standard Dem
ocrats huve it, clured ilieir intention to
control the Chicago onventlon. 1 do
not think they can do It. If our sliver
friends control the convention and give
us u good silver nuiv, ' tr' "t "' vi'l.
J-thli h.- Hhould hut Him. ..j k r;
of all who believe the money question Is
the greatest question liefore the Amerlcun
people. We must, for this canipulgn, at
least, overlook ull minor differences and
put the country on u sound financial sys
tem that recognizes tnat gold and silver
are tne money of the constitution.
I believe tills can be done, and to that
end we must bend alt our energies. A
little more patriotism and a little less
partisanship is whut our country needs
ut this time. The friends of silver made
no mistHne at St. I.ouls, and we must not
make a mistake us to our future alliance
wltli other sliver advocates.
The cause is of too much importance to
ul in 1 1 of carping or criticism. We must
all get together und ucl together until
the buttle is won. It will be a royal bat
tle, with Justice on our slue. We must
Ret us hear from you soon.
Yours truly,
II. M. Teller.
The New York Silver Hanker Forced
Out of His Ollice.
New York, July, 3. The following
statement was given out at the Mercan
tile National batik, 191 Broadway, this
afternoon: "Mr. William P. St. John
has resigned the presidency of the Mer
cantile National bank." For several
yeurs he has outspokenly advocated
the free coinage nf silver. Recently the
fei.ling in hanking1 circles against a
bank president's advocating free silver
luts been manifest. The matter was
brought to nn Issue this morning tit the
lion ril meeting by hl.t reading a letter
from one of his director, of which the
following Is an extract:
I have Just heard thut you Intend to
tuke part In the silver con vein loll at Chi
cago. Vou are under obligations not to
do so, is my belief.
1 admit that the position yon hold gives
you power before a convention, but you
ought not to go when you know yuitr
board is against your views, as well as
ull money centers.
. . .
Irish Kdiicntion Hill.
London, July .1. In the house of com
mons today Right Hon. A. J. Halfour, first
lord of the treasury, announced th" with
drawal from purliumeut of the Irish edu
cation bill.
Weather Indication Today t
Showers In the Afternoon; cooler.
1 Outlook Gloomy at the Twin Shaft.
Silver Democrats Will Control Con
vention. Teller Defines His Position.
Tinplate Workers Visit McKinley.
Cleveland Strike.
2 John T. Watklns Writes of Musicians
Dun's Weekly Trade Review.
3 Outlook Gloomy at Twin Shaft (Con
Our Judges Vacation.
4 Editorial
5 fiscal) The Day We Celebrate.
Contract for Court House Addition,
6 Social Doings.
News of Scranton's Churches.
7 Suburban News.
Market and Stock Reports.
8 (Sports) Scranton Again
Kastern, National and State League
9 Henry Watterson Addresses the Brit
ons. Queen Victoria Beloved By All.
10 (Story) "Stealing; of the Padre."
U Death of One of Owalia's Noblest
U Xeicj t'p and Down the Valley. '
0ie Thousand Wage-Earners from Tus
carawas Pay Their Respects.
Their Ilniincr a Large Sheet of Tin
Hlntc--.Mivjor .McKinley Deliver
tine of the Longest Iul'ormal
Specchc Mude Uuriugibe Present
Canton, Ohio, July 3. It was an In
teresting delegation of wage earners
from Tuscarawas county numbering
about 1.U00 thut called on Major Mc
Kinley this hot July afternoon. In the
midst of the procession was borne aloft
a huge sheet of American bright tin
plate manufactured in one of the mills
at Canal Dover. It Is the largest sheet
of tin plate ever made In the United
States, its dimensions being 30 by 144
The delegation was essentially a la
bor delegation. W. A. Bovey, of Den
nison, spoke for the visitors and his
earnest remarks were cordially
cheered. The appearance of Major
McKinley was the signal for a pro
longed outburst of cheering which
lusted for several minutes. After quiet
had been restored Major McKinley
made the longest Informal talk he has
yet addressed to a visiting delegation.
He said:
Mr. Bovey and my Fellow Citizens:
I am very grateful for this visit on the
part of my friends In Tuscarawas coun
ty and I thank my old friend, your spokes
man, for the cordial and generous and
eloquent words of greeting which he has
brought to tne In your behalf. This as
semblage h fulrly typical of our Ameri
can communities, and it fitly represents
the varied occupations of the people. As
your spokesman has already said, in this
presence are furmers, laborers, mechan
ics, miners, rullroud employes, merchants,
professional men and representatives of
every rank of the people. And you are
here distant from your home not from
curiosity nor from any considerations at
all personal, but you are here because In
your hearts you believe In the great
fundamental doctrines of the Republican
party. (Loud applause). You believe
that these principles are best for you
when put Into practical legislation and
administration. You believe that those
principles will secure to all the people the
largest measure of good to the largest
number, and you believe that because
you recall that for more than a third
of a century those great Republican prin
ciples dominated legislation and adminis
tration In this country, anil that during all
thut period you have enjoyed exceptional
prosperity which you have not enjoyed
In the lust three years and a half. (Loud
You know, therefore, something of
these great principles rrom experience,
which, after all, is the most unerring
teacher, and you are only waiting for an
opportunity to express Judgment bused
upon that experience In your votes next
November. And all these demonstrations
that have been witnessed here for the
pust two weeks are only significant be
cause they show what Is in hearts
and minds of the American people: that
they want an opportunity and they want
It early to return to power that grand
old party to which your spokesman hus
so feelingly alluded In every branch of
the government of the I'nlted States.
Here In this county we are' dependent
upon each other, no matter what our oc
cupations may be. All of us want good
times, good wages, goed prices, good
markets and then we want good money
always. (Vociferous cheering).
When we give a good day's wagn to
our employers we want to be paid In good
sound ilollurs. worth VI cents, and no
less. Now, whutever policy will bring
us back to these goods Is the one that the
great majority of the American people are
In favor of and will so register their
votes at the coming election, and vou
seem to have made up your minds what
that policy Is. I am going to detain vou
only long enough to say that I am grate
ful for this manifestation of your canll
dence upon the part of representatives of
Tuscarawas county. What I wont lo
see In this country Is a return to that
prosperity which we enjoyed for so many
years; tiouu una continuous applause):
what I want Is to see idle men at work
and at American wages (lond upiilaiise).
ami the more men you have nt work at
good American wages, the better markets
will the farmers have and the better
prices will they get tor their products.
Every one of you fanners know mat from,
experience, ami now, arter expressing
my gratitude for the assurance you have
given me of your friendship and sup
port, and welcoming you with an over
flowing heart to my home city and to my
own home, It will give me very great
pleasure to meet and greet each of you
Individually. (Tremendous cheers and
From advices received here tonight. It
Is learned thait a number of delegations
composed wholly of women will visJt
Canton for the purpose of calling on
Major McKinley within the next two
or three weeks. The first delegation of
women will probably come from. Cleve
land or t. Louis. It seems to Tie agreed
on all sides that the Republican na
tlonal headquarters will he In New
Steamship Arrivals.
New York. July . Arrived: Normanla,
from Hamburg; ew York, from Sotitn-
atnpton. Arrtved out: Kaiser Wilhelm
II., at Uenon; Kuerst Ulsmarck, at Ham'
burg. Sailed for New York: AukusIb
Victoria, from Southampton. Sighted:
Kriesland. from New York for Antwerp,
passed Start Point: Thingvalla, from
New York for Stettin, passed Dunnet
Disbanded for Inefficiency.
Harrisburg, Pa., July S. In orders from
National Guard headquarters. Company
1. Fifth regiment, Bedford; and Company
H. Fourth regiment, Skitlngton, have
been disbanded for Inefficiency. The
Lebanon rifles will take the place of the
Slatlngton company, and a new company
will be placed in the Fifth regiment at
Filibusters at Work.
Key West, Fla., July 3. The steamer
Three Friends left this port this morning
at 6.30. The armr seized on board the
steamer City of Richmond and released
yesterday, were transferred to the Three
Friends last night. The schooner Dellie
is said, to have left this port last night
with ntty uuuans on noara.
Must Not tiradnate Too oung.
Harrisburg, Pa., July 3. Deputy Attor
ney Oeneral Elkln has Instructed the su
perlnfndent of public Instruction luat
students who graduate from the state
normAl schools under the age of 17 are
not entitled to the 160 allowance. If the
student has reached the age of 17 he is
entitled to tne auovance.
Our stock la unsurpassed In style.
workmanship and assortment, and to
close the season we offer
As the following- prlcei will show, ir
guarantee them to be the very best
values offered thla season:
Fancy Lawn Waists, all colon, 4S& '
Fancy Percale Waists, all iliea, 19c
Better quality Percale Waists, 5o. ;
Fancy Stripe Lawn Waists, 11.11.
Extra Fine Waists at $1.38. $1.45, 1.5.
The Celebrated "King Waists," in
Percales, Lawns an! Dimities, at $1.41,
$1.75, $1.98, $2.25.
These goods sell themselves.
Plain White Waists in Batiste and
Dimity, Plain Black Himalaya Waists,
Silk Jacquard House Waists; also a su
perior line of Children's Dimity and
Lawn Dresses, Boys' Kilt Suits la
Pique and Fine Galatea Cloth at great
ly reduced prices.
510 AND 512
41 of My
Today all the good people of America
are patriotlo and happy.
Julv the sixth. Monday, begins our
50-cent outing-shoe sale for the boys
and girls. This will make every msm
ber of the family happy.
When you pay for Jewelry you might as
well get the best.
A fine line of Novelties for Ladles sad
W. J. Welchel
408 Spruce St.
Atlantic lat
French Zinc,
Carriage Paints.
ReynaMs9 Fire Colors,
Ready Mixed Tinted
Qloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Linseed Oil, Guaranteed.
Sale of