6 THE SCBAKTON TBI BTJ N E F KID AT MOKNIXG, JULY 3, 1SDC. CARBONDALE. fftrader will pl not tfcM advert! tacnts. orders for Job work. ..nd Items tor Publication Wt at the establishment of Shannon Co., newsdealers. North Main treet. will receive prompt attention; of i Sea open fram t a. m. to 10 p. m.) SERIOUSLY INJURED. Child's Terrible Fall from a Second Story Window. A terrible arcident occurred yesterday morning whlrh nearly ended the life of a little child. As It la Kerious Injuries were sustained which may result fa tally. It beinif too soon to determine yet how they will turn out. The child Is Lt-o, the younff son cf Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Neary. of South Main street, who was Injured by full ing out of the second story window of his home. The little fellow was alone, the moth er being down stairs. Suddenly the heard u loud cry a.nd rushing to the window was just ift, time to see the boy strike the ground. A dressmaker across the street saw the accident and reached the proMrate form about the same time as his mother. Togther they carried him into the house and des patched a messenger for a doctor. Upon exxaminatlon It was found that im bones were broken but there are Inter nal injuries whose nature It is Impos Bible to determine. It Is feared that the spine may be Injured as (he little fellow Is unable to move. The boy was seen to full by one of the dressmakets across the road. She nultl he was leaning out the window with a whip when he lost his balance. Had the child struck upon Ills head he would have been killed but fortunate ly the body turned. FIELD DAY. Amateur Sporl W ill Hoi-Hive n tJrent IIooiii. The directors of Alumni park are making preparations for a field day to be held at the park on July IT. The contestants will be from this place and Jermyii and as both pluees boast of good athletes, the score is expected to be Very close. Following is a list of events: One half mile bicycle race, boys under Hi; 1-inile bicycle race, running high Jump, running broad Jump, putting the shot, putting the hammer, lnu-yurd dash. -mllc dash, y4-ii)lli- run. 1 mile relay race y four contestants, base bull game. The events will commence promptly at 'i o'clock and there will lie no delay In getting the races off. The park will be given to the Jermyn people for practicing every Friday anil Monday evening. I 'arlmnilale will also have two evenings lor practice. It Is expected that a large number of young men will turn out to practice, and some fast time is looked for. Kelnre the tinal contest preliminary races will lie run off to see what men will represent the sides In the llnals. The entiles will be free and as large prizes are to be of fered the day will long be remembered In this city. A CURIOUS CASE. A Piece of l,niul Is Claimed by 'I'll ice Persons. A piece of land situated near Mudponrt hear Newton lake, is cuusing a good deal of trouble, and as the Incidents connected with Its ownership are ruther peculiar, Is attracting a good deal of attention. The piece of land is about thirty-live acres In extent and three men, tleorge Yarriiigtuu, who lives near the place, Albert Kee and Legrand Hunter, of this city, claim it. No settlement can be reached, nnd the attorneys representing the men are puzzled. I.eo ut present has a little the better of the light, as he Is In posses ion of the land. Last Week lie had a little portable cottage made and during the night had It conveyed to the place, passing over a private road of Yar I'ingtoll's to get there, Lee at present assumes all rights to the property. Hunter has filed a claim through the state department at Hur rlsburg. RECEPTION AND PROFESSION. Held at St. Iloe Convent Yesterday Alternoon. At the close of the retreat yesterday afternoon, which has been In progress at St. Kose convent for the last week, the ceremony of reception and profes sion was held. The ceremony was conducted by Rt. Rev. Bishops O'Hara and Iloban. Six young ladies received the veil and eight young ladles who have been novices, received the black veil. Muny persons from out of town witnessed the per formance. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mrs. Mary A. McLean Is In Dunmore attending the high school commence ment exercises. Miss, Delia Bay ley, of Canaan street, left yesterday for a week's stay with Great Bend friends. The men at work In the artesian well at Browimell's swamp have gone home to Bpend the Fourth. Work will be re sumed Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Kimball were In the city today. The Alumni base ball team will play In Windsor, N. Y., tomorrow. They will meet a strong local team. Mr. and Mis. A. K. Morse and son, Kendall, of Crystal Lake, will leave In a few days for New York and the sea shore. Miss Mary J. Gallagher, district dep uty L. C. B. A., of Scran ton, visited branch 77 In this city last evening. Mrs. Charles Rogers, of White Haven, la the guest of Mrs. K. B. Gardner, on Washington street. Miss Drlesbach, of Wllkeg-Barre, who Of Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, it Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace w Cnrtalns, Chenille Curtains, Rugs and Carpet Sweepers. Ttieabore goods have been orerhanled and aarked down to nearly one-half their value. This sals will last durlug the month of July, to make room for fall goods. Coma and get prices, . , We have tone desirable thing la Rocking Chairs and Center Tables) as Per Cent. Less 1 ban the Actual Cast that we are closing out. J.SCOTTINOLIS, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER . 419 Lackawanna Ava. has been the guest of Miss Minnie Bowen, has returned home. John llollhan, of Susquehanna, Is vis iting his cousin. Michael Loftuts, of Pike street. Misses Stella Hunter and Anna Har rison, who are staying at the Hunter cottage at Newton Lake, were in town yesterday. The friends of Mrs. I Connors, of Greenfield road, will be glad to learn that she is recovering from her serious spinal trouble. Miss Mollie Dixon, of Cottage street, who has been visiting in Syracuse for the past three months, has returned. The South Side Athletic club will give a grand social on Fourth of July afternoon and evnlng at Watts' hall. Music fur the occasion will be furnished by Professor Keiinle. Mrs. L. A. Hums, of Watertown, N. V has been visiting relatives In this city for the last few weeks, has re turned home. Mrs. Stillmun lladock, of Hancock, Is visiting her parents1 In this city . The costumes for the fantastic parade will be given away this afternoon from 2 until ti o'clock I T urn the stole of Abe Sahm. Miss Alary Hrtdgvtt, of Uaite avenii". Is sufiVriug from severe bruises on the face caused by a quantity of hot water falling upon her. IIONKSDAI.K. Tha "Consumers," u colored baseball nine of Hcrautoti. cutne to HoneMilul- Wednesday w ith the purpose of defeat tug our 'boys but left yesterday morn ing a sadder but wiser lot. Several of the Consumers were evi dently good players as far as catching and batting liuer. but they larked team work and did not know w here to throw the ball making n number of bad er rors. They were also very poor base runners and went down to the tune of 11! to :i. In the evening they gave a very creditable concert at the Opera house. Most of Honesdale people who Intend lo celebrate the Fouith will go out of town. liethany will have a demonstration at which lion. V. P. Kimble will de liver the oration cf the flay. Heech lake, will) It:' watery el trac tion, burning of powder, dinners and general jollilleatlon, v.ill attract tunny Milkers alter pleasure, while Heianton, Pittslon mid C.irbondale Will secure their U( la of lluiiesilulians. WYOMINC. Paul Hillings, of Tuiikhaiinock, w:is calling on James Fowler und sous on Wednesday. The members of the Kpworth league met tu the Methodist L'plseoiul church Tuesday evening and elected the fol lowing ollicers: Mr. Myers, president; (.". W. Stiff and Jess!" Saunders, vice presidents: tlertrude Shoemaker, sec retary; Theiesa Ithoada, assistant sec retary; Jennie Culiiett. treasurer. Al ter the election of otllcers refreshments were served. The exercises at I he Wyoming monu ment will commence this (Prlduy) niorniiif, i!l Kt o'clock. It will be opened With prayer by Itev. Scott Slltes, fol lowed by an address by the president of the society, f'nptuln Calvin Parsons; hymn. "America," by the orchestra. The historical address will be delivered by Sidney tl. Kisher. of Philadelphia. When Ituby was sick, wo gave her Cartorla, WucnSho wax a Child, she cried for Castoriu. When she became Miss, she cliaig to Castoria, Wlieu she liud Children, she gavo them Cantoris, 5 u if ii 1 s w tete' When you think about our shoe store just remember three things. First, the marvelous growth of our shoe busi ness iu the face of active competition, is due to the brains and the capital invested, united with methods that command ing the respect of our public, lias created an ever increasing constituency. Second, every day our shoe store grows in popular favor, grows more crowded, too. We don't sell shoes for looks and not for wear, or shoes for wear and not for looks. It is just as easy to combine the two and do it cheaply, with our usual enterprise and determination to make our shoe store the most popular one in Scrantou. Third, if this thing be true, our shoe news has a particular claim upon your attention. Greatest Bargains in Mercantile History. Men's Fine Hand Sewed Russia Calf Shoes, sold all over town for $5.00. Our price only $3.01). Men's Fine Hand Sewed Russia Calf Shoes, all sizes and styles, sold all over town for $3. Our price only $2 Meu's $2.50 Russet Shoes. Reduced to $1.50. Men's $2.00 Russet Shoes, Reduced to $1.25. Men's Fine Calf, hand-sewed Shoes, sold the world over for -.oo. Our price only $2 00. Men's Dress Shoes, only 99c. Boys' Russet Shoes reduced to $1.10, $1.25 and $1.50. Boys' Calf Double Sole Low Shoes only 75c. Extraordinary Sale of Ladies' Fine Shoes. Ladies' Fine Russet Shoes, Button aud Lace, Regular selling price the world over .52.50, Ours only $1.50 Ladies' $2.00 Russet Shoes, reduced to $1.25. Ladies Dark Russet Oxfords, Reduced to $1.00. Ladies' Hand Turned Dougola Oxfords, A, B, C, D and E widths. Reduced to $1.25. Ladies Russet Oxfords, retiuced to 69c. HISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND SLIPPERS Misses' Light and Dark Russet Shoes, Button aud Lace, only 89c. Misses' Patent Leather, Tan and Dongola Slippers, 11 to 2, reduced to 85c. Children's Shoes in Dark and Tan from 20c. to $1.00. We invite comparison and defy competition. We want you to call aud examine our stock. There is no trouble to show goods. Remember, we have only one price to all and we will guarantee you that our one price is 25 per cent, less than any Shoe Store in the City. If you cannot come send your child they wili buy them as cheap as the shrewdest buyer. MYER A it-will be open until 9 FOREST CITY. The Hillside Coal and Iron company have been making some extensive changes and Improvements in their electrical power and motive depart ment at the No. 8 shaft plant. Since Friday until today, the Forest City col liery has been idle owing to the follow ing change: Two of the presents belts connected generators, with one of the engines, have been removed, and tw 200-horsepower Ball & Wood engines, designed expressly for ISO K. W. direct connected dynamo railway service, have been put in, running 230 revolu tions per minutes, with cylinders lit by 16 Inches. A governor wheel SI Inches, and among other Improvements a new governor enabling the builders to guar antee the engines not to vary one revolution between running empty und loaded, and thut no reduction of boiler pressure shall reduce the speed of the engines until the latest point of cut-olf Is leached. These engines will drive two Mo. P. tf-KiU-O-l'.'iO volt di rect connected generators of the latest type and with all Improvements euch capable of delivering an output of lit) kilowatts at 2.'it) volt.s, runiiiag at 2::u revolutions. Ltoth maehliies are fur nished with all necessary and latent improved cables. switches, swith hoards, etc. In the sl'titt besides the electiio locomotives thut have been used for some time, a new "J-ton mining loco motive has been added, the largest yet built for mining work. The locomotive Is of the eight-wheel type, v.iih four motors mounted directly on the axles, ar.d is composel of two trucks, each a duplicate of the other, connected by a swivel draw-hook, with special four motor conuoller and a new series, and parallel controller, eiiablli i: the loco motive to be run ut full power and half speed, i specially Miitable fur swlti.li- hit,'. The pe.. ujj.tr and very desirabl -J I'eiilnie of this locomotive Is that the two trucks can be disconnected ut any lime, and each teiits titled with con liiillii!g mechanism, trolley, sand boxes, etc, run be run as one or two locomo tives, as may be most suitable for the service. The locomotive will be cap able of exciting a uraw-bar pull of a.OWl pounds long distance, ami of S.T.bti for a short distance. Ni:V MIMOKI). ('. C. 1'nitt hi rebuilding u barn oil Church street. Miss .li.sle Uoylc is home from school. Iaoii Tili'aiiy. our gentlemanly light ning slimger ut the depot, is home on account of Illness. A lew i.-ukjs i f ineanelsj are sojourn ing in the lownshlp. New .Milfoiil is about the only town In the country thai isn't going to cele brate, although a IV w plain drunks can lie expected. I). C. Hlaok.of Nicholson, was in town this week. The New Mllford ball club will play at Nicholson the Fourth. Mrs. Ccoige Dlckeriiian, of Eliulra, Is lsiting friends In town. iMih. A. King, of Hinghuinton, is vis iting at the Juy house. Will Unwell, of New Yolk, Is vis iting relatives 111 town. Sen lets Sunday ut SH. Mark's church ut Hi.:;o a. m. The gun club will have uu Interest ing shoot this (Friday) afternoon. The stone tjuarry business Is on tlu boom. There will be a grand hep at ltet.rt lake this (Friday) evening. AiOOSIC. Dan II. Ilessler. formerly of Terr:; Haute, Ind. but now of Patterson. jV J., is spending- a few days In town among friends. Mrs. I. F. Price was a culler In Wllkes Harrc yesterdfiy. C. B. Snyder, superintendent of the 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. IIiECEI(IES53Ui!UlliIIIIIii!l(:i!SCS:iliII Great Bargains Today in Men's, 0 v M U fir li tor in leaisesasaiasiisESBsaiiiisaiisssaiciiassiiiiii IIIIIIIIHilSUUKUCmgillMHmiliiMIIO DAVSDOW O'clock every evening this Spring Brook Coal company, was a vis itor out of town yesterday on business. Rev. M. II. Parks, of Pittston. Pa., will occupy the pulpit of the Mooslc Presbyterian church on Kunday next.' Judson Lane is unable to work, owing to an absecc on the hand, which is ex tremely painful. AVOCA. Yesterday afternoon while George Young and James Dougherty, employed as labor ers In Law shaft of the .Pennsylvania Coal company, were alxmt to complete tile day's work they were seriously Injured by a fall of roof striking lliem about t!i head and shoulders. They were removed tu their homes and metlli-ul aid summoned. Young Is more severely injured than his companion, but tho extent of their Injuries U yet unknown. Both are well-known young men and their many friends were grieved to learn of the mishap. Dougher ty Is one of the pltchem fur the Mouslo Popular. The soelul held at the home of Dr. an 1 Mra. Pier uli Tuesday c veiling was a must enjoyable affair. A laie attendance was present and an excellent musical, llt-r-niy and pantuniiiakut progi amni : ji rendered, as follows: Shadow pantomime, "The Story or Mary Jawe." in four a -t:i. The shadows were made by MiJ Au.ieS .McMillan. V:lllni and Hai ry M M :la l and William Jeioilnns. 'tin- utory was read by ..Miss Kllu McXutt, of W!lks Hurre. Piano duet, Mrs. John MeCrlndle, of Mooslc, and .Mrs. Kuoell W hitney, of llonesdule: solo. Miss Kllu Mi-N'iltt; in strumental trio. Miss Manic Cranston and Messrs. James Dohble and John McKuteh-(-iiii ; vocal solo, iliss Anna Luycock, of Wyoming; piano died. Misse .Maraaret end Janet McMillan, of West Pittston: .Mr. William Law ileliy.Ui-i the einileiiee by iu- j troduehig Kraphoooae 'lections; James Alexander sanj; a lew chul"e Scotch turn's, which greatly pl-awl the !ii-.ts. Re freshment vi re served and a le-at mim was realise,'. Al a meellnir of the reftnol board l-t-1 evuilng the following Uucheis were ap pointed: Principal, Professor C. F. Ilo ban; assistants, Ak"s Morahuu. 101 la I'. Ir ian, Mary Kearney, Mary Maloney. Al!e, .Mulaliull, Vena (lllibons. Villa tJ'.Mal'cy; Her. ISeap, Mary Reap, Katie Campbell; substitute, .Miss Nellie Pixuii. The many friends of Mrs. P. Wnlsh, nee Miss Anna Ciimmini;s, were grieved to learn of her sudkii death which tool; place ut the Sooth Side on lieccased was eu esllnmlde endeared fur her nmr.y isv ties. She fieiiuelllly resided deiiee of her cousins, the Wednesday, young holy, .dlent quail ed the le.-l-McLamUilin Itrus., of this i,l'jee. A lanue nmiib-.-r of residents of this to.wi will attend the fu neral, which takes place tills morning Hit a requiem mass at St. Pcter'.-i cathedral. Messrs. K. ' Kellum and X. K. Ho-kius will leave today for Siiscpiehanna, wit.'lv tiny will join their famillea, who have been scjouii l there fur the past few weeks. .Miss Jennie l'ck, of the North Und, graduated with honor at the gtroudsburg Slate Normal school lrst week. Ciiauncey Stark, a well-known resident of the North Knd. died on Wednesday afternoon after a brief lllues. I) rued was uged about iH years and had been un ahle to work for some time. The funeril took place yesterday afternoon. Inter ment was made In Man cemetery. Messrs. Solomon Heebie, P. P. HoylaTi und M. F .O'Brien are jurors cliuseu for the September term of court. li caused hy torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and iierinlts food to fornieut and putrify In ths itomaeh. 'I'hon fotow di.-lness, headache, iiisuiuina, ik I'Vousiicss, and, If Hut relieved, bilious fever or blood l oi-U'iihr'. Hood's M 1'ills stimulate the stunm ll, rouse tli! liver, cure Icadai he. dizziness, cun nliMtioii. etc. ..", cents. Sold hv nil clruv'i:i-tt. Tin; only l'ills to lal.u with Hood's tsarsaiviilla. Women's and Children's Vii L-LiiTLIlJ. 9 week. tea Abcciuiely Pure. A cream of firtar buUui; powder. IliRliost t f all in leavtiiing strruth.-Latcst baited btat'.'S doveruuumt Food hepurt. KoYAL t'Aki.vti Pow tiER Co., New York. Els tBS$ V9bat ails yoa? Have you a foxl- ini; of weight iu ' the Stuniach I'lo.itiiig after. catintt Belch- Ilia of Wind - t Vcuiiitiiinuf Food i V --Watorbrash- litarttaini-I! id Tame iu the iluiuli, iu the Morning-- i:l;iitatia of tlic , Ikart. due tu iit-.'iision of Stomach Cankered Mouth -Gas in (lit Bowels J - Loss of Flush Fickle Aupetite- Drprcssi'd, Irritalde Comiition of the 1 Mind - Uiizi'iess Headache ton- sllpatiou or lliarilnea'. Then you have ' DYSPEiS!A ' Id oe uf it ipdtiv ftirm. The one posit Ire J 'ture lor cuiiiuiiktrtKtinticompialDt la JlcfWs Dyspepsia Z&Wn by mail. prciiit'.t, on receipt uf i$ ccata, I'll iic.v I! iw.ipv. Il.ilfl ItnttHu1. S'ir -A. ji.ts: I i4iil-'t-rt-tl liorriUir tinm tr- ) i't':-ti:i, tint At-lvfi'K TuUeU, tukeu uiicr ' lr'uH. ii.it! eiuL-u in?. i ) Acker Mnilcinc Co., it-iSCliaint)frSt., N. Y 5pr!ng House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO.. U. E. CB0"UT, pncpaiiTon TIPS IIOPSK Is strictly tomperance, Is new and well furnished and OI'EXKD TO TI-IH Pl'PLIC THK YKAR KOUXI), is loc:.ted midway between Kiughamtua nl Seranton. on the Montrose end Lacka wanna Hallroad, Fix miles from IL, I A V. K. H. at Alfurd Station, and live tnllos from Montrose; capacity olshty-llvc, three minutes' wall: from railroad station House situnted 1UJ feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entile length of the house, which is llw feet. Row Boats, Fislvna; Tackle, Etc. F-'ree to (Jiiests. Altitude about 2.00) feet, cguulllnR In this respect the Auiruuuaiii and Catskill Monnlalns. I'ine prove', plonty of shade nnd beautl. fill scenery, irrrkir? a Hummer It.-sort ur t-xeelled in beriuly end cheapness. ll.inelnt; pavlPon. swinKS. craqiiot grounds. itc. i'iI,li SPP.iNU WATER AXI) Pi-KNTY Or.' MILK. Rates $7 to Jio Per Week. $1.50 Per Day. Kxcurslou tickets sold at all stations on D., U & V. Ilnei. Porter meets all Ira inn. UniioQ OP mm 1 - S7 J . l-r Its? j " .1 307 Lack. Ave. VEGLESALE AGO RETAIL. INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AT is 400 AND 402 FOR THIS WEEK. KKfiiziKiiuuiniuniuunuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiuuiuiiiuuiui Wl CQQDS. LADIES' ID GENTS' 4 m J s A n m J V1 4 M S 4. mt 3 1 iai 4 M 4 m 4 tai 3 .u 4 09 2 M 4 A 2 4 3 w 2 m M 4 M A m FiliSlG SKIRTS M WRAPPERS All Reduced to 1. 1 E::E23sas2sszasBa22iiHSBBiuiuiiiuiuiuuMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiu lSStore Closed All Day Saturday. Will Be Open Friday Evening. 4slllllllI)IIJII9lllilll9lllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuimssi! f DHMEI FURNISHINGS Kvery conceivable color and weave, in Japanese and Chinese. A liberal discount by the roll, each containing forty yards. Linen Floor and Stair Cloths, in all the various widths and colors. English and Domestic Linoleums, plain, printed and inlaid, in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4, 12-4 and 16-4 widths. India and Japanese Rugs, all sizes up to 12x15 feet Best Quality Bamboo Porch Shades, 4 ft. by 8 ft., 5xS, 6xS, SxS, 10x8 and 12x8, with cords and pulleys, ready to put up. i. KERR, Opposite Main Entrance tu the Wyoming House. Branch at Carbondali THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUUPING MACHINERY. m TROUSERS i QUO I: 1 MS We carry a great many pairs of Odd Trousers. This is because a man usually needs two pairs to one coat aud vest. If you buy here, how ever, you will not need quite so many trousers, because You need the coolest kind of clothing this hot weath er; a person's health and happiness depend a great deal on his garmeuts. Light weight clothing can be bought here for almost auy price you care to give. For instance, come and see those coats and vests at $6.50. The material is a good quality of Imported Serge. We believe that this is the best bargain of the kind that any dealer has offered in Scran ton this year. Our system of giving credit makes it possi ble for every man to buy, no matter how small his income. We have made it possible for the laboring class to dress bet ter than they ever did before in the city. We have found that nearly every man that works by the day is perfectly honest and will pay us for the clothes we sell him just as quickl' as he can. Credit FAIR LACKAWANNA AVE i - SON & GO. 408 Lackawanna Avenue OMMi-aJ Office: 5CRANT0N, PA. we oeueve ours win wear better, cost considered, than those you get in any other store. We believe the mate rials are better and so is the making. Odd Trousers to match any coat and vest $2.25 to $4. If you paid a dollar more on a pair you would get your money's worth. 225. 227 AND 218 WYOMING AVE. IB sum
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers