The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 03, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Taylor Street Car and a Wagon Come
. Together with Disastrous Results.
The Driver Is Injured.
A Taylor street car. In charge of Con
ductor W. II. FuIUt, ran Into u horse
nd wagon yesterday afternoon on
Main avenue, while the car was south
ward bound. The fender struck the
horse's L-gs and the wagon was
wrecked, the young driver fulling' from
hi seat to the pavement. His name is
Thomas, and he Is a son of David R.
Thomas, the sewing machine agent, uf
564 North Bromley avenue.
As young Thomas drove around the
wire-repairing truck of the Traction
company, which was on the road, lie
crossed the track and came in contact
with the car as It rushed alon?. The
collision was a very decided one.
Thomas was picked up and com
plained of an Injured hip. He blames
the car motorman, whose name is Bar
Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Hall, of North
Alain avenue, gave a party yesterday
afternoon In honor of their little
daughter, Miss Marion. The bevy of
maidens who attended and flitted
about for a period represent some uf
the best families of Hyde I'aik. Cream
and cake and fruit and many othor
delicacies helped to make the affair a
success. Mrs. Hull was assisted In
serving by Mr. E. L. Uertlne and Mrs.
F. B. lleta. Those present were Iluth
Acker, Klsle Acker, Harriet Acker,
Margaret Acker, ltuth Carson, Ruth
Fellow?, Ruth Bryant, hdna Hryant,
Reba Stfeet, Katherine Davis, Ruth
Reese, Helen GllMt. Mildred Whitney,
Merrill Jones, Klsie Keeker, Mario
Beach, Florence Williams, Jessie Flo
rey, Maud Rnnnlns, Ndith Chase,
Florence Florey, Nellie Stewart. Edna
Evans, of Carbondalo; Pearl (linmh-r,
Nellie Post, Edith Decker and Ruth
Roberts. Many birthday presents
were received by the young hostess.
Mrs. Marie E. Cummlmjs, wife of
Jamea F. Cummings, of the Park
house, South Main avenue, died yester
day afternoon ut 1 o'clock. The de
mise was not unexpected, Mrs. Cum
mins having suffered disease for the
past three years. Jler many friends in
the valley will be pained to heur of her
death. Mrs. Cummlnes was a daugh
ter of Dennis O'Hara, of Clinton,
Wayne county, and a sister of 1. ('.
O'Hara, of this city. She leaves huti
band and five smull children to mourn
her toss. The funeral will be held on
Saturday morning from the family
residence, 7u3 South Main avenue. In
terment In Hyde Park Catholic, ceme
. David Walter Jones, the aeoil man
who a few weeks ago wandered from
home, thus raising a hue and cry, died
Wednesday ut his home In Decker's
court. Deceased was 71! years of age
and was born in Wales. He has for
years past suffered from usth-"! is survived by a wife. The
funeral will take place this afternoon
from his late home.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Plymouth Congregational church has
elected the following officers: Presi
dent, Miss Jennie Lewis; vice-president,
Miss Nellie Morgan; recording secre
tary, Miss Margaret Harris; treasurer,
Corner Reese; organist. Miss Edna Ev
ans. A heap of rubbish in the tear of the
Farmer's Dairy establishment on Jack
son street burned yesterday, and an
ularm for fire was sent In from box SO.
Both Hyde Park compunies responded,
and the fire was soon extinguished.
Edward Hughes, of Division street,
has returned from Bloomsburg State
Normal school, where he graduated
with high honors In this year's class.
Mr. Hughes hus not decided where his
next school will be. He was president
of his class In both junior and senior
years, an honor seldom given.
E. U. Jones, tonsorial artist of South
Main avenue, leaves today for Lake
WInola, where he will manage a par
lor during the summer season.
A "house warming" was held last
, evening In the new home of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Cosgrove near the Round
s he fit in w
EARLY all of thfi Men's Sprinir Suit?
DOLLARS, we have marked down to
in order to clear by July 1st.
Such grades styles makes and values we
never dreamed of offering. When we say we
sustain losses on many, and prolit on none,
w?, appeal to the intelligence of our patrons,
and rely on our long record of reliable deal
ers to those who know us by reputation. Our
corner show window display will give you a
gocd idea of these suits.
- .1. L
Sipra Deg (Mian, Hattrs ssd Furnishars.
of fb? Stibtirbs.
woods. Miss Cosgrove, their eldest
daughter, was hostess. Her many
friends enjoyed a very pleasant even
ing In dancing and other social diver
sions. Refreshments were served at
Mrs. L M. Lanman and son, of Phil
adelphia, are visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A.
Robertson, of N. Rebecca avenue.
Ueorge Morgan, the Kellevue milk
vender, imbibed something stronger
yesterday morning and for several
hours prior. Result: Mr. Morgan as
saulted his wife at their home in Belle
vue nnd his arrest followed. He wa
placed under ball by Alderman Moses
and, not furnishing the $.00 bond, he
was held last nlpht iu the police sta
tion. Robert Morris lodge did not install
officers last evening owing' to an ob
Btrusive technallty. The "smoker"
however, wus held and an enjoyable
time passed by many of the members.
Mrs. Caroline Decker, of Honesdale,
has returned home after a visit to Mrs.
F. II. Met, of Tenth street.
Miss Susanna Barnes, of South Main
avenue, left yesterday for a visit to
friends at Bismarck, Dakota.
Miss Margaret Carden, of Carbondale,
Is being entertained by Miss Mollle
Ward, of South Main avenue.
Miss Curt, of Brodlngton, Is the guest
of Dr. and Mrs. Comegys, of South
Main avenue.
Rev. David Jones returned yester
day from Lake WInola where his fam
ily Is summering.
The Junior Christian Endeavor so
ciety of the Welsh Calvlnistlo Metho
dist church will conduct a lawn social
next Wednesday evening.
A movement toward raising funds
for the benefit of David Davis who,
about one year ngo, lost both eyes by
an accident at tlio Diamond mine, has
been linyim. A concert and drawing
will be held on October 14. Prizes to
the value of $100 have already been of
fered by local merchants. A commit
tee of miners have the affair In charge.
Mi"s Katherine Lavelle, of Wllkes
Karre, Is visiting West Side friends.
A child of .Mr. nnd Mrs. If. Judge, of
Luzerne street, died yesterday and will
be burled this afternoon In the Hyde
Park Catholic cemetery.
An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Gursy, of North Rebecca avenue,
died yesterday. The funeral will be
held this afternoon. Interment will be
made In Hyde I 'uric Catholic cemetery.
An Infant sou o Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Taylor, of Ninth street, died yesterday.
The funeral will be held this afternoon.
A child of Mr. and Mis. James Kelley,
of Arrhbnld street, Bellevue, will be
bul led today iu the Hyde Park Catholic
Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Crane, of South
Lincoln uveiiue, entertained friends on
Wednesday evening In honor of Mi's.
Crane's birthday anniversary.
Miss Esther M. Schadt, of Allentown,
Is visiting at the North Hyde Park ave
nue home of Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Mm rls.
Mrs. Wilson Hath and Oscar Hatch
have returned to the West Side after a
residence ut Fitzgerald, Ga.
The family of D. D. Evans are at
Lake WInola.
Miss Mamie Eaton, of Tenth street,
hus returned from a visit at Carbon
dul. Mrs. J. C. Welles, of Ashley, Is the
guest of Miss Alice Irving, of Jackson
George Ace, of Division street, will
spend tomorrow ut Newark.
Joseph Harte, of Luzerne street, and
Miss Mamie Leonard, of Jackson
street, were wedded Wednesday after
noon at Ht. Patrick's church. They
were attended by James Bolton, of Six
teenth street, and Miss Sadie Cooney,
of Twenty-third street.
Miss Delia P. Evans lias returned
from Boston. She was a delegate from
Northeastern Pennsylvania to the In
ternational Sunduy school conference.
Mis. James It. Jones and son, Walter,
of North Hyde Pulk avenue, ure ut
Ocean Grove.
Mr. and Mis. Joshua AVilllams, of
Cleveland, O., ure enjoying their honey
moon with relatives on this side.
West Side Business Directory
FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de
signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful
as gifts, at 101 South Main avenue. Har
riet J. Davis, florist.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.49
per dozen. They are lust lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Starner's
Photo Parlors, 1U1 and 103 South Mala
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the
atock of J. C. King, 1024 and 1030 Jack
ton street.
A pretty home wedding was solemnized
at the residence of Mrs. Powell, on Edna
avenue, last evening, when her daughter,
..ilss Ida, was married to Reuben Hat
Meld. The bride was attended by Miss
Mary A. Powell, and Miss Mamie Thomas
was the maid of honor. John Fiedler
acted as groomsman. The wedding party
entered the parlor shortly after I o'clock
and were met at a floral altar by Kev.
Newman Mathews, pastor of the Puritan
Congregational church. As the last strains
of the wedding march died away Kev.
Mathews made the happy couple man and
wife. The wedding waa private, only im
mediate friends and the relatives of the
contracting parties being present. After
the ceremony a wedding supper was
served. Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield received
many handsome presents.
A very complicated case was heard last
evening before Alderman Roberts. Simon
Petrltus was arrested on two warrants
fur obtaining goods under false pretenses'.
The tlrst one was Issued at the instance
of Adam Spltzer, a wholesale liquor deal
er. The second was issued at the Instance
of Otto D. Meyers, the North Main ave
nue merchant. lie waa committed to Jail
in default or 300 ball in each case.
Mrs. William Jervls, of North Main ave
nue. Is slightly indisposed.
Samuel Davis, of Margaret avenue. Is
rapidly recovering from the effects of an
injury to his eye.
Miss Mary McDonald, of Mary street,
was burled yesterday morning at o'clock.
Services were hold at the Holy Rosary
church. Interment was made in Hyde
Park cemetery.
Niagara Drum corps. No. 7, held a pic
nic at Frear'a grove, last night.
The Puritan Congregational church will
hold an entertainment and social this ev
ening. A basket and lee cream social will be
held at the Christian church this evening.
The barber shops of this place will be
closed tomorrow.
The North End Christian Endeavor choir
met for rehearnul last evening in the
Christian church.
Miss Margaret Moran, of Market street,
is visiting In Potter county.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tripp, of Pa--k
Place, who haw been visiting friends in
Wyoming, have returned home.
Miss Elizabeth Morgan, of tlayton, Va.,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Gillespie, of
Church avenue.
Miss Lizzie Morgan, of this place, is vis
iting In Moosic.
Mrs. Flltcroft and daughters, Ruth and
Edith, are visiting friends In New Jersey.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Timlin, of Parker
street, ure rejoicing over the arrival of a
baby daughter.
The funeral of the 1-year-old child of
Thomas McNamara, of Steele street, will
take place this morning.
The Sunday school of the Puritan Con
gregational church ha made extensive
preparations for a social which will be
conducted this evening on the lawn In the
rear of the church. The affair promises
great things in the way of enjoyment and
a tone of patriotism will prevail In all the
festivities. A balloon will be sent up at
the close of the social.
Harney Muclso, an Italian, 47 years old,
married and residing on Breck street, wns
seriously Injured In the mines of William
C'onnell & Co. at 2 o'clock yesterday ufter
noon by a fall of roof in his chamber,
where he was employed as miner. His
legs wero broken and he sustained bruises
and lactratlons In severnl places on the
body. The mine ambulance removed him
to the Lackawanna hospital, and an ex
amination of him by the doctors there is to
the effect that he will recover.
John Kuane, of Mluooku, and Miss Annie
O'Haru, of Palm street, were married at
St. John's church yesterday afternoon by
Rev. J. A. Moffltt. In the evening they
were tendered a reception at the home of
the bride's parents.
Mlsa Mollle flartman was united In mar
riage to Edward Gardner, of the West
Side. The ceremony was performed at her
mother's home, l'lttstou avenue and Alder
street. Rev. William A. Nordt, pastor of
Hickory Street Presbyterian church, of
ficiated. Miss Charlotte Hartman, the
bride's sister, was bridesmaid, and Chailes
Leber, of th West Side, was groomsman.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner have left for Nia
gara Falls to spend their honeymoon.
The funeral of Miss Katie Hopkins will
be held this morning at 9 o'clock from the
home of her sister, Mrs. Philip Foy, of
I'ittston avenue. High mass will be cele
brated at St, John's church and Inter
ment will be made In Hyde Purk ceme
tery. The funeral of Mrs. Peter A. Walsh will
he held this morning1 from the residence,
317 Birch street. High mass will be cele
brated at the cathedral and Interment will
be made In Hyde Park cemetery.
Alderman Christian Storr, of the Nine
teenth ward, is a member of the Scrauton
Saengerruude and he was appointed a
commilttee of one to sell tickets at the
station to those who wished to go on the
2 o'clock afternoon train to Farvlcw on the
occasion of that society's recent excursion.
He wus around three-quarters of an hour
before train time, but whs mystified to
llnd no one bound for Farvlcw. The trou
ble with the aldermun was that he was at
the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western
station. He has had an liiterstlng time
listening to the Jokes of his friends since.
The South Sldn Wheelmen will take part
In the parade this evening and members
are requested to meet at thlr club room
at 7 o'clock.
The much hrralded sweepstake shooting
mutch which will be conducted under the
auspices of the Mlnouka Hun elub on the
flat near thn Mlnooka cemetery on July
4, promises to eclipse all previous shoots
held by the club. Judging from the list
of entries some of the leading shooters In
the county will take part In the exercises.
The match will be governed by Long
Island rules. IW-yard boundary, 21-yard
rise, and gun below the elbow. The referee
will be chosen on the grounds.
1. J. Mulkern has commenced the erec
tion of a handsome residence on Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. John McIIugh. of Forest
City, visited friends here yesterday.
Supervisor Ward Is deserving of much
credit for the excellent condition of the
road In Greenwood.
The residents of I'pper Greenwood will
hold a basket picnic at School grove on
The Greenwood Pounders would like to
arranpe a game with the Young Men's
Institute team for July S. Joseph Mc
Donough, manager.
Owen Connolly, who was Injured some
time ago near the Scranton Base Ball
park, Is able to be arround again.
For Ladies Only.
It Is patent to all thinking people
that ladles require on account of their
peculiar organism and functions rem
edies quite different from the sterner
sex. While the FEMICURE LITTLE
LIVER PILLS act directly and pleas
antly upon the Liver, Kidneys, Stom
ach and Kowels, they at the same time
wonderfully regulate and strengthen
the functions and organs peculiar to the
sex. They relieve Constipation, Head
ache, Dizziness, Indigestion, Torpid
Liver, Bllliousness. Falntness, Irregu
larities, Backache, Bad Complexion,
etc. A Pill dose. 25 cents. Sold by
Carl Lorenz. druggist, 418 Lackawanna
ave., Scranton.
For Boys and Children's Clothing
We can excel any house In Northeast
ern Pennsylvania. Now 1 your time to
secure a suit for your boys. Morris J.
Davldow, Clothier and Outfitter, 222
Lacka. ave.
Plllsbury' Floor taLa have e, capac
It7 of 17,50 barrels tUy,
Wall Street Review.
New Tork, July 1 There wa a sharp
change In the temper of speculation at
the opening of business at the Stock Ex
change today. The receipt of higher quo
tations from London and of buying orders
from that center led to an advance of
H to I'-j per cent, right at the start. Sugar
and the Grangers being in the lead. Be
fore the expiration of the first, halt hour,
however, the bears had succeede'd not only
In wiping out this Improvement, but in
bringing about a decline of considerable
proportions in a number of instances.
There were reports of heavy liquidations
and a a matter of act round amounts of
long stock were closed out on stop orders
In Chicago Gas, Sugar, Manhattan, and
one or two others, but In the general Hit
the selling was mainly for short account, a
fact which was plainly demonstrated later
In the session. In the decline Just noted
Chicago Gas was most conspicuous, de
clining 44 to W. Sugar fell from 1W4 to
lot-: Tobacco from ftrti to W4; Burling
ton and Qulncy from ?.'i to 70; North
west from 98" to 67Vi; St. Paul from 7'"i
to 73T; Rock Island from 64Kr to 63V:.; Man
hattan from 7?i to Ki, and so on. The
bearish feeling was very pronounced and
rumors were revived about large gold
Fhlpments by Saturday's steamers, al
though leading bankers denied that thsy
had received any order to export the yel
low metal. In the afternoon the absorp
tion of stocks for foreign account had a
telling effect and aa the belief generally
obtained that the expected declaration of
tho Chicago convention for free sliver has
been pretty well discounted, a general de
sire was manifested by the traders to cov
er shorts and go long at least for a turn.
The upward movement made rapid prog
resa toward the close, when It was stated
that ut least 2."i.0W shares of stock would
be shipped to Europe by Saturday's steam
ers and that the transfer offices of various
companies were unusually busy splitting
up full lots of stock Into ten-shares certi
ficates for the Europeans. Sugar ad
vanced 2 to lri: Chicago Gas, 2i to 5;
Tobacco. H',4 to til, and Manhattan, 2i to
9S. Other stocks Improved !i to 2 per cent,
and the advance was well maintained In
the final .trading, when speculation wns
tlrm in tone. The total sales were 274.J82
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN At
LEN & CO., correspondent for A. P.
CAMPBELL, stock broker, 4111 Sprue
treat, ,
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. Ins.
Am. Tobacco Co. ... SO 61 rS Cl
Am. Sugar Ref. Co..W84 W.t"i li
Atch.. To. & S. Fe .. 13S 135i ""n
Canada Southern ... 4.1'i 4fi"i 45; 4
Ches. & Ohio 14 U't 14 mi
Chic. Gas C0V1 o'i 6J tSH)
Chle. & N. W Wt 100 97ti KIT
Chic, B. ft Q 72 72M, Wt 72',i
C. C. C. & St. L. 28i 2i 2 M
Chic, Mil. & St. P. . 74", 7i 7ST4 73!,
Chic, U. I. & Pac. .. frl'4 IH'i 2i 63!4
Del. & Hud UHi 121H 12314
D. , L. & W 157'i Ii4 l'-7'4 150V4
Dlst. & C. F W
Gen. Electric 237i 2GS, 2 2H'i
Lake Shore 14ri 147 I4ii'4 147
Louis. & Nash 4SM, 49'i 47"i 49
M. K. & Tex. Pr. ... 21'i Sl SWi 21i
Man. Elevated l7'4 ti fcVi 8
Mo. Pac 20',i 21 '.'k 21';
Nat. Cordage 4a 4"i 4:'i 4?i
N. J. Central 100'i 101 Vj i OTH
N. Y. Central 94? 90 94i 9JH
N. Y., L. E. & W. . 1414 li ..14"" 14s,
N. Y.. S. & W., Pr. . 21 21i 21 21'i
Omaha 3H 39 38'4 S9
Pac Mall 21i 21i 2iHi 2H,
Phil. & Read 13'i i:i 13'i 131
Southern R. R Sh 8i 8i ,
Southern R. R. Pr... 23i 25 15
Tenn. C. & Iron 2H4 21 20 2MT,
Texas Pacini: 7a 7' 7'i 7U
Union Pacific 0 fl'.i
Wabash Pr 15vi Wi 15 ltfV4
Western Union 82i 2i il
W. L ss 9i 'i UTi
IT. S. Leather 7 7'4 7 7
U. 8. Leather Pr. ... 07 M'i CI BS14
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
WHEAT, ing. est. est. ing.
December 64 C9 r.7",
September Wit 67 654 Dti4
September lf.'i 15'i IS 154
December 27i 2S 27-'i 27i
September 2794 7"i 27?i 27S
September 4.00 4 02 4.00 4.00
December 4 15 4 15 4.15 4.15
September 7.03 7.13 7.02 7.10
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
QuotationsAll Quotatiou Based
cb Far of 100.
Name. Elf. Asked.
Dime Dep. & Pis. Bank 140
Scranton Lace Curtain Co SO
National Boring & Drill's Co
First National Bank C50
Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 25
Elmhurst Boulevard Co 1W
Scranton Savings Bank 2U0
Bonta Piute Glas3 Co 10
Scranton Car Replacer Co loo
Snranton Packing Co 95
Weston Mill Co 250
Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. ... 150
Third National Bunk 850
Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co 90
Scranton Traction Co 17 20 50
Scranton Glass Co 100
tcranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage due 1918 110 ...
People' Street Railway, first
mortgage due 1918 110 ...
Scranton & Pittston Trae. Co. ... 90
People' Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage due 1920 110
Dickson Manufacturing Co 00
Lacka. Township School 6 102
City of Scranton St. Imp $ ... 102
Borouf-h of Wlnton 6 luO
Mt. Vernon Coal Co Si
Scranton Axle Works 109
"Tew York Produce Market.
New York, July 2. Flour Dull, easy,
unchanged. Wheat Spot market dull,
firmer; f. o. b., titi'ic; ungraded red, C7a
bTc.: No. 1 northern, Klc; options dull,
steady, at ".aVjc. advance; No. 2 red July,
CI fee. ; September, 2c; December, M4c.
Corn -Spots dull, steady. No. 2 at SiVtC
elevator; 31 lie, afloat; options dull, steady,
at He decline; July, 23Vic.; September,
33"c; October, 34-V. Oats Spots dull,
steady; options steady, dull; July, 20-1-ic ;
September 2M4c.; spot prices. No. 2, 21 c;
No. 2 white, 22c; No. 2 Chicago. 21c; No.
3, 20Vic; No. 3 white, 21c. Reef-yulet,
steady, unchanged. Lard Quiet, steady,
unchanged. Pork Moderate demand, un
changed. Butter Quiet, eusy; state dairy,
10al5c; do. creamery, llal5c.; westcri
dairy, 9al2c; do. creamery, Hi-al5Kc ; do.
factory. Salle. : Elglns. 15al5Vi:C.; imitation
creamery. Iual2c. Cheese Moderately ac
tive; state large, EaC'c; do. small, f.i ja
7Uc: part skims, 2a4'4c; full skims. l'a
2e. Eggs Choice firm; state and Penn
sylvania, 12al2c; western fresh, llal2c;
do. case, $1.50a3.
Buffalo Lire Stock.
Buffalo. N. Y., July l-CaWe-Re-celpts,
1,S2 head; on sale. 30 head; steady;
light to fair stockers, I2.40a2.00; old cows,
fl.90a2.2T; veals, t3.75a4.25; extra selected,
$4.50. Hogs Receipts, 4.320 head; on sale,
2,400 head; steady for light grades, very
dull for heavy; Yorkers, good weights,
$?.60a3.70; pigs, $3.70a3.7u; mixed packers,
t3..V".n3.CO; mediums, 13.40a3.5o; roughs, $2a
3.15; stags, S2.25a2.75. Sheep and Iambs
Receipts, 4.4H0 head: on sale, 2.200 head;
firm for good grades, slow for others: good
mixed sheep, J3.7T.a4: common to fair, 73a
1.60; yearlings cull to best, I2.5i1a4.50; spring
lambs good, I5.50a5.75; culls to fair, 2.7Ca
5.25; export sheep, good demand; ewes,
J4a4.10; extra wethers, 4.40a4.i0.
Chicago Live Stock.
Union Stock Yards. July 2.-Cattle Re.
celpts, 10,ijo head; market steady for
choice, weak for common; common to ex
tra steers. t3.40a4.S5; stockers and feed
ers. S2.ka3.85: cow and bulls, Il.25a3.23;
calve. I3a!; Texans, Sl.75a4.10. Hogs Re
ceipt, 24,000 head; market steady; heavy
124-126 Wyoming Avi
Will Close
JULY 4th
And will keep open Fri
day evening, and for
balance of week will of
fer special reductions
throughout every de
partment. Suits that were S5.93,
Suits that wera JC.9S,
Jacket that were $.M.
Jacket that were S4.9S.
Capea that were $5.98,
Capes that were "tJ.stS,
Misses and children's reefers that werb
Misses and children's reefers that were
$2 48,
One thousand yards extra quality. In
printed warp, striped and brocaded
colored silks, the regular prlc of
these goods have been $1.23, (1.50
and S2.00,
23 pieces Persian silks, striped and
checks, these goods have always
old at COc. a yard,
25 pieces all-wool 4C-lnrh storm serge,
the regular t!0c, quality.
20 pieces black figured brllllantlno, all
new effects, regulur price. 4fe.,
25 pieces all-wool belgo dress goods,
price, 25c,
250 pieces good quullty printed dimities.
125 pieces cotton challles In all the dif
ferent colorlncs,
250 pieces ginf-hams, seersuckers and
crlmple cords, regular price, 10c,
250 pieces nice uqallty printed lawns,
250 pieces genuine English- long: cloth,
regular price, 12Vjc,
200 pieces 4-4 unbleached muslin, 'good
One hundred dozen bunches of extra
quality roses and fancy flowers,
tegular price, 50c,
packing and Bhlpplng lot, S2.9Oa3.30; com
mon to choice mixed, SXlua3.45; choice as
sorted, 3.45a3.rj3; light, $.?.2a3.o; pigs, S2.75a
3.50. Sheep Receipts, 15.000 head: market
weak! Inferior to choice, JJa4; lambs, (2.75a
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wlnslow ppent
Tuesday at Lake Wiuolu.
The Keds of this place nnd the West
Side Monitors will cross bats this after
noon on the school house grounds for
a purse of ?lu. offered by the Arch
bald Athletic club, who will hold a pic
nic this afternoon and evening at the
Old Homestead.
This evenlnK there will be a meet
ing held at Weber's rink to devise
some plan to assist the Pittston BUf
f ere is. Let there be a full attendance.
The Sabbath schools are busily en
gaged arranging for their picnics to
morrow, while others are making pre
parations to celebrate? the glorious
Fourth. This town is not ldlo. The ar
rangements already perfected are on u
scale never heretofore attempted and
everything has the indication of suc
Acknowledgment of Those Received
During May nnd June.
The board of ma misers of the Flor
ence Crittenden Home, 107 Spruce
street, most heartily thanlc the follow
ing friends of the home for their much
appreciated gifts during the months of
May uud June:
Huntington's Home bakery, Yuh!ng
ton avenue; Zledler's bakery. J'l unkllii
avenue; P. At. Aylesworth'a meat mar
ket, Wyoming; avenue; People's meat
market, Lackawanna avenue: T. E. Carr
& Bon, meat murket, Washington avenue;
William II. Pierce, general market, Penn
avenue; the .Scrauton Redding company,
Mr Charles Lindsey. Mrs. Willard, MIhs
Turner, Mrs. Archer, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs.
W. F. Hullstead. Mrs. Irlnckett, Mrs. '. E.
Robinson, the Young Women's Christian
association, Mrs. W. J. Lewis, Mr.. Dlehl,
Mr. Lane, Mrs. Storrs, Mrs. N. U. Ash
ley, Mrs. Christy, Mrs. Sadler, Sir. E. .
Coursen, Sirs. Scrugg, Armbrust's meat
market, Penn avenue; Consumers' Ice
company; Miller & Peck, Wyoming ave
nue. Elm Park Methodist Eylscopul
church; Sirs. Arja Williams. Sir. S. L.
Gotten, Sir. Connell (coal).
The board of managers -would most
earnestly recommend the work of the
Florence Crittenden Home to the kindly
notice of the public. The object of the
home is too well known to require ex
planation. But In case any Informa
tion Is at any time desired. It will be
very gladly furnished wt the home .
Women's clothiiifT, shoes, hose, bed
ding; and material of all kinds to make
clothlnft Is urgently needed, and will be
most thankfully acknowledged. The
homo depcnifci entirely upon voluntary
contributions and subscriptions for Its
support. Meat, vegetables, flour, and
bread will be thankfully received.
Any friend bavins clothing- or ma
terial they are willing' to donate to tho
home, will be waited upon, on notifying
the matron.
To the press of Scranton. the medleil
profession, and the many friends of the
home, who have so nobly assisted the
work In the past, the hearty thanks of the
board is tendered. Let all remember the
Master said: "Inasmuch as ye have done
It unto one of the least of these, my breth
ren, ye have done It unto Me." In assisting
an unfortunate from a life of sin to a lite
of purity, a service is done both to hu
manity and to Ood.
1 CI til
Save Money Is Making Money.
Are you in need of Shirt Waists or Para
sols? If so, we can save at least 25 to 50 per
cent on same.
for Wc
Will bny an Elegant Laun
dried Waist, in choice pat
terns, advertised lsewasre
Af-, Will buy an elogant Laun-
4-vC dne'1 v'1't ' "'i style.
strictly fast color, wall
worth 76c.
for ll.OO.
A Oholc line of Waist, la
ntripct and plain linen ef
fects, displayed elsawhtr
Redaction in" all
Milljriery at
Window Screens,
Screen Doors,
Garden Hose,
Lawn Sprinklers,
Water Coolers,
Ice Cream Freezers,
Oil StoTes,
Gas Stoves,
Lawn Hovers.
Wc have the stock and
ficcurrmnnr Vnii no Art
them now, If ever. Liberal
discount for cash on all
seasonable goods.
AT 11 A. M.
Train leave E. & W. V. R, R. de
pots, Scranton and Dunmore, every
hour untif3 o. m.
ilonufnctured at the Wap-vallopen Mill.
Luzerne county, Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for tho Wyoming District.
118 WYOMINO AVENUE, Scranton, Pa,
Third National Bank Building.
TIIOS. FORD. Pittston, Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH ft SON. Plymouth, Pa.
E. W. MITLLIQAN. Wllkop-Barre. Ta.
Agents for the Kepauno Chcmicrd Com
Diuiv' HUh Exploidvts.
Made a
of Me.
the Great 30th tB.
prodnrr the abore rciultt In 30 itays. It tti
powi-rtitllr and quickly. Oirr wbD nil others tail
lounti ruiiu will remm thoir lout manhood, and old
men will recover tbilr youthful or by using
IJKVIVO. It uiiickijr and Miraljr ronton Nervoua
DfM, Ixt Vitality. Impotrncy. Kiithtly Kmiisionr,
Lost Power. Filling Httuory, Waatint Olicatra, nd
II effects of nelt-abtua or ricevsuid indiwretion.
r. bich unntoone for ndy, buxtncM or uurriitre. It
sot onlv cures by stirtiui it the unit of d.acate. but
Ik sreat nrrvM tonic and blood builder, bring
1'jg back the pink glaxr to pale cheekaaidrt
4:orIn the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity
ud Ccnaamptlrn. Ioaivt on having
thrr. Ii can be carried in vert rocket. By mill
tl. 00 per package, 01 rlx for SS.OU, with apml
re written Riiaraatee to rare or retune
'te money. Circular frie. Addrcta
: 'nictwT - -' CHICAGO.'-'
For 1 by MATTHEWS BROS., OrufgUt
bcranten, Pa.
fiTX from i'r.
Ifltb Day. tjvjp
Will buy a On Dimity
Waist, in choice colors, de
tached collars, worth rally
f0 For White Chin Silk Para
VflC ol extra heavy quality, ad-"-''
varuMd eUewher for tLS.
. I
For Linen effect Paruei
the Utost norolt j, would be
cheap for tint.
CENT. - - 50
Capes and Jackets.
Half Price.
Caledonian Games
Laurel Hill Park
JULY 4th.
There you will see
With ?5oo in Prizes.
A FANCY DRILL-Compstltlon open to
oil clvlo aocletlea. First prize, a silk.
American flag valued at 175.00. Second
prize, a silver tilting pitcher Valued at
H0 00.
DAISY DAWSON, champion girl danc
er of the world, winner ot twelve gold
medals, will appear in a variety ot dances,
ull of which will be In appropriate cos
tumes. Dancing In pavilllon day and evening.
An elaborate programme has been pre
pared for the evening. In which there will
be a number of competition danoes.
DAISY DAWSON will also appear In bar
unique performance.
A Grand Balloon Ascension and
Parachute Jump With Fireworks Dis
play. Professor L. N. O'Dell, who tia been
engaged, ia one of the beat aeronaut In
the country and ha been secured at an
enormous expeme to perform the above
daring act. t I the eight ot a lifetime.
Don't miss it.
Lawrence's Band and Orchestra. Admit
slon ate. Children 13c tirand Ataad io
Evening Session 25c.
Popular With the People. The Big
Cycle Event.
Saturday Afternoon ' llll V J
and Evening, JUL I 4i
around Brilliantly Illuminated.
THE AGE, Direct from Procter'
Pleasant Palace, N.V.CIty.
Perfect Car Service to Oatc,
See the Orand Street Parade, Prlday Evaa-
Ing, July 3rd.
Manufacturer of tbe Celebrate
1 to jv to
CAPACITY 1 Barrels per Annum
are located the finest fishing and hunting
grounds in the world. Descriptive books
on application. Ticket to all point in
Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and
United States Northwest, Vanvouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., Ban
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attach fd to all throught train. Tourist
cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
may be had with second-class tickets.
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further Information, time table, ot.
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.,
333 Broadway, NswYw.