THE SCBAITTOI TBIBUNE THUBSDA Y MORNING. JULY 2. 1896. Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. 'Members of the Hyde Park Literary and . Debating Society Entertained - at Blume Residence. A jovial time was furniliel last evening to the members of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society by Member John Ulunie at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mr. John Blume, of North Main avenue. The handsome plot of ground surrounding t.he resi dence was most brilliantly Illuminated. Several hundred Chinese lanterns light ed up the scene of festivities. The gentlemen vat on the lawn dur ing the early part of the evening and discussed light and airy Bubjects. At 11 o'clock the members were escorted Into the luxuriously furnished resi dence by Mr. Illume, sr. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Blume, assisted by Miss Blum'.1. Those who enjoyed the affair were: Charles E. Daniels. John Blume, Sid ney Mears, Goiner Davis, Harry Peck, Charles Blume, John Blume, W. A. Price, Bert Harrington, Will Reynolds, Myron Evans, Charles E. House, Albert Davis, David J. Davis, Arthur Davis, Emerson D. Owen. RICHARDS RECITAL. The much advertised humorous and dramatic recital by Professor and Mrs. L. J. Richards, of the Scranton School of Oratory, was given last evening In the First Welsh Baptist church. The at tendance was lamentably small and was discouraging to the artists. The recital was well given however. FUNERAL OF IDA THOMAS. The sad death of Mss Ida Thomas, when occurred Monday morning, was deeply felt by the many friends of the family and the funeral yesterday after noon was very largely attended. The flowers wer? tt.e richest t-t this wealthy season and the various forms of de sign res: :J with becoming purity on the dead girl's coffin. Services were held at the late home on Cosbett ave nue. Rev. H. H. Harris, of Taylor, and Rev. J. P. Morris, of the Bellevue Cal vlnistic Methodist church, preached and conducted the services. The pall bearerB were John R. James, John Da vis, Will Davis, David Davis, Thomas Davis, John Miles. Interment was made in Washburn Street cemetery, NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. . Misses May dvtlley, Bridget Arthur, .Nellie O'Brien will leave toduy to spend the Fourth at Plttston. The funeral of the lute 13. F. Young, of Kelser avenue, took place yesterday. In terment was made in Washburn Street cemetery. 'Mrs. C. A. Hartley and family, of New York, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Hastings' parents, Air. and Mrs. Edras Howell, of Washburn stieet. Miss Linda .Jones, of Academy street, gave a party lust evening to a few of ner .friends. Miss Gertrude Freeman has returned from Bloomsburg State Normal school, and will spend the summer with her par ents, on Corbet t avenue. Miss Laura May Jones, of Plymouth, a recent graduato of Stroudsburg State Nor mal school, is visiting friends here. Mrs. E. R, Lewis and family, of Acad- . y street, left yesterday for a several weeks' stay at Ocean Orove. A cross-walk Is to be luld at the Inter section of Fourteenth and Washburn street. Miss Amanda Twining and 'Mrs. Laura T. Cook gave a supper Tuesday evening to the following: Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Carson, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Lull, Mrs. H. C. Mott, Mrs. A. M. ShlN fer. Mrs. M. A. Varnes and Miss Helen Bnss. Miss Normal Nichols, of Lafayette street, entertained friends Tuesday even ing. Thomas Matthias and Rlchnrd James have returned from a stay at Lake Idle wild. Miss Anna Williams, of Tenth street, will give a recital next Monday evening. Robert Morris lodge will meet this even ing and will Install officers. A smoker will follow. St. Brenden councils excursion on July 14 Is looked foreward to with much Inter est. A party of well-known West Side ladle? will leave this week for Asbury patk, where they will remain for one month In private cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John J. F. York have re turned from their wedding tour. Mrs. L. M. Lannon and son, of Philadel phia, are visiting at the home of Andrew Robertson. 'Miss May Fisher, of North Lincoln avc- a in 1 1 EARLY all of the wortntrom TWELVE TO OUUTJSEJi DOLLARS, we have marked down to in order to clear by July 1st. Such grades styles-makes- ind values we never dreamed of offering. When we say we sustain losses on many, and profit on none, , we appeal to the intelligence of our patrons, and rely on our long record of reliable deal ers to those who know us by reputation. Our corner show window display will give you a good idea of these suits. T SAMTERS Square Dealing Clothiers, Hatters and Furnisher! of M Stibtirbs. nun, left yesterday for av stay at tihamo kln. E. (i. Jones, the South Main avenue, barber, was at Lake Winola yesterday. Miss May Hoffman Is visiting at WUkes-Barre. West Side Business Directory. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at lot South Main avsnue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos. 11. per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself bv calling at Starner's Photo Parlors, liil and 103 South Main venue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for anything you cava to sell. Furniture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see tha stock of J. c. King, aud W.M Jack son street. PROVIDENCE. Henry Davis, of West Market street, was seriously Injured while at work In the Von Storch shaft yesterday afternoon. Michael Harrington, oT Wilbur street, had his elbow badly shattered and his thigh fractured yesterday morning by be ing run over by a hand truck used for various purposes at the Marvine breaker. Miss Ida Powell, of Edna avenue, and Reuben Hatlleld, of Throop, will be mar ried this evening at the home of the brlda at 8 o'clock. Rev. Dr. R. S. Jones, of the Welsh Congregational church, will per form the ceremony. Miss Daisy Owyther, of Ferdlnana stieet, and R. J. Boston, of Theodore street, will be married Friday evening at the home of the bride. Wilson Tuttle, of Watcrbury, Conn., is spending a few days at the home ot Mrs, Irvin Westcott, on Church avenue. The funeral of Mrs. Jennie Williams, of Brick avenue, took place yesterday after noon. Short services, conducted by Rev. W. O. Watklns, were held at the homo at 12.30. The remains were taken to Wa verly and Interment was made In Franklin cemetery. . GREEN RIDGE. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Arnold, who have been visiting at the home of their- grand father, Rev. U. M. Peck, have returned to Golden, Miss. Mr. und Mrs. J. D. Evans, of Delaware street,, returned last evening from their trip through Susquehanna and Wayne countks. C. II. Sears and family, of Capouso ave nue, are visiting friends at Prompton. Mrs. FlltL't-oft and daughters, Ruth and Edith, are the guests ot friends In New Jersey. John P. Monroe and Ada D. Towers wero married yesterday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock ut tho Church of Good Shepherd, at Green Ridge, by Rev. F. S. Ballentina. DUNMORE. A brilliant social event in Dunmore was the marriage Tuesday evening at 8.43, in St. Mark's Episcopal church, of Miss Margaret Love Merrlman to John Howell Farrer. Tho bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Merrlman, ami the groom a promising young druggist of Plttston. Dr. Lewis Christ, of Dudley street, has left for Philadelphia, where he will take up a two yenrs' course at tho University of Philadelphia hospital. John Monroe, a popular young mun of this borough, was married yesterday af ternoon at 4 o'clock to Mrs. Ada Towers, of Green Ridge. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. 11. Ballantyne at the Home of the Good Shepherd. David Monroe was best man. Nothing Done by Halves. The members of the Caledonian club of this city never do anything 1y halves, and their programme of games and sports at Laurel Hill park on Sat urday next, July 4th, will prove no ex ception to the rule. The Scotch games have come to be a fixed annual feature, and they are eagerly looked forward to by thousands of delighted spectators. Their very liberal prise list this year will undoubtedly be the means of bring ing many of the noted athletes from abroad Into competition, thus Insuring a day of tare pleasure to all who at tend. The admission Is only 25 cents, whic h is the lowest price ever given fur such n large, good and rare enter tainment us they advertise. Xcckwenr. Our Neckwear Department Is stocked with the latest novelties in Imperials, Four-ln-Ha.nds. Tecks.Bows nnd String Tics; also a full line of Wash Ties. This line was manufactured for our summer trade, and is now offered to the public at 25 cents on the dollar. Morris J. Davldow, clothier and outfitter, 222 Lacka. ave. Assignee sale of the Francis Fltz glbbons stock of Cloaks, Suits, Furs, Shirt Wulsts, Wrappers.' etc.. will be o'fered for sale at retail at 9 o'clock this morningr. Policemen will be in at tendance to prevent crowding or crush ing. Men's Spring Suits lie i SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Death ol two Young Women, One a Bride of Four Weeks Patrick Bcbai, of Mioooka, Arrested. Mrs. Peter A.Walsh died at her home, 317 Birch street, at 6 o'clock last even ing. She was sick just a week. Four weeks ago yesterday she stood before the altar and became a bride, and the prospect of happiness and long life was bright. The deceased was Miss Annie Cum mlngs before her marriage. The fu neral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, with a requiem mass at St. Peter's cathedral. Interment will be made In Hyde Park cemetery. DEATH OF MISS KATIE HOPKINS. Miss Katie Hopkins, a well known young lady of this side, died at 12.30 yesterday. She was a sister-in-law of Conductor Philip Foy, Mrs. Foy be in? her sister, and she lived with them at the corner of Plttston avenue and Palm street. She was stricken with a hemorrhage a few hours before her death, and prior to that attack was in ordinarily good health, though nut very rugged. She woi-Ked as a sales lady for several years past. She was born In Ireland and came to this coun try when 10 years old. At her death she was 24. Relatives from New York and Utlca have been notified and her uncle, Thomas Hopkins, of New York, arrived last evening. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, with a high mass of requiem at St. John's church. Interment will be made In Hyde Park cemetery. HOltTER PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Honora Cohan, of Mlnooko, went before Alderman Millar yesterday and swore out a warrant for her husband, Patrick, for threatening to kill her. 6po clal Ofllcer Jack Tlerney took Bohan up for a hearing In the evening and he was required to furnish $3w ball to appear at court. Mayor Bailey, In a letter to Secretary Thomas A. Donahoe, of the South Side board of trade, states that the plaittorm of the Delaware & Hudson station block ing Cherry street, will be taken out of the way. OFF FOR PHILADELPHIA. 8am Toni, Maggie Conway and Three Others Will Depart Today. On the 8 o'clock Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western train this morn ing five prisoners will be taken to the Eastern penitentiary. They are Samuel Tonl, who was sentenced to spend twelve years there for the murder of John J. Rafter; Maggie Conway, sen tenced to spend three years for cor rupting children of a tender age; Mar shall Goodwin, colored, who stole a diamond pin and some silverware from the Faurot house, for which offenBe he will serve two years; William Kane, the 22-year-old young man sentenced to two years for burglarizing Tisdale's gun store, and Joseph Toleman, who plead guilty to criminal assault at va rious times on 10-year-old Angelo Par no, daughter of Dominlck Parno, of Providenee.with whom Toleman board ed. Ex-Warden Thomas Jay will be in charge of the prisoners, and those who will assist him are ex-Keeper W. D. Green, Deputy Register of Wills James H. Hopkins, George W. .Skillhorn, ex County Commissioner H. L. Hallstead and Charles Wiggan. William Clark, of Carbondale, was on'the list to go down to serve two years for firing a shot at William J. Matthews just for fun. Tho bullet struck Matthews on the front tipper teeth and glanced eff through the Hp. Clark was Indicted for felonious wounding and plead guilty to aggra vated assault and battery, and Judge Edwards sentenced him to the peniten tiary for two years, but the sentence has been recalled and Clark will stay one year In the county Jail Instead. SMITH WAS A VERY LAZV MAN. His Wile in Her Petition lor a Divorce Tells of His Habits. Three divorces were granted yester day by the court. May Dell Tennis was liberated from the bonds of marriage contracted with William H. Tennis at ut Dickson City on Jan. 22. 1891. They lived together two months and a day, when she left Ills home because he was unfaithful to her. Her attorney In the divorce proceedings wus T. V. Powder- iy. Mary Jane Daniels was released from allegiance to Philip O. Daniels. They were married on Dec. 21, 1885, and lived on the West Side until February, 1893. Then Mr. Daniels secured passage for Europe, to which place he went. He never came back. Sarah E. Smith was divorced from Leo C. Smith. They were married at Lake Arlid on April 1, 1888. and took up their residence at Elmhurst, and later at Dunmore. Mrs. Smith ulleged that his cruelty was unbearable and his laziness was on a par with It. The only time he would arouse himself from his lethargy was when he beat her. He was too lazy to change his clothes or to leave the house for weeks. At vari ous times he paraded around In a nude condition In the presence of their two children. He used to boast of having visited immoral resorts. She left him last November, no longer able to put up with the life he led. Assignee sale of the Francis Fltz gibbons stock of Cloaks, Suits, Furs, Shirt Waists, Wrappers, etc., will be ottered for sale at retail at 9 o'clock this morning. Policemen will be in at tendance to prevent crowding or crush ing. Do N'ot Fail. To attend my retiring sale as the entire stock must be sold Immediately. Morris J. Davldow, 222 Lacka. avenue, clothier and outfitter. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the Itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes ine tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for CO cents. Dr. Swayns & Bon, Philadelphia. ea Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, III., July 1. Cattle Receipts, io.W) head; market tlrm; com mon to extra steers, S3.50al.G0; stockers and feeders, J2.65a3.85; cows and bulls, $1.25a3.25; calves, $3a5; Tcxans, S2.40a3.10. Hogs Receipts, head; market steady, except for heavy lots, which were easy; heavy packing and shipping lots, $2.90a 3.30; common to choice mixed, $3.10a3.4!; choice assorted, I3.45a3.ii5: light, t3.2&a3.5.; pigs, S2.7Ga3.o0. Sheep Receipts, 14,(100 head; market easy; Inferior to choice, f2a 3.76; Iambi, 3a6. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. ( New York. July 1. Stocks today were lower. At the opening the market lacked the foreign support which has been such a conspicuous feature of late. As consid erable stress has been laid upon the re cent foreign baying, the professional trader, who are bearishly inclined, put out additional short lines. Local bull opera tors who are apparently discouraged by the strength of the free silver men at Chi cago and the reports that the Altgeld con tingent will not only write the platform for the Democracy, but name the presi dential candidate as well, lost courage and did little or nothing to stem the downward movement. Several clever manipulators forced the pace and a firm credited wi;n acting for politicians of national repute ulso sold liberal amounts of the standard railway issues and the Industrials. Early In the day a report was circulated that two to four millions gold would ba for warded to Europe by Saturday's steam ers. Chicago. Philadelphia and Boston sent inquiries but careful Investigation failed to discover any basis for the report. The concensus of opinion was that the operators now In control of the market were responsible for the story. The re duction In the premium of gold bars an nounced today by the treasury department while of advantage to both the govern ment and exporters Is not likely to lead to heavy shipments of the metal accord ing to prominent foreign bankers. The course ot the sterling exchange market rather corroborates this belief. The de cline In stocks at one time was equal to 'aa3. per cent. In this decline Manhat tan, the Industrials, the Grangers and Southwesterns were especially prominent. Tobacco sold down to OS, the fullure of the directors to declare a dividend on the Common having brought about liquid. Hons. Manhattan sold as low as 971.. A block on long stock was sold for a Arm which Intends going out of business. The ruling of tho railroad commission ordering the company to give special service in the sparsely settled districts was also used against the stock. At tho close the market was heavy In tone, aVt changes Fhow losses of Ua3T4 per cent. Sugar and Manhattan lead. Total sales were 33S.O shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN AL LEN A CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMPBELL, stock brokir, 413 Spruce street Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co. ... 6-"4 62Vi 59 60' Am. Cotton Oil 9i 4 94 !"4 Am. Bug. Ref. Co. ..11H4 114 107 IU1 Atch.. To. & 8. Fe .. 13'4 l!i 134 Ches. & Ohio 14 U 13i 13", Chic. Gas 63U B3V4 60 !" Chic, ft N. W 1011 101 98 9SJi Chic, B. A Q 73a 73', 71 71 C. C. C. & St. L. 29 24 TiV, 27', Chic, Mil. & St. P. . 7514 734 Ti'i 741 Chic, R. 1. & Pao ..1244 1244 124 124 D. , L. & W 159 159 158 IM Dlst. & C. F. 114 13'4 134 134 Gen. Electric 27H 24 2J4 Lake Shore 14"',, 147 147 147 Louis. & Nash 49 49 474 48 M. K. & Texas Pr. .. 234 224 214 21 4 Manhattan Ele 100 1004 97 974 Mo. Psc 214 214 194 234 Nat. Cordage 44 44 44 44 Nat. Lead 214 214 22 N. J. Central 1fl4 lu3 100 lol N. Y. Central W4 95 914 93 N. Y., L. E. & W. ... 144 114 144 114 N. Y., 8. & W 84 84 8 8 N. Y., S. & V. Pr. ... 22 52 214 214 Nor. Pac. Pr 104 174 14 V Ontario & West 13", 134 134 134 Omaha 404 44 394 394 Pac. Mall 22 22 204 204 Phil. & Reading ... 14' 4 144 134 134 Southern R. R 84 84 84 84 Southern R. R. Pr. . 2ti4 264 s:,u 254 Tenn. C. & Iron .... 214 214 194 20 Texas Pacific 74 74 74 4 Union Pacific 7 7 4 U" Wabash Pr 14 M4 154 154 Western Union 83 S3 814 824 W. L 9 94 84 84 U. S. Leather 7 74z 7 74 V. S. Leather Pr. ... 58 58 6ii4 57 U. S. Rubber 164 164 l'4 164 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. ing, est. est. ing. September 574 574 56 50 December 694 594 6 .58 OATS. September 134 154 134 14 December 164 164 1C4 164 COR.V. September 28 284 274 274 December 284 284 284 284 LARD. September 4.1'J 4.03 3.97 3.97 December 4.22 4.22 4.20 4.20 PORK. September 7.05 7.15 7.00 7.00 Scranton Board or Trade Exchange QuotationsAII Quotation Based cu Par of 100. Name. Dime Dep. & Dls. Bank Scranton Lace Curtain Co. .. National Boring Drill's Co First National Bank Scranton Jar & Stopper Co... Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank Bonta Plate Glass Co Scranton Car Replacer Co.... Siranton Packing Co Weston Mill Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. .. Scranton Traction Co BONDS. Scranton Glass Co Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 People's Street Rsilway, first mortgage due 1918 Scranton & Pittston Trac. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. . Larka. Township School 5.. City of Scranton St. Imp 6 Borough of Winton 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Bid. 140 Asked. 50 25 100 "ill 100 93 250 150 90 0 50 100 C50 200 350 17 110 110 110 90 100 102 103 100 85 100 Jivw York Produce Markot. New York. July l.-'Flour Unchanged. Wheat Spot market dull, steady, ',ia-i,c. lower; f. o. b., 674c: ungraded red, 53a 08c; No. 1 northern, 614c ; options closed steady at 4a4c. below yesterday, with trading fair; July, Glc; August, Civic; September, 024c ; October, Sil4c; Decem ber, 014c Corn Spots dull, steady; 4c lower; No. 2, 334c; elevator, 2lo.; options dull and 4a4c. and closing steady; July, 334c; September, 31c; October. 14c Oats More active, steady; options dull, firmer; July, 204c; September, 204c; spot prices. No. 2, 214c; No. 2 white. 22a224c Beef Dull, steady, unchanged. Lard Quiet, easier; western steam, 14.20; city, 43.75; July, 11.20; refined, dull; continent, 51.50; South America, 14.85; compound, 4a44c Perk Steady, modnrate demand, un changed. Butter Quiet, rather easy; state dairy, 10al5c; do. cieamery, 114a 154c; western creamery, HV&alSl&c. ; do. factory, 8allc; Elglns, 15al54c; Imitation creamery, 10al2c. Cheese Firm, moder ate demand; state large, 5ia54c; do. small, 64a7c; part skims, 2a44c; full skims, 14a2c. Eggs Fairly active, steady; state and Pennsylvania, 124al3c; western fresh, Ual2c; do. case, S1.50a3. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, July 1. Provisions were steady, but demand was limited to the supply of current jobbing wants. We quote: City smoked beef, Ual2c ; beof hams, tl5.25al5.50; pork, family, tlO.25alO.50; hams, S. P. cured, in tierces, 84a10c; do. smoked, 10allc, as to average; sides, ribbed, in salt, 44a44c; do. do. smoked, 54a54c; shoulders, plrkle-cured, 54aS4c; do. do. smoked, 84afi 4e. ; picnic hams, S. P. cured, C4aCc; do. do. smoked, C4a64c: bellies, in pickle, according to average, loose, 5au4c; breakfast bacon, 7a9c. for round and Jobbing lota, as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined, In tierc es, 6a54c; do. do. do., in tubs, G4o54c; do. butchers', loose, 4c. i city tallow. In hogsheads, 3c; country do., 2424c, a to quality, and cokes, 34c 124-126 Wyoming Ava. Will Close ALL DAV SATURDAY, JULY 4th And will keep open Fri day evening, and for balance of week will of fer . special reductions throughout every de partment. Suit that were 35.98. LEADER'S PRICE. 12.98. Suits that were J0.9S. LEADER'S PRICE, $3.93. Jackets that were 8:198. LEADER'S PRICE, tl.M. Jackets that were 34.98. LEADER'S PRICE, J2.93. Capes that were J5.9S. LEADER'S PRICE. JS.iS. Capes that were S6.93. LEADER'S PRICE, $3.98. Misses and children's reefers that were 98c, LEADER'S PRICE, fflc. Misses and children's reefers that were 12-48. LEADER'S PRICE, 11.48. One thousand yards, extra quality. In printed warp, striped and brocaded colored silks, the regular price of these goods have been (1.25, 11.50 and S2.0O, CHOICE OF ANT, 69c. 25 pieces Persian silks, striped and ohecks, these goods have always old at 50c. n yard, CHOICE OF ENTIRE LOT. 27c 25 pieces all-wool 46-inch storm serge, the regular 60c, quality, LEADER'S PRICE, 30. 30 pieces black figured brilllantlne, all - new effects, regular price, 49c . LEADER'S PRICE, 340. 25 pieces all-wool belgo dress goods, price, 26c, LEADER'S PRICE, Line. 250 pieces good quality printed dimities, LEADER'S PRICE. 44c 12S pieces cotton challtes in all the dif ferent colorings, LEADER'S PRICS, 20. ttO pieces ginghams. Seersuckers and crimple cords, regular price, loc., LEADER S PRICE, 6c. 350 pieces nice uqaltty printed lawns, LEADER'S PRICK. c. 260 pieces genuine English long clota, regular price, 124c, LEADER'S PRICE, 8c. 200 pieces 4-4 unbleached muslin, good quality, LEADER'S PRICE, 4c. One hundred dozen bunchos of extra quality roses and fancy flowers, regular price, COc, LEADER'S PRICE, 23c. EVA M. HETZEL'8 Superior Face Bleach Positively Removes All Facial Blemlsbsi A tales Face Powder is superior to any fact powder ever manufactured. 1'ied and com mended by leading eoci ty and professional bftautles, because it givoa the best poislbte etfxct and nnver leaves tbe kin rough or truly. I rice 5 cants . Thrlxogcnc, Nature's Hair Grower, la tho greatest Dtir Invigorator of the present pro gressive nee, being pnraly vegatable com pound, entirely haimUse, and marvelous in its beneficent effects. All dlt-aswt of the hair an 1 scalp are renciily cured by the uae of Thrixngnne. Price 5(1 cents and tl. For sale at K. M. Battel's Hair-dreslng and Manlonre Parlor., 8.K) Lackawanna eve. and Nn. 1 Ian nio - Building, Wilkes-Barre. Uail ordors Oiled promptly. CsseMta T tm HisHtat MtoiMi AuTHesmta SMEmilOLlNHfllfK OTHEADACHEEh ZJ Jai? a. IWHAlxn will euro you. A J w B ..JWfcwWnnderfiil boon to aum-ren 'mr rjEr'ro,n l',d, SrVkraat, Jf j?TT? Inrlaenya, Hrnachltla, S'iS. orllA J-'fTVlitt. AftnM 'r' "vN imnudiattrtUr!. An efflcieii; 7 remedy, convenient to carry In pnelret, ready to tine on Brut tndliwtloo of cold, t'otitlnned Uae Knete Permanent t'nre, ratiflf action roarantoed or money rci unded. lrlrev Sort. Trial freo at Drnsgijts. Registered m-ll. SO cents. B. D. CllSEHiH, Kfr., Ihrst Lien, Mick, U.S. a, OtrBKBCAIT'a MPNTHfW Thn surest and safest remedy for llheum.old Sores. Hums. ruts. Wonderful rer sdytorPILKS. Price. BK eta. at Droit- t H I r "its or or mail pru; u I. Atlli omnsnbo?H. DC I For sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton, Pa. Complexion Preserved OR. HEBRV3 VIOLA GEEAi Removes Freekli Liver Molei. Sunburn and mmq thn aktik clear and healthy ,eom. plexion. Superior to alUoce . . ' preparations and perfectly harmless. At ill iruggista, or mailed lor 50cii bead lor Circular, VIOIA SKIN 80AP almpty laraiaparablt .1 skin purlttlng Kosp, uhridsM Kir IM toilet, and vtthxi'. a lint be ids anrsrrr. AhsultiMIr con eoa AtllMMlT anal taud. At drsnruts. Price 2 J Celts. G. C. BITTIMEB d CO., TCLioo, O. For tale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton, Pa, me jsJi mi , Plmplre. C Tan. and i t JN Irk Ita nrtsl- I i;. yiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiHi THE FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 308 Save Money Is Are you in need of Shirt Waists or Para sols ? If so, we can save at least 25 to 50 per cent oa same. a 39c for 60c. Will buy an Elegant Laun dried Waiat, In oliniee tmU terns, advertised elsewhere si A fin T1" bnf n e,Kan' L"1"8 dried Waist. In all stylos, strictly fast colors, wall worth 75c. 75c for S1.0O. A Choice Hue ot Waists, in stripes and plain liusn ef fects, disptayad elsewhere 50--PER Redaction in all Millinery at t.itiiiHiiiiniiiMtmiimiiinuiiiuiiHniiumiiiHiHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.ii5 1SH FOR BUYING. Window Screens, Screen Doors, Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, EamnocaS, RefrlDeratoss, Lain lowers. We have the stock and assortment. You need 1 them now, if ever. Liberal discount for cash an all seasonable gooda. FCOTE & SHEAR CO., Ii9 WASHINGTON kVEfllrl GO TOa LAKE ARIEL ON THE WITH THE EXCURSION OF DUNMORE. BASE BALL GAME AT 11 A. M. ElBEKAS, OF PROVIDENCE, VS. MOBNING GLORIES, OF DINM0RE Trains leave E. & W, V. R, R. de pots, Scranton and Dunmore, every hour until 3 o. m. DUPONT'S BIKING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mill, Luzerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District 1.8 WYOMING AVENUE, Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building, AGENCIES: TII03. FOni). PItmon, Pn. JOHN R SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. AVIlkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Ttcpauno Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. f si V B V u RESTORES VITALITY. Made a ffWell Mar. "thDy-W of Me. THE GREAT 30th flay. PriENCII X133MEDY prodnrea tho nbnre results In 30 days. It aoti powerfully and quickly. Curea wuen all othfnt fail Yoiiuk men will rrssin their lot mauliood.amlcld tiii'ii will recover their vigor by using KKVl VO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous, ncss. Lout Vitality, lmpotpucy. Niirttly Emission, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Disesscs. and all effects ot sclf sbuso or excess and Indiscretion, which imlits ono for a ndy. Ira.iuess or marriage. It aot only cures by starting nt the scat ot (Lwase. but is a groat ncrie tonic aud blond Vnlldor, bring ing ba-k the pink glow to rnle .ftrckssidro storing the fire of youth. It wards cT Insanit; and Consumption. Insist on having ntTlVO, nc sther. It can be carried in vest pocket. Dy mail $1.00 par package, or sit 'or a.OO, with a poal ivv writ tea guarantee to rare or refuse ic money. Circular frco. Address ...,,,- - ., riwrnco ' Far sale by MATTHEWS BROS.. Druggist Scranton. Pa- FOURTH m POWDER JKJwV tow Uia 1st iv. r M W A Making Money. 98c 11.50. Will buy a 8ne Dimity Waiat. in choice colors, de tached collars, worth fully AO- For White China Silk Para VOL sol, extra heavy quality, ad- 89c For Linen effect Parasol the latest novelty, would be cheap for f l.iM. CENT. - - 50 Capes and Jackets. Half Price. THE FROTfllNGflflM Wagner Beta, Lessees and Managers. One Week Commencing Dally natinee except Monday. Edison's Harvelous VITASCOPE and High Class VAUDEVILLE All stars and artists of Henowaad reputation Popular Prices-. Os, 20c, and 30s MATINEE PRICES-Cbiklren 10 cent a-Hilta W eceta. Sale of teats opens Friday, 0 a. m. DON'T Mies THE Caledonian Games Laurel Hill Park ON JULY 4th. Tbere you will see 29 GRAND ATHLETIC EVENTS With 500 in PriJes. A FANCY DRILL Competition opan to all civic societies. First prise, a tlllt American flag valued at 175.00. Second prize, a silver tilting pitoher valued at $40.00. DAISY DAWSON, champion t-lrl danc er of the world, winner of twelve gold medals, will appear In a variety of dances, all of which will be la appropriate cos tumes. Dancing in pavilUon day and evening. EYEXINtl PROGRAMME. An elaborate programme has been pre pared for the evening, in which there wilt be a number of competition dances. DAISi' DAWSON will also appear In her unique performance. A Grand Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jump With Fireworks Dis play. Professor L. N. O'Dell, who has been engaged. Is one of the best aeronauts In the country und has been secured at an enormous exuense to perform the above during act. t Is the sight ot a lifetime. Don't miss It. Lawrence's Band and Orchestra. Admis sion Children 15c. lirand dtand 10c Evening Session 35c. SCRANTON DRIYING PARK. Popular With the People. The Big Cycle Event. Saturday Afternoon llll V h and Evening, JUL Mi Grounds Brilliantly Illuminated. MIITJ The Champion BU rWlflfl? MAL1S. ft0" ,ne 1 MALL And OKO. LOCKHART'S FAMOUS COMEDY ELEPHANTS, THE SENSATION OP THE AOE, Direct from Proctor's Pleasant Palace, N.Y. City. ADMISSION ONLY 25 CENTS. Perfect Car Service to (late, ;8f See the Grand Street Parade, Friday Even Ing, July 3rd. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest flshlne- and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive books on Duplication. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces. Minneapolis, St, Paul, Canadian and Vnlted Btates Northwest, Vanvouver, BoRttle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Can attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-clan tickets. Rates always less than via other Unas. For further Information, time table, etc.. OH Mpillliatllllll IV E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A., 353 Broadway, Ntw York. 31