THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 1, 1806. WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS The Narrative of Tommy Barr'a Won derful Musical Cow. NUGGETS FOR THE RAILROAD BOYS The Advertising Angler in Rhyme. Political Put rourri--Tlic Couutr Iloiitidabout"Vetrans to Meet. Personal rnntsrapbs t'ousht on the Fly. Special to The Tribune. Sui'ciui'hanna, June SO. Tommy Barr, a Windsor farmer, has a cow posses sins a stroni; passion for music. When yet a little calf, mingling with the hill side herds, she would follow a peregri nating organ grinder for miles, and a cornet. In the hands of the farmer boys, would cause her to dance a two step. Orown to a cow, she Is the talk of the neighborhood. The other even ing there was a lawn party, and while a number of young people were danc ing to the music of a violin, the cow dashed Into the group and commenced to prance about, almost keeping step to the music. Two Sundays ago there wwj services In the little red school house on the hill. The aged preacher had 'Just exhorted his hoarers to re nounce their Bins and forsake the Dem ocratic party, and the organist had struck up "Come, Ye Sinners," etc., when the congregation was amused to Bee the head oi the cow protruding through the window, taking in the ex ercises In an appreciative way. Two deacons and an everyday sinner were required to drive the animal away and Into her grazing grounds. Uncle Tommy is proud of his musical cow, and thinks seriously ot sending her to a Boston musical hothouse, FOR THE RAILROAD BOYS. The Brie Is making a success of the experiment ot running their passenger locomotives continuously from Jersey City to Susquehanna and return, 382 miles. James Callahan, one of the oldest passenger brakemen on the Erie, run ning on the Delaware division, died at . his home In I'ort Jervis on Saturday, He was known along the entire line by hi sobriquet of "Gumbo." Years ago he was a resident of Susquehanna. The Erie ran Its first excursion of the season from Binghamton to Riverside Park, Lanesboro, on Sunday. Dela ware and Hudson excursions are ex pected at the Park during the season. The coal . traffic on the Jefferson Branch has been dull of lute, but there Is at present a perceptible "pick-up." The Kile dumped about $40,000 In town on Friday, greasing the wheel of commerce. It is reported that the Erie will I ur chase a number of steel cars of the Carnegie company, Pittsburg. An Erie trainmen's excursion, an nounced to run from Binghcmton to Riverside Park, Lanesboro, was an nulled. The bicycle Is hereafter a dead-head on Delaware and Hudsjn trains, THE ADVERTISING ANGLER. Equipped with rod and hook and line, With Tribune a-.'s for bait, The string he cr.ught was very fine, The sport he had was great. At first he had no luck at all, The tlsh they wouldn't bite. But when he tried a "want ad" small, Ills iJck was eut of sight. NEWS BITS. David O. Smith, years ago a resident of Susquehanna, died .in Elmira on Sunday evening. He was a brother-in-law of the late ex-Mayor Robert H. McKune, of Scranton. Mrs. C. E. Whitney, a director, and Mrs. Watson Hoyden, department president, on Saturday evening re turned from Brookvllle, Jefferson coun ty, where they attended a meeting of the Memorial Home directors. There V'e now about thirty-five Inmates In the home. The Scranton Relief corps pae furnished a room in the institu tion. Mrs. Evans, of Lock Haven, an ex-department president, was elected matron of the home. WUh the sanction of Right Rev. Bish op CHura and Rev. P. F. Broderlck, pasto' of St. John's church. Revs. Walker and Cannon will during the reek solicit subscriptions toward the erection of a much-needed church in Ireland. POLITICAL POT POURRI. It is evident that Mr. McKInley will be compelled to enlarge that band wagon. If the Marquis de Mores had a me dieval brain, battered by modern re strictions, what has anarchistic Alt eTtld? The county will In a few months be able to turn out several millions of able financiers, having a profound knowledge of matters relating to gold and silver. It Is remarked that the hard-up campaign poet may be able to use "Whoa, Bart!" as a rhyme for Ho bart THE COUNTY ROUNDABOUT. There will be a large apple and berry crop. The Susquehanna County Farmers' Alliance is in session in Hallstead to day. While cutting wood to pay for his breakfast in Lanesboro on Friday, a tramp severed one of his thumbs with the ax. This will serve- as a terrible warning to the cltlve unwashed brotherhood for years to come. The Montrose fair will be held Sep- The Better our Food Ihe Better vouHealth I use The Cottolene tnds mmrki are "CoUoUnf and MUtr'i htad tn cotton-plant wreath on every tin. I THI N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Cfclcate, It Itrk, FkUaasIsfcla, NtUku. temoer 29. 30; the Harford fair, Sep tember 23, 24. The Epworth league of the Bingham ton district held a largely attended convention In Hallstead on Monday and Tuesday. Montrose is entertaining' a band of burglars. Quite a number of towns In the coun ty will celebrate the Fourth. HE WAS NOT CREED-BOUND. "But you will acknowledge that there Is some good In other churches be sides your own, will you not? You will grant that each one has its use in the world?" "O, yes," replied the young vestrymen, I was out riding my wheel when a storm came up. and I don't know what I would have done If the janitor ot a Baptist meeting house hadn't let mo Into the basement with my machine and stay there till the rain was over." VETERANS TO MEET. The tenth annual reunion of Bat teries F and U, First artillery, Penn sylvania Reserve Veteran corps, will be held in Susquehanna on Friday and Saturday, July 3 and 4. Colonel R. Brue Rieketts, of WllUes-Barre, com mander of the famous Ricketfs battery1 during the war, Is president of the as sociation, and Luther Seiders, or Read ing, is secretary. PERSONALIA. Artist Ralph A. Lyons, of Scranton, Is visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Ly ons, in Lanesboro. Hon. A. F. McNulty, an Archbaldan missionary, was In town on Monday distributing tracts. J. Louis Knapp, night editor of the Baltimore Sun, visited Susquehanna friends on Saturday evening. A "HOLD UP." A few evenings since a "wandering Willie" was parading up and down the Erie station platform with an Itinerant female of soiled texture, when a mem ber of Conductor Stickles" Susquehanr na crew shouted something to the ere not to be found in standard books on etiquette. In a moment the hobj en tered the caboose.revolver In hr id, and commanded the train crew Jt "throw up their hands!" and to ka' them up until he told them to talc them down. The crew lost no timr In complying with the demand, wl-.'ie the hobo pro ceeded to deliver drastic lecture on manners. This h .'ving done, the pere grlnator gave tJ trembling crew per mission te dro hands, and was soon lost in the gathering darkness, while the quietud- in that caboose was a foot thick. The crew is still shivering. FLAINE'S MEMORY. SoloMon was not wrong wheit) he wrotf, says a recent writer, "a good name Is better than precious ointment." 'ir was George Herbert when he vrote: Only a sweet and virtuous soul Like seasoned timber, never gives; But when the whole world turns to coal, Then, chiefly, lives." Who endured more gibes and calum nies than Blaine? Whose name was more befouled by slander than his? But his name Is fragrant of patriotism. The stench of slander has evaporated; the odor of his good deeds endures. Thus, though he has been dead since the sad day of July 2, 1893, the June Republican convention of 1896 rose as one man and cheered lustily an inci dental mention of his name. Wash ington, Lincoln and Grant excepted, it is doubtful it the name of any other dead man would have evoked such a demonstration. CAUGHT ON THE FLY. A horse, formerly the property of John O'Connell, of this place, Is now In the stables of the Emperor of Germany. The Ancient Order of Hibernians of Carbondale have decided to excurt to Riverside Park, Lanesboro. The Concert club, of Carbondale, and the Atlantic club, of Susquehann, will play ball in this place July 9. Excur sion trains will run on all roads. A branch of the Erie Railroad Relief association will be organized in Sus quehanna. Four Mormon elders are arranging to hold "revival" meetings in Susque hanna, after Carbondale Is converted to the faith. The Latter Day Saints neither preach nor practice polygamy. The epidemic of measles continues gradually to glide away. Binghamton Is making another spas modic effort to construct the Blngham-ton-Wllliamsport railroad. This sec tion has "steen" railroads building on paper, A close observer of things says that he presumes gold will still be used for filling teeth in those localities in which prejudice does not run too high. Democratic candidates for county commissioner loom up apace. The county Democracy are entitled to one consideration other Incentive to whoop 'er up have they none. Whitney. TAKE AN ENFORCED VACATION. Four College Girls Detained by Cred itors in Madison, Wis. Madison, Wis., June 30. Four college girls are spending a part of their vaca tion in Madison. They are Emma, Aurora, Frances and Jennie Wlren. They came here with their mother at the opening of the college year last fall and entered the state university. When about to leave for Milwaukee their goods and chattels were taken possession of by the chief of police on attachments served by Madison mer chants. Today a replevin was secured and the property turned over to the sheriff. The girls have lived In style since coming to Madison, and the attain ments represent but a small part of their debts. They possess some liter ary ability, and have contributed poet ry to the local and college papers at various times. They say they will be able to pay all creditors. BEREFT OF REASON MANY YEARS. Injured Mother Recovers in Milwau kee and Locates Her Son. Topeka, Kan., June 30. Lute Camp bell and his mother met at Wlnfield yesterday after a separation of thirteen years. Each supposed the other dead until a few weeks ago. Thirteen years ago, when the son and father were try ing to make a start In Washington county, Mrs. Campbell went to Janes vllle, Wis., to visit a friend. En route she met with an almost fatal accident in a wreck. She was taken to a hospital In Mil waukee, where she was cared for all these years. As she could not talk, no one could ascertain her Identity, A few weeks ago her reason and speech re turned, and she commenced to search for her husband and son. She finally located the latter at Arkansas City, and discovered that the former was dead. Better Waxes lor Miner. Pottsville, Pa., Juno 30. The rate of wage to be pnld miners the last hair of June and the first half of July was fixed today at 2 per cent, l-elow the $2.50 basis. This is 3 per cent, better than the rates paid last month, which was 6 per cent, below the 12.60 basis. THE CONVENTIONS IN LUZERNE Results of the Meetings Held ia the Armory at Wllkes-Barre. M. B. WILLIAMS FOX CONGRESS Colonel W. J. Scott, or Wnpwnllopen Is Named as t'nudidtitc Tor Senator. Oilier Business oi the Ilepublicau Senatorial, t'ouresionnl and County Conventions of J.ucrue. Wllkes-Barre, Ta., June 30. The Republican senatorial, congression al and county conventions were held in., the Ninth RejrUnent armory today. The Interior of the building had been gully decorated with the na tional colors, portraits of prominent statesmen and military heroes were generously displayed, the picture ot Major McKinley being fjivan tho place of honor in the centre, back of tho platform. The delegates vei? waled by districts; the ruvss wa.i iir.ivM tl ample accommodations, and all in all the hall arrangements could not huv? been better. Still, with all tho cool cnifort and general utrractlveu"ss of the place, the delegates were slow In as3ombllnj and it was 10.48 when THE SENATORIAL CONVENTION was called f.o order by Chairman Tompkins, oid Secretary Landmesscr announced the contests, of which there were nbriit a flaxen, and then called the roll; 24S delegates responding. Nominations for temporay chairman veo then call ?d for and Sol Bucharach ranted Gaius L. Iiolsey, of White Hav cn, and William Thompson named Dr. H. W. Dcl.son, of Nantlcokc, the for mer representing the Scott nnd the lat ter the Harvey Interest. The vote re sulted In the election of Hulscy by 142 to 102. Messrs. Dive ha inch nnd Ilnl gate were appointed to escort Mr. Ilal sey to the chair. Upon taking the chair he snld that it would be idle for him to say that he did not appreciate the preferment bestowed upon him. He congratulated the con scientious Republicans of Luzerne county nnd the grand old common wealth of Pennsylvania that they are about enteritis upon a campaign that will restore the national party organi zation to power In the country, and to rid na of our administration that took a surplus and gave us a deficiency of $250,000,000. You are fihout entering upon a campaign, he said, which will give as a national administration a McKInley and Hobart administration. (Cheers). If we had had our way, Mr. Halscy declared, the country would never have met the disaster that has come through Democratic rule. He again thanked tho convention for the honor conferred on him and u-iked for nomination for secretaries. A motion was made that the chairman appoint. It evidently meant tellers, for ho con tinued those appointed by the county committee, G. J. Clark, Byron G. Hahn, Will McCartney, Hairy Carkhuff, J. D. Monie and Gordon Scott. A motion was adopted that the vice presidents and committee on resolu tions be dispensed with and the sena torial candidate be placed on the same platform as the congressional candi date. The temporary organization was made permanent, with the additional appointment of Ellas Cohen as assist ant chairman. The following committee on creden tials was then appointed: First district, Sol Bacharach; Second district, James R. Space; third district, John Davis; Fourth district, John C. Stroh; Fifth district, Henry Knowles; Sixth district, F. M. Brundago; Lacka wanna, G. L. Newton. This committee retired and nomina tions for senator were received, speeches limited to five minutes. Alexander Farnhnm named I. P. Hand, of Wllkes-Barre. F. W. Wheaton named W. J. Seott, of Wapwallopen. George S. Ferris named Hon. J.Craw ford Harvey, of Harveyvllle. The nomination of Mr. Hand was seconded by John W. Raeder, of this city, and Byron Ackerly, of Lackawan na county, who pledged him 500 major ity. Mr. Holgate, of Lackawanna, sec onded Harvey's nomination, and Jo seph Newberger, of Xuntlcoke, second ed Scott's nomination. BALLOTING FOR SENATOR. The roll was then called for the nom ination of senator and resulted as fol lows: Whole number votes 2."2 Necessary to choice 12T Scott 122 Harvey 100 Hand 24 There was no nomination, Mr. Hand withdrew and roll was called for second ballot, with tho following result: Whole number votes cast 253 Necessary to choice 127 Scott 132 Harvey 121 The result was rocMved with a wild outburst o? applause and the conven tion broke into disorder. It was with diillculty the vote to make tho nomina tion unanimous could be taken, but it was so declared. COL. SCOTT'S CAREER. Colonel W. J. Scott, the candidate nominated by the Republicans today for state senator, was born about fifty years ago in the city of Philadelphia where he received his education. At the age of 19 he entered the United Slates army, serving upwards or two years and made a record nn a pnllnnt adway' Purely vegetable, mild and rellabV. Cause Perfect Digestion, complete absorp tion anil healthful regularity. For the cure of all disorders of the Stimaeh, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Ilimliler, Nervous Dis eases, Constipation, CoHtlvcnes. Loss of Appetite. Sick Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspepsia Observe the following symptoms r?sutt Iner from diseases of tnc ili','e.tlv; organs: Constipation, inwurl piles, fullness cf blood in the brail, ncl.llty of the stomach, riuiisea, heartburn, disgust ot fool, full ness or wlsht of the stomach, sour eruc tations, sinking or lluttcrl:iK of the heart, choking or stiff oca-luir sensations whti hi a lying- posture, dirnnesa of vision Uots or webs before Ihr Miiht. fever anil dull pain In the heart, deficiency of perspira tion, yellowness of the skin and eyes, niin In the side, chest, limbs, und Hudden flushes of heat, burning In the f1h. A fw doses or UADWAVS PILLS w'H free the ryBtem of &:i tho unovc-namel disor l'.r. Yt'.rc 25c. per TJix. 3 dd by drugnls'i. Send to DR. H ADWAY CO., 53 Elm street New .York, for Book of Advice. soldier and wears the distinction of colonel by merit. After the war he resid ed tn Philadelphia filling a responsible position. In 1S?0 was married and In 1S72 moved to Luzerne county to take a position with, the powder company at Wapwallopen, owned by the Messrs. Dupont. He has since served in their employ and at present is the com pany's general manager. He has long been active in Luzerne county politics nnd for some time has been president of the Republican league. Mr. Scott Is a man cf fine physique, commanding in appearance, well educated, a fluent fcpeaUer and a genial companion. .He is an active member of Wllkes-Barre lodge. No. 109. Brotherhood Protective Order Elks, and is a high degree Mas on and a Knights Templar. WILLIAM NOMINATED. The sessions of the county convention lasted int j the evening. Hon. Morgan B. Williams, of Wapwallopen, v.-as sel ected for congressional candidate. The entire ticked nominated Is as follows: For congress. Twelfth district, Mor gan B. Williams, of Wilkes-Uarre; for state Fenntor. W. J. Scott, of WaDwall- ! oixmi; for treasurer, Robert P. Robinson, i AVIlkes-Barr;.; for Register. Hiram P. Kuutz. of ilazleton; tor auditors, W. L. Hig?s ard Edward A. Morgan, cf Wilkes-Barre: for commlsslnera, A. D. 1 Hay, of Lehman, and John M. Jones, of P!tt3to:i. AVOCA. Mr. and Sirs. H. B, Chase, of Scran ton. were the guests of friends here yes terday. Mrs. M. A. t iolden and daughter.Rose, spent yesterday with Plttston friends. Mrs. iJr. Perse and daughter, Flos sie, ure visiting friends at Lake Wlnola. Messrs. Relnhelmer and Hartwell, of Wilkos-Bnrre, were the guests of Miss Mame Cranston on Sunday. C. J. Ruddy, of Sranton, spent yester day with friends here. Mrs. George Shifter and Miss Fannie McKaa, of Plains, are visiting at tho home of Mrs. Hose Newlin. Mine Foremen David D. Davis, of the Langcllffe Coal company, and Solo mon Deebie, of the Avoca Coal com pany, each have a company of men working; for the rescue ot the entombed workmen at Pittston. James J. Sheedy, of Scranton, was a business caller here yesterday. W. J. McGrail and Mart Ready, of Archiiaid, spent Monday with Avoca friends. The marriage ceremony of Miss B. Jennings, of the North End, and Ed ward Walsh, of Dunmore, was per formed on Sunday evening by Rev. M. F. Crane at St. Mary's church In the presence of the Immediate friends. Miss Margaret McCorinao wa3 bridesmaid, and John Moran acted in the capacity of groomsman. A reception followed at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh have the congratulations of a huge circle of friends. They will com mence housekeeping at once In Dun more, of which pluce Mr. Walsh has been a resident. OLYPHANT. A prominent young couple, Thomas Nealon and Miss Annie Lyons, were wedded yesterday morning at 9 o'clock In St. Patrick's church by the Rev. J. M. Smoulter. The groom Is a member of the school board and a popular young ruan; his bride is an amiablo young lady with many friends. James Nealon, brother of the groom, was groomsman, and Miss Lizzie Kearney, of Scranton, was bridesmaid. The bride and her maid were attired In lovely gowns of cream silk trimmed with lace and each carried bouquets of white roses. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride and Mr. and Mrs. Nealon de parted on a wedding journey to Phila delphia and Baltimore. On their re turn they will reside on Dunmore street. The Standard band of this place will give an open air concert In front of the business place of J, E. Brugler to morrow evening. The following will be rendered: "Rlack America," Negro od dity, Zeichel; waltz, "Little Dorlt," Bennett; overture, Zlgmonde; "Popu lar Swing," Brooke; march, "Old Guard," Harlow; song and dance, May berry; "Lticlndu," waltz, Peitie; "King Cotton," Sousa. English t'upitnl Tor American Invest ments. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish cupltal for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of o'jO successful promoters who have placed over 100,000,000 sterling in for eign Investments within the last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven months of lSlio. Price 5 or $23, payable by postal order to the London and Uni versal Bureau of Investors, 20, Cheap side, London, li C. Subscribers will be entitled, by arrangement with the directors to receive either personal or letters of introduction to any of these successful promoters. Tills list is first cluss In every re spect, and' every man or firm whose name appears therein may be depend ed upon. For placing the following It will be found Invaluable Bonds or Shares ot Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PEPTS, CAPT. ARTHUR ST1FFE, Copyright. If the lluby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow":. Soothlnr; Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil T:cns of Mother-i for tlielr Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, .' Days all Pain. Cures Vlnd Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other Ind. Tweiiv-flve rents a bottle. SEALED PROPOSALS. tjfaALEP PROPOSALS FO!: TUB ALTER O atlo'i rif tho Lvkuwnnim County t'onit l;ouse. will bo receipel at the office of tb Conn y t'omm i sinners. iu the city of Scrau tun until .Iiilv Till, ISM. I'l tis nisy 1 S'bu at the office cf T. I. Lwy, r -liitocts, 'traders' National bsuk bu Idi'ig. S'-rantou, Tn. I nch bid m int b- s vompanied with certi fied chen fur fil.'Oil. TIib County Commissioners reserve the right to l ej .ct any or all bids. JOHN DKMCTIL S. W. bOBiRTS, GiLEfi Hubert. L'oui'ty Couiniissionsn. SEALKD PROPOSALS WILL BR RE coive i nt the oflivn of tlit Secretary of tbo lloni-d of ( untrul. uutil 7:31 o' lock, Jlon duv eveniiii.-. July 13. ItW. for building re taining wil l, grading- nnd lnylng s dcwnlks st in. I.J b,'. Oi.l, Went I.ucnst st. eet. Kiiteentlt witrd. Tr.'U ti n. I'n., ncoi ilinir to plinsand ipw Rcations iu tiio nuiidi of Jo'.m A. Duck worth, artiUitbet. Tiii sum of - huwhvd dullnrs In cash or ' ert.fl.-d cli"ik sli-dl b iri'dimd with hmcIi iid.vMi:ch sum ahull lie forfeited tn tho rirh d Un'rict in i-iisi) of r.'fiwul nr "mission to ex i ut. vut -a "t w tiiiu ten days after tUd nwiirdi'ti! the smut) 'i h(! HunrU remrvi-a th9 ri;ht to reject any or all bi)U EUliEXU i. FBl.LoWH. fei-cretary. Medical. V .iiiKrtt Chichcsior's Erf&h P;.my:oyjl PHIS - fiv., Pr-in.i. i,M t! UvSt. I'llti'ili. - J 'I Jk: aC'i-r. h.-iiJ ."v., nniii, i' r i irt! " K.ikt :-j Li.ii-." ii rts Mr Return Mad.,, unpi. c pnnoliy & Wallace 2 SPECIALS m THE CLOAK Ladies' White Duck Skirts. 5-yard Skirt, Ladies' Night Gowns, our regular $2.50 and $3.00 numbers at CONNOLLY A WORD. WANTS OP ALL, KIND3 COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCK. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 13 MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LE33 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RtTLE XV. FLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. II EL1,V AM LV-M ALES. WANtED- A8 AUENT IN EVKKY SKO. tlm to csuvass: $4.(0 tn tiuO a day main ; (Vila at sil t; alio a man to sell Stnide tiooria to dealers: b at aide line $75 a month; ularv or large commission made: experience uiinreary. Cliftuu ttoap and Manufacture Ins Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED -WELL-KNOWN MAft IN very town tn toliclt ttock auliscrip tloRs; a monopoly; big money for agt-nts; no capital required. EDvVAKD C. FISH & CO., Borden Block, Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED FEM A LES. WANTF.D-NUK8E FOB CARE OP TWO children and to do chamber work; mnat bo neat, capable, and with good references, y.pply B30Oibaon street. WANTED MIDDLE AO ED PROTES- tant woman -is nurse and housekeeper in small farai y. Good house; $3 per week. Addreas "K," Tribune office. LADIEB-1 MAKE BIG WAGES DOING pleasant homework, and will gladly lend full particulars to all siimliug 2 cent stamp. Jl ISS M. A. Sl'EUBINS, Lawrence, Mich. WANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to aed and Introduo Snyder's rake icing! experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and Tery profitable. Writ for Particulars at once and got benefit of holiday i-ado. T. B. SNYDER tl CO., Cincinnati, O. ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER- aetio aaleawomen to reoreaent na Gnaranteed SO a day without loterferring with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, enclosing stamp. Mango ( hemlcal Company, No. It John Street, New York. FOR KENT. OFFICES FOR RENT-TWO LARGE suites; front offices; hay windows; city tram hvat; gaa mil elentrio light; elevator; second floor. PRICE BUILDING. yOR RENT HALF t F DOUBLE BOUSE; S? modern improvements; rent reasonable; corner of Pino and Blakely streets, Dunmore. FOR SALE. i?OH BALE-ONE 4-YEAR-OLD R0K8E, ' buggy and harness. Two two hone lam ber wagjus Complete, box and dirt rigging. Cheap for cash. JOSEPH C. M AUEB, black smith shop, next te Keystone Brewery, Don more. 170R SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN JT double bell euphonium, nicely engraved with trombone bell, gold lined; nearlv new and oust $00: will tell at a bargain. Address this week to E. W. GAYLOR, LaRaysville, IfOR HALE OR RENT-SIX-KOOIIED COT tage. Wyoming Camp Ground; partly furnished. W. H. HAZl.ETT, Scranton. yOR BALE HORSE, AGED SIX YEARS, V weight 1.0J0 pouuds; can be seen at 1(121 Price street. VOR BALE MY COTTAGE AT ELM i liurst and the four luts on which it standi; also tho four lots adjoining; most de. l Milfl Ideation in Elinburai; prices retaina ble; terms eaar: possfpaion given at once. K, P. Kl NCSBURY. Commonwealth Building, Scranton. I'a. AGENTS WANTED. :AEED GENERAL AnFSUB agnn'a for Lackawanua county. W AL TERF. DuWlTT, Ueneritl ...anagjrof Agon cles for Traitors' and bunkers Mutual Life Association. Call between U and 9 p. m., at rps.dfttce, 223 Adams avenue. T ANTED SALESMAN; SALARY FROM V start; permanent place. BItoWN BROS. CO,, Nurserymen, Koci.istor. N. Y. AGENTS WANTED TO BELL C1UARS; $73 per month; salary and cxp-msts !uid. Address, with two-cent stamp, i'iUAKO CI GAR CO., Chicago. VGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL glod, silver, nickel and copper electro plasters: prices from $3 upward; ualary and expoi.set paid: outfit freo. Address, with stump, MICHIGAN Mr'G Co., Cliicm.o. AGENTS TO BELLOlGAItS TO DEALERS; SW5 weekly and expennei: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO.. 48 Van Buieu St , Chicago, calhsman to carry hpe line; is O per cent, rommisilon: samp e book wailed free. Address L. N. CO., fetation L, New York. VT NCF. AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell n-w liglitnim; sMlio table cloth, innsquitu Bill boa e fly liquil at III cants an J IU cents a buttla. bumpier, eo. BuLGlANO ...'P'G CO., H .ltimore, Md. AGE TS-HINDF.'M PATENT UMVER iV sal Pair Curlers nnd Vtavcrs (used witu cut beat), and "l yr Pointel" Hair Pins. Lib eral commiiHions. Free sample and full par ticulaia. Ad iross P. O. Uox i')ti. New York. jUJiTED. 1 VANTED-A GOOD BARN WITH AC v V commodatinn for thre horses and waron, near whnieaatt block. Call or address with price, OKOt:tlW rUPPLY & PRO bUt E CO., 17 Lacks winn i avenue. ViA WTCn SMART REPUBLICAN IN isHlllLU"" every ci umy wnu will wora tor a week for two months and will earn it. Aiidrens. Pox 11X1, Fbila. P. O. UNFUKMSIIED ROOMS. UNFURNISHED RO IMS, WITH USE OF - as. but nnd cold bntli, Hitting and road lug ro'iros. Zh LticKuw innii avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTE:'-BV A YOUNG i lady as bookkeeper or misliler: thoroughly understand b'TdtkiMplni. H -st of r fereaooa., CnMPh.Tt.iS l.'tfl bumner av, city, YOUNG LADY PKSIRKS ') O OBTAIN a pi sltlon as Iwpl keeper, assistant took Itoeper or a y kind of oftte.. wo: k . Address, BOOKKEEPER VXD '1 YPhW K1TER, Post-oCk-e. Uurautou, Pa & WALLACE, TRY US. 102-004 UCK1 AVE., COR. 10111 TO WHOM FT MAY CONCERN. ALL PARTIES WFO ARE INDEBTED TO toe Stephen Outhelus and Barbara I . utliclm estate arc hereby notified to make paymvnht in part or wools withlu 80 days or accounts will be collected according to law; payments can be made at residence. M Alder streot, fi.m, tog p. m. : it furniture store, SIS Cedar avenus, any time during day. C. BiORR, Alderman. SPECIAL NOTICES. r'HE HOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." -1 You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old war Ing the forces In actual battle.sketchsd on the spot. Two volumes, .M pictures. Bold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex press etunpl e te, all charges prepaid. Address P. O. UOODY, ti2 Adams Ave., ttorantoa, Pa. WARNING THi BUSINESS HEN ABB hereby cautioned not to sell any goods to Eugene Reob, as the undersigned win not pay any debts Incurred by bis son. iHRlS TOP1LER KKCH. 742 Looust street. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect May 19, 1895. Trains Ltave WilkesBarrVi Follows 7.26 a. m., wtak days, for Sunbury, Harrliburg, Philadelphia, Balti. mors, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the Wsst. 10.15 a. m., weak days, for Haslaton, Pottsville, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harritburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts, burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington und Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harritburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazeton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Past. Agent. S. M. PREVOST, Qcnsral Manager. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect 'Monday, June 1. 1S96. Trains leave Scranton as fallows: Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.50, 6.13, ti.VO and 9.65 a. m.; and 3.M p. m. Express) for Ki-ston. Trenton, Philadel phia and Ihe South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.'; and 3.3S p. m. Washington and way stations, 4.00 p. m. Tobypannu accommodation, p. r.i. Express for Binghamton, Oswego, Kl mira, Cornlne, Bath, lansvllle, Mount Morris and htulTulo, V2.2D, 2.35 u. m und l.t; p. tn making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, North west und Southwest. liath accommodation, 9.13 a. tn. hiniclinnitou and way stations, 1.00 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 6.10 p. in, ninghamtnn and Elmlrn express S.uu p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Tllf.ii nnd RIchllcid Springs, 2.C5 a. m., and l.M ti. m. lthitra 2.35 and Bath 9.15 a. m. and 1.49 p. ni. Por Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsbiirg und ban villo. making close connections at North umberland fur Willlamsport, llarrlsfturg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and int rmedlate sta tions,, 11.55 a. tn. and 1.55 and U.iK) p. in. Nantlcoke und intermediate stations, 8.W and 11.20 n. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations. 3.40 and 8.47 p. m. Pullman pr.rlor and sleeping; coaches on ail express fulns. P'or information, pocket time tabla, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, S:s Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket ottlce. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coul used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 7. lf.M. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, WlIkeH-Barre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15. 11.30 a. m 12.45, 2.i 3.05. B.OI. 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.U0, u- m., 1 h, 2.15, 7.10 p. m For Mountain Park, 8.20, 11.30 a. m., 2.00, 3.05, 5-tj p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00 2.15 p. in. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York. Newark and Elisabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6 22 p. m. and New York ti.00 p. m. For Muuch Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton und Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 12.45. .'1.05. 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.15 1. m. For Lons Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at S.20 a. ni. (through car), 12.45 p. rn. For Kritdinjr, Lebanon and Harrlsbuor, via Allentown, 8.20 a. tn., 12.45 p. m., 6.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.20 a. ni., 12.45 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) u. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. in. 8unday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading; Terminal, 9.U0 a. tn., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 0.25 a. tn. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Oen. Pass. Agt. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Oen. Sufit. ROOM 4 li 9S7jr 209 CPHOLSI FURN1TU1& Clean Carpeis, Renovate Feathers, Hake Over Mattel, Hake and Repair SpiisA Sell Iron Beds, Hake Fine Mattresses. May 17. 1898. Train leave Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. A H. R. R. at 6.46, 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.30 4.41 (Black Dia mond Express) and 11.3d p. m., via. D., L. & W. R. K., U.0O, g.08, 11.20 a. an., and Lit I), m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkes Burre, via D:. L. A W. R. R., .00, 1.08, 11.20 . m., 1.65, 3.40, 6.00, 1.47 p. m. Leave Scranton for Whit Haven, TIa leton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottevlll branches, via D. 4H.K.K, at 8.45, 7.46 a. m., 12.05, 1.80, 2.30, 4.41 p. m., via D., L. W. R. R. 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. tn 12.20, 1.65, 1.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading-, Harrlaburr and all Intermediate points, via D. H. R. R.. 6.46, 7.46 a. m 12.06, 1.20, 2.30, 4.41 (Black Diamond Ex press). U.38 p. m., via D L. W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08. 11.20 a. m.. 12.20. 1.56. 3.40 D. m. Wanda. Klmtra. Ithaca, ftenava. and ml n. in.,, xi.iw y. in., via i m n . R. R-. 8.08. 9.55 a. m.. 14.20 n. m. mm , ' Il.7 1 11.1 , , 'IT ..I.. T at Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west, via D. & H. R. R., 1.46 a, m., 12.06, 1.20, 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 9.60, 11.38 p. m via D., L. W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 1.08. 9.66 a. nt., 12.20, 8.47 p. m. For Elmira and the west, via Salamanca, via D. & H. R. R 8.46 a, m.. 12.06 p. m.. Via D., U W. R. R., 8.06, 9.56 a. m 1120, 3.40 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair care on all trains between L. 4k B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New Tork, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLL-IN H. WILBUR, Oen. flupt. CHAS. S. LEE, Oen. Pass. Agt., P3ila.,Pa, A. W. NONEMACHER. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Scranton office, 309 Lackawanna avenue. A- DEIMWARE, AND WirT i HUDSON TIME TABLE. On Monday, May 18, train will leave Scran ton aa follows: For Carbondale 6.45, 7.65. 8.66, 10.15 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 1.21. 2.20, 8.52, 6.25, 0.26, 7.67, 9.10, 1030, 11.55 p. tn. . For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc. 6.46 a. m.J 2.20 p. ni. For Honesdale-5.45, 8.55, 10.16 a. m., 12.00 noon; 2.20, 5.25 p. m. For Vllkes-Barre-.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.38, 10.45 a. m.; 12.05, 1.20, 2.80, 1.33, 4.41, 1.00, 7.60, 9.50, 11.88 p. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley railroad 6.46, 7.46 a. m.J 12.05, 2 30, 4.41 (with Black Diamond Ex press) p. m. For Pennsylvania railroad points 6.4$, 9.34 a. in.; 2.30, 4.41 p. ni. For western points, via Lehigh Valley rallroad-7.45 a. m.; 12.05, 3.33 (with Black Diamond Express), 9.50, 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive Scranton as follows: From Carbondale and the north ti.40, 7.40, 8.40, 9.34, 10.40 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 1.05, 2.27. 3.25, 4.37. S.45, 7.45, 9.45, 11.33 p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and the south 5.40, 7.50, 8.50, 10.10, 11.55 a. m.; 1.16, 2.14, 3.48, 6.22, 6.21, 7.53, 9.03, 9.-15. 11.52 p. m. Erie and Wyoming Valid y. Effective June 22. Trains leave Scranton for New Yark, Nfvbui?h and Intermediate points on Erie, also for Hawley and local points at 7.05 and 8.45 a. m. und 2.28 p. tn., and ar rive from above points at 11.18 a, m. and 3. IS and 9.38 p. m. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 5.15 p. m., returning arrive at Scranton at 7.42 and 8.16 a. m. RCKJINTOTI HlVISIOIf. tn Effect June ISM. ftvriti Hnuafl. iS03 SOI l?iJI ii. 8UU0DS OIL 2 '(Tralni Dally. Bx I cent .undav.) V. in h p v Arrive Leayei IA M 10 4-. 7 95N. Y. frtnklln t. no ifoi 7 10 VTesi street ....lit ..llOiS 7 0 WeeLawaen Ip m p u Arrfo Leave :: io T!i 1 IS Ulthtock junction flOl 6M 1 t( 100 ft in is mi 6 04118-10 4 ta,it4u 4 (812 4 47 IS 14 i Mia m uancoca Stat light PreiUia Park Como poyntelle Belmont pleasant Mt. Unlondale Forest city Carbondale White Fridge Mayfleld Jerinyn Archibald V.'lntoa Peckvllle olrphant prloeburC Throop Provldeaoe park Place 111 14 686 144 111 41 6o M t5 7 ml ll f4 8 fll.Vl TIM TsS 11 8 IS lt 4 ZK'ii r. A Vk 1 1 A. 7 84 If4 nafiiso ,18 CSlflll '. 4118 48 .. 7 4A 1 46 .. 760 151 .. 7 68 8114 .. 7M 8W .. 8 00.4 01 .. 60S 4 Of .. 80S 410 .. 8. Wild 8 51111 It 8 4H1I l.i 843 11 II S will 1)7 83511 Oi 8 (Will 0 n an li 0 OS 414.. fill HIT .. !ia i067l fccrantPO 116 4J0I .. i sir m i M i tavs Arrive AU trains run dally except Sundsy. f. el KSiflet that trains tlop on signal for pas. Wklcure ratee via Ontario a Western before Biu'cbirung tickets and save money. Day and Klsut Bipteu to the West. . c. ADdonon, Oen. Pass. A(i T. ntcrott, Dl. rasa, Agt. Scranton, ft, hush