THE RC3R ANTON TRIBUNE TUES DAY ' MORNING. JTNE 30. 1896. WARRING ELBiENTS ARE GATHERING Democratic Leaders Prepare to Rend Each Oiher at Chicage. SILVER IS NO SIDE SHOW The Bland Hooru is Fairly Launched. - Cuiuptroltor Ccklva oa tUc Sccno Prepared to Jive L"ncrt Trsti. motuvScuator Teller's Candidacy Nut Regarded with favor. Chicago, June 29. Contrary to the es tablished rule of such occasions, the Kenerals of the groat political battle to be fought out next week, are arriving in advance of the rank and tile. Sena tor Jones, of Arkansas, came In late last nlfrht, and this mnrnlmjColonel T. O. Towles, of Missouri, secretary of the bimetallic Democratic national commit tee, opened up headquarters at the Sherman house In the parlor adjoining that occupied by the Arkansas senator. Comptroller of the Currency Kckles k led the list of morning arrivals at the l'almer house and was closely followed by Hon. John F. Shafroth, the I'.epubli can silver congressman from the First district of Colorado, who broke his Jour ney west to keep an appointment with Senntor Fred T. Dubois, of Idaho, one of the 'bolters from the St. Louis con vention. At the. Auditorium annex the first signs of the Itland boom became evident with the arrival of George V. Allen, one of the lel"gates at large from Missouri, who will be Joined later In the day by Nicholas P. Hill, John A. Knott ami J. T. ;rad!--hav, constituting the executive committee of the island forces. Congressman Shafroth made n tour of the hotels in search of Senator Dubois, but had not succeeded In locating him at noon. There is considerable speculH tlon as to the plans and intentions of these two representative silveritos, and about the l'almer house It wns reported that they would seek to effort an ar rangement with the Democratic bi-me-tallic committee In the interest of Sena tor Teller's candidacy. Senator Jorr. t was Bpuciiically asked t' express his vlevvf on this point ti the United Press. He replied: "ours is essentially a Democratic organiza tion, Rnd I do not mt how we could admit there gentlemen ft participate in our councils nml ever- were any over tures to that end made. "I take It, however, that li" they de sire to appear bei'ore us for the purpose of presenting tiny statement or mak ing any. suggestions, our committee would be very glad to give then' u hear lng. Beyond thai, however, I do not think that we could so." ' THE ULAMi MOO!:. Governor Plone with Mofcs C. Wet more, the mlllli nitliv tobacco merchant and others will b here early tomorrow morning. A car lead of literature con cerning the public career and the speeches of the Missouri advocate of the wMto metal Is being unloaded this inorninjr and will be at once put into circulation. There will be two Wand headquarters, one nt the Auditorium anmx and tho other at the Palmer house. Naturally enough the headquarters of the bimetallic Democratic rational committee at the Sherman house were the chief centre of Interest this morn ing and before Senator Jones and Sec retary Towles had finished breakfast a stack of cards from members of the lo cal and slate silver contingents lay alongside their plates. Once the meal over, their parlors were the s"eno of an ever changing crowd of stiver visit ors. While ho unpacked his trunk, Secretary Towles took occasion to ex plain that the bimetallic national com mittee, so far from being a Bide show, was thoroughly representative of every state and territory. LEARNED IT IN THE JUgY-ROOM. Oklahoma Parmer Arrested for .Uunu- faclniiiig Roxus Money. Wichita, Kan., June 29. (Walter N. Owens, a farmer cf Oklahoma, was sen tenced to serve a term in the penitentiary' ' at Leavenworth for counterfeiting. The case, to some extent, is a remarkable one. Previous to his arrest he had al ways borne a good reputation.Two years ago he was a juror In the I'nlted States court here and trl.d a counterfeiter. During the progress of the trial coun terfeiter's tools were exhibited and evi dence introduced showing how false moneys were coined. Owens examined the tools closely and listened to the evidence .attentively. After the conclusion of the trial he wont home and made couterfeiting tools him self and proceeded to work. Owing to his good reputation he made and passed a great deal of spurious money before he was detected. SEVEN PERSONS INJURED. Itesolt of a Collision lletueen a llrcwcry Wugon and n Trolley Cnr. Jersey City, N. J., June 29. Seven persons were Injured in a collision be tween a heavily loaded brewery wag on and a Ltnyonne trolley car at the Junction of Communipaw avenue and Grand street this afternoon. Two of the persons were fatally in jured. Mrs. Mary Dean, of Newark, and Miss Gertrude Hayden, of Jersey City. The ether five were seriously hurt, but it Is believed they will sur vive. FIND A NEST OF TARANTULAS. Mother and Two Hundred Young in a liuncli of llnnaiins. Cincinnati, June 29. An adult taran tula and 200 young ones were captured in a bunch of bananas that arrived to day from the south. All were taken alive, and given to the Natural History society. Shippers say It is the first Instance of .a nest of young reptiles being shipped north. GETS HER DIVORCE IN AN HOUR. Mrs. Cndwnllndcr . of Loimnsport, ' liul,, lircak the Record. Logansport, Ind., June 29. Mrs. Cad wallader this morning brought suit for divorce from her husband, John Cadwallader. ' They separated at 9 o'clock, the com plaint was filed at 9.30, and appearance being waived the divorce was granted at 10 o'clock. TAYLOR. Edmund Williams Is preparing to lay flagBtofte walks in front of his property on Main street, ,.. ...';' ,-, -,-. . The butchers of Taylor will keep their places of business open on July 4 from' 6 to 10 a, m. No peddling on that day. Miss Kehr, of Scranton, was visiting her parents of this place on Sunday, Tbe people of Greenwood were treated to an open, aif concert Saturday evening by the Union band of this, place. They Intend to cive one in Minooka on Wednesday, i The culm cleaner will be Idle begin ning July 1, for repairs. . ' Mrs. John Davis, of Dellevue was visiting relatives here Sunday. ' The Dove brothers challenge James Wilson and Joseph Stewart, of Dun- more, to a game of hand ball on anv date they may men'tlJti, for one hundred dollars a sldiu Men and money can be found at John Rickaby's hotel at the PIMey. Mary Bcherer was the guest of Miss Mottle Collier, of Old Forge. Sunday. A surprise party was tendered Miss Kllen Kvans at her home In the Pyne Saturday evening. Thus who were In attendance had an enjoyable time. LEKAYSYILLU - Benton W. Wells, wife and child, of New York city, are spending their sum mer vacation In theto parts visiting among relatives and friends. Mr. Wells is a member of the police force of that city. Master Lee Mitchell, of Binghamton. Y- ls visiting his gradpannts, Mr. anil Mrs. C. A. Carter. Mrs. Kleanur Linen, w ho has b.-en spending the past two months with near relatives in Rochester, N. Y, returned home last Friday. Itev. Dickey, of East Smithfleld, who has Irten a supply to Uie Congregational people of Neath, the present fortnight, called on Rev. S. I. Davis the last of the week. The advfrtlslng force for the 4th of July celebration was In town the middle of last week, and created the attention of many. Their conveyance was the hose cart nicely decorated In the national col ors, while tho occupants wire attract ively attired in fantastic; style. Mrs. L. A. llosworth la entertaining a lady friend from out of town. Our tnnsorlnliPt, Charles Hutchinson. was always known to'have his mind full of ideas, and now a recent visit to a nenrby town has caused his head to be come load, d with n new scheme In the" shape of a double fan which ls used over his barber chulr. The power Is pro duced by the simple U"e of two weights, and the mechanism though very flmple. Is: attracting considerable attention be- ! sides being a cooling companion for hln customers; We expect next he will wcrk t up a scheme to attach his razors to the 1 device.. ! The Times is taking a week's veca- ! tion until after the Fourth, cons- quent- ; ly a "skip" wll be made thi; week. ! Several of our bicyclists took a. spin j to ftevcnsvlllu lust Saturday evening I anu witnessed the opeiwilr concert given by the band of that place. J. V. Keeler Is snending several dny:i at his form, r home In Wyaluslrg. Mrs. Dr. Dlnga wan entertaining rela tives from Rush hist Friday. C. F. Hull, of Athens, accompanied by W. II. I. Gore, candidate for prothono tary, subject to the Republican rules, was In town last week. A. G. Miller made a business trip to Nicholson and Smlthboro last Friday. Mis. Mary Hixby, nn aged lady re siding below town, died last we. k. Funeral was held on Saturday after noon. Green peas are selling for 23 Cints a peck In our markets. The strawberry crop Is growing very light. Miss Agnes Miller, modiste, Is spend ing this week in Herrlcl: township. II. W. Short?lle has his new residence well under way and w hen llnlshed will be a handsome structure. S. H. Davis has been adding some noticeable Improvements to the exterior of his dwelling. John Wolf, candidate for re-election of county commissioner, has been In town the part week looking after hla In terests among the Republican voters. W. H. Cogswell was up from Skinner:) Eddy last Saturday. Cherries are a very light crop In East ern Bradford, but prospects are good ' for a large yield In the npple crop. i Tho evening of June 22d will be re- membered by sixty-five of the friends of ! the Congregational church and society, I who met at the Manse to tender their ! pastor, S. I, Davis, a farewell reception j on a surprise plan, under the supervls- i Ion of the Senior Christian Endeavor so- I clety. The reverend was presented with I a Webstor'B International directory in- j deedv ilhe preseiutation speech being made by Rev. D. Davis, of Home. Mr. i uaviB has a host of friends, riot only in this place, but the ndjacent towns where he 1ms been, who will join with us in mnkliiR him Godspeed In his field of la bor, although at present we are unable to report where he experts to locale. After leo cream nnd enke? were served, the following Invited guests departed for their respective homes: Rev. and Mrs. D. DaVis, of Rome; Miss Nettin Cook, of Pottsvllle; V. A. Corbln and wife, H. A. Wilson and wife, Alfred Phillips and wife, W. D. Johnson and wife, B, P. Fasse,tt and wife, Charles Hutchinson and wife, Thomas Wilson and wife, S. H. Morris and wife, J. C. Gorham and wife, B. O. Codding and wife, David Morgan and wife, John Hutchinson and wife. E. W, Gaylord and wife, Mrs; G. N. Johnson, Mrs. Dr. Cook, Mrs. H. H. Beardsley, Mrs. S. 1 Williams, Mrs. T. J. Morris, Mrs. N. H. Brink, Miss Millie Rockwell, Mrs. D. O. Northtlp, Mrs. N. Dourlek, Mrs. H. C. Lyon, Mrs. S. J. C4ranger, Mrs. G. "W. Beecher, Mrs. Hart, Annie Cook, Agnes Miller, Dora Fassett, Harriet Lines, Anna Brink, Nellie Johnson, Matie Johnson, Nettle Miller, Eva Rockwell, Eva Warner, Mary Humphrey, Cnrrlo Hose, Olive Fletcher, Maine Parks, Ma bel Hutchinson, H. W. Beeoher, B. W. Northrop, A. G. Miller, Robert Carl, Russell Cook .Arthur Worden, Robert Williams, Clarence Patton. MOOSIC. John Hessler, of Wilkes-Barre, was a caller In town on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society of the Metho dist Episcopal church will hohl a sale of fancy"' nnd useful articles In Dy niond's hall on Main' street, Oct 14, IE and 18. ' Miss Nellie Brown, of Wilkes-Barre, sint Sunday at the home of S. F. Price, on Main street. John Urodhead has returned from a visit to Mill City. Goneral and fcorvous Debility. TiVtiltnCR of Pody find Mind, Kfl'ccts of Hrrm"--or r.xcc9es in Old or Youpk. Kolv.tst, Nobly JMnnhood fully lb stored. Ifow to Knlnrrre and IStrcnffthen Weak, Uu idavcloiwd Portions of Uody. Aliiululely uu f 11 1 1 i iig TTouio T roatmen t. lianullls lu a day. jn tcntlfy Ii-oin r0 Htalcs and Fore all Couutrioa. Bond for Des-erlptlvo Boole, ex planatloa and proofs, nrnliud (dcaiodl free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. FAILING lilies NOTIFICATION OF . MAJOR M'KINLEY . (Concluded from Page l.J patriotic devotion of the people to the ; bm interest of our beloved country and Ca'e . ?. 01 , . without whose support all we do is I en-pty and vain. Should the people rati- ' f v the choice of convention fur j which you speak, my only aim will be I to promote the public good, which In ' America is always the grvid of the greatest numb: r. the honor of our couu- : try ail the welfaie of th- l'Ph;. j Mahofi. cf Rock Tvrraee. and a brother i Important any of the great govern- I a 1 lf thIs trough. Mr. Duhlgg wns mental problems that hav confronted j al,out 2 years old and was well-known j ir In the st quarter of a century. thl" People of this place and his un I They command our sober Judgement ! timely end Is a cause of widespread re- and a settlement free from partisan ' prejudice and passion, beneficial to our selves and benefitting the honor and grandeur of the republic. They touch 1 every Interest of our common country, j our industrial supremacy, our product I Ivq capacity, our business and com- mr . rem,y IiUVi our ,,roud fi,mn(,:,i honoP I n.l our plemlid Hoe citizennhii the I birthright of ( very American are all ! Involved In the pending canipeli n, and thus every home in the Innd is directly : uiid lntinuitely connected n itii their j proper settlement. Great are the lssu s j Involved In the coming election and j eager and earnest tho people for th lr j 1 ifrht determination. Our domestic trade must bo won tack nrd our idle working j people employed In gulnful occupations nt American wag-s. Our home market must be vectored to Its proud rank of j first In the world, and our foreign trade I so pcrcipitntcly cut off by adverse na tional legislation, reopened on fair and ;"equltable terms for our surplus agrl : c ultural nml manufacturing products, j Protection and reciprocity, twin meas ures of a true American policy, should acaln command the earnest encourage r.icnt of the government at Washington. ' Public confidence rmu t be resumed, and I the skill, the energy and the capital of . our country find an-r.lo employment nt ' home, sustained, enooii'-ngod ami de I fended against the unequal competition , and serious dlsndvnrtanrds with which ! they are now cent -nding. NECESSITY OF TARIFF. Tho government cf the t'r.ltcd States must mire enough money to me. t both I'.h current exporpe end increasii grced.-i Ha revenue riiouid be raised to protect the nfatcrial Inlersts cf our people, with , the lhvhtoKt p.i.::ibl drain upon their ; n source., and tv.nintoin -tliut high idandnrd of clvllintlon which has c'.is j tingtiiidied our country for more than a . -e litury of h.i existeneo. The Income j of tile government,- I repeat, should ! equal it:f necessary ur.d p.oper exrerdi , lures. A failure- to pursue this policy 1 lias cnmnelled the r- vernment to bnr i row ino"ey. In time of peace, to sitslnln 1 it' credit and pay its daily' expenses. ; This policy should be r. ve rse. 1. and, j that, too, ns soc My ns possible. It j must be nprnrcnt to nil, ivgnrdless of 1 past party tle'i nrd a'il!!ation3 that it I Is the duty to tirovldo adequate r, venue ; for tho oi. ndlturi s or' t'le government 1 economically and nrudently ndmlrlster j cd. This the Itcpubllcan party has here 1 lofore (bine, and this, I confidently 1 e I li 've, it will do In the future wlr 11 th? party is nmln entrii"tetl with power In I tho executive and legislative branches j of our government. The national credit whlrii has thus far foititnat ly , VM-y nssnult upon it, r.v:..t and will be upheld and trentrtiieneil. If sutiiclent I revenues are provided for the support j of the government there will be no 110- cesrity for borrow!:1,; money and in I creasing the public debt. The complaint . cf the people is not against 1hndminls- tratlon for borrowing money and issu i ing bonds to preserve the er.clit of tho j cour:;ry. but a raist the ruinous policy j which has made this reoessa 'y owing to I tho policy which has been Inaugurated. The inevitable r ffoet of such 11 policy ls s on In the deficiency of the United States treasury excpt as it Is replen ished by loans, and n the distress of people who are sulTcrli'g because of the scant demand for their labor and tho products of their labor. Here is the fundamental trouble, the remedy for which is Republican opportunity and duty. Durlrgnll the years of Republican control fcllowing resumption, there wns n steady reduction of the public debt while the gold reserve was sacredly rrnintnlned, and our currency and credit preserved without deprecation, taint or suspicion. If we would restore this policy, that brought us examplod pros perity for more than thirty years under the most trying condition ever known in this country, the policy by which we made nnd bought iani goer's nt home and sold more abroad, the trade bp lance would bo qu'"liy turned In our favor, end gold would come to us r.nd i ot po from ua In the Bfttle'mcnt of ail such balances In the future. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The platform adopted by the Republi I can National convention lias received ! my careful consideration and has my i unqualified approval. Tt ls a mutter of i frratlllcntlon to m? 03 I nm sure It must I be to you nnd Republicans everywhere, j and to all our peonle, thnt Its eleclara ! tion of principles ore so direct, clear and j emphatic. They are too plain ami posi , tive to leave any chance for doubt or , question as to their purport and menn- ing. Rut you will not expect me to dis cuss Its provisions nt length or In any detail ait this time. It will, however, be my duty and pleasure at some future time to make to you, nnd through you to present a more formal acceptance of the nomination tendered me. No one could be mcro profoundly grateful than 1 for Ihe manifestations of nubile, confidence which you have mo j eloquently xpoken. It nhall b' my aim i to attest tlibs appeec-'.ntlon by an un- j I npnring devotion to what I este.m the ; i best interests cf tho people, and in I j this work 1 nk the counsel and support j of you, Kentlemen, and of qvery other I frknd of the country. The generous ex- I I invasions with which you convey the j formal notice of my nomination are hlnhly appreciated and as fully reclpro- ' j eatcd, and I thank you and your ns- I 1 sorlatcs of ithe Notiflent.lo'n Committee I mml tbe frrent rtartv and convention nt whose Instance you come, for the high nnd exceptional distinction bestowed upon me. After McKinley's speech H. II. Smith, of Michigan, presented to him the travel used by Chairman Thurston at the St. Louis convention. The members of the committee then filed through the reception room and were introduced to Mrs. McKInley and tbe governor's mother. They then sat down to luncheon, after which they were driven about the city for an hour or so, leaving for Cleveland at 5 o'clock. WYOMING. Miss Emma. Elsvorth. of Dnrrance toii, ardent Paturday and Sunday With her coutsln, MIes Jlngrtle Switaer. Mrs. John ti. Ailing, of Mount ZIon, pfont-n few davs last week with her daughter, Vr?,. .Irsrph Mfltlll. Mr. and Miv. Charles Tripp, of Pcran. ton, f pr-nt Sunday v. lth the tatter's sis ter, r.trs. David Dr-lleck. 'Missra Keliie Hor;"!l, Overn field, JInrta rarrlfh' rnd Mcswrs. P. f'lussi r, Trfomas KoMe. spent Saturday with friendH nt TunkliKiinocr. Miss llota Butter, of Mount Zlon, wan culling on Miss I,i;lda Meltlll Sunday. 'Roland Fdiclly, cf itan.iom, wtis a caller In town f-urday, Henry F.wltaor, cf Tcl:vitifl, -was call? ing on his brother, William, FunCay. Miss Grace Hoover," of Wllkes-l-Jarre, and Mrs. Sitlift and daughter. Grace, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. William Swltier. ' ' F. B. Thompson, of Wilkes-Barre, silent .Sundty with his mother. Frank Dunning. Of Wilkes-Barre, was calling on Miss Maggie Swltier Sunday. , ARCHIBALD. Aman tne dims of the shocking miP .,,,. " , Plttston Is Thomas """'-E. former resident of this bo-"Eh. Mr. Duhlgg went to Pittston I oboici a year ago and had. Uoea working I at the ill-fated mine about three i months. . He was a son of Mrs Michael gret. Ili3 stricken relatives have tho sympathy of the community. Mr. Du- higg's brother ls at the mine and forms one of the rescuers at work there. Rev. F. P. Mack, of Dushore. read the j late mass h ie on Sunday nnd preached an eloquent and Impressive sermon. Miss P. Lolly, of Philadelphia, is spending her vacation at her home on Laurel Ftroet. Martin Cawley, the enterprising Pine ftrcet merchant, has broken ground for a large store, opposite his present place of business. It will be one of the largvst buildings in town. Mrs. Patrick Lnlly and daughter, Margaret, of Philadelphia, are visiting relatives here. St. Thomas' college will observe the Fourth of July by holding a grand par ade and picnic. After services In the morning the societies and members of the congregation will assemble at the church and will parade on the principle streets to the plenic ground. Captain P. J. McAndrew has been appointed nxm-ha! of tho parade and nearly all tho societies In town will participate. On arriving at the grove patriotic ex- trcUes wll be held and the picnic will begin. Great preparations have been made to accommodate a large crowd and nothing that tends to make the afTnlr enjoyable" has been left undone; There ls every Indication that the picnic will be a great success. NICHOLSON. Among those who spent the Snbbath in Nicholson were II. A. Smith, Claude Walker and friend, Frank Pratt, Mrs. E.'lKubeth Celvin and Miss Carrie Titus, of Scranton: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Titus, of Harford, and Mr. Cashan and son, of Montrose. The Nicholson Hall team will play tho Tritons tomorrow afternoon at Tunk hnmuKk. Last Saturday wns pay day for the cpmrrymen of M. Shields, jr., and Frank Cai illeel. The wheelmen of this place, about for ty In number, are talking of organizing a club and building; a race track on the l-ase ball grounds. English (epiiu! Tor American Invest incms. Important to Americans Kenklng Eni? lisli capital for i.uw e-nlerpi-iP.JS A list rentnlning the nnnics and addresses of fiicct-.-.sfPl pronioier who huve ' placo.l over mci'ts wniun trio iii3t mx years, and over s within tho lii3t Mx years. aniJ r,v 1 1 .... ' V," '""'las or Price .1 or J'.). payuhle by nest,,! ,..i to the London 11 ml Unl versai Hureau of Invrauirs. li), Cboa.iside, London E c tiuUscriln'ia will he ent!tl,-j, by arrai'iBc-l ' ment with tho iltrtotora to receive either r jioisonal or -lettci of inu orluotion tu any i cf U'pse siu-cr-s.'ftil promoters. ' I Ttils lift in nrsi ciara in every respect mid every nit.ii or firm whose name hd pear thoieli! may bo rlepcuderl nj.un Vur 1-lacliiK the foikiwinir It will be found In valuable Bond rr Shares of Inrtnatrlal Commercial and Financial Concerns' Mortnufa'Q loans. Sale of Lands, Patents or Mine!1. Directors SIR EDWARD ?. ROP3. HO.V. WAI..TRR C. PRPV3 v CAPT. ARTHUR STIFPT7. Copyright. A WORD. WANTS OF ALT, KINDS COST THAT Ml'c'H. WHEN PAID FOK IN AI VAWCK. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS M ADR, .VO CH.MtOR WILL PE LFH3 THAN ?f. CENTS. TH73 RULE P-IT.!'-'! TO Fr,T.T. tl''T adm py. I CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH AltE INSERTED FREE. Kelp Wanted Male. AVANTFD-A.N HI NT IN EVEItY K"Ro. V ti to canvass: tiXQ to $. day ma'lo: il!nt fitht; nliso a man b sell Haple Ooeda to clca'-erp; bent wdo lino 1 7.1. 10 a month: aal ary cr lure co?nmiHio made: experienca nnuprrgvniy. Clifton Soap and Uanufactnr ii't: Co., Cincinnati, O. U -ANTED- WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evi-ry town to Folieit stock aubscrip t!om: a monopoly: hipc money for agents; no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH H CO., I cinU-n Block, OUicagra 111. Kelo V.'anted Female. children and to do chamber work: must be roat. on able, and with rjood references. Apply f 20 Gibson street .r ANTED- MIDDLE AGED PROTES- V it w.minn un nurse and housekeeper tn small fa 1 ilv. Good house : S;l por week. Ad dress "H,'' Tr'.buno ollioe. 1 APII S-I MAKK PIG WAOE DOING 1 J yli afant 1k 1110 work, and will (tladly ceod full nrticnlars to all rendina 2 cent 'lamu Jll.S M. A. STEPBIN8, Lawrence, Mich. VUANTED-LADY AOPNT IN SCRAN. V ten to sell and introduce! Snyder's oaks icing: experienced canvniser preferred: work ormariui.t and very profitable. Write for rnrtienbra at once ami get benefit of holiday trade. T. II. SNVDEH & CO., Cincinnati, O WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO F.NER- V fetio falcswomen . to ropreant 11s. Guaranteed Jll a day without Interfering with other unties. Healthful occupation. Wrlto for pari leulurs, Inclosing stamp. Mawro Chem ical Company. No. 72 John afreet. Now York. For Rent. 1 'OK KENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOU8E: x mouern improvements; rent reasonable; collier of Pine and Blaltely streets, Dnnmore. For Sale. TT'OIl SALTS-ONE 4-YEAPvOLD HORSE, I 1m -ry and hari ess. Two two horao nm T"r waitcia o-imtilofe, box nml dirt tiguinir. Clie-ip f r c ish, Jesepa C, Mau -r. black smith sl op, next to Kevstoae Brewori', Dim mer.. I OK SALK STLVKR.PI.ATKn CONN cli iil'ln b 11 eupliotiinm, iie ly enirravud tepiliiit fell mild hi Of?- nufiv w ,., witl tu d iosI t: U; v. ljl sell (if ab , UV ess t!'i v.eeit to 1.. W. UAYLOKD, LeRnysvlIli), fOlt I AM- Oil i ENT-JX.;OOMFi COT- tux Wyoming t'anui Girttml: nartlv fnriilih-'il. W II. U-7.I.KTI', rcr nt n . l?OU HLK-DORSR AOT.D SIX YEAP.S, 1 veei-'lit J.ttiU pounds; can be suvu at Ki.'l Pi lee ati-net. . VliB"rALK MY CC'I TAVTi5A'F ELSb i I'lilrt end the four lots on which it rt tide! id.,-) tlm fuiir lols ndjuinlnxi most do ynil I- IocmHiiii in Llmlmrit: prices reasona ble: Icrms r .vi pcwesiion 1 Ivoti at mice. & I, KlNUfUiriiV, toiuinoiiweullU Bulldtaic, bciautioti, Pa. mkt him ohholly. - & THE Ladies' White Duck Skirts, 5yard Skirt, ? 1 Ladies' Night Gowns, our regular $2.50 and $3.0.0 numbers at - CONNOLLY gents Wanted. WAXTED-A UKNEltAL AND HUB airont fur I.n.:lcuw.o.n:i county. WAL TER V, DeWIiT, i.euernl Maiingor of Aaen cles for Traders' nnd Rnukcrs' .Mutual Life Aukoi iatlon Cull between U aud V p. m., at ruside-ucf, 228 Adams aveliuo. VAKTED-$IAI-'ESMAN: SALARY PKOM atRtt; permanent il.wo KROWH BKOs. CO., Kuiwryinini, Roehtr, N. V. AG K NTS W A N TE D TO 8 EL L CiOAR!; $7i per month Hilary and exeus"a paid. Address, with two-cent atunip, FIGARO CI OAK CO., t nicneo. AOKM'B TO gold, ellrar. PF.l.h OCR PRACTICAL nickel and eoiiner electro platers; price from Sii upward; aalarjr and nx-'pii-8 jinid; outHt fr o. Aedriws, with htarap, JlICHIOA.V MFU CO., Cldenico, AGKNTS TOSKL.LCIUARS TODKALERS; ii nefklv nml cxpensnq; expMi'irn'io uu nerenary. t ON'HOIiUA't'KU lll'O. Co., ti Vn Ilurpa tt.. h ca ji. - CALIBMAN To CARRY SIDK LINE: 2i O ppr rent. rimiuiia;ion; Ramlo lioolj mnilol tree. Addroa L, CO., tt,iou L, New York. f 'CE-AREXTS APPOfNTKD TO aoll new li.ditnlm wllimr tablo doth.mna- nnitoand liocsa fly liquid nt 10 cmts a'id '-'" ret-ts n lo tie. Seinp lioi UOLUiAXO M'F'O Co., Haltimnre, -ld. , g T-vrS-i-: ix 1 evT patbn t Jxi viFT j pal Hair t urlr and Wavoru ftis-d with out hnat), nn i "1-yr IJi UitciVli.tir l'ins. Lib oral ccnllaiiln. f'rr aniunle and full par t tenters. Adtiress P. o. Box '151, Kow Vork. Ssalcd Propssa's. WEALKO PKOAOSALa V ti Tile; ALTE.l k nri 11 of tho 1 Comity Court 1'ouh', will be reretv. d at th ullltie of the County Commif-dnuer. in th ) city of Kcruii t u, ' utli Jitlv 7th, lu Plans U'ay be a en :,l din ofilcooCT. I. Lacpy H on, aiehiincta, Tract ra' National fcauk builillii;, Scrunton, Pa. i a' h bid im'st bo accompanied with a certi fied cho-k for fo,ik. Tho Ceuiity C .mm!ioncrs reserve tlio l ielit to 1 e juct any cr nd 1)1, h JOHN DEMUTrt, r- V. lJOBKM'S, GILIIH ROIiKR-rs, Coumr V innlil Hioijers Furnished Rooms f-r Kent. 1UliMSilED KOO.VS, WITHLVKOFHAS. I hot uiid i' id 1 atli, Mttiuu uud rcadiuK rooms,!l;anmr.a avcani. Wanted.- WANTKD-THUP.E OK FOUB FUR 11 is bed room within Ion mmutea walls or city vost ouli;e. bune. A. Livmatou, caio T11- WAKTKD A GOOD HARM oammodatloa for three WITH At boi-aes and watron, near whol aido oloek. Call or aildrrsa with price, Oroeeis' tiupply ie Produce Co., 17 Lackuwa'inu avuuue WANTED- A SMART PEPUHUCAN IN 1 every coint7 w iio will work foi i! 11 woelc la-' two months aud will earn It. AUilrcsi, Hex lis;i, riiiia.p. o. Clainovini MADAM I! AITl'.UliY, (iP.EATl-IST LIVl.'.'O clairvoyant hi t'lu w.u'ltl; te Is past, present and future. O'l Adams 1. voiine. Scecia' Koticci. itqiHB f 01. DIPT: IN f'CKt'lVTL VvAK." 1 Von want tliix reii". ( iiitain all of Frank Leslie's famous old V.'ar I ictui .'S.Rliow in tie forces in uetiin limttle, sketc.ied oti ta fpot. Two vuluniet,, 'J,ID pictures, fnhi on easy monthly p.imont. "Delivered, by ex- t-rifis P.O. H3 01110. an cenrees prt-imid. AclurebS MOODY. ()! Alnen ;y.... SrrBiiton, Pa. Situation! Wanted. A JOUNG lili.I, VOL' I D L1KF. A SIT. Ldrl. or accond irlrL Ad- I uation ns niii se ;irl, or aecond girL ply at liJIlt Pittston avonuo. ClTUATlON WANTED TO GO OCT C7 waliina and irotiimr. Taken home also. Call or addroas, L. 1!., ii.14 Bumnur Avenue, Hyde Tark. HUNGARIAN Oil BLAVIHH -YOUNG man would like gi t position: in store or at Homo other business. Urdf rstanils En- Sllsh and several other lnnamim-s. Address, useph Karahuta, -.'0 Broadway Avenue, Scranton, 17'ANTED SITUATION AS TeTmTtER V or coaclimnn; references. C. J., 11)711 Pcnn avenue, care G. lu iiuice. HOUSEKEEPER. LADY, FRO.JI PH1LA delphla, wor.lil bko position; uocd mau after and Rewer: city or country, Call or add! ess E. P1MCE, cure E. A. Bishop, 423 Cedar aveliuo ClTUATlON WANTED-AS HOUSEKEEP O er by a lady of icfin mcnt, durmsrtho months of July and Aiuaist: lor parties de slriiiK to leave town for the summer months; no liluli Bidaiy. Address E. J. H., Tribune ollice. situation Wanted-to take home O WBsliings. Call or address A. B., ajl um uer avenue, Hyde Park. WANTED-BY MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, a situation as housekeeper to a will ower; would not object b one colli Address M. A. S care Tribune office. ANTED-EIuPLOYjiNT AS GAR doner bv one who Ins lud experience. Address McML'LLEN, Tribune Ollice. ClTUATlON WANTED BY A LADY OF (jocnl business ability, thoroughly under stands typewriting, bnokket-plim, etc. : wants employment immediately. Address "O. K.," !2i) Sumner aye., city. SITUATION WANTED- BY A YOUNG O man of gocd liablts, as biKikkeeper or of flco mnnaeor; two years' experience in bank. Address M. L. 8., General Delivery, city. SITUATION WANTKD-bY A MIDDLF C5 os'ed aimrlo man, city or country, as uar doner or uroom: (jood references. Address M'3lULLB;N,'iribuiieofll -e, S.r.mton. Pa. SITUATION" WANlEll-BY A YoUNG Indv b cashier or booi; keener in slioe store; thoroiiKlily understands tho Itreplim of aeceuut; itnsA-pr immeiiiately. Address O. K., 82:1 Miinner avenue, city. n ERIC'S .YOUR (TlANfE FOR CASH! (Insp tripiick! i-W to;M)a wceit. MW11 Active AKvnU w. utoU to lull the only author. iaed Uf3Cf Hen. Wa B'KISLEY. By Murnt Ital -tu-theurenti st twlitlcaljour-mdi-t First c hupt'-r by Hon, .Tolin Mlieriuaii. intioduetioii 1 y Clininu-ey Jl. Lcpew, 1 sq. Or- at rush for territ u y, Speak Quick for the First Chance. Immense . Sale Certain. Will Outsell All Other , Bouks 10 to 1. Vewlll fur Ifldiivt mail n lOx ntilllt for inn,, mid ffv.nit extra terms. ' eml nt 01 en to HUB JJAfil) PUB. LO, U.ii Fllbon St I'liiiaila. HALS- . & WALLACE, TRY US. (02-604 LACKS. AVE., COB. AMI! Application for Charter. VJoTiCE IS HKK1 BY GIVEN 1 HAT AN k' appln a ion will be medoto the Oovprnor orth .-1 1-to of Prn-'tylvania on Friday.tlie 1111 nay or .liny, io:ni,oy .lumca is, Wco.jHinea H. "tlcAnultv. braille P. ClirUilnti. Nlehnlu.R. Hire and Sterhun L Ri, urdcr tho Act of Assumnu- of the iwealth of Pennsyl. vania. . ntitled "An Act to Dioviile for th9 in- coriiomtior. an4 revulntlnn if certain rorpor atioi.s.'' hpproved April SU, 1870. and the aup plenionta theroto. for tho charter of an In-te-.dod em pciiatl.jn tube called "Tlio Kol.-n Coal lempauy," the character and objert wli-iroof ls, mininu nnd (iiarrylntc coal, pre pMringthe Biimfor market and aeilliiK tho -into; ana tur tnnfn purpoaea to have, pms-'Ri and eniiiv all the riuhta. Iwmflta and privlieees of tlmaaidActof Assembly aud 11a auppiumenis. JA.MK8 V. OAKPORX. Holicitor To Whom it May Concern. ALL PA I:T1LS WHO ARE INDEBTED TO IV the Hteplion Outheiiia and Barbara Kmneinz c-.t.t 1 are liorcby nnfiiied to make paym-nia in part or wimie witlim ::o dayanr aO'imnta will ho collected acenrdniK to law; i nyme t nan be made at residence. i'.'4 Alder arrrot, rioni 1 t i a p re.; nt fuunturo store, ui.i Leur aveune, any time ciunn;; nay. V j-TOKH. Alilnrman. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES - May 17, lSijO. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia nnd New York via D. & H. K. It. ut 6.U. 7.-i,i a. m., 12.(15, 1.20, 2.31), 4.41 (BUck Dia- iiioini j-.xprtsm anu 11. p. m., via 13., u. c vv. n. it., ti.ou, s.w, ll.isu a. m ana Li p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and TYllkas- JHiirre, via L) . h. & v. R, K.. 6.03, 8.06, 11.20 u. in., j.iiii, a., li.UU, p. ni. .Leave cciiinton for V hlto Haven. Ha- zit-ton, J'ottsvil'.e and all points on tho j .caver meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via D- H. It. R. at B.-l.-i. 7.15 a. m li.0j. i.iiu, i.u p. ni via L, L. W. It. U. b.UO, S.UJ, 11.20 a. 111.. 12.20. 1.63. a.40 n. m. l.euva .Scranton for Itethlehem Enatnn P.oadins. Harriabure and all intermediate jiuiiiis, viu ii. jc li. k. K. 8.4ri, 7.45 a. m. 12.03, 1.20, 2.30. 4.41 (black Diamond Hi. press) 11.28 p. m., via D., L. V. P.. H ti.00, S.OS, 11.20 a. m., 12.20. 1.5.-., S.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for 'i'unkhamioek. To watiila, Elnilra, Ithaca, Geneva and nil inturmfate points via D. & H. K. It., 8.13 u. hi., li.iw, ii. ij i, m., viu u., u. la w. n. o.i', a, m,, n.M it. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo. Masara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all I'uima wesi, via v. t tl. ti. Jt., S.45 a. m J-.uj i.i'J, o'.J3 (lilack Diamond Express), v.M, Jl.uS p. m., via D L. & W. 11. H. and l iicscon junction, B.OS, u. m., 12.20, 8.47 v. in. For Elmira and the west, via Salamanca, via D. & It. R. R., 8.15 n. m.. 12.05 p. m., via D., L. & W. II. R 8.08, 9.53 a. m 12.20, 3.4ii p. m. Tillman parlor and sleeping or I. V. chulr cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New Y'ork, Philadelphia, liuffalo, and Suspension KOLLIN H. WIDRUTt, Gen. Supt. CHAH. S. LFE. Gen. Pass, Agt., Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asit. GeiiT Pass. ArL, South Bethlehem, Pa. Scranton Office, 309 Lackawanna avenue. Eric and Wyoming Valley. Effective June 22. Trains leave Scranton for New Torit Newburirh nnd intermediate points on Erie, also for Hawley and local points at 7.05 and 8.45 a. m. nnd 2.28 p. m and ar. rive from above points at 11,18 a. m. and 3.18 nnd R88 p. m. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 5.15 p. m., returning arrive at Scranton at 7.42 p. m. and 8.10 a. m. SCHANTO DlVISIOeV. In Ktffect June !ilt. ISttO. Nurlli lliuind. Muum Hound, 203 2011 9 lis 1202 ? 14 Stations L a'C a: IS fi'cTrattis Dally. Ex- S."& I cept MiuUiiy.) U !S Q S Pi r h p m Anlve Leave 10 4'. r43;N. Y. Frnnklln St, .. :0 20 7 lO West nd street .. 10187()0 Weehawken A M 7 4 7 ftT 810 p uip mi Arrive ).mvo: f Ml il ' I riri;llanciiok JiiiicVloni fl 10 3 1 Si n i a u 6 ifi 1 0111 S 10 I8WI 5C4lt-! 1 iHili 40 Hancock Ht.aiilulit Prmion park conio I'oyiitello ' Belmont Plmsiint. Alt. linlonriala F-iresi city cnib inrin e Wli'te lli-ld-,-9 Mnyflild tlennvn Arelilbiild V.'luioii p.ckvlllo ' Clv.liaiir. 1 1 lv uurif Throop I'r'iviilriiao lnrk p.nco ftan in (la a si .... 341 .... a &k .... 8 ft .... 8111 .... 8(11 .... 6 4.' SO ! 7 01 41 an 44; 'SM 4 .10 a e.'ll rt tt fur. 1 K 4 Xi-V ! 1 40 4. Mill :u f-i -'i'lpo T SO 8 10 .... T54l nnd ft tu If) m . .: 4a ,fi -in 7.1-M 4S .... 7 511 ri .... 7M) II N .... 7 Ml S Ml' ... 8 01 4 Oil .... 1108 4"lf .... tllti 410 .... mm 1 11 .... U:lS,!lia. I) 5(1 1 1 ;j.-.iiil l 0 41 11 li -I'll I l it ' y I J llfl I 11 0: I ;: an'ii o-i-a siii'" IH 11017 .... BV.IIOV; oruutou bin 4 aii .... 1 Mr i:l 'V mU w Leave Arvlvei 11 u-Hf'ia nmdmly eciiif. .-utiihy. f. tl,i.ltle that tialiis aiopouiUiial for p.13. ieei-s 1 1 ours rates via Ontario a westorti hefiro puveli;isHnr tl''l;ei'i ne.ul fiava luouoy. Uuy aud MiJUl li pi'OiS to luo vvesr. J 0 AOilcrHnn, Osn. Pass AgU v T. I lltorolt, Div. I ass, Agt., uoiuutou, l u. WaS! ace $ 1 .98 2oo Washington Avenue. Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Hake Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Schedule In Effect May 10, 1893. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, WaBhinglon, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.16 a. m., week days, for Hazleton. Poltsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadalpliia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburz and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tha West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsrille. s , noc-LI' '0". fiM'l P. Agent S. M. PREVOST, General Manager. DKLAWARH AND HUDSON TIME TAiiLU On Monday, May It. trains will leave Scran- V4TS9Va ton as follows: MM ldV9 For Carbondale-5.45, K. Mr tr 7 R3i 8 S5. Iu-16 m-! 12 00 jhf noon; 1.21. 2.20, 3.R2, 6.'.'J. r 6.23. 7.07. 8.10. 10.30. 11.55 p. m. For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc. 6.45 a. m.; 2.20 p. in. For Honesdale 5.45, 8.55, 10.15 a, m.; 12.00 noon; 2.2'i. B.25 p. m. For Wllkes-riarre 6.43, 7.4Ti, 8.15, S.3H, 10. 13 a. m. ; 12.05, 1.20, 2.30, 3.3a, 4.41, 0.00, 7.50, 8.50. 11.38 p. m. For New York. Philadelphia, etc., via Dehlsh Valley railroad (1.45. 7.43 n. m.: 12.05, 2.30, 4.41 (with lilack Diamond ex press) p. m. For Pennsylvania railroad points .43, 9.3S n. m.: 2.:.0, 4.41 p. m. For western points, via Delticrh Valllev railroad 7.45 a. m.; 12.03, 3.:!3 (with lilack Diamond express), 9.50, 11.28 p. m. Trains will arrive Scranton as follows: From Carbor.ilalo and tho north .40, 7.40, S.40, 9.34. 10.10 a. in.: 12.00 noon; 1.05. 2.27, 8.25, 4.37, 5.4.". 7.43, 9.43, 11.33 p. m. From Wilkes-Parre and the south S.40. 7.50, 8.C0, 10.10, 11.55 a. m.; 1.16, 2.14, 3.48, 5.22, 6.21, 7.53. 9.03, 9.43, 11.B2 p. m. Del., Lack, and Western. EKcct Monday, June 1, 1888. Trains leave Scranton as follow. Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.40. 2.50. 5.15. 8.00 and 9.55 a. m 1 111 anri 3.33 p. in. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia uud the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m 1.10 and o.3s p. m. vtasninftion and way stations, 4.00 p m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p m Express for Blnchamton. n.n r.-i. mira, Cornlntr, Hath, Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.20, 2.33 a. m., and L4 p. ni muklng closo connections at xsunaio 10 an points in me west, North west and SouthwcBt. Bath accommodation, 9.15 a. rt. Blnghamton and way stations, 1.00 p. m. Nicholson accommodation. 4.00 and 6 lit P- m- . . . cingnnmion ana riimira express B.eB p. m. Kxiness for Cortland. Syracuse niu.n Utlca and Hlchiield Springs, 2.35 a. m., and 1.49 p. m. itnaca t.x ana uatn a.u a. m. and 1.4 p. m. For Northumbsslnnd. Pittston. Wiitte.. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsbur? and Dan ville, maklns close connections at North umberland and Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington and the .South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 0.00 9.55 a. m. and 1.55 and 6.00 p. m. Nanttcoke and Intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.47 p. m. Pullman parlor and Bleeping coaches an all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlm tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket ofllce3?s Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Central Railroad o! New Jersey (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. T1MU TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 7, 189. Trains leave Scranton tor Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, etc at 6.20, t.15, 11.30 a. m.. 12.45, 2.00, 3.05, 6.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9,00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15. 7.10-p. m. For Atouniuui j urn, o.v, u.av a. m., z.ou, 06, 6.00 p. m., Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15 p. m. For Atlantic city, s.20 a. m. Var New York. Newark and Elizabeth 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 8.05 (express) p. m. Bun. day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 D. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.22 p. m. and New York 6.00 p. m. i,-,,,. Munch' Chunk. Allentown. R.ihw hem, Easton and Philadelphia. 8.20 , m 12.45, 8.05 6,00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.1J P- m. l'tir l.omt Urn n oh. Ocean Grove, eto.. at 8.20 a. m. (UiroiiKii car), 12.4a p. m. For Uoadlr.K, Lebanon and Harrlsburs. via Allentown, 8.20 a. m 12.4a, 6.00 n. m Smiday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.50 n., 12.48 p. nt. Returning, leave mow York, foot of Lib rty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) 1. m.. 1.10, 1.30,' 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Phllade'plila, Reading Terminal, 9.00 u. in., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m, Sunday 6.23 , m. Throuch tickets to nil Points nt 1nwt rates may be had cn application In ad vance to tne ticket bkctii at tee station. XI. I . BAUUW1N, Oen. Pass. Agtot J. Hi OLHAUSEN, Gan, Supt. $ 1 .25. mil, :7 ; :V :--..'v V.- 1:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers