The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1896, Image 1

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I - " it,-"-
Needs no Introduction to the Intelli
gent buying public of the American
continent. Heimsdorf'sls thj ttand
ard by which all other fast color
dyes are measured, and having said
" hat more can we add?
Six Bays'
Of absolutely fast color Hosiery
and to every purchaser of Herms
dorf Hosiery we will present a hand
some Art Souvenir
which, If purchased In the usual
way, would probably cost as much
as the Hosiery. The number of
these superb photogravures Is lim
ited so that early calling; may pre
vent dlsappolui.ncnt.
SO Dozen
ladles' absolutely fast black Hose,
four thread Mocca yarn, KO gauge
fine, hlgh-spllced heels and double
BOls. Best 37c. quality.
Sale Price, 25c
100 Dozen
Same description as foregoing num
ber, but 40 gauge fine. Our special
25c. quality.
Sale Price, 19c
50 Dozen
Ladles' drop stitch Lisle thread
Hose, two thread double sole and
heel, guaranteed regular 60c. qual
ity. Sale, Price, 29c
25 Dozen
Ladles' fast black Hose, split feet,
high-spliced heels, double soles, etc.
The popular 37c. kind.
Sale Price, 25c
15 Dozen
- Ladies' black silk plaited Hose, our
leading 50c. quality.
Sale Price, 33c
25 Dozen
Ladles' pin-stripe Hose, full regular
maae goons or line gauge, uuaran
teed value, 2oc.
Sale Price, 19c
0 Dozen
Ladles' fancy Hosiery In drop stitch
or plain weaves, big variety of col
ors and styles, Including black boot
and fancy top effects. Never sold
under 25c.
Sale Price, 15c
50 Dozen .
Ladies' unbleached Balbrlggan
, Hose, regular made, 40 gauge fine,
" usual 23c. quality.
Sale Price, 18c
50 Dozen
Ladles' tan-color three-thread Hose,
spliced heels, double soles, 40 gauge
fine, the 25c. kind.
Sale Price, 18c
50 Dozen
, Children's Derby-rib Hose, fine Im
ported goods,' full regular made,
all sizes. Ouaranteed value, 25c.
Sale Price, 25c
70 Dozen
Infants' fast black Hose, sites 4 to
6U. Usually 25c.
Sale Price, 15c
50 Dozen
Wheelmen's Derby-ribbed Hose,
sizes 8U, 9, 9, 10, lOMi and 11. Al
ways 30c.
. Sale Price, 24c
On Satoiay
We Bella a Great
' Sale
He Win Be Supported by PopolIsU Upu
Any Ticket.
Populists and Voters Generally Are
t'rsed to Support the Ureal Silver
Champion from Colorado, llegard
less of Party Aliiliatiou.
St. Louis. Ma, June 21. The result of
the Populist conference here was made
public last night. It la a circular ad
dressed particularly to Populists and
generally to voters of every party. The
document Is signed by twenty-six lead
ing Populists from six western and
southern states. It scores the Republi
can convention as having been com
pletely controlled by one man who Is a
representative of what It tails the "plu
tocratic element" in the country. Con
tinuing, the address says:
This convention slavishly responding to
the will of the money power has forced
an isoue which must be met. It Is a
challenge to the yeomen of the land. If It
Is declined or If It shall succeed the tet
ters of a tyranny more grinding than that
of czars or emperors will be rlvcn upon the
plain people of the country. That Issue
is formulated In the demands that the
"existing gold standard must be pre
served." This menus that silver shall be
perniHiit'tly degraded Into mere money of
change ami that It be deprived of Its
tender quullty except for some paltry sum.
That the greenback and all other forms
of government paper money shall be re
deemed and destroyed.
That the national banks shall be swol
len Into a power of triple their present
ability to contract the volume of money,
to absorb the earnings of industry and to
grip the throat of all industrial and com
mercial life, while from time to time It
terrorizes the voters In choice of its tools
Tor all legislative, judicial and administra
tive positions.
In this the most threatening crisis that
has menaced the country since the civil
war, thoiwh simply citlxen members of
the People's party, we venture to make
a few suggestions to you, our breth
ren. In view of the shameless sub
mission by the Republican convention to
the most extreme demands ever mad
upon Americans by the money power, ev
ery thought and eflort of American man
hood should from this hour tend towards
creating and cementing a union between
those who would resist the conspiracy of
wholesale robbery and grinding oppression
Political division is the only ob
stacle to unity of purpose and harmony
of action. The duty of every patriot Is to
remove this obstacle so far as It can be,
by honorable concessions and reasonable
sacrifices. These do not contemplate even
the thought of merging our party Into any
other or the slightest Impairment of Its
efficiency, but alone and for the sakt of
humanity and to avert. If possible, the dis
asters which the supremacy of the money
power now so menacingly forebodes, to se.
cure the union of good citizens who think
alike upon the Important issues of finan
cial reform In behalf of the election of a
president who In spirit Is antagonistic to
none of the fundamental principles of our
party, and who has openly engaged in the
most sturdy advocacy of our oblefest
We see In the private and official life of
Henry M. Teller, a beacon burning bright
ly, warning the people of the threatening
speeches of dissension. For twenty years
he has been a commanding figure In the
nation's life, a cabinet officer and sena
tor of the United States. Nominally a Re
publican, he has many times openly de.
fled his party when Its members sought to
make It an Instrument of injustice and op
pression. When to this official record are
united an unsullied private life, a char
acter without blot or stain, ' a grateful
generous nature, a patriotism that knows
neither state nor section, we feel that we
are performing a duty to our bloved .coun
try In thus calling attention to Mr. Tell,
er's merits and availability as a candidate
for president; as on upon whom all Popu
lists may consistently unite while they
strenuously preserve and strengthen their
organization. The necessity and wisdom
of a dispassionate consideration of his
claims upon the support of the America
people have become the more apparent
glnce the ,,atr0,ic nepubllcan leaders who
abandoned their party under his Insplra
tlon have announced him as their nominee
for president of the United States.
The address Ib signed by the follow
ing: H. E. Taubeneck, Illinois: J. H.
Davis, Texas; M. C. Kankln, Indiana;
T. M. Patterson, Colorado;- J. Hugh
McDowell, Tennessee; John P. Stelle, Il
linois; Thomas Fletcher, Arkansas;
Howard 8. Taylor, Illinois; Homer
Prince, Arkansas; J. W. Dolllson, Ar
kansas; R. M. ('off man, Arkansas; J.
A. Edgerton, Nebraska; R. A. Sankey,
Kansas; Charles E. Palmer, Illinois; F.
D. Eager, Nebraska; I. D. Hess, Illi
nois: A. L. Mcxwell, Illinois; George W.
Jackson, Arkansas; S. J. Wright,
Texas; S. P. V. Arnold, Illinois; Eugene
Smith, Illinois; W. J. Quick, Missouri
Calvin K. Relfsnlder, Missouri; Frank
E. Rlchey, Missouri; W J. Flatt, Ten
nessee; Horace J. Clark, Colorado.
He Does Not Think the Work at St.
Louis Was Completed.
Paris, June 21. In the course of an
interview today with a reporter of the
United Press, Hon. Perry Belmont
made the following remarks regarding
the gold plank adopted by the St Louts
Republican convention:
"If the Republican platform adopted
at St. Louis shall be Interpreted by Mr.
McKtnley and the Republican party as
a mandate to obey the coinage law of
1873 and coin no more silver dollars
until International free bimetallic coin
age on a fixed ratio may have come and
If It Is intended to resolutely enforce the
mandate by diplomacy and legislation
and accomplish International bimetal
lism, the work done at St Louts will be
beneficial, but the contrary will hap
pen If the platform shall be Interpreted
as permitting or encouraging the re
newal of treasury silver purchasing
and the coinage on government account
of more fifty cent silver dollars on the
theory of the repudiated Sherman law
Ot 1890." '
Even a country as rich In natural re
sources jus ours, as removed from Euro
pean war disturbances, so powerful In
industry and the vigor ot its seventy mil
lions of peopleoannot safely endure such
a continual drain, but the Republican
convention adjourned without even sug
gesting an adequate remedy. To pro
claim th maintenance ! of the gold
standard, to demand a McKlnley tariff
Is no remedy and especially when no
methods are specified whereby the need
ed gold can be secured In some other
way than by ran wed bond selling. The
plea of the Sherman law of 1890 was also
the maintenance of the gold Standard.
Nevertheless and despite Republican
evasion you may depend upon it that
cost what It may the people of our coun
try will insist thatall antecedent Indebt
edness, national, state and municipal,
shall be paid, if demanded, in th gold
dollars specified or implied in the con
tacts. No railway or other corporation will
by any law be released from such ob
Cheers and Handshakes at Trenton
for New Jersey's Cnndidntc.
Trenton, June 21. Oarret A. Hobart,
the Republican vice-presidential candi
date, and the New Jersey delegation to
St. Louis were welcomed back to the
state by about 600 enthusiastic people
at the Trenton railway station yester
day afternoon.
The train was due at 137. and a large
crowd and the Seventh Regiment band
gathered there, but were notified that
the train was more than three hours
behind time. The crowd dispersed, but
reassembled about 4 o'clock and waited
patiently for the train.
At 4.55 It rolled Into the station, and
as the band played "Hall to the Chief"
the cheering crowd made a rush for
ward to see the candidate. Then it was
discovered that Mr. Hobart and his
party were In the rear car, and that the
music and cheers bad been wasted. It
took two or three minutes to get
straightened out.
Mr. Hobart stood on the rear platform
and shook hands with and bowed to as
many as could reach him during the
few minutes the train was held, and
waved his hand and smiled his thanks
as the journey was resumed.
In the car with Mr. Hobart were
Franklin Murphy, John Keen, Ellsha
13. Gaddls, J. Franklin Fort, Hobart
Tuttle and Congressmen Parker, Fow
ler and McEwen.
Predicts That Silver Coinage Will
Swamp the Democracy He. Does
Not Want to Be President.
New York, June 21.-Wllllam C. Whit
ney today sent the following to the
I find It necessary to make a public
statement embodying my views of the sit
uation to correct misconceptions and to
save the time now occupied in answering
Far too great Importance has been at
tached to my decision to go to the Chi
cago convention.
I have besn practically out of politics
for four years and there are now many
eastern Demoorats who can do much mors
than I can for the party. I shall not as
sume any position of leadership. My de
cision to stay about is simply based on
the duty of every person who believes In
th. party for Its principles, to stand by
and lend his aid and take his chances
when a great crisis is upon it. There can
be no question but that a great crisis Is
upon the Democritlc party. Fundamental
differences of principle exist Inside the
party marked almost by sectional lines.
The great question to my mind Is wheth
er the party meets In convention now as
in 1860 with Issues and differences that
are for the moment Irreconcilable.
These differences, Mr. Whitney says, art
between the southern and western sec
tions of the country and the eastern sec
tion over the silver question.
Continuing, he says:
Under these circumstances. If the re
sults of the Democratic onventlon should
be to establish as the Issue ot this cam
paign the free coinage of silver at a ratio
of 16 to 1 Independent of other nations. In
the Intensity of feeling likely to arise, It
Is to be seriously aprehended that a dis
ruption of the Democratic party might
occur. Certainly no substantial following
could be secured for the doctrTne among
eastern Democrats. They -might not
vote the Republican ticket for other rea
sons (believing that the Republican party
stands for other Issues that are detri
mental to the country), but the Democrats
In the east would not, In my opinion, vote
for It.
Then Mr. Whitney gives, at some
length, the history of the fight between
gold and sliver in various countries of
the world and describes what he be
lieves would be the baleful effect upon
the business and finances of the United
States If free coinage should be adopted
by this country.
Supposing the adoption of free silver is
accomplished. The creditor classes are
prepared for It. The obligations, mort-
gagaes, railroad and otherwise, are quite
generally payable in gold. Debts would
still have to be paid In gold, but wages in
silver. The sufferers as usual being the
poorer classes. This movement purport
ing to be In the Interest of the joint stand'
ard, comes at a most Inopportune time In
my opinion.
There has never been a time when the
prospects of International action favor-
a!.o to the Joint standard were at all
as promising as at the present moment
But an Ill-advised, unsuccessful attempt
here would discredit the cause the world
Personally It Is my opinion If the Dem
ocratic party goes on to that platform at
this time they will meet the most disas
trous defeat that any party has ever had
In this country. I understand It Is hon
estly believed In and people think It will
bring relief from their present trouble, but
between now and election day It will be
pretty thoroughly sifted and the people
or this country will not race the disturb
ance of values, the loss of confidence; the
general distress ana ruin wmch would
come to their business Interests In such a
change In the standard of values as would
arise from sudh action. And it will In this
way overwhelm the persons who under
take It.
It ought not to be necessary for me to
say anything of a personal nature. I find
myself, however, spoken ot here and
there as aposslble candidate, not very se
riously, but sufficiently to attract atten
tion If I should fall to notice It. I some
times affects one's Influence In oases like
the present. I have no personal motive
In trferlng this fight. I have said that I
would not be a candidate, I will add. copy.
Ing the emphatic language ones used by
the late General tsnerman (I think I re'
memter It correctly) "I will not run If
nominated nor serve If elected."
I am not foolish enough to suppose that
any eastern man could be nominated by
this convention mum less that I could.
sympathise thoroughly with the feeling In
the south that has caused this uprising
and will find its expression at Chicago,
but M to the principles which the uprising
has brought forth and the Issues being
rramea, i entirely aisagree.
(limed) William C. Whitney.
Venezuelan Negotiations Are Proceeding
in a Favorable Manner.
Sir Julias Pauscefote Has a Confer
ence with Secretary OlneyThe
Reported Invasion of British Cuiana
Probably a Myth.
Washington, June 21. Secretary Ol
ney and Senor Andrade, the Venezue
lan minister, are still officially Ignor
ant of the reported Invasion of Brit
ish Guiana by Venezuelan police. The
matter is one between Great Britain
and Venezuela, and this government
has no Interest In the case, except In so
far as It Involves the boundary dispute
which the Venezuelan commission is
now Investigating.
The denial of the foreign office that
there had been any conflict, or, in fact,
any trouble whatever. In the disputed
tenitoiy between Venezuelan police and
the British subjects, seemB to dispose of
the latest phase of the matter, and the
negotiations now proceeding toward an
arbitration agreement between Great
Britain and the United States will not
be Interrupted.
Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British
ambassador, had an Interview this
morning with Secretary Olney. Sir
Julian has Informed Senor Andrade that
he will receive any proposals concern
ing the boundary dispute which Vene
zuela may desire to make to the British
government. It Is probable that some
agreement will be reached by Sir Julian
and Mr. Olney In a short time, and their
conference today probably had refer
ence to that subject
The negotiations toward an under
standing between Great Britain and the
United States on the subject of arbitra
tion of all disputes In which the two
countries may be Involved are under
stood to bo proceeding favorably, but
what effect such an agreement will
have on the Venezuelan boundary is a
matter of conjecture.
His Managers Hope to Get the 111 i-
nois Vote at Chicago Convention.
Chicago, June 21. Th Botes boom Is on
here and his managers are planning to
corral the Illinois' vote in the Democatlc
national convention. Consultations are
now being held with the local leaders
with a view of having Boles endorsed
by the Democratic state convention at
. John C. Walsh of Dea Monies, the
Mark Hanma t Boles, Is among tii -contingent
of boomers in Chicago. Mr.
Walsh is at the Palmer House, and will
open up Boles headquarters in that hotel
on next Tuesday.
He in enhusiastlo over the outlook
for the farmer statesman of the Hawk-
eye state. He said today:
I believe the Chicago convention will
declare for Boles and silver, and both
will win. I believe now also that Wil
liam R. Morrison of Illinois has declared
himself out of the race, that the Prairie
state will be for our man. We are going
Into the fight to win, and I believe we
will win.
"The Republicans have gone on record
for gold. Wall street, and the corporat
ions. The Democratic convention here
will declare for sliver, the money of the
masses, and will not accept a candidate
that can swap the country on that kind
of a platform.
'The bolt of the silver states under the
lead of Senators Teller, Dubois and Can
non, marks an epoch in the history of
the pairty. It means much more than
the defection of a few senators and
national delegates. It means a loss of
other states to the party than those rep
resented by the bolting delegates, and
one of them, I believe, will be Illinois.
It Is my belief that we can carry this
state on a free silver Issue, for the Re
publicans of Illnols are thoroughly 1m
pregnated with the silver idea."
Crops Utterly Destroyed by Large
Hail Stones.
Bellefonte Pa., June 21. One of the
severest hall and rain storms known
here in a generation passed over this
county this afternoon. Hall stones as
large as hickory nuts fell until the
ground was covered. In the county
the damage to grain fields Is beyond
computation. Entire fields were knock
ed prostrate as If a roller had passed
over thme.
Many fruit trees were also completely
stripped and though the storm lasted
buta half hour it Is estimated that
the rain fall was fully one and one half
Destroyed by a Hurricane Which
Swept the Labrador Coast.
St. John's N. P., June 21. A hurricane
has swept over the Labradore coast,
doing immense damage. Thirty fishing
craft were destroyed at Blanc Sablon
and It is feared that othre vessels were
lost at more northern points.
The fishery reports from all parts of
the coast are very unfavorable. Trouble
Is feared at French Shore owing to the
operation of the recent proclamation
preventing the use of certain fishing
The satellite ana Ardina Have a
Lively Battle with Rebels.
Havana, June 21. The Spanish gun
boats Satellite and Ardllla, while mak
ing a cruise of Inspection along the
coast near Vertlentes close by the ter
minus of the Jucaro-Moron trocha, were
attacked by rebels from the shore. With
the osaltance of the garrison of the fort
the enemy were repuJssd after a sharp
fight The rebelB lost, seventeen dead
and many wounded. On the Spanish
side two soldiers and six marines were
wounded. Commander Bauza of the
Ardllla was also wounded but not ser
General Bernal operating near Fran
cisco in the Phiar Del Rio province re
ports that he has dislodged a party of
rebels from their position in the hills in
that vicinity, capturing their camp and
destroying 100 huts. In the engagement
preceding the t akin or of the nunna.
eighteen of the Insurgents were killed
l two of the Spanish force were
General Gasco reDorts that a band nf
rebels, numbering 600 attacked a force
or sixty guerrillas on the road from
Manzanlllo to Bayamo and a long and
fierce fight ensued. The guerrillas were
re-enforced by 200 troops and the enemy
defeated and driven towards Peralejo.
I Of the rebels were killed. The
Spanish losses were a lieutenant and a
corporal killed and a captain and fifteen
privates wounded.
Angered by the St. Louis Convention
She Will Build Ships.
London, June 21. A despatch to the
Daily Mail from Madrid says that the
platform adopted by the St. Louis con-
ventlon has caused much anger in Spain
and that a conflict with the United
States Is almost fixed. The Rothschilds
have loaned the government 100,000,000
pesetas and the money will be mostly
applied to the purchase of war ships.
The government Is ifcspondlng to an
undoubtful national sentiment trusting
probably to receiving Ui-lp from other
Insist That They Are Not Vassals of the
German Empire Tempest in the
Royal Teaajit Will Not Subside.
Berlin, June 21. The excitement
which prevailed throughout the South
German states over the incident at the
banquet of the Deutsche Verein In Mos
cow upon the occasion of the czar's
coronation when the president of the
banquet alluded to the German princes
as members of the suite of Prince Hen
ry of Prussia was subsiding rapidly,
but It has now received a fresh Impulse
by the bestowal of the order of the Red
Eagle by the emperor upon the chair
man whose wordB evoked a violent pro
test from Prince Ludwlg, of Bavaria,
who resented the president's words by
Indignantly declaring that the princes
alluded to were neither members of
Prince Henry's suite nor vassals of the
German empire. The Bavarian press
In commenting upon the act of the em
peror in decorating the president of the
banquet interpret it as a new act of
provocation on the part of Prusla, al
though it is a clearly customary action
toward an official receiving a represen
tative of the kaiser. In which capacity
Prince Henry went to Moscow.
The Catholio party are especially
taking the lead in the resurgence of the
partlcularlst agitation and the Catholic
press are vehement In theirdenunclation
of the persistent attempts to force the
Prussian regime upon the independent
states of Germany. The Berlin govern
ment in the meantime Is viewing the
agitation in the South German states
very queltly and the Berlin newspapers
treat the matter lightly as though the
partlcularlst sentiment In the south of
Germany were a quantity not worthy
of serious consideration.
The fact Is that the political outburst
Is due to a feeling which has long been
in the air of South Germany, where the
people and the princes alike have silent
ly resented the autocratic action and
speeches of the kaiser. The political
agitation which Is giving free vent to
long restrained sentiments la likely to
do good to the whole country and after
all it is ot family squabble, which does
not in any way affect the unity of the
The nomination of Mr. McKlnley for
the president of the United States by
the Republican convention Is hailed
here with satisfaction, so far as the se'
curlty of a gold currency Is concerned,
but there are fears that his election
would mean the enactment of a pro
hibitive tariff by the American con
gress. Several Berlin exporters who
have recently visited the United States
for the purpose of studying the situa
tion with a view of devising means to
give impetus to German trade, have re'
turned here with the conviction that no
Improvement con be expected within a
measurable time. However, it is only
German drugs, colors, and chemicals
that are stationary. Kid gloves and
paper goods find a ready market In the
United States.
The Egyptian Troops at Korosko Are
Alhictcd with the Complaint.
Cairo, June 21. Advices received from
Korosko say that cholera has made Its
appearance among the Egyptian troops
at that place. The dispatches say that
fourteen cases of the disease were dis
covered In the camp, seven of which had
resulted fatally up to the time of writ'
The advices add that great fear is en'
tertained that the disease will spread
throughout the Soudan expedition.
Herald's Weather Forecast.
New York, June 22. In the middle states
today, fair to partly cloudy and warm
weather will prevail with slight tempera
ture changes, possibly preceded by local
rain In the northern districts. On Tuea
day, fair, worm weather will prevail with
light southerly winds.
Weather Indications Today
Fair; Probably Showtrt; Coaler.
1 Teller Boom Under Way.
Spaniards Levy Blackmail.
Whitney Airs Himself.
Venezuelan Negotiations Proceeding
Belmont on the St. Louis Convention,
2 England's Antipathy Toward McKlnley,
Populists Want to Corral the Sllverites,
3 (Local) Asbury Celebration at an End.
Three Years for Mrs, Conway,
4 Editorial.
Senator Quay's Candidacy,
5 (Local) Impressions of the Convention.
Night of Terror on the Flats,
Looted the Safe.
t (Sports) Saturday and Sunday Base
Ball Games,
T Suburban News, , -
Market and Stock Reports. :
I Newt Up and Down th Valley.
Weyler's Corn Edict an Endless Source
ot Profit.
Purpose of the Tobacco, Cora and
Baaana Edicts8paiards Object
to the Cuban Flag Waving at
St. Louis.
Havana, June 20. Weyler's com
edict Is an endless source ot illegal pro
fits for the unscrupulous Spanish of
ficials. To farmers who have taken
their corn to the military stores, as or
dered by Gen. Weyler, some reason or
other Is always given for not paying
them, until, tired of waiting and under
pressure of necessity, they sign a bill
of sale for double the amount they re
ceive. A long list of names could be
made of the persons known to have
submitted to this spoliation, but to pub
lish would surely cause their Imprison
ment. It Is no longer a myBtery to any one
here that the most Important reason
for the famous tobacco edict was a fund
of $250,000 raised by the cigar manu
facturers here and the Madrid monopoly
tobacco company. This has leaked out
because a part of that money had to be
refunded as the result ot the modlftca-
tlon of the edict at the protest of the
United States and as a matter of course.
the haggling which ensued between the
interested parties was carried on in
that loud talk and fine language these
people are so fond ot when they get
As a compensation for this unexpected
loss they have contrived a new scheme.
The export of bananas and cocoanuts
from everal minor ports In the province
of Santiago de Cuba has been forbidden
on the ground that the vessels employed
In the traffic carry ammunition for the
patriots; but, as is customary with the
Spanish colonial administration, permits
are now given to certain persons, for a
consideration, to continue their exports
just as they were doing before the pro
hibition was enacted.
Private news has been received hre
today to the effect that two Important
engagements have taken place this
week between Maceo'a forces and the
Spanlords,ln which the latter were badly
defeated. No details are given. In re
gard to the battle of Najara, th de
scription of it by La Dlscueton's corre
spondent in Puerto Principe shows, to
any who will read between the lines,
that the Spanish general, Godoy, ex-
rived at the field of battle Just hi Ume
to save his colleague, Jimenez Castel-
lanos, from the total destruction of his
troops, and as to fight any longer was
impossible, they thought only of re
treating with their convoy of wounded
toward Puerto Principe.
Madrid, June 20. A very bad impres
sion has been made here by the cable
grams received from the United States
announcing that the Cuban flag was
displayed at the Republican, national
convention In St. Louis. The newspa
pers In their comments upon the occur
rence, are agreed that the real Cuban
question is not In Cuba, but In the Unit
ed States, and the government is urged
by the newspapers to prepare at once
for all contingencies.
Havana, June 20, via Key West, June
21. Consul General Lee was busy all
yesterday peparing a report which it is
believed was sent to Washington to
day. The convoy captured by the rebels an
the Canto river consisted of 200 rifles
and 135,000 cartridges, besides a great
quantity of provisions. It is rumored
that Manzanlllo has been attacked, but
details are lacking.
It Is said a big fight occurred yesterday
near Cabblas In Plnar Del Rio province
between the forces of Maceo and the
Spanish under General Conzales Munoz.
The losses are reported heavy on the
Spanish side, but details are unknown
The towns of San Antonio and Rio
Blanco partially burned the other day
are completely destroyed.
Secretary Olney Directs Release of
Win. Brown, Arrested in Liverpool.
Washington, June 21. Secretary Ol
ney sent a cablegram to Ambassador
Bayard at London this afternoon, di
recting him to Becure the Immediate re
lease from custody of William E. R.
Brown, a business man of Fort Valley,
Go., who was arreBted yesterday at
Liverpool, on his arrival from New
York on the Auranla, on suspicion of
being William Walker Damon, charged
with larceny committed In New York.
The state department to'aay received
a telegram from the district attorney
at New York saying that the arrest was
evidently a case of mistaken Identity,
and that Mr. Brown had been appre
hended on an erroneous description fur
nished by tho prosecuting witness. Sec
retary Olney thereupon sent the des
patch for his release. "
The City in Total Darkness as the
Result of a Tornado.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y., June 21. A ter
rific cyclone swept through this city nnd
surrounding country about 3.30 o'clock
this afternoon, accompanied by a tre
mendous downpour of rain and hall,
he wind attained a velocity of seventy
five miles an hour, lusting for about ten
minutes. All wires of every descrip
tion In the city are either broken down
or rendered useless and the city Is in
total darkness.
The total loss in tho city Is estimated
at about 125,000. No fatalities have as
yet been reported.
Cyclone nt St. Louis.
St. Louis, June 21. A sharp rejolndor of
the recent dlsu.ter and -.tornado visited
this city at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon.
The wind blew at a forty-mile speed und
rain fel In sheets. Marty of the housos
that wore partly restored after the tornado
were again damaged, but up to 9 p. m. no
fatalities are reported, In all about sev
enty houses were damaged. The property
loss is estimated at flCOOQ.
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