The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1896, Page 9, Image 9

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Ho a Tow f It Cu B Mide at Tki
' , , Low Cost
Eipericacet of Two Yonag Wmci
Traveling ia the British Islet with
Clr a "Telescope" asd m Uaas
bafCoatforU sad Pleasures of
"Lode inf" ia the CountryTipa.
Some Loadoa Tricks.
"People are alwaya telllnc me that I
could go to Europe if I wanted to," aald
forlorn youns; woman to a Nw York
Sun reporter the other day. "They say
you can saend Just as much money ai
you want to.' What I want to know Is
how I can go and 'just as little as
J want to.' "
A good many other people want to
know the same thing;. The papers are
run or tne names of more fortunate per
sonages who are already outward
bound, with full pocketbooks and long
letters of credit. The reading- of these
lists Is very Inspiring as well as de
pressing to hundreds of poorer people
who would like to follow humbly In the
wake of the procession. There is a
large class of people who have more re-
flnement and culture than they have
money. To them; a 4rip to Kurope is
the dream of their lives but they gen
erally think of It hopelessly as If It
were quite beyond the possibility of
A European trip may be almost any
thing one chooses to make of It. It may
be a great and glorious opportunity for
spending money In extravagant hotels
and among thieving shop dealers, or it
may be a chance for getting the best
turn for a few hundred dollars that an
Intelligent and cultivated man or wo
man could ever hope for. The talk about
going to Europe with $200, having fine
times for a period of six weeks, and
coming home with money In one's pock
et Is deluding, to say the least.
In the first place the people who want
to go to Europe inexpensively are gen
erally those whohave a summer vacation
teachers, preachers, and men who
work on a salary or have small incomes.
and have earned a couple of months'
freedom by years of hard work. They
want, as a rule, to spend the months' of
July and August in their European out
lng, and that is a misfortune at the very
start., Summer rates are In force from
April 15 or May 1 until the middle of
July for eastward-bound steamers, and
from May 1 until Oct. 15 for those west
ward bound. Tills makes a difference
of $5 each way on the cheapest first-
class tickets available, and a greater
difference on more expensive lines.
The cheapest first-class fare out of
New York ia $40 on a Glasgow line. Be
tween May 1 and- July 15 this fare Is
raised to $45, although a round trip
ticket may be had for $85. Second class
on the same steamers costs $30 one way
and $55 for return ticket. It has been
often repeated by travelers that two
can travel together much more cheaply
than one person alone, and four more
cheaply than two. There Is no doubt
at all about the relative cost of going
'Singly or in pairs, mere mum ue it
saving of quite 20 per cent, to each per
son. As for a party of four, there
are, of course, occasions when it Is a
pecuniary advantage to have that num
ber. Long drives may be taken more
cheaply, and there is sometimes a sav
ing on tips. But the time lost In trying
to get about with a party of four more
than offsets any advantage gained.
Furthermore, two can often slip In
where four can not, and an experiment
in both directions will convince nine
people out of ten that two provided
always those two are reasonable and
congenial Is the ideal number for a
traveling party.
Another obstacle In the way of most
people who want to go to Europe inex
pensively Is that they think they may
never go again, and therefore want to
see as much as possible on their first
and perhaps only trip. This handicaps
them at the very start. They want to
cover as much territory In six weeks as
.' 4 her traveler would take in six
months, and they will be pitifully per
plexed when they find how much more
expensive their trip has been In pro
portion to the other fellow's.
If a person has $200 and two months
to spend, the British Isles will give the
most genuine satisfaction for his
money, if his taste lies that way. That
is to say, if one cares to see a new and
. beautiful country, splendid ruins, the
most wonderful "collection" of cathe
drals abd the greatest city in the world,
. Great Britain will suit him. One can
r, see a good deal of it In six weeks, and at
' the end of that time be . healthier,'
' Wealthier and wiser than if ho had tried
There's Good
j There is only one S
Cottolene that's the best.
C. best for your food best for' ?
v . .health best for your pocket book. ' Jr
' Jrfe THB W. It. PAIRBAWK -ffi j'
to "skim' Europe. On can skim the
cream off Europ and make a hasty
meal thereon, but Indigestion is likely
to be the consequence.
Travellers are never tired of telling
other would-be travellers not to bur
den themselves with baggage. People
think they are heeding this advice, and
then they come home and say: "What
ever you do, don't take as much lug
gage as we did!" Two young women
travelled in England and Scotland for
six weeks last summer, and the only
luggage they carried was a "telescope"
and handbag. The handbag was en
tirely unnecessary and should have
been dispensed with. The "telescope"
bag Is not a, thing of beauty, but It Is
mighty convenient, especially for wo
men. It is utterly Impossible to give
cast-Iron rules as to Just what one shall
take for a round of Great Britain; that
la. Just what Is necessary for one's com
fort. Nothing else, except neatness,
need be considered. Pecple do not
travel In Europe to show off their
good clothes. This, of course, refers to
the ordinary traveller, not to people
who go over for social purposes. The
traveller proper, no matter what his or
her prejudices in the matter of clothes
may be on this side of the water, soon
becomes quite content to reduce his
changes to the least number possible.
Consequently, the traveller who Is aim
ing at cheapness need feel no qualms
over his or her one good suit or gown.
Only and this has been said so often
that it seems almost unnecessary to re
peat it forget not to have at least two
pairs of well-made and , comfortable
American shoes and a pair of American
rubbers. Foreign shoes are Impossible,
and the English goloshes are just what
the name sounds like..
Of course, "the Inexpensive traveller"
will go third class on English railways,
remembering that on most of them
there is no second class. To the ex
perienced traveller there Is no more
wanton extravagance than riding in a
first-class railway compartment. The
baggage system of England has been so
much maligned that It Is a pleasing
thing to be able to say one good word
for It If you are travelling with only
hand luggage, you could not be better
oft than In an English railway station
No sooner doss your cab or omnibus
draw up at the platform than one of the
uniformed porters gathers up your bass,
no matter how many they may be, and
carries them to the "booking office"
window where you buy your ticket,
When he has found out your destina
tion he piles your luggage against one
of the Iron pillars, and you need not
plvn it another thought. As the train
pulls in your porter appears, finds you
a seat In a compartment, puts your
bags in the racks, touches his cap, and
-thanks you for the tuppence you give
him. Cheap enough at four cents! If
there are two of you that makes only
two cents apiece. If there is a trunk.
so that a truck Is necessary, sixpence Is
the fee.
Sixpence Is also the usual fee for most
of the show places. In almost every ca
thedral the choir, which contains all the
relics and Interesting features. Is classed
by a railing, and each person pays six
pence to go In. There Is always a ver
ger, often a most interesting and Intelli
gent person,-to show you around and ex
plain things. He Will bow most benevo
lently ovtr the sixpence given to him
personally at the close of the circuit
This slxiience is sufficient for two.
Expenses may be roughly divided Into
four classes: railway expenses, living
expenses, fees, und extras. The cost of
travel Itself Is not heavy In Great Brl
tain. One can go from London to Edin
burgh, stopping at Cambridge, Ely,
Peterborough, Lincoln, York, Itlpon and
Durham for less thun $10 railroad fare,
One can make the circuit from London
up the east side of England to Edin
burgh by steamer and coach through
the Ttossacks, up to Oban, down by
steamer to Glasgow, then to Ayr, then
through the lake country and by way of
Chester and that best known route back
to London for about $30. This Includes
a good deal of .coaching, which Is al
ways expensive. Thus It is seen that
the expense of actual travelling In Eng
land and Scotland Is not at all extrava
gant. By leaving out Oban one could
make the circuit for Just about what it
costs to go from here to Chicago.
The feeing system is an unmitigated
nuisance, especially to the person of
limited means, who, nevertheless, wants
to give, what Is proper. Of course, one
may fee aB extravagantly as one wishes,
but the amount which will assure com
fort and attention will not be found at
all burdensome. A good rule is, not to
fee any one who renders you no service.
Plenty of persons will look at you with
an expectant eye, but that la part of
their business. Their expectancy is In
their' eye alone most of the time. If
you do give them anything, so much the
better. They regard it as "lanlappe,"
as they say down south, but they will
have Just as much, respect for you If
they don't get It. If one fees moderate
ly when there Is an occasion for It, one
will And that the sum total of one's trip
Health in it!
does not begin-to equal that of any sort
of Journey here. -' I
Sixpence Is a sufficient fee for a res
taurant luncheon or dinner for two, un
less, of course, at the most expensive
places, and even there sixpence Is
enough for a modest meal. For simpler
meals at lees showy places twopence
and threepence is enough for two. The
advantage of having two In a party is
at once apparent when it come to feeing,
for almost invariably two can offer Just
as small a tip as one person would give.
These two young women, who travelled
through England with a telescope bag,
spent $25 for fees and admission to
places of interest In a trip of five weeks
duration. This made $2.50 a week apiece
and they were not particularly economl
can One might spend four or five times
that much and have no better service.
The portion of csie's expenses which
would come under the head of extras Is
the one which Is capablo of the greatest
arlation. It is the one, too, on which
the lnex!erlenced traveller almost
never counts. Under this head will
come laundry work, stamps, paper, pho
tographs, cabs, "souvenirs," presents.
refreshments" between times, and any
accidental expenses, such as guide
books, articles of clothing, and medi
cine. This Is the direction in which one
can make the greatest saving, and at
the same time It Is the one which is
most Influenced by circumstances which
one cannot control. One may not need
to spend a penny on drugs, and, on the
other hand, one may be compelled to
have medical attendance at $5 a visit.
Bleeding of one sort is as likely to be
practised on American patients abroad
as bleeding of another sort was for
merly Indulged In.- ,
The actual living expenses, however.
are the most Important of them. They
are bound to be more than all the others
put together. And yet they need not be
extravagant. One can stay in a com
fortable London boarding house, where
one will meet agreeable people (mostly
Americans), for five shillings a day.
This means a room on the top floor,
but, as one doesn't go to London for the
purpose of staying In one's room, that
isn't a very great objection. To this
must be added the cost of luncheon out
side, for one cannot afford to. go back
to the boarding''4iouse for that meal.
The luncheon Item Is. another elastic
one, which may be regulated by the
purse, and alas! the appetite, of the In
dividual. Some people are content with
a cup of tea and a roll at an "A. B. C."
restaurant. Others well, others are
Outside of London one may spend
either more or less than In the metro
polls. One will spend more at the ho
tels. That is inevitable. But there Is
one delightful feature of English life
whose charms and advantages must be
known to be appreciated. This feature
is "lodgings." Lodgings are not recom
mended for a London stay unless you
are tolerably sure of your landlady.
Landladies are an uncertain quantity
generally, but In London lodgings they
are approximately certain; they are al
most sure to be evilly Inclined. But In
the smaller towns the chances are just
the other way. In such places as Cam
bridge, Lincoln, York, even Edinburgh,
the lodging scheme Is replete with com
fort and economical possibilities.
When you take lodgings you pay for
your room, and that means that you
have a bedroom and a sitting room.
In the latter apartment your meals are
served. You may do your own market
ing if you like. If not, you tell the land
lady what you want; she buys It, cooks
It and serves It, charging you only what
Bhe paid for the things at the market.
Oh, she may add a few pennies to the
cost, but you are quite willing she
should. Something of the advantages
of this method of living muy be seen
from the report given by severul
"couples" of young women who tried it.
At Lincoln one couple stayed- in a
delightful, quaint little house just out
side of the cathedral close. The land
lady and everthlng pertaining to the
place were spotlessly clean. The two
girls had their night's lodging and three
meals, served in' a private sitting room,
for the total sum of $1.40 apiece. In
York they had lodging, supper and
breakfast for a dollar apiece. In Edin
burgh they had lodging and breakfast
for a week for $3.50 each. At Oxford,
lodging, supper and breakfast, with a
fine grate Are all evening, cost them a
dollar apiece. At Salisbury It was less
than a dollar. These are actual figures,
taken from the expense account of the
girlB who made the trip. The only rea
son they did not follow the same plan
In every place they stopped was that
they did not have enough addresses.
It will be seen that if a person wants
to visit even Great Britain for a period
of six weeks, and do very much travel
ing, on $200, he will have to reckon
closely. Allow $85 for an excursion
ticket, the lowest first-class summer
rate; allow $5 each way for steamer
fees, with two in a room; he will have
to cut down his tips and admissions on
the other side to $10. That will leave
him only $95 for traveling and living
expenses and extras. This will be cut
down to about $K5 by taking out the
railway fares. - It will need close econ
omy to live on $1.50 a day, but It can be
done. The matter, naturally, 1b very
much simplified by any reduction In the
amount of traveling. That, as Mr,
Kipling says, Is another story.
Hit Place, in the Ethics of Modern
Journalism Is Important.
Scrlbner's for March.
- The readersof newspapers exclusively
the man who derives his - intellectual
sustenance and. experience from no
other source, s apt to believe that he,
of all others, Is practical, has a Arm
grip on the real;. and because the mod
ern reporter, who makes the newspa
per what it Is, takes an analogous poal
tion, as one who, beyond ail others, is
In. direct contact with facts, and looks
upon things, and Interprets them, just
as they are. On the strength of tills
assumption the reporter everywhere,
but more 'particularly In America, has
of late grown to feel that he Is an ex
tremely Important factor in contempo
rary affairs. And he Is right; he Is ex
tremely Important.
He is the most representative figure
in the literature of the actuality using
the word literature Just here because
there Is none other to take its place.
He is Important because he embodies
the most active forces of the hour: lie
cause he Is their tool; their vehicle; but
not because ho more thoroughly knows,
or more faithfully portrays, life than
others. As a matter of fact he Is as
much a victim of conventions as the
literary theorist and dreamers who be
holds it only as if shows through his
study window. Sometimes he Js more
so. -me medium in which hi works Im
poses fixed restrictions and distinct lim
itations upon him. And he comes to
conceive all of life "chiefly as it may
serve his purpose and be made to fit in
to those limitations.
Base ball lacks spirit in Springfield?
Good heavens! , doesn't anybody know
"Sandy" Bariorn or read the Bprlngfleld
union r uee-wnis,
Plonjei Into Ibt Historic Past for Paral
lel to St Loois.
Brief Retrospect of Some of the t'om
biaatioas Mads Against and for
Winning Candidates of Both the
Leading PartiesThings People
liave Forgotten All Abont.
From the Buffalo Express.
Politics was very much simplified In
184, compared to that of 1K80, when
amid the thunder of cannon all over the
south, and when the horrid din of war
was easily audible at the national cap
ital. Lincoln and Johnson were nom
inated at Baltimore, and McCiellan
and "flentlcman George" Pendleton at
Chicago. The only ripple of discontent
with the old parties was the defection
of the radical Republicans, who nom
inated General Fremont and John C.
Cochrane of New York, at Cleveland.
Fremont, partially through Jealousy,
partially because of a sincere dissat
isfaction with the conduct of the war,
resigned his commission. In company
with several generals of less note, and
had a sublime confidence In his ability
to divert enough of the Republican vote
to ensure his election. Yet how many
public men. to say nothing of m-r-n net
in public life, will recall the holding of
that convention? Radicals and Peace
Democrats were ollke remanded to the
rear, and Lincoln was sustained only to
be killed bv the bullet of Bootn.
In IMS, ut Chicago, It was Inevitable
that the Republicans should nominate
Grant, and upon the ticket with him
was placed Colfax of Indiana, who was
then quite popular. At Chicago, also a
little earlier, Horatio Seymour had been
nominated by the Democrats, with
Francis P. liletr of Missouri, as the
candidate for vice-president The
Grant convention was full of the enthu
liasm that must Inevitably associate
with the name of the victorious general
of a great war. There was no contest,
and the snectacle was rather a mass.
meeting to celebrate the restoraflon of
the union and the end of the term of
the almost imneached Johnson, than a
convention of a political party. For
hours tire vast assembly did little but
stand on its feet and cheer and sing
patriotic songs. Old Jesse Grant, father
of the general, stood near the front of
the stage, the tears coursing down his
cheeks, witnessing the glorlllcation of
his son. Fenton and Wil&m were botli
Dromlnentlv In the race for the vice
presidential race, and there was much
soivnr-ss over the nomination of Colfux,
and not a few were pleased with that
gentleman s subsequent humiliation.
The Democratic convention in 1SCS
was the scene of a grand struggle be
tween such niants of the party as bry
mour. Pendleton. Iteverdy. Johnson
Packer. Doollttle. Hendricks, Flair, and
Salmon P. Chase, who had accepted the
platform and cut loose from his .old
friends. Aucust Heimont spent jiu.uw,
It Is paid, to accomplish the nomination
of Jluncock. fceymour was honestly a
BUMiorter of Chase and protested
against the use of his name, but destiny
had marked him for ilefoat by ornnt,
In the twenty-second ballot rcnrlloton
cast the vote of Ohio fur Seymour und
the grand nominating rush of states
The Republican convention of 1Si2
was llttli more thun an endorsement of
the administration, but It was ainld
tremendous enthusiasm which fairly
lifted the roof from the Academy of
Music. In Philadelphia when the
Galena Tanner" and the "Natick
Cobbler" were replaced in nomination.
This was the year of the Liberal He'
pUbllcark upheavel. Horace Greeley
and B. Grata Brown had been nomlnat
ed at Cincinnati and were certain to be
endorsed by the Democrats. There
were stroni: protests aguinst the policy
of .the administration, and especially
ntralnst the Immediate advisers of Grant
The Cincinnati convention was one of
the wildest enthusiasm. Many men who
had been high In the councils of the
Republican party -were the foremost
figures of the great assembly, and they
congratulated themselves that the
Grant ring was about to be snapped
in pieces. Bayard, now Minister to
England, was the only prominent mem
ber of the Democratic convention at
Baltimore w'hich endorsed the Cincin
nati platform and candidates, who at
tempted to stem the tide of Greeley, but
he was summarily squelched. Penn
sylvanla cast the majority of her vote
for Jeremiah Black, but It was Wallace,
afterward senator, who finally moved to
make the nomination of Greeley and
Brown unanimous. The scenes attend
lng the nominations at Cincinnati were
so inspiring that the mass of the
Democrats would hear nf nothing but
endorsement of the ticket and platform.
Probably no other nominations were
ever supported by such a brilliant
array of editorial talent. Held, McClure.
Watterson, Hnlstead, white, Bowles
Washington, McLean and other grent
editors of the day Joined their mighty
forces to accomplish the election of the
"Sage of C'hnppaqua," but the stars had
written It otherwise. A Finiill whig of
the Democratic party met at Louisville
In September and nominated Charles
O'Connor and John Quincy Adams, and
a Labor Reform party nominated Judge
David Davis and Joel Parker, at Col
umbus, but these tickets scarcely
caused a ripple in the tremendous cam
paign waged over Grant and Greeley,
and which resulted In the defeat of the
great editor and in his death of heart
In 1876 there was n. strong feellnp; In
favor of the nomination of Grant for a
third term, but this was dissipated long
before the Republican convention met
at Cincinnati In June, and party affec
Hons were divided between Blaine and
Conkling, with numevous favorite sons
in the background. It was the contest
between the two brilliant leaders trans
ferred from the halls of congress to the
floor of the political convention. That
Blaine had the great delegate as well
as the popular following no one denied.
Conkling could not control the delega
tion from his own state. Cameron was
able to divert the vote of Pennsylvania
from Blaine only by securing Instruc
tions for Hartranft. Brlstow, as nn
"anti-boss" Republican, had a strong
following. Oliver P. Morton, Lugnn,
Hayes, Kvarts, Morgan, Wheeler,
Adams, Hartranft and other favorite
sons trailed along, their hope based
upon a probable breakdown of the lead
ers. On the very Sunday previous to the
meeting ef the convention, and when
nearly all of the delegates were on .the
ground, Blnlne was stricken down while
on his Way to church with something
closely akin to apoplexy, and his adher
ents and opponents alike were gloomy
and sympathetic. Later reports of the
favorable condition of the patient re
vived the Blnlne enthusiasm and the
Blaine antagonism, and on Monday the
fight was as Intense as though the
hand nf disease had not touched the
man from Maine.
Edward MrPhersori, who died a tragic
death at his Pennsylvania homo a few
months ago, was made permanent
chairman of the convention. The most
sensational episode of the cenventlon
was the almost riot that followed. Mc
pherson's ruling In the ense of Penn
sylvania delegate. John Hampton, the
brilliant Pittsburg lawyer among them,
who protested against the castings of
the entire vote of the state by Cameron
as a unit. The excitement Was Intense,
and at one time It seemed that Mc
PherBon would be driven from the
chair. Finally order prevailed, and the
convention negatived the appeal taken
from the Important decision and pre
cedent. Blaine out of danger, as it
was reported to the convention, the
struggle between the contending ele
ments was renewed with increased bit
terness. Every scandal that had at
tached to the name of Blaine, his bor
rowing of money from Paclflo railroad
officials, his ownership of Arkansas,
Little Rock and Fort Smith railway
bonds, the famous Mulligan letters, and
other things derogatory to the man
rrum Maine were used without stint.
The dramatic Investigation of these
matters was even then pending In con
gress. A more bitter fight was never
waged In a convention, but Conkling
and Cameron held their forces so well
In hand that they were able to make
Hayes the nominee, by somewhat lib
eral promises to the friends of Wheeler
and Morgan of the honor of second
place on the ticket.
Never were more brilliant speeches
made for the purpose of placing candi
dates in nomination. That of Inger
soil nominating Blaine has been placed
among the political classics. Stewart
L. Woodford nominated Conkling,
Noyes made the speech for Hayes and
was seconded by old Ben Wade. Upon
the first ballot Blaine had 291 votes,
Bristow 113, Conkling 96. Morton 125.
Hayes 65. There was no material
change until the fifth ballot. The antl-
Blaine managers held their men steady
and Blaine stock went down. On the
sixth the break was made for Hayes,
Indiana withdrawing Morton and lead
ing the stampede, and the nomination
was a fact.
A foolish story has recently been re
vived telling that the antl-B'alne man
agers prevented a session the evening
preceding the day of balloting by secur
ing a statement from the managers of
the building that the gas pipes were out
of order, and therefore no Illumination
could be had. It was asserted thut
Blaine could have been nominated had
a session been held that evening. The
irutn ib tne announcement In regard to
the gas was made 21 hours before
the balloting, and the pipes could have
been repaired If the Blaine managers
naa mougnt an evening session of any
Importance. Frye, of Maine. Blaine's
fast friend, made the motion when the
session ol the day previous to the
nomination was ended.
The great struggle In the Democratic
convention of that historical year, when
It mt at St. Louis, was between the
forces of Tildcn and Hendricks. The
latter was immensely popular and the
cpeecnes nominating him were many.
long and eloquent. The Tilden speeches
were Dareiy more man a reference to
the great reform-record of the "Sage
of Oramercy." Tilden had a long lefcd
in the first ballot, however, and was
nominated on the second by 43 votes
more man enough.
in mai year green back Ism took a
great spurt, and Peter Cooper and Saow
Carey were nominated to witness the
political death of themselves and the
lapse of their theory.
In the Republican convention of 18S0.
at Chleapn, "Caesarlsm" was the great
cry oi me opponents of the Grant
Conkling combination. Grant had re
turned from circling the world, and wns
as great a popular figure as ever. All
the machinery of expert management
was brought Into play to ensure the ex
presltlent's nomination. Contests were
acutely arranged. The unit rule was
enforced to the fullest extent possible.
Gnrllcld came to the front at once as an
on an antagonist of thesa crafty meth
ods, and was looked upon as a likely
dark horse. His eloquent nomination,
or snrrmun pave him much additional
popularity. Joy of Michigan nominated
Mains, and created much amusement
by mistaking his candidate's Initials,
calling him '-'James A. Blaine," when ho
rounded his final period. Conkling
nominated Grant in nn eloquent siteec-h.
The long balloting and Intense excite
ment have been equaled In no other
convention. The famous 306 phalanx of
Grant was rrsver seriously broken, and
when th stampede cume for Gurfield on
the 36th ballot giving the latter the
nomination, the Grant delegates never
for a moment swerved from their fealty.
For the Democratic tnininatlon In
Cincinnati In 1880 predictions had been
generally favorable to Hancock, provid
ed Tilden persisted in his refusal to
stand. Bayard, Randall, Thurman and
other great names were upon the ba-n-
nersof thedelegatlons. The necessity for
a soldier-candldute was argued. Payne
and Thurmau demolished each other,
and Hancock was triumphantly nomln
ated on the second ballot. One of the
features of the convention was the
sqelehing of the contending Tammany
The year 18S4 was a golden one for
the Democrats. The tremendous Re
publican slump In the New York state
elections placed Cleveland In the fore-
front of candidates. The old Dem
ocratic guard was practically obsolete,
Tammany was the only opposition In
evidence against the Buffalo man at
Chicago. Madness against Cleveland
ran riot with the Tammany end of the
New York delegation. Grady and
Bourke Cochran made violent speeches
against tne governor, assuring the con
ventlon that he, could not carry their
state, tint me independent Kepubll-
can influence carried the day. C'levo,
land, Bayard, Carlisle, Randall, Mc,,
Donald and others were put In nouil
nation. Hendricks spoke for McDon
aid, but when the balloting began and
a vote of an Illinois delegate was cast
for him, it appeared for a time as
though Tllden's running mate would
sweep the convention from Its moor
It wbb one of those grand scenes when
a name sets a vast assembly wild with
enthusiasm. The entire convention
arose and applauded as though It
would never stop. Watterson and Bel
mont warmly embraced the old man
who stood bowing and trembling, with
tears streaming down his cheeks.
Voorhees withdrew McDonald In favor
of Hendricks, and again the convention
went wild for "one of the men wronged
in "TO." But when the voting began It
wns seen that the Cleveland forces had
not been shaken, and upon the second
roll call the New York man was nnml
nated. and Hendricks was again given
Becona piace.
The Republican convention at Chi
eagp of 1884 aws again the scene of tho
contention of the Blaine and antl
Blnlne forces. Arthur, made president
by the assassination of Garfield, hoped
ror me nomination, ana to some ex
icni tne oiiice-noituiiff element was
controlled for him. Robertson, how
ever, who was collector of the port of
New York, was a stitunch friend of
Blulne. Arthur, Sherman, Logan, Ed
munds, Hawley and Blaine were the
great array of names eloquently pre
sented to the convention. This time
populur sentiment was triumphant
Blaine nws nominated on tho fourth
ballot, amid the craziest enthusiasm
which was almost equalled when Logan
wns given seconu pince.
The Republican convention met ngaln
at Chicago In 188S. Blaine was a great
factor in the convention and would un
doubtedly have been nominated had he
not cabled a. positive command that his
name should not be presented. It was a
convention of old and new candidates.
Harrison. Depew, Sherman, Gresham,
Allison, Rusk, Alger, Hawley and Fltler
were ell placed In nomination. Chicago
was one compact chunk cf frenzy for
Gresham, and to some extent the hall of
ests.. Hnrrlson steadily gained In the
balloting and on the fourth roll call
New York started the great ninth wave
of the Harrison tide, and the nomina
tion was made. New York's prominence
In the result gained for Morton the vice
The Democratic convention of thnt
year was held at St. Louis, and was
little more than a ratification meeting
for the administration. Democrats al
most without exception swore at Cleve
land In private and shouted for him
In public. It wns sadly confessed that
there waB nothing to do but. to renom
inate him, The acclamatary result was
received with no great enthusiasm.
From among; Cray, Black and Thur-
man the last was chosen for second
The Republican convention at Min
neapolis in lmt was plainly in the uoa-
session of friends of Harrison, although
a nne combination ror his defeat was in
the wind. Blaine curtly rvnigned his
office of secretary of state after the del
egates were assembled. ' and Harrison
as curtly accepted It. When BUilne's
name was presented the cheering con
tinued for nearly half an hour, and
doubtless such. a scene was never before
witnessed In convention. An attempt
was made to rival It when Harrison was
presented, but It was forced and fell
short of the Blaine demonstration by
several minutes, which was thought to
bo quite Important. Harrison was
easily nominated, but Blalae seeicca
s dagerus candidate for a time, aad
there wis also a brief prospect that
MrKlnley would prove a winning dark
horoe, as he gathered In as a finality no
less than 132 votes, Pennsylvania cast
ing 42 of them. Probably Blaine's fatal
weakness wan the Impression that his
name was being used slmolT to ao
compllhs the defeat of Harrison, whir.
law Held was the unanimous choice of
tne Mew York delegation for the sec
ond place, and to that fact he owes
his nomiaatlon and defeat for the vice
The third nomination of Cleveland in
1892. at Chicago, was a third time re
markable for the opposltipn in his own
state, the great delegation being held
una against ninx under the manage
ment of Senator Hill. But even mat
new xonc was not greater than the
resi or me country. The Tammany
machine again received an awful snub
bing, and Cleveland again rode to vic
tory and the presidency, to Potomac-
nsmng ana uucK-shootlng.
Had Every Accomplishment of a Poe-
sible Man, bnt Few of a Woman's.
From tho Chicago Post.
"So your daughter'o education u rnm.
Pleted," said the. old-faahloned man re-
"It Is." replied the " neWWOTrnn "anA
I think have every reason to be uroud
vi nor. sne graduated at the head of
ner class.
"And now that she has graduated ."
quemeu me oia-raahloned man "what
next r
"Why, she is prepared to be an orna
ment to ay position of life," explained
this "new woman." "8h ha iu.n ivi
every opportunity to acquire an oduca-
lion that fits her for the duties and re
sponsibilities of any station, and nw I
expect her tago into society and marry
a man or softie distinction. She is thor
oughly versed la politics."
"And that, you think, should make her
dear to the heart of some statesman?'
Naturally. She would understand
him and be able to assist him. Why,
Bhe could carry on a campaign herself.
She can make an excellent speech on al
moat any subject connected with poli
tics, and Is well posted in International
affairs. She would be a wonderful help
to a diplomat."
"fut pontics is not iall that there Is of
value lit thjs world."
"Of coure not, and heir education has
not been confined to that She has
glveHj a little time to law, a little'to
medicine, m qualified to keep books and
can use a type-writer."
"In short, she can do anything that
It is llkEly her husband will be able to
do," suggested the old-fashioned man.
"Ye,"'proudly'Teplled the "new" wo
man. The old-fashioned man pondered this
for a few minutes'.
"Do you know," he eald- at last, In a
burst of confidence, "I have an Idea that
the average man does not wajit a second
edition of himsolf when be marries, and
whon It come toaccom-pllshmtnts "
"he would'rather have some one who
can do the. things that he can't than the
things that he can. Now, a home-''
Bat the "new woman had lndtgwant'
ty turned away.
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for tired people."
Is what on eminent olergyman calls
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The use of No. 24 aucl No. 10 will
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