The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Eifeae Savers, of. Che&tut Street,
Scriouly Injured at Dwyea by the
Breaklaf of a Derrick Chaii.
Eugene Sayres, the well known ma
chinist, whose home Is at 421 Chestnut
street, was seriously hurt yesterday af
ternoon while at work In Duryea. He,
with a number of fellow workmen, was
lifting; a heavy mass by means of a
derrick. ' The chain broke and the block
fell striking Mr. Sayres upon the head.
Five cuts were Inflicted each of which
were to the skull bone. Mr. Bayres'
condition is critical.
The sad death of William Carson fol
lowing so closely upon the death of his
brother, Edward Carson, has awakened
a great public sympathy with the re
spected family. The funeral of William
took place yesterday afternoon from
the parental residence on Washburn
street. There was a large concourse of
friends present. Rev. T. Bell, of the
Plymouth Congregational church, and
li. Jones, of the First Congregational
church, officiated. A sextette sans Sev
eral hymns. The singers were: Elias
Evans, William Phillips, David E.
Hughes, Brownsen Joseph, Agnes Jo
seph and Margaret Phillips, all of the
Plymouth church. The pull bearers
were: Edward Davis, Harry Seymore,
John Davis, David James, Griffith
Griffiths and Robert Davis. Interment
was made In Washburn street ceme
tery. Among the out-oftown people at
the funeral were: Daniel Scurry, Mrs.
John Scurry, of Carbondale; John R.
Davis, Edwardsdale; Mr. Maxey, of
Clifford; and Edward Davis, of Llewel
lyn, Pa.
The "block of blazes" Is the fiery ap
pellation used in naming a certain
building on Jackson street. On June 18
the block was the scene of an explosion
between Mrs. Nicholas and Mrs. Ann
Evans. Arrests resulted from the dis
turbance and last evening before Alder
man John, Mrs. Evans appeared against
the other woman. Mrs. Evans also
caused the arrest of Frank, a 9 year
old son of Mr. Nicholas. This boy, a
mere babe In size, was charged with as
sault upon Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Nicholas'
other son, Johnie, aged 13 years, was at
the trial with a number of large cob
ble stones. These It was that Mrs.
Evans hurled at and struck an Infant
child of Mrs. Nicholas. The alderman
held mother and son under $200 ball.
They were committed in default.
Mre. Jane Thomas, who was stricken
with paralysis last Monday evening,
died at 9 o'clock yesterday morning at
her home on South Hyde Park avenue.
From the time of the attack until her
death Mrs. Thomas was unconscious.
The attending physicians marvelled at
the remarkable vitality of the woman.
In most cases the stroke would have
Immediately proved fatal. The de
ceased was born In Wales and was 63
years of age. She has resided on the
West Sid for many years. The sur
viving children are Mis. Lizzie Price,
and five sons, Edward, Parry, Price,
Arthur and Daniel. As a member of
the Plymouth Congregational church
Mrs. Thomas wan known by her sincere
Christianity. The funeral services will
be on Monday afternoon. The obse
quies will be at the house for a brief
time and afterward at the Plymouth
Congregational church. Rev. Thomas
Bell will b in charge. Interment will
be made in Washburn street cemetery.
Lafayette, a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Schroeder, of Seventh street, fell twelve
feet yesterday morning while playing
about the excavation made for the new
No 16 school building on Chestnut street.
The boy was badly Injured and at pres
ent his condition is a matter of doubt.
Dr. Hall, who was called, found a con
tusion of the hip and there may be In
ternal injuries.
A surprise party was tendered Miss
Maud Saunders Thursday evening at
her home on Hampton street. An en
joyable time was passed.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas
H. Williams, of Back street, occurred
1AI I1ICH is it? All or part that enables
us to offer you the most standard
make in perfect fitting, fashionable cuts and
weaves, in Men's Strictly ALL WOOL SUITS at
Formerly sold from four to six dollars more.
Our Show Window gives you a faint idea.
Sipi Dc.g Cbt&rt
of fl)? Slibtirbs.
yesterday afternoon. Rev. W. I. Jones,
of the First Welsh Baptist chusch. offi
ciated. Interment waa made In Wash
burn street cemett ry. -
Mrs. Harry. Phillips, of South Lin
coln avenue, and Mrs. F. Powell, of the
North End. were at Jenrtyn Tuesday.
A child of Mr. and Mrs. John Wheel
er, of Price street, died yesterday. The
funeral will be tomorrow at 2 o'clock.
Palmer Williams, of Bucknell uni
versity, returned home last evening to
spend the summer with his parents,
Hon. and Mrs. John T. Williams, of
South Main avenue,
The new West Side Wheelmen took
possession of their club rooms on South
Main avenue Thursday evening. The
rooms are being refurnished. The club
will take a run to Crystal lake tomor
row under the direction of Captain
Charles Bertlne.
St. Brenden Council's excursion to
Lake Ariel on July 14 is attracting gen
eral attention among West Side young
people. A banner advertising the out
ing has been stretched across Main ave
nue in front of the council apartments.
by purchasing one dozen Gents' Hose
of us today.
Gents' 20 cent Hoso for 13c.
Gents' 25 cent Hose for 17c.
ftnts' 35 cent Hose for 21c.
Gents' 50 cent Silk Hose for 29c.
Frlce and quality guaranteed today
West Side Business Directory.
FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de
alms a specialty. Floral figures, useful
as gifts, at lot South Main avenue. Har
riet J. Davis, florist.
PHOTOORAPHER-Cablnet Photos, 1149
per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con
vince yourself by railing at Starrer"
Photo Parlors, lul and 103 South Main
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Etoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the
stock of J. C. King, 1021 and 10M Jack
son street.
Miss Flo Dony Is entertaining Miss
Nellie Rude, of Bulnbridge, while on
her way home from Wyoming seminary-Mr.
Grass, of Marlon street, who has
been very 111 for some time past, is now
able to be out again.
Miss LUllun Jurish, of Wyoming ave
nue. Is visiting relatives In New Jersey.
Mrs. J. R. Fordham and Mrs. M. R.
Kays, of Sanderscn avenue, spent yes
terday at Lake Ariel.
T. R. Hughes, of the Green Ridge
market, has purchased a new delivery
J. M. Howell, of Green Ridge street.
Is entertululng his daughter, Mrs,
Chamberlain, of Plymouth.
Miss Flo Dony, who has been attend
ing the Wyoming seminary, has return
ed to her home on Monsey avenue for
her vacation.
Rev. A. F. Chaffee, of the Asbury
church, Is entertaining his mother,
from Jamestown, N. J.
The gospel temperance meeting to be
held In the W. C. T. U. rooms on Penn
avenue, Sunday afternoon at 3.45, will
be led by Rev. G. L. Malce.
by purchasing one dozen Gents' Hose
of us today.
Gents' 20 cent Hose for 13c.
Gents' 25 cent Hose for 17c.
Gents' 35 cent Hose for 21c.
Gents' 50 cent Silk Hose for 29c.
Trice and quality guaranteed today
An Oil Painting of the Republican
pnrty's candidate for President will be
presented to every subscriber of the
Scranton Tribune on Wednesday next.
It Is unnecessary for us to state that
to be the possessor of such a picture at
this time will be of Incalculable value
to the young as well as the old. Dur
ing the coming five months no name In
America will be of greater Interest to
all classes of people than that of Hon.
William McKlnley, and by being sub
Bcrlberstoor buylngTheTrlbune on that
morning all will be served with his por
trait. Don't miss It. Send your orders
In early.
"My mother had neuralgia of the
liver, which left a sore and painful spot
In her left side. She began taking
Hood's Pills and found the pain disap
peared entirely." L. P. Megargel, Mos
cow, Pa.
Hood's Sarsaparllla is the one true
blood purifier.
Hatters and Furnishers
Closlnx Exercises at No. II School Yes
terday Aflernooa Trouble la Polish
Coafrcf tioa May Be Averted.
The closing exercises at No. 11 school
yesterday afternoon were of an inter
esting character. The pupils assem
bled in Miss Ella McTlghe's room, in
which a stage was erected, decorated
with banks of ferns, roses, and daisies.
The entertainment given reflected the
painstaking care of the teachers. Prof.
John E. O'Malley, principal of the
school, addressed the pupils and then
the exercises were begun. After a song
by the pupils the cantata, "June
Voices." was rendered by the pupils of
Miss Julia McGulgan and Miss Jennie
The remainder of the programme was
as follows: Recitation by Miss Anna
McCoy; recitation by Henry Griffiths;
solo by Miss Mary Opper; recitation by
Miss Lcdie Bailey; a drama, entitled
Cinderella," by the pupils of Prof.
O'Malley's room; and a closing song by
the school. The pupils were Instructed
by their respective teachers and per
formed their parts In a creditable man
For over two weeks a tempest has
been gathering In the Polish congrega
tion, of which Rev. Richard A. Aust Is
the pastor, on account of his alleged
refusal to grant to a large number of
his parishioners an accounting of the
finances. The Indications now point to
a subsidence of the trouble. The pas
tor Is expected to restore harmony to
morrow. '
by purchasing one dozen Gents' Hose
of us today.
Gents' 20 cent Hose for 13c.
Gents' 25 cent Hose for 17e.
Gents' 35 cent Hose for 21c.
Gents' GO cent Silk Hope for 29c.
Price and quality guaranteed today
The funeral of Mrs. John Frlchtel, of
Cedar avenue, will be held this after
noon. Interment will be made In Pitts-
ton avenue cemetery.
Yesterday was pay day at the Meadow
Brook and National collieries of Wil
liam Connell & Co. Today will be pay
day at the Greenwood collieries.
A picnic will be held at Central Park
on July 20 by the Electric Social club.
The Ladles' Aid society of Cedar ave
nue Methodist Episcopal church will
run an excursion to Mountain Park on
June 23.
Subscriptions to The Tribune and com
munications intended for the Providence
department of the paper may be left with
Airred Duvls, authorized agent, at J920
Wayne avenue.
The closing exercises at No. 25 school
yesterday were of a very Interesting
character. The programme was as fol
lows: Song, "Morning Invitation" School
Heading, "The Candid Man,"
Pearlfl Treverton
Recitation, "Lasca" Susie Dawson
Octet, "Thou Art, O God,"
Pauline Shook, Essie Thomas, Anna Sher-
win, I'eurie Treverton, Anna Henry,
Susie Fisher, Mae Benedict and Pearle
Recitation, "The Painter of Seville,"
Mae Blrtlev
Song. "Till the Master Comes" Sehaol
Recitation, "Her Views of Chinese
Ouestlon" Suslp Fisher
Orgun Selection Essie Thomas
raper, "High School World,"
Editors, Rollln Ca'rr, Pearle Lldston
Song, "We Hock Away" School
Recitation, "Trouble in the Amen Corner,"
Bertha Sanders
Declamation, "The Owl Critic,"
Archie Morgan
Duct Anna Sherwln. Susie Fisher
Song, "How Beautiful" School
Class Prophesy Anna Sherwln
rareweu song School
After the programme the names of the
scholars who graduated were announced
and were as follows: Walter Benedict,
Joseph Chamberlln, Charles Clark. Rol
lln Carr, Charles Geary, Allison Kinsley,
Koy wicnoi, Richard Shepherd, Robert
Thompson, Warren Wlreback and
Missts May Benedict, Mary Bryden,
Rachel Evans, Jessie Featenby, Susie
Fisher, Vlra Grlffen, Ina Johnson, Sadie
Jones, Pearl Lidstone, Olive Mur..n,
Bertha Preston, Betha Reesu, Hattle
Richards, May Seward, Betha Slmms.
Bertha Sanders; Anna Sherwln, Pauline
Shook. Lucretia Thomas, Pearle Trev
erton and Essie Thomas.
Anthony Neary waa arrested Thurs
day evening for being Implicated In the
breaking of a plate glass window at
Reagan & Flynn's hotel on Market
street. The window was valued at $G7
At the hearing he was held under 200
Thomas Cooper, cf Marion street,
was arrested Thursday evening by Pa
trolmen Thomas Rldgway. Complaint
was made to the officers by his wife that
he went to the hous? in a drunken condi
tion and proceede to smash the furni
ture with an axe, and when his wife
protested he threatened to kill her.
When brought before the alderman, his
wife not wlshlnc to prosecute, he was
fined $4 for being drunk and disorderly.
Mrs. Julius Ogden, of Theodore street,
had Mary O'Hara and daughter, Brid
get arrested for threatening to kill.
A few days ago Mrs. Ogden accused
Mrs. O'Hara of trying to alienate her
husbands affections and a pugilistic en
counter ensued, during 'which Mrs. Og
den claimed Mrs. O'Hara made tha
threat, when before Alderman Roberts
dismissed the case.
The assault and battery case In which
William Llttlejohn Is defendant and
Captain J. H. Duggan, presecutor, will
be heard this evening before Alderman
Roberts. It will be tried before a Jury
of six men.
Rev. D. M. KInter, pastor of Chris
tian church, will preach tomorrow
morning on, "How to bear burdens."
In the evening he will exchange pulpits
with Rev. Mr. Matthews of the Puritan
church. '
Revc. W. G. Watklns will administer
the ordinance) of baptism tomorrow
morning In the North Main Av;mue
Baptist church. In the evening a de
lightful Children's Day programme
will be given, assisted by an orchestra
led by John Stafford. The ehruch will
be prettily decorated.
F. B. Collins, non of M. M. Collins, of
North Main avenue, and Miss Mary A.
Clifford, of Carbondale, were married
last evening by Rev. Thomas Coffey, at
St. Rose church, Carbondale.
Mrs. Robert Elliot, of Welles street,
la dangerously 111. .
Georgianna Clark,, of Church avenue,
Tboasantls of Americans Cant
Get Lift Insurance Because
Tobacco Has Bestrojed tne
. Heart Action and Wrecked tne
Nervous System.
Eafiaeer Bate Discovers Never
Failing mm Easy Remedy.
Delanson, N. Y. Special Engineer O,
H. Bates stepped off Engine No. 27S today,
with long oiler in one hand and a bunch
of wast in the other. Not a bystander
mere could Help
remarking his
youthful and
healthy look,
and active, vig
orous moil
mail, and con
trasting his ap
pearance with
his condition of
two medths ago.
"Say, Colonel,
how well you
"Yes, I am
well; better
than 1 have been
for years."
" What have have you been doing?"
"Oh, not much : No-To-Hae cured me of
the tobacco habit, after using It 43 years,
braced me mentally and physically, and
made me a new man In more ways than
one. t had no appetite; couldn't sleep;
now I sleep like a baby and eat three times
a day with a relish for the first time In
years. My heart action Is regular and no
longer a bar to increased life Insurance.
Yqu know throttle pulling requires a pret
ty steady nerve, and my nerves are O. K.
now. One box and a quarter of No-To-Hae
cured me completely In ten days.
No-To-Bac is gold by all druggists, and
made by the Sterling Remedy Co., of New
York and Chicago. Get their little book
called "Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke
Your Life Away,' free to any one that
writes. It cost me $1.00 to get cured, and I
spent three or four dollars a week for to
bacco. If I had failed to get cured I
would have gotten my money back, as the
makers guarantee three boxes to cure any
case. I have recommended the use of
No-To-Uac to many of the boys on the
line, und everyone of them who got the
genuine article, has been cured. Look,
don't let some of the imitations be palmed
off on you for No-To-Bac."
who dislocated her elbow a few days
ago by falling from ia porch, is slowly
John Cousin, of School street, who
was seriously hurt several weeks ago,
is slowly Improving.
Miss Florence Walker will leave today
for McDonottgh, N. Y., where she will
spend the summer.
Joseph Osterhout Is visiting friends In
York state.
J. A. Nellls, of Oak street. Is Improv
ing. A week ago last Tuesday Mr. Nel
lls was tearing down a derrick for an
nrt.sian well at Mount Carmel, when
the scaffold upon which he stood broke,
precipitating tlm to the ground from
a height of 3 feet. He miraculously es
caped with nothing more than a badly
bruised arm.
Henry Reese, of William street, is Im
proving after a severe Illness.
Miss Beslse Wilson, of Wllkes-Barre,
who ta visiting her sister, Mrs. U. S.
Robinson, of Oak street, was graduated
from the Wllkes-Barre high school, a
few days ago.
A. K. Detweller leaves today on a bus
iness trip to New York.
by purchasing one dozen Gents' Hose
of us today.
Gents' 20 cent Hose for 13c.
Gent3 25 cent Hose for 17c.
Gents' 35 cent Hose for 21c.
Gents' 50 cent Silk Hose for 20c.
Price and quality guaranteed today
The first annual convention of the
Loyal Temperance legions of Lacka
wanna county will be held In Boyle's
hall Friday evening, June 26, at which
every Loyal Temperance legion In the
county will be represented. Addresses
will be delivered by the state president,
C. Wesley Burns, of Philadelphia, and
by the county superintendent, Mrs.
Swartz, of Dunmore. Mr. Burns, who
Is now a student at Dickinson college,
Carlisle, Pa., Is very well known as an
earnest temperance orator and advo
cate. Besides the addresses an excel
lent programme of vocal and lnstru
mental music will be rendered by the
different societies. Too much praise
cannot be given the local society for Its
splendid work among the young people
of this place.
There will be a game of alley ball this
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Logan's ball
alley, Exchange hotel. Patrick O'Boyle
and Patrick Naughton will play James
McDermott and Michael Miles. The
stakes are 140 a side. This game prom
Ises to be as Interesting as the one
played a week ago on the same grounds,
as all the players are very skillful. Ad
mission free.
As a result of the tents challenge Is
sued by Charles Cole a few days ago,
one of the contests took place yester
day with Harry Smith, who won the
series by the following score: 6-0, 6-0,
The ladles of the Golden Eagle, No.
81, wish to express their appreciation
of the services of those who took part
In the entertainment In Odd Fellows'
hall last Monday night.
Miss Hattle Greaver has been pre
sented with a new piano by her parents,
Miss Julia Dougherty, of New York
city, is visiting friends In Dunmore.
Mrs. Walter Skinner, of Mlddletown,
Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. w. S.
Knight, of Souh Blakely street.
Louis Crist, of Dudley street, took
first place in the entrance examination
for the Unlversltyof .Pennsylvania hos
The A. D. Spencer Are company has
secured headquarters at No. 1024 East
Drinker street. The building Is under
going many Improvements.
City and School Taxes, 1800.
Office of the City Treasurer, Munlcl
pal Building, Scranton, Pa., C. a. Bo
land, City Treasurer.
The City and School Tax Duplicates
for year 1S9U are now In my hands for
In accordance with an Act of Assem
bly approved the 23d day of May, 1889,
a penalty of three (3) per cent, will be
added on all City Taxes left unpaid
after September 1, 1896, and an addi
tional penalty of one (1) per cent, on
the first of each and every month there
after until paid.
Taxes remaining unpaid after Novem
ber 1, 1896, will be placed In the hands
of Collectors, as provided by law.
C. G. BOLAND, Treasurer,
Municipal Building, cor. N. Washing'
ton avenue and Mulberry street.
Office hours, 9 a. m. to C p. m. Satur
days, 9 to 12 noon,
Oil Mnrket.
Oil City, Pa., June 19. The option oil
market was unchanged today at li!V.
Credit balances, ISO.
Wall Street Review.
New Tork. June 19. The nominations
and the adoption of the gold plank by
the Republican at St. Louis yesterday
served to strengthen the market for se
curities. The news, from London was
also of an encouraging nature. It being
stated by no less an authority than
Lord Salisbury that the outlook for a
settlement of the dispute over the Ven
esuelan boundary line had improved.
The report of trouble between British
surveyors and Venezuelan troops was
denied. The fact that there were no
engagements of gold for shipment to
Europe tomorrow added to the bullish
feeling. London buying was quite a
feature of the day, the foreigners hav
ing bought about "5.000 shares of va
rious stocks. Including St. Paul and
Louisville and Nashville. The decisive
victory of the gold men at St. Louis
was mainly responsible for this buying.
While the market ruled firm through
out, business was small, the sales foot
ing up 173,369 shares. Commission
houses, however, are anticipating an In
crease In trading at the stock exchunge
shortly as a result of the settlement
of the money question, at least so far
as the Republican party Is concerned,
and the heads of financial Institutions
as a rule heartily endorsed the action
of the St. Louis delegates, and taken
altogether there Is a more confident
feeling as to the future. The gains In
prices ranged from to & to per
cent, outside of Tobacco, which jumped
from 65 to 68 on a report that dividends
on the common will be resumed next
month. Gossip had it that the divi
dend will be 2 and probably 3 per cent.
Among the standard Issues St. Paul,
Louisville and Nashville nnd Sugar
were in the best demand. Speculation
closed quiet and firm. Net changes
show gains of V4l per cent. Tobacco,
however, gained 2',i per cent.
Furaished by WILLIAM LINN AL
LEN & CO., correspondents for A. P.
L'AMrusLL, stock Droller, a ouruco
Op'n- High- low- ciot
liur em. est. Inir.
Am. Tobacco Co .... 65i 8 54 7Mi
Am. Cot. OH 131 13,i 13' 13'4
Am. -Bug. Re'g Co ..123VI 123?, 122 122-'i
Atch., To. & S. Ve .. l.'.'i 15 a, IS 1W
Ches. & Ohio 1(1 Iti 16 36
Chief o Gas CS,4 US', OS 6S'i
vnic. w lui'i iui' w-t jui'
Chic, n. & Q 70- 79", 79'i 7!"!4
Chic, Mil. & St. P .. 79 7V 7SV4 TO
Chic, R. I. & P 71V4 71V, 70 IV'i
Delaware & Hud ....125',, 1: m 12-rt
Dlst. & C. V 17 17 KiTi 1?
Gen. Electric 324 33 32V, 32T,
Louis. & Nash Sl'i 52 OlVd 62
M. K. & Texas, IT .. 20 2oV 26 26
Manhatan Elo 101 101!, lirj 1034
Mo. Pacific 24 24 24 24
Nat. Lead 25 25V4 2o',i 251
N. J. Central luii llfiw, lti 1074
N. Y. Central 97 97 97 97
N. Y., L. E. & W .... 15V1 li'i 15 15
N. Y., S. & W., Pr .. 24Mi 24'a 24'4 244
Nor. Pacific 4 4 4 4
Ont. & West 14 14 14 14
Omaha 43 43 43 43
Pacillo Mall 2ti'i 26 25 25
Phil. & Head 15'4 15V4 154 154
Southern R. R 9 9 9 9
Southern R. R., Pr.. 294 29V 28 2
Union Pacific 84 8Vi 8 8
Wabash ti7i 7 74 ?
Wabash, Hr 18 18 17 1774
West. Union 84 85 84i 85
W. L 10'i Id's 9" 10
II. S. Leather, Pr .... 63, 62'i
U. S. Ruber 191 194 l!i 194
High- Low- Cl03
est. est. Ins;.
July 574
September 58V,
DS4 G 084
July 174
September 17
July 27T4
Septetpber 294
27 284
29 29
July 4.15
September 4.27
July 7.07
September 7.27
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations--All Quotutiou Based
tn Far of 100.
Name. . BM. AskeJ.
Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 140
Scranton Lace Certain Co 60
National Boring & Drilling Co. ... 80
First National Bunk G53
Scranton Jnr & Stopper Co 25
Elmhurst Boulevard Co 300
Scranton Savings Bank 20V
Bonta Plate Glass Co 10
Scranton Car Replacer Co 00
Scianton Packing Co 85
Weston Mill Co 30 Iron ft Steel Co 150
Third National BanK 350
ThrooD Novelty M'f'g. Co 90
Scranton Traction Co 17. 20.20
Scranton Glass Co lot
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage duo 1918 HI
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage due 1918 119 ...
Scranton & Fittston Trac. Co 90
people's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage due 1920 lit
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka. Township School 5 102
City of Scranton Street Imp i 102
Borough of Wlnton 6 MO
Mt. Vernon Coal Co 85
Scranton Axle Works 10i
New York Produce Market.
New York, June . Flour Quiet,
steady. Wheat Spot market dull, firmer,
with options; f. o. b., 72c; ungraded red,
63a73c.; No. 1 northern, 674c; options
closed firm at VSa4c over yesterday; .no.
2 red June and July. 64c; August, 6411c;
September, 64?4c; Dccemher, OOe. Corn-
Spots dull, llrmer; No. 2, 3lc. elevator; c
ooat: options were dull und firm at a4c.
advance; June 34c; July 3la34c; Sep
tember, 35ic. Oats Spots dull, firm; op
tions more easy, active; July and Sep'
tehmber, 22e.; spo tprlees, No. 2, 22c; do.
white. 2414c: do. Chicago, 22?ic; No. 2,
21c; do. white; 234c; mixed western, 2214
a234c; white slate, 24a28c Beef Quiet,
steady, uncvanged. L,ard Quiet, weaK
western steam, 11.40; city, $4.05; July, $4.40;
refined, dull; continent, $4.70; South Amer
lea. $5.15: compound, 4a4ic. Pork -
Steady, 'moderate demand; old mess, 8.25a
8.60: new mess, 8.7aa. Butter fancy
flrm.fl moderate demand; state dairy, 10a
15c; do. creamery, llliaisc; western
creamery, ll'al5i.c: do. factory, 8allc;
Elglns, 15iC; imitation creamery, iual2c.
Cheese Quiet, easy; state large, 6-V:a7c.;
do. B.mall, 5ia74c: part skims. 2a44c;
full skims, l4a2e. Eggs Quiet, freely of.
fered; state and Pennsylvania, 12al24e,;
western fresh, 1014al2c; do. case, Jl.iua..
Philadelphia Provision Mnrket.
Philadelphia, June 19. Provisions were
Bteady and In fair Jobbing demand. We
quote: City Bmoked beef, Ual2c; beef
hums, $15.25al5.50; pork, ramlly,;
hams, S. P. cured, In tierces, 8a9c; do.
smoked, 9allc, us to average; sides,
ribbed, in salt, 4ja4c; do. do. smoked, 54
aSlSiC: shoulders, picklo-cured, SaS'bc ;
do; do. smoked, UV4n61ic; picnic hams, b.
P. cured, 6'ISaOc.i do. do. Bmoked, 6!iU6;!ic;
bellies in pickle, according to average,
loose, Ca54c; breakfast baron, 7u9c for
round and jobbing lots, as to brand und
averngo; lard, pure, city refined, In tierces,
Rla5'4c.; do. do. do., in tubs &V4alic.; do.
butchers', loose, 4Vii4V4e,; elty tallow, In
hogsheads, 3c; country do., 24a2o., us
to quality, and cakes, 3ic
Chicago Live Stock.
Union Stock Vurds, 111., June 19. Cattle
Receipts, 3,000 head; market firm; com
mon to extra steers, $3.40al.50; Blockers and
feeders, rc.70a3.85: cows and bulls, $l.'-'5ii
3.70: calTs, J3a5.15; Texans, $2u4.75. Hogs
Receipts. 29,000 head; market easy us.d 5
alOc lower; heavy packing und snipping
lots, $3.0)03.35; common to choice mixed,
$3.10u3.45; choice assorted, $3.40a3.50; light,
$3.20a3.G6i pigs, $2.75a3.55. Sheep Receipts,
8,000 head; market strong; Inferior to
choice, $2a4.10; lambs, $2.75a6.50.
Is the tale conveyed in the following items:
Were. New-
I case Vivette Batiste, choice colorings Go 3 3-4e
1 case Corded Dimities and Linens, assorted 10c 5 l2c
1 case Organdies, special good value 12Jo 7 l2c
1 caso Linen Effects, all the rage loo li l-2c
1 case SU-inch Percales la choice colorings 12Jo 8c
Never touched prices so low as rule here now. A visit to
our llilliaery Department will quickly demonstrate this fact
One lot or Trimmed Hats, all the
One lot of Trimmed Hats (this Is
Ladies' Trimmed Sailors, in all
Ladies' Trimmed Sailors, in all
Children's Trimmed Sailors, all
Children's Trimmed Sailors, all
In order to sell the balance of our stock of
Capes and Jackets we shall offer rare bargains in
same this week. Seeing is believing.
- ,
Is Essential to tiood
The process of ni
tration Is shown In
the cut, by perco
lation through a
porous natural
stone from the up
per to tho lower
jar simply by tho
force of gravity,
which is nature's
own process of lit
tering. Our filtering discs
are a nutural stone,
quarried from the
earth, which Is of
Buch a nature that
it does not allow
tho filth It extracts
to enter its pores;
but retains all Im
purities upon Its
surface whence
they are removed
In t'li'unlne. which
Is as simple an operation as the cleansing
of an ordinary Jar or pall. Our filter dlst;
can be cleaned In two minutes ready tor
use, when it is the siime as new.
Every nart of our Filter is easily gotten
at for the purpose of cleansing.
uur 1-liter is an stone ami mere in Hom
ing to rust and corrodo orbecome foul.
Has Moved to His New Quarters,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance on side next to First National
Bauk. He lius now In a
Comprising evorytfaing requisite for fine
llerolmut Tailoring. And tho same cuu
be shown to nil vantage in liii spln
dialy fitted up rooms.
Is Extended to All Readers of The Trib
une to Call oa "OLD RELIABLE" In His
New Business Ho ae
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
iruta mri
Made a
Well Mar.
lotii Day. "wM$2 of Me.
TKE QPeAT 3t)th lnv
produces the nliovr results In RO days. It artr
powerfully mill quickly. L'mvs wlipn all ollicm (ail
Vouuk mcu will riMiBin their lout manhood, oiulolil
nieu will reeovor their youthful visor by lining
It i.VI VO. It (illicitly slid surely restores Nervous
net's, Lot Vitality, Impotent??, Nlulitly Eiulxstonr,
Lost Power, Falliim Mrmory, Wuntiim DiiwmeH, aud
ill iH'cctit of npf-ntiira or exM'snnud intlini.'1'rtion.
tvhleh nntltB one tor BMKly. biivineKH or msiTliiiw. It
lot only ruren by starting at th wnt tit d. itasf. but
1 a (treat nervu toule unci blond bnlltlrr, brlng
hi hick the pink glow to pule rliceksantlro
storing thti tiro nf jo.ith. It wards ntt Inroulty
anj Consunitition. Insist on having It IC VIVO, no
.tlier, It cim bo carrlf ! la wl pocket, by niUI
1.1)0 per packane, or nix for 5.01), with a peal
An written gtuintntiMi to cure or refuad
hnratmry, Clrrular tie e. Address
' rM.-jn"? -t HI'M6f
For al by MATTHEWS BROS,, Druggist,
ticrantoni Pa.
i i'Mt TEH
lilt JfwATlH IILTlRvSH
IB 81 1
Ut Day. fi If JTf 5k:
lates styles $4.00
special) 5.00
colors 75o
colors $1.03
colors 85o
colors . 65e
Wagner Rats. Lessees and Managor
One Week
Dally Matinee except Monday.
Edison's Harvelous
and High Class
All stars and artists of Rsnownsd reputation
Popular Prices 10c, 20c, and 30c
MATINEE PRiCES-Children 10 cents
adults !io cents.
bale of seats opras Friday, 0 a. m.
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St.. New York,
Opp. (Trace Church. -European Plan.
Rooms Si.oo a Day and Upwards.
in a raotloit and unobtrusive way thr are
fe w butter conducted hotels In tit metropolis
than the St. Dauis.
Tho Kat popularity it his acquired can
rendily bo traced to its unique location, its
hcmelika ntmoxphore, tua peculiar excellence
of tin cnlflluo and aarriao, and its very moder
ate prxes. .
ROOt.15 1 AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'O'G,
Eloctrio Pattering, Electric Exploders, (or ex
ploding blasts, Safety Fuse, and
Repauno Chemical Co. 's
Acknowledged tha Leading
Ot tho Wort
KRANICHB & BACHE and other
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchaser! will always find cotnplett
stock and at prices as low aa tha quab
tty ol the instrument will permit at
I 1.
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton
Coal of the best qunlity for domestlo tins
a n J of nil sizes, including Buckwheat and
F.lnlHi'ye. delivered in any part ot tha city
ut tho lowest price.
Orders received nt the Office, first floor.
Commonwealth btliUllnp;, roam No. 6;
telephone No. 2G24. or at the mine, tele
phone No. 272, will be promptly attended
to. Dealers Htipplled ut the mine,