The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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" Pore and
Baking Powder.
Muu&cturrt) arigiully br dmlu4 Bndwn, JUbny. N. Y.,
Sow by dit Ckvciud Bakiaf Powdar Conpwjr, hew Ysek.
has been used by American housewives for twenty-five
, years, and those who have used it longest praise it most .
Unapt book fit. Send strap sad tddnak Cknlod BiLiaf Fovda Co., Knr Vock. M
Norrman & Mooro
120 Wyoming Ave.
n ackawanna
308 Pena Ave.
15c. PER
18c. PER
20c. PER
25c. PER
30c. PER
35c. PER
40c. PER
The above prices are for
this week only.
Carpets, Draperies and Wall Pap;r.
Pay your gas bills today and save the
Tre will of Mary Gore, late of the city
of Bcranton, wus yesterday admitted to
probate anil letters testamentary granted
to T. T. Mo rgan, ex-alderman of the Fif
teenth ward.
Marrlngo licenses were ye. fduy grant
ed to Lewis W. Prourilock 'yul Anna
Hodgson, or Scranton; Thorn. ,H. Solo
man, of Jermyn, and Beulah V. : ((any, of
Peckvllle; Stefan Bablch uiiu Tonle
Kuczka, of Jessup; Martin N. Hvllstrom
and Louisa Brunig, of CarbomlaTe.
At the next meeting of select council
Mayor Ualley will send In two appoint
ments, but neither will be to nil the office
of captain. The mayor stated yesterday
that he could not say when he would again
attempt to appoint a captain, or who he
would probably nominate. He says he has
over 700 applications for the police force. .
The' preparatory department of central
city, Miss L. E. Mackey, principal, closed
yesterday with Interesting and appro
priate, exercises, those taking part doing
themselves and teachers great credit. This
school has continued large throughout the
year and teachers and pupils have well
earned the rest upon which they are Just
This, evening In Young Men's Chris
tian association hall, Rev. E. 8. Wallace,
who Is United States con mil at Jerusalem,
will speak on "Jerusalem as It Was and
Is." His lecture will be Illustrated by
many Views prepared for him In that city
and he will be assisted by A. V. Bower,
Ulr. Wallace sails for his post of duty next
week and this Is his only lecture. Many of
ur people have met him In their foreign
tours and will be glad of this opportunity
of .renewing the acquaintance, as well as
of hearing one so well prepared to speak
on the great city Is Is Mr. Wallace.
Have You Children I
' We offer today Child's Hose, sizes
from 5 to 7. fast color, special heels
end toes, for 13c; actual value, 0c.
' Misses' Mack Maco Hose, double
knees, heels and toes,' Hermsdorf Dye,
worth 30c; sale price, 17 cents.
Boys' Military Ribbed Hose, fast
black, double knees, heels and toes,
worth 30c; sale price, 17c.
. , . HEARS & HAGEN.
Jumped from an Electric Car and
- Was Injured.
Patrick O'Boyle, of Bellevue, was In
jured last night by jumping from an
.electric car on North Washington ave
nue while it was moving at a good rate
of speed.
O'Boyle was sitting near the center
of a closed car about 11 o'clock when
Motorman Gibbons reversed the motors.
.A flash of light shot up through the car
'floor and O'Boyle, becoming alarmed,
ran to the door and jumped off.
The car was stopped and taken back
to the- spot where O'Boyle jumped and
' he was found unconscious on the pave
ment. He . was taken to the Lacka
wanna hospital, where an examination
v vealed the fact that he was not serl
. usly 'injured. O'Boyle Is a young
man. . '
Personal Property of Two Defendants
Disposed of at Public Sale.
Deputy Sheriff J. D Ferber yesterday
old out Q. ti. Ackerman's jewelry store
on Wyoming avenue on a Judgment of
11,136.67. The sale brought 1118, the
purchaser being William M. Ackerman,
the father of the jeweler.
The interest of R. W. Osland in the
Bcranton Overall company was sold by
Deputy Sheriff Ferber also for $1. At
torney Roscoe Dale was the purchaser.
Mr, Osland 'owned $300 worth of stock
in the company. '
The store of David S. Rublno In Ray
mond court was closed on an execution
Of $325 entered up at the Instance of M.
Soloman. Rublno is in the furnishing
business and supplies pack peddlers.
Miner's Leg Fractured.
William Trlka was received at the
Lackawanna hospital yesterday suf
fering from a fractured leg, which he
sustained in the Ontario colliery at
Peckvllle. He Is a miner and resided
near Peckvllle.
' Brook Trot. '
Lohmann, on Spruce street, will serve
you with Brook Trout fresh from the
mountain streams... ..... m
Sacred Concert Will Bo Given at the
Park by Oppenheim's Band.
An excursion will be run on the Cen
tral Railroad of New Jersey tomorrow
afternoon to Mountain Park. The train
will leave Scranton In the afternoon at
1.15 and the return will be made in the
evening. It will prove popular, no
doubt, and will be well patronised, as
the rate of fare Is 75 cents and a sacred
concert will be rendered at the park by
Oppenheim's combined band and or
chestra, of Wilkes-Barre.
The vocal part of the programme will
be rendered by the same persons an
nounced for last Hunday. The excur
sion and concert are conducted under
the auspices of the Young Men's Tour
ist club, of Wilkes-Barre. The train
will stop at all the stations along the
line going and returning.
He Will Throw Away Nickels and Be.
served Meat Tickets Tonight.'
Manager Jones of the Frothlngham
has adopted a novel method of advertis
ing the vitascope which will be on ex
hibition In his theatre next week. At
7:30 this evening he will .leave the
square at the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western station In a wagon and
will travel up Lackawanna avenue to
Washington and out Washington to
court house square.
Along this route he will scatter nickels
mixed with brass checks. The latter
will entitle the holder to a reserved
scat at one of next week's perform
ance in 'the Frothlngham. At the court
house square a number of rockets will
be sent up, to the sticks of which re
served Beats will be attached.
liesiguatioii Hcccivcd by Mayor
lluilcy Yesterday.
The resignation of ex-Chief of Po
lice William T. Simpson from the office
of patrolman to which he was reduced
by tho appointment of Frank Robllng,
Jr., was yesterday morning placed In
the hands of Mayor Bailey und accepted.
The resignation was nut ask for und
to a Tribune reported Mayor Builey yes
terday madtt a request that an an
nouncement to that effect should be
made. Mr. Simpson's reason for resign
ing at this time, as tated In yesterday's
Tribune and mentioned in his Mter to
the Mayor, Is that he has been offered,
and has accepted a more lucrative po
Are Being Discussed by the County
The exocutlve-commltte of the asso
ciated boards of health of Lackawana
county, consisting of Dr. S. D. Davis,
Jermyn; Dr. F. L. Van Sickle, Blukeley,
and M. C. Judge, Taylor, met yesterday
in the board of health otllee to discuss
matters relegated to it by the spring
convention uf the association.
Two of the p.Cst important subjects
which it has to deal with are the di
vorcement of boards ot health from
councils' and the regulation of funerals
passing from one municipality to an
other, on which latter matter the laws
are very vague and Inadequate.
Result of an Error of One of the Eni
ploycs of Goldsmith's Baonr.
One of the employes of Goldsmith's
Bazaar, whose duty after busines hours
before leaving the store Is to go down
stairs and turn the water off, neglected
to do so yesterday and the basement
got partially flooded as a result of the
water backing into a boiler and leak
ing out.
. The condition of the place was dis
covered later In the evening by Sol
Goldsmith, one of the Arm. The amount
of stock damaged will not be less than
$1,000. : ,
Bishop O'llaru Contemplating the
Erection of One This Summer.
For the accommodation of Catholics
who will make their summer home at
Lake Arid, Right Reverend Bishop
O'Hara has under- consideration the
erection of a chapel at that resort.
.The bishop visited the lake Thursday
afternoon and was. accompanied by
Rev. M. B. Donlan, of Dunmore, and
Rev. R. A. McAndrew, of Wilkes-Barre.
Nothing definite has yet been decided
Lackawanna Delegation on Its Way
Buck from the Convention.
The Lackawanna delegation to the
Republican national convention will ar
rive in this city this afternoon. The
following telegram was received at The
Tribune office last night:
Indianapolis, Ind., Juno 19.
Scranton Tribune:
Our party will reach Bcranton Satur
day afternoon at 8.30.
. - E. H. Ripple.
Cake and Candy Sale.
The young ladles of the Lucy Logan
Mission Band will hold a candy, cake
and lemonade sale at the lecture room
of the First Presbyterian church this
afternoon from -3 to 6 o'clock. Every
body Invited.
: Second Concert
at Mountain Park on Sunday, the 21st.
Special excursion train leaves C. R. R.
of N. J. station at 1.16 p. m., stopping
at all stations along the line. Fare for
round trip from Scranton, 7Cc
A portrait, of the coming President,
Hon. William McKinley, with every
copy of Wednesday's Tribune. Secure
it In advance by leaving an order If you
are not a subscriber. But you ought
to be a regular reader, In order to keep
yourself In touch with the dally events
of the world.
Hotel Warwick.
Ocean end of South Carolina avenue,
Atlantto City, N. J. Fine lawn and good
visw of the ocean.
Daniel Coleman, Prop,
Aaaoal Commencement Exercise of the
HIth School .
Friends of the Twenty Young Uradu
ates Present in Large Numbers.
Exercises Mere Very Interesting
and ImpressiveDiplomas Given
by George Mitchell, President of
the ,Board of ControlProfcssor
Lange's Remarks.
Twenty young ladles and ten young
men last night received diplomas of the
Scranton high school. They are Ber
nice C. Conger, Emma C. Harte, Alice
A. Hire. Irene Kann, Elsie K. Keller,
Amelia S. Koch. Edna S. K la uin Inzer,
Katherlne Larkln. Mabel Mallery, Ag
nes L. Nlchol, Myrtle O. Perry, Ethel L.
Porter, Elizabeth M. Robinson, Martha
Reese, Lulu Sylvester, Kathryn M.
Smithing, Maude O. Saunders, Jennie
M. Thomas, Lida Lee Weaver, Lulu Bell
Warren, Howard P. Davis, Fred M.
Evans, Charles Falkowswy, jr., Edwin
W. Guernsey, Joseph Murphy, John M.
McCourt, 81mon L. Nye, Arthur Phil
lips, Joseph A, Wagner and. Harold Ar
thur Watres. '-
Those accredited with the honors in
scholarship are Alice A. Hire, Irene
Kann, Amelia S. Koch, Elizabeth M.
Robinson, Jennie M. Thomas, Lulu Syl
vester, Llda Lee Weaver, Charles Fal-
kowsky, jr., Arthur Phillips and Harold
Arthur Watres.
The Frothlngham could scarcely hold
those who were attracted by the com
mencement exercises. Despite the
warmth of the night the theater was
not uncomfortable, owing to its excel
lent system of ventilation, and the au
dience was pleasurubly disappointed,
for it was the general expectation that
the place was going to be Insufferably
close. It was well that there was noth
ing to detract from the pleasure of the
occasion, for It was certainly most in
teresting. It was an audience that
would not have required much to hold
its atention, as the majority of those
present were friends of one or the other
of the graduates, but had there been no
such bond of sympathy it would have
been just the same, as the exercises In
themselves were sulllcient to hold rapt
When the curtain went up it dis
closed a wood scene In which the art of
the stage hands was heightened by
the work of Clark who had tastefully
arranged a fringe of palms and other
greens about the edge of the stage, the
artificial and natural decorations blend
ing quite harmoniously. The under
graduates were seated In tiers back of
the two rows of chairs reserved for the
graduates, who, after a march had
struck up, camu from either side of the
last wing met In 'the center and walked
In two's down the steps to the front
where they separated, one going to one
side of 'the stage and the other to the op
posite side. All were Beuted at a given
signal, then the exercises were for
mally opened with an invocation by
Rev. C. E. Robinson, D. D., uf the Sec
Prebyterlan church.
Under the direction of Professor C. B.
Derman the school, which numbered
about 100 voices, sang "The Lord is
Great" evidencing In this as in the
songs which followed excellent train
ing and good voice.
Harold Watres, son of ex-Lieutenant
Governor Watres, was the salututcrluii.
After a graceful welcome to the audi
ence he embarked on a discussion of
"Abraham Lincoln as a Scholur," In
which he showed himself to be a prom
ising talker and a painstaking student.
He argued that notwithstanding the
fact that Lincoln virtually never hud
any book learning and said himself that
he was no scholar, he was a great schol
ar as achievements in statesmanship go
to show and although he often spelled
a word wrong he was a brighter man
than any who have ever written a spell
ing book.
Tho most entertaining musical num
ber of the evening was the second
chorus, "Hark, Hear The- Billows
Roar," In which Miss Irene Kann, the
possessor of a swtet and perfectly con
trolled soprano voice sustained the solo
Miss Llda Weaver was the first of the
three essayists. Her subject was the
quite novel one, "Superstitions," and she
treated it in a manner that betokened
thorough reading and in a simple yet
very interesting Btyle.
In the recitation "Th Romance of a
Swan's nest," Miss Kann displayed elo
cutionary ability that was quite on a
par with her vocallsm. Her exception
ally easy stage presence was one o the
most refreshing features of the even
ing's programme.
After the school had sung "The BrUlal
Chorus," Miss Jennie Thomas read the
second essay, "Must the Classics Go,
In which she tritely reviewed'" the fa
miliar pro and con arguments on the
much discussed question and then clev
erly advanced some original arguments
In favor of the classics, which won for
her hearty and continued applause.
The first part of the programme was
closed with a humorous recitation
"Noah Webster's Works," by Charles
Falkowsky.who evidenced a proper con
ceptlon of humorous declamation.
In the second overture Bauer's or
chestra was tendered an encore, which
was a deserved recognition of the part
which it had contrlbutel to the even,
ing's enjoyment both In the accompanl
ments and separate selections.
The final .essay ot the programme,
"Have We an Aristocracy?" by Miss
Amelia Koch, seemed to meet with
more favor from, the audience than any
number which preceded or followed It.
It was a scholarls study of a most In
teresting theme, couched in elegant dic
tion and delivered in a manner which
held the closest attention ot the audi
ence from beginning to end.
After the chorus, "The Revel of the
Leaves," Miss Bernlce Conger recited
"The Schoolmasters Guest," a humor
ous recitation with "country" dialect.
She was compelled to bow acknowledg
ments to a hearty encore.
The chorus, "Blow, Soft Winds," for
female voices, was next rendered and
then Arthur Phillips delivered an ora
tion on "Great Things Have Small Be
glnnlngs," which was eloquently done
and won for the young orator a round
of applause which did not cease for
some time after he bowed his acknowl
"High School Bells" was the next ee
lection by the school. It was followed
with the class prophecy by Joseph Wag
ner. By combining the pleasant Jibes
on his classmates with well put local
hits be managed to keep both the class
and the audience equally Interested.
He had to twice bow bis acknowledg
ments before the audience would allow
him to take his seat.
The valedictory was delivered by
Miss Lulu Sylvester who prefaced her
farewells with a scholarly dissertation
on music, her deductions being drawn
from the theme. "TM Turning of Or
pheus." She contended that Intellec
tuality is necessary to the true music-
President George Mitchell, of the
board of control, then presented the di
plomas. Indulging In a short and hapy
speech in which he took occasion to
commend the Scranton training school
to those who Intended to follow the pro
fession of teaching, and urged the audi
ence to continue the Interest which they.
by their presence, evidenced In the wel
fare of the Scranton schools.
Principal J. C. Lange, for the high
school teacheds, bade farewell to the
class of "96, giving them as a message
the sentiment contained In their motto.
To Thine Own Self be True," and also
some other good and timely advice.
The exercises concluded with the
chorus, "Fairyland Walts," after which
the flowers and presents, which friends
had sent to the stave, were distributed.
Graduating Exercises Held and the
Anniversary Is Celebrated.
Tho twenty-seventh anniversary of
Keystone Academy at Factoryville was'
observed this week In elaborate form
with exercises which began last Sun
day and concluded last night with an
alumni banquet.
On Sunday morning the bacclaureate
sermon was preached In Factoryville
Baptist church by Rev. Frank Cooper,
of Bmghamton, and In the evening Rev.
E. Hulley, of the academy, preached be
fore the religious societies of the school.
Rev. Cooper Is a graduate of Keystone
In the cluss of 76. On Tuesday even
ing the students of tho musical depart
ment gave a concert, and on Wednes
day evening the senior class exercises
were held. The Junior class exercises
were held on Thursday morning. These
consisted of essays, recitations and
On Thursday evening the prize essays
and orations of the representatives of
the class of 97 were delivered. Miss
Frances Race received the first essay
prize. Her subject was "The Post ot
Honor." Miss Grace Thompson re
ceived honorable mention. The subject
of her essay was "Influence of the
Beautiful Upon our Ideals." F. J. Foley
received first oration prize. His sub
ject was, "Revelations of History." C.
H. llson received honorable mention.
The subject of his oration was "The
Others who read essays were Miss
Maud Waldie, Miss Stella Bailey, and
Miss Gertrude Hall. Those who' gave
orations besides the two mentioned
were G. L. Beardsley, M. W. Stephens,
and R. W. Archbald. Music was ren
dered by F. K. Bond, and Messrs. Ayrcs,
Williams. Beardsley, and Wlilttemore.
The commencement exercises were
held yesterday morning. Harry War
ren Mumford delivered the salutatory
oration. His subject was "The Power
of Public Opinion in the United States."
Charles E. Bunnell spolce on "Unwrit
ten Laws," and Joseph C Luppens on
'Christendom Transformed." These
three gentlemen won hlh praise for
the excellence of their efforts. An es
say on Rosa Bonheur was read by Miss
Jennie Alavene Reynolds.
John M. Suyles spoke on "Martyrs of
Faith"; John B. Tiffany's subject was
Trcgress' Westward Trend;" and John
Walter's subject was "Causes and Kf
fectH of Increased Immigration." The
valedictory orutlon was delivered by
Howard Arnold Swallow. Ills subject
was "The Influence of Conservatism
upon the Progress of Civilization." This
was followed by the presentation of di
plomus and the awarding of prizes. At
12:30 dinner was served.
In the afternoon at 3 o'clock the stud
ents and faculty gathered together to
hear Kev. J. M. Stlflk-r, D. D of Crozler
1 heologlcul seminary on the subject,
"Helps lu Reading." His address was a
masterly and scholarly one.
At 8 o'clock In the evening the nubile.
exercises of the Alumni -association
were held, and nt 9 o'clock the banquet
was entered upon, it was one of the
most successful commencements in the
history of the academy.
Michael Martin Killed and Several
Companions Injured,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. June 19. At the
bilverbrook colliery today Michael Mar
tin was killed, Joseph Kllncman and
Bernard Shay were pfostraied with
smoke and Stephen Kasheda was ser
iously cut on the hand. The accident
waa due to a blast fired In tho stripping
near the surface. Tho men were engag
ed in the gnnyway and knew nothing
about what was being done above.
When the blast was fired it opened a
hole In the mln, and the debris swept
down upon the men who were In the
chambers below.
Before they had time to escape they
were overcome by the smoke from the
blast and Boon lost consciousness, te
phen Ka.slieda who was at work some
distance away from the others gave the
alarm and other workmen arrived soon
and carried their companions to a place
of safety. Martin died before being re
moved from the mine, having Inhaled
much of tho deadly fomes. Klingman
and Bharo were tuken out but recov
ered as soon as they had leached the
air. The accident caused great excite
ment and for a time It wan rumored that
many miners had been killed.
The Hals Dime KeMnurnnt in Ashes.
Other Losses.
Bradford, Pa., June 19. Fire broke
out here about 9:45 p. rri. In the White
head building, a wooden structure on
the south side of Main street between
Kennedy and Chambers street burning
everything between those points, ln
ciudlngNthe half dime restaurant. Bay
State hotel and the Sondhelm building.
Loss $100,000; Insurance unoknwn. No
lives were lost so far as known. The
buildings were old land marks.
The Church of the Good Shqpherd
will run an excursion on Saturday, June
27 to Lake Ariel. Train leaves Erie
and Wyoming at 8.36 a. m. Stops at
New York street. Bauer's band will be
in attendance.
Poor Tax, 1800.
The above mentioned taxes having
been pluced In my hands for collection,
all persons are notified to pay them at
once and save costs. Olllce In the
municipal building.
WADE M. .FINN, Collector.
- Globe Hotel.
Between the Academy of Muste and the
Frothlngham. Special rates made to the
atrical people and jurors. Rates $1.00 to
$2.00 per day. Bird ft Flanaghati, Props.,
229 Wyoming ave, Scranton, Pa,
Last Night Were Heard Several Former
Pastors of the Church.
Revs. Briggs, Trcible, Jennisoa,
Peck, Newell and Chapmaa Were
the 8peakersAttractive Services
Tomorrow Morning and Evening.
Bev. Dr. Iglehart and Ber. Dr.
Moore Will Deliver the Sermons.
The special exercises commemorat
ing the twentieth anniversary ot As
bury Methodist Episcopal church,
Green Ridge, of which Rev. A. F. Chair
fee Is pastor, were continued last night.
A large audience was present notwith
standing the oppressive heat and greet
ed some former pastors of the church.
The scripture lesson was read by Rev.
J. V. Newell and prayer was offered by
Rev. E. R. D. Briggs. The solos and
duetts by Mrs. B. T. Jayne and Mrs.
M. C. Calkins were magnificently ren
dered. Rev Wilson Trelble spoke upon the
organizing of the society. Rev. E. R.
D. Briggs spoke of his "First Charge."
Rev. Levi Jennlson told of the struggles
In "Laying Foundations." Rev. G. M.
Peck told of the finishing of the chapel.
Rev. f. V. Newell talked of "Persist
ence." Rev. F. A. Chapman enthused
over "Burning Mortgages."
After singing hymn 743 and the bene
diction by Rev. G. M. Peck the people
tarried some time to greet the visiting
pastors. Their presence seems like a
benediction to tho church,
. The programme for tomorrow's ser
vices is as follows:
Pentecostal Service $.30 to 1.30
Organ Voluntury Mrs. John Baker
Gloria Patrl Congregation
Lord a Prayer Congregation
l'salm XL VI Head Responalvely
Hymn W.
Prayer Rev .Wilson Trelble
Singing Mule Octet
Announcements It. W, Kellow
Scripture Lesson Rev. G, A. Cure
Hymn 770.
Sermon Kev. F. C. Iglehart, D.D.
Benediction .'....Rev. Lsvl Jennlson
Postlude Mrs. John Baker
Orgun Voluntary Mrs. John Baker
Gloria Patrl Congregation
Lord's Prayer Congregation
Hymn 12.
Prayer Rev. F.'A. Chapmun
"Hark, the Sonk of Jubilee". .Male Octot
Scripture. Lesson ....Rev. E. R. D. Briggs
Announcemnts R. W. Kellow
Hymn 41.
Sermon Rev. D. H. Moore, D.D.
Hymn 2)S.
Benediction Rev. J. V. Newell
Postlude Mrs. John Baker
Dr. Iglehart Is one of the most elo
quent preachers of eastern Methodism.
Elm Park church very much desired him
as pastor ut one tlnrei He delivered
the commencement address at Wyo
ming on Wednesday last, delighting
his hearers greatly. He will preach the
morning sermon.
Dr. Moore Is one of th? most eloquent
ment of the west. At the recent gen
eral conference he championed with
power and fervor the cause of the wo
men. He was born In Athen's. O., which
has given two bishops to Methodism,
C. C, McCabe and Earl Cranston.
Soon after graduating from Ohio uni
versity he enlisted In the army. In which
he distinguished himself for valor and
leadership. After the war was over he
returned to the work of the ministry.
He has served aevera.1 of 'the great
churches of the west, founded Denver
university and now tdlts the WeBtern
Christian Advocate. He Is sympathetic,
enthusiastic and a power in the pulpit.
With Drs. Iglehart and Moore the
people of Green Ridge and visitors to
Asbury tomorrow will be feasted.
The best proof of our bucccss with mil
linery Is we never lose a customer at
most. New goods keep coming all the time
und the stock Is just as attractive now ns
at the "opening." We're In a position to
buy cheap and control tlie newest styles.
Ladles' Sailor Hats, In black, white and
navy, good shapes, at 23c. each.
Ladles' Sailor Hats, In plain white and
Sonnet braids, light and stylish, at 49c.
Ladies' Sailor Hats, Pat. Milan braid
at iWc.
Ynlte Leghorn Hats, made to sell for
COc. our price 19c.
White Leghorn Hats, fine quality, mado
to sell for $1.00, our price 6t)c.
White Leghorn Hats, made to sell for
$1.50, very special at 6ic.
Big range of trimmed hats, big variety
of shapes and trimmings, and big experi
ence In trimming hats to order. You pay
less here than anywhere for newest styles.
A. R SAWYER, 13a Wyoming Ave.
Including the painless extracting of
teeth by an entirely new process.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.t
111 Spruce St, Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
Don't Stop to
each, and
We lose
For $1
bit finer.
(Large Show Window.)
John Collins, of Dunmore, Injured
While Coupling Cars. .
Brakeman John Collins, of Dunmore,
employed on the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western railroad, met with
an injury yesterday which made un
avoidable the amputation ot his right
forearm. He was coupling cars and tne
member was smashed .between trie
bumpers. fj
The accident occurred at a station in
New Jersey and he was taken to the
Moses Taylor hospital, where the op
eration was performed last night. Col-'
tins is thirty-one years old, unmarried
and Is a well known young man ot Dun
more. Save a Dollar
by purchasing one dozen Gents' Hose
of us today.
Gents' 20 cent Hose for 13c.
GentB' 25 cent Hose for 17c.
Gents' 35 cent Hose for 21c.
Gents' 50 cent Silk Hose for 29c.
Price and quality guaranteed today
Is the month for
Carries a Fine Line of
423 Lackawanna Avaim
A large and complete line of
A regular $ 1 5,00 carriage for
Is to attract your attention to our statement
tbat we have the largest and best tock of
Musical Instruments
In the city. Call and see,
Tlusic Store.
in and get these Pillow Sham
-we are now. offering for 19c
then 3'011'H have lots of time
to congratulate yourself. They are as
good as those sold for 30c or 40c.
money, of course, but then-
Have you one of those little folding
work tables? They are always, ready
when you want them, and may be
out of the way when you don't,
we sell an excellent table
strong and durable. For $1.25, one
not a whit stronger, but just a little
1 -
The greatest salesman In the world
s Price, and in this final rcducUoa
sale of
Ladies' and
Children's Hats
The prices' will sell if prices ever
did, of course. The cost of making
and material Is lost sight of.
loO Ladies' and Children's Trim
rued Hats, (3.00; aula price $1.49
100 Children's Trimmed Leghorn
Hats, with fancy edge, $3 50;
sale price -.$1.41
250 Ladies' and Children's Un- .
trimmed Leghorn Hats, (1.60;
' sale price . ,.47a
100 Ladies' Un trimmed Hats, 08c;
sale price , 19a
10 dozen Children's Lawn Hats,
40c; sale price-...,.- .. 15o
10 dozen Children's Lawn Caps,
25c; sale price 10i
20 dozen Children's Sailors, 40c;
sale price .... 15a
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladles' Belts
at. ll)o liach
Closing Out 1 lot of Ladles' Link
Buttons and Studs at .a....0o a Set
138 Wyoming Avenua.
Malcolm Un
dough & Wama,
Carpenter, -Waterloo.
And Lower Gral33 a!
Very Low P1I533.
We keen In stock every Color, Qual
ity, and width or Sbadinj, with
Fringes and Laces to match.
We have SHADES two yards long,
mounted ou spring rollers at
18 cents each.
We have anything else your taste or
means may require, and the BEST
VALUE for your money always.
Samples and Estimates Submitted.
There are other houses that
have just as good an assort
ment as we have, but cuatge
a little more. Wc limit our
profits to a small margin. It
always seems to he expected
of us to give better values
than anybody else. We in
tend to keep it up. Call and
Fine China, Artistic Pot-
or Silverware. 4
-.0:-. 0
3irenn Avj. Cpp. Baptist Church. &
Middle ot the Block.
Bill llS
-iilv ,'V"'