TOTS FCBAOTOIT TPIBOUE-SATUiiDAY MOBNINGr, JUNE 20. 1896. GRADUATION PRESENTS, i WEDDING PRESENTS. There is nothing better for a Present '' than a GOOD' BOOK. It is something that will always last which will give untold pleasure, and which will serve to recall pleasant memories of the giver. There is nothing More . appropriate Nothing more pleasing to intelligent people. The variety you have to select from is bewildering at NORTON'S, 32a Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. OUR OATS. Always in the past the Best in Scranton Will be in the futurc.'as good as outs that :anbc made bv the BEST CLEANING MACHINERY Which removes the foul seeds and dust. Try our "Clean Oats." THE WESTON MILL CO, ICMNTON, OLYPHRNT, CARBONQALE. ran of flmnoFBTL THE GENUINE Ravo the initials 0., B. & CO. imprint ed in each cigar. . QARNEY, BROWN & CO., HI!NJFACTUR:RS, COURT H0U3E SQ. DR. C. D. SPECIALIST. In Diseases of the Lower Bowel, Hcmorrh olds, Fistula, Fissure, Pruills, Ulceration. Etc., 308 Washington Ave., Opp. Tribune Building. Cilice llours-o to 12, a to 5. WARNING TO CAR! EN ERS. Advised Not to CJo to Nt. Louis for Fabulous Vncrsf General Secretory-Treasurer r. J. McUuIre, of the United IJrotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, has addrcRsed a circular to the local unions of the country outside of St. Louis and . adjacent cities warning carpenters to lfonn awnv frnm tha ta'irm tt (tin puNinl cyclone. At a meeting of Scranton union. No. E6:t. last night the letter was read and ordered printed. The letter is self-explanatory and Is as follows: Head this in your nieetniijs and thus 1I0- jjeiitois everywhere to steer clear of St. i.ouis and East St. Louis; both cities at present are heavily overcrowded with men. iJou't pay any attention to the nuwspupi'r notices that car.uunters can now get Jo per Uuy in St. LouIh. It is a scheme to Hood tin luijii with men und cut wages. ' St. Louis is swarming with carpeiiuia brought there by these lies. That city and . Kunt tit. Louis are fined wltn penniless workmen who would be glad to get away . if they could. Our St. Louis unions have .had a hard struggle for years to hold the'.r own and many members and their families are now sufTerlnR severely from the terri ble disaster that city has recently suf . fered. For carpenters to ro there will only '. tnnko matters worse, stay away from . Bt. Louis' and East St. Louis. : Accompanying each copy of The Scranton Tribune on next Wednesday " morning will be a beautiful OH Paint , Injr of Hon. William McKinley, Repub llcan candidate for President. Those who do not talte The Tribune dally will have to leave their orders early at the business office In order , to secure this ' beautiful souvenir. . It is well worth an effort to be the possessor of such a pic ture of the foremost citizen before the American people, besides scurlng a copy of th best Republican dally paper In the country. , Substitutes for Ilornford's Acid Phos ' ' phnte Are Dnngcrons. Because they cost less, many substi tutes are offered, some of which are dangerous, and none of which will pro dune the same effect as the genuine. In sist upon having "Horsford's" whether buying a bottle of Acid Phosphate, or "phosphate" in a glass of soda. 4 .1 ywwww MRS. CONWAY WAS FOUND GUILTY Jarjr Said She Eaticcd Youf Quia for oral Purposes. CASES AGAINST LOTTA SMITH Oil Charges Agaiaat Coastable Clark of Attenptiag to Eitort Moey froa Her RevivedHe Made aa t'aqaali fird Deaial of TheaiAtea raise Pretense Case Tried Before Jadge Arrhbald. airs. Maggie Conway was yesterday convicted of having enticed Gwennie Thomas and Mamie Finley into her house for immoral purposes. She was found nut guilty on the counts of the Indictment which charged her with en ticing them Into a bawdy house. After court opened yesterday morn ing the following witnesses were called by ldstrict Attorney Jones to rebut the evidence of the defense as to the char acter of Mrs. Conway: V. 11. Derby, Mrs. W. H. Duggan. J. T. Reese. Tim othy Jones, Aderman W. S. Millar, Mrs. Mary Shaw. 11 or don Shoemaker and Miss Mary P. Klesel. They all test! lied that the reputation of Mrs. Con way for chastity and good behnvior In the various communities in which she lived was not good. That ended the testimony in the case. Kx-Judse W. H. Stanton made the closing address for the defense and la bored strenuously to prove that his client was not guilty of the serious charge made against her. He was fol lowed by District Attorney Junvs,. Who closed for the commonwealth. Mr, Jones carefully went over the evidence adduced and showed beyond the possi bllity ota doubt that Mrs. Conway was a destroyer of innocence and' virtue and a flaneerous member of society. The Jury retired live minutes before ad journment at noon and at 8 o'clock re turned Its verdict to Judga Edwards, finding Mrs. Conway guilty on the fourth and sixth counts of the Indict ment. which charged Vr with Inveigl ing Uwennle Thomas iyl Mamie Fin ley Into hi r house for pu.Soses of pros tltutlon. Mrs. Conway his in cuun when the verdict was rendered, but did not appear In the least dlstit'bed and chewed her wnd of pepsin gun. ns con tentedly ns she has as any time luring the proceedings. Judge Kd nrds thanked the jurors for their lntelllt'nt consideration of the case and said t, i verdict met with the approval of.'ne court. Mis. Conway was then tak'W to the county Jail In charge of Warden Jay. LOTTA SMITH CASES. Miss I.otta Smith was trtud before Judge Kdwards on a charge of keeping a bawdy house. Constable James A. Clark, cf the Eighteenth ward, was prosecutor. Harry Wilson, Annie Evans, Mary Richards, Hattie Carey and Tyler Connolly were called by the common wealth, but their testimony did not t rove that Mis s Smith kept an immoral resort. The young women alleged that they were employed by the defendant us servants. They were Very chle. Jaunty young women for servants. Judge Edwards decided after the com monwealth had rtsted that a case had not been made out and directed a ver dict of not guilty, but sent the jury out to dispose of the costs. At the hour for adjourning the jury had not reported a verdict. Another case against Miss Smith was then called. This was selling liquor without a license. Tyler Connolly was the only witness called who swore that he had purchased Intoxicants at Miss Smith's and a host of witnesses were called who swore they were boarders at Miss Smith's and had never seen any Intoxicants of any kind handled or sold In the house. Special Officer Henry Ruins was called and Introduced a new fopture Into the cise. He said that Constable Clark, the prosecutor, told the detendant that it would cost him 5100 to prosecute the case and for that amount he was willing to settle with her and not proceed with the prosecu tion. At the Instance of Clark he went to see Miss Smith and escorted her to a Lackawanna avenue hotel where the prosecutor nnd defendant had a confer ence from which he was excluded. He denied having told Clark that he would get $:0 if he settled the case and also denied having acted as Miss Smith's agent to secure a settlement. LOTTA SMITH'S STORY. The defendant then went on the stand and corroborated Hums as to the de mand made on her by Clark for $l!iO to settle the case. Constable Clark was next sworn and he was plainly angry at the statements made by the preced ing witnesses. He declared that Burns had several times urged him to settle the case against Miss Smith and told him If he did so there wns JSO In It for him (Clark). He virtuously denied hav ing ever asked for a cent to settle a case and moreover said he would not settle such rin action under any consideration. The ense went to the Jury at 4 p. m. and a verdict will be returned this morning. ' The greater part of the day was con sumed before Judge Archbald by the trial of Arthur C. Aten, of Newton Cen ter., who was charged by Frank II. Scutt with obtaining two horses worth $210 by false pretenses. The criminal act, as was alleged, consisted of a declaration on the part of Aten that he owned property and was over 21 years of age. On the strength of this state ment he was given the horses and Scutt took his note.' It afterwards appeared that Aten was not of age and had no power to make a note and the judgment obtained on them was set aside. The defense was that Aten made no statement concerning his age and was not asked about it when he gave the note. Scutt deceived him in selling the horses, for a few days after the sale one of the animals died and Scutt refused to make an allowance to the defendant therefor. A number of witnesses were called to prove the good character of Aten, among them Rev. J. O. Smith and Dr. Cooper, of Newton. The case went to the Jury at adjournment. Come Today, Get a Pair, '.The Great Original Is SHOE All Sizes, All Colors, All In Stock. Have Been Waiting Two Months ' for These Bicycle Shoes. ,i ; , u. 410 Spruce Street. James White and Marvlne Van Nort were tried for assaulting and battering Thomas Marsden and the latter waa also tried for committing a similar of fense on Marvlne Van Nort. White waa returned not guilty, but directed to pay the costs, but In the case of Van Nort a verdict of guilty waa returned. In the case against Marsden the ver dict was also guilty. A verdict of not guilty was taken in the case of the commonwealth against L. Freedman, false pretenses. Schuyler C. Gernon, prosecutor. Like verdicts were taken in the case against Joseph Petits, Michael Shuminskey, Joseph Cesmulvick and Michael Dackness, who were charged with felonious at tempt by John E. Evans. A verdict of not guilty was taken, but the defendants were asked to pay the costs in the case of the commonwealth against Martin Miller and the cases of the commonwealth against John Tier ney, Edward Mott. M. J. Mulvey and James Reynolds were stricken from the list. AN IMPORTANT TRESPASS SUIT. Begun Yesterday Against the Penn sylvania Coal Co An action of trespass waa begun' in court yesterday by Mrs. Catherine Mc Greever, of Dunmore, against the Penn sylvania Coal company. She is repre sented by Attorneys George W. Beale and Frank E. Boyle. Mrs. McGreever's husband was killed about night months ago in No. 5 shaft of the defendant company in Dunmore, and the plaintiff alleges that his death was the result of negligence. A trip of cars which was being run down an incline got away from the man whose duty It was to sprag the cars, and Mc Greever was on his way .up the Incline. It is alleged that there was not enough of room between the track and the "gob" for a person to stand and not be struck by the cars. He was rolled be neath th6 trip and was fatally Injured. The suit is brought under an act of the legislature passed in 1K89. requiring mine owners to keep the "gob" far enough away from the rails so that a person can safely pass along beside a car In motion. The amount of damages asked In the present instance Is $15,000. It is the first case under the new mine law instituted in this county and the outcome of It will be awaited with in terest. FIRST CAMPAIGN MEETINQ. Wns Held by the MvKiuley Club of Olyplutnt. Eight hundred brawny mine-workers nnd business men of Olyphant cele bra ted last evening the nomination of William McKinley for president of the t'nlted States. This was the first cam palgn meeting held in the country so far as known. The meeting was under the auspices of the McKinley club of that borough, and was attended by the citizens of the town generally without regard to old party lines. Every mention of MeKinley's name was greeted with loufl applause an l the tariff principles of the platform were cheered to the echo. Addresses were made by Fred. W. Fleltz, esq., E. E. Robathan nnd Hon. Charles P. O'Mal ley. David W. lirown was the chair man of the evening. The McKinley club Is organized to carry on the campaign work, has dis trict workers In each election precinct and before election time will have en rolled on Its membership list the name of every McKinley adherent In the bor ough and will see to It that they vote. The club will meet weekly until the campaign ends. IT'S WONDERFUL. Nineteenth Century Marvel to Be Exhibited nt the Frothinghnm. Week after week Koster & Blal's New York theater Is packed to the door by audiences which never seem to tire of the wonders of Edison's great Inven tion, the vltascope, and the manage ment confidently expect to continue the exhibition for years, as the possibilities Of this marvel are Inexhaustible. Nothing animate In nature but can be depicted with lifelike realism. Seran tonians will be offered this wonderful attraction all of next week, together with a high-class vaudeville show, such as Is given nightly on the principal roof gai dens of New York. Both the attractions are novel, and as popular prices prevail for the en gagement the Frothlngham should be taxed to its capacity at every perform ance. ORAL SCHOOL CLOSED. Pupils nnd Tcncliers Entered t'pon Their Mummer Vacation. This year no exhibits of the work of the pupils of the Pennsylvania Oral school were given, and no commence ment exercises were held. Yesterday was the last of the school term, and all the pupils hud by noon left for their homes to spend the summer. They will have a vacation of three months, the time for opening the school in the fall being about September 10. Mis Mary 15, C. Brown, prlclpal of the school, feels gratified at the Improve ment shown by the pupils the past year, and t-ho Is able on Thursday of each w:iek while the school is In session to re ceive visitors and show them the work of the pupils. "IftTtt Climax" Is- the name of a superior quality of Brandy, placed on the market by the Speer N. J. Wine Co. as a companion to their Superior Old Port Grape Wine. This Old Brandy is a pure distillation from the grape and stands unrivalled. It is considered by eminent medical men far superior to most the French Bran dies for medicinal purposes, and Is pre ferred by them to other Brandies on ac count of its known purity. Hold by Drug gists. Team of Horses Killed. A team of horses owned by Attorney Richard H. Holgate was killed while at La Plume crossing of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western a few days ago. His seventeen-year-old son, who was driving, had a miraculous escape from death. If the Bnby It Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnalow':: Soothing Syrup has been used (or over Fifty Yeara by Mil. :ona of Mothen for tlieir Children while Teething-, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Qums, .'.Hays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, Twenty-flve rents a bottle. Freight Brake-man Killed. Herbert AuBtln, of Hallstead, a brakeman on the freight train In charge of Conductor Thomas Walsh, was kill ed in the yard at that place a few days ago. He was knocked down by the engine and run over. : , Ask Your Dculcr. for McGarrah's Insect Powder,' 25 and 10-cent boes. Never sold in built. Take no other. POOR BOARD SEEMS ." A SHINING MARK I I Ml Abases to Which ' It Is RejraUrty Subjected, BON-BONS AND POM-POMS FOR TWO Recipients ofOaWDoor Belief Spend Their Orders for Things That Ara Not Absolutely NecessitiesOther Places Damn Their Paupers Into Scranton at Every Opportunity. Two Cases That Came to the Sur face Yesterday. The poor directors are not supposed to furnish luxuries to those who are charges on the district, but neverthe less they sometimes do. This is never done with the knowledge of the direc tors, however, but by various subter fuges practiced by the recipients of out door relief the district is regularly call ed upon to settle for articles which can hardly be included in the category of absolute necessities. It is well known to the board that In some stores, on which orders are given, especially in large stores employing a great many clerks, goods which a pauper can well get on without are given out and charged up on the bill as Hour or pota toes or something of that kind. Occa sionally this deception Is discovered and then the benellclary is deprived of help altogether as far as the district funds are concerned. Yesterday two most flagrant Instan ces of this abuse were unearthed on the West Side. One woman who is receiv ing $5 a month from Director Paine, spent her whole order last month on the following items: Trimmed hat, vel veteen and a dollar's worth of candy. Another woman's order was, according to the bill sent Into the board, spent for fancy millinery goods and a pair of shoes. The directors found no fault with the Item of shoes, but they did draw the line strongly on bon-bons, pom-poms and velveteen. The cases will be referred to Dr. Paine, who hap pened to be absent yesterday, and at the next meeting the board will ask htm to explain. SEND THEIR CHARGES HERB. Another abuse to which the board is subjected Is the practice of other places, particularly Luzerne county towns, of sending paupers to Scranton, with In structions as to what kind of a story to tell to make the directors here be lieve they are a charge on this district. At yesterday's meeting a Polander named Anthony Roehesky, who lost his sight In a mine explosian at Wyoming, was brought before the board by his twelve-year-old son and after a few minutes' questioning their ready-made slory that they had lived here over a t-ar was shown to be very thin. The boy when asked why they had come to Scranton, said that the men down In Wyoming said that they did not give help to anyone down there and thnt they would have to. go to Scranton If they wanted assistance. It is supposed also that they were told to say that they had lived in Scran ton a full year, which is necessary to make them a charge on this district, Secretary Lynett will investigate the case and It is expected that Roehesky and his family will be sent back to Wy omlng. 1'ultlmore also laid Itself open to sus picion in a somewhat similar case. Mary McCracken and her three children S BEATTY . . MEARS BUILDING, Will, on account of getting into business so late, close out all their Tan and Sum mer Weight Shoes at quite a sacrifice. . CROUCH BROS. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GENTS', LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HOSE. Having closed out the remainder of one of the larsrest wholesaler's stock of Hoslerv. we offer- Satm-rlflv and until the goods are guarantee to sell Our stock includes parison and the most minute examination. Customers not satisfed with money returned any time THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY OF THE SEASON. mEARS became charges on their poor board and rather than take care of them It paid their fare to Scranton. where the woman said she had relatives who would probably assist her. She has relatives, but they are In Old Forge, and when she went to them discovered that they were In no position to help her. Then, like everybody else who be comes stranded within say fifty miles of Scranton, she came before the poor board of this, city for assistance. Her case was left to Director Terppe and the chances are that Mrs. McCracken will be sent back to Baltimore, as it Is Illegal to send a pauper into anotner state. MONROE COUNTY CASE. Smlthfleld township, Monroe county. has also evidently heard of Scranton. One of its directors appeared before the board yesterday and asked permission to have an Insane woman of that dis trict, Mrs. Margaret Custard, taken care of at the Hillside Home. He said all the state institutions were overcrowded and as Monroe county has no poor house, or insane asylum, they had to plead with their neighbor Lacka wanna to assist them. They did not mistake the Scranton board. The wo man will be cared for at the Hillside Home, the township whence she comes paying a small pittance for her care. LIVED ONLY A FEW HOURS. Inspector James Harding Did Not Recover from His Injuries. An exclusive account of the injuries of James Harding, the electric light in spector, who fell from the pole at the corner of Ninth street and West Lacka wanna avenue, appeared In The Tribune yesterday. He died at the hospital three hours after his fall, without recovering consciousness. The deceased was a married man and Is survived by his wife and. six children. The remains were removed from the hospital yesterday to his late home, 601 Meridian street. FLAHERTY IS FREE. Served Nearly Three Years for At tempting to Assault a Wninnii. Martin FlahertV was dlsuhnriri fivun the Eastern nenltpnttoirv ter serving two years and eight months iur an attempt to criminally assault. He is a married man and lived in Tavlor before his conviction. He was called for trial in this court Dress Sets. We had a 'caller last week. A manufacturer's agent. With such along lace. Made too many dress sets. Wanted our money for some. Made us such a low price we couldn't resist. They came yes terday. To-day we place them on sale. Durable Set! with 4 buttons The 15 8c -and 25c kinds Something Better The 35 and 19c Y 50c kinds The Heaviest Sterling Silver Sets ever sold for the price. 50c Might ask a dollar for them and not seem high. When in our store go up stairs and see the "Gift Room." It may help you select that wedding present. REXFORD'S, 303 Lacka. Ave. sold our entire purchase Ladies 25 Cent Hose for . . . , : 17 cents. 35 21 50 35 . Gents' 20 . . . m . 13 25 .... . 17 35 . . ... . 21 " Children's 20 . 13 " 30 " " 17 heavy and light, Black and within ten days. 415, 417 Lackawanna on October Is. 1893. before Judge John Lynch, of Wllkea-Barre. and wan con- vtted The sentence Imposed was a fine oT (500 and three years in the Eastern Penitentiary. An abatement of four months was allowed for good behavior. Ptllsburys ftevr mCM have a oanae Ity of barrels a day. Wedding Gifts. . . Just opened a lot of im port samples. Honors are even between choice pieces of fancy shaped, thin, Decorated China, and cute elegancies in choice Bric?a-Brao for gifts, the vide rauge in, selection, the variety in price, afford an abundance in choice found in no other class of ' goods, preventing dupli cation and enabling you to rcgulato the cost at pleasure. China Hall, MILLAR fi PECK, 134 Wyoming Ave. Walk in and look around. FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. This Is a store for Particular People. We are particular people ourselves, and keep par ticular goods. Our prices are not high. They might easily be so considering the quality. We keep a full stock of Men's Furnishings of every description. If you can't find satis, faction here, it's safe to say you won't find t anywhere. M'CANN, the HATTER, 305 Wyoming Ave. Ladles' "KNOX"HATS, . Stetson Agency Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 Wyoming Ave. DIAMONDS AND DIAMOND JEWELRY, CLOCKS AND BRONZES, RICH CUT GL1SS STERLING AND SILVER PLATED WARE LEATHER BELTS, SILVER NOVELTIES, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 WYOMINO AVE. mm fi ou MERCEREAU & CONNELL at from one-half to two-thirds their retail value. We Tan, Plain Dropped Stitch their Avenue, Scranton, HAQE in mm bois onii cunflrei Ao elegant assortment at prices thai are very low considering the quality, make-op, etc., Is being shown at oar tore. If yon are thinking of bnyliy a Spring Suit cal I In and look nt tot stock it will do you good, and na, too, of coarse. We are almost oar yon will bay cannot resist OUR HAT AND FURNISHING GOODS DEPT Is replete with everything that ia new and stylish; all the latest styles aal colors. Call in and be convince! C!ofa.lMera&Furni2 We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK1 IN THE CITY e AlMthtNcwast. AUothtChMpest, Abo tat Largest. ' cniiiiiinHsiM Porcelain, Onyi. Bte Silver Novsltlw In laf larto VarUtjb Latsat Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and ... . Wetchmeker. 215 LaCaaWlllua if 8. WE FIT ALL No matter what tbclr size, their shape, their looks or color of their eyes. Our clothing is fit Your suits fit and our prices are so reasonable as to fit jour sense of what is proper and fair. We invite your patronage. It given an opportunity we will deserve It i 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE KEELEY CURE Why let your-home end batlneee be deetroy ed tbroaab strong drink or morphia, whta !ou can be cured In (oar week at the Kaelay nstltute. 728 Madlnon arnnus. Hcraaton, Pa. haCura Will Bear lavutlgatlon. and Ribbed. We court com purchase can have their Pa. hera' IN. HI