THE SCBAOTOK TRIBTJ1TE--SATUBDAT MOKNDfG, JUNE 20, 1896. GARBONDALE. fftradmi yrtf plea note that aTertlJ nt, orders for Job work, and Itotna for publication left at the eatabttshment of Shannon & Co.. newsdealer!. North Main treet. will receive prompt attention: of tc open from I a. m. to 10 p. m.1 DEATH OF MRS. J. C ULMER. Repectr4 Resident Passed AwaY Early Yesterday Morning. . Mrs. John C. I'lmer. of Salem avenue, parsed away yesterday morning: after an Illness from which she has been suf fering for the last -two years. The deceased was a most estimable lady who won the love of all those she ecme In contact with. Her home life Tas to her the happiest and she will be grtatly missed by her family. Mrs. I'lmer was fifty-nlx years of ape; born In Lepsie. Germany. She came tn this city when quite young; and settled with hVr parents In Arch laid. She was married In 1S57 to John Timer and shortly after moved to this tlty. which has since been her home. Her mother, husband and four sisters survive her. Mrs. A. V. OerblR. Mrs. C. C. i;att'nberp. Airs. William Calloway, An-hluiM; Mrs. Neimyer, Scranton; four Lvclhers. H. C. Miller, KliiRSton; T. M. p.nd C. P. Miller, of Scranton. anil A. II. Miller, of fctroudsburp; and two dauKht ers. Mrs. W. J. Morgan, of Scranton, and Miss Minnie X'liwr, of this city. The funeral will tal;e place Monday after nocn from the late residence, No. 132 Salem avenue. OPERA BY HOME TALENT. A ill lie (iiven in tlic I'urly Part of July. It has been dcflnltey decided that the ripcia "I'riscllki" will be Riven In this city In the early part of July by home talent. The pront r.umber of people who responded to the Invitation of the cycle club to meet In their rooms made the presentation of the opera practic able. The cast will cnslst of ten persons, five ladles and live gentlemen. The choriiR will number about fifty persons and will consist of the best singers in the city. The work of rehearsing will commence at once and will be pshed rapidly. The music Is very catchy and Boon learned, so that no dllllculty will be experienced In that line. A meeting of those who will take part was held last evening and the music gone through. All express themselves as well pleuixd with the play. Injured Hi Hp. A severe and pninful Injury occurred yesterday to Kdward. the little nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Burr, of i'nrk street. The little fellow was shooting Hie crackers when one hit his eye and ns 11 exploded burned the ball badly. -Ur. Flelcher examined the burn, but it is too soon to say what the re sult will be. The eye ball was blistered for about an eighth of an Inch. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. T. M. and O. 1'. Miller ore In town, having been called here by the death of their sister, Mrs. J. C. I'lmer, of Salem avenue. Mrs. George T.ewsley will be the guest of Mrs. W. W. Head, of Olyphant, over Sunday. Kmtnett Sheehan received a telegram announcing the death of his brother Frank in New York, who was at one time a resident of this city, lie was known here as Frank Walker. J. J. Lynch and J. F. O'Brien, of Oly phant, t ailed on friends here Thursday. Miss Mary Waterlleld wns in Scran ton attending the commencement ex ercises of the high school last evening. Dr. J. J. Thompson was the best man at the wedding of Miss Arllne Handrlck to Dr. George Berlinghof In Wilkes Barre Thursday evening. Mrs. C. F. Ktise and son Clarence are visiting friends in I'nlondale. Mr. Rose spends eveyy night with his family, re- Extreme tired feeling nlilioto nearly every body at this season. The hustlers cease to push, the tireless grow weary, the ener getic become enervated. You know Just What we mean. Som,o men and women iidcavor temporarily to overcome that Idling by great force of will. But this is unsafe, as it pulls powerfully upon the nervous system, which will not long stand such strain. Too many people n work on their nerves," and the result Is seen in un fortunate wrecks marked "nervous pros tration," in every direction. That tired lug is a positive proof of thin, weak, im pure blood; for, If the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it imparts llfeand energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. Tlio necessity of taking Hood's Barsnpnrllla for that tired feeling is, therefore, apparent to every one, and the good it will do you is equally beyond question, Eemomber that Sarsaparilla Is the Olio True Blood Turincr. AH clnwlnts. L Prepared only by (.'. I. llooil &fo., Lowell, Mass. ii ji rvii nre 0ils' 10 t)lk"' ea5X MOOd S PUIS to operate. 20 cents. GREAT SALE OF BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS. We have no fortune to pive away, but we guarantee you Roods at less than any other house in the trade. Your choice from our stock, which 1b complete at $100 Per Yard. ' Remember we don't reserve any llilnp Tlieao goods consist of ull the leading makes, Come early aud make your selections. J. SCOTT INQLIS, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER - 419 Lackawanna IFSra turning; to his duties at the Erie office in the morning. William Kenworthy is confined to the house with rheumatism. Dr. H. C. Wheeler went to Windsor on professional business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Budd are among the recent new comers to town. Miss Mary Meyers, of South Main street, is visiting friends in Towanda. Miss Amy Klnbaek is entertaining her guests, the Misses Minnie and Kathryn Heusler, of Honesdale; Grace Itaisden and Gussle Atkinson, of Haw ley, and Klmore Machworth and Harold Itemsen, of Buffalo, N. ., at Sunrise cottage, Newton lake. Charles Hempstead, of Waymart, has accepted a position as clerk at the Ar lington house on Dundaff street. P. A. Coleman, of this city, accom panied by his guest, L. A. Burns, of Watertown, N. Y were visitors in Honesdale Thursday. AKCIIBALD. Edward Gilroy, who has been in Can ada for the past two years. Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilroy of Wayne street. St. Thomas congregation will hold Its annual picnic on the Fourth of July, Already committees have been appoint ed and other arrangements have been made to make the annual gathering a great success. Martin Murphy, of Salem street, who was hurt in the accident at White Oak mine last week, is steadily Improving. A letter recently received from Rev. M. V. Cawley, formerly of this place, who Is now stationed within a few miles of St. Louis, graphically describes the terrible havoc wrought by the tor undo that swept over that city two weeks ago. Father Cawley was on the ground early In the morning following the storm and the scenes he describe are heartrending and terrible. l.ev. Mr. tlendal, of Jermyn, called on Mr. J. 1!. Lack, of Main street, on Thursday evening. At a special meeting of the Father Mathew society held June 13th the fol lowing resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Almighty God, In the exercise of His divine will, has taken from our mumi our late esteemed brother, Martin t umnimgs, jr., and ii'i..... . . . n in nHB, ii ?ceniH nmng at tins time :o pay our last sad tribute to his memory, uitu im'rciure ue 11 hPKOlved. Thut while we humbiv submit to the decree of the Creator, we are com forted In the thought that his soul is en Joying that peace and rest promised only 10 true i nristlans. Ktsolved. That we tender to his be reavtil family our sincere sympathy In this their hour of sorrow, at the loss of a dutiful son, a kind brother und a true and valued members of the Father Mathew society. Kesidved, That these resolution be spread on the minutes of this society, that a copy be sent to the daily papers for pub lication, and that a copy thereof be given to the family of the deceased. Itcsolvcd, Thut our charter be draped In mourning for a period of thirty days as a token of respect for the departed. t A. Hmke, T. I. Moran. W. A. 1'hilbln. PtCKVILLE. The folohvlng programme will be ren dered by the Ey worth League of the Methodist Episcopal church at their social In the lecture room next Monday evening: Opening, by Keystone quar ti tte; cornet solo by Jay Harett; recl tatlon.W alter Williams; solo. Harry Peck; dialogue, by' Thomas Rumford. Roy Wademan, Arthur Thompson. Ed ward and George Loughlin; solo D. R. Lnthrup; recitation. Albert Chapman; cornet solo, Jay Harett; duet, by George Shay autl William Frear. Admission ten cents. Tee cream and cake will be served during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parber and Mrs. William Peck spent Thursday at Car- bondule. Joseph O. llell leaves today to spend a few days with friends in Philadelphia. Mrs. John English, Mrs. A. M. Peck, Misses Bertha Peek and Maud Trcver ton who have been at Mansfield attend ing the closing exercises of the state normal school, will return today ac companied by two Ftudents. Messrs. Joseph English and John Williams. The tlrst quarterly meeting will be held In theMethodist Episcopal church tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 9 o'clock. Love feast will be held at 9.30; preaching at 10.30 by Presiding Elder Thorpe; Sunday school at 2.30. Even ing service will begin nt 7.30 when a special sermon will be delivered to the young men by Pastor Simpklns. Topic, "Christ's Earthly Glory." All young men cordlall Invited. The employes of the Consumer's Pow der company and the different collieries, In this vicinity will be paid today. Services at the Baptist church tomor row ns follows: Preaching in the morn ing at 10.30 by Pastor Allen, subject, "Earnest Christian Life." In the eve ning evangelistic services will be held. Miss Martha Roberts, of Nanticoke, Is visiting her nunt, Mrs. John Warne. Children's Day exercises will be held In the Presbyterian church tomorrow. HUCKNKI.L. The present commencement, which lakes place J uno 19-24, Is the fiftieth an niversary of the founding of the Insti tution. In order that the occasion may be appropriately celebrated and that the seml-centeiinlal may become a Of dol Iars and still have use for your money. Economy is a quality worth preserving. There is no use of your paying from one dollar to two dollars a pair more for your shoes elsewhere when you can buy them from us, BIG BARGAIN FACTS Require but Little Talk. WE WILL TURN THEM INTO GOLD. : : Our eutire stock of Stacey, Adams & Co.'s Men's Fine public at actual cost. NOTE fiivi. lui. nui i uivi fj.wj um iuji jjuvt, irj'ci' van suua, an ai.cj, wiuiiis auu Myics, icguiur price me world over $4.00, and cost price only $3.00. We will also introduce our fine line of Gray Bros. Ladies' hand turned shoes to the public at actual cost of the manufacturers. FRIDAY'S BARGAINS: Ladies' hand turned, fine French kid shoes, A, B, C, D and E, regular price the world over. $5.00, our actual cost price $3.75. Ladies' fine hand turned shoes, best of French dongolla stock, all sizes and styles, A, B, C, D aud E widths, regular price the world over $4.00; our cost price only $3.00. We invite comparison and defy competition. We wish to inform you that we are the greatest POPULAR PRICED SHOE HOUSE in Scranton. Our line ot $2.00 men's and womens' shoes in black and tan cannot be equaled for less than &X.00. We also carrv a lartre stock' of men's and womens' shoes at prices 98c, $1.25 and 1.50, for street dress. SPECIAL BARQAINS for TODAY: Boys' shoes 75c, youths' shoes 85c, misses' russett shoes only 89c, child's russet shoes, lace, sizes 9 to 12 for 69c. child's black shoes 30c, infaues' shoes only 20c. : We invite you to call and examine our stock. It is no trouble to show goods. Remember that we are strictly pue price and if you cannot come send your child. They will buy as cheap as the shrewdest buyer and save money by it. ' ' M Y E R DAVID O W, 307 Uckawanna Ave. strictly one price ft 1 Askfor J0ALBakinS Powder Otherwise the grocer may give you some of the alum powders which will spoil your food and make you ill. There is no other compound or mixture that can take the place of ROYAL BAKING POWDER, or that will make cake, biscuit: griddle-cakes, doughnuts, bread, etc., so light, sweet,' palatable and wholesome.' prominent part In the history of the university, large efforts have been put forth to make the occasion one of great Interest to all the friends of the univer sity. On Sunday morning of commence ment week President Harris will de liver the historical address in the Bap tist church. Rev. E. H. Johnson, D. D., of Crozer Theological seminary, will preach the sermon before the Pennsyl vania Baptist Fducatlon society, in the evening. The oration before the liter ary societies will be pronounced by President William R. Harper, LL. D., of the I'niversity of Chicago. The .ad dress to the alumni will be delivered" by Professor Milton Kvans, D. D., Of Crozer Theological, seminary. The alumni poem will be read by Mr. Charles J. Wolfe, of Lewlsburg. Kerr B. Tupper, 1). D of Philadelphia, will deliver the adrress to the college graduating class, and II. L. Wayland, D. IX, of the New York Kxamlner, will be the principal speaker at the corporation dinner. Miss Lucia Meade Priest, of Boston, will be the speaker before the alumnae of the Institute, on Monday afternoon. The music will be in charge of Dr. Avltagnet. The college graduating class this year numbers 35 members. The graduates from the Institute School of Music number twenty. OLYPHANT. Mamie, the six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Collier, of Valley avenue, was Instantly killed yesterday afternoon nt I o'clock. The little one. with two companions, was on her way to school. When they reached the grav ity tracks a trip of cars was pas.-lrg. Two of the little girls crossed through the cars safely and as the third child was stepping across she sapped and fell beneath, the wheel passing over her body and crushing life out Instant ly. The remains were tenderly re moved to her bor e, from where she will be buried Sunday aftrnoon at 3 o'clock. Siic was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Collier, and was unusually bright for hei age. Regular services will be held In the Episcopal mission In Edwards' hall to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Rogers Israel will preach. Children's Day will be observed In several of the churches of thU place to morrow. At the Congregational church the following programme will be ren dered at the evening service: Hymn, choir; reciting, Math. 18:1-20, Miss An nle Williams; prayer, pastor; "Never Say Qood-Bye," Alfred Williams; reci tation, Slbey Meyrlck; Children's song, choir; recitation, Maggie Morgan; "Oreat Heart and the Lion," Rachel Morgan; "Still Onward," Rose Owens; quartette, Lottie Powell, Rachel Evans, Evan Powell, David Lloyd; "The Chil dren's Crusade," Annie Probert; "Crown, Palm and Cross,' Mrs. Mor gan's class; "I Love to Tell of Jesus," Delos Davis; "The March to aCnaan," Myfanwy Lewis; song, choir; "What Is Love?" Susie Edwards; orthy Is the Lamb," choir; "The End of the Pit grlmage," Mrs. Evans class; "Our Pil grim Fathers," Mary Evans; "In the Sweet Ry-and-Rye,' Emerson Olee club; "Modern Pilgrims," Amelia Cole. man; song, choir. In the Presbyterian church a special programme has been arranged. Miss B. Healey, of Rtnghamton, is vis itlng her parents on Valley avenue. Frank Lynch has returned home from Yale to spend his summer vacation. Miss Ma me O'Malley has returned home from an extended visit in Brook lyn, N. T., and Washington, N. J. Miss Reba Taylor entertained a large THE PRICES: Men's fine French calf shoes, needle toe, A, Don't ask for "baking powder" simply; ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. number of her little friends at her home on Second street yesterday afternoon. A delightful afternoon was passed. Miss Mary Carbine Is rapidly recov ering from her recent injuries. UN ION DALE. The Rev. David Evans preached In the Welsh settlement, CllfTord, Thurs day evening. The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth odist church spent Wednesday after noon In Mrs. Ell Carpenter's picnic grounds. The occasion was a highly enjoyable one. Strawberries are abundant and of good size. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carpenter, of Cnrbondale, are here after strawber berrles. Mrs. Andrew Mitchell, Mrs. 8. S. Jones and others from Carbondale at tended the Ladles' Aid society at Hub ert Tinker's. Miss Elizabeth Carpenter, daughter of Theodore Carpenter, is to return home soon after completing an extend ed course In education In River Head, L. I. An ice cream festival will be held at James Hlgelow's on Lyon street tonight for the benefit of the organ fund for the Methodist church. William Norton has moved from his farm on Lyon street to the house near the depot formerly owned by him, but now belonging to John Tinker. Miss Blanche Carpenter, a profes sional nurso from New York city. Is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Carpenter. Mrs. Peter Hi oat Is recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism. ,The Misses Arlette and Carrie Firon- sqn are expected home from Keystone academy Saturday. Elijah Carpenter went to HInes' Cor ners Thursday. Mrs. Frank Westgnte returned after spending a couple of weeks at her old homo In Ohio. Mrs. D. D. Jenkins has a large class of music scholars. Children's day was observed In the Presbyterian church Sunday. The sill) ject of the progiamme was "Sunshine and although the clouds hung low with out, the little ones made sunshine with In. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mrs. George Williams visited her sis ter, Mrs. George Alger, at Summit Lake, a few dnys this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rlker and son Enrl, of East Lemon, visited friends and rel atives ere this week. Miss Lue Kiser Is visiting her cousin. Miss Bessie Emory. Mrs. Asa Phllo and son Harry are spending a week with her daughter May at Sterling, Wayne county. Mr. and Mrs. John Doughtery, of Scranton, spent Sunday with Mrs. R Klmple. Miss Jennie Taylor, of Green Grove, visited friends hero this week. John Taylor, of ' Lycoming county, visited relatives here this week after an absence of twenty-one years. MOSCOW. Mrs. Daniel Staples and daughter, Mrs. Emma Dale, of Kane, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gard ner for the past week, returned home Tuesday. Miss Blanche Allen Is visiting friends in Windsor, N. Y. Harry Eshleman dislocated his shoulder the other day by falling from a tree. Miss Bessie Dale, of Minnesota, is visiting her uncle, L. Bortree. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clements left n M Calf shoes, except patent leather, will be introduced to the Thursday for Mlddletown, Conn., to at tend the graduating exercises of the Wesleyan University, their son, Loren, being among the number of graduates. Mrs. Bell. Mrs. A. J. Hallet and Miss Bessie Dale were visitors in Scranton Wednesday. Miss Nettie Veil spent the forepart of the week In New York. Mrs. Q. J. Brown and Mrs. Wesley Depew spent Thursday In Scranton. Dr. G. S. Travis left on Monday for Philadelphia where she will appear be fore the Btate board for examination. TAYLOR. Tho marriage of Miss Adella Caswell, the well accomplished duughter of Frank Caswell, of North Main street, to Thomas Bayless, a popular young man of Hyde Park, was solemnized by the Rev. F. A. King at the parsonage Thursday afternoon. After the cere niony the young couple received the congrai t'lntio.s of their friends, and fine repast followed. The Populars, of this place, will pic nic this atternoon and event: g at Web er's paik. The people should encour age the tram by assisting in making their gathei Ing a Buecess. It coU can Hldenibly to sustain a base ball club, and the successful efforts of the toam is evidence that their picnic should be 1 atronlzed. The concert of the Taylor band has been postponed until next Thursday evening, when they will give an excel lent concert at the band stand. Orllllth Thomas and family, of Shlc'-t-shlnny, have removed their household goods to tho Weber block on Main street, where they Intend to reside. The street commissioner has a large force of men at work repairing the road on Grove street. The game of base ball between the clerks and the butchers will take place on Tuesday next. The barbers will close their shops on July 4 nt one o'clock shaip. Clnrence McCloskey, of Dickinson college, Is spending a few weeks with his brother Howard, of this place. The exercises at the Calvary Baptist church tomorrow In hor.or of Children Day will be repeated both afternoon and evening. WYOMING. Mrs. Isanc Howell and her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Chesworth, were visiting friends at Nanticoke Thursday. and Mlrs. John Casterline, Green Ridge, were calling on friends here Friday on their way to Orange, Marry casterline, or orange, was calling on his cousin, Miss LIda Me Hell. Friday. Cards are out announcing the wed ding of Miss Annie Harrington and John J. Courtney, June 24, at St. Mary' church, Avoca, at 4 p. m. Mrs. Ed Rezell was calling at Wilkes Barre Thursday. Mrs. Scott, of Scranton, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Bambridge. Miss Mary Greenfield was visiting her cousin, Miss Katie Greenfield, at Wllkes-Barre Thursday, Accompanying each copy of The Scranton Tribune on next Wednesday mornlnpr will be a beautiful Oil Paint ing of Hon. William McKlnley, Repub lican candidate fur President. Those who do not take The Tribune dally will have to leave their orders early at the business ofllce In order to secure this beautiful souvenir. It Is well worth an effort to be the possessor of such a pic ture of the foremost citizen before the American people, besides securing a copy of the best Republican dally paper In the country. B, C and D widths, regular ens SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY, OtlBflY, JUUE 22. AT THE:. FAIR 400 AND 402 LACKAWANNA AVE Dry Ooo4i Dcpartaitat fO piece Twilled Kitchen Towelling, MONDAY'S PRICE, lc. SO pieces Gingham apron checks, MONDAY'S PRICK, tc. GO pieces Bleached 'Muslins, 1 yard wide. MONDAY'S PRICE, Sc. SO pieces Unbleached 4-4 8heetlng, MONDAY'S PRICK, Se. CO pieces Calicos, dress patterns, MONDAY'S PRICK, Se. 100 dozen 12'je. Towels, all linen. 1 yard Ion. MONDAY'S PRICE, 7c. 15 dozen Turkish Towels, bleached, worth 15c. each, MONDAY'S PRICE, 9c. 30 White Bed Spreads, worth 11.50 and $1.75, MONDAY'S PKlCK, 11.00. 25 Table Covers. -4 chenille, worth $1.25. MONDAY'S PRICE, 80e. 18 Table Covers, 8-4 chenille, worth $2.50, MONDAY'S PRICE, $1.50. SO pairs Lace Curtains. 3m yards long, worth $2.50 to $3.25. MONDAY'S PRICE. $1.50. luc. Dress goods, , ONLY c. Ladles' FurhUhlng floods Deportment. One case Corsets, all sizes, worth 50c., MONDAY'S PRICE, 35c. 20 dozen Corsets, all sizes, worth $!.. MONDAY'S PRICE, 80c. 6 dozen Ladles' Niitht Gowns; ten dozen Ladles' Skirts; worth $1.00 to $1.39, MONDAY'S PRICE, 80c. 12 dozen Ladles Chemise; twelve. dozen Lb dips' Drawers; twelve dozen Ladles' Corset Covers; worth 50c. and 69c. MONDAY'S PRICE. 44j. 50 dozen Ladles' and Children's Ribbed Vests, 1 MONDAY'S PRICK, S'C v-iht iiBf L.times rancy itioueu vests, all 25c. roods. 4 MONDAY'S PRICE, 13c. SUMMER FURNISHINGS III i Every conceivable color Chinese. A liberal discount forty yards. Linen Floor widths and oolors. English and Domestic Linoleums, plain, printed and inlaid, in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4, 12-4 and 16-4 widths. India and Japanese Rugs, all sizes up to 12x1 feet. Best Quality Bamboo Porch Shades, 4 ft. by 8 ft., 5xS, 6xS, 8x8, 10x8 and 12x8, with cords and pulleys, ready to put up. ; S. G. KERR, Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming Houso, Branch at Carbondale. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA WhatWould You Say? Suppose yon saw a man take a $1, $2, or $5 bill and deliberately throw it Into the fire, what woold you say about itf You'd eay "extravagance" or SUMMER CLOTHES Every cool and good kind of clothes for summer wear that ought to be here IS here. We are selling all wool suits as low as $7.00. Tha important thing to remember is that they are worth $10.00. You will not get worthies clothes because the prices are so small. We know that times are not very good right now, and have cut down, our prices accordingly. You can buy here for either cash or on credit whichever hap pens to suit your pocketbook. We are ready to talk with every man iu Scranton who needs clothing, but has little money to buy it. You might as well begin right now to wear better clothes and pay for thm a. r at a time. uiiuiiuuiuuiiinuiuituti SO dozen Ladies' Laundried Shirt Waist, Sue. and k quality. MONDAY'S PRICE. S dozen Ladies' Laundrled Shirts nalsts, 75c. quality, MONDAY'S PRICE. SOc. 40 dozen Ladles' Laundrled 8hlrt Waists, $1,110 and $1.25 quality, MONDAY'S PRICE, 80c. 109 Ladies' Wrappers, all kinds, as sorted, worth $1.00 and $1.25. MONDAY'S PRICE, 75c 12 dozen Ladles' Wrappers, worth $1.75 to $2.25. MONDAY'S PRICE, $1.25. 500 Ladles' 811k Umbrellas, worth $1.25; greatest bargains this season, MONDAY'S PRICE. 79c. 75 Ladles' 811k Parasols, white and black, worth $1.98. SPECIAL ON MONDAY, $1.2fc SO Ladles' Duck Sklrtr. worth $2.25, SALE. $1.50. 60 Ladles' Duck Suits, worth $3.75, 8ALE, $2.50. 20 Ladles' Rlack Skirts, plain and fancy brtlltantlne, worth $5.00, MONDAY'S PRICE, $2.25. 25 dozen Children's Dresses, all kinds, assorted, worth 50c., 69c. and 75c., MONDAY'S PRICE. 44c. 12 dozen Children's Dresses, all sizes, worth $1.00. MONDAY'S PRICE, 89c. 12 d6zen Fancy Shirts, laundrled, worth 75c, MONDAY'S PRICE. Me, One case Uents' Halbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, extra 50c. quality, MONDAY'S PRICE, 350. 40 dozen Gents' Outing Shirts, 50c. and 5c. quality. MONDAY'S PRICE, 35o. One case Uents' Summer Shirts and .Drawers, worth 29c, j MONDAY'S PRICE, c. and weave, in Japanese and by the roll, each containing - . , 1 and Stair Cloths, in all the various SON & GO. 408 Lackawanna Avenue MRoirsmeUM In Our Furniture Department THE ECONOMY.", "wastefulness" or something stronger still. The man who won't buy in this store is virtually destroying money. There is never a day when our prices will not be found the lowest in Scranton. What yon say about the man who burns money is equally true of the man who doesn't buy in this store. 225.227 AND 218 WYOMING AVENUE. 323
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers