The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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nmErs home
Brief Oliaptt at the Doaestlc Affain of
the Nut Presides!.
The E-Goveror Working Room,
Ilia Library mmm Hosuehold Ways.
Pays rilled with Steady Work
aad Brightened with Cordial Hos
pitality. rrom the Buffalo Express.
The home at Canton to which Mr.
and Mra. McKlnley returned after the
expiration of the governor's term is full
of associations for them as well as
their friends. It was here that the
young attorney and his bride Miss Ida
Baxton, a banker's daughter, and one
of the belles of the town first went to
housekeeping, and in this house the two
little daughters were born and tiled
Ida in Infancy and Kate when she had
reached the age f about four years. To
these bereavements, together with that
caused by the death of her father,
which occurred Just previous to the
birth of her second child, must be at
tributed the invalidism of Mrs. McKln
ley, who was so completely overcome
by her sense of loss that she never re
gained perfect health. Mr. and Mrs.
McKlnley left their own home and they
did not again reBide there until they re
turned from Columbus last January.
The house is not a pretentious one,
but the thought suggests Itself that It
must have seemed an ideal home to
the young Cantonian when he took pos
session of it 25 years ago. It Is a many
gabled affair, exemplifying no particu
lar style of architecture, and sets well
back from the street, surrounded by
trees and shrubbery. Across the front
of the house is a vine covered veranda,
which is approached by a broad Hag
stone walk. '
The most Interesting room in the
house Is the ex-governor's office im
mediately on the right of the hall which
extends down the center of the house.
It is a medium-sized room decorated
In rather somber colors, but with sev
eral large windows which command a
fine view of the street, The walls are
pretty well covered with pictures;
among others etchings of I'rosldent
Lincoln and Orant, a fine picture of
Gen. Gibson, an autograph photograph
of William E. Gladstone, a large etch
ing showing the First regiment, Ohio
Light Artillery, In action and large pho
tographs of the governor's staff. Then
there are souvenirs of the major's army
experience, an autograph copy of the
song "America," and the mantel Is
covered with more photographs. At
the rear of the room is the ex-gover
nor's desk of the ordinary roll-top pat
ternand by his side is a capacious
waste basket. Within easy reach is a
large revolving book-case filled with a
well selected collection of books, most
of them works of reference.
In the rear of the library Is the dln-
tag-room, and on the opposite side of
the hall Is the double drawing-room
Near the front of this room Is a large
bow window and It was in this alcove,
bedecked for the occasion with a pro
fusion of smllax and carnations, that
Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley received the
1.000 guests who on February 5th at
tended the reception which the ex-gov
ernor and his wife gave as a "house
warming" and at the same time a cole
bratlon of the twenty-fifth anniversary
of their wedding.
The second iloor is reached by a broad
stairway ascending from the hall and
the rooms, which are fairly large and
well lighted, are furnished in the sim
ple style but with the same excellent
taste that Is so noticeable everywhere
about the house.
Notwithstanding his manifold duties,
Mr. McKlnley's daily programme is a
very simple one. Ho rises early and
breakfast Is served about 7.45 o'clock.
While at breakfast the major re
ceives the morning papers published
in the neighboring cities, and he
glances through them and then re
pairs to his library, where the first de
livery of mall has meanwhile arrived.
From that tine until nearly 11 o'clock
Mr. McKlnley works very hard. In the
first place, there come to the house
dally no less than 150 papers, and Inas
much as the ex-governor has always
besn a great newspaper reader, he likes
to glance over as many of them as pos
sible. Then there are fully that num
ber of letters. As many as possible are
turned over to the attention of his pri
vate secretary, James Boyle, who with
a stenographer occupies quarters on the
second floor.
Mr. Boyle is an ex-newspaper man,
who Was born In England, but came to
this country and worked, first on the
Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat and after-
ward on the Cincinnati Commercial
Gazette. He understands the major's
wishes very perfectly, and is able to re
lieve him of an Immense amount of
work. -
Such of the letters as demand Mr.
McKlnley's personal attention are dic
tated to his own stenographer. As any
person who has heard him speak may
Imagine, It Is not difficult to take his
dictation. As he talks to his stenog
rapher he Is apt to walk slowly up and
down the room or stand with his frock
coat loosened and one hand thrust into
his trouser's pocket.
At 11 o'clock If the weather be pleas
ant Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley go for their
dally drive. Before returning they
usually call on Mr. McKlnley's mother,
and sometimes they stop at Mrs. Mc
Klnley's old home, for although the
Saxton residence is now occupied by
another family, the ex-governor still
has a room there, in which are stored a
number of copies of the Congressional
X-aekawann Trust and Safe Deposit Co.
Merchants' and Mechanics', 429 Lacka.
Traders' National, 2M Lackawanna.
West Bide Bank, lot N. Main,
erantea Savings, in Wyoming.
The Bcranton Bedding Co., Lacka.
Soblnsen, E. Bona, 43i N. Seventh,
oblnson, 141n Cedar, eor. Alder.
Buppreoht, Louie, m Penn.
' ssassW
iWUltaaat, J. D. Bra., 114 Lacka.
Matthews. C. P. Son Co., M Lacka,
tk Weston Mill Co., 4T-4 Lacks.
JIlMke ss KeJCee, M sraeo.
Record and some very interesting and
valuable documents.
Lunch fa served at the McKlnley resi
dence about 1 o'clock and then the ex-
governor almost invariably starts out
for a long -walk. '. Upoo his return he
usually takes a short nap and la then
ready to dictate more letters and look
over the evening papers.. Dinner the
meal of the day is served between
and 7 o'clock and the major and his wife
then devote the evening, to receiving
friends who may call. , ',.
Like Lincoln and Grant, William Mc
Klnley Is very accessible. Every per
son who comes to Canton Is sure to call
upon him, but no person Is turned away
from the McKlnley home without hav
ing been gitanted an audience with the
Mrs, McKlnley spends most of ber
time is a cosy apartment on the second
floor and much of her leisure is devoted
to crocheting those dainty little slippers
which have so many times brought
sunshine into gloomy hospital wards In
various parts of the country. The fu
ture mistreBs'of the white house Is of
medium height with brown hair and
large deep blue eyes. Although still
somewhat of an Invalid she makes and
receives calls and often goes on shop
ping tours. Mrs. McKlnley cares little
for dress, although her toilets are in
excellent taste and her friends assert
that they never saw her more becom
ingly costumed than on tho occasion of
the recent reception, when she was at
tired In her wedding gown of Ivory
white satin and brocade, en tralne, and
trimmed in point lace and passemen
terie, with elaborately trimmed bodice.
She has one pleasing fad, a passion for
the collection of fine and rare laces.
and has accumulated many interesting
specimens. Her reading Is Just now
confined largely to newspapers, for she
naturally takes the greatest interest in
her husband's welfare.
Both Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley are very
fond of the society of young people and
often entertain them. Upon bucIi oc
casions the ex-governor sometimes
dances, and his urtntrs always con
Bidir themselves fortunate, for he Is
very rrraeeful "on the floor."
If Mr. McKlnley can be said to have
a fad It Is his fondness fir a good cigar.
The tariff lead r does not drink but he
Is lost without his cigar after every
meal. The people who Imagine that
McKlnley is reserved and austere would
certainly be disabused of this Impres
sion could they visit him at his home
or even had they seen him at a recent
banquet whi n he joined with the ban
queters In singing "The Pride of Para
dise Alley" and at Its conclusion clapped
his hands and cried ".more, more."
Major McKlnley's devotion to his
wife Is fumed far and wide and is des
tined to rank with that homage which
Garfield paid to his mother. Mr. and
Mrs. McKlnley live In simple style, for
the .ex-governor is the poorest man in
the presidential race, having Just
emerged from the honorable Insolvency
Into which he was thrown by giving up
most of his property to make good the
liability" he incurred by going on the
bond of a friend.
"What Is a protective tariff? It Is a
tariff upon foreign Imports so adjusted
as to secure the necessary revenue, and
Judiciously Imposed upon those foreign
products the like of which are pro
duced nt home, or the like of which we
are capable of producing at home. It
Imposes the duty upon the competing
foreign product; It .makes It bear the
burden of duty, and, as far as possible,
luxuries only excepted, permits the non
competing foreign product to come In
free of duty. Articles of common use,
comfort and necessity which we cannot
produce here it sends to the people un
taxed and free from custom-house ex
actions. Tea, coffee, spices and drugs
are such articles, and under odr system
are upon the frv list. It says to our
foreign competitor: If you want to
bring your merchandise here, your farm
nrmliipta here, vour coaf and Iron ore.
your wool, your salt, your pottery, your
glass, your cottons and woolens, and
sell alongside of our producers In our
markets, we will make your product
bear a duty; In effect, pay for the privi
lege of doing it. Our kind of tariff
makes the competing foreign article
carry the burden, draw the load, supply
the revenue; and In performing this es
sential office It encourages at the same
time our own industries and protects
our own people In their chosen employ
ments. That is the mission and pur
pose of a protective tariff."
A (Jooo PLAN.
But It Hateer Took tho Wind Out of
the Senator's Boasting Sails.
From the New York Tribune.
A constituent of Senator Harris met
that Gentleman the Other day for the
first time In a dozen years. The greet
ing, as may well be imagined, was cor
dial ' It was emphasized by Bundry
crooklngs of the elbows.
"Ah, senator," remarked Mr. Harris'
constituent, smacking his lips, "you
don't look a day older than you did the
last time I saw you."
"I'm a little grayer, possibly,' sug
gested the senator with a pleased smile.
"You are looking in excellent health,
too," pursued his friend.
"Thank you. And do you know,"
continued the senator, "that I am 74
years old and I never paid but one doc
tor's bill In my life and that for a broken
"Is that so?" asked the friend In sur
prise. "Fact, I assure you.''
"Well, senator,' said the friend, with
a significant smile, "don't you think it
is time you were paying some of them
and preserving your credit?"
The senator moved for an executive
session and presented a bill of explana
tions. of Wholesale
Owens Bros., 21B Aaams avenue.
Scranton Dairy Co., Penn and Linden.
Dickson Manufacturing Co.
The Fashion, 30S Lackawanna avenue.
Kowley, P. P. ft M. T., 231 Wyoming are.
Kelly, T. J. A Co., U Lackawanna.' ,
Megargel A Connell, Franklin avenuA
Porter, John T., W and 28 Lackawanna.
Rice, Levy Co., 30 Lackawanna,
Connell, W. P. ft Sons, 111 Penn.
Foote ft Shear Co., lit N. Washington,
Hunt ft Connell Co.. 4M LackawaaB,
The DowlaJa aad Merthyr Choirs Ea
taxed la a Majestic Cutest.
Which Causes a Great Coesternatioa
aad Almost a RiotThe Police In
terfere and Order Is IletoredDa
Davlei Crowned the Choral King.
An eisteddfod of Immense magnitude
and interest was recently held at
Porth, a small town in Glamorganshire.
Some of the finest choirs In South
Wales participated in the brilliant con
tests. The two giant choirs of Mer
thyr and Dowlals opposed each other
and a mistake in the announcement of
the award almost precipitated a riot,
which, undoubtedly, would have taken
place had it not been for the tlmeW In
terference of the police. The fallowing
report of the contest will be read with
bitterest: With commendable promp
titude Mr. William T. Samuel rose to
give the adjudication. Speaking in
Welsh, he said that the competition lay
between two choirs tho two that were,
they were pleased to say, going to the
national eisteddfod. He had heard
both choirs before, but both had risen
fifty per cent, in his estimation b;
day's showing. One of the choirs had
possessed the finest tenors he had ever
heard In any choir, and had it not been
for a fault In the intonation one of the
choirs could have won easily. Dr. Rog
ers said he must congratulate the choirs
on the great pleasure they had given
him that afternoon. He would take the
opportunity of once more condemning
the constant selection of the same
choruses at the eisteddfodau. The
choruses selected were no doubt ery
fine, but nothing was to be gained by
repeating them constantly. A3 to the
competition to which they had just lis
tened he said the first choir iMaektog)
possessed a very good body of Voices, the
tenors and sopranos being ejpwlnily
good. The pronunciation, however, was
not so good as might have ben ex
pected, and the word "roar" was an
exaggeration The runs in the fugue
were not clearly done, and the last en
try of the bass was lacking In power
throughout, In fact, the bass was weak.
The second choir (Dowlals) had a mag
nificent body of voices, well trained,
well conducted, and beautifully bal
anced. They were accented In time
and notes, but twice the pitch was
slightly at fault. With this exception
the rendition was a magnificent one.
The third choir (Merthyr) possessed all
the good points of the second one, and
the intonation, although not absolutely
perfect, was better than that of the
second. The coloring was not over
done. The fourth choir (Aberdare) was
dismissed with a few words. Conclud
ing the doctor said he was sorry he
could not divide the prize in the propor
tion of, say, 60 to one and 40 to the
other, although even that would show a
greater difference than really existed
between them. As, however, a distinc
tion must be made the prize must go to
the second choir.
Upon this there was a tremendous
outburst of applause from all parts of
the marquee. However, it could be
seen that Dr. Rogers and the eisteddfod
officials were frantically appealing for
order, and In a few minutes it became
known that Dr. Rogers had made a
mistake, and that he really meant to
give the prize to the third choir. Rep
resentatives of both the Dowlals and
Merthyr choirs ascended the platform,
and for a time the most violent alterca
tion took place. When the audience
learned what had been done, the friends
of Merthyr cheered, while the support
ers of Dowlals hooted most vigorously
and shouted "Shame." For several
minutes the wildest confusion prevailed
and It could be seen that Dr. Rogers
was having a warm quarter of an hour
with the numerous friends of Mr. Harry
Evans, who were pardonably Incensed
at the mistake of which he had been
made the victim, for when the award
was first declared Ml .Evans had ascend
ed the platform to receive the laurels
he had won. Every moment the scene
got more exciting, and It appeared as If
a riot would ensue. Finally, however,
the police ascended tho platform and
removed the disputants amid a perfect
Babel of discordant cries. When Mr.
Dan Davles left the platform he was
cheered by his supporters and hooted
by the champions of powlals. The vio
lent scene, which had lasted for a long
time, then terminated.
While being carried through the
streets of Merthyr, Mr. Dan Davles, the
victorious leader, was brutally assault
ed by being hit on the head by a large
stone, and had It not been for the hard
derby hat he wore on the occasion the
result would have been a very serious
one. The perpetrator of the dastardly
crime should be severely punished. It
is to be hoped that he will be captured.
A correspondent In the South Wales
Daily News recently wished to be in
formed m to the exact date on which
Welsh addresses were presented by the
late Mr. L. W. Dlllwyn. F. R, S., of
Swansea, and printed In the London
Gazette. We can do no better In reply
than to give an extract of this Incident
as recorded by the presenter himself in
his most Interesting little work, "Con
tributions Toward the History of Swan
sea." 1827. February 23. "I this day
presented at the court house two ad
dresses in Welsh from the parishes of
Llangyfelach and Llandllotalybont and
when In the regular course I gave no
tice of my Intention It was objected that
no other addresses than In English could
be received; but I claimed a right for all
of his majesty's subjects to address
him In their native language, and after
and Retail City and Suburban Representative Business Houses.
Dale ft Stevens, 27 Lackawanna.
Cleveland, A. S., 17 Lackawanna.
Kolty & Henley. 20 Lackawanna.
Finley, P. B , C10 Lnckawnnna.
Keller, Luther, 813 Lackawanna.
Frits O. W 410 Laekawanna.
Keller ft Harris, 117 Penn.
Walsh, Edward J., 22 Lackawanna.
Williams, Samuel, 221 Spruce.
Goldsmith Bros., 304 Lackawanna.
Ford, W. M., 120 Penn.
Scranton Candy Co.. 22 Lackawanna, v .
much demur the claim waa admitted.
They were printed In the London Oa
aette of March 3, and It was said at the
Gasette office that the Welsh language
had never before appeared In an official
Bridgend, though the most central
town of Glamorgan, has no great
claim to be considered among the most
ancieuVtowns of the county. Colty
parish, in which Bridgend Is chiefly sit
uated, was very Important from a very
early period, the castle and its lordship
being very prominent In our county
history. The old county road between
Swansea and Cardiff crossed the Og
more at Merthyr Mawr, where existed
a bridge over the Ogmore at Bridgend
was built, which Is still In existence.
and a very interesting relic of the first
stone bridges built in the county It is;
but at whatever period it was erected
It Is evident that the new name. Peny
pont, dominated over and absorbed the
older name by which the place was
called previously I. e., Rhydoglor. The
first atone bridge built In South Glam
organ was evidently the Pontfaen.
over the Dawen. Bridges of wood were
made to cross our rivers before any
bridges of stone were built, and the old
town of Cowbridge would not be en
titled to the name of Pontfaen had
there been a stone bridge in the neigh
borhood of an earlier date. The same
may be said of the first stone houses,
the earliest of these giving a name to
the spot at which they were first put
up, which accounts for the name Maen
dy, and Tymaen Is to be found In al
most every district.
Tourists who have recorded their
opinion of Bridgend about the opening
of the present century don't Beem to be
much impressed with the place at that
date, and tho record which Mr. George
Nicholson, In his "Cambrian1 Travel
lers' Guide." published In 1808, is any
thing but flattering to the Inhabitants
who sometimes were fond of boasting
when In a beery mood that
"Penybont yw Pen y byd,"
which means that Bridgend excelled
every other place the world over.
The following Is what Nicholson says:
"Bridgend Is a straggling little town In
Glamorganshire, built upon the oppo
site banks of the Ogmore. The situa
tion of Newcastle, which forms a part
of Bridgend, Is bold. The churchyard
commands a fine prospect of the sur
rounding country. There Is an exten
sive woollen manufactory carried on
here, belonging to Messrs. Wyndham
and Franklyn. Wool Is combed by
Cartwrlght's machines, and worsted
spun by those of Arkwrlght. One hun
dred people, chiefly children, are em
ployed. The Intention of the proprie
tors Is somewhat frustrated by a per
versity In the natives, which Induces
them to prefer indolence and want to
labor and sufficiency."
Dr. Richard Price Is so associated
with Bridgend from his near relation
ship to several of the principal families
In the town that our notice of him may,
without Impropriety, be Introduced In
this place. He was born February,
1723, at Tynton, In the parish of Llan-
geinor, in a detached house situated a
few miles In a northerly direction from
Bridgend. His father was a Noncon
formist minister, and, designing him
for the same profession, sent him to
the Grammar School at Neath. He was
removed hence in 1725, and placed
under the private tuition of the Rev.
Samuel Jones, Pentwyn, Carmarthen
shire, an eminent Dissenting divine,
and remained there till 17119, when -die
was sent to Talgarth, under the Rev.
Vavasor Griffiths. Both parents dying
shortly after, his father, in consequene
of his departure from those strict Cal
vinistlc sentiments which he himself
maintained, having In his will cut him
off from the property he might naturally
have expected, he was taken under the
protection of his uncle, the Rev. Samuel
Price, the colleague of Dr. Watts, by
whom he was removed to London and
placed In the academy of the learned
Mr. Evans, where he passed his studies
with great diligence and success, and
laid the foundation of his future emi
nence. This same Dr. Price was first cousin
to the Maid of Cefn Ydfa, and had he
Inherited his father's entnte the pro
perty would have been today in the pos
session of Mr. Arthur J. Williams, of
Coedymwstwr, or others of his family,
who are the scions of the Tynton fami
ly. Dr. Richard Price Is universally
known and celebrated for his great
ability In arithmetical calculations, and
for the very numerous and valuable
writings, theological, moral and scien
tific He was a distinguished philan
thropist, and the most intrepid ass.;rtor
of the rights of man. His political
counsels and writings place him among
the most distinguished patriots and
benefactors of nations.
The Bnlla-Bangor college has just been
presnted with a magnificent library, com
prising hundreds of standard theological
and philosophical works. In addition to a
large number of valuable books In general
literature. The generous donor Is the Rev.
William Lloyd, of Holyhead, one of the
first students trained for the ministry at
the Bala college.
Apropos of the Rev. Sllyn Evans's blog
raphy of his predecessor, the Rev. I).
Price, Siloah, Aberdare, the Rev. Mor
gan, Congregational minister, St. Clear,
writes that the biographer has made a
mistake as to the place of Dr. Price's birth.
He was born at Bankyfetln, near St.
Clears, as stated. He was born, continues
Mr. Morgan, at a place called Llainy
fawyr. in the parish of St. Clears, and
within a quarter of a mile of Bethlehem
Congregational church, St. Clears. The
house where he was born was demolished
upwards of thirty yars ago. His parents
were members of Bethlehem church. Mrs.
Price, the widow, was on a visit at our
house some years ago, and I took her, at
her request, to see the spot where her
husband first saw the light of day.
Wales Is still by no means without
workers In embroidery of the highest claas.
A class for art needle work 1b established
The T. II. Watts Co., Lt 723 W. Lacka.
Babcock, G. J. ft Co., 116 Franklin.
Scranton Supply and Mach. Co., 131 Wyo.
Hill ft Connell, Ml Washington.
Blume, Wm. ft Son, 622 Spruce.
Scranton House, near depot.
Brown's Bee Hive, 224 Lacka.
City and Suburban.
Florey, C. M., 222 Wyoming.
Ounster Forsyth, 327 Penn,
tn connection with the Cardiff Technical
school, crier the tuition of Miss L. M.
O. Evans. This lady is most skilful In
her art. and is now producing tho banner
tor the Gorscdd. to be presented by Sir Ar.
thur Stapney at the Llandudno nation!
eisteddfod a work which will be worthy
to stand even beside the curtain of Lewis
Glyn CothL
Just another Instance of how some peo
ple murder the Welsh language. A "Com
mercial, whose secant clearly showed
that he was a Londoner. t a Rhondda
railway station recently asked for a ticket
for "TTooclle-e-do!" The 'poor ticket
gent wrestled long and angrily with tha
names of the railway stations on the Tatt
before he found that "Troodle-e-do" was
really Troedyrnlw .
The Rev. William Burry. of Pontypridd,
known in bardic circWs as "Uwllym Taf,"
has just published another book of poems
under the head of "Welsh Hillside 8ainti."
It is dedicated to the memory of those
three giants of the pulpit, the Revs. John
Jones, Blaenanerch; David Williams,
Troedrhlwdalar, and John Jenkins, Hen
goed. The volume contains several beau
tiful poems, and there Is no doubt that
the hook, l'k others written by the rev.
erend gentleman, will be favorably re
ceived by the public.
The mineral rprlug of Trefrlw, near Con
way, North Wales, is a valuable tonic
when used with cautftin. In order to de
rive the fulleiU benefit of Its medicinal
qualities It should be taken unly where It
ozzes from the rock, at the extreme end of
a dark cavern. In that state it Is one of
the few ehalybeates exuding in the form
of sulphate of iron, but which upon ex
posure to the liKht and a'.r Immediately
changes its chemical comblnur.on and be.
comes the ordinary oxide of Iron. Thus
It entirely loses Its normal sanitary qual
ity. One teaspoonful taken twice a day
is the maximum duse for an adult.
IThe following copyrighted national
hymn Is from the pen of Kev. 1. I). Jen
kins, of I'nlomtule. It has been eung with
much success by the ltoyal Welsh Ladles'
choir and has received warm commenda
tion from Slrae, Kovello Davles. It was
sung with etlect at the school exercises In
Wilkes-Uarre's Young Men's Christian as.
soclatlon hall last week:
Blest land of Columbia, how dear to me,
The home of true heroes and Hweet liberty;
Thy mountains gigantic, thy valley ;a
The hearts of thy children ensnare.
Land! land! Sweet delightful land!
Our hearts aflame, we'll spread thy fame.
We'll cherish forever thy name.
Ood's fnvors on nations all nations to rest
With fullness and freedom -abundantly
But Cod's crowning favors Columbia n
The home of the brave and the free.
Thy banner, loved banner, the pride of the
Shall reign In bright glory o'er mountain
and wave;
Its stars and Its stripes and Its Heav'n
glv'n blue
Shall shelter the noble and true.
May peace and prosperity always be'htne!
Thy guidance, protection none lessMhun
Art destined, Columbia, forever to bo
The home of the brave and the free.
Dr. Deletion's "Vitalizing Snrsa
pnrillu Pills"
Contain all the virtues of tho liquid
Sarsnparillus In a concentrated form
and being candy coated arc delightful
to take. Combined with the Hnrsapar
llla are other extremely valuable blood
and nerve remedies, which render them
at once the greatest blood purifier and
blood maker as well as the most pow
erful nerve builder known. Their
magical powerB to cure all Nervous
Diseases. Nervous Weakness, Nervous
Headache, Hysteria, Lornof Vital Power,
Falling Health, etc., are pleasing and
wonderful. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Sold by Carl Lorenz, druggist, Scranton,
418 Lackawanna avenue.
General and Nervous Debility.
WeakneM of Bndy and
Wind, Effects of terrors
cr Excesses in Old or
Young, iiohust, Noblo
Mauuood fully Restored.
How to Unlnrgo and
Htrewrthen Weak, Un
developed Portions of
Body. Absolutely un
failing Ilomc Treatment.
Benefits In a day.
train 50 States and Foreien
Countries. Send for Dccrlptivo Book, ex
planation and proofs, mailed (sealed! f reo.
T$ll)i$ Mails you?
iitn 1 1 1 l i Have you a feel-
Sth VPS I 151 log of weight ln
If? W&L L1 Stomach)
IWSXP 'I Bloating after'
ftyji eating Eclch-(
lnLj(sS. Vooilliogof Food i
CM N Watcrlirashi
i Heartburn Bad Taste in the Ituuth
la the Morning Palpitation of the.
Heart, due to Distension of Stomach
Cankered Mouth Gas In the Bowels j
i Loss of Flesh Fickle Appetite '
Depressed, Irritable Condition of the 1
Mind Dizziness Headache Con-!
' Btlpation or Uiarrlma? Then you have
tf aw m 4W m f a &
C In toe of Itn many forms. The nne positive
f cart for ttaUdlitresMoBcompluint It
.newer s uyspepsia uiieis
by mall, prepaid, on receipt of 23 cents.
rttiKLK Rtuirr. Ifi Imtwrlnl. Vow I
York, taa: 1 tuiTVveil humbly from tlvs-C
i pfMntit, tHt Acki'i'H Tablets, takvu tiller.
' tueau, nave emeu me." 1
i Acker Medicine Co., lOiSChamben St., N. Y.
Cowles, W. C, 1907 N. Main.
Rogers, A. E., 215 Lackawanna.
Goodman's Shoe Store, 432 Lackawanna.
Barbour's Home Credit House, 425 Lacka.
Inglls, J. Scott, 419 Lackawanna.
Osterhbut, N. P., 110 W. Market.
Jordan, James, Olyphant.
Bartbold, H. J., Olyphant.
Snook, S. M., Olyphant.
Wlnke, J. C, 315 Penn. (
Grand Union Tee, Co in m. Uala.
Men testify I
flbb tlou Dam,
A Story from Tennessee
that of J. M. Foster
Columns Some
Prom the Herald,
Many and various are the discussion ef
the " new woman," but most of the women
we've teen have no aspirations toward the
emancipation of their sex from any yoke
except the burdensome yoke of ill health.
They all gecin to think and think rightly
that their proper Celd is their home, end to
work faithfully in this Cell the must be
strong and hearty. Ccro is peculiarly a
woman's heritage. Cut it was not tho "new
woman " or any other kind of woman that
we started out to talk about. It is a "man
in the case" this Jjme, and a man, too, that
thinks be is the newest kind of a "new
From what ho tells 03, lie lias good canse
to think so. There is no comparison between
his present state of feeling and that of two
years ago. But let the following speak for
tkclf. Via published a few weeks ago a
statement of the miraculous cure of Mr. J.
M. Foster, of Carter's Creek, now one of the
ilerahl't men, from locomotor ataxia (a dis
ease said to be Incurable), by tho use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People.
The account was read by numbers of peo
ple who were eye-witnesses of his bodily suffer
ing and who know what Mr. Foster stated to
lie true beyond a pcradventuro of u doubt ;
it was read by others, also, who believe it
just the same as if they, too, had seen all, tic
cause Mr. Foster is well known over the
country to be a man of unimpeachable vera
city. Ho strong is his belief in tho l)r. Wil
liams' Pills, he lias inllitenecd a number of
other people to use tlicm, and all have be
came as new persons.
One of the number Is a young man of
Southport, Maury County, Tennessee, Mr.
N. F. Murphy, lie is only twenty-one years
old, and being of rather n delicate constitu
tion, has been afflicted tho greater part of
young Murphy says, he verily believes
that very few people of any age or clime
have been called ition to endure the bodily
suffering which he hnx undergone.
In an interview with the Herald, he told
us the followiug, which we give in bis own
"Five rears ago I was attacked with a
severe spell of la grippe, which directed me
very much. However, with the summer
before me, I gradually grew better uutil I
considered myself nearly well, when in
September following I was prostrated by an
attack of biliousness.
"I took the medicine administered by our
family physician and was soon on foot again,
though with a large amount of malaria in
my system. Being in a low state of health.
I was troubled all winter with dreadful
colds end coughs.
"Tho following spring I was Benin at
tacked with nnnther severe ease of bilious
ness, and only rallied in part from this spell
when, at the snzecstion of some of mv friends.
I resorted to various (latent medicines for
relief, but without satisfactory results. The
malaria continued and there was no end
to my taking cold, which at last betnin to
settle on my left, lung, which was weak, in
asmuch as it had undergone the terrible ef
fects of an abscess when I wns nuite small.
As a result expectoration begun and grew
wuruu uuiu Aiay, iro-i.
cniiARP RiiNnurn i.rnnT i atu
Ywrtiisa wwnuiikv T I WW I fan I
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rir
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
Clark, G. R. ft Co., 201 Washington.
Huntington, J. C, 303 N. Washington.
Plrle, J. J., 427 Lackawanna,
Raub, A. R., 425 Spruce.
McGarrah ft Thomas, 209 Lackawanna,
liorentz, C, 413 Lacks;. Linden ft Wash.
Davis, O W., Main and Market.
Woes, W. 8 Peckvlllo. .
Davles, John J., 106 S. Main. ,
S'.mwell, V. A., 615 Linden.
Green, Joseph, 107 Lackawanna,
Uardius. 1 L., Zli Lokawocna,
which Is the Equal of
Published in these
Weeks Ago.
Culumbia, Tnntmtt.
"Now cornea the ftfrtml tit tn mwYmtm
which was to the last desre eloomv. Ha.
cause of the inactivity of my liver, I couM
cut cu uyuunK in wouia agree witn me,
and, to odd to my already intense offering,
inllammatory rheumatism got me in its grip.
It was dreadful. Mo one can imagine what
aganiet I suffered. In this condition I b
came as helpless as a babe, for I could not
raise a hand. I was considered to be on tha
verge of the grave, and I despaired of my
"Deliverance came in tbis way: Through
the inllucnce of Mr. J. M. Foster, a friend
of mine, I was induced to give Dr. Wil
li urns' Pink Pills for Pale People a fair trial.
The result was simply marvelous. Witbia
two weeks after I began taklug the pilUy a
marked improvement in my condition waa
to be noted. I steadily continued to in),
prove until I reached my present state of
good health. The hand of death was stayed
tor the time being, and the grave cheated of
its victim.
" All praise is due to Dr. Williams' Pllla.
Surely I gave them a fair trial, for I used
forty dollars (40) worth of them and ought
to know whereof I weak. I donht not that
the nnnio of Dr. Williams will rank among
the foremost of the greatest benefactors el
me nee.
"This is submitted to sick and suffering
These cases will not seem so remarkable
if a bodv remembers that it lm atst,! hv men
of science that the entire human body is re
newed once in every seven years. It ia in
teresting to inquire how this ean be accont.
plished. Of course, it is readily understood
that tho work of disintegration and decay
goes steadily on, but bow are tha wasted
particles resupplicdf It is by means of the
circulation of the blood. All the nourish,
uicnt which is taken into the stomach is,
after digestion, received by the blood and
carried to every organ, tissue and fibre in
the body. This is a most important office,
and it is important that the blood which ia
to do this work should be pure, rich and
healthy. Otherwise it will not only be un
able to fulliil its mission properly, but it
win mjomx uiseuKo iiirougnoui tne system.
Indeed, it is from impure blood that m
great majority of diseases originate, and it
is oniy ny making tne oioou pure that they
can be cured. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pule People possess a building-up strength.
giving power which make them just the
medicine for those who find themselves in
a weak and run-down condition, either ss
result of illness or because of impure or im.
povcrished blood.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not looked
upon as a putent medicine, but rather as m
prescription. An analysis of their properties
show that they contain, in a condensed form,
all the elements necessary to give new life and
richness tn the blood and restore shattered
nerves. They are an unfailing specific for
such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial pa
ralysis, St, Vitus' dunce, sciatica, neuralgia,
rheumatism, nervous headache, the after ellecta
of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and
sallow complexions, and the tired feeling re.
suiting from nervous prostration, all diseases
resulting from vitiated humors in the blood,
such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They
are also a specific for troubles peculiar to
females, such as suppressions, irregularitiea
and all forms of weakness. They bnild up tha
blood, and restore the glow of health to palo
and sallow cheeks. They ire for sale by all
drugirists, or may be had by mail from Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady,
H. Y-, for SUc, per box, or six boxes for $2.&
iiiARE Dealers,
Radln Bros., 123 Penn.
Kresky, E. H. ft Co., 114 8. Mala.
'Stone Bros., SOB Spruce.
Parker, E. R., 321 Spruce. r
Caryl's Dining Rooms, 505 Linden.
Benjamin ft Benjamin, Franklin ft Spsuce.
Roberts, J. W., 126 N. Main.
Stelle, J.( Lawrence, 303 Spruce.
Uulley.Ambrose. triple storee, ProvldeAom