The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1896, Image 1

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    -I v
Needs no Introduction to the Intelli
gent buying public of the American
continent. Heirr.sdorl'sU the stand
ard by which all other fast color
dyes are measured, and having Bald
this, what more can we add?
a Saturday
Wc Begin a Great
Of absolutely fast color Hosiery
and tc every purchaser of Herms
dorf Hosiery we will present a hand
some Art SoMveoir
. which, If purchased in the usual ;
way, would probably cost as mucit
as the Hosiery. The number of
these superb photogravures Is lim
ited so that early calling may pre
t Vent disappointment.
50 Dozen
Ladles' absolutely fast black Hose,
four thread Morca yarn, 00 pa use
fine, hlRh-spllced heels and double
soles Best 37Vsc cjuallty,
Sale Price, 25c
100 Dozen , . - -
Same description as foregoing num
ber, but 40 gauge fine. Our special
25c. quality.
Sale Price, 19c
50 Dozen
Ladles' drop stitch Lisle thread
Hose, two thread double sole and
heel, guaranteed regular DOc. qual
ity. Sale Price, 29c
25 Dozen
Ladles' fast black Hose, split feet,
htgh-spllced heels, double soles, etc.
The popular 37V4c kind.
Sale Price, 25c
15 Dozen'
Ladies' black silk plaited Hose, our
leading 50c. quality.
. Sale Price, 33c
25 Dozen
Lndlts' pin-stripe Hose, full rfgular
made goods of tine gauge. Guaran
teed value, 25c.
Sale Price, 39c
50, Dozen
Ladies' fancy Hosiery In drop stitch
or plain weaves, big variety of col
ors and styles. Including black boot
and fancy top effects. Never sold
' under 25c.
Sale Price, 15c
50 Dozen
Ladies' unbleached Ralbrlggan
V Hose, regular made, 40 gauge fine,
usual 25c. quality.
Sale Price, 18c
50 Dozen
Ladies' tan-color thi ee-thread Hose,
spliced heels, double soles, 40 gauge
' fine, the 25c. kind.
Sale Price, 18c
1 i
50 Dozen
Children's Derby-rib Hose, fine Im
ported roods, full regular made,
all sices. Guaranteed value, 2'c.
Sale Price, 25c
70 Dozen
Infants' fast black Hose, sixes 4 to
6&. Usually 25c.
Sale Price, 15c
50 Dozen
Wheelmen's Derby-ribbed Hose,
slses 8ft, 9, 9ft, 10, 10ft and 11. Al
ways 30c.
Sale Price, 24c
He Will Control the National
Republican Campaign
' Committee.
Places of Bolting Silvarites Supplied.
Mr. HcKlnley Receives Telegrams
of Congratulation Discussion of
Cabinet Possibilities The Cali
fornia Pampas Plume Advocated es
a Party Emblem.
St. Louis, Mo., June 19. The new Re
publican national committee met this
morning at the Southern hotel for the
purpose of organizing and becoming ac
quainted with each other, there having
been a number of new men pluced upon
the committee by the various delega
tions. Secretary Manley, of the old
committee, called the new one to order,
and I'owell Clayton, of Arkansas, pre
sided. On motion of Mr. Scott, of West
Virginia, the vacancies found to exist
In the committee were filled with the ex
ception of the territory of Aluska, and
the District of Columbia, which, owing
to the dlllicultks in making a selection,
were 1 ft to the executive committee.
The committee now stands us follows:
Alabama William Voungblood.
Arkansas I'owell Clayton.
California J. . Spreukles.
Colorado J. K. Sunders.
Connt-ct'.eut Samuel Ko.itendet
Delaware James II, Wilson.
Florida John O. Long.
Georgia J. W. Lyons.
Idaho tlcorge F. Shoup
Illinois L. N. Jamlfson.
Indiana W. T. Durbin.
Inwn W. . Cummlng.
Kansas Cyrus Lrland, jr.
Kentucky J. W. Yerkes.
Louisiana A. T. Wlir.berly.
Maine Joseph H. Manley.
.Maryland George L. Wellington.
..Massachusetts (leow II. Lyman.
Jllfhlgan (leorgn L. Malts.
Minnesota I F. HobbarJ.
Mississippi J. J. Hill.
Missouri-It. '. X"rens.
MouUiua ' 'hiii'k'a K. Leonard.
Nebraska John M. Thurston.
Nevada C. II. Sproine.
New Hampshire Person F. Cheney.
New Jersey 1. A. Hobart.
New York F. 8. (libbs.
North Carolina Jtimes K. I"oyd.
North Dakota W. II. Robinson.
Ohio Charles L. Kurtz.
Oregon George A. Steele,
Pennsylvania M. S. Quay.
Rhode Island General (.'. R. Brayton.
South Carolina E. A Webster.
South Dakota A. Kittredge.
Tennessee W. P. Urownlow.
Texas John Grant.
I' tall O. J. Salisbury.
Vermont George T. Child.
Virginia George E. Bnwden.
Washington P. C. Sullivan.
Wet Virginia B. N. Scott.
Wisconsin Henry C. Payne.
Wyoming Willis Vandeventer.
Arizona-W. M. Grllnth.
New Mexico-.Solomon Luna.
Oklahoma ff-nry K. Asp.
Indian Terr pry Leo K. Bennett.
The mem! -s of the committee having
been sount A on the subject It was de
termined to elect the chairman at this
meeting Instead of leaving It open until
the meeting that will probably be held
In New York two or three weeks hence.
Ml. Mark Ilanna was nominated for
chairman on the motion of Mr. Payne,
of Wisconsin, seconded by Pennsyl
vania, Ohio and New York. He was
elected by the unanimous vote of the
committee. Mr. Hanna accepted the
nomination In a short speech which was
received with nvHause.
Mr. Hanna said:
1 certainly appreciate the compliment
'and confidence which goes with It In offer
ing me the position, which under ordinary
circumstances 1 should be compelled to de
cline, but under the present condition of
affairs my loyalty and my love for our
candidate induces me to go one step fur
ther and see the consummation of this
great victory for the Republican party.
The task which I had before me In the.
present campuign was arduous, but its
conduct was In accordance with strict bus
iness Integrity, honor and fair dealing. I
wish further to say to this committee that
If Mnjor McKinley Is elected president "f
the United StaleB he will be elected owing
no man a promise that will embarrass his
administration. What he owes he owes
only to his country and what he will do
will be for the welfare of the Republican
party. If a pure life, patriotic motives and
a Arm determination to do his duty will
make h's administration a success the
1'nlted States will have occasion to thank
God for thi nomination made in yester
day's conviction. (Applause.
Mr. Manley was mnde temporary sec
retary and James P. Burke, of Pitts
burg, temporary assistant secretary.
Colonel Swords, of Iowa, the sergeant
at arms of the old committee, was kept
in that position temporarily.
It was agreed that Chairman Hanna
should have full authority to select the
the officers of the committee, Including
the treasurer, which office was not even
filled temporarily. Ae the instance of
Senator Thurston, of Nebraska, the fol
lowing resolution was unanimously
agreed to:
Resolved, That the chairman of this con
mlttee Is hereby authorized and empow
ered, after, consultation with the candi
dates for president and vice president to
appoint an executive committee. of nine
members, who may or may not be mem
bers of this committee and that tho chair
man of this committee shall be chairman
ex-ofllclo of the said executive commit
tee. ';
Mr. W. II. AndrewB acted as proxy
for Senator Quay, who early this morn
ing left for the east. No successor was
elected to take the place of Mr, Ho
bart, of Now Jersey, who was the nomi
nee for the second place on the ticket.
The committee adjourned, subj et to the
call of the chairman, and It U under
l stood the next meeting will be Ijeld n
New York city In about two. or three
The two committees that were ap
pointed by the convention yesterday to
notify Messrs. McKinley and Hobart,
of their respective nominations as
president and vice-president, respec
tively, met this morning. . The first
named committee will notify Mr. Mc
Kinley at Canton, on June 29. and the
committee appointed to notify the vice-
president will perform a similar service
at Mr. Hobart's home on July 7.
Gossip Concerning Statesmen Who
May Become McKinley' Advisors.
St. Louis, June 19. The politicians
who remain today are discussing the
personnel of McKlnley's cabinet. In the
event of his election.
As a vigorous foreign policy will be
one of the features of Mr. McKlnley's
administration he would naturally give
much care to the selection of his secre
tary of state.
General Benjamin Tracey. of New
York, who was President Harrison's
secretary of the navy. Is well regarded
by some of the men whose Influence
with Mr. McKinley will be very great.
General Tracy Is a brilliant lawyer,
and It was an open secret In Washing
ton that at the time of the Chilian com
plications growing out of the Baltimore
incident General Tracy was the presi
dent's trusted adviser on all the chang
ing phases of that embarrassing prob
lem. It should be stated in this con
nection that Mr. Blaine, who was the
secretary of state, was, during the
greater part of this period. HI at his
home In Augusta, which left the state
department practically without a head
for several months.
There Is also tulk of Senator Sherman
accepting again the treasury portfolio,
but to this the objection is made that
the work of that department under a
new administration is of too trying a
character for a man of Mr. Sherman's
age, notwithstanding he Is Btlll in the
full posesssion of all his mental and
physical faculties.
Mr. MeKinlty's friends also feel that
the administration should have a strong
champion on the Hour of the senate, as
Mr. Sherman. would undoubtedly be, and
is another consideration which militates
against his selection for cabinet honors.
Henry Clay Kvans, of Tenncssve, It
is thought would be tendered the post
office portfolio In the event of his fall
ing to be elected next tutumn us gover
nor of Tennessee. He has had experi
ence In the post office department, hav
ing filled the ofilce of first assistant
postmaster general under P'resldlint
Harrls'.m. The McKinley Maragers al-o
think Well of enator Mitchell, of Orego ',
who has been a staunch supporter of
their champion, and It Is freely predict
ed that he too, will be tendered a cabi
net post, presumably that of attorney
general If the legislature of his state
fail to return him next winter to the
tlinirnitin Attnnit Itcecomcnd the
California Product nn nnKinblem.
St. Louis, June 19. The following let
ter has been received by the United
Press for publication:
8t. Louis, Mo. To the Republican party
of the United Sfates' In recognition of
the courtesy of Mrs. H. W. Strong, of Los
Angeles, Cul., in pre-enting to the Repub
lican national convention through Its
chairman and the chairman of each state,
the adopted Republican emblem of 1802,
made of California pampas plumes, the
only American product cultivated for the
beautiful, I do hereby recommend to the
party the use of this emblem, in red, white
and blue pampas, mounted fan shape on
a staff for parades and Interior decora
tions. (Signed) M. A. Hanna, Chairman,
Messngcs of Congratulation Flashed
Over the Wires to Major McKinley.
Canton, June 19. Speaker Reed tele
graphed from Washington: ' '
Hon. William McKinley, Canton:
I wish you a happy and prosperous ad-,
ministration happy for yourself and pros
perous for the country.
Thomas 11. Reed.
Senator Allison's was as follows:
Dubuque, la., June 18.
Hon. William McKinley:
Accept my sincere and hearty congratu
lations upon your nomination.
W. B. Allison.
The following telegram was received
from Governor Morton:
Hon. William McKinley, Canton, O:
You may recall my remark In 1879, as we
snt side by side In the house of representa
tives that I expected somo day to see you
president of the Cnlted States. Please ac.
eept today my heartiest congratulations.
(Signed) Levi P. Morton.
John Wanomaker telegraphed from
Quarantine: "Just received good news
on steamer."
Telegrams were also received from
hundreds of clubs throughout the coun
try. A pleasing feature of the telegrams
was the large number coming from la
dles all over the country.
Senator Perkins In behalf of the Re
publicans of California I greet you as
the foremost defender of our party's
principles and congratulate our people
thut you will be our next president.
Senator Hawley Noble cause and
platform. Congratulations and sup
Senator Lodge All I can do to secure
your triumphant election and a Repub
lican victory will be done.
Chaunccy M- Depew I have attended
many national conventions and never
left more perfectly satisfied with ticket
and platform.
Bishop Vincent of 'the MethodlBt
Episcopal church to Mrs. McKinley).
I appreciate as no one else can your
husband's worth, power, noblll:y and
Luereia 8. Garfield (President Gat
field's widow to Mrs. McKinley) Our
two families join In earnest hope that
the next four years may bring to ynu
the most of Joy and the least of sorrow
and to the nation years of triumphant
Harriet S. Blaine HeartleRt con
gratulatlcns with many tender thoughts
of the pnst,
This one particularly pleased Major
Cleveland, Ohio No one wishes you
more success than your Democratic
friend, O. D. David, of Jackson."
The above are but a fe of the con
gratulatory telegrums which flooded
Major MuKinUy from all parts of the
6.4 Frieris and Neighbor Extend
Hearty Conxratulations.
The Pilgrims from St. Louis Are
Greeted by Thousands of Citizens,
Who Join Thera in Paying Their
Respects to the Leader.
Canton, Ohio, June 19. Shortly after
noon preparations began making for
the reception of the returning Canton
delegates and the neighboring houses
bertvi filling up with residents of the
city. Market street, on which the Mc
Kinley residence stands. Is the site of
numerous handsome residences sur
rounded by wide-spreading green
lawns. These, with the gay decora
tions, which were not confined to the
house alone, but covered the grounds as
well, made a bril'lnnt and attractive
scene, heightened by the bright dress
of scores of Canton's beautiful women
and girls. The McKinley house was a
busy place in a quiet way. A stream
of callers, mostly residents of the sur
rounding country, demanded the ma
jor's frequent presence on the porch for
a hand-shake. The Intervals he spent
In conversation with a few friends In the
library.were varied by frequent visits to
the parlor, where Mrs. McKinley and a
party of lady friends spent the day. In
cidents more or less Interesting were
not wanting, as for Instance the arrival
of J. W. Smith, a colored man of Ohio,
who Insisted upon seeing the major to
present In person an application for a
position. He failed to see him, how
ever. There, was an unexpected delay In the
arrival of the train and It was after 6
o'clock when the music of the band an
nounced the approach of the delegation.
As they came up one street a delegation
of several hundred from Trumbull and
Mahoning counties marched up a paral
lel street and theyentered the yard
front and rear, completely filling It. At
that time the adjoining streets were
jammed, fully 10,000 people being In
sight of the house. Major McKinley
received the triumphant pilgrims un
der the trees in the side yard and re
ceived from them such a tribute as
seldom falls to the lot of man.
It was a memorable scene. Standing
bareheaded Just nt the corner of the
house, Mrs. McKinley sitting In a win
down behind him, from which she could
see and hear all that occurred, was the
friend and neighbor of the excited and
enthusiastic throng, the center of in
terest of a whole nation, pale but out
wardly compoavd, save for glistening of
the eye that would not be repressed,
listening first to the cheers of the as
sembled thousands and then to expres
sions of regard, respect, esteem and af
fectlon which must have been sweeter
to his ears than even the announcement
of the fact which was the occasion for
the demonstration. When quiet had
been restored Congressman R. W. Tay
lor, of the Eighteenth district, first ad
dressed the major. He said:
"While we were not the first to pre
sent in person congratulations on the
honor so worthily bestowed upon
you by the Republican party, we yet
rejoice that we are the very vanguard
of the returning host which witnessed
that Inspiring scene at St. Louis. The
delegation which a few days ago left
Canton with high hopes return to you
with those hopes realized and with the
plenslng knowedge that as you are hon
ored and loved here, so are you honored
and loved where ever the American ting
floats. This county twenty years ago
gave you to the congressional district
which you have made famous. Kour
years ago the district gave you to the
state and now the state, the great, the
splendid state of Ohio, gives you to the
natlo" . hose true son you are and
whose Interest has been your constant
care. We know that the same devotion
and loyalty, the same courage and con
science, the same capacity and patriot
Ism which have distinguished you from
the beginning will characterize your
labors in the wider field to which 'the
American people will soon call you.
now must your neart thrill when von
recall that you are today first In the
hearts of your countrymen, not because
you are a presidential nominee but that
you are a presidential nominee because
you are first In the hearts of your coun
He was followed by Judge Baldwin.
of Canton, and then by Judge Day, who
on behalf or the ladles of Richmond,
Ind where the delegates took break
fast this morning and held the first
McKinley meeting In that state, pre
sented a box of roses to the major for
his wife. Judge Day said In part: "I
speak to you, sir, not as the governor of
Ohio nor as the president of the United
States that shall be but I claim the
great privilege on behalf of these, your
old friends, of still addressing you as
"neighbor," for we have not forgotten
that In all these years of success and
while your fame has spread to the ut
termost corners of the civilized world;
while you, sir, now stand on fortune's
crowning slope, to us you have always
been the companion, the counsellor, the
guide and familiar friend. Greater
tribute than this can no man bring. He
then spoke of the tumultuous scene of
Joy when Mr. McKinley wa nominated
and closed by paying a high tribute of
praise to Mrs. McKinley.
As Major McKinley mounted the dry
goods box serving as a rostrum, for
the first time It was plainly seen that
he was deeply moved and the renewed
hurrahs from thousands of throats
which greeted his appearance was not
calculated to compose him. But sum
moning that wonderful mastery over
his emotions which has marked him at
all periods In his career he was able to
so far control himself as to be able to
speak. He paid:
Mr. Fellow Citizens: How can I make
fitting response to the splendid tribute
which has been paid by three of my old
est and earliest friends? I think I
might be excused by merely saying that
I am Inadequate to the task and can
only axrress my gratitude from a full
overflowing heart. I have had a good
many touching Incidents In my life,
Yesterday Immediately after the nomi
nation I was surrounded by my neigh
bors and fellew citlens who did not go
to St. Louis, and friends from Masslloti
and Alliance, and then came more of the
city of Akron last night. With all these
tokens I was deeply and profoundly ir-
pressed, but somehow the words spoken
by these gentlemen surrounded as I am
by their asosciates who Journeyed to St.
Louis somehow they have touched me
deeply and have sounded the depths of
my heart more profoundly than any
thing that has gone before. "In this
audience today are representative) from
all of the counties, which, for years
constituted my congressional district
with which I have been associated all
my life. A large body of my fellow
cltisens ore here from Trumbull county,
the place of my birth. (Great applause)
A large number are here from Mahon
ln& county (Cheers from Mahoning
county cltisens), the place where I spent
all of my boyhood, the county where I
received my education, the county from
where I enlisted in the war for the pres
ervation of the union way back In 1K61
(loud cheering), and around me are the
latter friends for from Mahoning coun
ty I come to Stark, nearly thirty years
ago. You have all been my friends ever
since, (loud cheers.) And the good peo
ple of Trumbull county (cheers) and the
good 'people of, Mahoning (cheers) and
those of that old Mahoning valley and
the western reserve which was so long
represented in the national house by
Giddlngs and Wade and the immortal
Garfield, (applause) tho good people of
these counties are all around me here
today and, my felolw citizens will only
add that I thank each and every one of
you from the bottom of my heart for
these manifestations of friendship, your
devotion and your loyalty.
"Canton could not help but make a
good Impression at St. Louis, Stark
county could not help but make a. good
Impression at St. Louis and Mahoning
county could not, for they all sent their
best men. I am surprised that any of
them should have been honored with any
title below a colonel (laughter) and as
you seem to have brought back what
you went for, those whom you left be
hind want me to say that hey are glad
to see you home again." (Loud and oon
tlnued cheers for the next president.)
While this neighborhood reception
and reunion was In progress the front
yard had been Invaded by the victor
ious host of the McKinley league of
New York, including the seventeen Mc
Kinley delegates from that state. Their
train was held at the station for the
call to be made and as the time was
precious McKinley hurried through trie
house and on the front porch faeedthe
the 200 eager-faced New Yorkers, who
split the air with yells as he came
through the door.
John E. Mllholland acted as master
of ceremonies and, calling for order,
said they would be addressed by. the
net governor of New York and the next
president of the United States.
Mr. Miller said:
"We thought It proper on our way
home from the St. Louis convention to
call here and pay our respects to tho
man who had been honored by the Re
publican party and who Is your fellow
citizen and neighbor. It has been my
pleasure to know Governor MvKlnley
fur nearly 20 years, and it gives me
great pleasure here today to take him
by the hand and congratulate him upon
the great good fortune which ha come
to him in his nomination and to assure
him on behalf of the Republicans of
tho state of New York that we shall
give to him and to- the principles he
represents, the largest majority In No
vember that has ever been given to any
presidential candidate since the organ
ization of the government. (Loud
"I can assure you, his friends and
neighbors, that the Republicans of New
York will be second to none In the whole
country In their loyalty to the party In
their efforts and their labors for Its suc
cess. v "And now, gentlemen of the MvKlnley
league or tne state or New xorK, it
gives me great pleasure to Introduce to
you Governor MvKlnley. (Boisterous
cheering). '
Major McKinley responded as fol
lows:: "My felow citizens of New York: It
gives me great pleasure to meet and
greet you here at my home today. It
was most generous on your part to have
paused In the journey to the east, long
enough to have stopped, to give me the
pleasure of meeting you face to face.
Nothing could have been more agree
able to me than to be presented to the
members of the McKinley league of the
state of New York, by my old friend,
long a member of the house of repre
sentatives at Washington and a col
leagueSenator Miller. I was glad to
meet and to greet him. All me have to
do this year, my fellow citizens. Is to
keep close to the jeople. 'Loud cheer
ing). Hearken to the voice of the peo
ple, have faith In the people, and If we
do that, the people will win for ns a
triumph for the great masterful prin
ciple which In all the years of the past
has given us plenty and prosperity."
A few remarks by George E. Mat
thews, of Buffalo, president of tho
league, closed the speechmaklng. The
members of the league. Including about
a score of colored men, were presented
to Major McKinley Individually by Mll
holland, after which they rushed to
their train and resumed their journey
Beecher's Son Acquitted.
NeW York. Jlllin 1Q Tha 4i,ttr In ,nl .1
of Henry Barton Beecher. son of the late
Henry Ward Baecher, who has been on
trial for forgery in the criminal branch of
the Supreme court this afternoon brought
In a verdict of acquittal. Beecher was ac-
uuruniKiy uiscnurgeu.
Weather Indications Today
Fair; Probably Showers.
1 Hanna Mado Chairman of Republican
Rousing Reception to McKinley,
England Desires to Arbitrate.
2 Free Sllverltes Issue an Address.
Dun's Weekly Review of Trade.
8 (Local) Maggie Conway Is Guilty.
Poo'r Board Is a Bhlnlng Mark.
First Campaign Meeting,
4 Editorial.
The Currency Plank.
6 (Local) High School Graduates.
Birthday of Asbury Church.
6 Social Doings.
News In Religious Clrcf
7 Suhurbnn N?ws.
'Market and Stock Reports.
8 (Sports) Scranton Defeated.
Base Ball Gossip..
Information for Wheelmen.
9 Tour of England on Two Hundred.
Interesting Past Conventions.
10 (Story) "Old Nnsty Particular.'
Bumncr's Futile Vigil.
11 Ideal Home Life of McKinley.
t Choral Singing In Gwalla Wen.
'' ' i
1 11 News tTp and Down the Valley.
EnfUndla Ready to Arbitrate oa the
Vcaeuclaa Question.
Although Not Officially Confirmed, It
Is Evident Thnt Trouble of n More
or Less Serious Character Has Oc
curredTrinidnd Probably the
Scene of Conflict.
London, June 19. The under secretary
for foreign affairs,. Mr. George N. Cur
son, answering a question in the house
of commune today, regarding the Vene
auelan situation, said that the British
ambassador at Washington, Sir Julian
Pauncefote, was authorized to receive
and report on proposals made by the
Venezuelan representative at Wash
ington. The latter, Mr. Curxon continu
ed, had been informed of this, but up
to the present had not made any pro
posal. Negotiations were proceeding with
the United States, both in regard to a
definitive frontier and the arbitration of
the frontier question with Venezuela
under proper conditions of discussion.
The latter question, Mr. Curzon fur
ther stated does not offer any obstacles
to the conclusion of a gv-neral arange
ment with resifect to arbitration, which
the government hopes to see concluded.
Inquiries made ait the colonial office
today show that the secretary of state
for the Colonies, Mr. Joseph Chamber
lain, has not received any confirmation
of the reports from Caracas that a san
guinary conlct had taken place In the
territory In dispute between British j
uuiana ana Venezuela, ana me rumor
is not credited there.
It Is further stated that no informa
tion had been received from Caracas or
Georgetown which would tend to
alter the statement made by the Becre
try of state for the Colonies In the house
of commons yesterday, namely, that it
was true that Venezuelans had crossed
the boundary and had interfered with
British officials who were engaged in
the work of surveying. But no men
tion was made of a conflict of a sanguin
ary nature.
Washington, June 19. Although it
cannot be learnde that official confirma
tion has been received as to a conflict
between the British and the Venezuelan
forces, yet It Is accepted as certain In
official quarters that trouble of a more
or less serious character has occurred.
The first report came from a British
source at Kingston, and referred to
Venezuelan interference with .British
Officials here say that Trinidad Is the
point most likely to hear of a conflict,
as It Is an Island just opposite George
town, British Guiana. There Is hesita
tion to accept the reports of the actual
fighting, for the most serious phases of
the trouble have never before brought
on fighting, except in the trilling Uruan
Incident, when one British Inspector
Captain Barnes was arrested.
Minister Andrade of Venezuela has
received no word from Caracas as to
the reported trouble. He feels confi
dent that if a clash has occurred It Is
not due to any offensive steps by the
Venezuelan troops, as they are under
strict orders all along the line to make
no advances and to maintain only the
status quo, in view of the pending nego
tiations. The British embassy here has re
ceived no information on .the subject
Elbert Woods and Richard MensecAre
Shocked to Death by Touchioi
a Wire Screw.
Philadelphia, June 19. Albert Wood,
thirty-two years of age, the proprietor
of a photograph gallery at AVashlngton
Park, In this city, and Richard Mensec,
aged twenty years, a visitor to the re
sort, were shocked to death last night
In a singular manner. Mensec, at the
conclusion of an evening's pleasure, vis
ited the photograph gallery and as he
approached the place threw out his
hand and scraped a wire screen. He
had no sooner touched tho wire cover
ing than he was thrown a distance of
ten feet, screaming with pain. His
companions gathered about htm and In
a few minutes the proprietor of the gal
lery, Woods, came to the outside to
learn the cause of the commotion. He
was told that Mensec, who was uncon
sclous, had been shocked by touching
the screen, but this he was loath to be
lleve. Woods touched the screen him
self and was thrown heavily back
wards. The victims were taken to the
Samaritan hospital, but when that in
stitution was reached they were both
The wire which feeds the arc lights
In the gallery It was found had become
unfastened and had fallen across the
screen, charging it with 1,400 volts.
Woods leaves a wife and two children.
And Will Afterward Engage in Mis
sionary Work in the West.
St. Louis, June 19. Senator Teller, of
Colorado,'- feels the need of rest after
his exacting duties of the post fort
night. In pursuance of this purpose he
will leave tomorrow for Fulton, Ills.,
near which place his aged mother Is re
siding. There he will spend a week or
more. He will make the trip by water
to avoid the fatigue of railway travel,
It Is his Intention to participate ac
tively In the campaign after the Chi
cago convention shall have made Its
nominations and the Issues between the
two parties are fairly Joined.
It is doubtful If he will come east. He
believes that the great west offerB a
promising field for misslonnry work. It
Is In that region that he will be most
generally employed.
Ilcrnld's Weather Forecast.
7ew York .June 20. In the middle states
today, fair, slightly warmer, fresh to right
southerly and southwesterly winds, rol
lowed by local thunder Btorms near tho
lake region. On Sunday, partly cloudy,
warm southwesterly winds preceded by
local rain on the coast, followed by fear
weather with slight tempsrature 'changes,
Case Geaitee
As Last Week,
12 1-2 Cents a Yard.
Less Than 25c
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When you pay for Jewelry you might at
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