The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 19, 1896, Image 1

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Needs no Introduction to the Intelli
gent buying public of the American
continent. Hei msdo:V Is the stand
ard by which all other fast color
dyes are measured, and having said
this, what more can we add?
Of absolutely fast color Hosiery
and to every purchaser of Herms
dorf Hosiery we will present a hand-
Art Souvenir
which. If purchased In the usual
way, would probably cost as much
as the Hosiery. The number of
these superb photogravures is lim
ited so that early calling may pre
vent disappointment.
Pole ted
50 Doien
Ladies' pbsolutely fast black Hose,
four thrt. d Mocca yarn, 50 gauge
fine, high-spliced heels and double
oles. Best 37',&c. quality.
Sale Price, 25c
1TO0 Dozen : --'-y.-
Sarae description as foregoing num
ber, but 40 gauge fine. Our special
25c. quality. -
Sale Price, 19c
50 Dozen
Ladled' drop stitch Lisle thread
Hose, two thread double sole and
heel, guaranteed regular 60c. qual
ity. Sale Price, 29c
25 Dozen
Ladles' fast black Hose, split feet,
high-spliced heels, double soles, etc.
The popular 37c. kind.
Sale Price, 25c
15 Dozen
Ladies' black silk plaited Hose, our
leading 60c. quality.
Sale Price, 33c
25 Dozen
LodifB' pin-stripe Hoie, full regular
made goods of line gauge. Guaran
teed value, 25c.
Sale Price, 19c
50 Dozen
Ladies' fancy Hosiery In drop stitch
or plain weaves, big variety of col
ors and styles, Including black boot
and fancy top effects. Never sold
under 25c.
" Sale Price, 15c
Ladles' unbleached Balbrlggan
Hose, regular made, 40 gauge fine,
usual 25c. quality.
Sale Price, 18c
50 Dozen
Ladles' tan-color three-thread Hose,
spliced heels, double soles, 40 gauge
fine, the 25c. kind.
, ,v Sale Price, 18c
50 Dozen
Children's Perby-rlb Hose, fine Im
ported goods, full regular made,
all sues, Guaranteed value, zoc.
Sale Price, 25c
70 Dozen
Infanta' fast black Hose, sizes 4 to
6tt. .Usually 25o.
v . Sale Price, 15c
50 Dozen
Wheelmen' Perby-ribbed Hose,
. Rises 8tt, , m, w. "ft an A1
ways 30c. 1
- '- Sale Price, 24c
The Champion of Protection is Se
lected on First Ballot.
The Nomination of Garret
Mart Is Also Secure!
One Ballot.
Desperate Efforts to Secure Recog
nition for Silver Are Unavailing.
V ' i
Senators Teller, Camen and Otbers
Bid Farewell .to the Party.
Wild Enthusiumn at the Mention of
the Favorite t'nndidatcfiliovernor
Fornker's Speech Nominating .He
Kinley Is Drowned in Outbursts of
Applnuir, While Flumes Are Waved
in the Air8onntor Quay Given an
Ovation Result of the linllot.
St. Louis, June 18. After a ten -hours
session in torrid heat and dlstrossln.?
noise the eleventh national Republi
can convention nominated a ticket pre
ordained from the first by the Ohio
pclitical managers, who practically
controlled the gathering and namod
William McKlnley, of Ohio, and liar
reU A. Hobart, of New Jersey, for presi
dent and. vlco-preBldent, respectively,
of the United States. No effort was put
forth to carry out the much-talked-ot
purpose of conferring the second place
uron Governor Levi P. Morton. .Mr.
Hobart went through on the first bal
lut with many votes to spare, jus; as
soon as the word was passed around,
when McKlnley had teen eafaly '.and d,
that McKlnley's friends desired the
elect.on of Mr. Hobart. . .
The chief supporters of the four un
successful other candidates for the
presidency, Senator Lodge for Reed;
Representative Hepburn for Allison;
Governor Hastings for Quay, and'Mr.
Pepew for Morton, came out In il-tjing
little speeches, moving- to make Mc
K'.nys nomination unanimous an 2
pledging him the loyal support ct h Ir
re' pectlve states.' When to these assur
ances Mr. Piatt I added his personal
promise of friendly co-oreratloi', tho
cup u happiness of the McKlnlty rn;n
was full. t ". '' " .
Mr. Depew was at his best In moving
to make McKlnley's nomination unanl
mous. He happily said that he felt ha
waa now nominating a winner. It was
quite evident he did not feel In the same
f-r.rc of nird rbon he rlaecd. nr. I.:w
From the Chicago Times-Herald.
ton In nomination for he. most unusual
ly for hm, spoiled one of his best points
When leading up, to what it was sup
posed would evoke a burst of applause
Ifor Blaine, he Inadvertently substituted
the name of James A. Garfield for
James G. Blaine and was Ignominious'
ly corrected by the bystanders. Aiv
other amusing little slip was perpetrat
ed by the permanent charman, Senator
Thurston, who, by the way, made
most excellent presiding officer. The
Incident clearly showed the way his
mind was running. When nominations
for vice president were called for and
Judge Fort took the stand, the chair
man Introduced him as "Mr. Hobart, of
New Jersey," the man whom the Mc-
Klnleyltes had determined to elect
vhen the laughter this blunder occa
sioned called his attention to It. he
adroitly passed It off by saying, "Mr.
HoDart, of New Jersey, will now be
nominated by Judge Port."
Whatever enthusiasm was lacking In
tne early days of the convention was
supplied when the nominations were
made. A more boisterous scene of yell'
ing, plume and banner waving and other
manifestations of ecstatic Idiocy has
seldom been seen or heard than that
which for nearly half an hour occupied
the convention after the nomination of
William McKlnley.
The Bllver bolt was largely discounted
and Its effect was to a great extent
neutralized by the speeches which Sen
ators Mantle, of Montana, and Brown,
of Utah, and others made, declaring
their continued allegiance to the Re
publican party, notwithstanding their
disappointment on the silver plarjk,
After the nomination of Hobart the
convention at 7.51 p. m. adjourned sine
Proceedings of the Meeting Which
I.uxtcd Nearly Eight Hours.
St. Louis, June 18. At 10.35 Senator
Thurston called the national Republi
can convention to order. Rev. John R.
Scott, of Florida, invoked the divine
blessing. ,
The chairman said the first order of
business was the reception of the re
port of the committee on resolutions
and the chair recognized for that pur
pose Senator-elect Foraker, of Ohio,
who, as he stepped on the platform, waa
received with hearty applause, and re
ported the platform.
Mr. Foraker read In a clear voice with
distinct enunciation. He gave a point
ed emphasis to the endorsement of
President Harrison, who was received
with cheers, but not with any over
whelming demonstration.
As Mr. Poraker approached the finan
cial plank, Mr. Teller left his seat with
the Colorado delegation and moved up
to the platform, where he seated himself
at the end of the second row of Beats to
the right of the chairman.
With the opening sentence: "The
Republican party is unreservedly for
sound money," which Mr. Foraker read
slowly and very emphatically, a burst
of cheering occurred, and the applause
was repeated with redoubled volume
when the pledge to promote Interna
tional agreement for free coinage waa
The demand for American control of
the Hawaiian Is aids rec?lved appro al,
but the proposed building of the Nicar
agua, canal by the -United States and
the purchase of the Danish Is'and for
a naval station fell flat. There was
surprising little enthusiasm over the
Monroe plank, bvt the Cui an rarag;ar)h
was greeted with loud cheers, thoutrh
the convention mlBsed tiie pnrase de
manding the Intervention of the armed
forceiofthetTnltedSUtes lnCuba,whl h
;rr".rv t' v? uori fre riatt'i
platform. "Influence and good offices
appeared In place of "intervention."
Civil service enforcement was re
ceived In blank silence, but the demand
for a free ballot and the condemnation
of lynching enlisted the enthusiasm and
approval of the colored delegates.
The reading of the platform as a
whole was listened to with marked at
tention and at Its close It was greeted
with ' great cheering. Mr. Poraker
moved the adoption of the report as the
Republican national platform for 18.
Then the chair, amid the breathless
attention of the convention, recognized
Senator Teller, who sent to the secre
tary's desk and hd read the following
minority report:
We. the undersigned members or tne
committee on resolutions being unable
to ain-ee with that portion of the ma
jority report which treats of the sub
jects of coinage and finance, respect
fully submit the following paragraph as
a substitute therefor:
The Republican party favors the use
of both gold and silver as. equal stand
ard money and pledges Its power to
secure the free, unrestricted and inde
pendent coinage of gold and .silver at
our mints at the ratio of 16 parts of
silver to one of gold."
Mr. Teller then advanced to the front
and In earnest tones addressed the con-'
ventlon In explanation of his course. He
disclaimed that advocacy of free silver
was In any. manner controlled by the
fact that he represented a state which
produced sliver. He contended for It
because he believed that no country
could prosper without It and because
he believed that It was the great weight
which was not weighting the country.
Professing tolerance for those who
differed from htm, he said his decision
had been arrived at after many years
of deliberate thought. The great con
test whether there should be one Hag
or two In this country was not more im
portant than this. Confronted for the
first time In the history of this glorious
party of ours with the danger of a fin
ancial system which In our Judgment
would be destructive to the country,
they were called upon to decide whether
to adhere to It or to reject it. He asked
the convention to pardon him If he
closed with personal allusions. He had
formed his conclusion on this subject to
Buch an extent that ths became bind
ing on his conscience.He believed the
morality, the civilization nay, the very
religion of this country were at stake
in this contest. Men in distress were
neither patriotic nor brave. This was
what made him c. Republican, because
he believed Its principles were calculat
ed to build up and sustain the .unfor
tunate and distressed. He did not be
lieve this could be done on the gold
standard. With this solemn conviction
upon him he must sever his connection
with this political organization with
which he had been so long associated.
(Cheers). As he subsequently repeated
his declaration of un Intention to seyer
hi connection with the party cries of
"No, no," were raised In different parts
of the hall.
He recognized the Jibes and sneers
that would follow htm, but he was used
to that. Before the Republican party
was organized he stood for the doctrine
of free Bllver, free homes and equal
rights. (Cheers.) There were few men
in the party who had been more sin
cerely attached to Its principles, than
he, and he could not go out of it'vith
out heart-burning and regret, "If I go
out of the Republican party," he said,
"I care not what the consequences may
be." Whether It takes me out of politi
cal life or not, I go out with feeling at
least that I maintain my consistency
and manhood approves the sacrifice.
Retiring from you as I do, perhaps
never again to have the oportuntty of
addressing a Republican convention, I
cannot go out without saying that I
cherish down In my heart a hope nay
a belief, that better counsels will pre
vail and that at some future day on a
true Republican platform, sustaining
Republican principles, I may have the
Inestimable privilege of again address
ing you."
Mr. Foraker, chairman of the com
mittee on resolutions, moved to lay Tel
ler's substitute on the table.
Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts,
seconded the motion.
then yeas and nays were demanded
by the states of Colorado, Montana and
Idaho and the vote was taken.
The result of the roll call was an
nounced: Ayes, 818; tipya, 1054. So
the motion to lay Senator Tellers sub
stitute free stiver plank on the table
was carried. Mr. Foraker was recog
nized to move the previous question of
the passage of the resolutions.
Senator Dubois, of Idaho, rising In
the body of the hall, asked that a sepa
rate vote be taken on the financial
Cries of "No."
The previous question was then or
dered with only a few feeble noes.
Mr. Dubois demanded a roll call of
states on the passage of the financial
plank and Colorado and Montana sec
onded the call.
The chairman said the question to be
voted on was, "Shall the financial plank
be adopted as the sense of this conven
tion?" On this the roll of states was called.
The roll call proceeded amid so much
confusion that the chairman had to sus
pend until order had been restored.
Meantime the two secretaries were
puzzling over the result of the vote as
announced on the previous motion,
which' footed up apparently more dele
gates than there were In the conven
tion. The result of the roll call on the ques
tion of the adoption of the financial
plank was annonced: Ayes 812, nays
110. and the financial plank is adopt
ed, added the chairman, amid cheers.
The rest of the platform was adopted
with a ringing chorus of ayes, there be
ing but one solitary "no." The chair
announced that It was requested as a
question of personal privilege that a
statement prepared by certain members
of this convention be read. -
"Is there objection," he asked. Wait
ing for a few seconds and receiving no
response he announced, "as a matter of
personal privilege the chair will permit
Senator Cannon to read tho statement
and the chair asks respeotful attention
and perfect quiet. . ;
Mr. Frank Cannon, the youthful sena
tor from Utah advanced to the platform
and with "orator Teller sitting b Tilt
1&? Hi
Next VIce-Prealdtnt.
side, reading in ringing tones and with
many gestures the following protest:
"The Republican platform of 1892
affirmed that the American people from
tradition and interest favored bimetall
ism and demanded the use of both gold
and silver, as standard money. This
was accepted by us as a declaration In
behalf of the principle upon which rests
the Interest of every citizen and the
safety of the United States. In such
terms the platform was then satisfac
tory. It believes In bimetallism within
our party, only because of the equivocal
construction and evasion has It since
been demonstrated to be Insufficient
"As the declaration of 1892 has been
by a majority of the party construed
to Justify a single gold standard for our
monetary basis and as the recent trend
of official power of the party has been
in that direction, we can but assume
that the money plank In the new plat
form being much more favorable to per
petuate gold monometallism will be de
terminedly used In behalf of that idea.
The Republican party has won Its
power and renown by pursuing Its pur
pose courageously and relentlessly; It
Is, therefore, only in accordance with
the party's history to assume that If it
shall come to the present authority in
the United States, It will crystallze Into
law and administration under this tem
porary platform of the perpetual single
ff?! !ia,l),ri,"I?1uL"nanc8-, Th,s' .,f
long continued will mean absolute ruin
to the producers of this country and
Anally to the nation Itself. To us It Is
a folly without parallel that this coun
try or any political party therein should
deliberately accept a money system
which enriches money at our cost. His
tory, philosophy and morals all Join
with the commonest Instinct of self
preservation In demanding that the
United States shall have a Just and
substantially unvarying standard, com
posed of all available gold and silver
and with It our country will progress
to financial enfranchisement, but with
a single gold standard the country will
go on to worse destruction.
"Accepting the fiat of the convention
as the present purpose of party we
withdraw from this convention to re
turn our constituents the authority with
which they Invested us believing wet
have better discharged their trust by!
this action, which restores them th
authorty unsullied than by giving cow
ardly and Insincere endorsement to the
greatest wrong ever wilfully attempted
within the Republican party once the
redeemer of the people, but now about
to become their oppressor, unless provi
dentially restrained by votes of the free
When Mr. Canon JiacJ, nearly finished
the reading of the document crlsa of
"time" and counter cries of "no, let him
finish" were raised
The chair again apepaTed for respect
ful attention to th protest which he
said was 'nearly finished. ,
At his closing word, declaring that the
Republican party once the redeemer of
the people, was now about to become its
oppressor, a storm of hisses and groans
were raised from all parts of the hall
and cries of "down," were raised. The
chair with his resonant voice rising
above the tumult said: "The chair sug
gests to this convention that the Re
publican party In convention assembled
netd not fear any declaration." Here an
outburst of cheers which lasted several
second Interrupted ,'the chairman.
When they had subdued he continued:
"And the chair further suggested In the
Interests of the Republican party that
whatever Is to be said within reasonable
limits by those who can no longer re
main In our organization ought to be
listened to with respectful attention,
believing that full answer to all such
declarations will be made by (the great
Continued on Page 8.
Weather Indications Today
Fair. Slightly Warmer.
1 McKlnley and Hobart the Convention's
Proceedings of the Convention.
How McKlnley Received the News.
2 McKlnley as an Executive.
Btate Elections This Year.
5 (Local) Citizens Company Knocked
Out by Councils.
Maggie Conway on the Witness Stand.
4 Editorial.
The Real Remedy.
6 (Local) June' Brides.
Asbury Church Celebration.
Trained Nurses Keceive'Dlplomas. ,
6 (Sports) Scranton Wins in the Ninth.
Eastern, National And State League
Ball Scores.
7 Suburban News.
Market and Stock Reports.
8 Convention Proceedings (Continued).
'The Nominating Speechos.
10 (St6ry)r"A Sweet Revenge."
If Eventful Career of William McKlnley.
13 News Up and Down the Valley.
Whitney's Weekly News Budget.
Scenes at tbe Candidate's Hone In Cm
ton, Ohio.
Citizens Out for a Holiday-Seated
at a Telephone the Candidate
Listens to the Cheering at His Name
in the Convention Hall 600 Miles
Canton, Ohio, June 18. The striking
of 918 on the fire alarm bell of Canton,
that being the number of delegates In
the convention, and therefore selected
for the purpose, together with the
booming of the big cannon on the bluff
back of the watch factory at 5.19 this
afternoon, notified such of the people
of Canton as had not followed the
Dosted bulletins that the national Re
publican convention at St. Louis had
nominated their fellow townsman, Ma
jor William McKlnley, as Its candidate
for president, and then the pent-up en
thusiasm which had been repressed for
two or three days with more or less
force broke out and far Into the night
pandemonium reigned. Every device
that skill and Ingenuity could produce
to make a noise waa brought Into play,
not only In Canton, but in all the cities
and towns for miles around, in all of
which McKlnley Is a favorite and the
principle of protection for which he
now stands is the abiding faith of the
population. Steam whistles, single and
in chimes, brass mouthed calliopes
emitting frightful shrieks, yells, cannon
and ear piercing horns all united to
create a commotion that might have
startled the man In the moon and
dwellers on Mars. Almost as If by
magic, too, the streets blossomed forth
In the national colors, of designs nu
merous and various, bunting, flags,
streamers and what not, and every
where the smooth, serious face of the
new candidate looked forth upon the
multitude. Canton will be a thing of
beauty for at least a fortnight if not a
Joy forever.
The McKlnley house waa the center
of attraction all day and many resldenta
and visitors from the surrounding
towns called during the day to pay their
respects and generally they stayed to
hear the bulletins being read. There
was a small army of newspaper men
drawn hither in anticipation of the
event, who were made cordially wel
come by Mr. McKlnley and by members
of his family and who occupied the
front porch and the walk leading from
the gate to the door In the northern
front room where Major McKlnley sat
and received those who were Introduced
Into the circle. Here was located the
long distance telephone which kept the
house in communication with the con
vention hall. Opposite this room, across
the hall which divides the house, sat
Mrs. McKlnley and a number of ladles
gathered to receive with her the news
of the day. The party Included Mrs.
Nancy Allison McKlnley, the major's
The scene In the house was Impres
sive and Interesting throughout the af
ternoon. Telephone bulletins were read
by Mr. Sam Sexton, nephew of the ma
jor, and commented on by him, and the
little knot of companions gathered
about him. These Included Hon. John
Russell Young and Murat Halstead, the
veteran newspaper writers: General R.
H. Hastings: representatives of the
press association and a few local
friends. The platform was received
over the wires at the house and read
with much Interest. Major McKlnley
is understood to be well satisfied with
the declarations In the document. The
Cuban plnnk is said to have received
his approval and to be In close harmony
with his views and wishes In regard to
that subject. He received two or three
parties of visitors who called to pay
their respects and he Introduced them
to his guests about the house. It was
a trying position, but he bore himself
through It all with dignity and serenity,
A Hash of the eye under the overhang
ing brows alone told of the emotion
At 5:19 the vote of Ohio was an
nounced, nominating McKlnley. The
figures were given at 467H and McKIn
ley asked: "Is that by that bulletin?"
and being asusred that it was, he said,
"All light," and swallowed a big lump
in his throat.
In a moment, like the crop of dragon's
teeth, people by the thousands seemed
to spring from the ground and In less
than two minutes the spacious yard
was filled to the fence. The crowd
threw themselves Into the house and
before Major McKlnley could get out of
the room they were upon him with their
tumultuous and affectionate congratu
Received One More
Same Goods
As Last Week,
12 1-2 Cents a Yari
'lever More Sold
Less Than 25c.
This Is
Last We Shall
At This Price.
510 AND 512
114 AND 116
is s:
When you pay for Jewelry you might at
well get the best.
A fine line of Novelties for Ladles and
W. J. Weichel
403 Spruce St.
s rresi
Ready Mixed Tinted
Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure
L inseed Oil, Guaranteed.