The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 13, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Men Who. It Is Alleged, Robbed Joseph
Vaidower Are Under Arrest.
One Realeased on Bail.
On June 1, at night, two men accosted
Joseph Vandower In Sadie place, near
Washburn street. They asked him for
ten ctnta. Thi9 he gave and the- men
Bent for beer, drinking the same. A few
minutes later Vandower. who himself
was partly drunk, was requested to pro
duce another dime. Again he respond
ed. Then In kindness to the gifts the
two men Jumped upon their victim and
while one held him the other freed Van
dower of $10.
The names of the two men were given
to Alderman John and a warrant was
Issued for the arrest of Anthony Telrney
and Thomas Whulen. both of the Key
ser valley neighborhood. Last Tuesday
a police ofllci-r picked up Tierney while
the latter was nufferlntr from delirium
tremens on Luzerne street. He was
lodged In the station house and since
thut day he has raved and suffered from
the dread condition..
Nothing could be done with "m rswi
he was allowed to remain in tli jcell ia.
til his partner could be taptiii jrl. Last
evening Constable Timothy J wies went
to Keyscr valley and arrestee Whalen.
He, with a score of friends, entered the
station hou?e at 11 o'clock. Alderman
John was summoned and was ready to
proceed with the hearing when Dr. I J.
Moylun was called to examine Tierney.
He found his condition such as to unfit
him for a hearing and the cage was con
tinued until monday night.
Whalen entered ball In the sums of
$500 for highway robbery and $200 for
assault and battery. Patrick Heffren
qualified as bondsmen. He and Wha
len's other friends soy they will prose
cute Constable Jones for tripping Wha
len while In the act of arresting him.
These three boys, whose escapades
were noted in Wednesday's Tribune, are
now regularly charged with theft by
Lieutenant Thomas Williams, of the
West Side precinct. Warrants for their
arrest were Issued yesterday from the
office of Alderman Blair. The names
given are Lemuel Jones, of Washburn
street, and Robbie Hand and Fred Fos
ter, of Lu2erne street. Young Hand has
been arrested. The other two boys have
disappeared from home since last
Wednesday, the day of the Tribune's
publication of the Item. Their where
abouts are unknown to their parents.
Young Hand has before llgured In police
cases. He Is about 13 years of age.
Jones is the barber's apprentice, fie
Is 16 years old. Foster Is a boy of 15
Jackson street near Main avenue was
nearly blocked last evening by two
wugons, one for serving lunch, the other
to exhibit mummies. These petrified
bodies were embalmed ut numerous
periods from Adam, B. C, to the Scran
ton ball club, A. D.. Five times tun
cents was chugml to see the "scientific;
exhibition." The show wagon was a
covered affair, the size of a small house.
The sides and roof were painted In the
fashion of a modern art poster with In
cidental grafting of mummy present
The West Side Republican League
met last evening and nominated the fol
lowing officers: Charles E. Olver, presi
dent; W. A. Phillips, first vice-president;
Simon Thomas, second vice
president William Campion, John
Hughes, recording secretary; will Mor
gan, financial secretary: Wlllam Coons,
treasurer. Election will be In July.
President Olver presided and the meet
ing was well attended.
Patrick Doud, a miner at the Contln
tal mines, was badly Injured yesterday
by a fall of top coal. He wan removed
to the Moses Taylor hospital In the mine
ambulance. Last night his condition
was considered very serious. The in
juries consist of a terribly crushed left
leg and bruises uiinn the body. Doud
Is !12 years of age and Is unmarried. He
lives on the West Hide.
Alfred Skinner, of Illinois, and mother
lAf 11ICII is it? All or part that enables
" us to offer you the most standard
make in perfect fitting, fashionable cuts and
weaves, in Men's Strictly ALL WOOL SUITS at
Formerly so,1 j from four to six dollars more.
Our Show Wmdow gives you a faint idea.
Sqo Dealing Clothlors,
of tb? Stibtirbs.
and sister, of Eerryvllle, N. Y., are visit
ing at the North Hyde Parle avenue
home of J. I. Crawford.
Mrs. J. Terra Jones, of Nantlcoke, Is
visiting West Side friends.
S'.rs. Robert Jones and Mrs. T. Reeve
Jones, of Academy street, are summer
ing at Factons-vllle.
Today St. Leo's battalion will hold Its
annual field games at Laurel Hill park.
M. F. Wymbs Is in New York city on a
pleasure trip.
E. M. Clarke, of South Main avenue,
is In New York city.
Miss Alice Wicks and Evan E. Lewis
will be wedded on June 24 at the home
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
William Wicks, of 310 North Hyde Park
Horn, a daughter, to Mr. and Mm.
Edwin Davlos, of Roberts court.
Mrs. P. .1. Toohey, of Sumner avenue,
has returned from New Yurk city.
Mrs. Frank Mtts. of Tenth street, la
vialtinp at Honesdule
St. lirendau council, Y. M. I., of the
West Side, have a, reputation as royal
entertainers. They will endeavor to in
crease the number of their friends and
admirers by the way they will enter
tain them on the occasion of their sec
ond annual excursion to Lake Ariel on
July 14. The event promises to exceed
in importance any conducted at the lake
F past years.
Ili3s Ida Harding, of Vosburg, Pa.,
has returned home after having en
joyed a pleasant visit with her cousin,
Mrs. A. !J. Deishlmer, of 1002 Eynon
Let all the members of the P. II. C.
bear In mind tleie Is important business
to bo transacU In the circle Monday
Rev. L. A. Sanlord and wife, of Lake
Ariel, are visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. U.
Sweet, of the Simp ion church parson
age. West Side Bnsine, s Directory,
FLORIST Cut flowers nnd funeral do-elR-is
a jpwia!tv. flRiires. u'cful
as (rifts, at 101 South Main avenue. Har
riet J. Davia, florist.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos. SU1
per dozen. They nro Just lovely. Con
vince yourself bv calllnir nt fltarner's
Photo Parlors, 101 and M South Main
anything von havo to se.l. Furniture,
Etove., Tools, etc. Call and see tli
stock of J. C. King, lCU and lCCii Jack
noil street.
Children's day services v. ill be con
ducted tomorrow at the 1 uritan Con
gregational church on West Market
street. Tho children of the Sunday
school have been preparing for some
time for the exercises. At the 10:30
service in the morning tl.ere will be a
chorus of chlld-.en, a sermon by the
pastor, Rev. N. Matthews, and the
double quartette leud by (!. R. Davis,
will sing " IlulMlns on the Rock." The
services will close with a chorus of
children. Sunday school will be at 2
p. m., the usual hour, and the evening
services will begin at 7 p. in. when the
following programme will be rendered:
Organ Voluntary.
"Onward I'hrisliait Soldiers,"
Scripture Reading and Prayer by Paster.
Chorus of Children.. "The Pilgrims Way"
Responsive Reading.
Sunday School
Recitation ".My V."ay"
Hmdlng ' -The Pilgrim ld.'a'
Chorus, "Fatherland."
My the Sunday School
Responsive Reading.
Solo and Duet, "Forget Me Not,"
Uy Two Little 12 Years of Ago
Reading ...."Ureat Heart and the Lions"
Recitation "Still Onward"
Chorus, ".Marching On" Sunday School
Readlngin Unison ."The Pilgrim Helper"
Reading "The Chlldrens' Crusade'
An Exercise ...."Crown, Palm and Cross"
Double Quartette, "The Storm,"
(1. R. Davis and Party
Recitation, "God's Way"...-...Klah Davis
Chorus, "Crusader's Hymn,"
Sunday School
Responsive Reading,
"The Pilgrim's Blessedness"
Recitation "March to Canaan"
An Exercise "End of Pilgrimage"
Chorus, "Hosunnah" Sunday School
Reading "Our Pilgrim Fathers"
Responsive Reading,
"The Pilgrims Home"
Chorus, "The Pilgrim Song". Children
Mission Reading "Modern Pilgrims"
Closing Hymn.
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah"
Organist Jirs. E. Price Thonvis
Musical Conductor (i. R. Davles
A reception of the League of the
Sncred Heart of Holy Rosary church
was held last night.
Mrs. Randolph Jones, of West Scran
ton, Instituted a ranch of the P. O. T.
of A. In Archibald's hall on West Market
street last night.
Hatters and Furalshars.
Board of Trade Meeting Takes Up the
Use of Cherry Street by the D. &
H. Railroad Company.
There was an Interesting meeting of
the South Side board of trade lost night
at Starr's hall ou Alder street. M. P.
Judge, the president, introduced the
most Important matter for considera
tion. He said that numerous complaints
have been lodged with him concerning
the Inaction of the Delaware and Hud
son Railroad company In neglecting to
comply with the provisions of the or
dinance requiring the removal of the
station platform from Cherry street. A
motion was passed that Secretary Don
ahue be instructed to communicate with
Mayor Bailey and ask that steps be
token to have the ordinance enforced-
The matter of the disregard of th?
rights of pedestrians by bicyclists on
Mattes street was commented upon and
the secretary was instructed to send a
communication to the proper authority
requesting that the policemen on duty
near Mattes street be el veil strict orders
to arrest any bicyclist using the side
walk, which is very much too narrow at
piesent for the convenience of the peo
ple traveling to and from the central
city by this route.
John Scheuer, jr., who has always
been an enthusiastic member of the
board and hns labored arduously In the
Interest of the South Side by giving his
time and attention to matters concern
ing the public, reported on the sewer
question. He had had the assurance
that Mayor liniley will send a message
to councils recommending the urgent
need of sewers on this side. The board
of health has declared Itself very point
edly cn the necessity of a sewer for thin
settlon. Mr. Storr expressed himself aa
having personal knowledge that the
people who need the sewer the most are
the ones who are most opposed to It.
D. P. Murray and George Scheur dis
cussed the question and their sugges
tions were very timely.
It was the unanimous sentiment that
the board should go on record in com
mendation of the good work already
done and in progress under the super
vision of the councilmen In expending
the ward appropriations. Mr. Judge
said inasmuch as the board has criti
cised the scions in the past it Is Just
end right that credit should be given
w hen It is deserved. He testified to the
excellent work of street repairing In the
Twentieth ward, and the other members
had something to say In a similar strain
about the other wards.
There was a motion agreed to that
the board co-operate In the celebration
of Fourth of July with the committee
now preparing for the event. Mr. Judge
promised to have an Interesting report
on parks at the next meeting. K. K.
Conley and John T. Drown were ap
pointed an auditing committee to pre
pare their report by the next meeting if
possible and not later than the August
A picket fence hns been built around
Simpson & Co.'s Bilk mill on Cedar ave
nue. The funeral of Freda, the 4-months
old child of Fred P.aldner, cf Willow
street, was held yesterday afternoon.
Interment was made In PIttston avenue
Children' Day services will be held
tomorrow at Hickory Street Presbyter
Ian, Prospect Avenue Evangelical and
Cedar Avenue M. E. churches.
This evening M. D. Scully will begin
the great feat of walking 1,000 miles In
as many hours. During this time he
must walk one mile, and only one, each
hour, making It Impossible for him to
sleep more than one hour and three
quarters at any one time. Being such
a novel feat, much speculation has been
Indulged In as to the probability of his
success. Mr. Scully hus been training
for some time at the Exchange Hotel,
whore the walking Is to take place.
The Methodist church is making un
usual preparations for the celebration
of Children's Day on Sunday next. Tiie
programme Is very Interesting.
The old offense of kidnapping hua
been revived In Dunmore. A few days
ago the IS-nionths'-old child of Patrick
Malley. of Sport Hill, while playing
along the highway, was quietly gath
ered up Into a bag by an umbrella
mender. He was detected by a lady of
the neighborhood, who demanded the
child. The offender refused and moved
off, but was pursued by some men, who,
after some fighting had been Indulged
In, secured possession of the child.
The general admission to the com
mencement exercises of the High
school, to be held In Washington Hall,
Thursday evening, July 2, has been
placed ait fifteen cents. This 1b to de
fray the expenses. Ten cents will be
the price of admission for school chil
dren. According to the arrangements,
the exercises this year promise to ex
ceed those of any previous year.
For the past week the superintendent
of the public schools has been holding
meeting with the teachers of the vari
ous grades for the purpose of Improv
ing the system of grading. The school
rooms have been so crowded that fre
quently the pupils have been passed
from room to room, although not pre
pared, simply because there was noth
ing else to be done with them. This ,1s
a great misfortune for the pupils when
they come Into the higher grades, for
the principle that a sound and lasting
superstructure cannot be built on a poor
foundation holds good In educntlon as
well as In all material building.
County Superintendent Taylor will
conduct examinations at No. 3 school
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes and son,
of Pittsburg, are visiting Mlnooka
Miss Celle Maloriey, of Avoca, Is the
guest of Miss Annie O'Horo.
The Mlnooka team will Journey to
PIttston this afternoon and cross bats
with the PIttston Reds at W.oBt Side
The Mlnooka Gun cub will hold a
sweepstake on the Mlnooka base ball
grounds on July 4.
The Stars, of Mlnooka, and the Dodg
ers, of Old Forge, will play on brick
yard grounds Sunday,
i ,
If the Baby In Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow';; Soothing Srrtip has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil.
i:cns of Motheri for t:.elr Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success,
It Soothes the Child, Softens tho Gums,
.'.Hays all Paint Cures Wind Collo and
la the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Said
by Druggists In every parr of the world,
lie sure and ask for "Mvi. Window's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Xwuty-nvs ctnta a bottla. M
A Public Benefactor
His Great Discovarijs Result in the
Permanent Cure of Thousands
of Sufferers.
IT You In AiiiD, hi Yocr Druggist for
EiiDjon's Ga!d) to Hlib, E117 a
25c Luoyoa R a:dy tnJ
James Redman, 218 Webster avenuo,
Pittsburg, Pa., says: "Had rheumatism
for past two months. Could not get about.
Took two bottles of Munyon'a
Cure and uin now as well and strong rs
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom faiU
to relieve in one to three hours, and cur:
In a few days. Price 23c .
.Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively
cures all form of indigestion and stomach
trouble. Price 23 cents.
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu.
monia and breaks up a cold In a few hours.
Price 21 cents.
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs,
night sweats, allays sort-cess, and speedily
heals the lungs. Prtce 23 cents.
Munycn's Headache Cure stops head
ache in three minutes. Price 25c.
Munysn's Pile Ointment positively cures
ail forms of plies. Price 23c.
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Im
purities of the blood. Price 2ic.
Munyon's Female Remedies art a boon
to all women.
Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve In 3
minutes and cure permanently. Price SI.
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never (ail.
The Cutairh Cure price 23c eradicates
the disease from tho system, and the Ca
tarrh Tablets price 23c cleanse and heal
tno parts.
Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful
nerve tonic. Price 23 cents.
Munyon's Vltulizer restores lost visor.
Price SI.
A separate cure for each disease. At all
druggists, mostly 23 cents a vial.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1303
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with free medical advice for any disease.
Wall Street Review.
New York, June 12. Stocks were
strong today and the net changes show
moderate gains. The improvement In
prices as a rule was less than a point,
but considering the strength of sterling
exchange and the engagement of over
two millions of gold for export the ad
vance came In the nature of a surprise
to operators who have been active In
depressing values during the week.
London was malniy responsible for the
strength of the market In the first hour.
Its purchase being placed at 20,000
shares. The change rf sentiment on the
part of foreigners was due to advices
from this centre that the prospects for
tho adoption of a sound money plank
by the St. Louis convention had im
proved and that the free silver advo
cates will nut be able to dictate the
financial policy of the Democratic party
at the Chicago convention. .London
firms In consequence bought their fa
vorites and there was also more Inquiry
for low priced mortgages from Amster
dam and ilcrlln. The adjournment of
congress. It must be said, also had a
favorable Influence with home opera
tors who added to their holdings. The
Improvement was most pronounced in
the Internationals, Grangers. South
western and Pacific Mall. Pur
chases of Louisville and Nash
ville were mode after the publication of
the statement for the first week of June,
which was a gain of over $11,000 as
compared with the corresponding week
of lust year. Sugar was depressed
early In the day on the further reduc
tion In the price of refined of l-10c but
In the afternoon trading the stock ral
lied from 1224 to 123-4122; Manhat
tan lacked support and fell to 100,
dividend of 1 per cent, on the hitch
with the rapid transit commission In
the mutter of extensions. Specu
lation left off quiet and. gener
ally firm; net changes show gains of
V9f per cent. Sugar lost per cent,
on the day. Total sales were 140,402
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN AL
LEN & CO., correspondents for A. P.
CAMPUKLL, stock broker, 412 Spruce
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. Imr.
Am. Tobacco Co .... tlli uri'fc tu'i, (jp
Am. Cot. Oil 11 12 iiaj 12
Am. Bug. Re'g Co ..123 123- 122 123ft
Atch., To. & 8. Fe .. 14' U 14 14
Can. South 4 4VYt 49'i, 4!i's
Chef. & Ohio 13 13 13 1 3 i
Chicago Gas G! 67 C71 7
Chic. & N. W 101 1112 lul Iii2
Chic, B. ft Q 77 77 7li 77
C. C. C. & St. 1 32 33 32 33
Chic, Mil. & St. 1 .. 7C.i 7C 70 70
Chic, R. I. & P 70 G To
Delaware ft Hud ....124'.S IS14' 121 121
D. i L. & W ltil , 181 11 liiUL
Dist. & C. F lf, Hi 15 ij
Gen. Electric 32 32 31 32
Lake Shore 132 152 132 132
Louis, & Nash 49 60 49 30
.11. K. & Texas, Pr., 23 24 23 24
Manhattan Ele 101 102 ltw 11
Mo. Paeillc 21 22 21 22
Nat. Cordage 6 D 5 11
Nut. Lead 23 23 24 24
N. J. Central 104 101 lul 104:
N. V. Central 83 95 3 95s;
N. V., S. & W., Pr .. 23 23 23 21
Nor. Pacific 4!i 3 4 5
Ont. & West 13 14 13 II
Omaha 42V4 42 42 4"
Pacific Mall 21 23 ' 24 23
Phil. & Read 8 9 8 9
Southern R. R Pr .. 28 2S 2S 28
Ten., C. & Iron 23 23 22 23
Texus Paelllu 7 7 7 7
Union Paeillc , 714 7 7 714
Wabash , 6 6 S t!
Wabash, Pr 1ii 1714 i
Western Union 83 80 85 83'i
W- 1 9 10 9 9
U, S. Leather 8 8 8 8
U. S. Leather, Pr .... C3 03 63 .j3
V. B. Rubber 19 19 19 1914
WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Imr.
July 07 . 5S f.7 G7
.September D8 09 07 38
July 17 17 17 17
September 17 17 17 17
July 27 23 27 27
September 28 29 2S 29
July 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27
September 4.40 4.42 4.32 1 35
July 7.30 7.32 7.17 7.17
September 7.46 7.49 7.30 7.32
Scrnnton Board or Trndo Exchange
QuotntiniiH..AIl Quotation Based
en Far of 100,.
Nome. Bll. Askel.
Dim Dep. te Dla. Bank 140
Seranton Lc Curtain Co u
National Uorlna Drllllnc Co. u
First National Hank M '.J
Everything ia the Line of
Bicycle Hose.
Only the very best maker are repre
sented in our line.
In Fine quality BICYLE HOSE, all
5o Cents Pair.
Also a numberless variety in newest
combinations or colors at
$1, 1.50 and $2
Tcr Tair.
Lislit-weight Jerseys in
Wool and Worsted, Plain
and with sailor collars,
in all toliil colors, and
stripes, all at lowest
n P.
Pcranton Jar & Stopper Co
Eiminiriit Boulevar.l Vo
ti'jr.ntou Savings Hunk
Uoma Plate Glus Co
Bi:rar.toif Car Keplurer Co
Sr'anton Packing Co
Wenton Mill Co
Lnekawa.'.na Iron & Kleel Co..
Third National Hank
Throop Novelty M'f'e. Co
Scrunion Traction Co
20. 10
Seranton Glass Co
Brranton Pas.. Railway, nrst
mortituse duo Wt
People' Street Hallway, flrat
mortgagee ilue 191S
Bcranton & Plitston Trac. Co..
People's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgaK due 193)
Dickson Manufacturing Co....
Lacka. Township School B....
City of Seranton Street Imp i
Borouch of Wlntnn C
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Seranton Axle Works
New York Produce Market.
New York, June 12. Flour Unchanged,
quiet, barely Hteady. Wheat Spot mar
ket dull, nrm; f. o. u., 72c; ungraded rod,
'j3a73c; No. 1 northern. liSc; options closed
unchanged. Corn Spots dull, tlrm; No. 2,
JBiC plevntor; Glc. iifloat; options were
vry dull and cloned firm at 'ic advance;
June, SI' 4c; July, 84' September, IS'SiO.;
October, WiC Oatii Spots fairly active,
easier; options dull, linn; June 2!u.; July.
ilHv.; spot prices. No. 2, 24VjC.; No. 2
white, 22c: No. 2 ChlcaKO, 2Uc.; No. 3, 21c;
No. 3 white, 23lic.; mixed western, 22 a
23c; white do., 25a2Sc; white state, 25a2Se.
Beef Quiet, steady, unchanged. Lard
ulet, lower: western steam, J1.45: city,
Sl.C'j; July. $4.43; refined, lull, easy; conti
nent, tl.iTi: Mouth America, tf.lO; com
pound, 484'Sc Pork Active, steady: old
mess, JS.2")a8.V; new mess, $n."f.a9. Butter
Quiet, easy; . state dulry, 10a 13c: do.
creamery, Ual.V.: western dulry, Snll'ic;
do. crea.mery. Il'atii;,i4c.: t'o. factory, Pa
lie.; Klglns, lSal.V'jc; Imltutlon creamflery,
10l2r-. Cheese Fancy film; ntate large,
5-ufHio-:''U'o. small, (kiTc; part sk'.ms, 2a
4'ic: full skims, lVjH2c. Ksks Quiet,
ahout steady: state and Pennsylvania, 12
al2'iic: western fresh, lPial2e.; do. per
case, Jl.Wu3.
Philndrlphin Provision Market.
Philadelphia, June 12. Provisions were
In moderate Jobbing demand and steady.
We quote: City smoked beef, imal2c;
beef hams, flo.25aln.75; pork, family. JVUu
alO.73; hams, d. P. cured. In tierces, 8(il
91,4c, as to average; sides, ribbed, In salt,
414alHe.! do. do. smoked, nViaa'.ic; shoul.
dcrs. plekle-cured, 5 ViaSH-c; do. do.
smoked. i!4ali4jC ; picnic hams. S. P.
cured. 5Ua3c; do. do. smoked, 6'iaCc ;
bellies, In pickle, according to average,
loose, Ceulic: breakfast bacon, 7a!c for
round and Jobbing lots, ns to brand an 1
average: lard, pure, city rellned, in
tierces, S'lUSVic; do. do. do., In tubs, 3'm
lVc.; do. butchers', loose, 4'ka4Sie.: city
tallow, in hogsheads, 3c; country do., 2Vj
u2?ic, as to quality, and calces, 3ic.
Oil Mnrkrt.
Oil City, Pa., Juno 12. Option oil was
quoted today at 1 13. Credit balances ad
vanced to llti.
Miss Lottie Onmond, of Dickson ave
nue, has Kne to Honesdule on an ex
tended visit.
Mrs. Wilbur, of Sanderson nvcnuo,
wa.s tukcu to the Lackawanna hospital
this week, where she will have an oper
ation performed on her eyes.
J. W. Carney, of Washington avenue,
has returned from a business trip to El
mlra, N. Y.
F. C. Hazard, of Dickson avenue, has
purchased A. C. Kaye's fast horse.
Sirs. E. B. Keynolds and daughter,
Jennie, of Sanderson avenue, have gone
to New York on a short visit with
J. J. Williams, of Sanderson avenue,
left yesterday for St. Louis to attend
the national Republican convention.
Mrs. Mary Froner, of Blnghamton, N.
Y.. Is visiting friends In the Ridge.
Charles Atwater and Mrs. O. P.- Kurtz,
of Brown's court, who attended the
opening exercises of the Soldiers' Or
phan school at Hartford, have returned
Miss Clam Reynolds, of Sanderson
avenue, Is on a short visit ut Kingston.
Joseph Carr, of Dickson avenue, hns
accepted a position with the Suburban
Electric Light company.
Henry Ilels and M. M. Bennett visited
tho Heptasoph's lodge at Carbondale
this week.
The Misses Carr'lo Burdlck and Nellie
Van Oorder, of Monsey avenue, will
spend next week in Danville.
Mrs. Will Malnard has returned from
a short visit with friends at Windsor,
N. Y.
Mrs. Parker, of Monsey avenue, will
leave for Oeneva, N. Y., where she will
spend several months.
A. S. Spencer hns gone to the oil re
gions on a short visit
Children's day will be observed In the
Asbury M. E. church nt 10:30 a. pi. In
the evening the pastor, Rev. A. F. Chaf
fee, will preach a sermon to children.
Rhcnmntism Relieved in 3 Hours.
TISM and NEURALOIA .rellevca In
threo hours. Its action upon the sys
tem Is marvellous and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the dis
ease qulcly disappears. The first dose
greatly benefltg. 75 cents. Bold by
Carl Lorens, Druggist, 418 Lackawan
na,, Seranton, I
Reductions That Raaliy Reduse, and No Mistake.
Wash Goods.
On case fine Batiste, new chnic
my lei, bit; rauce of ttylea, 10
Tallin Only 7 3,4c
One rase Jlno't-a Penan and'
l.lnea Effect", atrictly f-t color's
extra ralna x Only 11 i-ac
Otic caw 80 ir.rh Perraloa. mrtJ
ciiloriuga, atrictly tast . 1 lr. L'Hc
value Only 7 3.4c
One raw nf Dimity Corda, new ef.
feete. choice coloring last otora,
lio value Only 11 i-ac
In trying to beat the ro -ord we make this effort:
Ladies' Trimmed Hats, well worth $3.00 to $4 00 Now $1.75
Ladies' Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, special at $4.00
to $ti.00.. Now $2.93
Trimmed Sailors, 25o, 39c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25;
tbis sale 19c, 25c. 39c. 48c, 73c and 98c
mm mm, vleie
HkamunMHiiiKni!!iHiniiiHMiHHmimnniniiiiiiiiiiniimn minim
la Easential to Oood
The process of fil
tration is shown In
the cut, by perco
lation through a
porous natural
tone from the up
per to the lower
Jar simply by the
force of gravity,
which la nature's
own process of Ut
tering. Our filtering; disc
are a nutural stone,
minrrloil frnm the
I'll' ' T0Nt
twA-nit hit is.
earth, which Is of
,4 such a nature that
11 (iocs not auow
the filth it extract
to enter ite porua;
but retains all Im
purities upon Its
surface whence
they arc romove.l
In cleunlnK, which
..? :,, f .
is as simple an operation as the cleaneinx
of an ordinary Jar or pall. Our filter disc
can be cleaned in two minutes ready for
upi when it is the same as new.
Kvcry part of our Filter Is easily gotten
at for the purpose of cleansing.
Our Filter Is all stone and there is noth
ing to rust and corrode orbecome foul.
Has Moved to Hit New Quarters,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
' Entrance on side next to Flret National
Bank. He baa now in a
full i 0
Comprising everything requisite for fine
llerchiint Tailoring. And thn anmu cau
bo shown to pdvnntaxo la his splen
dialy fitted up raima.
Is Extended to All Renders of Ths Trlb
. une to Call on "OLD RLLIABLIi' In His
New Builness Home
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
15th Day.
THE OPSAT 30th lav.
prodnrei the nhove remits In Sin dnvs. It 'tt
powerfully aud quickly. Cures wben all other fl.
Vuuud men will roijaln their lot niauhuod.andold
men will recover tliclr youthful vmor by using
KKV1YO. ft quickly nnd rcxto in Nervoua.
new. Lout Vitality, Impoiency. Miintly linilwuonp,
Lost Power, Failinu Sl. uiory, Wotlna DlneaBen. and
all effects ol aelt-abUKD or eiceand ludiacretlon.
i-.hlch nntltiioiieforainily.biulnrnBornmrrlniie. It
int only cure by utartiiiK nt the neat of d. jeano. hut
iaasreat nerve tonic and blood builder, brlnz
g back tlio pink glow to pnlo cheeks aid re
'lorliiR- tlia fire of youth. U wards off Jtmanily
md t'ousiimiitlnn. Iimikt on having
(i!ier. It con bo carried In Vest packet, lly
f 1.(10 pm'paokaffn, or tlx for 00.0 J, with a ppul
ie written Riinrantro to euro or refunt!
be money. Clrcultrrreo. Addreta
"iroiciK?- oHIMCn."
For salt by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggist,
Seranton, Pa.
mm, m
RI ii
5isgV from Lif.
w3mM- Madea
ut Day. J jkojt Well Man
Iff of Me.
SO dnteo Launrirled Shirt Waiatf.
new choice patteroa, faat colore.
"c ralue Only 39c
!5 dos Ladire' White Lawn Waiata.
rboiceatylea, apeoial Talue.T5e and
(I.UO value .Only 50c and 73c
50 doi Black Rateen Walate. In all
sty ie, atrictly faat colur. "60
vaine , Only 49c
2s dozen Linen Shirt Walata, with
white edge, eilda Si to M, $1 Ml
Only 73c
hue ii phi pies
-1 -.
Wagner Rein, Lcssoesand Mauagars
Commencing June 8.
The Entire New Series of
Living Pictures.
Prices, 15c, 25c, 35c. and 50c.
Matinees ajc. All Parts of the Houss.
MATINEES, Wednesday and Saturday
The St. Denis
Brcadway and Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. Grace Church. -Europeao Plan.
Rooms Si.oo Day and Upwards.
In a modevt and unobtrusive way tilers are
few butter conducted tiuteU in the metropolis
tbnn the tit. Dsnla.
Tho treat pnpu'arity It hia acquired can
readily be traced to its unique location, its
homolike atmoanhere. tha peculiar excellence
of its cuisluo and sjrvicj, aud iia very moder
ate prices.
Electric B.ittorio, Electric Exploders, for ex.
plodlug blasts, Hafety Fuse, aud
Repacao Chemical Co. 's
Acknowlcdsed the Leading
Ol the World,
WRANICHU & BACIIC and others.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchasers will always find a complete
stock and at prices as low as the qual
ity of the Instrument will permit at
nusic STORE
117 Wyoming Ave. Seranton
Coal of tho best qunlity for dompstlo use
nnd of nil nle, Including Buckwheat niul
lllrdseye, delivered in any part of tho city
ut the lowest price.
Orders received nt the Office, first floor.
Co.rrtmonwpiilth building, room No. 6:
telephone No. 2(124. or ut the mine, talc,
phone No. i72, will be promptly attended,
to.Uealers supplied at tho mine.