The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 12, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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New Officers Elected by the Epworth
Leigne of Sinpsoa M. E. Church
Last Niiht.
The Epworth league of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church met last
evening; and elected officers. Rev. J. B.
Sweet presided over the meeting;, wh'ch
was well attended. The league is in a
flourishing; condition. The officers elect
ed are: Miss Rachel Jones, president;
Mrs. Josle Knauss. first vice-presHent;
Miss Clara Qibbs, second vice-president:
Miss Minnie H inker, third vice
president; James Hartman fourth vlc;
president; Miss Mae Jones, secretary;
George Jones, treasurer; Miss E. Rink
r, pianist; L. Jones, chorister; W.
Clarke, usher; H. Hartman, Bert Mey
ers, librarians..
Rev. Sweet, pastor of the church, will
next Sunday evening begin a series of
addresses to young people.
Michael Monahan left his wife about
two weeks ago and upon returning yes
terday be signalized the event by
storming their home at 734 Eynon
street. The sun had not yet risen
neither had Mrs. Monnhan when the
door wns smashed in and the erring
husband began to throw all portable
articles from the buildln?. Constable
Timothy Jones was awakened from his
sleep and from 5 o'clock a. m. until 4 i
p. m. he looked for Monahan. The con
stable was armed with a warrant Ewom
to before Alderman Blair by Mra. Mon
nhan. By chance it was d'scoviied
that the home wrecker Intended to
for his "time" at the Dortrre col!l?ry,
where he works, and the constable in
ti'rcf ptod him a? Monahan was about
to leave for ether climes with his pay
order in his hand. A hearing will be
riven this morning at 10 o'clock.
Weddings of June are not few on the
West Side. Cards are out announelns
the wedding- of John York, of Jackson
street, and Miss Emma C. Hower, of
Price street, on June 24, at the residence
of the young lady's parents. Mr. York
1 the efficient foreman at F. II. Ger
lock's printing establishment.
Miss Lizzie Jones, of South Fllmore
avenue, will be wedded on June 1", to
Evan Davis, of North Hyde Park -avenue.
, The wedding will take place at
the home of the bride's mother.
Miss Bertha Jenkins and Attorney
David Davles will be wedded on June
19 at the Washburn Street Presbyterian
church. The affair will be conducted on
a scale of prominence seldom before
reached In West Side society.
The new bicycle club, under the name
"West Side Wheelmen," is likely to be
a permanent and strong feature of Hyde
Park clubdom. At the meeting held
last night In the rooms of the Colonial
club eight new members were received,
thus bringing the total membership
very close to the hundred mark. The
club has rented the Marquette rooms on
South Main avenue and will take pos
session next Thursday. At last even
lug's; uieeVfng the attendance was quite
flattering; to the Interest In the organ
ization. After the session' a score of
wheelmen paraded the principal streets.
Dr. P. F. Moylan, the South Main ave
nue resident physician, experienced a
runaway yesterday. The horse he was
driving became frightened while the
doctor was driving down Washburn
Street. The animal darted ahead with
a sudden start and the physician was
thrown to the pavement. He was only
slightly Injured. The runaway reached
and turned up Main avenue. When the
Banner block was reached the driving
lines became tangled in the buggy
wheels and the animal was thus brought
to a standstill.
Luther Price, a well-known West Side
man, and Miss Nellie M. Early, of the
East Side, were wedded last evening
by Rev. J. B. Sweet at the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church parsonage
on North Hyde Park avenue. Bride
and groom were unaccompanied. The
marriage was kept a secret from the
friends of the contracting persons.
Your correspondent is Indebted to Mr.
lAflllCU is it? All or part that enables
us to offer you the most standard
make in perfect fitting, fashionable cuts and
weaves, in Men's Strictly ALL WOOL SUITS at
Formerly sold from four to six dollars more.
Our Show Window gives you a faint idea.
;n D:z eiothlors,
of fh? Suburbs.
ana Mrs. Frank Slote, of North Lin
coln avenue, for a handsome bouquet of
roses, containing over dosen varieties
of the ever-blooming, plucked from
their garden. Not being a rose expert
we cannot give their names, but do
know they are perfectly lovely In color,
size and fragrance. West Sld corre
spondent In Times.
' The Republican league will meet to
night and will nominate officers.
: At 4:30 o'clock yesterday morning fire
was discovered In the oil house of Mat
thew Bros, at the westerly extremity of
the Lackawanna avenue bridge. An
alarn was sent In from box 31. Both
Hyde Park companies responded, but
their services were not needed us the
employes extinguished the blaze with
water from a garden hose.
The ladles of the Plymouth Congrega
tional church gave a 10-cent supper last
evening at the church.
The funeral of Effle. Infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor, of
Robinson street, occurred yesterday
afternoon. Interment was made in the
Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Mrs. John Williams Is ill at her home
on North Main avenue.
The bachelors of the Scronton Street
Baptist church will give a social and
entertainment free to all next Thurs
day evening. The servirg of refresh
ments will be done by men.
Peters and or): are distributing the
high school announcements.
Joseph A. Mears has returned from a
fishing trip.
Miss Sarah Evans, or South Sumner
avenue, is visiting at Hazleton.
Miss Florence Campbell, of Chat
tanooga. Tenn., Is vlntit'g on this side.
Amen? the West Sl1cr3 who were at
Lake WInola yesterday were: Rev.
David Jones, D. IX Evans and Samuel
W. C4. Lewis, of Catausqua, has re
turned home after a vfelt to West Side
Howell Davis, of Knoxvllle, Tenn.,
who has been In Wales for the past
year, is now visiting on this Bide.
Rev. David Jonesi pastor of the First
welsh Congregational ohurch, has re
turned from New York city where for
the past two Sundays he has occupied
the pulpit of the Eleventh Street Con
gregational church. During the period
Mr. Jones' family were at Ocean Grove.
Rev. Samuel Lewis, of Lewis, Essex
county, New York, is visiting at the
home of Rev. David Jones, of South
Lincoln avenue.
West Side Business Directory.
FLORIST Cut flowers ami funeral de
signs a specialty. Floral flprures, useful
as gifts, at 101 South Main avenue. Har
riet J. Davis, florist.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos. 11.40
per dozen. They r Inst lovely. Con
vince yourself by calllnp at Btarnor's
Plioto Parlors, lul and 103 South Main
anything vou have to veil. Furniture,
etoves, Toois, etc. Call and see tha
took of J. C. Kins, 1024 and 1026 Jack
son street.
An entertainment under the auspices
of the Welsh Baptist church will be held
In the parlors of the church this even
ins:. An excellent Drogramme has been
Arranged and is as follows: Selection,
Sunday school choir baritone solo.
Professor E. Thomas; recitation. Miss
Maggie Pugh; recitation, Wesley Owens;
duet, Butland and Evans; recitation,
Gw.en Thomas; solo, Maggie Twining;
solo, May SImms; recitation, Cora Rob
erts; solo, I. R. Edwards; recitation,
Thomas Jehu; solo, Gwyllm Edwards;
recitation, E. Treharne; duet, Hopkins
and Evans; competition, males over
fifty years of age; recitation, Lulu Sims;
solo, Mrs. Thomas Reese; recitation,
Esther A. Jones; duet, Morgan sisters;
recitation, Miss M. A. Davie; solo, Pro
fessor E. Thomas; wand drill In fairy
land, by seventeen little "tots," under
the leadership of Miss M. A. Davis:
selection, choir.
A mistake appeared in this column
yesterday morning In regard to the
name of the officiating clergyman at
the Reese-Phllllps nuptials. Instead of
Rev. R. 8. Jones, D. D., It was Rev. vr.
F. Davis, who performed the ceremony.
Car No. 108 jumped the track while
leaving the switch near the square
yesterday afternoon, causing a blockade
for twenty minutes.
James Millane and Mrs. McGraw, of
Silver Lake, Pa., are visiting among
friends in this part of the city.
John Mitchell and David Smith are
vlBitlng friends in Waymart.
The Misses Bridget and Helen Ma-
H'atttrs and Furnislwi
loney, of Brick avenue, were arrested
yesterday afternoon by Humphrey
Richards, for obtaining goods by false
pretence. The case was postponed until
tomorrow evening. ,"
George Cooper and William Cabo, of
Fenner tc Chappel'a store, are enjoying !
a short vacation.
Mrs. J. R. Keator, of Summit avenue,
is seriously ill. .
The rehearsal last evening of the
Christian Endeavor choir, of this end,
was largely attended.
Miss Maggie Kane, of Archbald. Is
visiting friends in this section.
Thomas Walsh, of Mary street. Is
slightly Indisposed.
Guth's band held their annual picnic
at Central Park yesterday afternoon
and evening. The attendance was large
and everyone was well entertained. The ;
picnic was a financial success.
Mrs. Henry' Bonn, of Cedar avenue,.-
who was dangerously ill, has improved
somewhat and her condition Is more assuring-
Councilman T. J. Coyne, of the Twen
tieth ward, proposes to keep before the j
Delaware and Hudson Railroad com
pany the fast that the Steel Works sta
tion is built on Cherry street, and h-j
will not desist until the company re
moves the obstruction. Mr. Coyne notl
cd the officials recently to cleor the
rtrcct very quickly or he will have the
street commissioner do It for thetn.
Prcf. James F. Foley, of Rendham,
was the guest of Prof. Thomas P. Joyce,
of Mmooka, yesterday.
Mis3 Ruby Yost, of North Blofce'.y
street, is Fpondlng a few days amor.r
friends at Wllkcs-Barre.
Charles Colo, who has been attending
school at Princeton, returned to his
home In this place fur his vacation.
The marriage cf Mlnr.Ie L., daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bingham, to
Charles M. Potter, of this borough, will
take place at the home of the bride's j
parents in Havley on Wednesday at- j
ternooti, June 24, at 8 o'clock.
Miss Grace Berlew, cf West Pittston,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. M.
Bingham, of Cherry street.
The ladies of the Golden Eagle will
rive an entertainment and social In
the Cdd Fellows' hall on Monday night,
June 15. An interesting programme has
been prepared after.which refreshments
will be served.
Frank Jones, of Brook street, has for
several months been confined to the
house, his right leg being diseased, and
yesterday it was found necessary to am
putate the member between the thigh
and the knee, the operation being per
formed by Vrs. Leet, Longstreet and
Penny packer.
The M. E. church excursion goes to
Loke Ariel today.
The social given by the Ladles' Aid so
ciety of the PreBbyterlan church at the
home of Christopher Moffatt last even
ing proved to be a great success, both
socially and financially.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bruning enter
tained a number of friends very pleas
antly at their home on Brook street
last evening, the occasion being Mr.
Bruning's birthday.
The many friends of Mrs. Albert Jen
kins tendered her a surprise party yes
terday at her pleasant home on Butler
street. Those present w'ere: Mrs.
Charles Brady, Mrs. Gabriel Swarts,
Mrs. Dwlght Collins, Mrs. White, Mrs.
Frank 8ccor, Mrs. Saxey Secor, Mrs. Or-
rin Covell, Mrs. Alfred Repp, Mrs. Art
Simon, Mrs. Manlcy, Mrs. Payne, Mrs.
Youngs, Mrs. George Harper, Mrs. Gui
nea, Mrs. Will Blgget, Mrs. W Hand,
Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Kellam, Mrs. A.
Smith and Mrs. Thomas Sly. A boun
tiful dinner was served and the day
spent in many enjoyable ways. Some
very fine selections of music were en
joyed by all present. Before separat
ing, Mrs. Jenkins served refreshments.
The Connell Council, Young Men's
Institute base ball team, will battle for
supremacy with the St. Brendan team
on the new grounds Sunday afternoon.
The supervisors have served notice on
the Eell Telephone company to remove
their poles from the middle of the road.
The Traction company has commenced
to comply with the supervisors' re
quest. The employes of the Pyne, Taylor and
Holden mines received thclh monthly
stipend yesterday.
Grocer Higgins has comenced excava
tions for a new building adjoining his
store on Main street.
The Mlnooka band paraded last even
ing for the first time In a number of
The Carpenter' union, No. 757, of Tay
lor, will hold a picnic at Weber's Park
on Saturday, June 13.
And Tt )ir Differences Were Amicably
Yeurday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King,
the unhappily mated West Lackawanna
avenue Junk-dealers,' woke up to the
fact that they are spending a whole lot
of money in alderman's fees and re
solved to withdraw all the prosecutions
begun on both sides and go their several
ways in peace.
The adjustment was effected in the
otllce of Alderman Howe, before whom
Mrs. ICIng was arraigned at the ln
ctauce of her husband on the charge of
assault and battery. It was agreed be
tween them that they would not at
tempt to live tojether any more end
that neither was to have any more claim
on the other than if they had never met.
It developed that the cause of their
trouble was the husband's failing for
cards, which kept him and his money
away from the house. His excuse was
that he had to do something to keep him
awake nights till his wife got asleep,
and as the national game was the most
eflicaclous means at hand, he adopted It.
Odd Kind of a Charge Preferred by a
John McAndrew, of Moscow, a Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western brake
man, went before Alderman Wright
yesterday and swore out a warrant
charging Harry Gould, of the sme
place, with libel.
The allegation Is that Gould spread
broadcast the false and defamatory re
port that McAndrew, reported a brake
man for drunkeness, so that he might
have him discharged and get his Job.
: An officer will go-to Moscow with a
warrant for Gould this morning.
. Buy your ticket at the detot (E. & W.
V.) tomorrow for the grand school ex
cursion to Lake Ariel. ,
- Wall Street Beviesr. -Jfesr
York, June It The failure of
any . sensational rumors current yester
day to materialise led to a general cov
ering; Movement at the stock exchange
today; and the market was strong from
start 'to finish. The circulation, of the
reports yesterday which led to the need
less sacrifice of small holders wts much
dircucsed today. ' It can be stated that
the matter will not be permitted to re3t
there either and that already an investi
gation is on foct with the object ot
bringing the Instigators of the false re
ports before the -governing committee
of the stock exchange. Two members
of the board are under suspicion and
every effort will be mafle t Te ne
whole thing to the bo. torn. There were
no traces cf jtotu,. , s w -..... a., at
the opening of the market this morn
ing and prices Immediately Improved
4' per cent This checked selling
for the long account and frightened the
Bhorts Into covering. But little stock
was. forthcoming at the advance and the
bears were compelled to come In the
market and bid for securities. ' Under
this process prices gradually lifted and
at the close of the whole list showed
gains of anywhere from V to 2 per
cent. Commission houses were 'In re
ceipt of fairly large orders, the first In
weeks past, yesterday's break having
attracted outside buyers. The main
factor In brftiglns; about the change for
the better was the statements by peo
ple alleged to have close connections
with the McKlnley combination that
the St. Louis convention will come out
strongly in favor of sound money in the
platform to be adopted next week. J.
Plerpont Morgan nUo csmo out with an
Interview in which ho dwelt upon tho
necessity for tn out and out gold plank.
Mr. Morgan stated that In this event,
European capital would again be in
vested here. The belief that but little
gold will be shlppfd this week stimu
lated purchases. London had a rumor
that there will be large shipments of
the metal from New York shortly.
Local exporters, however, know noth
ing about it and said that everything
hinges on the. position taken by the
political parties at St. Louis and Chi
cago. The adjournment of congress
and the favorable government crop re
port Induced some buying for the long
account. The greatest gains were made
by Sugar, the- Grangers, Louisville and
Nashville, the Southwosterns, Tennes
see Coal and Iron. As a rule the best
figures were current In the final trans
actions. Manhattan was weak on the
leasing of the Fourth avenue horse car
line to the Metropolitan Traction com
pany. The latter Is to pay an annual
rental of 3 per cent, for the first five
years and 4 per cent thereafter. Net
changes show gains of U2 per cent,
outside of Manhattan, which lost
per cent. Chicago, Great Western
common Just listed sold at C?7.
Total sales were 1P5.082 shares.
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN' AL
LEN ft CO., correspondents for A. P.
CAMPBELL, stock broker. 412. Spruce
Op'n- High- Low- Clot.
ltij;. es. et. Inc.
Am. Tobacco Co .... K4 & cia (ifft
Am. Buy. Re'g C0...1T2 m 121T4 12Si
Atch., To. & S. Fe .. 13i 14H ISVi 14
Can. South 49 4H 49 49
Ches. & Ohio 15 13V-; is
Chicago Gas ......... 67. ffl 67 !
Chic. & X. W 10Ha 102 Wl',2 1024
Chic, B. & Q ........ 75 7H 75 7
C. C. C. A St. L...... 32',-i 32 32 IS'
Chic, Mil. & St. P.. 74 75H 74
cr-'c. r. i, a p....... n a ran m
Delaware & Hud ....125 125 1XJ 124
D., L. & W 159?, 160 159 1W
D:t. C. F ...if... 15 15 15 13
Gen. Electric 31 32 31 12
Lake Shore 152 152 .152 152
Louis. & Na3h .'. 48 49 48 19
M. K. & Texas, Pr.. 22 23 22 23
Manhattan Ele 103 103? 102 103
Mo. Pacific 21 21 21 21
Nat. Cordage 5 6 6 t',i
Nat. Lead 23 24 23 24
N. J. Central 103 103 103 103
N. Y., L. E. & W.. 13- 14 13 1(
N. Y S. & W 8 8 8 8
N. Y., 8. ft W., Pr .. 23 28 23 23
Nor. Pacific 14 14 14 14
Omaha 41 42 41 42
Pacific Mall 23 24 3 21
Phil. & Read 8 . 8 8 8
Southern R. R 8 8 8 9
Southern R. R., Pr .. 27 28 27 28
Tenn., C. & Iron .... 21 22 21 22
Texas Pacific 7 7 7 7
Union Pacific 6 7 6 7
Wabash 6 6 6 C
Wabash, Pr 16 17 16 17
Western Union 84 85 84 85
W. L 9 9 1
U. 8. Leather 8 . 8 8 8
U. S. Leather, Pr.... 63 63 62 C3
U. 3. Rubber 19 20 19 19
Op'n- HlRh- Low- Cloj-
WHEAT. ln. t. est. . Insr.
July 6-5 6S 55 67
September 57 59 5S 53
July 17 17 17 17
September 17 17 17 17
July 27 27 27 27
September 23 28 28 23
July 4.19 4.22 4.07 4.22
September 4.20 4.37 4.20 4.37
July 7.00 7.25 7.00 7.22
September 7.12 7.40 7.12 7.37
Scronton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotatioii8--AU Quotation Based
on Par pf 100.
Name. , Bl1. Askei
Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank........ 140
Scranton Lace C'irtain Co ' 60
National Horing & Drilling Co. ... 89
First National Bank (SO
Scranton Jar Stopper Co 5
Elmburft Boulevard Co log
Scranton Suvlng Xunk 100
Bonta Plate Class Co 10
Rcranton Car Replarer Co loo
Set anion Packing Co tg
Weston Mill Co ... 250
Third National Bank 350
Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co 00
Scranton Traction Co 17. 20.50
Scranton Glass Co
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage due 1918
People's Street Railway, first
murtaage due 3915
Ecrstiton .- Pittston True. Co..
People's Strt-et Railway, Sec
ond lnortsnge due B20
Dickson Manufacturing Co....
l.KCka. Township School 6....
City of Scranton Strwt Imp i
Boroueh of W'tntnn 0
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Scranton Axle Works
Now York Produce .Market.
New York, June 11. Flour Quiet, un
settled, unchanged. Wheat Spot .market
dull, stronger with options; f. o. b., 723.;
ungraded red, C3a75c; No. 1 northern,
67c; options Irregular and nc, higher;
No. 2 red June, 64c; July, 64c; August,
63!4e.; September, 04c; December, 65o.
Corn 8;ots dull, easier; No. 2, 33c..ele
vator; Sl'c. afloat; options dull, steady
at c. decline; June, S3c; July, 34c.;
August, 31c; September, 35c. Oats
Spots quiet, easier; options dull, easier;
June, 22c; July, 22c; spot No. 2, 22a22V;c;
No. 2 white, 24c; No. 2 Chicago, 23c; No.
8, 24c; No. 3 white, 23c; mixed west
ern, 23a2lc; white do., 25a28c; white state,
25a2Dc. Beef -Dull, steady, unchanged.
Lard Quiet, Armor; western steam, 84.45;
city, 84.O5a4.10; July, (4.60 asked,' refined,
quiet, firmer; continent, 84.65; South Am
erica, 5.10; compound, 4a4c, Pork
Qillet, firm; old mess, I8.25a8.50; new mess,
88.75. Hutter Moderate demand, tame;
staU dairy, 10al5c; do. creamery, 11a
15o.; western dairy, 8allc; do. cream
ery, Ual6c; do. factory, 8allc;.Elg!ns.
16al5c; imitation creamery, I0al2c
Cheese Steady, fair demand; state large,
5ace.; do. small, new, In'o.; part skims,
Everything ia the tine of
Bicycle Hose.
Only the very best makers are repre
sented ia our line.
In Fine quality 61CYLE LOSE, all
sizes, h
5o Cents Pair.
Also a numberless variety in newest
combinations of colors at
$1, 1.50 and $2
Per Pair.
light-weight Jerseys in
Wool and Worsied, Plain
and with sailor collars,
in all solid eolers, and
stripe all at lowest
new, 2s4c; fill skims, new, lc. Epirs
Quiet, fancy steady; state and Pennsyl., 12al2jc; western fresh. Hal2c; do.
per case, Vsi,
Chicago Lire Stock.
UrJori Stock Yards, 111., Juna 11. Cattle
Receipts, 8,500 head; common to extra
steers, J3.4Ca4.10: stockera and feeders,
82.90a3.S5: cows and bulls, 81.50a3.25; calves,
3a5.25; Texan. C10&3.85. Hogs-Receipts,
4O.U00 he-id; heavy packing and shipping
lots, 82.95a3.15; common to choice mixed,
82.95a3.30; choice sseorted, J3.40a3.13; light,
83.05a3.45; pigs, S2.50aS.45. Sheep Receipts.
.noo -hoad; Inferior to choice, S2a4; lambs,
Buffalo Live Stack.
Buffalo, N. Y., June 11. Cattle Dull but
steady; light heifer's, 33.40a3.65; common
to fair fat cows,. S2.25a2.50. Hogs Dull
and lower; Yorkers, J3.40a3.45: mediums,
83.40; heavy, JC.3; pigs, 83.45a3.50; roU3h3,
32.75a3; stags, 8;.i2.2T.. Sheep and Lamb
Dul and lower; good spring lambs scarce
and Arm; good to choice mixed sheep, 32.50
b?.uo; cullo to fair, $la3; handy wethers,
$3.63n3.75; spring- lambs, fair to choice,
84.25a5; culls and common, 82.7514; export
wethers in lleht demand at 33.65a3.75. .
Oil Mnrket.
Oil City, Pa., June 11. Option oil market.
116, the only quotation. Credit balances,
May They Increased Nearly
83,000 Over May, 1805.
Following- Is a statement of earnings
of the Scranton Traction company for
the month of May:
1896. 1895. Inc. 1896.
Gross earnings ..830,762.66 825,009.27 J5,762.?
Operating- exp ... 14,236.80 12.8C7.19 1,349.61
Net earning 316,525.83 (12,113.03 84,412.78
For eleven months ended with May
the showing is -relatively good, surplus
over flxe-k. charges being $37,160.48, as
Indicated by statement In tabular form
1S96. 1995. Inc. K.
Gross earnings. 8301,033.25 $241,816.20 859,217.05
Operating exp.. 149,866.94 145,030.66 4,838.23
Net $151,163.31 $96,785.54 $54,180.77
Net earnlngs.asabove 11 months. 1151, 1SR.31
Fixed charges.asabove 11 months 114,003. S3
Surplus S37.i60.-CS
Saw Entertainment Given by Norris
Brother Last Xi?ht.
The was another large crowd In the
tent at Adams avenue and Mulberry
street last evening to see the perform
ance given by Norris Brothers troup of
trained horses and dogs. The enter
tainment plven Is undoubtedly the best
of Its kind ever presented in this city.
The company consists of about 1C0 Shet
land ponies and dogs, and the feats
that the dumb animals accomplish are
beyond description.
The entertainment opens with eight
Shetland ponies in a military drill. They
keep time with the music, and at the
snap of the whip they march In single
file, double file and many other ways.
Ribbons of different colors are tied on
their legs and at the command of any of
the audience they point out the coior
named. The dogs tcke the principal
parts In the entertainment. They walk
tight rope,. Jump through hoops, turn
all sorts ot somersaults, and many
other things too numerous to mention.
The entertainment closes with a grand
revolving pyramid scene. . The pretty
dogs and ponies are placed in different
positions on the pyramid, the stage lJ
Illustrated with red llfrht and the fea
ture presents a beautiful spectacle. The
entertainment continues tonight and
tomorrow night with a matinee to-morrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Found Unconscious and Lying Beside
His Broken Bicycle.
Attorney C. II. Sorer met with a
serious accident early last ev-mlnc;. He
was found unconscious u ider the rail
road bridge at Penn avenue and Carbon
street. His bicycle lay In a lUtmased
condition alongside him.
Nobody was found last nlfrht who
could relate how the accident happened.
He was found by tho crew ol a Green
Ridge car and carried on the car to his
home, 616 Capouse avenue, whei-j ))r. J.
E. O'Brien attended him. For several
hours ho was In a seml-unn-iiifiLlous
state. It could not be found that any
bones were broken, though tho bruiser
and cuts on his face and scalp and tho
damaged bicycle showed the results of
what must have been a bad fall.
Dr. Oetchon's "Vitalizing Sarsa
parilla Pills"
Contain all the virtues of the liquid
Sarsaparlllns In a concentrated form
and being candy coated are delightful
to take. Combined with the Sarsapar
111a are other extremely valuable blood
and nerve remedies, which render them
at once the greatest blocd purifier and
blood maker as well as the most pow
erful nerve - builder known. Their
magical powers to cure alt Nervous
Diseases, Nervous Weuknes9,- Nervous
Headache, Hysteria, Lossof Vital Power,
Falling Health, etc., a:e pleasing and
wonderful. Price 0 cents and $1,00.
Sold by Carl Lortns, druggist, Scranton,
418 Lackawanna, avsnus.
Reductions That Rjally Rainis, and No tiistak
Wash Goods.
One ease One Batiste, new chntee
tylvs, big range ot stylm, lOo.
value Only 7 1.4c
One raw Antorted Pr'n ud
1 Irt-n Effect", strictly f st colors
extra valu 15c Osly ia i-ac
One po 36-tnch Percales, assorted
colorings, strictly fast lorn, 12140
valus Only 7 J-4C
One rase of Dimity Cords, new ef
fects, rtaolc colorings, taut colors,
lac value.. Only is IOC
In trying to beat the word we make this effort:
Ladies' Trimmed Hats, well worth $3 00 to $403 Now $1.75
Ladies' Triinrntd Hats and Bonnets, special at $1.00
to $8 00 . Now $2.93
Tilmmed Sailors, 25c, S9c, 60c, 75c, $1.00 and S1.25;
this sale ...... ....19c, 23c, 39c, 4Sc, 73c and 93c
118918, COME III II raw m
Is Essential to Qooi
The process of fil
tration is shown in
the cut, by perco
lation through a
porous natural
tone from the up
per to the lower
jar simrly by the
force of gravity,
which is nature's
own process ot altering-.
Our filtering dlsc4
are a natural stone,
quarried from the
earth, which is of
such a nature that
it docs not allow
the filth it extracts
to enter its pores;
but retains all im
purities upon its
u r f a, o e whence
they sre removed
In cleanlns. which
is as simple an operation as ths cleansing
of an ordinary Jar or pall. Our filter disc
can be cleaned In two minutes ready for
use, when it is the same as new.
Every part of our Filter is easily gotten
at for the purpose of cleansing.
Our Filter Is all stone and there is noth
ing to rust and corrodo orbecome foul.
Has Moved te His New Quarters.
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance on side next to First National
Bank. Ua has now la a
Comprising everything req-'lilte for Has
Merchant Tailoring. And tha same can
be shown to dvntai;e in his splen
dialy flitsd np moms,
Is Extended to All Readers of The Trite
una to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His
New Batineas Hoaia
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
Made a
1st Day. i (j
Weil Man
10th Day.
of Me.
produces the nbove retults In 30 days. It act!
powerfully and uulckir. Cures wlisn all othsrs tall
Vouug mu will regain thslr lost manhood, and old
roeu will recover tnelr youthful visor by uiiins
KEV1 VO. It quickly and surely nttores Ntnoua
neM. Lort Vitality, Imrotency, Kicutlr Kmlssioar,
Lost Power, Faillntr Memory. Waatlns tHsettes . and
ill t-a-.-cts ot telt-sbuM or excensud Indiscretion,
' rh unfits ons for s'u'ly.biKlnsss or marrlsss. It
only cures by starting at the sEt ot but
insft-at nerre tonic srnl blood builder, brlnr
rg hack ths pink glow to pnle cheeks aid re
itorlng tha Bra of youth. It wsrds off Insanity
mJ tonsumwtlon. luatet oa bavins
thor. It cnu be carried In vsst rocket. By ui-tl
1.00 per psnkaro, or sis tor 88.00, with a posi
re written guarantee to core or rents'
e money. Circular fm. Address
-- - -. ntyirtnn '
For sale by MATTHEWS BROS.. Druggist.
ScrsBteDi Pa.
"'OM '"-vm
mil m flit!
Nil to i
Sw&JlV Crwta Life.
SO dotsa LauslrUd Shirt Waists,
raw choice patterns, fast colora,
Wo value Only je
ttdos Ladies' Whit Lawn Waists,
choica styles, siwcisl rain. Tie ana
11.110 valua Only fOC sad 7f
SO dos B ack Patera Waists, la aU
stras, strictly fast color. Tao
slue Only 49c
SSdsan Linen Shirt Waists, with
whits edge, eisas 82 to 44, II 00,
Oaly 75c
Wagner A Rcls. Lessees and Managers.
Commencing June 8.
The Entire New Series of
Living Pictures. .
Prices, 15c, 25c, 35c. and 50c.
Matinees ssc All Parts of ths Haass.
MATINEES, Wednesday ud Saturday
Under tbt Auspices of tba Teacher, ud Pu
pils of the Scranton Schools.
Electrie Batteries, Kleotrlo Exploders, for ex
ploding blasts, Safety Fuse, and
Repauno Chemical Co. 's
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a, in. to S p.
tn. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and
Particular Attention aiven to Collections.
Prompt ttttlcment Guaranteed. Your Bust
ess Is Respectfully Solicited. 1 elephoae 134.
CALL UP 368?;
81. W. COLLINS, MAMjer.
Coal of the best quality for domestlo use
and of all tlses.sincludlng Buckwheat and
BirJssye. delivered in auy part ot the city
at tha lowest price.
Orders received at the Office, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. 8;
telephone No. 2624. or at the mine, tele,
phone No. 272, will be promptly attended
to.Dealcrs supplied at the mine.