er - ' , . i 1 ' e- THE fiCBJLNTON TftIBUirB-f WEDNESDAY , MOBOT3?a. JUNE 10. 1890. THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Ava. , Offer fur Monday and balance of tbe week tbc tollowiag specials, and we would advise our patrons and the public in general if they wisli excep tional values to attend the sale. ( pieces of pure white silk, small dim ity weave. Just th thin for gradu- atlnir Ureas?. LKADKU'S PH1CK. 39o We have a mast complete line of 72-lnch white French orxamlli-s. very Huliublc for graduating; dresses, prices ranKinK from 2m. to !Wc. a yard Theso good! are ex ceptional values. !5 extra quality navy blue gloria um brellas, worth Jl. :!.',. LEADER'S l'HICK. Sc. ISO children's parasols. In ull the dif ferent colorliiBS, from 15c. up to 31.25. Leather belts, bltuk. tan and Kreeu, latest deslKn of buckle, worth 50c. LKADKlfS l'ltU'lC. 23. and 25;. 85 dozen of ladies' tine lil.lrk web belts with silvered buckle, l.HAl'Klt'S PRICK, 12o. 10 doien Kilt, silver and black auto matic patent skirt and belt holder. LKADKU'S PRICE. 10c. IS black figured brilllantine skirts, ex tra wide, rustle llninw, rcKiilur price, 33.1)0. LKADKU'S 1'ltlt'E, $1.79. Ono lot of calico wrappers, Watteau back, loose front, neatly trltnmexl, worth 7m LKADKU'S I'UU'K. 40c. Ladies' stylish tovil linen suits, jauut ly with linen Insertion and stylish buttons. LKADKU'S PRICK, from $3.9 to Sil.'J? Full assortment of ladies' snli t waists In lawn, dimity, percale and linen batiste In nil the new and stylish t-rrccis. ma le With full Mshop sleeves, yoke backs, and attachable collars. In this department we offer some of the a real est values that have ever been shown to tho public, pi kes ranging irom -ic. up. Men's wool sweaters ill black, blue, maroon and white, ?omefhlnir extra ordinary, regular $1.25 quality, LKADKU'S I'KK'K. R!k Fine assortment of men's leather belts In Dew and popular shades. LKADKU'S THICK, from 25c. to 75c. Ladles' line Swiss-ribbed vests, were 15c, LKADKU'S TRICE, 10c. Lntlli-s' muslin uowns. trimmed with ' embroidery. LKADKU'S I'Kll'B, 4. Every article In our millinery depart ment, embracing trimmed and untrlmmed hajls, rlbbons.,flowers, ornaments, etc., at n reduction 'of 23 per cent. If you need anythiiiK In the millinery line und wish to save money Investlnato and you will find wnai we claim to ne true. Boys' fust black hose, worth 25c. LKADKU'S PRICE. 12'i,c l.nilles rast black hose, regular made, worth 124c. LKADKU'S PRICE, 3 pair for 25c. 25 pieces extra Kood quality apron ging ham, worth 6c. LEADER'S PRICE, 4c. 15 pieces or printed wool summer flan nel, regular price, 25c. LEADER'S PRICE. 15c, 25 pieces extra quality it-4 unbleached sheeting, woith 15c. LKADKU'S PUICK. 11c. 15 pieces colored limned mohair, worth 15c. LKADKU'S PRICK. 10c, 25 dozen white handkerchiefs, with lace edge, worth 10c. LKADKU'S PU1CE. Co. 10 pieces scrim, regular price 5c. LKADKU'S I'RICR 2',ic iu pieces imporieu seersucker, regular price 10c. LKADKU'S PRICE, 6. KEYSTONE ACADEMY Professor Loomls spent last Monday In Syracuse, N. Y. The quarterly reviews began lust week. The senior class have their ex aminntlons Friday and Saturday of this week. The class this y-ear finish the course without leaving- out any sched uled studies. Rev. Frank Cooper, of Lfinghamton will preach the annual sermon before the graduating class In the Baptist church Sunday morning, June 15. The njhletlu uHsociuJ.iim has arranged a tennis tournament for simply mem beru of the school. The senior class have Issued their In- vltutlons for commcnntvnciit exercises . and they are chnraoterlzed this year by their simplicity, yet neatness of de sign. Miss lilunche Koscrtlcrans pave her graduating recital In tho musical do rartment last Wednesday evening in Ladies' chapel. She was assisted by V. K. Ilolconib, of Scranton, baritone solo ist. Her selections were as follows: Vrelude, Banh; rondo, Beethoven; alle gretto, Haydn; serenade, Schubert; value, Chopin; gavotte, Mills; Tauz welse, Hclinund; concert waltz, Doles. The base ball teum played Hie Justus Ilamhlern on the academy grounds Inst "Wednesday aftel-noon. nml the liamb lers fell easy prey to the Keystone, "Olants" to the tune of IS to S. The fcatui'ttR of the game wore the hard hit ting of tho home toam and the errors of the visitors. . ' Tho prize orations of tho middle class were sent to the Judges last week. The contest Is to be held In Main chapel Thursday evening. Juno 13. The award ing of the prize is entirely or. the com position and. not the delivery. The seniors are preparing for their class day, and preixiratlons are being made to outrival all former exercises of the kind. Wednesday, June 17, at 8 o'clock 13 the date. Lok out (or some thing new. G. II. button, financial secretary for the academy, has brought his family from Mexico, N. Y.. and they are n6v boarding In Ladles' liall. Helen Bard, class of '01, has Just re turned from Philadelphia, where she has been attending school for the last year. The seniors and mlddlcrs held tholr annual pjcniclast Saturday. The form er went to Lake Carey, the latter to Wlnola Both parties expressed them selves as having llad a fine day. Pro fessor Hulley and Miss Dlxson per formed the duty of chaperons very acceptably. The baae ball team will play the Wy omlng seminary tuam next Saturday, June 13, on the seminary grounds, Kingston. The following Is the programme of exercises for eommeneement Week June 10, 8 p. iru graduating pianoforte recital, Miss Fmnces Coleman; June 13, principal's reception to the senior class; June 14, 10.30-n,. m sermon to the gradu ating class. Rev. F. II. Cooper, Blng hamton, N. V.; 7.30 p. m., sermon before the rellglonis societies, Rev. Elkanah Hulley; Juno 16-18, final examinations; June 16, 8 p. m.. Prufung's concert; June 17, 8 p. m senior class day exer cises; Jnno 18, 3 p. m er.erclsos of the Junior class; 8 p. m., prize essays and orations of , the middle class;. June ID, cdiiimensjetoent day; 10 a. m.( meeting of the bowrd, of trustees; 10.80 n. m gradu ating exercises of the 'senior class; 12.30 ' p. m., alumni dlnner;'3.30 p. m., address, "Helps In Heading," Rev. J. M. Stlttler, D! V., Crozer Thootaglcal seminary; 4 I p. m., ball game, Keystone vs. Alumni; I p. m., public exercises of the Alumni association; 9 p. in, alumni banquet. . WHITNEY'S WEEKLY- - GEMS OF THOUGHT Tree Story of the Cat That Caniht a Rattlesnake. . FEW POLITICAL ETCHINGS Live News Conceraing Susquchanaa County People and Evcnts-A Vlunce at the Hailroadvro-Stray Pea sketches of Personal Char actor. ' Special to the 8cranton Tribune. Susquehanna. June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward reside near Gulf Summit. They have a bright little girl, whose constant companion Is a big black cat. A few mornings since they were out In the yard. The cat was watching for something In a crevice In n stone wall. lie warned his little mistress to keep back. Suddenly the cat's eyes gleamed like two balls of fire. He moved his tall back and forth In fury. He looked like a tiger about to spring. He raised his paw again to warn the child off. She was persistent to see what was disturb ing her oat, and took several steps for ward. She heard a ruttling In tile grass. The cat sprang Into the air and came down upon the spot where she heard the muling. There was more rattling and a tremendous hissing and lashing and noise. The girl was frightened and screamed aloud. Uer mother ran to her In un Ihstnnt. She saw with horror the cat dragging a big rattlesnake out of the grass. The child had been almost upon It. The cat had set his sharp, (strong teeth in the back of the reptile's neck and broken Its spine. MOODY CORPS HONORED. At tho state convention of the Woman's Relief Corps, G. A. R., held In C'hambei-sburg. Moody Corps, No. 1'.', of his place, was honored with three state olflcers. Mrs. Fannie M. Boyden was elected department president; Mrs. (.'. K. Whitney was elected a member of the board of suIUlurs' memorial day at Brookvllle, I'a., and Mrs. J. F. Bron son was appointed state Inspector. They will be tendered a reception and bun quet In Knights of Pythias hall on Wednesday evening. POLITICAL ETCHINGS. Delegate C. Fred Wright, of Susque hanna, ami Stale Senator Hendcrburgh will leave for St. Louis on Friday next Mr. Reed didn't go llito this presi dential contest for a place on the tall Of the ticket, thank you. It Is a hopeful sign when such a man as David B. Hill calls upon the Lorti for anything. Some Susquehanna county states men, with brttins enough to be gov ernor of Pennsylvania, always get on the wrong side with their mouths at the opportune moment. Some alleged statesmen are just now making mighty hard beds fdr them selvess to lie upon In the near future. It Isn't nice to even be a too otllcious me, too, on any proposition, particu larly in the interest of the oppressors of, tne people, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY CHIPS. The W. C. T. U. of the county will hold Its annual workers' conference and basket picnic in this place today. At Montrose, marriage licenses have been granted to George Yankofskl and lary Matusilurge, and Anthony Mc Cofskl and Katie Bobkofski, all of Forest City. If I could pronounce these people's names I would congratulate them in advance. Over in Montrose they enjoy horse races In the business streets. The Susquehanna County Agricul tural society will celebrate Its "golden wedding" In September. The P. O. S. of A. held a county con vention In Montrose on Friday last. A state convention of Unlversalists opens at Brooklyn, this county, today and will remain In session three days. Hallstead Is to have a gun club. LOCAL TIDBITS. . There are over two hundred cases of measles in this place. Mrs. Chrlspell, of Oakland, died on Saturday of measles. The remains were on Monday taken to Oneonta for Inter ment. A young son of Mr. andiMrs. John H. McMahon, of Erie avenue, died on Sun day of measles. A large porcupine was killed in the Erie round-house on Sunday. It prob ably escaped from some menagerie. Donahoe & Zannols' summer hotel. mldwuy between Lansboro and Wilson, will be opened on Saturday next. Dr. W. S. Mitchell, who was seriously Injured by being thrown from a bicycle at North Jackson on rlday last, Is re covering. . A delegation from Division No.;l, of this place, Is attendfng the state con ventlon of the Ancient Order of Hlber nians In Wllllamsport. Forty hours' devotion commenced In St. John's -Catholic church' on Sunday afternoon. The local rlergy are assisted by several priests of the diocese. SOME KNOWING ANIMALS. A Susquehanna cat Is credited with remarkable Intelligence. He saw a rat about to go through a small knot hole In u tight board feiioe, and knowing that he could not catch the rat before he reached the hole, she. went over the fence like a shot, and ca'ptured him on the other side. A Lansboro a farmer has a horse which certainly lenotvs a good thing when he sees it. The animal will tear any common, cheap blunket in shreds as soon ns It is spread upon his baek, Tb Cottolra trad mrk rt "OdKoUiu" aa4 ' Mitr't htai cotton-plant wKA on ovary Hs ' THI N. K. P AIRS AN K OOMPANV, Gblcsfo, low Isrk, PklUatlpkU, rittskanr. The BEsrqjps the best1ie best but 4 m proud a pftqoclc of a, nlcit 88 blanket, and wilt no disturb It in the least ' A 8tarrucca farmer says that hi granaries are free from rata because of a "rat snake," a great pet on the place, who daily , visits tho corn cribs and catches any stray and Indiscreet rat who may be lodging among the corn. When the snake becomes too familiar tbe farmer whips him soundly with a light switch. HEARD ON THE RAILROAD. A great union meeting of the members of several brotherhoods will be held In Elmlra on Sunday, June 21. Now that the Erie Is In a depot build ing humor, why not call attention of the company to the fact that Honesdale has no Erie station? Honesdale Inde pendent. Why not wait until the road arrives In Honesdale, Bre'r Haines? The Erie Is making the experiment of running Its passenger locomotives from Jersey City to Susquehanna. The funeral of Susquehanna Division Oonducor Towsley occurred Hornsvllle on Sunday. About three-fourths of the railroad shops In the county are In operation on three-quarter time. But half a loaf is a mighty sight better than no bread. Mechanical engineers all over the country are endeavoring to plan the perfect locomotive. Will It ever be pro duced? ODDS AND ENDS. The X Ray, a newsy little sheet Issued by Walter D. Frank, In Carbondale, has arrived here. We wish It unbounded success. John Ncsbltt, of Quaquango, X. Y a few miles from here, while tearing down an old building found a sliver dollar bearing date 1804. It Is said to be worth from J700 to $1,000. Tho Odd Fellows on Sunday decorated the graves of their brothers. A vicinity "young man, whose rela tions do not die during the base ball season," advertises for a position. In the Carbondale Leader It Is an nounced that "a nice home awaits a lady that wants a good husband." PERSONALS. Rev. Anthony Broderlck, of Wllkes- Barre, Is the guest of his brother, Rev. P. F. Broderlck. Professor J. P. Crowell, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with Susquehanna friends. John Canavun, of Scranton, spent Sunday with his mother In this place. Hon. Amos J. Cummings, of New York, will come to Susquehanna to fish for a month as soon as congress ad journs. THOUGHTLETS. This world is Just what we make It, either a heaven or a hell, and we are a long time dead. Bre'r 'Haines, of Honesdale. Beware of the Christian wflo follows his Master afar off. Anon. If you wish to appear agreeable In so ciety, you must consent to be taught many things which you know alreauy. Lavater. Which you and I can see but cannot see over. Is to us as good as Infinite. Temllron. It does not lie within the range of Conceivable AlmtghtlnesB even to make a fact that has once been precisely the Bame as If it had not been. Temllron, While self-slaughter is always to be deprecated. It does seem a pity that so many murderers appear to lose their nerve when it comes at ending their own existence. They can shoot straight enough at wives and daughters, but when It comes to a short range shot at their own brains, they make sadly bung ling work at It and more's the pity! SAWED OFF SUNDRIES. In the Erie yard on Monday afternoon William Smith, a young man, was cut about the head while Attempting to board a moving train. Has anyone heard from Thomas, the galvanized tramp, who started with a wheelbarrow to follow a wagon track from Scranton to San Francisco? McKlnley men and grasshoppers are strikingly numerous in this county. Three Montrose lawyers, Messrs Post, (G. P.), Little and Kelly, all spell binders, were very much In evidence in Susquehanna several days of last week. They were "reducing the surplus" of several persons. Just over the line, in York state, a few days si rtce, a Ave and one-half-pound trout was caught. Don't whisper it to the allied aggregation of Scranton anglers! Whitney, WYOMING. A few days ago a bet of Ave dollars was made between Gomer Frances and Joseh Lloyd, Gomer claiming that he could ride to Wilkes-Barre and back in forty-nine mtnutea and Mr. Lloyd claiming that he could not. The run was made Monday evening In forty and one-quarter minutes. Mr. Lloyd at once announced It no race on the grounds that Gomer had a pacer, which was not to be allowed. 'Hi called to the stakeholder to' hold the money until It was settled. This created quite an ex cltement and the streets were soon crowded with people, some in favor of Gomer; while others argued In favor of Lloyd. After arguing for nearly two hours the Lloyd party gave In, and Gomer treated Lloyd to a dish of Per- kin's Ice cream. W. H. Patterson and Nelson Hoffman will leave on the 7.28 D., L. & AV. train Tuesday morning for Ocean Grove. Mrs. B. W. Brlckly, of Dallas, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam uel Honeywell, yesterday. Mrs. E. G. Ailing was calling on friends at Wilkes-Barre yesterday. A social gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Garrett, Monday, In honor of the birthday ot their daughter, Mrs. Daniel Vanscoy, NlCHOLSOiN. Miss M. T. Marshall gave one ot her popular entertainments In the Opera house Monday evening. Miss Marshall's reading was excellent and all who heard her pronounced It faultless. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Wilcox, of Clark's Summit, were the guests of Mr. and Mi's. N. P. Wilcox over the Sabbath. Frank Welch, a former druggist of E. 8. Wheeler, was a visitor In town Sunday. Jedldlah Safford, a well known rest dent of Lathrop, Susquehanna county, committed suicide at his home last Fri day morning by shooting himself with a revolver. He fired two shots, one only taking effect. The ball entered his head Just back of the right ear and passed through the brain, causing InBtant death. Deceased was seventy-four years old; was a soldier in the late war and a member ot the Grand Army of the Republic, " ' Iftien Baby wa sick, yr i gr'her Coftorla. ."' When sho was a Child, she cried for Csstorla, Whan she became Itlsa, sbs clang: to OattorU. When ib had Children, she gavel-hem Cwtorla, CLARK'S SUBMIT. ' i i ' i . , Mr. Fallman has begun laying his cel lar wall, on Woodlawn Park, wners he expects to build his new house. P. Reynolds Is on the sick list Mrs. H. N. Patrick and daughter. Grace, 'are vlsltlhf relatives -In York state. William Juston has purchased a very handsome Shetland pony. Miss Ruth Jennings Is visiting friends In Newton. Invitations are out announcing the wedding of Miss Lldle Perkins and Nelson Nicholas which will take place on the 17th of June. One Little advertise ment below may save you many dollars by filling that vacant house or barn. Why not try an "ad' now? It will only cost i Cent . A word in advance, which is indeed a small investment. The Tribune is read by a good class of people,and a small "ad" in these columns will surely bring Good many replies and inquiries from a ' reliable class of people, such as make desirable tenants. Know ing that a Word To the wise is sufficient, we call v your attention to these columns. Help Wanted Male. WANTED-A BLAt KSMITH WHO UN deratanda tha Hhamnninir of rock ma. chine drills. Apply JOHN BOWEN, May- nam, ra. WANTBD-SALESMAN: SALARY FROM start: nermancnt nlace. BKOWN BROS. CO., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED AN AGENT IN EVERY SEC tion tocanvasa; tt.OOtot-VOOa dny madn; sells nt sight: also a man to sell (staple Uoods to dealers: beat aide lhie i?3.(i0 a month: sal ary or large rommisaion made; experiences onnoct ssa'y. (.niton eoap auu manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. w ANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock aubscrlo- tions; a monopoly: bis money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., Borden Block, cnioaso. m. , Hele Wanted Females, 1ITANTED-A. FIRST-CLASS COOK: NO V washing or Ironinif: white preferred. Apply at 23 Lackawanna avenue. 1ADIES-I MAKE BIO WAGES DOING J pleasant home work, and will gladTy send full nartioulnra to all sendlnir K rent stamn. MISS M. A. BTEBBINS, Lawrence, Mich. WANTED LADY AGENT IN SCRAN ton to sell and Introduce Snyder'a oak. icing: experienced canvasser pref.rred: work Dornianent and very nrofltable. Writ, for particulars at once and get benefit of holiday trade. T. H. SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, O WANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER cetio saleswomen to renreaent ua. Guaranteed Jtiadsy without Interfering with other duties. Healthful ooiSjpation. Writ, for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. Ti John street. New York. Agents Wanted. GENTS -THE NEW ROOK BY M. 8 V Ouav. John Russell Younir. A. K. Mc- Cluro, Gov. Hastings, James A. Beaver, Robt. E. Pattison, Dr. Esle, Gen. Porter, etc., enti tled "Lite and Timea of A. G. Curtin. the Great War Governor. " is ready. A work of History men reads iiko romance! outfit (re. for 23 cents to pay postage. Sample copy, f 2; secure territory quick! THE THOMPSON ruu u co a. sixin nt., rnuaaeipuia. WANTED SALESMAN: SALARY FROM 'Mart: p.rmnnent place. BROWN BROS. cO.j Nurserymen, Rocnester. N. V. AGENTS WAN TED TO SELL CIGARS; f 75 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, wttn two-cent stamp, r iuanu OAK CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO 'SELL OUR PRACTICAL ' gold, .liver, nickel and copper electro Disters: encu irom a-j nDwara: salary ana ex penses paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFU CO.. Chicago. A GENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; V $25 weekly and .XDenses: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 44 Van Bureu St.. Chicago. CALE8MAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 25 k per cane commission; sample dook mailed free. Address L. N. CO., btatloo L, Jiew York. T ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO XV sell new lizhtnlna selling table clotb.mos- quito and honse fly liquid at 1U cents and 'Ji cents a bo'tlo. Sample free. BOLGIANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, Md. A GENTS HINDE'S PATENT UNIVEK- 1 sal Hair Curlers and Wavers fused with out beat), and "fyr Pointed"Hair Fins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 460. New York. For Rent. 1WR RENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE 1 modern Improvements: rent reasonable coiner of Plnu and Blakely streets, Dunmore. For Rent Furnished Rooms. nOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS AT U.'i L fcynon street; reference excnanitea, For Sale. 1XIR SALE-DOUBLE HOUSB AND LOT ' on Deacon street; also lot 50x150 on West Court street. Inquire of GEO. F. KELLOW, Aldermau, 1004 N eat Lackawanna avenue. I?OR SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN 1 ilnubln li-ll Dtiohonium. nicely ensraved with trombone bell gold lined; nearly new and cost i'M: will sell at a bargain. Address this week to E, W. GAYLORD, LeRaysvillo, fa. 1POR SALROR KENT BIX-ROOMED COT 1 tage, Wyoming Camp Gronnd; parti furnished. W.H. HAZLETT. Scranton. 1?OK BALE-HORSE 'AGED BIX YEARS. weight 1.C00 pounds; can b. .era at Mil rtK. street. , t '- j . i T?OR SAt.R 'L VV1 COTTAGE-AT ELM P hn,rf atirf lia fnill lfttM OH whioh It tnnds: alsotlie four lota adjoining; most de- tiraulo location in Kimiiurst: prices reasona 1n t.rm. uiv nnaaaulnn ffivetl aft once. Hfc P. KINGSBURY; Commonwealth Building, eoranton, ra. THE BEST: SILK It's a Black, Brocaded India, 24 inches wide, an excellent quality, the regular price of which ; is from 75 cents to $1.00 a 3?ard. ' ) SPECIAL, 50c. A YARD. 10 STYLES TO SELECT FROM. CONNOLLY & Setclal Notice. T ACREL HILL PARK CAN HE RENTED -Li bjr Hundny schools, entireties, societies, etc., for picnics thrnnghnnt tho summer. For Elites, ate. apply to LAYMAN H'LAUGH IN, at the park. . . . , iirpHB BOLDIBR IN 'OCR CIVIL WAK." X . Too wanttkla rolio. Contain, all of Frank Lealle'a famous old War Pieturea,show lug the forces hi actilalbattle, ikatabad on th. pot. Two volumes, 2,M) picture, Bold on easy monthly paymant. Delivered br pres. complete, all charges prepaid. . Address P. O. MOODY, 022 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. Canvassers Wanted. w ANTED FIVE GOOD CANVASSERS. Apply Room 18, American hotel. Wanted To Rent. BUSINESS MAN WOULD LIKE TO RENT a cottaga for the aurauier at Lake Ariel ; would take possession July Int. Addreaa, stating terms, D. W. B., Tribune office. Stockholders' Meeting, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF 8TOCK holders of The Wyoming Shovel Works, for the election of officers anil the considera tion of such other business aa may be brought before them, will be held at the office of the company in Scranton, on Saturday, the 20th day of June, 1MJ6, between the hours ot 10 and ii o oiock a. m, , N. G. kobektson, secretary. Furnished Rooms for Rent. I BURNISHED ROOMS, WITH USEOFGAS. 1 hot and cold bath, sitting and reading rooms. Lackawanna avenue. Executor's Notice. TESTATE OF HANNAH HEWITT. LATE All of tlie city of Scranton, Lackawanna county, I'u deceased. Letters testamentary upon th. above named estate having been grunted to tne un dersiirned. all nerson. Iiavinu claim, or de mands against the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted thereto ill please rasae immediate payment io JOHN HALE. Executor, Scranton, Pa. MrA8KiK& Bhauhvrv, Attorneys. Seated Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE Re ceived at the office of the undersigned, for the erection and completion of a new building for the "Society for the Home for tha Friendless." to b. located fac inff tbe extension of Adams avenue, in th. hnroush of Dunmore. Pa.. In accordane with plana and specifications in the hands of the. arrnueri. .ids sum oi .i.uuu in cmu or cvi-hi Had check shall be encloaol with each propo sal, which sum shall be forfeited to tha society above named in case of the refusal or omH alon on the art of the contractor whose pro posal shall be accepted, to execute contract within ten days after the awarding of tha mi ; , -.. . 1. .1 ..I. . - same. lUOBWiuiy reserves yum v ip.t tnf or all bids. Notice of tbe tim. when bids must b. in will b. given later. r-LlWAltu H. v in, ArcnuecT, Commonwealth Building, Scianton, Pa. Situations Wanted. WANTED PERMANENT POSITION 3Y an alUarnund nrltiter and local writor: bas had nine years' experience and is a total abstainer; best of references furnished; rea son for chanco ot present position, wishes mora advanced mecbahloal work. Address E , car. of Tribune. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED LJ honkkppner. disemrased two davs per sreek. wnnlil nndprtaka tha keeoineof small sot or complicated book. Address, J. H. J.. 'jNunneomre. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE aired man an s-ardenor or fiToom: citV or country; eood references, Address ALEX ANDER M'MULLEN, Tribnne office. w ANTED WASHINGS AT 161 S. Sumner avenue. SITUATION WANTED-TO TAKE HOME washlnin. Call or address A. &. 834 Sum ner avenue, Hyde Park. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE as'd lady as flrat-class rook. Address L W.. 1130 Thompson street, Scranton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-WIDOW WANTS i. , 1.1 I W l. Ant a cleaning and caring for offices. Washing snd ironing aone as nome. van or suumw KATE RUANE, 121U Cedar avenue. MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN WISHES A position as manager of a first-class farm or country place; has had large experience; satisfactory references. Address M. ., Tribnne office. CITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG l. inar aa uooaaeeper or .mi.w --o. thoroughly understands bookkeeping, quick . . i . ,1 H.U .nfnndiil tula. anu acuuimw fc URUirv, nin..,-- liiess hand; wimts position at once. Addre. TRUSTWORTHY, 6 Sumner avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED - A WIDOW wants work cleanlntr offices or any re spectable work. Address F. A., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI enccd housekeeper for a gentleman; must b. In good standing. Address MISS LAW, General Delivery, cilf. SITUATION WANTED - TO GO OUT washing; washinKS taken home also. Call or address L. B., U34 N. Sumner avenue, Hyde Park. WANTED POSITION AS COLLIERY clerk by young man 2B venrs old: eight rears' experience at pay roll and coal office work; can also telegraph; good recommenda tions and th. best of references. Adores H., UU6 Mulberry street, city. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE aged single man; good hustler, po d gar dener, good milker. Address Mc, i'2J Spruce St Scranton. SITUATION WANTED -BY YOUNG MAN, experience in grocery; speaks Lithnaijlan, Polish and Hungarian. Address C. H. (J., aid Fenn avenue, ANTED POSITION AS BARTENDER years olil: eight years' experience: comes reo ommended. Address J. W. S.. Tribune office SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG ladv; tboronghly understands book keep or wo 1 1(1 accent n position at clerk in store. Address COMPETENT, 521 Sumner av... city. Medical. LAD1KSI CMcderhf't English Pennyroyal Mil ItHsmoi Bran.), are .h. St. . kj''"; T. aa slt. thai v. , fur larUculut, " Rillrf BARGAIN OF WALLACE, TRYUS. 102-004 UCa lil, COR. 10111 Application for Charter. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT AN nnllcmlnn will ha made to tha aovernor of Pennsylvania on Jun. 18th, William F. Mattes, Louis T. Mattes, Jonn F. ij.wia, Charles C. Maties and Mary G. Mattee under an Act of Ass.mbly entitled "An Act to pro vide forth, incorporation and regulation ot certain corporations,"- approvca April 2, 174, and supplements thereto for s charter of an intended corporation to b. called "Ttio Lackawanna Lubricating Company," the character and object of which is tor operat ing a foundry and machlue soon ana manu facturing and selling lubrlcattnf devices, lubricants, engineers' supplies and any other articles of com mere, out of metals, wood, rubber or other substances, and to bold such patenta aa may be necessary for carrying on such business; and for these purposes to have, posses i and enjoy all the rights, benefit, and privileges of the said Aot of Assembly and supplements thereto. WAKREN ft KNAPP. Solicitors. Business Opportunity. G)li TO f HlO INVESTED BY OUR METH O U od of Turf Speculation will yield yon good returns; our ayatsra Is safest and best; our book on "Successful Turf Speculation" mailed free. MORRIS & CO.. Hi Dearborn street. Chicago. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule In Effect May 19, 1895. Trains Leave WilRes-Bsrress Follows 7.26 a.m., week days, for Sunbury Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.16 a. m., week days, for Hazleton. Pottsville, 'Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington ana FittsDurg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury. Harrlsburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts- burc and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent S. M. PREVOST, Oenersl Manager. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 1, 1196. Trains leave Scranton as follows Ex press for New York and all points East. 1.40, 2.60, 6.15, 8.00 and .5S a. m.; 1.10 and 3.38 p. m. .. . V.n-nn IPmhIkh EiAii B lui unn Luiti , icii.uii, a mtjuei phla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.; l.iv ana s.38 p. m. Washington and way stations, 4.00 p. m. 'iooynanna accommouniion, v.iu p. m. Kxnress for Blnchamton. Osweuo. Til mlra. Corning, Bath, Dansvtlle, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.20, 2.35 a. m., and 1.49 p. in., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in th. West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9.15 a. "p. liinehatnton and way stations, 1.00 p. m Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 6.10 p. m. Binghamton and Elmlra express S.55 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Utlca and Itichneld Springs, 2.35 a, m., and 1 49 11. m. Ithuca 2.35 and Bath 9.15 a. m. and 1.49 For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North, uniberland and Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg, Rbltlmore. Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 9.66 a. m. ana i.aa anu e.uv p. m TUanilenlce and intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.47 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on nil axnress trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, tiic, apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket oltice. Central Railroad ot New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exciijjveiy, i0.ur Inn cleanliness and COmV,rL TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 7, ,891. Trains leav. cscranton tor Plttston. Wilkes-Barre. ets at 8.20. 9.16. 11.30 . m 12.45, 2.00, 3.05, 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9,00 a. m 1.00, 2.1.1. 7.10 p. m. For Mountain rark, 8.20, 11.30 a. m 2.00, 3.05, 5.00 i, m.. Sundays, 9,00 a. m., l.w, 2.15 p. m. . r or Alianiiu tit, b..v a. 111, For New York. Newark and Elisabeth. e.v (express; . . tvArcn wiin iiur f parlor car), 3.06 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.16 P m. Train feavlns 12.46 D. m arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term- i-i k 92 n. m. and New York 6.00 n m For Mauch Chunk. Allentowa, Bethle- . t - ..... n nnH lhllnrt Uhl. ma . 12.45. 3.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. 01 Cnnillil. 'll D. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Orove, .to., at a. m.. v- n-nr Tievdinc. Lebanon and TfserisKi,.- vla Allentown, 8.20 a. m 12.45. 6.00 p. m Dunaiii 10 us For Pottsville. 8.20 a 12.46 p. m. Ttniurnlna. leav. New Tork. fnn nt T.ih. rtv street. North River, at t.10 (,inn,n a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Bullet parlor car; p. m. ounuay, a. m. Leave Pbllade'nhla, Reading Terminal 9.00 a, m,, 2.00 ai)d 4.30 p. m, . Sunday 6.25 a. ni - " ' ' ;h Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may oe naa en application In ,ld vane. 10 to. ucaei aKeni ai ine siation. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pas.. Agent. 3. H. OLHAU9EN. Gen. Bupt . Wallae THE SEASON. gitStniXF" UPHOLSTER FURNlTOHiV Clean Carpets, - ' ' RcnoYate Feathen, Make Oier Battel, Male and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Male Fine Battressi - May it, int. .- Train Uivh loranton for PhtladelDhlS and New York via D. at H. R. R. at it6. 7.45 a. m , 12.06, 1.10. 2.80, 4.41 (Black Dia- mona Kxpreasi ana 11. p. m., via v., t-. k w. xu n.. .uv, .u, a. in., ana i.w P-.m- . . ..... ' . ueave ecranion tor rut.ton anu y inn. Barre, via D., L. W. R. R.. 6.00, ,1.08, U.20 a. m., 1.N1, s.4v, w.uv, p. m. Leave Scranton for Whit. Hav.n. Ha. sleton, Pottsvlll. and all points . 011 the tieaver jueaaow ana rotisviu. oraaonea, via D. A H. R R. at 6.46. 7.46 A. In.. U.Ue. 1.20, 2.30. 4.41 p. m., via D., L W. R. R. $.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m 12.20, 1.56. 1.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. Baatoo, Read I no-. Harriabursr and all Intermedial. points, via D. A H. R. R. 8.46, 7.46 a. ra., 12.08. 1.20, 2.80, 4.41 (Black Diamond Us press), 11.38 p. m., via v., u. ot w, n. it,, 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m 12.20, 1.56. 3.40 p, m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock. To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermlate points, via L. at n. a. ., a. m 12.05, 1.20, 11.35 p. m., via D., L. at W. R. R., 8.08, .sa a. m., p. m. leave acranion ior nocnesier, duiimiu, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all point, west, via D. A H. R. R.. 8.45 a. m.. 12.05 1.20, 8.33 (Black Diamond express), 9.50. 11.38 d. m.. via D.. L. A W. R. R. and Pitt.ton Junction, 8.08, 9.66 a. m.. 0X9,1.47 p. m. For Elmlra and the west, via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R 8.46 a. m., U.0.f. m . via D.. L. A W. R. R.. 1.08. 9.66 a, M.U.20, 3.40 p. m. . .. ruiman parior ana sleeping or u. v. chair cars on all trains between J Ik B. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Bunalo, . ana buspeneion uriage. ROLL1N H. WILBUR. Gen. Bunt. CHAS. S. LEE, Oen. Paar Agt., Phua., Pa. A. W. NUNNKMACHKR, ASSt. Utn. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Fs. . Scranton Office, 309 Lackawanna avenue. DELAWARE AND HUDSON TIME TABLE On Monday, May 18, trains will l.av. Scran-, ton as follows; , For Carbondale 8.45, 7.65. 8.55, 10.16 a, m.; 12.00 noon; 1.21t 2.20, 1.62, 6.25. t.25, 7.67, 9.10, 10.80, 11.6 VFor Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc. 6.46 a. m.; 2 For Honesdale-6 45, 8.65, 10.15 a.' m.; 12.00 noon; 2.20 6.26 p. m. ...... .... For Wilkes-Barre 6.45, 7.45, 1.46,, 10.43 a m;; 12.06, 1.20. , 3.83, 4.41, 8.00. TJ0, . 11 38 P. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley rallroad-8.45, 7.46 a. m. 12.05, 2.30, 4.41 (with Black Diamond ex press) p. m. For Pennsylvania railroad points 4,46, 9.38 a. m.; 2.30. 4.41 p. m. For western points, vta Lehigh V.lllev railroad-7.45 a. m.; 12.06, 3.33 (with Blaci Diamond express), 9.50, 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive Scranton as follows: From Carbondale and the north 4.40 7 40 8.40. 9.34, 10.40 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 1.06 2 27 3.25, 4.37, 6.45, 7.46, 9.45, 11.33 P. m. 'From Wilkes-Barre and the south 6.40 7 50 8.50, 10.10, 11.66 a. m.; 1.16, 2.14, 1.48, 6.21 6.2li 7.53, 9.03, 9.45, 11.62 p. m. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Effectlv. Mav 26. Trains leave Scranton for New Tork, Newburgh and intermediate points on Erie, also for Hawley and local points at 7.05 and 8.45 a. m. and 128 p. m and ar. rive from abov. points at 10.46 a. m. and 3.18 and 9.38 p. m. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 6.15 p. m., returning arrives at Scranton at T.42 and 8.16 a. m. SCRANTON DIVISION. In Effect May 10tbt ItStk Ranis IsMiael. Mats) el. S03S0I sK Stations (Trains Pally, Bx I 1 HiAmve "Teatsi Tf3 7 bs n. y. Fransnn i. T 10 West 4ud streeU 1M 101 700 weeuawaea r klArrlve Lear 1 t6iHancock Junctiuai 1 nw ltanneck ill Starlight Preston Park 181 tl esse eee como . roynttus Belmont Pleasant Mt. UDlondal. Forest City Carbon dal. White Hrtdgs MaTttrid jBrmrn Arolitbald winton Ptckvllle Olvphant Dickson Throop Providence) park Place A 7 7t TUltll m eee T 713 7 87 Ml 8M 4 01 401 4U ill 7t 784 786 719 .... 741 mi boranton 7 461 4 801 a Leave Arrive la at t Hi All trains run dally except (Sunday. v t aigntoes that trains stop Oft signal for paa. ecure rates vta Ontario e Western Delete Riirchastntt tleketi and save money. Day and igut (press to tne West. J.C. A ndorson. Gen. pais.Att. T. FUtorott, Dir. rut, Agt.Soraaton, ra. 188) .... 13 14 .... !9f3 ... 11169 r Mil 49 6 61 II 81 16 44 til W 4&ril9l 61111183 6 8)111 18 easriiis 6iMll 11 e 1)1 11 or 6 9' 110) 18 II 01 015 110' 614(1067 a in mm r u a 1 ,.'
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