The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 08, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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What's jour ideas in Wall Decora
tions? Whatever they arc we can
please you, as our stock is made up of
designs and colorings furnished by
many different artists, each with differ
ent ideas. In this way we can suit ail
oil tastes; the prices are as varied aud
attractive as are the decorations.
See them at
322 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton.
32 So. Main St, Wilkes-Barrc.
Choke, Heavy. Clean.
done reriilizer,
For Lawns.
Unseed Meal,
Uimp Rock Sail,
For Horses an J Cows.
We Wholesale Only.
the: genuine:
Bare tho initials (J., B. & CO. imprint
ed in each cigar.
nn n n
I'lf. t. U.
In Diseases of the Lower Bowel, Hemorrh
oids, Fistula, Fissure, Pruiils, Ulceration.
Etc., 308 Washington Ave., Opp. Tribune
Building. Office Hours o to 12, a to 3.
John C. Canavun left Saturday for Sus
quehanna. Joseph Sanborn, of Pcnn avenue, is at
Crystal Lake.
John II. Crooks and Joseph Doles spent
Saturday at Princeton college.
Austin Powers and Mr. Ford, of Pitts,
ton, spent yesterday in this city.
111 im iiui., ijuiiiiluiii, ui riuui'Bimit;, la
the guest of the Misses Tropp, of Wash.
inton avenue.
Miss Genevieve McCnnn is home from
Kenwood, academy to attend the wedding
of her brother, M. P. McCann,
Mrs. Kachel Mulford, of Frlendsvillo,
Pa., has announced the engagement of her
daughter, Kdlth, to Dr. Albert G. I'ojt,
of this city.
Harry W. Storms is home to spend the
summer after a successful season with
the "Erln'B Shores" company, which
closed It tour at Hurlem last week.
I)n and Mrs. VV. E. Allen and daughter.
Miss Julia Allen, the gifted violinist, yes
terday began a driving tour of the princi
pal cities in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
The trip will continue an indefinite period.
Mrs. M. V. Roche, of Capouse nvenue,
has returned from Chambernburg, where
he attended tho convention of the wo
men's societies that ure auxiliaries of the
Grand Army of the Republic. She nt
tended the services lit Gettysburg incident
to the unveiling of the statues of General
Meade and General Hancock.
"We have ued Hood's Pa-caparlla In
t ( .... r... t ni. ..... -r t 1 .. .1 .. 1 .. 1
. our family for several years and have
been highly pleased with It as a blood
purifier and tonic." Mrs. S. J. Van
l.'leet. Wallsville. Pn.
. HOODS PILLS cure all liver Ills.
.The Lntest Addition.
The lateit to "sign" at Athletic park
Is tho "Founder" cigar sign. The fam
ous Oumpert Bros. Clgnr, sold by E. Q.
Coursen, who has the wholesale Agency.
This cigar has the approval of all the
governors of the different states. They
sell for 10c, 3 for 25c, J58 per thousand.
'. Ask Your Dealer.
for McGarrah's Insect Powder, 5 and
10-cent boxes. Never sold In bulk.
Take no other.
') The New Lager.
Call for Casey & Kelly's extra fine
lnger beer. Be sure that you get It.
The best is none too good.
Some Startling Fact Revealed ia Rev.
Dr. Griffin's Address.
It Is FigUtiag t'rimiaulity aad
Yiciouaneaa ia the Most Degraded
Quartern of the UlobeSometaiag
About the Famous VVet aad Kant
ndsTo Conquer There Is to Coa
qurr Everywhere.
Some startling facts concerning vice,
paupery and degradation in London
were revealed by llev. Dr. Charles M.
Oiilin in Kim Park church last nitfht in
his mlilross on "The Forward Move
ment In London." Dr. Gillln on one of
his visits to London made it his especial
purpose to study the mission work of
the church and while observing it he
gained information for many a lecture
similar to the address dclicred last
Americans who are more or less con
versant with slum life and all Its horrors
In New York city, Chicago and other
large American cities, do not oven com
prehend the wickedness and beastiality
of London; they could not comprehend
It, without seeing It, though It were but
half ns bad as indicated by Dr. Giflin
last night.
London slum life, however, was not
the real subject of the eloquent gentle
man's talk, which was particularly to
show the necessity of extending church,
or mission work, rather, down to the
depths where It was needed. He used
the actual condition In London and the
work there as a very forcible Illustra
tion and Incentive. Ho closed and
clinched his discourse by observing that
as London was the capital of the earth
in all things, and surely the capital In
vice, the mlKslnn work being done there
will, if It conquers, prv that the wole
globe con be won and carried for God.
"Go forth," Kxodus, xlv, 15, was Dr.
Glflin's text. One great fnult of the
church, he said, was 1'ts case of entry
and ease of egress. Churches were not
asylums for drifting worldlings to enter
and leave at will, but they should be ag
gressive and forward in all things, as
in England, for Instance, even where
John Wesley was driven out of a cer
tain church becnuso he preached too
forcibly tho words of tho text. Hut he
went out and began a forward move
ment, tho continuance of which It was
the speaker's privilege to witness and
a knowledge of which Is especially
apropos Just now, a new army !n Amer
ica, meaning the Volunteers, has begun
a similar woriv.
Of Westminster Abbey Dr. Oiflln
spoke most tenderly and with an Im
pressiveness which spread to the audi
tory. He touched briefly upon the lives
of the great men whose deeds and worth
are recorded there and described the
famous place as the "hall of death." A
more appropriate place In connection
with his subject was St. James hall,
which he termed the "hall of the living,"
because there was being carried on the
great work and theory of life, Goa s
gospel. He described the method In
which n large corps of missionaries la
bor in nnd about the large structure
which Is situated In London's West
The West End, he said, was not the
worst end of the city, but It was so vile,
so low and so beastly that criminal
quarters in other cities shine In com
parison. It was a part of London which
furnished one-third of the crime of all
England. The city, as a whole, he re
marked, offered tne greatest Held for
religious effort of any city In the fully
civilized unlveise be -ause ti.cre abounds
In addition to the Ignorant evil-doer the
so-called respectable sinner in tens of
thousands, educated and esteemed, but
Infidels and unbelievers of the most
hopeless typo, who, with the lower ele
ment, appear In the Walters London
missionary classlllcation as follows:
Political and diplomatic London, lite
rary and artistic London, laboring Lon
don, oppressed London and criminal
Of New Vork city's vice and squalor,
Dr. Gillln gave a graphic description
but remarked that London 'tvas so much
woisc that In the cqmparlson th Amer
can city's paupery and vlclousness
would have to be multiplied and multi
plied and multiplied. Still, the con
dition In London was the church's op
portunity. One London section had
120,000 souls and but two Wesley chap
els; In another section were 80,000 per
sons of whom but 3,000 had ever entered
a church door. That was In the West
The East End, where lies the White
chapel district, was much worse. Dr.
Uiflln said. He told of "Mahogany
Hall" and "Paddy's Goose," two one
time resorts of horrible Iniquity, but
now occupied as missions, where Is
prenched God's word In the fumes and
smoke oi the memory of what were
once llvng hells. .The mission workers
there were clerks, young mechanics,
young men employed during the day at
business vocations and who worked for
God at night and hod- their living
apartments In the district where they
were respected and immuned from
harm at the hands of the lowest and
most brutal type of criminals.
There was Ratcliffe highway, tho
most Infamous thoroughfare on God's
earth and where the lowest, vilest, most
besotted and animal of miserable
wretches stalked about at will where
to enter a respectable person threw
his life away, but where the speaker
walked during the mo:t dangerous hour
of the night In safety because he was
with Mr. Thompson, the head of the big
mission station of trat district. It was
near that locality that fatigued and
haggard women and mother's worked
at piece-sewing for 72 cents for three
days work and furnished their working
material, light and fuel! The lot of a
Russian peasant, he averred, was a
happy one In comparison.
Dr. Gillln remarked that In view of
what he had disclosed none in the au-
Coma Today, Get a Pair,
The Great Original
All Sizes, All Colors, All In Stock.
Have Been Waiting Two Months
lor These Bicycle Shoes.
410 Spruce Strest.
n feeefyfff,eTTWeTe.ff,f.t
dience need feel urged to begin fash
ionable slumming. But there waa need
of "going forth" with the love of God
In tAe heart. That the pauper and
criminal sinners can become good
Christiana he had acquired positive and
affirmative opinion after hearing the
testimonies of many of them in the Lon
don mission meetings.
Sacrament Conferred oa -111 Children
by Kt. Kcv. Hixhop O'llara.
The sacrament of confirmation waa
conferred by Right Reverend Itlshop
O'llara on 411 children at St. Mary's
church. Dunmore, yesterday afternoon.
Of this number 35 were Italian children.
The bishop was assisted by Rev. D. J.
MacGoldrick. president of St. Thomas'
college; Rev. M. B. Don lan, pastor of
the church; Rev. George J. Lucan. D.
D.. also of SL Mary's; Kev. J. J..B.
Feeley, of the cathedral; Rev. J. I.
Dunn, of Green Ridge; Rev. John J.
O'Toole, of Providence; Rev. J. J. Mc
CalM of AviH i; Rev. H. P. Burke, of the
South Side; and Rev. Dominic Landro,
of the cathedral.
The bishop gave Instruction to the
children before and after the sacrament
was conferred, and each child was pre
sented with a beautiful medal blessed
by the bishop.
At 10.30 a solemn high mns wns cele
brated by Rev. Father Donlan. Dr.
Lucas was deacon; Rev. Father Dunn
was sub-deacon, and Rev. Father Fee
ley was master of ceremonies. Rev.
Father MacGoldrick preached the ser
mon In his usual edifying and eloquent
style. The text wus, "A certain man
made a great supper nnd Invited many,"
St. Luke, xlv:16. He spoke in part as
"We are In the season when the
church commemorates the institution
by our Lord of the sacrament of His
precious body and blood. On the feast
of Corpus Chrlstl the portion of the
gospel read at the mass was from the
sixth chapter of the gosieI of St. John,
whore our Lord shows In the simplest
and most unmistakable terms that we
should understand the sacrament of the
Eucharist to be. But today the church
makes use of the parable from St. Luke
to remind us of the us? thnt men hae
made of the treasures of the sacrament
of God's love, and. If possible, by the
reminder to urge us on to greater gener
osity in corresponding with God's grace,
to greater ardor In returning God's love,
to greater prudence and more sincerity
In God's service.
"In the parable the Invited guests are
represented ns unwilling to attend the to which they were Invited; one
becnuse of some need of looking after
his farm; another he must needs secure
himself In some business speculation In
the purchase of oxen; nnd a third be
cause of the absorbing enses of the flo
me.tlc life upon which he hnd Jurt en
tered. There Is no one who will not con
demn them for their lack of wisdom
and of generosity, and of prudence. In
their refusal to accept the Invitation
extended to them.
"But the church does not ask us to
attend to the merely literal sense of the
parable; rather she asks us to leave the
literal sense and to apply the words
thereof to the condition of the Lord'B
Institution of the divine banquet of the
sacrament of the Eucharist, to Ills In
vention to us to pnrtake of this banquet
as absolutely necessary means to attain
to eternal happiness; and to our ob
servance of the injunction which our
Lord has placed upon us. For us today
the bnnqtiet Is the sacrament of the
Eucharist the lord of the banquet la
our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and the
Invited guests are all those to whom He
has said unless you eat the flesh of the
son of man and drink his blood you
shall not have life In you."
Ilns Item Ki counicd ns n Itegulnr
Baptist Organization.
A goodly number of delegates. Includ
ing fourteen pastors from the churches
of the Ablngton Baptist association,
met with the Dundaff Baptist church,
at their call on Sunday, June 2, to con
sider the advisability of recognizing
that organization as a regular Baptist
The council organized by electing
Rev. W. G. Watklns, of Scranton, mod
erator, and Rev. A. Bergen Browe, of
Waverly, clerk. After investigating in
to the history, order and doctrines of
the church, It was voted unanimously
to recognize It. The programme for the
public services was carried out In the
evening, commencing at 7.30, and was
as follows: Invocation, Rev. A. Bergen
Browe; scripture reading, Rev. H. H.
Harris, Ph. D., Taylor; prayer, Rev, O.
C. Benedict, Clifford; sermon. Rev. M.
J. Watklns, Factoryvllle; charge to the
church, Rev. J. L. Williams, Forest City;
hand of fellowship, Rev. William A.
Miller. Elkdale; benediction, by Rev.
J. R. Ellis, Blakely.
Pastor J. M. Markwlck and the church
at Dundaff were heartily congratulated
on the bright prospects evidently before
The annual excursion of the Penn
Avenue Baptist Sunday school will be
held July 7. Lake Ariel Is its destlna
At the meeting In the Young Wo
men's Christian association rooms yes
terday afternoon Mrs. Gates Bpoke on
the "World's Work."
Oon June 9, 10 and It the sixty-fifth
annual session of tho Pennsylvania
Unlversallst state convention will be
held at Brooklyn, Susquehanna county.
The occasional sermon will be delivered
by Rev. F. A. Blsbee, f Philadelphia.
The pulpit of the Green Ridge Pres
byterian church was filled yesterday
morning and evening by Rev. George
Knox, D. D., of Indlannpolls. Dr. Knox
is registered at the Jermyn.
The congregation of the First Presby
terian church will hold a meeting this
evening to consider the question of
building a parsonage on their lots, cor
ner of Olive street and Madison avenue.
The Railroad Young Men's Christian
association meeting yesterday was led
by Assistant Secretary F. P. Brown.
Rev. J. H. Harris, D. D president of
Bucknell university, occupied the pul
pit of the Penn Avenue Baptist church
yesterday morning and evening. Dr.
Harris Is an eloquent and thoughtful
speaker, who has been frequently
henrd in this city.
The congregation of the Penn Ave
nue Baptist church will hold a meeting
Wednesday night for the purpose of se
lecting a pastor.
Father Killed and Son Seriously In
jurcd nt Pricebtirg.
When barring down top rock in their
chamber at No. 2 shaft of Storrs' mine,
Prlcoburg, rlday morning, Henry Oaky
was Instantly killed and his son John
Oaky seriously Injured.
The unfortunate man was 46 years of
age and Is survived by a wife, four
sons and two daughters. .
His Left Eye Knocked Out.
Timothy Reardon, a miner at No. 6
colliery, Dunmoro, had his left eye
knocked out by a flying wedge, Satur
day morning.
Scraatoa Trainmen Complete the Chaia
of Evidcdce Against Then.
They Catered Her Home at Conklia
Center aad Ilouud and Ileal Her
and Polled Out Her Toe KniU Oae
by One Lett Her Mattering the Most
Intense AgoayFound by Neigh,
The last link In the chain of evidence
necessary to convince the Blnghamton
authorities that they have the perpet
rators of the fiendish outrage at Conklln
was supplied on Saturday by four Scran
ton railroadmen.
One week ago Saturday night three
tramps broke Into the house of Mrs.
Martha Tuwnsend. a widow aged 67
years, who lived alone in an isolated
house near Conklin Center, and In order
to compel her to make known the hiding
place of her supposed wealth they
bound and beat her and finally pulled
out her toe nails one by one. They
then threw a mattress over her, piled a
couch and some chairs on top of that
and left her suffering the intensest ago
ny until the next mornlng.when she was
discovered and released by neighbors.
Three tramps were seen about Conklln
the day before and suspicion at once fell
upon them. A description of them was
sent to Blnghamton and telegrams
conveying the description were for
warded In all directions. Tramps were
arrested by the wholesale during the
week but It remained for the Elmlra
police to capture the right ones. Three
pronounced specimens of the tribe an
swering well the description of the two
wanted were sent on to Blnghamton
and after a week's work the detectives
have wound a chain of circumstantial
evidence about them that will be hard
for them to unravel.
They were easily traced from Blng
hamton to Elmlra and readily Identified
by the several railroadmen on the train
which they took out of Blnghamton.
That they came Into Blnghamton on
Conductor Case's train was also learned
about the yards and when Conductor
Case's crew next came up from Scran
ton, It waa discovered' as was conjec
tured that three tramps had boarded
their train at Hone's switch near Conk
lln about 10 o'clock Saturday night.
It was running at the time and they
sought the shelter and heat of the en
gine, which fact led to their complete
Saturday morning the hearing took
place. After the accused trio had been
recognized by residents of Conklln and
railroaders at Blnghamton and Elmlra
the Scranton crew were brought to the
scene and at once identified them as the
men Avho hnd boarded their train at
Hone's switch on the night of the out
rage. Engineer Mike O'Donnell and
Brakeman Ed. Doud and Frank Smoke
could only identify them as to their
general appearance, but Fireman Ed.
Franz, with whom they talked a good
part of the distance, positively recog
nized each one of them.
The evidence against them is so com
plete that It is expected they will make
a confession.
Joseph Hallinan's Terrible Death In the
Manville Shaft Lost His Balauce
on the Carriage.
Joseph Hallinan. of 459 Thelps street,
met a terrible death Saturday afternoon
at the Manville shaft by .lllng from
the carriage when It was about 130 feet
from the bottom.
He wns being shown about the mine
by his two brothers and about 2 o clock
began the ascent. Being unaccus
tomed to the mines he became dizzy and
reeling backward toppled over the edge
of the platform before either of his
brothers could grab him. He plunged
headlong through thedarkness, striking
on the right side of his face, and right
shoulder, crushing In his head and
breaking his right arm.
His brother had the carriage lowered
as quickly as possible, but life was ex
tinct before they could reach him.
' The remains were taken to C.uslclc's
undertaking establishment and after
wards to the family home on Phelps
street from where the funeral will take
place Tuesday. The deceased was 18
years of ago and had been In this coun
try but two weeks.
Its Annua! Convention in Huston on
Wednesday, Juno 17.
Commander Charles M. Betts, of the
Medal of Honor Legion announces that
the seventh annual convention of that
body will be called to order In Faneuil
hall, Boston, on Wednesday, June 17,
1S96, at 9 o'clock. June 17 Is Bunker
Hill day. The convention will be at
tended by Captain P. DeLacey, of this
city, and N. A. McKeown, of Tunkhan
nock, who have had medals of honor
conferred upon them by the govern
men't for distinguished bravery during
the late war.
Extensive arrangements have been
made to entertain this band of gallant
soldiers who have been decorated by
their country with this priceless medal,
On the evening of June 16 at 8 p. m. In
the parlors Of the American house they
will be welcomed by Governor Roger
Wolcott, of Massachusetts, and Mayor
Joslah Qulncy, of Boston. An hour
later a reception will be given to Major
General Nelson A. Miles, commander of
the United States army, who wears one
of the medals.
At 9 o'clock the next morning the con
vention will be held and at noon, by
courtesy of Mayor Qulncy, the members
of the legion will be taken on an excur
sion down Boston harbor. A stop wll
be made at Fort Warren. That night
the visitors will be tendered a banquet
In the American house. Thursday will
be devoted principally to sight-seeing.
Three Italians Cause n Big Disturb,
once nt Pine Ilrook.
Three Italians who reside on Larch
street, a revolver, razor and knife fur
nished an abundance of excitement at
Pine Brook yesterday afternoon.
The Italians were on the way to their
homes about 4.30 somewhat under the
influence of liquor and at the Delaware
and Hudson Phelps street crossing be
came involved In a quarrel with a num
ber of young men who were standing
So warm became the dispute that one
of the Italians pulled out a razor and
made a slash at one of the young men.
This was the signal for a general move
on the tons of sunny Italy, who started J
to run, pursued by the young men, who
kept the retreatera on the move by
means of a shower of stones of all
Near the No. S school building the
pursued ones madeastandandthebattle
of words waa resumed. Finally tho
possessor of a razor, in answer to a
taunt, ran towards the crowd which
was lined up a short distance away. He
had the oen weapon in his hand and
evidently meant to do a little carving.
A shower of stones repelled his advance
and again himself and companions re
treated at the top of their speed across
the open field and onto the plane west
of Johnson's lake.
Here the member of the party who
carried the revolver stumbled and fell.
He was more Intoxicated than his two
companions and before he could arise
to his feetacrowd of over three hundred
persons bore down upon him. He was
searched and the revolver found and
thereupon he became the target
for kicks and' blows of all
kinds. Fearing that he would be
killed some of the cooler heads
In the party forced their way to where
the prostrate Italian lay and saved him
from further punishment. In the mean
time his companions had made good
their escape.
The head and chest of the wounded
man were a mass of cuts and bruises
and it will be weeks before he will be
fully recovered.
All of Its Thirty Members Found
Worthy of Diploma.
The commencement of the class of '96
of the Scranton High school promises to
be a great success. The class consists
of thirty members, all of whom have
shown themselves entitled to their di
plomas. Some doubt at lirst appeared
as to the division of the honors, but all
Is now settled.
Harold Watrous and Arthur Phillips
were candidates for second place, Wat
rous winning by less than one-half of
one per cent. The only other positions
which were In doubt were the ninth and
tenth. Miss Alia Hine gained the ninth
and Miss Lizzie Robinson the tenth, with
Joseph A. Wagner a close eleventh.
Miss Hine and Miss Robinson have
both refused to take part on the pro
gramme, and therefore the class elect
ed Miss Conger to recite. Mr. Wagner
was. previously elected class prophet.
This position Is not determined by class
standing, but ability alone is taken into
Sent to the Hillside Home.
Alfred Gurd, who while paroled from
Huntington reformatory. In the custody
of his sister, Mrs. William Gurd, became
Insane, was on Saturday Bent to the
Hillside home by the poor authorities.
Plllsbury's Flour ml.;s have a capae.
Ity of 17,500 barrels a Cay.
We open today a new line of Black
Brocade India Silks, 24 Inches, wide, at
59 cents; former price, 85c. Monday.
Starts today. In
west window Tour e-es
can read the story. A
new design so near to real
cut glass that you, like
ns, will hardly believe it
Our offer for ten thou
sand pieces was low and
that explains the prices.
Berry Sets
Or for ice cream, large
dish and six small.
Cream and 5ugar
To match, for berries.the
two pieces
Tea Set
Four pieces, Butter Dish,
Sugar, Cream and Spoon
A hundred shapes we
say nothing about. Come
aud sei
303 Lacka. Avef
u BEATTY . .
Mears Building, Coriur Washington
and Spruce.
At a Parade Twentyfour mean Ago
eaver Met Hit Wife.
Poughkeepsle, June 7. Schuvler
Weaver, a well-known fireman of this
city, became raving mad yesterday
while watching a circus parade, and to
day was adjudged insane and sent to
the asylum.
Twenty-four years ago. while watch
ing a parade of the same circus. Weaver
met the woman who became his wife,
and with whom he lived happily until
two weeks ago, when she died. In his
delirium he tells the story of his court
ship over and over again.
You will nowhere find a line so
well suited for gifts, consisting
as it docs of so many choice and
exclusive novelties which arc
useful as well as ornamental.
Uookwood Art Wares, Libbey's
Rich Cut Glass, Crown Fourpoint
Silverware, Lamps, Onyx Top
Tables, Dinner, Tea and Toilet
China Hall,
134 Wyoming Ave.
Walk In and look around.
Be Comfortable.
It is torturous
to bo bound up
in stiff, starched
Shirts during
the hot weather.
Just what com
fort and happi
ness is you won't
know until you
have worn our
The acme of
style, comfort
and durability.
aoj Wyominz Ave. "KNOX" HATS,
Jsweiers and Silversmiths!
150 Wyoming Ave.
Jewelers and Silversmiths,
1 1
i wins
An elegant assortment at prio that
are very low considering the quality,
make-up, etc, is being shown at our
store. If you are thinking of baying
a Spring Suit cal I in and look at our
stock it will do you good, and us,
too, of course. We are almost aura
you will buy cannot resist
Is replete with everything that la new
and stylish; all the latest styles and
colors. Call in and be convince!
We Have
On Hand
Also the Newest.
Also the Cheapest
Also the Largest-
Porcelain, Onyx, Rt3
Silver Novelties In Infinite Varljijfc
Latest Importations.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamoaii
fl. E. ROGERS,
'Watchmaker. 215 IMaiTaMia A'fi.
No matter what their size, their
shape, their looks or color of their
eyes. Our clothing is Ct Your suits
fit and our prices tire so reasonable a9
to tit your sense of what is proper and
fair. We invite your patronage. If
given an opportunity we will deserve It.
!C AUcil'L
Acknowledged the Leading
OI the World,
IkRAMCHU & BACIIE and others.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchaser will always find a complete
stock and at prices a low as the qual
ity of the Instrument will permit at
ii. il
117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton
The Finest In tne City.
The latest Improved furnish
logs and apparatus for keeping
meat, hotter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Av.
TAIfC PARC and yonr eyes will take,
I Klt uAnC rare of ou. If you ar
OF YOUR EYES ,n nervnno-s,
Mr I Uwll fcltg aotoDR.SHIMBURa'S
nnd ha'vo your oves examined fro. Wa Imroi
1 iKlunril prices n are tho loart in tho citr.l
Nickel ipaotaelo. from SI tf f2: Bold from4i
to to. 4ii Spruce Street, acantoa, Pa.