The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 06, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Stevt Sotosky Arrested for Stealiif
LtaJ Pipe froa a New Bafldiaf
Near Rgaad Woods.
The building boom In the newly
opened plot near the Round woods U
having- lta trouble. Men passing to
and from work at the several collieries
at the foot of the West mountain, find
it convenient to take up and carry
away any loose articles. They are now
teaJIruj lead pipe. John Van Stone Is
building a block near the woods. This
week he missed a quantity of lead pipe
which was In the yard.
A 14-year-old boy said that he saw
one Steve Soloskey saw oft the pipe and
carry it away. Bolcskey was arrested
and was taken from his work at the
Sloan mine yesterday afternoon by
Constable John Davis, of the Fourth
ward. When before Alderman John
there was not suiliolent evidence to hull
the accused and he was dismissed until
next MonCcy night. The value of the
stolen pipe was $10.
Colonel James Fairman, M. A., will at
tomorrow evening's service at the Sum
ner Avenue Presbyterian church talk
on the subject, "Rational Religion."
Colonel Fairman, as a lecturer, has de
lighted a West Side audience before.
His reputation will serve to attract a
large congregation to the Sumner ave
nue church at his appearance In the
pulpit tomorrow evening. The service
begins at 6 o'clock. At the morning
service the pastor. Rev. John Griffiths,
will preach on the topic, "The Roll Call
f Faith Abel.' Service at 10.30 o'clock.
The remains of Mrs. L. Astrlnger
were Interred yesterday morning. Ser
vices were held at St. John's German
Catholic church at 9 o'clock. Rev.
Father Frlcker officiated and preached
the sermon. The funeral was attended
by a large concourse of the friends of
the deceased. The floral presentations
we. t very numerous. John Wagner,
Joh.i Crites, John Kramer, Mott Flelch,
and lohn Snyder were pall bearers.
Burial was made in St John' German
Catholic cemetery.
Under the direction of B. Davles, the
cantata "Bethlehem" was given at the
Bumner Avenue Presbyterian church
last evening. The soloists were: Mrs.
M. J. Williams, Mrs. J. E. Heckel, and
Thomas Abrams. The cantata was well
ung by a large chorus, taken from the
attendants at the church. After tsie
entertainment Ice cream and strawber
ries were served. The attendance was
Chief of Police Robllng yesterday sent
his first official order to the second
precinct on this side. Lieutenant Wil
liams received a note directing htm to
top the ploying of baseball by small
boys on the streets. The thoroughfares
where the nuisance Is most noticeable
are Fourth street, near Luzerne street,
South Main avenue and Lafayette
The West Side wheelmen have rented
the Marquette rooms and furniture In
the Kresge building on South Main ave
nue. The new club will take possession
In a few days. Tomorrow the wheelmen
will hold their first run as a club to
Moscow and return. The start will be
made at 8 a. m.
The funeral of the late Peter Gal
lagher will take place this morning. A
solemn high mass of requiem will be
celebrated at St. Patrick's church at 9
o'clock. Interment will be made In
Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Pearl Swallow, a child of Mr. and Mrs.
Swallow, of Frink street, died Thursday
and will be burled today at 2.30 p. m.
A child of Mrs. Edward Carson, of
North Bromley avenue, Is recovering
from an attack of pneumonia.
John Brown was committed to the
county Jail yesterday by Alderman
John, of the Fourth ward, for a period
of ten days. The charge was drunk
and fighting. Brown could not pay his
A bicyclist, coming down Robinson
street last night, ran into the excava
tion that Is being made for water pipes
In front of the old blasksmlth shop
lAflUCH is it? All or part that enables
us to offer you the most standard
make in perfect fitting, fashionable cuts and
weaves, in Men's Strictly ALL WOOL SUITSat
Formerly sold from four to six dollars more.
Our Show Window gives you a faint idea.
; Stpn Cs&s Clct&rs,
of lb? Stibtipbs.
building. The wheel was smashed Into
a mass. The rider gave his name a
Fuller, and his home In Green Ridge.
He was only slightly injured.
After this evening's meeting of the
Welsh Philosophical society the season
will be closed. Every member should
be present as matters pertaining to the
finances of the society will be brought
up. The year has been a very success
ful one In point of attendance and In
terest. John Hall, of South Main avenue. Is
Improving his property with a new
Btone sidewalk and fence foundation.
Harry SnXith, of Eynon street, has
recovered from an Illness.
Miss Esther Parry, of Back street. Is
convalescent, after a long sickness.
Mrs. Sarah Tiffany, of Herrlck Cent
er, Is the guest of Miss Carrie Ireland,
of South Rebecca avenue.
H. D. Jones Is mentioned as a candi
date for the Republican nomination In
the First legislative district.
Charles Mansfield has recovered from
an liliirss.
Walter Jones, a student at Strouds
bur? State Normal school, is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D, Jones, of
North Hyde Park avenue.
Will Sproats, permanent man at the
Franklin Engine house, is at work
again after an Illness.
TfTe pupils taught by Miss Jennie
Daniels and Miss Nettle Ellas, of No.
14 school, picnicked yesterday afternoon
at the Sloan woods.
Mrs. George Griffiths, of North Brom
ley avenue, is ill.
Bern, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph !
J. Green, of North Sumner avenue.
Rev. B. I. Evans Is visiting at Miners- ,
vllle. I
Mrs. Morse Hanna, aged 21 years, died ,
yesterday at her home in Evans court. ;
Deceased was the daughter of Patrick j
Hughes,, of Nicholson. She Is survived '.
by her husband and one child.
A pink and white social will be given
by the young Ladles' league of the First
Welsh Baptist church next Wednesday
West Side Business Directory.
FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de
signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful
a gifts, at 101 South Main avenua Har
riet J. Davli. florist.
PHOTOORAPH ER Cabinet Photos. 1140
per dozen. They are just lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Startler's
Photo rarlora, 101 and 103 South Main
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Stoves, Tools, etc. Cnll and ses the
stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 1026 Jack
son street.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Nlavltch were
arrested yesterday afternoon on a war
rant issued by Alderman Roberts at the
Instance of Evan Gabriel. Mr. Gabriel
Is collector of taxes i:i the Second ward
and claimed that Nlavltch Interfered
with him in the discharge of his duties.
They were fined $2 and costs.
Mrs. Cullen, of Breaker street, had
the Fanning family, of the same street,
arrested for disorderly conduct and
using vulgar and profane language.
The hearing was postponed until this
The services in the Methodist church
tomorrow will be as usual. In tne
morning the Rev. William Edgar will
preach on the subject, "Temples of
God." In the evening he will continue
the series of sermons on the young men
of the Bible, his subject will be, "A
Courageous Young Man."
In the Cnrlsttan church the pastor,
Rev. D. M. Klnter, will preach on
"Helps and Hindrances to a Christian
Life." In the evening the subject will
be. "Faith Imputed for Righteousness."
Mrs. G. W. Davis is visiting friends in
Robert Maguire, of Spring street, wr.o
was injured a few days ago at the Leg
gett's Creek, is out once more.
A social was held in the house of
Fred Philips last evening under the
auspices of Christian Endeavor socleiy
of the North Main Avenue Baptist
John Cuslck, of West Market street,
called on Wilkes-Barre friends yester
day. If the Baby Is Catting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothen for tlielr Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
Jt Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
llava all Pain: Cui Wind Cnllo anil
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea Sold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
HattflH ui Furnite.
Mrs. Taylor, of Sanderson avenue. Is
visiting friends In Philadelphia.
Miss Llxile Sweeney and brother, of
Carbondale. are the guests of Mrs.
Powell, of Marlon street
Mr. and Mrs. F. HHedrick. of Rich
mont park, will spend Sunday with rel
atives at Plymouth.
Mr. Gross, of Marion street, and
Harry Sabring, of Monsey avenue, art
on the sick list
Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Avoca, is the
guest of her son, W. R. Jones, of Mon
sey avenue.
Mrs. T. H. Hawley, of Richmont park,
will leave Tuesday for New York city,
where she will spend a week with rela
tives. Mrs. Smith, who has been the guest
of Mrs. 8. C. Dorsey. of Delaware street,
has returned to her home in New York.
A large number of tickets have been
sold to persons who will attend the ex
cursion cf the Presbyterian Sunday
school to Lake A:Iel toilay.
Miss Eertha Jenkins, of Capouee ave
nue, has recently purchased an Orient
Mrs. Manly, of Washington avenue,
who has been very sick for the past
two months, is very low.
W. W. Patterson, of North Park, has
gone to Pottsvllle on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Reynolds, of Mon
sey avenue, who have been spending
the past week In Philadelphia, will re
turn home today.
The lace factory, which has been
working half time for the past three
months, will begin, working full time
next Thursday.
At a meeting of the Christian Endeav
or society of the Presbyterian church,
held this week, the following officers
were elected: President, I. T. Keene;
vice president, Mary Nlcol: recording
secretary, Harry Kinsley; correspond
ing secretary, Margaret Nlcol; treas
urer, Al. Hunt.
Children's day will be observed by the
Hickory Street Presbyterian church on
Sunday, June 14, with elaborate exer
cises. The congregation of Evangelical
Church of Peace will observe Children's
day on June 14 also.
A telepohne has been placed In the
Century hose house, which are the
headquarters of the chief or the fire de
partment. Mrs. Michael Healey, of Prospect ave
nue, will leave for New oYrk next week
to reside there permanently.
The Alder street police station has
been fumigated and repapered for the
coming season.
Grace, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Plel, of Birch street, fell
from the porch yesterday and dislocat
ed her left elbow.
Mrs. Philip Graf, of Elm street, is
seriously ill.
Communion services will be held In
the Presbyterian church tomorrow
morning at 10.30 and In the evening the
pastor will have charge of the services
at 7.30. ,
Miss Laura Brady, or west urinuer
street, has been presented with a bi
Mrs. T. P. Letchworth, of Chestnut
street. Is the guest of friends and rela
tives at Dundaff.
At the meeting of the Loyal Legion
tonight a very Interesting programme
will be rendered. A debate on "Who Is
responsible for the granting of so many
licenses in Lackawlnna county, the
judges or the voters," will be one of
the most interesting numbers.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Presby
terian church will hold a social at the
home of Mrs. Christopher Moffat, on
West Drinker street, on Thursday eve
ning, June 11.
Extensive improvements are being
made about the Potter property on
Green Ridge street, which will be ac
cupied by Dr. Brown as a private hos
pital. Ralph Winters has returned from a
business trip to Sayre, Towanda and
other points throughout the state.
Historic Quincy Mansion House Se
cured for It. x
One of New England's leading edu
cators, Dr. Horace Mann Wlllard, hat
purchased for a girls' school the famous
Quincy mansion house, together with
several acres of the picturesque estate
belonging for over a century to the
Qulncys of Massachusetts, and located
in the town of Quincy, just outside of
The venerable homestead, which
stands near the mansion house, dates
back to colonial days, when the Adams
es and the Qulncys kept "open house"
for all the dignitaries of those early
times. Here Washington and Lafay
ette, successive governors of Massachu
setts, Boston's mayors, and other
prominent national, state and munici
pal leaders, were often made welcome.
Here were born and reared two of Bos
ton's distinguished mayors, the grand
father and great-grandfather of the
present mayor. In the mansion house
In later days were entertained Illus
trious - authors and statesmen, noted
divines, scholars and educators, Ralph
Waldo Emerson, E. P. Whipple, James
T. Fields, Horace Mann, and scores of
their contemporaries.
Dr. Wlllard has long been known as
principal of Howard seminary, Bridge
water academy, Colby college and the
Vermont academy, and as superintend
ent of schools In Newton and Glouces
ter, Mass. The experience and success
of Dr. and Mrs. Willard In the educa
tional field, and the qualifications of
the able men and women who with them
comprise the faculty, Insure a high
standard of accomplishment, while the
school equipment Is complete In every
The mansion house Is well adapted for
a school home. Spacious and comfort
able, attractively Imposing In appear
ance, with broad piazzas and great
rooms, it impresses one still with the
hospitable grandeur for which it has
so long been famous. It has been com
pletely fitted out with every modern
appliance, steam heat, electric lights,
perfect sanitary arrangements and
handsome furnishings, to meet every
requirement for health, comfort and a
cheerful home atmosphere. Being vir
tually in the country, It is yet In close
touch with the musical and Jiterary ad
vantages of Boston. Its curriculum has
been arranged upon the broadest lines
of modern educational methods, and the
indications now point to a highly satis
factory opening in September.
The historic character of the place
will be preserved In the felicitous title
of "The Quincy Mansion School." The
sale was made through Wood, Harmon
at company, of this city, whose head
quarters are at Boston. , , .,
With Taen in Iba Bnu Taera U Ha Doctor
to East or Wilt for Winn
lunjcn'i Guide to Ha'th WJ1 Tell Tan
Wbat to lbs and How to
Sxtaess O.'tei Corns Saidsnlj ud Eriry
Hotter Should Be Prepared by HivIe,
Waere Sbe Can Git I. Qilckly In Cui of
Eaergenc?. It Contains a
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom falls
to relieve in one to three hours, and cures
in a row uays. race, zoc.
. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure oosltlvelv
cures all forms o' indigestion and stomach
trouble. price, 3c.
Munyon b cuia cure prevents pneumonia
and breaks u; a cold In a few hours.
Price, 25e.
Munyon's Cough Cure stons coucht.
night sweats, allays soreness, and speedily
neiua me lunfrs. fnce, zoc.
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures
pains in the back, lions or -rolns and all
forms of kidney disease. F V e, 25c.
Munyon's Headache Cure ctois head
ache in three minutes. Price, 25c.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures
all forms of plies. Price, 25o.
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all lm.
purities of the blood. Price, 25c.
-Munyon female Remedies are a boon
to all women.
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fall.
The Catarrh Cure price 25c eradicates
the disease from the system, and the Ca
tarrh Tablets-price 25c cleanse and heal
the parts.
Munyon's Vltallser restores lost powers
to weak men. Price, $1.
A separate cure for each disease. At all
druggists, mostly 25c. a vial.
Perscnal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1506
Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa., answered
with free medical advice forany disease.
Concluded from Page .
pastor. First Sunday after Trinity. 7.30
a. m.. holy communion; 9.1S a. m., Sunday
school; lO.SOa. m.. litany, holy communion
and sermon ;7.30 p. m., evenlg prayer and
St. Mark's Dunmore. Rev. E. J.
Haughton. of Boston. In ehanr- n m
Sunday school; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer
and sermon.
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian Church
Rev. John Griffith, pastor. Morning sor
vice, 10.30, subject, "The Roll Call of
Faith Abel;" evening service, 8.00, Colonel
James Fairman, M. A., will speak on
"Rational Religion."
Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church
West Side. J. B. Sweet, pastor. Morning
prayer service at 8.30; preaching by the
pastor at 10.30, text, I Cor. I, 22-24, subject,
"The Jew and the Greek;" Sunday school
at 12 o'clock; Junior Epworth league at
t o'clock; Senior Epworth league at (.30
p. m.; evening sermon by the pastor at
7.30, text. Ezeklal, xxxvU, 1.10, subject.
"Tho Valley of Dry Bones." Seats free
and a cordial welcome to all.
First Baptist Church Scranton street.
Rev. S. F. Mathews, pastor. The usual
preaching service morning and evening by
the pastor; Babbath school, 2 p. m., Dr.
Beddoa, superintendent; Young People's
prayer meeting, 6.30 p. ni., led by the pas
tor. All are cordially Invited. I
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
Church F. P. Doty, pastor. Preaching at
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., by the pastor;
Epworth league service at (.30 p. m. Seats
free. A cordial welcome to the stranger.
Green Ridge Buptlst Church Services at
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. All members of
the church are especially urged to be
present at the morning service; subject
In the evening, "Prisoners of Christ."
Howard Place African Methodist Epis
copal Church Preaching morning and ev
ening by the pastor. Rev. McQee; morning
topic, Luke xxll, 316; evening topic, ii
Penn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. J.
H. Harris, D. D president of Bucknell
university, Lewlsburg, Pa., will preach at
10.30 and 7.30. The celebration of the
Lord's supper will be observed after the
morning sermon; Bible school at t o'clock;
Young People's meeting at 6.30 sharp. All
cordially Invited.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rev. Foster U. Gift, pastor. Services on
Sunday at tho Young Men's Christian as
sociation at 10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m.j
Children's Day exercises In the evening
at 7.30 o'clock.
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Four
teenth and Washburn streets. Rev. A.
L. Ramer, Ph. D., pastor. Services, 1030
a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Preaching at both
services by the pastor.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church Park
Place. Services at 4.30 p. m.
Providence Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. William Edgar, pastor. The pastor
will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Morning subject, "Temples of God;" even
ing subject, "A Courageous Young Man."
This Is the third sermon In the series on
"Young Men of the Bible." Sunday sohool
at 2 p. m.; Epworth league at 6.46 p. m.
New York Produce Market.
New York, June 6. Flour Dull easy.
Wheat Dull, stronger; t. o. b., 75Hc to
arrive; ungraded red, 66a76c.; No. 1 north
ern, 69c; options closed strong at lfta
H.C. advance; No. 2 red June, 66Vc; July,
OtSHc.; September,' 0594c. ; December, 67.
Corn-Spots dull, firm; No. 2, 334c. ele
vator; 3114c. afloat; options dull, weak,
at unchanged prices to He decline with
trading: only local. OatsSpots less ac
tive, steady; options dull, unchanged. Beef
Steady; family, J8.50a9; extra mess, 16a
7. Beef hams Dull; nominal; 314.50.
Tlerced beef Firm, quiet; city extra In
dia mess, llal2. Cut meats Dull, weak;
pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 4c; pickled
shoulders, 4Hc;blckled hams, a9toc. Lard
Quiet, stronger; western steam, 14.15;
city, $4.05a4.1O; July, 14.00; refined, firmer:
continent. $4.76; South America, 15.16;
compound, 4a4c. Pork Moderately uc
tlve, stronger; old mess, 8.23a8.75; new,
mess, J9a9.60. Butter Fancy, steady, fair
ly active; state dairy, 10al5c; do. cream
ery, llaloVic; western dairy, 9alH4c; do.
creamery, llVraloHc: do. factory, 8a1le.:
imitation creamery, lOalZc. Cheese Mod
erate demand; state large new, iMaSc;
do. small new, 4a7c ; part sklir-s, new, 2a
4Hc: full tklms, new,, lHaic Eggs-Fan-cy,
fair demand; state and Pennsylvania,
13c; western fresh, HVjal2V4c.; do. per
case, S2.10a3. L" - '
The St. Joseph's Total Abstinence
and Benevolent society will hold Its
regular meeting Sunday afternoon.
William J. Burke will leave on Mon
day for Wllllamsport, to attend . the
state convention of the Ancient Order
Hlbirnlans of America, that convenes
In that city Tuesday. :
The Stars Jrs., and the ' Greenwood
Pounders will battle for supremacy on
Brickyard grounds June 7, at 3 p. m.
The base ball teams of the Young
Men's Institute and the Welcome Social
club will cross bats tomorrow after
noon on new grounds, r , .
- The New Lager.
Call for Casey ft Kelly's extra fine
lager beer. Be sure that you get it
The best li none too good. ... -. .
Hall Street Review.
New York, June 8. A belter tone pre
vailed at the Stock Exchange today and
there was a general advance in prices, due
principally, it should be added, to cov
ering of short contracts. This change of
front on the part of the room traders caa
be traced to the growing Impression that
the St. Louis convention will adopt the
Indiana Republican currency plank. The
prospect of an early adjournment of con
gress, a belief that the bouse will kill the
Butler bond bill and the absence of gold
engagements for shipment to Europe to
morrow. According to authorities, J. Pier
pont Morgan has placed round amounts of
securities abroad and there will be a suf
ficient volume of exchange to meet the do.
mands the cessation of gold exports. A re
covery In the price of wheat and the fa
vorable report of the Chicago and North
west road for the year Just Issued exerted
a favorable Influence on the shares or the
western roads and neutralised moderate
selling of St. Paul by London. Some wide
changes were reported In a leading Issues.
Manhattan rose from 103 to 105al05Vl on
the negotiations now progressing with the
rapid transit commission. Tobacco was
Irregular, but In the main firm at 3H&65i.
closing at W4. The Bousack cigarette ma
chine patents controlled by this company
expired yesterday and an effort was made
to use this against Tobacco stock, but
without success. Susar was stronger on
the lnyirsnemfnt In tre mruUct fr ravs
and late in the day thore was extensive
covering and the stock rose 2 to U'tV
Lackawanna Jumped S per cent; Jersey
Central and Delaware and Hudson also
sold up to 106Vtal274. respectively, the best
figures of the week. Bay State Gas rose
li to 29, and the latter dropped i -o
274. Des Moines and Fort Dodge, Pre
ferred, was bid up 6 to 65, and the Com
mon rose to D. The directors of the
company have advanced the rate of divi
dend on the Preferred from 4 to 6 per cent,
per annum. Long Island Bales of '
shares declined from to 78. Specula
tion closed firm In tone. Net change
show advances of 14 to ii per cent., Man
hattan Sugar and the coalers leading.
Reading lost 14 per cent, on the day. "The
total sales were only 116,231 shares.
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL
LEN & CO., correspondents for A. P.
CAMPBELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. ing.
Am. Tobacco Co 63 6514 63H iiVt
Am. Cotton OH 12 12 ll'j ll'n
Am. Sugar Ref. Co..li2H 1241i 124
Atch., To. & S. Fe. .. 50s 6014 5Wi My,
Chic. Gas 68 CSVii 68 te
Chic. & N. VV lOili lOS-H 1014 mj
Chic, B. & Q mt TiVt 77i 77'
C. C. C. & St. L. ... 34 34 34 34
Chic, Mil. & St. P. . 70 7lfi 70 70S
Chic, R. I. ft Pac. .. 70 70 70 70
Del. ft Hud 12714 12714 12714 1HU
D. , L. ft W. .: 165 166 165 166
Dist. ft C. F. 17 1714 17 1714
Gen. Electric Wi 3314 32 334
Laka Shore 151 151 151 151
Louis, ft Nash 4914 49T4 4914 49
M. K. ft Texas. Pr. . 21 Zi 24 24
Man. Elevated 10314 105 -03 106
Mo. Pac 23 24 2314 23Ti
Nat. Cordage 6 6 6 6
Nat. Lead 2414 26 2414 15
N. J. Central 105 10614 li 1W4
N. Y. Central 9614 v614 96 W4
N. Y., 8. ft W.. Pr. .. 24 24 24 21
Nor. Pac, Pr 16 15 15 15
Ont. ft Western 14 14 14 14
Omaha 4214 42 42 42
Pac. Mall 25 23 26 25
Phil, ft Reading .... 914 :t
Southern R. R., Pr. 28 28 28 23T(,
Tenn. C. ft Iron .... 25 25 25 25
Union Pactflo 7 7 7 7
Wabash 6 6 6 6
Wabash, Pr. 16 17 16 16
Western Union 85 85 85 85
W. L. 9 W 9 10
U. 8. Leather 8 8 8 8
U. S. Leather, Pr. ... 64 64 63 63
U. S. Rubber 21 21 21 21
Op'n- High- Low- Clo.
WHEAT. tng. est. est. In.
July 68 69 68 19
Beptember 68 60 68 60
July 18 18 17 17
Beptember 18 18 18 U
July 28 28 28 28
September 29 29 29 29
July 4.26 4.30 4 25 4.30
September 4.37 4.45 4.37 4.15
July 7.12 7.27 7.12 7.25
September 7.30 7.45 7.20 7.40
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
QuotationsAII Quotation Based
on Par of 100.
Name. Bid. Askei
Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bonk 140
Scranton Laos Cirtaln Co n
National Boring ft Drilling Co. ... to
First National Bank eg
Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co 23
Silmhurst Boulevard Co igg
oranfon Savings Bank 200
Bonta Plate Glass Co it
Scranton Car Replacer Co 100
Sctanton Packing Co a
Weston Mill Co r0
Lacks war, na Iron ft Bleel Co 150
Third national nan 350
Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co 90
Scranton Traction Co 17. 20.60
Scranton Glass Co
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage due 1IU
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage due 1918
8cranton ft Plttston Trae. Co..
People's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage due 1920
Dickson Manufacturing Co....
Lacka. Township 8chool 6....
City of Scranton Street Imp i
Borough of Wlnton 6
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Scranton Axle Works
Philadelphia Provision Market.
Philadelphia, June 5. There was a Urn
ited jobbing demand and no Important
change In prices. We quote: City,
smoked beef, llal2c; beef hams, $15a
15.60; pork, family, 8a9c; do. smoke,
9al0c, as to average; sides, ribbed, in
salt, 4a4c; do. do. smoked, 5a5c;
shoulders, plckle-cured, 6a5c; do. do.
smoked, 6a6c; picnic hams, S. P. cured.
6a5c; do. do. smoked, 6aUc; bellies.
In pickle, according to average, loose, 6a
6c; breakfast bacon, 7a9c. for round and
Jobbing lots, as to brand and avera';;
lard, pure, city refined, In tierces, 6V2a
6c; do. do. do., In tubs, 5a6c; do. buton
era', loose, 4a4c; city tallow, in hogs
heads, 3c; country do., 2a2c., as to
quamy, anu caaes, ac.
. Buffalo Live Stock.
Buffalo, N. Y., June 6. Cattle None on
sale; market steady. Sheep and lambs-
Slow,, lower; fair to choice mixed sheep
S3.50a4.25; culls and common, Sla3; year
lings about same price as sheep; spring
lambs.. S5a6. Hogs Active, stronger;
pigs,- 33.55a3.60; roughs. S2.75a3; stags, S2a
2.40.- ;W
1 $52SJ
Just wbat you are looking for. Oar strong rgu
meqjt is that here yoa get them a "little cheaper" than
elsewhere. '
26 pieces of Imparls! Sarge, 43 Inch
wiUa, bloi ouly; this is special;
worth bic. every yard. Ooly 39c
Th pick of our lot ot Novalty Dress
Goois from ftic to 75a. per yard.
Dou't miss thii chance. 49s
Want to aaiu emphasize that we are direct import
ers of Lace Curtains. Hen;e lmy dire ct; pay no middle
man's profit and save from 23 to 50 per cant.
103 pairs of Nottingham Curtains.
luxe, SI-50 value.
Ooly oSc
100 pilrs extra six Nottingham
Cuitilns. SiOO value. Ooly )
CO pair Nottingham Curtain, a
. bargain at SL0J' Oaly Si.oS
Is Essential to flood
The process of fil
tration is shown in
the cut, by perco
lation through a
porous natural
stone from the up
per to the lower
Jar olmply by the
force of gravity,
which is nature's
own process of Al
tering. Our filtering disc
are a natural stone,'
quarried from the
earth, which Is of
such a nature that
it does not allow
the filth It extracts
to enter Its pores;
but retains all Im
purities upon Its
surface whence
they are removed
In cleaning, which
Is na simnle an oneratlon as tho cleansing
of an ordinary Jar or pall. Our filter disc
can oe cleaned in two minutes reaay tor
use, when It Is the same as new.
Every Dart of our Filter is easily gotten
at for the purpose of cleansing.
our niter is an stone and mere is noin
Ing to rust and corrode orbecome foul.
The Finest In the City.
The latest improved farnlsb'
lags and apparatus far tttpiag
meat, batter aid egga,
123 Wyoming Aval
Has Moved to His New Quarters,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance on side next to First National
Dank. He has now In a ,
Comprising everything requisite for flae
Merchant Tailoring. And the same can
be shown to advantage In bis splen
diflly fitted up rooms.
Is Extended to All Resdcrs of The Trlb
tine to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" in His
New Business Home
botue ovei'-aoxiuim iwoplo in tt Mil 8. reot and
London aro pretending to four that tlm possi
bility of Mr. iirKiuh-y's elevation lo the Pres
idency means Freo Mlvvr nud iiitintiou and
these Rome people who are now predicting ca
lx mi ty were tha loudeC in tln-lr rredictioos
of unpxrulleled prosperity with "Turllf Re
form" four years ago. Don't let them fool
you. Wo'ro going into batter times, nothing
can stop us.
Send for our Daily Market Letter, ft wilt
tell you the best iiivetn e' ts. nlso our book,
"Speculations Fully Explained."
Uptown Office, N. W. Cor. B'wny & 31st St.
8 &, V 5 V 'v-
-7 Made a
wen man
16th Day. 'T
of Me.
Tr:t UrEAT 30th Dny.
riiEuan: nE3M33rj-jr
prodnros tho above rcnulls In 30 itays. It a li
powerfully ant', i uick ly. Cures wbou all other fail
1'ouiik men will n-xaiu their lout manhood, nud old
mi u v.Ul recover their yontlilul vigor by using
KEV1VO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous
ness, Lost Vitality, Iiupoteney, Nightly KiuIk.kiup,
Lost Power, Failing Mrmory, Wasting Diseases, and
all effects of seif-abitsu or eieesDtid indiscretion.
V. hich unfits one for s! udy. business or marriage. It
not only cures by stalling at thuseot of d. .ease, but
Is a great nervw tnnlo and blood Imllder, brlnz
ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and rc
toi'ing the lire of youth. It wards oft Tnsanlty
and Consumption. Insist on having
other. It can be carried lu vest pocket. By mMI
T 1.00 per package, or six for 63.00, with a posl
:lvs written guuinntoe to cure or refund
ho money. Circular free. Address
- nTw,rrr- .- . rH!CG0. ".
Far sals by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggist,
Scrantoa, Pa.
(mi' wjirwiat ireuwn uifl
awn w augiiiii w y n
vaahE' m i
at l.f'j? w
r-y rL. Mc-
30 pleoM of Carded Swlral Bilks, i a ;
natr ron'binutoas of enlorings;
Uc; value. To Close, 150
2? pieces ot Changeable Silk, ehoice
line; tni b gaol Tluo at Mo. per
yard: This Week, $c
40 Dair Irish Point Curtains.
lar SJ.00 value.
M pairs (errand barnin) Irish Point
Curtaiui, spraial t Si. Only $6.5
37 pain Irish Point Curtain, rata
lar 110 valus. Oaly $7.48
Wagner A Rcls, Lesseesand Managers
Commencing June 8.
70 - - PEOPLE - - 70
The Entire New Series of
Living Pictures.
Prices, 15c, 25c., 35c. and 50c.
Matinees 35c All Parts ol the Hoase.
MATINEES. Wednesday and Saturday
Under Iba Auspices of lbs Teicbers and Pa
pi!s of the Scranton Schools.
Norris Bros.'
Company of
t?vl.lkl T'n.lot. Thnle Rio Tents.
Corner Adams Avenue and
Mulberry Street,
Week Commencing Mon, , June 8
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
PRICES, Children, 10c; Adults, 20c
Watch for a novel street parade
Monday 19 a. m.
Coal of the best quality for domestic us
and of all Elzos, Including Buckwheat anil
Ulrdseye, delivered In any part of the city
at the lowest price.
Orders received at the Office, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. t
telephone No. 2G24 or at the mine, tele
phone No. 272, will be promptly attended
to.Dealers supplied at the mine.
Electrlo Batteries, Klectrlo Exploders, for ex
plodes blasts, Safety Fuse, and
Repanno Chemical Go. '3 expl&IVu,