The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 05, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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(Reader wtll pImm noa that adYertlee.
mrntr. orders for Job work, and Items for
Eubllration left at the establishment of
bannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main
treet. will receive prompt attention; oN
Hie open from t a. m. to 10 p. m.1
The New Buffalo and the Old Batler
Collieries to lie Leased.
It Is rumored that the Butler breaker
on lSeltnont street will commence opera
tions shortly. The breaker will change
hands and will probably be controlled
by the Ontario and Western. W. W.
Watklns has been making offers for the
colliery but the Ontario and Western
seem to be determined to have it If
the change Is made and the colliery
opened It will be a great benefit to Car
bondale as It will give employment to
a large number ot men and boys. The
report has it that the lease will be made
out at once and work on the recon
xtructlon will anon be gwlns on.
Anoiher report whieh seems to have
a more substantial foundation la to the
effect that the new Buffalo mines will
be leased shortly to the Northwest Coal
company. The mines have been operat
ed by Williams & Lindsay, of Scran
They Will Be Celebrated Daring This
' The wet'.illns bells are rlnglntf merrily
tills month. During the last two days
four weddings were celebrated and
two move are announced to take plnce
this morth. Invitations have been
Issued by Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snlmon,
fur the mtinliiKt of their daughter
Agues Allen to William 11. Ilowells, the
ceremony to take place on Wednesday
evening at their residence on Gilbert
street. Both young people are well
known. Mr. Howell being employed In
the HendWok Manufacturing company's
works. Miss Salmon has but recently
come from England.
The weiUling of Teresa Burns and
Thomns J. Mnran will take place on
Tuesday, June 23, nt St. John's church,
HoneFdal?e. A reception will be given
the couple nt the homo of the bride's
parents nfter the ceremony.
Celebrated Yrstcrdny Morning. Rev.
Charles Lee Officiating.
The wedding of Miss Rose Rosser
and George A. Herbert wa solemnized
yesterday morning at 9 o'clock by Rev.
Charles Lie of the First Presbyterian
church. Only the Immediate friends
witnessed the ceremony. After an elab
orate wedding breakfast the couple left
on th U o'clock train for Washington,
Old Point Comfort and other places ot
Interest In the south. They will return
to thia city In ubotit two weeks.
Both of the contract'ng partes
poFsess a large number of friends who
wit h to congratulate the couple. Mr.
Herbert Is secretary of the Electric
Light, Heat and Power company and
has served as councilman. He Is a
progressive and honored citizen and his
bride Is a general favorite among htr
A Well-Known Citizen Called Awnv
Yesterday Morning.
Evan W. Davis, of South Wyoming
street, who had been seriously 111 for the
last four weeks, died yesterday morn
The deceased was born In South Wales
In 1824. When quite young he came to
America and took up his residence In
this city, where he has resided ever
since. During his long residence In tnls
city he has made many friends who will
be greatly pained to hear of his death
He was an upright Christian man, and
an active member of the Welsh Baptist
church until it disbanded some time ago.
KInce that time he has been a member
of the Berean Baptist church. A widow
and svon children survive Mr. Davis.
They are Rachel, Sarah, Mrs. Morgan
Wntklns, Caroline, David, John and
Three Young .lien Arrested but Are
Al'tcnt iuil DiNchiirucd.
Mrc. Mn,7g!c Geary, of Forty-second
street, bad thiee ynung men arrested
recently on the chaig:- rf stealing her
chickens, but ns she had no proof of
their guilt they were discharged at the
hearing yesterday.
The chickens w:re rtolen a week ago
last Sunday tinil slpco that time Mrs.
Geary has teen i :i,- Inquiries. Asa
result she hud tl.i young men, named
Qulnn, Ilisg'ns urn! Decgan, arrested,
They pleaded not guilty and went to
work to show that they were no where
near the scene on the night of the rob
bei'y. ' Their alibi was accepted and the
case discharged.
The Curliondnlo Base Ball Club Con
template Much ait l'liiternrisr.
The management of the Carbondale
bane bnll team are contemplating the
running of an excursion to Faiview for
Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents discs
tiun and permit food to ferment and putrlfy in
the stomach. Then folow dizziness, headache,
lnsomliia, nervousness, und,
11 not relieved, bilious fever I
or blood poisoning. Hood's tf I R I S
Pills stimulate tlio stomach;
rouse the liver, euro headache, dizziness, con
stipation, etc. 21 cents. Hold liy nil ilrnciiists.
Tho only l'llls to take with Hood's Sarsuparilla.
,. t .
We have no fortune to give away,
but we (runrantee vou 00(ia at eHg
than any other house in the trade.
Your choice from our stock, which is
complete at .
$100 Per Yard.
. Keruember we dou't reserve any
thing These goods consist of all the
leadiug makes. Come early aud make
your selections.
: 419 Uskaxanna Ava.
whether due to the inheritance of
some scrofulous disorder, or caused
by a depleted condition of the
system, is the cause of much
agony. A terrible complexion, foul
eruptions, and loathesome ul
cers are but outward symptoms
the sufferer should remember that
all of the great organs of the
body are likewise diseased, and
the day cannot be long distant
when death must surely ensue.
when taken for this trouble, is a
means of salvation. It creates
new flesh tissue and pure red
blood corpuscles, and by giving
strength to the great vital cen
tres of the body, it enables them
to perform their functions nat
urally, and thus dispel the existing
poisons by the natural channels.
It is not a medicine, but a pow
erful food preparation and invigo
rant, and is endorsed by over
25,000 physicians.
the benefit of the club. Prospects teem
a little brighter now and the attendance
has Increased greatly. Still our finan
cial condition is not what it ought to
Tho benefit game did not realize as
much as was expected. The directors
now think that when the club again re
turns they will run an excursion to Far
view and play a game there.
May Affect the Delaware and Hudson
Gravity Tracks.
Another of the cave-Ins, which have
been occurring on the South Side, took
place yesterday. The fall Is near No.
1 shaft but this may prove to be more
seiloiiH than the previous ones. The
hole is about ten feet In diameter and
the earth has sunk about twelve feet.
The entire land nearby Is undermined
and falls are frequent. As this one Is
near the Delaware and Hudson tracks
and the ground Is badly cracked around
It, It may damage the tracks.
Miss Mamie Grislin, of Hallstead, Is
vlstlng relatives In this city.
Miss L?na Bronson will leave this
week for an extended visit with friends
In Sidney, N. V.
William Walton, of Philadelphia, was
a truest at the home of Mrs. H. D. Her
ring, on Salem avenue, Wednesday.
Patrick Brown and Joseph McCann,
who hav been traveling through the
west the past month, have returned
home. x-,
Henry Torrence, Jr., of Tenafly, N.
J., an employe of the Hendrlck Manu
facturing company, this city, was called
to his home by the death of his mother.
Mrs. Heed Lacey, of Grand Rapids,
Mich., who has been visiting her moth
er, Mrs. Isaac Davis, of River street;,
has returned to her home.
Mrs. Charles GlnnevnS, of Susque
hanna street, is the guest of friends in
this clty.-
Miss Rerthn Whltelock, of Belmont
street, left yesterday for a visit with
friends In Wilmington, N. J.
Miss Jennie Brennon left yesterday
for a visit of several weeks with friends
in Elmlra.
Mrs. Hadden and Mlsa Alice Walty,
of Clinton, Wayne county, were visit
ors In town Wednesday.
Mioses Mnffgie Watklns, Mamie Jones
and Lizzie Davis have returned home
from a visit of several days with Mr.
and Mrs. Rose Urltllths, of Peckvllle.
Mrs. Burdick Squires, of Sidney, N.
Y and Mrs. II. N. Budd, of Como, Pa.,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Hoyt, of Eighth avenue.
Miss Laura Hill, of Iitlmont street,
has returned home nfter n visit of sever
al weeks In Binglmmton.
Mrs. Thomas Oliver, of Dickson City,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. McCaw
ley this week.
Miss Emma Folley, of Aldenvllle, Pa.,
is visiting relntves In town.
Miss Mamie Morrison, of Onnonta, N.
Y., is the guest of M13S Lizzie Morrison,
of Railroad street.
Mrs. D. L. Bailey returned yesterday
from New York, where she has been
fur some t'me, much Improved In he ilth.
Mr. and Mr. L. C. Wetherby and Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Mallory, of Wayne
street, left Wednesday for their future
home In Dayton, Florida.
Mrs. Mary MlUspaugb, of Woverly,
N. Y., Is the guest of her rk'ter, Mrs.
E. A. Hamden, of Salem avenue.
J. W. Aitken will soil on Saturday
for an extended trip through Europe.
Crystal Fire company, No. 1, held a
meting on Wednesday evening when
the following officers were elected for
the enaulng year: President, Dr. S. D.
Davis; vice-president, George K. Wal
ters; secretary, John D. Williams; fore
man, John F. Nicholson; assistant fore
men, Thomas Roberts and Jes.e Avery;
financial secretary, . Ellhu B. Nichol
son; treasurer, Theron Moon; plpeman,
Walter Moon; first assistant plpeman,
George Edmunds; second asfls-tant
plpeman, Thomas Long; third assistant
plpeman, William McDormott; foreman
hook and ladder department. Albert
Moon; assistant foreman, Walter Coon;
trustees, Wlllam Dunn, M. 8. Collins,
and Silas B. Hills.
The sale of the household furniture,
stock, and hotel fixtures of Hotel A vary,
which was seized by the sheriff last
week, occurred Wednesday afternoon.
The same was purchased by Attorney
Taylor and Levene In behalf of Charlts
L. Bell and Edwin Stubbo.
Superintendent Gus Gebhardt started
Wednesday evening on a bicycle tour
which will take in the following named
places: Scranton, Wllkes-Barre, Hazle
ton, Bethlehem, Philadelphia, Camden,
N. J., New York city, Albany and re
turn. Mr. Gebhardt is an enthusiastic
wheelman and intends running over
one thousand miles before his return
to Jertnyn.
Liberty lodge, Knights of 'Pythias,
will hold a social tomorrow evening.
Rushbrook lodge, No. 860,' Indepen
dent Order Odd Felows, conferred the
military degree on two members last
evening. The members of the lodge
have decided to purchase silk hats
which they will wear on drees parade.
Joseph Zachariaa and family will
leave for Buffalo tomorrow morning
where they will make their home.
W hue here a large number of friends
were made who will regret their re
moval to Buffalo.
Lillian Baker and Mrs. Frances Daley,
of Carbondale, are visiting friends in
Miss Lillian Pafsmoro, of Carbondale,
Is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Miller, on
Main street.
William Brennan, sr., of Salem street,
died at 10 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Brennan hud been ailing for a long
time, but it was only within the past
few days that his condition became
alarming. The deceased was one of the
oldest end most highly esteemed resi
dents of this borough. He came here
about thlrty-nve years ago and his l"ng
residence and many good qualities made
him a familiar and respected character.
He was the father of William Brennan.
Kearn Brennan, Michael F. Brennan.
Miss Bridget Brennan, Mrs. Timothy
Burke and Mrs. John Lane, of this
place; Miss Mary Brennan. of Scran
ton, and Miss Annie Brennan, of Oma
ha, Nebraska... The funeral took
place yesterday afternoon. .At 3 o'clock
the remains were taken to St Thomas'
church where the burial service was
performed by Rev. T.J. Comerford. The
remains were Interred In the Catholic
cemetery. The pall-bearers were:
Andrew McDermbtt, of Green Ridge,
and Thomas K. Munley, Martin Cum, James Murphy, Juhn McAndrew
and James Laader. of this plane. The
funeral was very large and It Included
many from every part of the valley.
The "Mystic Midgets," produced by
the children of the public schools
crowded Futher Mat hew Opera House
last evening. The little ones who had
been preparing for the past few weeks,
acted their parts with remarkable skill
and the singing especially was worthy
of note. The teachers who had charge
of the performance are to be congratu
lated on their success. The entertain
ment will be repeated this evening.
A teachers' examination will be held
here Monday next by County Superin
tendent C. E. Moxley.
Mrs. N. A. Monroe, of Poyntelle,
Wayne county, who has been Visiting
her daughter, Mrs. F. W. Westgate, Is
lying dangerously 11 at the home of the
the latter on Susquehanna street.
The new school board will meet on
Monday evening next and will organize
by electing a president, secretary and
The Leek building on Main street has
been fitted up for a drug store. Dr.
Dwyer will move into it about June
William Paynter, of Vandllng, will
leave for England about the middle of
this month and will remain in his na
tive land until September.
Jonathan Davis, who lives on the
Warren tract, will soon leave on a visit
to England and Wales.
Professor Lowe, the hypnotist, will be
at Davis' Opera house one week, com
mencing Monday, June 15.
John Hughes left Forest City for
New York yesterday. From there he
will sail for Wales. Mr. Hughes ex
pects to make an extended visit in the
old country.
The school board met on Tuesday
evening and elected the following ofli
cers for the coming year: President,
Edward Gibbons; treasurer, Jacob Web
ster; secretary, John Morahan. The
board adjourned to meet on Saturday
The pupils of Professor Hoban's room
picnicked at Slebel's grov.-near Ransom,
Teachers' examination for Marcy and
Avoca will be held at the high school on
June 12.
A pleasant surprise party was ten
dered the Misses McQueen Wednesday
evening at their home on the West Side.
About twenty-five couples were pres
ent and the evening pleasantly spent.
Refreshments were served.
Edward Gllroy. of the West Side, will
remove his family next week to the
house recently purchased by htm on
Lincoln Hill.
Miss Katie Dougher, of the West Side,
who has been for the past few years a
successful teacher In the Exeter schools,
has been re-appointcd for the coming
The employes of the silk mill were
paid Wednesday.
The members of the Presbyterian
church will celebrate the second annl
versary of Rev. A. J. Welsley's pastor
ate on June 15. An interesting pro
gramme has been arranged.
The borough council met on Tuesday
evening. All members were present ex
cept M. F. Noon and Dr. G. B. Seamen.
A number of bills were ordered paid and
considerable business was transacted.
Miss Maggie Duddy, of Plains, Is
spending a few days with friends in
every day in the week, every
week in the year, is assured to
wearers of the "Celluloid" water
proof collars. Neither dirt nor
water can hurt them. One will
outwear six linen collars and
save dollars in laundry bills. It
costs nothing to keep them clean.
A wet cloth or sponge is all you
need use. Made in all styles
and sizes. The
Collars and Cuffs are the original.gena
iue interlined collars aud cuffs with a
"celluloid" surface. Get them at your
furnisher's, or send direct to us.
Collars soc, each.' Cliffs 40c. pair.
New Yoke. 1
Wide - awake
women on the
lookout for a
chance to make a
dollar g farthest
are flocking for
he Great Bar
gains we off r
A Hat Was Never Made
Prsttrand strllsh n dnr or In half a
lay. It only takes a few minute. mft?bi,
to plnce th trtmmin. but 11 tink yenr-Mo
know how to place l t get the bast I'fTect.
Thoni.-y effe i4of tta (!. the itracs
tul harmony of (lis color, and t'lo pretti
ly knotted bows is the result ot long
We miks pretty hntn - we rnakestylUli
hat -we talks hats which increase tho
beauty vt the warer.
rrom our inv
vneiifo stocks.
MyKth Triaon-d Hits,
.1... .,. , 5 ' Tho latvt and swellesC. rt?la in ntrnw
WorthSW, ?l.fOand Sj.. ah .ues in flntst at aw un bnlda. Wer
Very Swell Trimmed lists, $i.w nl W-. All maAea down tu
At $2.50101 S3.CC 89: cart
Worth 85.i and $".. p straw Tlirba11, ,,, M snV nd Call-
sel Imported litis, drca's Hais. Were TJc.and J.I.U0.
Worth (JIU.OJ. Sltf.tai and J 15.00 to eo 25c each
At S.98 Uiboro Hats
(rlomed Leghorn Hats, 39c, it:, 69c, 7J.
At 98. , $1.19, $1.37 sad $1.43 One-half of rrgulnr price.
We have Vie lnrceat stock aad moit ooinple sortm-nt of Trimmed Sailors ever shawv
fa tliinol,- at prices a nvist nvu half ou have Wn uecl to py:rit.
TIic tras ur Friiujua Satm Straw. Fins Milu K:m it Brnl I an'l Fnnrr Hough Straw.
i'Ue styles ar.) "Tho Knox." -Lillian K'ltsoil." Yaw," Hforaalr." TraCrd," "New ork,
D.'fntlr." and numarrai nt'isr ia(r. . . ,
Prices ere joc. Sc, c, j3c. 7c, 08c. Sl.jJ, $t.. Si.73 and $1.98. Each on cu irantoe .1
a be less by near ono-btil '. Tun 4 harit Co pikj at other store.
Wa e offering t'r (.vcaltxt bcrcatn in Ribbsns fvorseon In Uils olty. The n:lwi le!n
u low w wnnni nadcTtaV. to simply tor In nuntltlns, but will required quintltlo
-,u Individual and ittnr. Wo avjspvw to mention only a few spaclale:
At ho a yar.l pnre, SM'.k Tnffet and rt.i en Fil'ioin, No. 41, worth i Jo a yarJ.
AtlSoayardsllillkSitin aibbon, No. n. worth
At !o a yar IJ'ack uu 1 Whit tit Ifl boii, all !.Jk, No. 41), w irtli 0i.
At Ifica yard No. en pnre .Silk TaffnUa kib'riqn In nil oolon, worth &Jo a yara.
At SSn a vard Fun' y 'i'affstta KtbWi 1 1n .i!es wld , w.irih tlll.i.
Kvury color in Kotln Ribr and Ribbon at the vaino low pr'.co.
"Princess Rosebud," a military opera,
will be produced at the Father Mathew
Opera house tomorrow evening by the
pupils of the Blakely schools There
will be 100 scholars on the stage. Fol
lowing Is the cast of characters: Prin
cess Kosebud, Myrtle Ensign; Prince
Curley, Howard Brlndage; Fairy
Whitewand, Myrtls Peck; King Grab
all, Albert Chapman; Queen 8aroh,
Bella Wallace; Princess Zephyrlove,
Maud Bell; Prince Ponderous, Norman
Kennedy; Gold Gauge, Lizzie Waring;
Madame Gruff enough, Bessie Craig;
Patrick Gruffenough, Walter Walker;
Her Biff, Fred Mason;; Headsoff, W, D.
Lewis; Sergeant Humpus, William
Walker. The music will be furnished
by the orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watklns, of Peck
vllle, spent Tuesday evening In town.
Miss Maria Williams has returned
home from Asbury Park.
The pupils of St. Patrick's parochial
academy will spend today at Farvlew.
Will Lathrop, of the Carbondale
Leader, was a caller in town yesterday.
Miss Alice Evans, of Wllkes-Barre,
Is visiting relatives at this place'.'
Dr. L. Kelly and family leave this
morning for Elmhurst to attend the
funeral of the former's father, Dr. T.
Kelly at that place today.
Louis S. Wright, of Carbondale, regis
tered at the Tarbell house today.
A conclave of Hallstead's representa
tive citizens were In Montrose on
Wednesday. Among those here were H.
D. Barnes, G. F. Taylor and M. Barnes
E. B. Benjamin, of Carbondale, paid
a flying visit to Montrose on Wednes
day. C. S. Brodhead, the Scranton shoe
man, was In town for a few days this
week. He returned after shipping his
household goods to Scranton.
The funeral of B. F. Mills, of Dlmock,
was held on Wednesday. He was burled
with Masonic honors.
Mrs. B. T. Ash, of Binghamton, Is tho
guest of kinsfolk.
Conductor T. G. Walters, of the Mont
rose railway, told me that the Mm din
ing car ever run over the road made Its
pristine trip on Tuesday. Those who
cat around the festive board were Presi
dent James I. Blnke3lee. Charles R.
Blakeslee, Asa P. Blakeslce, Albert P.
Blakeslee and T. G. Walters.
"When a man Is capable of self-knowledge
he Is rarely deeelevd as to his own
ftate; and presentiment is oft but Judg
ment In disguise." Madame Do Stael.
"There are men whose presence Infu.-es
trust und reverenre; there are others to
whom we have need to carry our truHt and
reverence ready-made." George Kiiot.
"If all the truth were known, most men
would look foolish; and the men who
thank God that they were not as other
mm, soonest of all." Mrs. Humphrey
"Even a man who has practiced hlmitelf
In love-making till his own glibness has
rendered him skeptical may at last be
overtaken by the lover's awe." George
"A man nowadays Is, In tho long run,
fiersomilly profitable, far more by what he
than by what he has so far at least has
'nrogioBS brought us." Mrs. Humphrey
"No man or, bo It seems to me, at leant
unleFS he has passed all his life before a
mirror, or as a portrait painter can have
a very exact idea of his own appearance."
George Sand.
"It Is always Incomprehensible to a man
that a woman should ever refuse an offer
of marriage. A man always Imagines a
womun to be ready for anybody who adks
her." Jane Austen.
"A mp.h loevdJjy a beautiful and virtu
ous woman carries a talisman that ren
ders him Invulnerable; all feel that such a
one's life has a higher value than that of
others." George Sand.
"You meet some men Jealous enough to
stub their rivals, others sufficiently mod
est to accept the second place In the es
teem of a woman whose company they
enjoy."-Madame De Stael. .
"A sensible man ought to banish from
his mind whatever can be of no service
to himself or others. Are we not placed
Untrimmcd Hats.
Flowers, Laces,
Veilings, &c.
Newest Straw Shspet.
Lackawanna Avenue
here below to be uceful first, and conse
quently happy? Madame De Stuel.
"I don't say that men are not so con
stant as women, but they haev a greater
capacity for seeing more than one side of
a question. fciiina Lyuu.
"Women are told that 'the great, the lm
portant bugint'ss of their life U love,' but
men know they are born for something
beter than to sing mournful ditties to a
mistress' eyebrow." Maria Edgeworth.
"Half-hearted and ouble-faced men re
semble husbandmen who prune salient
twigs from a poisonous plant, by that
very pruning strengthening the deep
seated, unattacked root." Christina G.
"To be the strength, the Inmost Joy, of
a man who within the conditions of hia
life seems to you a hero nt every turn
there Is no happiness more penetrating
for a wife than this." Mrs. Humphrey
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoris.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
1$ tbi$ wftat ails you?
Have you a feci-
en 'IHPa I ing 01 weight im
Bl Ifeil l'A th Stomach;
m fferaWVp! IM Wt'ng after'
ing of Wind
Vomitingof Food 1
Waterlirash I
J Heartburn Bad Taste in the llouth
In the MornlnR Palpitation of thc
i Heart, due to Distension of Stomach tj
1 Cankered Mouth Gas in the Bowels 1
1 Loss of Flesh Fickle Anoetlte
I Depressed, Irritable Condition of the I
Mind Ditziness Headache Con
stipation or Diarrhoea? Then you have '
. In one of Its many forms. The nt positive J
' care for this distressing complaint Is '
JIckcr'$ Dyspepsia Zubktu
by mall, prepaid, on receipt of 25 cents.
rmnf.r Riifitr TTnfl Intnarinl w(
York, says: 'l nutrred liorrlbly from dvs-l
I IwPRii, but A'kf r's Tablets, taken aiutr ,
r in cuts, mivp rimu me. 1
i Acker Medicine Co., iwf Chambers St, N. Y.
Manufacturers ot the Celebrated
hi Hi ii
100,000 Barrels per Annum
To ail sufferers at KRKOK8 OP YOUIH,
WOMEN, 206 tgu: cMli bound; srourolv
ssah-d und mul.u frco. Trentm.ut broiif
strii'tly ooufldentlal, and a iiositlrs unick rurc
Bua ant.wt. Ho mattsr how long atftadiag. I
will posltirsly ours you. V rlt or call .
KB MOD 328 N. ISth t.. Phllnda., Pa
UHs IiVDD XV rars eonUBaius praotic
w2rax3f Bargain
Th fallowing articles all at 19; sack).
Hants' 2W) Neckties.
Uents' !5o bhirts and Drawers.
Ueuts' i'vo Siisienars.
Ijiiltes' SSe Hibbrd Vests.
Ladiva' 2So silk Mitts.
Ladies1 25o H'lee.
Ijidii-s'X&o Handkerchief.
Leillea' :5c t rtt Covers.
Ladios' xi Chriufetv
Ladi'-a' 25c Drawers.
Children's :v Lace Caps.
Children's 10
Children's i' nret Waists,
Chddren's Sic He.
BoyV Sio Waists
Vour Choice at 19c or Three for soc
Th following articles all at 75c each.
Ladies' l 00 Corsets.
Ladies' 1 M) 8hirt Waists.
Ladies' l.lm hkirta.
Ladies' i.00 NiKht Gowns,
tient.' l.OU 8Uirts.
Ladies' 100 Umbrellas.
Ladies' L.0.1 8nten Skirts,
Ladies' 2.00 Capns.
Children's LM) Jackets
Children's 1 23 Dresses.
Children's 1.2s Lace Hats.
1. 25 Chenille Table Covers.
1.IO Linen Tahl Covers.
1.26 Lace Curtains.
Boys' 1. 75 Suits.
Ladies' la bilk Bibbed Vests.
Veur choice at 75c or Three for la.oo.
Ladls' to Handkorchlers 1-.
Ladies' So Hamlk Ti-hiBt Uo.
Ladies' 22c liibbed VesU i'JHa
l"o Tuwvls only 6a.
20a Towels only Sc.
S-ia Tsblo Llnea only 20a
Ulo Kibbon only to.
l.'w llihbon only Be,
25o Dress Ooom l!IUc.
Latdios' 60c Stripvd Under Bklrtsst Sue.
The Rush Is here. Best reasons, too. The peo
ple have found out that our store is the place
We have the goods and the prices are right,
and naturally they are here after them.
In greater variety than ever. Chinese Mattings from
$4 a roll, containing 40 yards. Japanese Mattings
in all the novelties. Plain Mattings with inlaid figures,
elaborate Carpet Patterns and all desirable colors.
Opposite Main Enlrsnce
to the Wyoming House,
Branch at Carbondale.
Locomotives. Stationary Engines. Boilers.
the yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiHiira
ECONOMY'S Premium Salatar
From June 5 to July 4.
1 These we offer as 1
i trade stimulators:
I 25 Ladies' Desk
Solid Oak, Worth
5 A
I $4.50, to sum- fljo no g
s late i
3 oAAn..ii.n.i.i.. S
200 Rustic Tables,
s some house in
tnls city sells at
a $1.50, we charge
1 Jardiniere Stands,
2 round and hu-
agonal shape
S Mahogany, An
il tique and Enam-'
el, worth more
s than we ask
oSCi I
Enamel Toilet Dressers to match, with oval
Frcuch Beveled Mirrors. (Antique Oak $1 less.)
BABY CARRIAGES at Greutly Reduced Prices and
For Oae Week Only. Coaameaclsg Mee
day, Jan 1.
Ulaasware, Crockery, Hardware, Tia
ware, Woodeaware, etc. Yoar ckeke
ol age Article. 3 tor joc.
The fallowing articles all at i9C each. .
Genu' 50c Neck ies.
Ueuts' 60c Underwear.
Oents' 5'Ki iSuaprnders.
Ladies' 61 to Corsets.
Ladies' Me Nittht Gowns.
Ladles' SOc t-kirta,
La 1 Us' AOc Cliomiae.
Lsdies' 500 Drawers.
Children's 60c Lace Caps.
Children's 50c Dresses
Indies' 60c Shirt Waists.
Ladies' 60c Glove.
Uvnta' Aoo Silk Handkerchiefs.
Genu' 60c Outing Shirts.
Coys' 6II0 Pants,
Boys' 5Uo Waists.
Your choice at 39c or Two for 730.
The fallowing articles all at 90c
Ladim 1.25 Hbirt Waists.
Ladies' 1.2a Corsets.
Ladies' 1.23 Skirta.
Ladies' 1.60 Nig kt Gowns,
Ladies' 1.40 Umbrel as.
Ladies' 1 23 Kid Gloves
Ladies' 1.50 Sateen Skirta.
Lsdius' LM Dress Skirt. , .
Ladies' 1.76 Capes.
Children's 1.5(1 Dresses.
Children's 1.40 Jackets, '
Bovs' 2.00 Suits.
Chenille Covers,
1.7a Lace Cnrtalus
1.50 Table Covers,
Your Choice at 90c each, or 3 for fa, go
cctidi icucn 1070
taiMDLionuj 101 Hi
Teiepnone Call, sist
408 Lackawanna Avenue
m w r
General Offlca: SCRANTON, PA.
The ) Premium
From june 5 tjj juy g
with our compliments,
we give.
Rustic Table with $10,00
Rnv with iKnn s
: :"yrL-
A Read Rocker with 20.00
Finn Antinno Half Tahlo with 9R flfl 5
Fine Antique Oak Table with 25.00
An Upholstered Rocker with: 30.00
A Tea Table with 40.00 1
An Arm Plush Rocker with... 50.00 1
I A Large Reed Rocker with... 65.00
I A 100-Piase Dinner Set with 75.00
The above given absolutely
QQ a tree with every cash or cred
OOlll it sale.
Our stock of iron
and brass beds is
second to none in
this city. We show a
beauty, with brass
rod on head and foot, m
heavy brass caps m
and knobs on posts, 9
and finest 8
woven wire 64 4 yr g
bottom, 31 1, J S
225, 227 and 218