THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. EIGHT PAGES 56 COLUMNS. 5SCKANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, lb95. TWO CENTS A COPY. 8 June Bargains Ii 8 JDK m ti o nones 0 0 0 The following items are right In season mid the values are far be yond your highest expectations. :5 Pieces Belfast BMtlcs These ore the highest class Im ported goods that come to the American market, and the designs are all In this season's productions. They include neat Dresden, Scroll; Vine, Floral and Stripe effects. Special Price, IPc WASi MM 30 Pieces "left's Mi A beautiful Summer Cloth In combi nation herring bone stripes and an tique Dresden effects, also plain hades. A remarkable value at our Special Price, 2y2z White linen, or navy grounds in dots, scrolls, figures and stripes. One of our best regular 12'&c values. Special Price, 8c High (Me Swivel Silks America's very best production in the daintest color combinations of the season. Only 35 pieces. Special Price, 22c 1 case Simpson's first quality Sat lnes, than wlileh there is no better. Black grounds only.flgures and dots, white or floral effects. Worth 18c. Special Price, I2y2z 1 Case Bress Glngtas Best fast color domestic goods In stripes checks, plnids and bright clear effects. Endless assortment. 5pecial Price, 5c Remarkable Sit Offerings 20 pieces Cheney Bros, best China Silks, 24 Inches wide; new Dresden ffects, large variety. Actual value Mc Special Price, 50c 25 Pieces Taffeta Site 22 and 24 Inches, wide, pretty new effects, especially designed for Waists. Regular $1.00 quality. Special Price, 69c WAREHOUSE FREE COINAGE IN OLDKENTUCKY Blackburo WiU Rule the Blue Grass Chicago Delegation. BRECKINRIDGE A LONE GOLD Bid The Colonel Say That the Tide V ill Iterede Later--leeble Uieut to the l'lnltormlteNuliitiouN Uttered, lllnckburn Indorsed fur President. Lexington, Ky., June 4. The Demo cratic state convention reassembled at 9.30. It was after 10.30 before the com mittee coil"... report, that on credentials having been In session continuously all night. Senator Blackburn was accord ed a rousing ovation on entering the hall. Colonel W. P. T. Hreckenridge, after being repeatedly railed for, had the dis tinction of being the only gold-standard niun to address the convention except Chairman Long In what was called yes terday his farewell address. Colonel Hreckenridge was given close attention, although he told the conven tion the recent Bllver victory was due to distress and discontent and its re sults would he temporary. The committee on credentials reported for an equal division of the vote be tween the contestants !n Kenton county, the home of Carlisle, and for seating the silver deli gates In place of the Music hall or Haldeman delegation from Louisville. The report gave the silver men forty more votes than they cast yesterday for Bronston for tempor ary chairman. lAig discussion ensued on the part of the majority report un seating the "gold delegates" from Lou isville, Colonel II. M. Stone leading for gold and 'J. T. Finn for silver. Inter ruptions and disorder protracted the consideration or the report. The last effort of the Louisville delegates was to demand a call of the 119 counties on the adoption of the majority report. The majority report on credentials was adopted yeas 67S, nays 214. Some counties did not vote, whereupon the delegates from the Forty-eighth district at Louisville retired. C. K. Wheeler, of Paducah, was then Introduced as the permanent chairman and addressed the convention. The drift of the convention yesterday was to make Senator Ttlackhurn presi dent and General P. Wat Hardin, the defeated candidate for governor, his successor In the senate. The convention was ten to one for the 16 to I ratio. The features of yesterday were not so much the speeches of Blackburn and Haulln as the ovations that were ten dered them In the hotel, convention hall or wherever they appeared. THE RESOLUTIONS. The committee on resolutions com pleted its work last night, but the re port was postponed until today. The majority reaffirms Democratic princi ples in the first section, other sections being as follows: Second We are in favor or an honest doliur, a dollar worth neither more nor less than one hundred cents. Wo favor bi metallism, and to that end we demand the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at the ratio of it: to 1 as stand ard money, with equal legal tender power independent of the action or advice of any other nation. Third We hold that the secretary of the treasury should exercise his legal right to redeem all coin obligations in gold and silver as may he more convenient, ind we are opposed to the issuunee of bonds In time of peace for the maintenance of the gold reserve or for any other purpose. Fourth Wc are opposed to the national banking system and to any enlargement of lis powers, anil opposed to any contrac tion of the currency by the retirement of greenbacks or otherwise. Fifth We are for a tariff for revenue only. Sixth The Democratic party has ever been the party of personal liberty and re. Unions freedom, ar.d is now and has al ways been opposed to any union of church and state. It Is opposed to the enactment of all laws the purpose or design of which is to sustain or enforceany religious tenet or sect, nnd to any law, organization or so ciety, religious or political, secret or other wise, that tends to proscrlhe any citizens for or on account of his religious belief or to apply any such test as a qualifica tion for public office. Seventh Resolution condemns Gover nor Bradley. Eighth Declares for party loyalty. Ninth Instructs delegates to Chicago to cast the vote of Kentucky as a unit lor Joseph C. S. Blackburn for president. A minority report will be presented by A. J. Carroll, member of the com mittee from Louisville. It omits In dorsing Blackburn. Its financial plank reads: "Welnsist upon a firm maintenance of the present legal standard of.yalue with such use of legal tender, silver com nd paper convertible Into coin on demand, as can be maintained without Impair ment or endangering the credit of the government, or diminishing the pur chasing or debt paying power of the money In the hands of the ieople, and In the absence of an International agreement, we protest against the free coinage of silver or the compulsory pur chase of silver bullllon by the United States as Injurious to the industrial and commercial Interests of the country and especially disastrous to the interests of the farmer and the laboring man." The majority report of the committee on resolutions was passed with a whoop after the minority substitute had been aired sufficiently by the silver humor ists. The electors for the state at large are: Hon. William B. Smith, of Madison, and James P. Tarvln, of Kenton. The convention adjourned at 1.57. P. W. Hardin, John S. Rhea, Senator Blackburn and ex-Congressman W. T. Ellis were elected delegates at large to the Chicago convention by acclama tion. WHIT EL AW REID TALKS. Is Not a Candidate for the OlUce of Vice-President. Cleveland, Ohio, June 4. Whltelaw Reld was In the city for a short time today. After a . brief call on M. A. Hanna, he left at 11 o'clock to visit McKlnley at Canton. An Inquiry was made as to Mr. Reld's view concerning the man to be given the second place on the ticket "My big namesake from Maine would undoubtedly wake the Ideal candidate," aid Mr. Reld. "The statement in favor of his nomination seems to prevail In all parts of the country." "Will he accept?" was asked. "The question should be, can he re fuse. When a man enters upon the public service and Is honored for years by his party, ho cannot well refuse to serve where the people wlsn to place him. But I prefer to say little on that subject. You know there are several candidates in my own state." "Would you accept the place?" "I am not a candidate, was not a can didate when I was nominated before, and am sure thut he office is not seeking me now." "Should protection or silver be made the chief issue?" "The issue is simply that the people realize that they made a mistake when they entrusted the government to Dem ocrats four years ago, nnd they will put back the party that gave them a strong protective tariff, a creditable foreign policy and a sound currency." . AUSTIN CORBIN DEAD. The Railroad Magnate the Victim of Runaway Accident One Companion Killed and Others Injured. Newport, N. H., Juno 4. Austin Cor bln and his nephew, Corbln Edgell, with Dr. Paul Kunzler and Coachman Jthn Stokes started on a fishing trip about ii o'clock this afternoon. On going out of the yard at the farm house, the horses shied, tipping over the open carrlnge, throwing the occupnnts down an em bankment about eight feet against a stone wall. The family saw the acci dent from the piazza and hurried to his assistance with the farm help. They found Mr. Corbln conscious, but terri bly wounded. His nephew and the doctor were also conscious. The coachman was uncon scious and apparently hurt the worst of all. They were carried to the house and doctors summoned. Mr. Corbin's In juries were very serious a compound fracture of the rlgnt leg above and be low the knee, a fearful scalp wound over four inches long on the forehead, cut through to the skull; one on the light side of the bend three Inches long and the Hp and chin budly cut. Dr. Kunzler was thrown over the wall and iiustalned a broken arm and sprained ankle, so far ns known, nnd Corbln Edgell had his leg twice broken between the knee and ankle. John Stokes' right leg was broken between the knee and ankle, and sustained a fractured skull. Stokes died from his Injuries about B o'clock without regain ing consciousness. Dr. Bull, of New York, and a specialist from Boston were telegraphed for. Mr. Corbln died at 9.42 o'clock this evening, shortly after the arrival of Dr. Cllley,' from Boston. His son. Austin Corbln, jr., arrived on a special train from Boston about 11 o'clock, but too late to see his father alive. All the oth er members of the family, with the 'X ceptlon of his son-in-law, George 8. 3d gell, who Is In the west, was present when he breathed his last. The cause of the horses shying is said to be from the fact that the coachman was driving them for the first time without blinders. VIRGINIA DEMOCRACY MIXED. Cold Hugs nnd KilveritcK Wrangle at tnc State Convention. Staunton, Va., June 4. The Demo cratic state convention met h'.re today. While waiting for the report of the committee on resolulons. United States Senator Martin made a speech In which he commended the causa of free sliver. He was confident that if all the Demo crats of the country were Inspired as those presant, they would elect their president this year and, one, he said, who would bo In accord with his party. No one could, he continued, be a greater "party wrecker" than the last one elected by the Democracy. This sentiment evoked pro'onjred cheers from the silver and some hisses from the gold delegates. Tlie platform declares adherence to the principles of Democracy as an nounced by Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Mason and the patriots of their day; opposes McKlnleylsm, which proposes to tax the poor man for the benefit of trusts nnd lapltallnts; favors a tax for revenue limited to the necessities of an economically administered government; opposes a third presidential term: The platform further declares the im mediate and complete restoration of the bimetallism of money which existed in the United States from 1793 to 1873 Is, In our opinion, demanded by the Interests of commerce, manufacturers and agri culture, which nre alike suffering from the continuous fall of prices and 'he consequent embarrassment or bank ruptcy of those engaged therein, and In order so to restore it, we demand the free and unlimited coinage of both sil ver and gold at the ratio of 10 to 1 with out waiting for the assent or concur rence of any other nation. END OF THE ROMANCE. ExOInyor Frank .11 ago wan VJ ill Marry Mm. linriit's. v. Chicago, June 4. Application wait madu yesterday for a license for the marriage of Frank A. Magowan, ex- mayor of Trenton, N. J., and Mrs. Allen Barnes, of Chicago. Robert H. Winn, of New York, took out the license, as It was Impossible for the prospective bridegroom to be present. Mr. Magowan gave his home as Tren ton and his age as 38 years. Mrs. Barnes' age Is given at 30. Late this afternoon the Trenton man appeared at the license clerk's window and returned the document, explaining that he had no further use for It. It is presumed the couple went to Milwau kee and were married today. SONS OF VETERANS. Officer Elected ut (iettynburg En campment tor the Coming Year. Gettysburg, Pa., June 4. The Sons of Veterans, (Pennsylvania division) ad journed their encampment to day. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Division commander, James H. Taw ney, Philadelphia senior vice com mander, John R. Frazler, Bhamokin; junior vice-commander, A. 8. Moul thrope, Dubois; division council, John Bower, Philadelphia;; A. S, Fisher, Harrlsburg, and W. 11. Hall, Slatlngton. The Ladles Aid society of Pennsylvania elected Mrs. Kate Britten, of George town, president; Miss Kate Hardcastle, Philadelphia, secretary, and Miss Ella Jones, Altoono, treasurer : . SLAUGHTER OF THE ANTI-BOND BILL An Adverse Report Is Ordered by the Ways and Means Committee. ONLY TWO VOTES IN ITS FAVOR Characterized by the llepublicnus as a Populist lcuure--.Mr. Whcclcr, of Alabama, .Makes a Report lor the Minority. Washington, June 4. The house com mittee on ways and means today by a vote of 33 to 2 decided to report the ButKr bond-prohibition bill adversely. The members of the committee voted as follows: For the adverse report Republicans Dinghy (Me.), Payne (N. Y.), Dal zell (Pa.), Hopkins (111.). Grosvenor (Ohio), Russell (Conn.), Dolllver (Iowa). Steele (Ind.), Johnson (N. D.), Evans (Ky.), Tawney (Minn.). Democrats Turner (Ga.), Cobb (Mo.) 13. For a favorable report Democrats McMUlin (Tenn.), Wheeler (Ala.). Representatives Crisp (Dem., Ga.) and McLaurin (Dem., S. C.) were ab sent, both of whom, It is supposed, would have voted for a favorable re port. There was little discussion of the resolution. Republicans spoke of It as a Populist measure. Mr. Grosvenor made the motion for an adverse report, which was carried after the motion of Mr. Wheeler for a favorable report hnd been voted down. Chntrman Dingley pre pared the majority report, and Mr. Wheeler will make one for the minor ity. MR. WHEELER'S REPORT. Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, opens his report, giving the view of the minority on the senate ant-bond bll by quoting section 8 of the constitution which gives congress the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. "It was never contemplated," he says, "that the act of Jan. 14, 1875, should be conntrued to have any operation fur ther than to effect the resumption of specie payment In 1879. It certainly was not' contemplated at that time to give to any president unlimited and continu ing authority to exercise the power which the framcrs of the constitution conferred upon congress alone." The report quotes the resumption act and says that at the time It was passed It was presumed that the surplus reve nues not otherwise appropriated would be sufficient to very nearly, If not fully, accomplish the purpose; and the proviso authorizing the secretary to soil bonds for coin was added as a measure of abundant precaution. The full amount of coin acquired by the secretary of the treasury, Mr. Sherman, was $25,600,000; and this sum, together with the surplus in the treasury, fully accomplished the resumption of specie payment. And this purpose having been attained, the power conferred by the act ceased to exist. "This," Mr. Wheeler contends, "is shown by the wording of the act;" and he asks, after hU reference to It, "if anything can be clearer than that after the resumption provided for had been accomplished, the power given by the act was at an end." The report of the majority, he says, refers to the resumption act "as an act passed by a Republican congress." This and other expressions of a parti san character by the majority, he claims, make It proper that the minority should state tho historical facts con nected with this measure, and he con cludes his report with a review of this character, giving the national Dem ocratic platform of 1876, said to have been written by Samuel J. Tilden, de nouncing the resumption clause of the act of 1875 and demanding its repeal. STEEL FREIGHT CARS. Carnegie Company Furnishes Samples That May Revolutionize Car Build ing Four Specimens at Saratoga. Pittsburg, Pa., June 4. The Carnegie Steel company ha -J again demonstrated that this Is essentially an age of steel, and the results are calculated to rev olutionize the car building industry of the United States, Four steel cars two hoppers and two flats have Just been completed at tho company's Keystone Bridge works de partment and tonight they left for Sar atoga, N. Y where they will be placed on exhibition for the edification of the Master Car Builders association, which meet in Saratoga on the lGth Inst. They are the first steel cars ever built In this country, and will beyond doubt prove to the car builders of the coun try that cars of like construction are entirely practicable and better adapted to the requirements of freight trans portation than the present carriers Each of the hopper, cars weighs 39,9.'0 pounds .and has a capacity of. 100,00 pounds, and have been tested with a loud of 120.000 pounds net. The two flat cars weigh each 28,220 pounds with a carrying capacity of 80,000 pounds. The tests made here demonstrate satisfac torily thut a train of seventy steel cars will carry the same freight as 100 wood en cars of the latest modern construc tion. FAKE WRITERS CONDEMNED. Atlantic City Pen nnd Pencil Clnb Passes Resolutions. Atlantic City, N. J., June 4. The At lantic City Pen and Pencil club, com posed of newspaper men, this afternoon passed resolutions condemning the "fake" stories of representatives of sev eral Philadelphia and New York papers, and requested the mayor to write the journals and ask them to reprimand their correspondents. Several monstrous "fakes" which have worked Injury to this city -have lately been given conspicuous space In the papers Indicated and have necessi tated the action of the club. The Mnybrick Cane, London, June 4. In the house of com mons today Sir Matthew White Ridley, home tecretary, said, In reply to questions, thut he saw no reason for extending any clemency to Mis. Florence Maybrlck, who Is now serving a life term of Imprisonment lu Woking prison for the murder of hor husband. THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indication Today Fair; Slightly Warner. 1 Blackburn Owns Kentucky. Veterans Break Camp. Adverse Report Ordered on Anti-Bond Bill. Senate Passes Filled Cheese Bill.. 2 Tribune's Popular Want Columns. 3 (Local) Mayor Bailey Makes More Ap pointments. Luxemocrger Trespass Suit. 4 Editorial. What Some of Our Exchanges Say. 5 (Local) Royal Welcome for the Booths. Street Railway Franchise War. 6 (Sports) Scranton Wallops Wllkes- Barre. National and Stato League Games. 7 Suburban News. Market and Stock Reports. 8 News Up and Down the Valley. VETERANS BREAK CAMP. Proceedings ot the Meetings Held by the G. A. R. at Chambersburg Newly Elected Of iicers Installed. Chambersburg, Pa., June 4. Many of the veterans who were attending the state encampment here have gone home. The two chief events are over, namely, the election of a state commander and the street parade. But a large crowd remains to witness the closing exercises of the encampment, and to go to Gettys burg tomorrow morning. At the meet ing of the encampment this morning Chief of Staff R. P. Scott, of Post 105 on behalf of the aides on the staff, pre sented Commander Cummlngs with a rich gold past department commander's badge. The amendment offered by Comrades Vandersllcp anil Hicks to select national delegates by districts was negatived. Colonel Samples' minority report on the same subject was also defeated by a vote ot 243 to 252. A resolution was adopted to refer the subject bock to a committee of five. . Assistant Adjutant General J. F. Mor rison announced the vote for command er as 4S0 for Darte and 330 for Den worth. General J. P. S. Gobln made the re port for the committee on resolutions which recommended that the national encampment change the resolutions so that by a two-thirds vote of each post Its members can be exonerated from the payment of dues because of inability and the per capita tax on such mem bers can be released. Upon all Grand Army of the Republic occasions the badge of the order shall be the only one worn. A resolution to change Memorial day to the first Bun day In June wns not agreed to. A res olution to the effect that It la the senso of the body that the sale of Intoxicating liquors on Memorial day shall be pro hibited by legislation was adopted. Commander-elect Darte made an ad dress and representation from the Ladies Grand Army of the Republic and Relief corps were Introduced and spoke. The election resulted: Senior vice com mander, W. H. Mackey, of Chambers burg; junior, Frank H. Button, Corry; chaplain, Rev, John Bayers, Philadel phia; medical director. Dr. J. G. Sloan, Monongahela; council of administra tion, William J. Ray, Henry Y. Yohn, William J. Patterson, Harvey Miller and George H. Dant. Thirty-eight delegates were elected to the nntional encampment, after which the newly elctd olflcrs were Installed. The encampment then adjourned. The Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic elected Mrs. Ada Shannon, of Philadelphia, president EDWIN FITLER'S FUNERAL Philadelphia's Former Mayor Buried at Lanrcl Hill. Philadelphia, June 4. Ex-Mayor Ed win H. Fltler, who died on Sunday, was buried today from his late residence, 1600 Walnut street. Services were conduct ed by Rev. Dr. William N. McVlckar, and the interment was privately made at Laurel Hill cemetery. The honorary pall-bearers were Gov ernor Hastlngs.Mayor Warwick, George E. Roberts, president of the Pennsylva nia railroad; Charles C. Harrison, pro vost of the University of Pennsylvania; ex-Mayor William S. Stokeley. John H, Michener, Thomas Dolan, William M. Singerly, Judge Craig Kiddle, Frank Thomson, G. Asheton Carson, Commo dore Edward Potter. Captain R. S. Col lum, Colonel F. J. Crllly, Dr. P. D. Key ser, George Rur.hton Howell, William Morton cordon and Westcott Baiey. SCOTCH-IRISH SOCIETY. Proceeding!! of the Seventh Annual Session Held at Hurrisburg. Harrlsburg, Pa., June 4. The Scotch- Irish Society of America began its sev enth annual seslson in this city today. A number of distinguished gentlemen from various parts of the country are present. Mayor Patterson delivered an address of welcome and Rev. Dr. John S. Macintosh, of Chicago, responded to the words of greeting. The president of the Boclety, Robert Bonner, of New York, is not able to be present owing to Illness and has sent a letter declin ing to stand for re-election as presi dent. Many names were presented for membership. This afternoon the mem bers and visitors went to Old Derry church and later to Paxtang church, historic spots, where addresses were de livered. A. Boyd Hamilton, of Harrlsburg; Samuel Evans, of Columbia; W. Frank lin Rutherford and Rev. Dr. N. G. Parke and others made addresses this evening at the opera house. Governor Hastings delivered an address of wel come on behalf of the state. Steamship Arrivals. New York, June 4. Arrived: Germania, from Liverpool and Queenstown; Aachen, from Bremen. Sailed: Columbia, for Hamburg. Arrived out: Amsterdam, at Boulogne; Furst Bismarck, at Plymouth; Trave, at Bremen; Werra, at Genoa. Sailed for New York: Kaiser Wllhelm ".I, from Genoa; Teutonic, from Queenstown; Spaarndam, from Boulogne. Sighted: Britannic, from New York for Queens town and Liverpool, passed Fastnet; Mo hawk, from New York for London, passed Portland Bill MARKED PROGRESS IN THE SENATE Proposition to Impose Citizenship oa Civilized Indians Agreed To. FILLED CHEESE BILL IS PASSED Bill for the Scientific lnvextigation of Fur Seal Fisheries Is Pnsitcd Con tested Election Cases aud Other Measures Disposed of in the House. Washington, June 4. Very easy and marked progress was made in the leg islative work of the senate today. The conference report on the naval appro priation bill was disposed of after a dis cussion which did not occupy more than an hour's time. The motion to recede from the senate amendment re ducing the number of new battleship from four to two was defeated yeas, 17; nays, 33. The conference report was then agreed to, and a further conference was ordered. This was followed by the con ference report on the Indian appropria tion bill the controversy over that re port bolng on the proposition to Impose citizenship on the Indiana of the five civilized tribes. The report was agreed to yeas, 27; nays, 20; so that, when the Indian bill becomes a law, those Indians will have lost their tribal rela tions and will have become citizens of the United States. But, Inasmuch as the conference had reached an agree ment on the school question, and aa the senate refused to recede from Its amendment continuing contract schools up to the first day of July, 1898, a further conference was ordered. An effort was made by Mr. Gear (Rep. Iowa), chairman of the Pacific Railroad committee, to have tho Paolflo refund ing bill set down for consideration on the eighth legislative day of next ses sion, and then to be continued aa the unfinished business; but the proposal met so many objections that before It could be acted upon, the morning hour expired, and the filled cheese bill come up as tho unfinished business, displac ing Mr. Gear's motion, which la to be renewed tomorrow. The filled cheese bill was discussed for a couple of hours. AU the amend ments that were offered to It were voted down and the bill was passed 37 to 13 just as It came from the house; so that now It only needs the approval of the president. The conference report (final) on tho general deficiency bill was presented and agreed to. An effort was made by Mr. Lodge (Rep., Mass.) to have the Immigration bill taken up and made the unfinished business, but It had to be abandoned in face of the obstruction tactics on the part of Democratic senators. A bill for the scientific Investigation of the fur seal fisheries was passed. CONTESTED ELECTION CASES. The contested election case of Murray (colored, Republican) against Elliott (Democrat) from the First district of South Carolina was decided today the first thing. By a vcte of 153 to 33 Mur ray was declared to be entitled to the seat occupied by Elliott, and he was sworn In by Speaker Reed amidst Re publican applause. The case of Martin (Populist) vs. Lockhart (Democrat) from the Sixth North Carolina district occupied nearly all of the rest of the session, and at 6.40 o'clock the house adjourned, with the understanding that a vote should be tuken the first thing tomorrow. In this case also the majority recom mended the seating of the contestant (Martin). The final report of the conferees on the general deficiency bill was present' ed and agreed to, and the following bills were also finally disposed of: To pen sion Mrs. Mary C. Gregg, widow of Ma jor General John Irwin Gregg, at $60 a month; to pension Mrs. William Lortng Spencer, widow of ex-Senator and Brig adier General George E. Spencer, of Alabama, at $50 a month; authorizing the restoration of John N. Quackenbush to his rank and place as commander of the navy, and his retirement by the president. The river and harbor appropriation bill, which was yesterday passed over the president's veto by the senate, the house having previously taken similar action, was last evening signed by the presiding officers of both bodies and was this morning delivered by W. S. Daniels, one of the vice-president's sec retaries, to the state department for record the law requiring It to be so de livered by the vice-president In person or by some one designated by him. AFRICAN CONFERENCE. Bishop Crnnt Presides Over the 80th Annual. Session at Reading. . Reading, Pa., June 4. The African Methodist Episcopal conference con vened in this city this morning. This is the eightieth annual session and there are about eighty clergymen present. representing over 100 congregations, Bishop Abraham Grant, D. D., presided, ltev. Noah D. Tempin, of Wilmington, Del., delivered the opening sermon from Phillippians i, 17. At the close of the sermon these transfers were made to the Philadelphia conference: Rev. Ed ward S. Carhpro, New Jersey; Rev. G. L. White, New England; Rev. H. H. Cooper, Bermuda; Rev. J. T. Hammond, Puget Sound, and Rev. J. A. W. Newell, New England. Rev. John C. Brock was elected secretary. John M. Taylor re cording secretary and A. M. Buckley statistical secretary. Bishop Grant said that there had been 43,000 converts In his district the past fours years. He said the negroes of 'he south now own 700,000 homes. The af ternoon session was devoted to the read ing of reports of cergymen. Hawaii's t.entle Knock. Honolulu, May 28. Formal resolutions In favor of annexation to the United States have been unanimously passed by both houses of the legislature. It is mere ly a repetition of former action. Herald's Weather Forecast. New York, June 5. In the Middle states today, warmer, fair and more sultry weather will prevail, with light south west to southeast winds, followed by cloudiness and haze on the coant. On Bat. unlay, fair to partly cloudy, warmer and sultry, with southerly winds, followed by local rains and thunder storms in the afternoon or at night- NLEYS Jtme Ojpsis Willi Some Great Specials In (Mr GOOD Department Which are worthy of the attention of one and all The reductions are genuine, and at the prices ought to command a ready sale and close out the lines In a few days. 1 extra choice silk and wool novelty suits in Persian and grenadine ef fects. .Were $24.60, June Price $19.75 11 choice Persian and silk and wool Bicflllene dress patterns. .Were $17.60 and $19.60, June Price $13.50 25 Extra fine suits In Scotch and j isngllan cheviots, coverts ana tweeds former price $11.60 to $15, June Price $7.75 to $9.50 10 pieces fine mixed! suitings, all wooi ana w in. wtae, lormss pries 60a, June Price 29c IS pieces Cheney Bros.' best quality rrintea man silks, 24 In. wide, at 480. At 49c 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY,1 Every foot In the family properly fitted with Hon; est Shoes. & 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVE. Bicyclists Take Notice Weichel, the Jeweler; has a nice line of Bicycle Belts. Call and see them. One of the latest novel ties. 408 SPRUCE STREET. HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. S, a, Si, Crockett's Preservative. Ready Mixed Tinted OlosslPaints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Guaranteed. DRESS i