The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 04, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Coldi lead to couirha, coughs to Pneumo
nia and Consumption; therefore. It 1 all
Important to check a cold before It reach
es the lunss. Munyen's Cold Cure will
positively break a cold lnklde of twenty
four hours If taken as soon as the cold
manifests Itseluf. When the cold reaches
the lung, or bronchial tubes the Couku
Cure should be uscJ alternately every
half hour with the Cold Cure. - The Cold
Cure Is guaranteed to prevent pneumonia,
or Inflammation of the lungs, if used in
the beginning of a cold. Pneumonia can
be controlled by the use of these two
The Cough Cure positively cures bron
chitis, tickling In the throat, hoarseness,
loss of voice, soreness of the chest, dif
ficulty In breathing, hacking cough and all
pulmonary diseases where the lungs are
not too far consumed by disease or cov
ered with tubercles.
A separate cure for each disease. At an
druggists, mostly 23 cents a vial.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1305
Arch street. Philadelphia. Pa., answered
with free medical advice for any disease.
fResders will note that sflvertlee.
ments. orders for Job work, and Items for
Eubllcntlcn left at the establishment of
hannon Co., newsletter. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; of
See open from a. m. to 10 p. tn
Vaclc and Nephew Each Prefer
Charges Against the Other.
The Italian polony was the scene of
quite a little excitement lately, and as
a result several arrests hove bpen made
and chnrpes have been preferred. The
trouble took place at a boarding house
kept by Joe Rega, who has for one of
his boarders his nephew, named Nicho
las VIncenza.
Nicholas proved refractory and
caused a scene, atter which each man
went to an alderman and had the other
arrested. Each claimed that an as
sault had been made on him, Rega say
ins; that his nephew had dislocated his
thumb, and that he was in the habit
of carrying; concealed weapons. VIn
cenza said this was made up for the oc
casion. He was afraid of Rega and
wanted him placed under bonds.
After spending the night In the Jail
the pair concluded to settle the matter
among themselves and were dis
To Deliver an Address nt tho W ood's
College Commencement.
Hon. T. L. James, ex-postmaster
general of the United States, will de
liver the address at the first annual
commencement of ''Wood's Business
college. Professor Gregory received
a letter yesterday morning In which the
invitation extended to Mr. James some
time ago 'was accepted.
The. presence of Mr. James will add
much Interest to the commencement,
and the class are greatly pleased that
he has promised to speak.
Mrs. Julia Anderson and grandchil
ren left Sunday for a visit with friends
nt Nicholson and fLenoxvllle,
Hon. C. P. O'Malley was In the city
General Thomas S. James, ex-postmaster
general of the United States,
will deliver, the oration at Wood's Car
bondalc college commencement In July.
Miss Mary Urennan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Mark , Brennan, of South
Church street, and James Lynady, of
Plmpson, were married at half past five
last evening at St. Rose church.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick have re
turned from a week's visit with friends
In Bcrnnton.
V. J. Mamllton returned ye3t-rday
fron: Rochester where he went to eswlst
at a friend's wedding.
Mrs. John Kane, of Jamestown, N. T.,
n former resident here, with her son, is
visiting friends here.
Ir. A. L. Bnlley was at Elk Lake
this week and selected the location for
the cottage which he will soon bn'.Ul
C. 13. Spencer, wife and son, have re
turnt-d from their visit to YpsllantI,
Marvin Wilson, of Lenoxvllle, has
been visiting at the home of Delbert
Klwood Regan, of Wayne street, who
has been visiting in New York city
for several weeks, has returned home.
Mrs. William Anderson, of Richmon-
dale, was a guest at the home of D. A
Cole Tuesday.
Mrs. O. M. Spencer, of Belmont, Pa.
Is visiting Mrs. W. Dimmock, of Bel
mont street.
Sllss Marlon E. Jones, who has been
vlnltlng her uncle, Clayton Curtis, of
Canaan street, for the past week, has
returned to her home In Rochester,
L. A. Burns, of Watertown. N. Y Is
visiting friends in town.
H. Torrance und Charles Orchard,
have returned from as hort visit with
the former's parents at Tsnafly, N. 3.
Prof. McAuley, of Wood's Business
college, Is confined to his home by sick
ness. Miss Julia Byrne and sister Kate, left
yesterday for Niagara alls, where they
will spend a fw days.
Miss Lizzie Wyllle, of Belmont street,
Is visiting friends In Pittston.
James Broadbent, of Philadelphia,
and neice. Miss Mamie Jon?s, who
We have no fortune to give away,
but we guarantee you goods at less
than any other house Tn the trade.
Your choice from our stock, which Is
complete at
$100 Per Yard.
Remember we don't -reserve any
thingThese goods consist of all the
leading makes. Come early and make
your selections.
419U:!::xa Aw.
have been the guests of Mr. and lira.
Jacob Kltel, of South Mala street, have
returned to their home.
Misa Carol Stunievant. of Wllkes-
Barre, who has bevn the guest of MM
8tella Hunter, on Spring street for sev
eral days, returned home yesterday.
Dr. D. L. Bailey made a business trip
to New York yesterday. He will re
turn this evening. 1
Mr. and Mrs. George Yarns, and child.
of Ineland, N. J., are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. rank Borrows, of this city.
Dr. Reed Burns, of Scranton was a
visitor In town y esterday.
Mis Alice Summvrtun U seriously
Q. C. Brooks, of Llnghamton. spent
Saturday morning at the silk mill ar
ranging for snme alterations to the
company's power plant.
Joseph Wet-ley hns arranged for a new
house near Boxart street which Con
tractor Johnston will build at once.
Anna Hnletead. of Hickory Grove,
has secured her former position at the
silk mill.
Charles Illllc-r moved into his new
house lust week.
Mrs. C. Capwell Is visiting friends at
Hornellsvllle. N. Y.
C. W. Dana, of Tunkhnnnk, spent
a few days last week with friends In
this place.
Hon. James T. Du Eols end family will
arrive In town about June 15 to spend
the summer.
Friendly Hand lode of Odd Fellows
will have some interesting work Tues
day evening. The Initiatory degree will
also be worked.
As soon as the Itelaware, Lackn-
wanna and Western railroad carpenters
are finished at the station alteration
they wll introduce Improvements at the
Textile mill building.
Mrs. Marvin Barnes is the guest of
friends In Montrose.
Maltlund Hays, who Is attending
school in Bloomshurg. spent Saturday
with his parents In this place.
Mrs. William Vedders has returned
home after a visit with friends in Corn
ing. N. Y.
The Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor of the Buptlst church
held & business meeting Monday even
ing. Kev. John Davis united In marriage
at the home of Rev. Frank Cooper In
Blnghamton, last Friday, Miss Mary
Edwards, formerly of this place, and
Arthur Swan, of Lestershlre, N. .
A. M. Tlngley is having a house erect
ed on his lot on Pine street.
B. Spring-am, of New York city, Is In
Dr. F. D. Lamb received a telegram
on Sunday telling htm of the serious Ill
ness of Mrs. Lamb's father, who re
sides at Royal, Pa.
Miss Jennie Ross, of Blnghamton, has
started a bakery In the Ross block on
Main street.
The 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Ross Is seriously 111.
Rev. L. C. Floyd, of Blnghamton, will
preach In the Methodist church next
Sunday. .
Miss Julia Sullivan went to Pittston
on Saturday owing to the Illness of her
Mr. and Mrs. William Trowbridge
were In Klmlra on Tuesday.
The Brotherhood of Andrew and
Philip of the Presbyterian church will
give on entertainment in the church
Thursday evening.
l.aac W. Warner, of New York city,
spent Sunday here with his parents.
A merry party comprised of the
Mleses Sophia Mershon, Blanch Ken
nedy, Certrude Johnson, Hattle and
Carrls Smith, of Clark's Green, and
Messrs. John A. Pellman, Edward
Parker, Lou .Rlvenburg, of Factory -vllle
Morris Church, of Carbondale, and
Fred Clancey, of Clark's Summit, spent
Diicorntlon Day at Bald Mount.
Colonel George Sanderson, of Scran
ton, will deliver his lecture on Spain
and the Alhambra, with stereoptican
views by Mr. Bowey, at the Methodist
Eplhcopal church tonight at 8 o'clock.
The interior of the church has been re-pulnt'-d,
a new carpet has been laid,
an the audience will also be enter
tained by the music of a new organ.
A cordial ' Invitation is extended to
everybody. Ice cream and cake will
be served "after the lecture. An ad
mission of IS cetits'wlll be charged.
A special election will be held here
next Friday between the hours of 7
a. m. and 7 p. m. for the purpose of
obtaining assent to increase the in
debtedness of the borough for the
erection of u new school house.
The old board of school directors met
Monday morning and after transacting
some general routine business,- ad
journed sine die, Oeorge E. Stevenson
and Lester Stone retiring. The new
board then organized and elected Dr.
N. C. Mackey. president; John L.
Stone, secretary, and Myles W. Blln,
treasurer. John Miller and Miles W.
Bliss are the new' members.
J. S. Lowden, of Itonesdale. visited
his daughter last Sunday, Mrs. R. J.
The Grassy Islund Yearly fund will
hold n picnic in the Grassy grove next
Saturday evening.
Children's day exercises will be ob
served lii the MethodiBt Episcopal
Sunday school on Sunday, June 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coates, of
Yatesvllle, spent Sunday with their
parents here.
Jacob Iloaden was elected as super
visor of the borough last Monday even
ing. Invitations are out announcing the
marriage of Joseph It., the youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. VVIIllnm Boll, to
nuss -eiiie, tne second daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Chlrers, on Wednesday
evening, June 10, at 8' o'clock, at the
old bell homestead.
The school board met last Monday
evening and transacted its final busi
ness, after which it adjourned sine die,
The new board then organized with J.
D. Peck, president; Wendell McClay,
secretary; Edwin II. Rltter, treasurer.
The other members are A. V. Thorp,
George Newton, Robert Jones, Joseph
a. Bell, John E. Williams, and Hector
Jones. Another special meeting of the
board will be held on June 13.
Mrs. Bynon is Improving ' her prop,
erty by a new fence. ,
The pupils of No. 1 school held 'their
annual picnic in Lackawanna Park on
Wednesday. Misses Brodhead and
Qulnn are the- teachers
Miss Mame Thomas, of Providence,
visited the Itendhatn school one day
this week. . s
The Old Forge school board reorgan
Iced on Monday evening with the fol
lowing officers!- President, William
Repp secretary, John Cooks; treasurer,
H. O. Russell v
Oalr Oae of XackaigM's Creditors
Able to HealiivEsnplOTes First.
Court made the following, order yes
terday in the rases of E. A. Hancock
vs. O. B. MacKnight: "Now, June S.
two return days having passed since
the Issue of the above writs and no or
der having been asked for to pay
money into court, the sheriff is here
by directed to distribute the fund in
his hands according to priority of ex
ecution, and wage claims are ordered
to be paid out."
Sheriff Martin, who had VMS" which
wbb the proceeds of all the sales of the
property and ettate. weiijt to Plains to
day and nald t the clerks aiul em
pluyes of the store all the wagjs and
money due thern. The balance will go
to E. A. Hancock, who held the first
lien or judgment against MacKnight.
The amount he will receive will not be
more than one-third the amount of this
note, which was 50,000. All of the oth
er creditors of the bankrupt merchant
are much worse off, for they will be un
able to get a cent, there being no more
money or other propel ty to levy one.
Gel Away W ith a Lot of Maury, Jew
rlry mid Gold Hutches.
Tuesday evening on South Franklin
street occurred one of the most during
burglaries one can Imagine. In broad
daylight, bet wen S and S o'clock.- the
house of Jhn H. McLean, at 2S, was
entered In his absence, and two gold
watches and $1W In money token. Mr.
McLean left the house at 2 in the af
ternoon, and the burglary was not
known until his son rturned from
school. The burglars entered by a cel
lar window, and going upstairs ran
sacked every bureau drawer.
Not content here, the same party
went Into the house next door, 291. oc
cupied by E. D. Frazer. Mrs. Krazer
had gone out to do some shopping and
on her return found that $70 In money,
some jewelry and a gold watch were
taken. The thieves made good their
escape and even the time honored tnd
usful clue was not left by this bold
Tbe Miners Refute to Remove Rock
for Nothing.
The miners and laborers to the num
ber of 125 employed at the Woodward
mine on the west side of the river went
out on strike yesterday, which was
caused by a reduction of $1.50 a yard
on the rock work done on the three
foot rock vein. Under the new order
they claim that they are virtually
obliged to move the rock for little or
nothing and cannot make enough
wages to live on.
In this mine there are some 2,500 men
and boys at work, 'and unless a com
promise can be made a general strike
is liable to take place. A committee
has been appointed to watt on Super
intendent Storrs with a view to effect
a settlement
Y. M. I. to Entertain.
The Young Men's Institute, of Min
er's Mills, will give an entertainment
In Finn's hall at that place on Friday
evening, June 5, which promises to be
one of the best things of the kind
ever presented In this locality. The
hall has been prettily decorated and ev
erything arranged for the comfort of
those who attend. Among the many
on the programme are Miss Kittle Mc
Cabe, Daniel L. Hart,' John D. Birm
ingham and the Stafford quartette, of
this city.
Al Heyman, who directed the pro
duction of the lady minstrels here last
winter, has returned and a repetition
of the performance may be expected.
Jeweler W. O. Bias has on exhibition
a bridle, scalping knife and sheath used
by Sitting Bull, also a Colt's revolver
used by Frank and Jesse James. The
articles were loaned by a friend for a
few days.
South street between South Main
and Franklin street has been robbed
of Its large and handsome shade trees.
They encroached on the space laid out
for sidewalk purposes and had to be
cut down. It is said many others
about the city are to suffer a like fate.
At the men's meeting in Young
Men's Christian association on Sunday
next there will be a reunion of the old
male choir, some of whom are scat
tered In four or five states. There will
be special music consisting of solos,
duetts, quartettes, full chorus. It will
be conducted by C. E. Hungerford. An
excellent programme will be rendered
by the association orchestra. All men
are invited.
Mrs. I. F. Price, who has been visit
ing friends In Jennlngsville, Wyoming
county, has returned home after a
pleasant visit.
Mrs. John Buzzard Is visiting among
friends in Moscow for a few days.
There Is some talk among residents
of this ph'.ce of organizing an Ameri
can Protective association society.
Nothing definite has been decided uijon.
Mrs. James A. Hand was a visitor
In Pittston yesterday.
The boring operations under rtlrec
tlnn of John Murhcad, of Pittston, in
the pmploy of the Spring Brook Coal
company, are progressing very rapiu
ly. No coal has been struck yet.
Rev. G. N. Mukely, of Brooklyn. N.
Y., formerly pastor of the Mooslc Pres
byterian church, uttended the funeral
of our honored townsman, Thomas El
lis, on Tuesday.
Many residents of this place saw the
ball game In Scranton Tuesday.
Luke Clark, a former resident of this
place, was a culler In town yesterday.
The horse driven In the Moosic Cash
store's delivery wagon ran away 'rues
day. The only damage done was to
the wagon.
The funeral of Thomas Ellis, sr., was
very lurgely attended on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Juhnson, of
Penobscot, were visitors In town yes
terday. Constipation
Causes fully hall the sicklies In tbe world. It
retains the digested food too long lu Die bowels
mill produces biliousness, torpid liver. hull.
gentlou, bad uste, coated
tongue, sick headache, In
somnia, etc. Hood's Fills
cure constipation and all Its
results, easily und thoroughly. 2ue. All druggists.
Prepared by 0. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mats.
To only rills te toks with Heed's sarwpariUs,
Highest of all in Leavening Powic.
Mrs. Charles Slsk, her son Harry,
and her mother, Mrs. S. C. Muthtwson.
are making an extended visit aroorg
relatives at Washington. D. C. and
other places. .
- Attorney James Freer, of Tuck'.an
nock. was a business man at ih s piase
Tuesday. He .also' visited his patents
while her-
C. A. I'.oync-KIs spent Monday and
Tueday at l'oitsvllle. .
Edward Tiansut, who has been
spending a few week's visiting rela
tives here, returned to his home at
rottsvllle. Sloii-lay.
The Electric Star band from
Clurk's Smimlt, gv. us some line
nitric Tuesday evrnlrg.
Mrs. II. N. Capwell U attending the
state convention oi the Grand Army of
the Republic end Ladies' - Circl-j at
Chanibcrabt'rg. Ta. Mrs. Capweil Is
president of Mrs. fc'arnh hlce Cl'cle
Ladies of the Grand Army f Republic
at this place.
Game of base . bfcll between t'.ie
Ramblers, of Justice, and Keystone
Academy on th" home grounds, result
ed In a score of 1" to S in favor of Key
stone. ,
The Vandllng band. Joined by a num
ber of prominent residents of this
place, propose holding a picnic In
Vandllng grove on June 16 for the bene
fit of Churles Melville, a member of
the band, who has been afflicted by
sickness for several months. The com
mittee In charge are leaving nothing
undone to make . this an enjoyable
event, and it Is hoped that their ef
forts will be rewarded by a large turn
out. William Painter will leave for New
York on June 16, from whence he will
set sail on the following day for Eng
land, his native land, for the benefit of
his health. Mr. Painter expects to be
gone about three months.
Charles Rehbelm and wife spent Sun
day in Archbald. . ...
Patrick GilllBple is erecting a two
story dwelling on Main street, opposite
the church.
William Bryden, who has been 111
for several weeks. Is now able to at
tend to his duties as mine foreman.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Vandllng Hose .company was held in
the school house Monday evening.
Miss Anna Arnold, of South Gibson,
visited her parents Sunday.
The Delaware and Hudson colliery is
working three-quarter time.
Rheumatism Relieved in 3 Honrs.
TISM and NEURALGIA relieves in
three hours. Its action upon the sys
tem is marvellous and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the dis
ease qutciy disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. . 75 cents. Sold by
Carl Lorens, Druggist, 418 Lackawan
na ave., Scranton.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles!
Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer,
ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's
Ointment stops the Itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases
removes ine tumors. At druggists, or
by mall, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayn? .
Son, Philadelphia.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Costorts,
When she was a Child, she cried for Ctstorla.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla,
When she bad Children, she gsrethem Castoria.
ONCR MORB in harmony
with the world, 2000
completely cured men ara
uag nappy praises ior
the greatest, grand
est ana mosi euc
ceFsf ul enre for sex
ual weakness and
lost vigor known to
mtdlnul science. An
account of this won
derful diwnwrv, In '
book form, with ref
erences and proofs,
will haseut. tA fiiif-
fering men (sealed) free. Full rannly vigor
pormsDontly restored. Failure Impossible.
Eskhus cr rut Hiaxtrr Mt-ea Aunienr-u-
isital7TI win euro JvU. A
' irr'rjIe,OIUItf BOIT i ul f Mf,
rt nieir,tnnTnlctitffiftri'j
!n pncltot. reftflf to t! n fiift iMiimita of cnU
('ontlnnetl Via 'fftf 1'crmnnont
PitisfftcUondiamnPdnrrootipy refunded. IVIcms
V rte Trfttl fro nf. Xjtoctw.h. Kojzhnrred mull.
ceaii. h. 0. tuH, W.( ftr hw Hid, U. S. i
MFPJTHPI 'J'lif siirpit, iitni flfft WBifily for
I nuL ii Uktniihfittscjr irrfonm.1tili.ttn
Fhfura.nitl Sores, linmft, t'iiR. Vonrierful nu
wuj fori! lrlco. 4teti. i.t iiniir D I1 1 r
v,iU ir by tuiul iifL. v l, AMn.-.riLive'. I? ' '
For 8alo by MATTHEWS BUGS, and
JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton. Pa.
inuxiuu. rupv.iw w.'-ij-V". . .
fcreparatlors atid Te:-fi-t:y hsrrale. At SH
uru3siitf, or moiled iovCSru. tScud lot Circular,
VIOLA 8KIN 60AP :nr imw. m
ui. At rar!i. PrloeJsOM.
Q. C. BITTNEtt A CO.,, O.
For sale by MATTHEW3 EROS, and
JOHN H. PHELPS, Scranton. Pa.
n CbMMetu KeelWk Maawe BruO.
weirski aiwsn rrunu'i.
tmteTf ill V'X mfc-JMelttr
mmt JsVri4 In IIm i
IM. MM tthk Ml'
sMhtM. JtrfWj saaMriui
iiMMi tmliatio. At ttrlsi,orrft14
It tWTtMtrt, t -ettteVmUil Use
Uwluf Jot lfi." m Mttr. by rtr
Complsxlan Pf3ssr?8d
VIOLA cm fm
Removes Freckles, Pimples. L
Liver Moles, tlir.ldi.acij
Sunburn and Ten. aud re.
sieves ih skin to its orW- vAyis&'
col freshness, proiuclan ala. '.t
dear and hcr.Ith- e:nft?lV. J-jWJV.-
Latest U. S. Govt Report '
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Yeager and daugh
ter. Mary, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Stevens, In Dunmore.
M. 8. Slmrns, of Fan Antonio. Tex.,
Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Galge.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wheeler, of Scran
ton, spc-nt Saturday with Mrs. Wheel
er's sister, Mrs. George Shaw.
Mrs. Margaret ardcll and Mrs.
Frank Webtter were visitors In Scran
ton Monday.
Miss Etta Mcyle, of Scranton, and
Elmer Swingle, of rtckville, spent
Decoration Day with Miys bessle Pyle.
Mr. Burden, of North Main street,
fractured his right arm on Monday
morning by falling ftvm a ladder.
Mrs. Wesley liiesecl'.er, of Scranton.
returned home Monday after spending
a few days with friends In town. .
Superior Face Bleach
Pcsitlvely Reaves All Facial BUmiili
Atalea Face Powder Is superior to say fso
kowdar ever manufactured. Und and eon
mended by leading eocity and professional
beauties, because it fivea the beet possible
etfect and never leaves the akin rough or
scaly. I rice to cents.
Thrlsogene, Nature's Balr Orower, Is the
greatest hair invigorator of tbe sreaent pro
greenlre see, being purely a vegetable com
pound, entirely, and marvelous in
lis benenoent eCeits. All diseases of the hair
anl erslp are readily cured by the use of
l'brisocene. Price fib cents and fl For sale
at K. It. RUe! s Hair-dressiag and Hanleure
Parlor, SW Lackawansa ave. and No, 1 Lan
nin Balldlng. Wilkee-Barre. Mall orders
filled promptly.
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
Electrin Putori"a. ElocIrM F.mlolors. for ex
lutll.. hlaau), Hm'fty r'une, it'.d
RepacBO Chemical Co. 's
are located thn finest flshlnz ami hunting
grounds l:i tlif world. Di'scritlvo boons
on npiillmllnn. Tiokfls lo nil points in
Maine. Canada and M irillme I'rovmces,
Minncrapoll?, St. Paul, Cuiid!an and
T.'nited Suites Northwest, Vanvouver,
Seattle. Tacoma, fortlund. Ore., San
Fist-Class Sleapinv and Dining: Cars
attached to i!l vhroucht trains. Tourist
cars fuKy tilted with bedding, curtalna
and specially adapted to wimu of families
may be had with soconi!-c-las8 tickets.
Rates always Irs than via other lint'.i.
For further Information, time tables, etc,
on application tn
E. V. SKINNER, O. E. A..
353 Broautaay, New York.
Tke riMst In the Ctty.
The latest laproTtd fitrnissv
lD mw4 apparattB fir kecaa
mmX, tatter aJ eggk
ssaenai a sis . . a
sv nysMniiscj Msssk ... ft
The following articles all at 19: each.
Gents' IV .Ntktles
ti:ta' 6c Hhirla aud Drawers.
I.euta' Suaptttiti.ra.
Ia!iea' Sie Kilrnvd Vests.
Ladiee' So silk Mitts.
lj.dK-.' Zoo Hnae.
' a' -kj Han Iter bleN.
Ladies' sk- ( - rent Cjvara.
l-aditV X-V t'heialau.
I.hoI.V tjo lirnm.
t'h.iilren' S" I.ace rps.
I'tiihlrou's .-'ms tircartt-si.
C'bi-dmn'a iV O-.rset Waists.
ID ldren's Ztc H-ko.
Bov ' Wwts
Veur Choice at 10c or Three for 50c '
Tile following articles all at 75c each.
Ladira' 1 1 DO Cuniota.
Ladles' I .Jt-h rt Waists.
l.s-iiM.' I.i-u : k.r a
Ln llHi' i.Od NUlit Gowns.
tienta' 8'iiri.
I adw' luu L iubiellas.
1 .-u' I.11.1 Sat- ou bkirts.
l a II -a' 2 0u t eiK-e.
luldreii a I. T .la' knts.
C'lutilreu'a I -a HiesadH.
h ldren's t.i Luc- ll itl.
l.Kli hHiiillo l alde Cowis.
Ml.inei laid- 'overs.
I.SS La-e CurtKius.
Kvs' l.To hulia.
Ladies' 1.25 .-ilk Bibbed Vest.
Vour choice at 73c or Three for fa. 00.
I a.ll -a' Sc Bnd!ter -bk-N 1 -.
Ladlia S,i II und k rchief 4e.
Ludiea' tic ltibb-d VesU la.
luc T- elonly io.
Mlj '1'owela ouly So.
8-hj Tal-lo Linen only 2U0.
10c Kiklion only to.
ISc Rilibiin oniync. .
KSm l)i em Uuocts ItUe.
Ladies' 60c 8trled Under 8kirUatS3c,
The Rush Is here. Best reasons, too. The peo
ple have found out that our store is the place
We have the goods and the prices are right,
and naturally they are here after them.
In greater variety than ever. Chinese Mattings from
$4 a roll, containing 40 yards. Japanese Mattings
in all the novelties. Plain Mattings with inlaid figures,
elaborate Carpet Patterns and all desirable colors.
S. 8. KERR,
Opposite Main Entrsnce
to the Wyoming House.
Branch at Carbondale.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oeacral Office: SCRANTON, PA
This Elegant Rocker,
Large Size,
' Made of Reed,
Per Cent.
This Week.
SO Styles
Of Baby
20 Kinds
For Oae Week Only. Ceasaeadag Mas.
ay, Jane 1.
Olassware, Crockery, Hardware. Tlaw
ware. W . eooenware. etc. Vear caejsce
t sgc. Ai tides. ( lor soc
The following articles all at JOS eaca.
tienU'Wo Keck laa
Uviiu Soc Underwear.
tlents'Hr- huHp-n-tera.
Ladies' We t'ura -K
I.adlen' Silo !(lit Gowns,
Iuins' 60C iil ts.
La I a' 60c CtioiMse.
Lxdi-n' 5 s- D awers.
I Inldren's niha Laos lapa.
t bildren'a ttic Dreiave.
Lod.e' Mc IShirt Waists.
Ladiett' oOn (4iovre.
. nta' Boo Silk Handkerchiefs.
Uenm' 5-k- uutli.g Bliirta.
oj'M.i Taiits.
Boys' u0o V slats
Year choice at 39c or Two for 73c.
1 he following articles sll at 00c each.
I ai.' 1 25 hnlrt Waists.
Ladles' 1-iA Coiavta.
l.adim' 1 i bkiru.
Ladies' l.fto Niglit Gowns,
UIW 1.40 Umbrel as.
La Ilea' 1 M Kid bloves
l.adl.e' I -Vl Sateen hklrts.
Ludiea' l.Ptl Dreas bkirts.
Ladies' I.J5 t'anes.
b'l.lrn's l.ft" Weesee.
t hildreii'a I.W Jackets.
B Ta' 2 00 Hutta.
l.tOCIieullle l overs.
I.T5 1. ace Curtaiue
1.60 Table Covers,
Your Choice at 00c each, or 3 for
Telephone U U
408 Lackawanna Avenue
Our plan of selling Furuitnre oa
credit has made it possible for
many men in moderate clrcnm
stiiict'S lo make their homes hap
py by furiil-liins thm conif irta
biy. Furniture cots c uisidcrab e
money. Everybody hasn't got
the re:idy cash .to furnish their
hom s as nicely they would like
to have them furnished. Under
tho credit system, however, ex
actly, the reverse is true. It is
now easy for any man in orliuary
circumstances to enjoy the pleas
ures thut nice furniture affords.
1 HI.
Uuviu on credit is equivalent to having a fur
nished room, which you pay for in weekly or
monthly payments, as tho caso may be, only yoa
never owu the furniture for which you pay. In
caso yon buy from tw on credit. you own the prop
erty. That's the difference. Oar stock of furni
ture is I ig enough und good enough to suit almost
any fancv. Our prices are as low as strictly cash
houses offer.
We are ready any time to prove this whenever
you' are ready to come and investigate.
More of those Bustle Tables, 69 centi
Hickory Quaint Rocken to match.
225,227 & 218
? WTomlnjp ,
it- V-