The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 04, 1896, Image 1

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8 June
'In 8 June
Tho fallowing Hems are right In
season and the values are far be
yuml your highest expectations.
Belfast Miiities
These are the highest class Im
ported goods that come to the
American market, and the designs
are all In this season's productions.
They Include neat Dresden, Scroll,
Vine, Floral and Stripe effects.
Special Price, 19c
Rcjamc Blmltlcs
A beautiful Summer Cloth In combi
nation herring bone stripes and an
tique Dresden effects, also plain
hades. A remarkable value at our
Special Price, I2y2c
Case lojcly Pipes
White linen, or navy grounds In
dots, scrolls, figures and stripes.
j0re of our best regular 12c values.
: ' Special Price, 8c Swivel Sitts
America's very best production In
the dnlntest color combinations of
the season. Only .15 pieces.
Special Price, 22c
1 case Simpson's first quality Sat
ines, than which there Is no better.
Black grounds only, figures and dots,
white or floral effects. Worth 18c,
Special Price, 12c
1 Cass
Best fast color domestic goods In
stripes, checks, plaids and bright
;lear effects. Endless assortment.
.Special Price, 5c
20 pieces Cheney Bros, best China
Silks. 24 Inches wide; new Dresden
effects, large variety. Actual value
Special Price, 50c
25 Pieces Taffeta Silks
Z2 and ' 14 Inches wide, pretty new
; effects,, especially designed for
Waists, Regular 11.00 quality.
Special Price, 69c
It b Believed That He Will Visit Insur
gents' Camp.
I'pon His lleport Will Depend Clove
laud's l'our-ic---Incnpacity aud
Apathy of the S:auUh I'oiuniaudvrs
Made Matter ol'liiiliciilc.
Havana. June 3. General Fitzhuch
Lee, .recently appointed United States! Terre Haute, Ind.. June 3. The Trnv
consul geiiral here In succetslon to Mr. elurs' Protective association this even
ltamoti O. Williams, resigned, arrived Ing unanimously decided to make war
lur at 5.30 this morning by the Ward on the railroad companies. The na
line steamer Mascotte. Th f learner tional convention, In secret session
was met by a gayly decorated tug, upon
which were Messrs. Villianis and
Springer, Dr. Burgess I. 1 Senor Zahlo,
representing the ca'tav V general, as
well as the agent of the Ward line. The
party boarded the Mascotte and ex
tended a cordial welcome to General
Lee. General Bradley Tyler Johnson
and a number of other Americans and
a large crowd of people awaited Gen
eral Lee ashore. n the wharf ha was
received most respectfully. There was
no demonstrations, and he entered a
handsome carriage, with the coachman
and footman In Senor Zaldo's livery,
and was driven to the Hotel Vngleterra,
where Mr. Williams had previously se
cured a line suite of rooms for his suc
cessor. General Lee had some coffee
and then retjlred for a short rest, as he
was tired from the rough passage from
Key West here, during 'which he was
very seasick.
Richmond, Va June 8. The cause
of the delay In the departure of Consul
General Lee for Cuba is now definitely
known. For several weeks past the
state department, at Washington has
been in correspondence with the gov
ernment at Madrid wltn a view of ar
ranging for General Lee to be free to
visit the camps of the Insurgents as
well as those of the Spanish.
This was General Lee's wish In order
to enable him to make a thoroughly
satisfactory report of the condition of
affairs on the Island to President
Cleveland. Now that the consul gen
eral has a tiled for Havana it is as
sumed that the Madrid government
accorded him tho freedom of move
ment desired.
It Is well understood that this official
expects to make a thorough and prompt
report to the state department whether
the president ehould In his Judgment
recognize the Independence . .' Cuba.
It Is not at all Improbable that this re
port will be favorable to the Insurgents,
and that it may possibly be expected
before the Chicago convention meets
and acts.
W rtilngton, June 3. Gonzalode Que
sada, the Cuban charge d'affaires In
this city, has Just received word that
Colonel Rafel Portuondo has landed
safely in Cuba. He was accompanied
by 100 men, among whom were Dr.
Carlos Poby, surgeon of the party, a
resident of this city, and two young
r-'lrlrrrcanu. Osman Latrobe, nephew
of ex-Mayor Latrobe, and Mr. Janny.
i ne cargo consisted of thousands of
riilns, cartridges and dynamite, besides
artillery, of which the army Is In need.
It is the largest landing made. Col
onel Portuondo is the secretary of
state. He came to this country on
leave of absence and attended the de
bates In congress. He belongs to tne
bluest blood on the Island, and Is a
lawyer of distinction.
Correspondent I'lnnlgun on His Way
, Puck from Culm.
Watertown. N. Y., June 3. John A.
Flnnlgan, the special correspondent of
the Watertown Standard In the Island
of Cuba, has been expelled by Captain
General Weyler for being persona non
grata to the Spanish authorities.
Mr. Flnnlgan has been In Cuba since
April, and has furnished the Standard
with freqeucnt letters. He was twice
arrested and sent back to Havana.
Last week he left the city contrary to
the orders of the authorities. On his
return last Friday Mr. Flnnlgan wis
warned that he must leave by the Sarn
toga, which sailed on Sunday. He was
placed under a strong guard, but man
aged to get a message off through a
friend. The correspondent Is expected
to reach New York today.
Rumor That Spain May Demand Ex
tradition of rilibtiHterers.
Phlldelphia, June 3. A decided sensa
tion was created among the Cuban resi
dents of the city today when It was
rumored about that the Spanish govern
ment may demand the extradition of
all those who have engaged In filibus
tering expeditions from this country
to Cuba. It is said that Spain will
claim that the expeditions come under
the terms of the treaty with the United
Staes of extridable offences, the offense
was committed on Spain's soli.
Senor De Lome, the Spanish minister.
Is reported to have taken eminent leiral
advice on the question' and to have re
ceived assurance that he can legally de
mand the extradition of the filibusters
from President Cleveland.
Both Prof. Dyche and Lieut. Peary
Claim the Big Stone.
Topeka, Kan., June 3. It Is possible
that there Is an object that does not
appear on the surface In the sudden
departure for Alaska of Professor L.
L. Dyche, of the Kansas State univers
ity, During his northern trip last sum
mer the professor paid a visit while in
Greenland to the largest meteorite In
the world and Immediately announced
his determination to possess It Lieu
tenant Peary, however, claimed the
meteorite by right of discovery and
warned the professor not to attempt to
remove it.
' As the meteorite weighs doxens of
tons Peary's warning was of necessity
heeded . at the time, but Professor
Dyche stated distinctly that he Intend
ed within a few years to return to
Greenland for the meteorite. Last
wmk tha itlSMtcaes ' announced that
Lieutenant Peary would sail (or Green
land this summer to secure the meteor
ite. As aoon as Professor Dyche can
reach Seattle he, too. will sail (or the
north, and it is quite passible that his
destination Is neither Alaska nor the
but the point in Greenland
where ine coveted meteorite lies.
Proft??or Dyche will have the longer
route through Bring Straits and the
northwest passage, but he la a man n(
great energy, and if he has In reality
started to get the coveted meteorite
the chances are of a lively race to
Greenland. The meteorite Is roughly
estimated to be worth IjO.OOO.
Travcllet' Protective Association
Ucsire I ore at l wo tenia n .sue.
ajopted a resolution looking to secure
legislation in the several states fixing
the fare for all passengers at 2 cents a
The earlier part of the day's session
was occupied with hearing reports of
committees to which had been referred i
th annual reports. The committee on
constitution reportd a number of
amendments which will be acted upon
Seventeen Hundred Oid Soldiers in Line
at Cbambersburg Officers Elected
and Other Business Transacted.
Chambersburg. Pa., June 3. This
was one of the biggest days In the his
tory of Chambersburg. Fully S0.0C0
people witnessed and participated In
the parade that opened the thirtieth
annual Pennsylvania encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic. About
1,700 men participated In the parade
and fully as many more old soldiers,
too old to participate witnessed the par
ade along the route. The session of
the encampment began at 10 o'clock
in the Opera House, and was presided
over by Commander Cummlngs.
The report of Assistant Adjutant
General Morrison showed that four
posts had been mustered In and sixteen
disbanded during the past year. Th
total loss of membership In the year
was 8ul and the total membership In
good standing January 1 last was 36,
870. The report of Assistant Quartermas
ter Levering showed that the receipts
from March 1, 1985, to May 30, lSi were
$8,594.48 and expenditures $8,210.15. The
report of the council of administration
Ehows the! receipts to be $12,095.31 and
the disbursements $11,891.93.
The following nominations were
made: Commander, Alfred Darte, of
Wilkes-Harre, and James B. Dent
worth, of Wllliamsport; seplor vice
commander, W. H. H. Mackey, cf
Chambersburg, and Frederick J. Cot
ton, of Philadelphia; Junior vice-commander,
W. H. Felix, of Lewlstown;
Frank H. Button, Corry; H. Regan,
West Chester; chaplain, Rev. John
Sayers, Philadelphia; Rev. Charles L.
Sherguer, of Reading; medical Inspec
tor, Dr. J. G. Sloan.
The encampment then decided to pro
ceed with the election of commander
only, the remainder of the ticket to '-e
elected tomorrow. The result of the
election for commander was: Darte,
482; jjoniwortn, sao. Johnstown was
selected without opposition as the next
place of meeting In 1897.
The ladies of the Grand Army of the
Republic met also. The meeting -vas
called to order by Department Presi
dent Ely and National President Mrs.
Caroline Hurst, of Louisville, made a
few remarks. ,
The Women's Relief corps met at 10
o'clock. Greetings to tho ladles of the
Grand Army of the ..epubllc were retd.
The election was held In the after
noon and resulted: President, Mrs,
Fannie Boyden, of Susquehanna; vice
president, Mrs. Elizabeth Ewing, of
Phoenlxvllle; Junior vice-president,
Mrs. Frances E. Brlcker, of Beaver
Citizens of St. Louis Display Their Con
tempt for Mayor Walbrldge.
Funds to Be Appropriated.
St. Louis. Mo June 3. As IndlcafM
In these dispatches last night, the work
of raising and distributing relief funds
for tb" tornado sufferers Is floundering
In municipal poilties. Honest differ
ences of opinion upon the advisability
and legality 0f appropriating city funds
for reltf have grown Into bitter political
warfare. Mayor Walbrldge, a possible
candidate for governor, has resolutely
refused to appeal to the outnldt? world
for aid. Last niirht he wa3 hanged In
effigy in South St. Iahus and a large
public meeting held there demanded
that he withdrew from his position of
Independence. The friends and oppr
nents of the mayor's present hopes are
found opposing each other In the mat
ter of soliciting relief.
The measure to appropriate $100,000
of city funds for relief also met rtrong
opposition on the plea that It was ille
gal. The bill was re-submitted today
with a proviso making It legal. The
house of delegates, the lower branch of
the municipal assembly, met In special
session this afternoon to consider the
amended appropriation bill. The pro
ceedings at times approached a general
rough and tumble light among the mem
bers, but it was Anally passed by a vote
of 19 to 3. The bill now goes to the
upper house and will be immediately
Steamship Arrivals.
New York, June S. Arrived: Latin,
from Bremen and Southampton; Aura
nla, from Liverpool and Queemtown; Ita
lia, from Mediterranean ports. Sailed: tft.
Louis, for Southampton; Majestic, for
Liverpool; Westernland, for Antwerp;
Marcala, for Hamburg, Arrived out New
York, at Southampton; Anchorla, at Mo
vllle; Trave, at Southampton; Norwegian,
at Glasgow (June 2). Sailed for New
York: Havel, from Southampton; Spaarn
dam, from Rotterdam. Sighted: 'Amster
dam, from New York for Rotterdam,
passed Llsard: Braunsohwelg, from Na
ples for Hamburg, pasted Llsard; Dres
den, from New York for Bremen,' passed
SoUly; Prussia, from New York for Hsm
buro. oatsid elllv;
Leads the Blue Grass Democracy to Free
Efforts to Eialt Cleveland and Car
lis.e Are Drowucd in Il'oots and
lcllvScant Courtesy Is Shown the
Gold liugs ut the Lexiugton Con
vention. Lexington. Ky., June 3. This was a
day of triumph for Senator Ulackburn
and the free silver element of the Blue
Grass Democracy. The white metal
advocates outnumbered their oppon
ents in the state convention three to
oi.e, but they were not disposed to be
nutffnarulous, despite the pacific advice
of Senator Blackburn the gold men
were shown rcunt courtesy. State
Chairman Charles R. Long called tne
convention to order at 1.40 this after-
noon In Die auditorium of the Cna
tauqua assembly building.
It was a full convention, for Instead
of being 910 delegates there were nearly
1,200 within the enclosure set apart for
them. All the contesting delegations
being present In full force. Chairman
Long was the first to experience the 111
will of the silverltcs. In closing his ad
dress, he nalii: "Grover Cleveland
stands today as the equal In devotion
to the best interests of our government
and faithful service of any president
that has preceded htm and the country
is Indebted to the Democratic party for
bis election and I doubt not that the
convention will give him their votes."
This was the signal for a scene. The
delegates yelled and shouted, and
created such a disturbance that the
chairman could scarcely proceed, and
when he said: "John G. Cat lisle stands
before the American people as one of
the purest and ablest statesmen," they
drowned his voice with hoots and yells.
Nominations for temporary chairman
being In order John 8. Rhea, for tha
sliver men, presented the name of
Charles J. Bronston for temporary
chaliman, and Colonel Bennet H.
Young (gold) nominated Judge Alex
ander P. Humphries. He could scare 3
ly be heard and the chairman rebulod
the delegates for their discourtesy.
Bronston won by a big majority. The
vote, which shows the strength of sil
ver In the convention, was: Bronston,
C91; Humphries, 206.
Mr. Bronston then addressed the con
vention, and after he had finished his
address John S. Rhea, the noted free
silver orator, was called for. He .re
sponded In a three-mtaute speech coun
seling harmony. Then Senator Black
burn appeared on the platform. The
delegates cheered for several minutes
before they would allow him to speak
The senator told of his years of service
to the party, and said that while he
had suffered much at the hands of
Democrats who opposed the policy he
advocated, he bore them no 111 will and
had no animosity against these who
had fought him so bitterly. He coun
Belled harmony and urged bis enthusl
astio friends to be generous In this, the
hour of their victory, and unite with
the opposition, but without surrender
lng any of the principles for which they
had fought so bravely.
The convention was called to order at
8.10 tonight, but the committee on cre
dentials not being ready to report, the
other committees could not report.
The organization committee also had
a great deal of work to do In thorough
ly reorganizing the party machinery
cf the state and could not report to
night. Speeches were made by Evan
E. Settle, free silver candidate for con'
press from the Ashland district; Gen
eral P. Wat Hardin and others, after
which the convention adjourned until
10 a. m. tomorrow.
Next Enrnmpmcut of the Sons
Veterans Will lie Held There.
Gettysburg. ' Pa., June 3. The busi
ness sesion of tho Pennsylvania depart'
ment of the Sons of Veterans began
this afternoon with Division Com
mander Diffenderfer In the chair. The
committees on ritual, resolutions and
constitution were appointed. The ritual
committee reported in favor of com
bining the first and third degrees and
of striking out the second degree. It
was miunimounly adopted.
Towanda was selected as the place
for the next encampment In preference
i to Hastleton and I.ebonon. Past Divis
ion Commander Samuel Louis Rake, of
Rradlntr, w?s numed as Pennsylvania's
choice for commander-in-chief. This
evening Division Commander DIften
derfer reviewed the division.
Call Issued nt Indianapolis for a
Democratic Gathering.
Indianapolis, Ind., June 3. A call was
Issued today for a Democratic free oil
ver convention, or mass meeting, which
will be held in this city on Friday night
next It is intended as a forerunner of
the coming Democratic state conven
tion and its object is to complete the
free silver organization for the coming
The call is signed by about fifty of the
most prominent Democrats in the
Scotch-Irish Congress.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Juno 8. The Scotch
Irish congress of North America will be
gin Its meetings here tomorrow. Already
a number of delegates have arrived,
among them men prominent in the affairs
of the country. Papers interesting to the
Scotch-Irish race will be read and a visit
paid to Old Derry and Paxtang churches.
Florida for Silver.
Jacksonville, Fla., June . Jefferson
county selected delegates to the Demo
cratic state convention today and pledged
them to free silver. So far about thirty
of the forty-five counties In Florida have
acted. Of these twenty-three have in
structed for silver, while seven have taken
no action. Not a county has Instructed
for sound money. ,
Arthur Re-Elected Chief.
Ottawa, ont, June J.-f. m. Arthur was
re-elected chief of the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Knsineers today.
Weather Indications Today
Partly Cloudy; Possibly Showers.
ICentueky for Free Silver.
Inventor of Bell Telephone to Receive
Fits-Hugh Lee at Havana.
Veterans Parade at Chambersburg.
(Telegraph) Day's Doings at Washing
ton. (Local) Trial List for June Quarter
Sessions Court.
Mayor Must Try Municipal Cases.
Comments of
the Press.
(Local) Bosehlno Refused a New Trial.
Nay Atlg's New Kngine House.
A. O. 11. State Delegates.
(Sports, Scranton Wins.
Kastern league Averages.
Cornell-Georeotown Game.
National and State League Games.
Suburban News.
Market and Stock Reports.
8 News lp and Down the Valley.
Instruct National Delegates to Vote for
No Candidate for President Who Is
Not for Silver at Ratio of If to I.
Topeka, Has., June 3. Kansas Demo
cratic convention today elected a dele
gation to the national convention and
bound them to vote for no presidential
candidate who was not unequivocally
for the free coinage of sliver at the
ratio of 16 to 1.
The Hllver men were so much In the
majority that the free gold delegates
were not even heard, and the proceed
ings were carried on by the sliver men
with harmony and despatch. The plat
form adopted commended the adminis
tration In so far as regards Cleveland's
vigorous foreign policy, his efforts for
tnrlrT reform, his firm stand towards
Spain and the Americans held in Cuban
The great majority of the delegates
in the convention were in favor of fu
sion with the anti-Republican parties
and it is considered probable that the
state convention that meets at Hutch
inson, August 4, will take steps to unite
with the Populists In nominating a
state ticket, and that a similar combine
will be made In each of the congression
al districts.
Columbus, Ohio, June 3. The free sil
ver tonference here today was not as
largely attended as Its projectors ex
pected. The advocates of silver who
have not determined to leave their par
ties to secure unlimited coinage of sil
ver, generally ignored the call, so that
only the radical wing of the silver
party was represented. General A.
J. Warner, president of the National
Bimetallic league, was present and ad
dressed the conference upon the plans
of the national silver convention which
Is to be held at St. I-ouls on July 23.
He said he believed that the national
Democratio convention would adopt a
free silver platform and If they did it
would not be necessary to hold the sil
ver convention; but It would not do to
presume that the convention would do
One Woman Killed and One Badly Hurt.
Early Morning Fire in a Phila
delphia Tenement.
Philadelphia. June 3. One woman
was killed and another seriously In
Jured by Jumping from the third story
of a burning building early this morn'
ing. The dead woman Is Mrs. Mary
Emmet, aged 40 years. Shortly after
3 o'clock a fire broke out In the tene
ment at No. 437 North Sixth street.
The building was occupied by three
or four families. Most of the inmates
made their escape before the engines
Mrs. Emmet and a family named Sul
livan occupied apartments on the third
floor, indlng their escape by the stair
way cut off, Mrs. Emmet and Mrs.
Sullivan appeared at the third-story
window, and despite the warnings of
the firemen, they threw themselves to
the pavement.
The former was almost Instantly
killed and the latter bally bruised. The
other members of the family escaped
by climbing on the roof, where they
were rescued by the firemen.
An Kxclinnge Between Victoria Post
Ullicc and Sitkn Steamboats.
Washington, June 3. The entire mall
service between Alaska and British
Columbia will be greatly expedited by
the establishment of the postofllce de
partm?nt today bf an exchange between
the postofllce at Victoria, British Col
umbla, and the Seattle and Sitka steam
ship postofllce service.
This action allows the British malls
for all Alaska to be transferred to the
seaport service at Victoria Instead of
sending them, as always heretofore has
been done, by a long and Indirect route
to Seattle. The steamboat later touch
es ta Victoria, sailing twice a week, and
by the new procedure later molls arrlV'
Ing at Victoria can be forwarded which
formerly have been deferred a fortnight
Andrew N. Henderson Lost in Specu
lation and Shot Himself.
Chicago, June 8. Andrew N. Hender
son. a commission merchant, and
member of the Board of Trade, shot
himself last evening. His suicide is
attributed to recent heavy losses on the
board. He came here from St. Louis
about twenty years ago.
Hain Case Continued.
Lebanon, Pa., June 3. Messrs Capp and
Lauts. attorneys for ex-Policeman Aaron
Hain, who is charged with murdering
John Smith, made application to court to.
day for a continuance until the September
tearm. The court granted tho motion,
Hain la seriously 111 with Inflammatory
The Inventor of the Bell Telephone to
Receive Relict from Congress.
The Inventor of the Instrument Wjll
Probably Now Receive the Rights
That Ueloug to Iliin--A Most Im
portant Report from Senate Patent
Washington, June 3. The senate
committee on patents by a vote of 4 to
3 has made a favorable report on the
bill for the relief of Daniel Drawbaugh.
The vote was as follows: For the bill-
Messrs. Prltchard, Call, Mills and
Kerry; against the bill Messrs. Piatt,
Clark and Wetmore. This bill has an
Important bearing on the Bell Tele
phone patent. It directs the commis
sioner of patents to issue to Daniel
Drawbaugh a patent or patents for the
inventions of improvements In tele
phony, described and claimed In pend
ing applications filed by Drawbaugh
In the patent office at various times
from 180 until 1884, notwithstanding
that said inventions may have been
placed on sale for more than two years
prior to the date of the filing of Draw
baugh's original application of July 26,
1SS0. These patents, when Issued, are
to have the same effect as though no
delay had occurred In presenting or
prosecution therefor and each patent
when so issued Is to be good in law
to secure to the owner the sole right,
during its term to the exclusive use,
make and sale of such patented inven
tion. A proviso gives all persons having
apparatus containing any of these In
ventions in use at the time of Issuing
such patents shall have the right to
continue the use of such apparatus
without charge or molestation; and no
one Is to be liable to Mr. Drawbaugh
for any manufacture, use or sale of
Drawbaugh's inventions occurring
prior to the Issuance of the patent or
patents authorized in the bill favorably
New York, June 3. J. R, Bartlett
president of the Drawbaugh Telephone
and Telegraph company, said regarding
the favorable report of the senate com
mittee on patents on the Drawbaugh
"It will permit the Issue to Drawbaugh
of fundamental patents for the micro
phone, thereby transferring the control
of the long distance telephone from the
Bell company under the Berliner patent
to the Drawbaugh company. The pub'
lie will not be burdened by an extended
control of the telephone, as the Berliner
patent now covers the forms of tele
phone embraced in the bill and this
Berliner patent is owned by the Bell
company. The government has a suit
pending to cancel it upon the ground
of fraud. Drawbaugh's priority In the
invention of the telephone has ong
been known and abundantly established
and the government, has a second suit
pending against the Bell company in
which this priority has been plainly
demonstrated. Drawbaugh has been
prevented from obtaining the funda
mental patents only by a slight tech'
nlcality which was set up against him
through the influence of the Bell com
pany and It is to relieve Drawbaugh
of this technicality that the bUl has
been Introduced. Opposition was made
by the senate committee on patents by
the counsel of the Bell company and an
exhaustive argument was presented to
show that Drawbaugh was not entitled
to any consideration, but the merits of
his claims were so apparent that the
patent committee reported he blU favor
ably. The BeU company has enjoyed
many years of prosperity based on the
rights belonging to another, but con
gress has at last undertaken to right
this wrong by the enactment of a law
which, while moderate and reasonable
In Its terms, will secure to Daniel Draw
baugh the rights that belong- to him."
Merchants and Manufacturers In
crease llanking Facilities.
City of Mexico., June 3. Apostolic
Delegate Acardl has stopped the Cath
olic dally and weekly papers here from
printing violent political articles. He
commends a more prudent and pacific
policy. The result Is that the Catholic
organs which filled the role of opposi
tion papers are losing patronage.
The Bank of London, In Mexico, will
Increase Its capital from $5,000,000 to
$10,000,000, the new capital being taken
In this city by the large dry goods
houses and cotton textile manufacture
ers. '
It Is reported that the Spanish club
has requested the retirement of the edl
tor who refused to fight a duel with a
leading Cuban resident
Scranton Belle Was Last in a Field o
Mine Starters.
New Tork, June 3. The feature of
the second day's sports at the spring
trotting meeting of the New York Driv
Ing club was the remarkable perform'
ance of Baron Crisp In the 2.24 class,
He won as he liked In straight heats,
finishing each mile on a Jog.
2.15 class, trotting Ernsle, first; Nut
shell, second; King Albert, third; Scran
ton Belle, last. Timo-2.18, 2.14V4, 2.1D-H,
4.24 class, trottlnn Baron Crisp, first
Grace Hastings, second; Plloteen, third,
Time-2 llili, 2.16H. 2.15Vfr.
Bering Sea Treaty.
Washington, June 8. A cablegram from
Ambassador Bayard Informed Secretary
Oincy that ratltlcatlons of the Bering Sea
claims treaty had been exchanged Jn Lon
don today. The treaty will not bo made
public here until its promulgation in imi
don. as it Ib desired to have It appear Sim
ultaneously In Great Britain and the
United States.
Herald's Weather Forecast.
New York, June 4. In the Middle states
today, fair weather .will prevail, wltn a
slight rise of temperature and fresh to
light southerly and southwesterly wmas,
followed by light local rain, un priuay,
fair to partly cloudy, warm, weather-and
southerly winds, wltn local rain in north'
era districts.
tee Opens with Some
Great Specials in Qor
Which are worthy of the attention
of one and all. The reductions are
genuine, and at the prises ought to
command a ready sale and close out
the lines in a tew days.
7 extra choice silk and wool novelty
suits in fenlan and grenadine af
fects. Were $24.60,
June Price $19.71
11 choice Persian and silk and Toot
Biciiiiene arena patterns. Were
$17.50 and $11.60,
June Price $13.50
2E Extra fine suits In Scotch an 4
Kngllah cheviots, coverts and
tweeds former price $11.(0 to $16,
June Price $7.75 to $9.50
10 pieces fine mixed suitings, all
wool and 88 in. wide, former price
June Price 29c
15 pieces Cheney Brea.' best quality
mniea inaia suns, m in. wtas,
at 4 So.
At 49c
510 AND 512
Every foot in the family
properly fitted with Hon
est Shoes.
114 AND 110 W?OMI2f& AVB.
Take Notice
Weichel, the Jeweler,'
has a nice line of Bicycle
Belts. Call and see them.
One of the latest novel
ties. 408 SPRUCE SHEET.
Freicl Zinc,
Carriage Mats,
Reynolds9 Wood Ftaisl,
Crockett's Preservative.
Ready Mixed Tinted
Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Linseed Oil, Guaranteed.