The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 03, 1896, Image 1
V. THE ONLY" REPUBLICAN ' DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. mm rttiiiiv i 0V TWELVE PAGES 84 COLUMNS. mhiantox. pa., Wednesday mcvrnixg. JUNE n. TWO CENTS A COPY. - - i - -i e--i a .-'ssxs jf if J j r vt rii vm -w m .inirr fmt ssbsw OUR SSMI-AMIAL ace Curtain Cl Our patrons have become familiar with the object of this sale, which Imply means a cleaning up of the tock for the season now closing. We recognise that the success of this Department depends almost entirely on being able to show a line :it till times containing nothing but the latent goods, and. to accomplish this end. we willingly make the sacrifices noted below. Intending to take up their sum mer quarters soon would do well to look over these bargain lots. The savings In price indicated below are guaranteed. 'M6 Sprit's- styles. 3'r yards long, very full wdth and seloet qualities, white only. m -vuci nimitrv. nnw. .?3.tS .13.75 ,' ' F" - ... . I pairs $8.50 Quality, now. lace 8 yard I-wg, etnulslt' new designs, full width, white only. 8 pairs $5.!i0 quality, now $3.95 pairs 16.50 quality, now 14.75 3 pairs V.IO quality, now... ...$5.95 Irlsfi Point. 'lice tetaMs i ( pairs t,X.50 quality, S pairs M..5 quality, 1 pairs $6.00 quality, I pairs $7.00 quality, I pairs $7.50 quality, now $2.50 now .'..$3.15 now $4.25 now $6.25 now. $5.95 glm Lace Curtains Ecru or white. 34 yards long, moat . ly extra wide, all this season's goods. 'I pairs,' 65c. quality, now 49c, 'll pairs $1.12tt quality, now 85c. 41 pairs $1.374 quality, now $1.00 10 pairs $1.65 quality, now $1.29 13 pairs $1.8$ quality, now $1.45 4 pairs $2.50 quality, now $1.75 5 pairs $3.00 quality, now $2.35 11 pairs $3.25 quality, now $2.45 '14 pairs $3.50 quality, now ...82.75 18 pairs 84.25 quality, now 82.95 pairs 84.50 quality, now 83.45 iWc've got lower pried Lace Cirtatos' if . . - . wait them WAREHOUSE earance Sue Be psJiiel M'KINLEY AND REED THE BATTLE CRY The Plan of the Cleveland Republican Maeajen, MAINE MAN FOR SECOND PLACE The Vice-Presidential Nomination I to Be Force I'pon Mr. Heed Whether lie Desires It or NotThe Bangor Platform. New Tork. June 1 Many Indications today point to a concerted attempt upon the part of the McKlnleyltes to force the vice-presidential nomination upon Speaker Reed with or without his acquiescence. At Cleveland this is well understood to be the plan. A poll of congress made by the Phila delphia Press, an active McKlnley or gan, shows a strong congressional preference for the Maine man. On the other hand, Joseph H. Man Icy, Mr. Reed's campaign manager, ex pressly disclaims any purpose on his principal's part of taking second place. Cleveland, June 8. The McKlnley poeple are going to support Reed for vice-president, no matter what Mr. Manley says. They acsert that no man has yet declined that office when a con vention has once nominated him. Hence they are going to nominate Reed by acclamation. This Is the pro gramme, and Mr. Manley's card has not changed a bit. Senator Quay believes that the ticket will be McKlnley and Keed. And Quay generally knows what he Is talking about. The point to observe In Mr. Manley's card Is that the Maine gentle man docs not deny bis first Intention of coming here. Candidates for the vice-presidency are very numerous. Old Virginia, the "Mother of Presidents," Is now anxious to be the mother of a vice-president, and her sons are now working for Colonel William Lamb, of Norwalk, Va. The list now covers a baker's dosen from each state. There 1 a good deal of specu'atlon as t whether or not the anti-McKinley-Ites will make a light in the convention over the contested delegates. The news from Washington today is that the contests will not be made. The bosses and "boys" are getting together as fat t as possible, and It begins to look row ad If there will not be enough of Manna s strawberry shortcake to go round. Already his short cake palace on the Inke Is running full tlnie and yet the harmony list Increases to ftuch an extent dally that be cannot be to feed the multitude of hungry visitors that come here. DANG0R CONVENTION. I'latl'ortu Opposes 1'ree Silver, but Advocate Uiiuctallism. ' l.'ur.gor, Me., June 2. The Republi can state conenlion assembled here today and adopted the following plat form: . ... The Republicans of Maine are In favor of the restoration of that Republican pol icy of protection ttiuglK by Lincoln,. Il lustrated by the signal prosperity of the country for ihlrty years and rounded out by the reciprocity of BUliie a policy uoapltti to the business ot the country una adjusted, from time to time, to ci.iuineit conditions.' With conllJcnce and prosperity restored, revenue will be mude uueuuute to the nui port of ihe go em inent mid tiie iusuo at bonds onunxlbly for the maintenance of the 'edciiipllor. (uud, out rtany to meet ucneieucy, will cease. We are opposed to the free and unlim ited coll age of silver, except by interna tional us: -ciik'iU, and until such agree, mint can ue obtuined we believe that the , present gold standard should be main mined. We bolleve In the maintenance of the highi'sl national credit by the utmost faith toward the public creditor, not for the creditor's sake, but for the ration's sake, 'or the sound reason tliat the most valua ble pcKtess.on of uny nation in time of wur or distress, next to the courage of Its people, is un honorable reputation. Who ever pays with honor borrows with ease. Bound finance end certainly ut the treas ury and protection for the producer will nionn prosperity and peace. Y. e are in favor cf a forelsn policy which shall be at all timet, and with all nations firm, vigorous and dignified, which : win preserve ine national Honor ut home i uit-.l abroad. We are in favor of measure for the re- Htriction of immigration. Ue are in favor of u Just administration i of all pension legislation. We conijratu- lato our delegation in congress that their long-continued efforts In behulf of Ameri can shipping have at las: aroused nil in terest throughout the country that prom ises to restore this (treat Industry so tm. portant to national defence to Its former prominence. We Join our fellow-ftepubll-cans of the thirteen states in the advoii-v of discriminating duties In favor of Am-;:. lean ships, a policy approved by Hamilton, the ruthcr of American protection, and which gave up our carrying trade in the early days of the republic. We renew our unswerving loyally to that great cham pion of protection and sound money, the nun. 4 Human i7, neeu, in me nope that this coming national conventlnn win ognlze the urgent demand of the business interests i me country ror his nomina tion. We render our cordial appreciation to our distinguished representatives in both branches of eonirrem tar thai .hi representation of the state at the national VKpilVl The Hon. Llewelyn Powers, of Hnnl. ton, t unanimously nominated for governo and the convention than ad journed. J KENTUCKY SILVER1TES. They Will Not Be Aggressive but M ill Proceed with Moderation. Lexington. Ky., June 2. Nearly all the Democratic delegates to the state convention, which meets here tomor row, have arrived. They were hard at work all th afternoon, agreeing on a policy to pursue tomorrow. The sli ver men scored a greater victory than they anticipated! and at first they were very aggressive, but Senator Blackburn counselled moderation. He finally de cided to call a meeting of his support ers. Accordingly about fifty silver leaders assembled In Blackburn's head quarters, and for two hours the discus sion was kept up. After two hours' debate the confer ence decided not to censure President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle by name in me pianorm, out to condemn the national administration In as strong language as possible. They agreed that on the money question the resolution should Instruct the delegates to support a free sliver advocate for Democratic candidate lor president. FOR SILVER LITERATURE The Reform Press Association Will Push an Energetic Silver Campaign. "Minneapolis, Minn., June J. Some time ago the Penny Press, the only sliver paper In the Twin Cities, Issued a call to the stiver editors of Min neapolis to meet In convention In this elty on June a.; as a result or the call fifty editors were on, hand when the meeting waa called to order this morn In. . Free silver Raoubliean editors were chiefly In evidence, although there were representatives of all parties. As a result of the meeting an organ isation to be known as the Reform Press association of Minnesota was formed. The objects of the organlxa- n will be co-operation in. securing iorm and free silver literature and an energetic campaign for the free sliver cause. MISS STEVENSON MARRIED. Vice President's Daughter Is Now .Mrs. Martin 1. Hardin. Washington, June 2 At 8 o'clock this evening at the New York Presbpterian church the wedding of Miss Julia Ste venson, daughter of the vice-president of the United States, to the Rev. Martin D. Hardin, of Danville, Kentucky, was solemnised by Rev. Dr. Ratcliffe. pastor of the church In the presence of a com- fany including the president of the Tnited States and Mrs. Cleveland the members of the cabinet and Judges of the supreme court of the United States; the diplomatic corps and many others prominent In official and social circles in the capital. fallowing the wedding a reoeptlon was held at the Hotel Normandle and at 10.30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs, Hardin depart ed for their heme at Bowling Green. Ky. The wedding ceremony was one of the simplest and leaat ostentatious of any of the many that have happened in prominent Washington social circles for many years. COMMUTE? IS SHORT. Fourteen Thouiand Dollars Needed for the Success ol the Democratic National Convention. Chicago, June 2. The Democratic national sub-committee concluded the business of its present session today and adjourned to meet at the Palmer house June IS. The local committee is still short $14,000 of the guaranteed subscriptions, $26,000 of the promised $40,000 only hav ing been paid to the national commit tee; $1,000 only was paid today by the local treasurer. There Is no fear, however, that the moaey will not be forthcoming from the guarantors If not from the subscribers, and the local committee was not pressed to make good the financial con tract. Mr. Canda. of New York, who. acts as the national committee architect. and 3 S Beman, the local committee's architect, submitted a plan of the seat ing arrangements which the commit tee adopted. There will be $15,000 seats in the part of the Coliseum which Is to be used for the convention, only a few seats are to be put in the galleries, because the committee considers 15,000 a big enough audience to handle, con sidering the animation which is ex pected to permeate th deliberations of the Democratie hosts. MURDER ATBL0CKLEY. Peter MeNalljr Is Killed by Bernard . O'foole, en Insane Patient. Philadelphia, June .Although Peter aicNauy was aiuc-a in wocKiey wins- i house over a week ago nothing of the ftr .a,1.r.a9 ivei' ll Vle areneral public until Cowner Ashbridge held the in- quest in the case today and thn It waj ! learned that the man who . had caused his dcatlv was one of the mowt violent '. insane patlepts who had ever been eon- j "Tfiw UViV . ' McNally was sixty years of age and , J XV' rav'r.!,;"'! 'IVt l O'Tocle Is what Is known as an "old timer, lie has hren sent there a nutu- ! ber of times and ha? always given the j attendant and physician the greatest : sort of trouble. i lie Imagined tint he was the great out pugilist on the face of the earth, and, I as h was a tail and powerfully built 1 man, those who hod him In charge did , not care to anger him. ; After be had been In the hospitnl twice, however, they "sized him up" and were constantly on their guard to pre vent him from "fretting In" what ho I called the "ktinrU out." I On Monday of Inst week he and Mo- ! Nally." with about ten other Insane ! patients, were In the seme ward, and then O'Toole, whoco Insanity has been J caused by epilepsy, had one of his fits. He Jumped at McNally. struck him several blnw in the face-and about the body until the man sunk down upm his bed thoroughly exhausted, and died soon afterward. SHOT BY JEALOUS RIVALS. Iudiuua .Van Pays a Severe Peuitlty for Calling t'pou a Widow. Wabash, Ind., June 2. Samuel Har ris, of Waltz township, this county, was' shot and very seriously wounded last night, neur Vernon, nine miles south. Harris had been attentive to Mrs. Charles Kesler, a widow, and the jealousy of rivals was awakened. It Is stated that on several occasions men had lain In ambur.h for Harris, but not until last night was he fired upon. As Harris was approaching Mrs. Kesler's house a heavy charge of shot took effect In his neck and back, In flicting very ugly wounds. It Is thought, however, that he will recover. SHOOTS FOUR ASSAILANTS. Eipert Marksman Successfully De fend a Utah Mineral Claim. Craig, Colo., June 2. Information comes from Brown's Park, across the line in Utah, of a desperate battle on May 21, In which two men were killed and two others mortally wounded. Matt Warner and an old man named Norman had discovered rich mineral near the state line and were quietly developing their find. Four unknown men, learning the fact, followed them. A fight took place In which Warner, who Is. a dead shot, killed or wounded all the assail ants. No arrests have been made. FREAK OF LIQHTNINQ. One of Two Persons in a Chair Is In stantly Killed. Newport, R. I., June 2. Policeman William H. Dewlck, of this city, was killed late this afternoon by a light ning bolt that entered his house, His 4-year-old daughter was In his lap at the time and was unhurt. De wick's forehead and breast were cooked by the heat. The house was almost un injured. . De Lome Registers a Protest. London, June J. The Morning Post will tomorrow publish a dispatch from Madrid saying that Senor De Lome, the Spanish minister, has protested to the American government against the parading of the Cuban flag In a procession In New York on May n. N m Cleveland's Tenth Anniversary. . Washington, June J.-This Is the tenth anniversary of the marrlagv of tho pres. Ident and Mrs. Cleveland. They did not celebrate the occasion and spent the day quietly, the president at the white house -.nd tfrs. Cleveland at Wo idle. , THE WAR VETERANS AT CHAMBERSBURG Vast Number from About the State At teed the Q. A. R. Encampment. THE ELECTION OF COMMANDER Darte People Claim Everything. Dentworth Men Not So Sanguine. The Ladies' Circle Convenes.Urs. Wilbur Presented with a Diamond Star. ... . Chambersburg, Pa., June 2. There are at least from 2.C00 to 3,000 visitors here to attend the Grand Army of the Republic encampment and every train Is bringing hundreds more. The flsrht over commander has brought many wire pullers for each can didate. The Darte people claim to nave the convention beyond all question, while the Dentworth men who are not so sanguine, nevertheless say that their leader will win. The convention begins Its session tomorrow after the parade and the election will take place on Thursday. The Darts people are making a big show, placing their badges on every one who will wear them and their large placards are visit le on every public conveyance upon the street All the Btate officers are here and ready for the business sessions. Governor Hastings telegraphed that owing to business pressure he would be unable to be here tomorrow. Tonight General O. O. How ard delivered a lecture on Gettysburg in the opera house. THE LADIES' CIRCLE. The Ladles' circle convened In ses sion this morning and were welcomed by O. C. Bowers. The president, Mrs. Marie Ely, responded. The Woman's Relief corps also met this morning and was welcomed by Senator Brewer. Mrs. Lindsay presented Mrs. Wilbur, the president, on behalf of the department, with a beautiful star studded with eight diamonds, and Mrs. Speakman, on behalf of the staff officers, presented the same official with a ring set with an opal. A meeting of the Pennsylvania Me mortal Home association was held this afternoon, which was presided over by Mrs. Helen Morrison, of Brookviiie. This association has done excellent work In finding homes for children. Nearly $S,000 have been given them sy tne corps and private individuals, and they hope now to raise sufficient to wipe out the remaining $3,000 of debt. This evening the Woman's Relief corps gave a reeeptlon In Housem post rooms to tne visiting delegates. MAN WH1PPEDBY AN EAGLE. Resident of Petoskey, Mich., Ven . turei Too Near the Nest. Petoskey, Mich., June 2. Oscar Tal cott, a solioitor for a farmer's Insurance company, bad a startling experience today four mile from Rondo. While passing through a dens wood he was gtartledjl y a scream, and at the same nment he waived tearing blows on tn heo(j and neek that Hurled hlmtnto tn UMjertush. Rising he grappled with an American eagle, which had taken tnlt way of .resenting approach to Its nesti and wnlch WM p-unng his talons araln and aJjaln lnt0 Taloott's neck and The female bird did .not Join in 9 fight After a dozen rounds he drove his earleshlpoa and started for Assistance. and neck and blood poured from other wounds In his face. He came to Petos key and will take some men from here to try to capture the birds and their nest. Two years ago. In the same vlcln lty, a child was carried three mllns by an eagle. The father pursued on horse' back and shot the bird as it alighted to rest. - TASTE OF SOLDIER LIFE. own Cadets Tail to Protect Their Sergeant from Arrest. Council ftlu'Vs. June 2. Members of the Dodge Lipht guards and High School cadets, were given a taste of real soldier life during Decoration Day exercises. Elmer Mathers Is a ser geant of the cadets and also a member of the 'guards. The guards were out In response to orders from the adjutant general of the state, but Mathers elect ed to march with the cadets. When he appeared on the streets his arrest was ordered as an offender against military discipline. The ca dets protected him with their guns. The guards were ordered to fix bayonets and arrest him at all hazards, and Mathers was eventually captured and locked up In the armory. He was re leased later. BURIAL OF A GIANT. Side of the House Removed in Order to Take Out the Collin. Providence, R. I June 2. The biggest man in all Rhode Island, Eben J. Hcm enway, a colored barber, was burled to day. About 600 people, both white and black, assembled to pay their last re spects to the well-known character. Hemenway weighed about BOO pounds before death. His coffin was an Im mense affair, and the window frames and a portion of the house hod to be re moved before the body could be moved. Fourteen bearers were required to lift the remains through the window Into the hearse. The expansive grave re quired two men two days to excavate. PECULIAR DEATH OF A BOY. Killed by Rolling Ills Iron Hoop Against a Trolley Wire. Pittsburg, June 2. An electrical wire and an ordinary iron hoop caused the death of an 8-year-old Polish boy. He was rolling his hoop along the Browns ville road, when it became entangled with the end of a broken trolley wire. As he seised the hoop to pull it away he received the full force of the current and fell dead. The little corpse shows the burns made by the electrlcfluid. Unknown Suicide. Butte, Mont., June 2. On the first of May an unknown man committed suicide In Helena. His description tallied exactly with that of Hermunn, the Salt Lake murderer and It has been thought It was Hermann, but It Is now known beyond question that the murderer was in Salt Lake up to May 6. Mrs. names Has a Divorce. Oklahoma City, OkH., June 2. Mrs. Barnes, of Trenton, N. J., has secured a divorce from her husband, who was fore man of ex-Mayor Mogowan's factory In terests at Trenton and who recently In stituted suit against Magowan for alienat ing his wife's aKsctlons. Money Shrinks. . ' Washington. June I. The treasury offi cial statement Issued today shows a de crease of all kinds of money In circula tion during May of 118,422,709 and since June 1, ml, of 186.000, 000. The per caniU circulation is stated at tU.IS. TIIE SEWS THIS MOlLMMi. Weather lailicatlaas Today Fair; Northerly Winds. The Slosan McKlnley and Reed. St. Louis Appeals for Assistance. Democratic National Committee Needs fll."uD. War Veterans at Chambersburg. 2 "Whitney's" Weekly News Budget. S (Loral) Foreign Mission Work ' at Home. Mr. Joyce Wants Damages. Building Permits During May. Editorial. Reed In a Dilemma. i (Local) Tesla's Discoveries May Ben. efit Scranton. New Trolley Road for 8cranton. Personnel of the Eleventh National Republican Convention. McKtnley's Official Scorer. Suburban News. Market and 6tock Reports. (Sports)-Wllkes-Barre Walks OS With Scranton. Eastern, National and State League Scores. Gossip for Local Wheelmen. Qreat Test Cycle Race. Bishop MeCabe's Figures on Methodist Activity. Historic Cyclones and Tornadoes. 10 (Story)-"Mlss Peeksklll'sSDlrometer. Coming Man to Have Neither Teeth Nor Arms. 11 Lincoln and His Cabinet. Electric Bicycle to Run 200 Miles an . nour. 12 News Up and Down the Valley. On the Eve of Big Developments. The Business World. ST. LOUIS' APPEAL. The City's Municipal Assembly Asks Aid from the East The Number ol Dead Largely Reduced. St. Louis, June 2. Both houses of the municipal assembly of St. Louis last night adopted resolutions asking out' side aid for the cyclone sufferers. The appeal calls attention to the calamity which has befallen the city, rendering many artisans destitute and homeless, and asks for all the aid that can be sent. All donations are to be sent to the mayor or police commission of St Louis, or to any other committee who may have charge of the relief funds This action Is not In accord with the position taken by the mayor in declar lng that outside aid Is not needed. At a meeting of the executive com' mlttee of the relief committee yester day much of the time was given over to a discussion of the misunderstanding that has gone abroad concerning the attitude or the committee on the sub. Ject of outside relief. A statement for the press will be prepared which will endeavor to show the gentlemen who called the meeting for today that at no time has any outside assistance been refused when It was offered, but the issuance of any appeal from the city to the outside world for help will be strenuously opposed. ' Mr. Spencer, president" of 'the Mer chants' exchange, said: "St. Louis cannot afford to go on rec ord as begging for funds. We have nearly ' rilS.OOO collected, and It may get to $200,000. Long before that time we win have matters in shape to know approximately how much we win need. If it becomes necessary to call for as slstance from the outside we will do it, but the necessity is not now appar ent. The loss of life In East St. Louts, which has been generally excessively estimated, Mas assumed far less seri ous proportions as the days have passed. Instead of being nearly 200, as Is claimed by many, the lint of dead numbers 100 idontlfipd, with two a man and woman unknown. In addi tion to this one man Is missing and eight ye so severely Injured that they will probably dip. CASH APPP.OPRIATION. The lower house of the municipal assembly today passed the bill appro priating J100.000 for the relief, of the tornado sufferers. The general fund footing up tonight Is $129,000. Mayor Walbridge has not refused to accept moneys sent from outside cities, and has turned f 15,000 thus secured to the relief committee. The mayor, how ever, believes that St. Louis should be equal to the task of caring for the afflicted. The sun shone but ten minutes today and frequently showers and falling temperature kept up the strain of mis ery among the unfortunates. At all the relief stations long lines of men and women waited their turn to receive the dally allotment of food. Destitution In East St. Louis is hourly increasing. The ladles' relief committee made a tour of the city today and report 670 families absolutely homeless and destitute. Two thousand Ave hundred people were breakfasted by the committee today. One hundred families who found homes In freight cars, were turned out in the rain today. The fight for the necessities of life Is a desperate one. The relief commlt tee is having a hard time controlling the poor and making equal distribution. At present they are spending about $1,000 a day for food, clothing and cots. They need $600 a day more. MISS WILLARD IN LONDON. She Addresses the Ilritish Women's Temperance Association. London, June 2. Queen's hall, Lon don, was crowded last evening with an enthusiastic audience upon the oc casion of the opening of the twentieth annual council of the British Women's Temperance association. Agnes Wes ton presided and in a short address, extended a hearty welcome to Miss Frances Wtllard, president of the World's Women's Christian Temper ance union, who was loudly cheered when she appeared upon the platform. Miss Wlllard delivered a brief ad dress In which she declared that the growth of temperance and the Chris tian gospel were concurrent. Cruiser Comus from Gorinto. Ban Diego, Cnl., June 2. The Britain cruiser Comus. Csntaln Dyke, has arrlvvil from Corlnto. She left Esquimau some months ago under seaiou orders wnicn took her to Corlnto to protect British sub jects during the revolution. She arrived there April 6 and participated with 'he United States cruiser Alert In taking charge of munitions of war left by fleeing insurgents and nanmng tnem over to tho authorities. The Comus is on her way to Esquimau and will sail tomorrow. John T. Price Dead. Washington. June 2. John T. Price. once well-known livery stable keeper of this city, who tooK care or uenerai urant's Arabian steeds, anu wnoso stables were also used In their time by Preslrlnts linyes and Arthur and General Phil Sher. lilan. with all of whom hn was well an. qualnted, shot himself fatally last night tnrougn oppression caused ay hi neaitn and financial uimcumes. his body was ) nt found until toaay. ANTI-BOND BILL PASSES SENATE The Measure Is Approved by Vote ol . - 32 to 25. THE HOUSE DISREGARDS A VETO The River and Jlarbor Appropriation Bill Passed in the House Over the President's Stamp of Disapproval. Other Notes of the Capitol. Washington. June 1 An eight hour's session of the senate was wound up to day by the passage of the bill to pro hibit the issuance of Interest bearing bonds without the consent of congress. All amendments with a motion to post- none were voted down by a majority of seven and the bill passed by a like ma jority 32 to 26. A speech was made early in the day by the chairman of the finance committee, Mr. Morrut inep Vt.) on the Dlngley emergency tariff bill. In his remarks he Intimated that Democratic senators were so much afraid that the Populists were going to get the betterotthem that they hurried to become Populists themselves by vot ing for the free coinage substitute to the Dlngley bllL This substitute, he characterised as a "legislative whim," Illustrating the old apothegm that men are but children of a larger growth." The conference report on the Indian appropriation bill (as to Indian clt'sen- ship) was discussed from the close ox Mr. Morrill's speech until 1 o'clock when the morning hour expired and the bill to prohibit the Issuance or bonds wihout the consent of congress was taken up. To that bill an amendment was offer ed by Mr. Aldrlch (Rep., N. H.) to add the words "unless In case of an emer gency, it is necessary to preserve the public credit." The bill was advocated by Senator Brown (Rep.. Utah), and Teller (Rep.. Col.) and was opposed by Senator Alli son (Rep., Iowa) and Chandler (Rep., N. H.). Mr. Cannon declared that the great beating heart of the inter-moun tain states was for the free and unlim Itedcolnage of silver and took for its leader Henry M. Teller, of Colorado. not John Bherman, of Ohio. Mr. All! son characterized the risk of a relapse into the condition which prevailed be tween 1S61 and 1879 as a most unwise and unjust thing: and said that no part of the people of the United States could be benefitted by such a relapse. Mr. Chandler appealed to the Demo cratic senators not to vote a want of confidence In the president of the United States and that the secretary of the treasury, who were men of their own party and of their own choice. Mr. Teller said that be did rot believe that the gold people need have any, or had, any fear of McKlnley, or of his attitude .on the. money question. Speeches against the bill .were also made by Senators Burrows (Rep., Mien.), ana raimer mem., Ilia) ; Then the voting began. All the amendments were voted down; the bill was passed and the senate at 7.10 arVlourned till tomorrow at n o'clock. The following is the vote In detail on tne bona bin: Teas Allen, Bacon, Bate, Berry, Brown, Butler, cannon, Chilton, Daniel, Dubois, George, Hanstorough, Harris, jones, or Arkansas; Jones, of Nevada Mills, " Mitchell,' of Oregon; Morgan, Pasco,- Peffer, Petttgrew. Prttchard Pugh, Stewart, Teller, Tillman, Turple, Vest. Walthall, Warren, White, Wo! cott sz. ' Nays Aldrlch, Allison," Brlce, Bur rows. CaiTrey, Chandler, Cullom. Davis, Faulkner, Galllnger, Hale, Hawley, Hill. Lindsay, Lod?e. McPrlde, Mitchell, of Wisconsin; Nelson, Palmer, Piatt, Quay, Smith, Vilas, Wetmore, Wilson 25. OVER PRESIDENT'S VETO. The river and harbor appropriation bill was parsed over the president's veto today by the unexpectedly heavy vote of 220 yeas to 60 nays. There were comparatively so few votes In the negative that It was found impossible to rair absent members In favor of the bill. The Republicans, with practical unanimity, and 39 Demo crats with one Populist, made up the affirmative vote, while the negative vote was about equally divided between the Republicans and Democrats, five Populists voting with them. After hearing the report of Chairman Hooker, reciting the arguments in favor of pass ing the bill over the veto, the house by an overwhelming vote refused to listen to any debate, despite the vigorous pro test of Mr. Dockery (Dem., Mo.), who denounced the course ta'tpn as "unjust, unfair and unmanly." The remainder of the session, mainly, was taken up with the argument on the contested election case of Mitchell vs. Walsh from the Eighth New Tork district and vot ing upon it. The report of the ma jority of elections committee, No. 2, rec ommending the seating of Mitchell (Rep.) In place of Walsh (Dem.) was agreed yeas, 162: nays, 89. By this action the Democratic strength in the house was reduced to 97, and that of the Republicans Increased to 249. A resolution was agreed to fixing the hour of meeting for the remainder of the sesp.lon at 11 o'clock. Mr. Cannon (Rep., Ills.), chairman of the committee on appropriation, ex pressed the opinion that congress would not adjourn finally before Friday or Saturday of next week, Conference reports on the naval ap propriation bill, and bill making appro priations for fortifications and coast defenses were presented and the form er agreed to. The latter was the final report of the conferees, and provided for the ex penditure of $7,377,888 and authorized contracts to tne amount oi The lack of a quorum prevented the adoption of the report, and at 3.40 the house adjourned. V. D. Armonr's Trial. Chicago, Juno 2. D. P. Armour's trial before the directors of the Chicago boar'l nf trails on the eharire of uncommercial conduct In the allegd act of issuing "shorts" warehouse receipts for grain In storage, his elevators having been de clared Irregular, began this afternoon. At a late hour tonight the directors had not reached a vote, the result of which may mean the expulsion of the member whose fortune is put at u,uvu,uw. ninny mem her. at the hoard of trade said Mr. Ar mour was too Important a member to be convicted and tne grain inspection ue. fiartment would be condemned for "mak ng mistakes.' Steamship Arrivals. New York, June 2. Sailed: Spree, for Bremen. Arrived out: Werra, at Qlbrnl. tor. Sighted: Venctla, from New York for Settln, etc., passed Lewis Island: Pa latla, from Hamburg for . New York, passed Isle of Wight. Hernld's Weather Forecast. New York, June 2. In the Middle states today, clear, warmer, with light northerly and northeasterly winds, becoming varta. ble. On Thursday, warmer, fair weather, light variable winds, mostly easterly and southerly, possibly local showers In south erly and western districts. FILM'S Jme Opens with Some Great Specials in Our Q0OD5 Department Which are worthy of the attention of one and all. ', The reductions) ara genuine, and at the prices ought t command a ready sale and close out the lines la a tew days. 7 extra choice silk and wool novelty suits in Persian and grenadine af Xeets. WeretKW. . June Price $19.75 11 choice Persian and silk and wool BiclllleiM dress patterns. Wert $17.60 and $19.60, . June Price $13.50 25 Extra fine suits In Scotch anJ i Bngllah cheviots, coverts and tweeds former price $11.60 to tit. June Price $7.75 to $9.50 10 pieces fine mixed suitings, all wool and S8 In, wide, former price SOc . . ' June Price 29a IS pieces Cheney Bros.' best quality rantea inaia silks, 24 In. wide, at 48c , At 490 51Q AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Bicyclists Take Notice Weichel,. the Jeweler, has a nice line of Bicycle Belts. Call and see them. One of the latest novel ties. HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. s ail Carriage Paints, Reynolds' Wool Finish Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Lin see d Oil, Guaranteed. DRESS 'If? 'a Si i f J e A I Mr I w iMlrtM Lewis, Reiy&Bavies ' i ' . mill imiiiintiii