The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 30, 1896, Page 12, Image 12
13 THE SCRAXrOIT TBIBTJITE SATUBDAT 3JOEOT5TQ MAY 30, 189. CARBOtlDALE. Rpa6r win please not that advertise. nnt. orders for Job work, and Itims tor publication left at the establishment of febannon ft Co.. newsdealer Nortb Main (reet. will receive prompt attention; or ce open from I a. m. to 10 p. m-1 TODAY'S BALL GAMES. There Will Be TwoUamea at Alunii Park. 1 There will be two names or Dan 10 day at Alumni park between Oarbon dule and Kaston. whlrh will doubtless be very close aod exeltlrs, a these two rluhs are about tied for third -place, although we have the advantage at I.rpscttt. . The t-hanrj from Anthracite to Alumni iiailc will no doubt Increase tha attendance at the a-an.-e as there will then be a larRor territory to draw from und no "Deadhead" hill to contend nwlnst. The diamond Is In as perfect condition as could possibly be. Contrac tor Atkinson 'having- worked hard to a-et It in shape for today. The diamond has been swung around to the tast sliKhtly. The- grand stand Is completed and Is very handsome and comfortable. It Is erected In audi a- manner that the sun will not be in tho eyes of spectators at any time in the day. To add to the rafety of those who occupy tho stand a heavy wire netting has been put up. Bleachers have also been erected and with those already up will seat a large number of people. The other Improvements at the park are nearlng completion. The race track, which Is one-fourth of a mile In length, will be ready for service In a few days. Takins everything Into consideration the change In the parks will not only be a benefit to the association, but will odd much to the comfqrt of the people. Thfr game this morning will com mence at 10 o'clock. O'Oara will be In the box, and rooters are prepared to give "Tommle" a warm reception. The afternoon game will be at 3 o'clock, and Luby will probably twirl. SUDDEN DEATH. Thomnv i. Burke Fouud Dead in Ilia Chair. Thomas Q. Burke, a resident of Cot tnse street, and one of the oldest clti sens, died very suddenly Thursday evening. He had. been sick for some time, but It was not thought to be any thing serious, so his demise was a great shook to his family and friends. Just before supper Mr. Burke was sitting in his chair, when his head sud denly fell back and he passed away. The family would only believe the terrible news after vain efforts to re store him. Mr. Burke had been a resident of this place for the Inst fifty-three years. He was born In Ireland elghty-mree years ago. He had been engaged In the mine department of the Delaware and Hud son, which position he was obliged to give up some time ago cm account of his 111 health and advanced years. A widow and ten children survive. The funeral will be held on Monday, a requiem high mass being celebrated In St. Rose church at 9 o clock. SEVERELY SHOCKED. Frank Collins Knocked Dow n by nn I'.lectric Current. During the severe storm of Thursday evening several electric light wires about the city were broken. Frank Collins, one of the employes of the elec trie light company, was repairing one or the. breaks when he had an expert ence which he will not care to repeat. He was standing on a step ladder fixlxpg one of the wires In front of Rch fcojs building, on South Main street. In handllns- the wire he received a ter llble shock, p. current of 1.100 voltage passing through his body. He was thrown heavily to the ground and it Is that ho was not killed out' right. He was badly bruioed but r i.Tivcd no Injuries that will prove se ilous. There was quite an electrical display when the wire broke and many ptcple were attracted by the electric rpurks. The Benefit Came. The benefit game on Monday prom ises to be a big success. Over a hun dred tickets have already been pur chased and prices froni one to live dol lais paid for them. People should not let this game Interfere with their at te.idance tomorrow. The games will bo close on'-'S and should we win It will Irlng our percentage up to .600. O'Oara will pitch at the morning game. Brid ee Work Delayed. The work on the new bridge has been stopped again, the heavy rain having raised the river to such a height that It 1 iinjjossible to go. on with the work until It becomes lower. The eastern abutment, which is quite high above the bed of the stream is completely cov red. It will probably be three or four days before work is .resumed. Mr. Sultivun'n Return. M. H. Sullivan, who. has been In Wat srbury. Cnnn., for the last few days Ivylng to arrange things so his patent will be transferred to waterbury cap1 Ita ists. has returned. The arrange nu nls have not yet benti completed but terms will hi made next week. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. " Patrick M. Whalen, a cousin of Mrs, A. Hughes, of this city, is to be ordained to the priesthood at Philadelphia t0' day. Mrs. John Moon Is Visiting relatives In Phlladelohla and Umlngton. Mrs. J. R. Shepherd Is nulte ill at he home on Wyoming street. -Mine Annie Shannon is visiting Miss Maggie Kelley, of Plttston. The Manville family removed to their summer cottage at Farview yesterday Vt. F. Sadler, jr.. or Groensburg. calling on friends In this city. Mrs. ' R. A. Bryson left yesterday morning for New York city, where she Is called by the serious Illness of her brother. . Thomas W Perkins, of WHUamsport, a former resident of this city. Is visit ing his mother, Mrs. Charles Burr, on Grove street. I.ouIb Gordella, the North Main street merchant, received an Injury to his left eye last nignt by the falling or an Incandescent electric light bulb. G. A. Merrill, former secretary of the Young Men's Christian association, Is Visiting friends In the city. Mrs. Rose Rosser and George Hubert, Of River street, Will be married next GRiflT SflLE OF BOD BRUSSELS CARPETS. Wo have no fortune to give away, but we guarantee you goods at less tli an any other house in the trade. Your choice from our stock, which ie complete at . . -. , . $100 Per Yard. - Remember we don't reserve auy l thing Them goods constat of all the . leadlug makes. Come early and make yollr selections. . J. SCOTT ING LIS, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER ... . , -419 Lackawanna Ava. Thursday. The eeremany will be per formed by Rev. Cbarle. if the fresby- lerian church, this i-lty. A number of Carboudale young ladies have rented a cottage at Ocean Grove and will spend the month of July there. Misses Etta Felts, Anna and fearl ttos- engrant. Anna Berry. Lida Grinnell. Sadie Miller. Anna Dunstan. May ana Maud Pengelly will composed the party. Octavius Williams has accepted a po- Bitloa at Fern hall. Crystal Lake, for the summer. Fern-hall will be reopened Monday for the summer season. Mrs. C. R. Munn and daughter, Mar- Ion, are visiting relatives In Nineveh. Henry Cordner. of Maytield yard, wno was Injured several weeks ago In Powd erly mine. Is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. F O. Ely will spend Memorial Day and Sunday with rela tives In Brooklyn. Pa, Miss Blanche Arnold, of North Main street. Is visiting friends in Scranton. Mrs. Eliza Baker is visiting et tne home of Delbert Cole. Mrs. Julia Aldorsi n and grand chil dren. Myrtle and Hennle Carter, rf Chester, Pa., are visiting at the heme of Delbert Cole. Miss Sadie Carr. of Jersey City, is visiting friends In town. It. W . Powell and wife spent yester day In Honesdale. Mrs. M. E. Chubb, of Waymart. Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Qunsanlls, of Rrcok fcti-eet. Mrs. William Williams and daughter, Mary, of Lincoln avenue, are visiting friends In Ypsllantl. Mich. D. W. Humphrey and family will spend today at the home of Rev. Wil liam Edgar In Providence. Charles Chapman, who has been con nected with the WeHtern Union Tele graph company for several years, has accented the position as operator and ticket agent at the Delaware and Hud son Farview station. C. X. Branson and wife, of Canaan street, will be the guests of friends in Sydney today. Charles A. Slaats, of New York, Is the guest of Miss Myrtle Tallman. OLYPI1ANT. At 6 o'clock yesterday morning, af ter an illness of one week, Mrs. James O'Malley died at her home on Sander son street Pneumonia was the cause of death, and not until Wednesday was her condition serious. Deceased was beloved and respected by all who knew her. She is survived by her husband and six children. They are John P., Ma ria. James. Mrs. Thomas Sheridan, Wrldget and Peter. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment will be made In the Catholic cemetery. Very little business was transacted at the council meeting last evening. All members were present. A motion was made that the surveyor extend the Smith street line to Marshwood and lo cate that place on the borough map. A bill for surveying and mapping from Mr. Blewltt for $378.50 was approved of, as was also a bill for insurance on the electric plant for $106.33. Mr. Keegan, one of the committee which was ap pointed to meet the citizens of the Fourth ward in regard to the Olyphant Water company extending Its llne.stat ed that the water company would not extend the line unless the parties de siring water would pay a year s rent in advance. Mr. Tlnsley, of the saina committee reported that the citizens had offered to pay one-quarter In ad vance, but the offer was refused. The matter will be taken up again at tne next meeting. Mr. Curran reported that he had seen the ex-secretary, who stated that the borough books were In Scranton and could not give a report tor some time. Adjourned. Regular Episcopal services will be held in Edward's hall tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock. Rev. E. J. Hough ton will have charge. - Mrs. A. L. Push, of Hazleton. Is visit ing her sister. Mrs. Charles Thomas. on Delaware avenue. The funeral of the lute John E. Hughes occurred yesterday afternoon from his home In Tiger Valley. Inter ment was muile In Union cemetery. He was 63 years old and has been a resident of this place for a number of years. Miss Anna Dougher, of Wllkes Barre, was the guest of relatives on alley street. Mrs. Alfred Haines and Mrs. Davl Griffiths spent, yesterday at Justus. Jl-KMYN. The following soclftles have report cd to the grand marshal, John Humph icy, and the places assigned them In the parade are as follows: Members of the Grand Army of the Republic, Oscar C. Smith camp, Sons of Veter ans; Rushbrook lodge, No. SS0. Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows; Crystal Fire company. So. 1; Crystal Hose company. Juniors; Patriotic Order Sons of America, Foresters, Knights of the Mystic Chain, Junior Order United American Mechanics. The parade will form at 9.30, and move as tar as De- pew's corner. The line of march Is as follows: Up Main street to Division street, down Second to Rushbrook, up Rushbrook street to Third street, to H stieet, down Second street to Cemetery street. From Cemetery street to the cemetery, where exercises will be held. At the close the parade will re-form and proceed down Cemetery street to Main; from Main to Winter's hall and dis band. The game of ball between the Eureka Base Ball club of Providence and the Jeunyn Case Ball club, which was to be plnyed in Alumni park this after noon has at last been postponed. The Carbondale and Easton State league teams play both morning and after noon In the park. Another date will be arranged soon, when an opportunity will be given Jermyn people to see the new team play. Miss Kittle Clifford has gone to Lake Winola, where she will spend the sum mer. The Delaware and Hudson colliery worked full time yesterday here. Mrs. Thomas Mi-Andrew, ht the East Side. Is very 111. Her condition Is alarming to her friends In this place. The Citizens' band and Maytield Cor net band have been engaged by Car bondale for her Fourth of July parade. Mrs. Martin Barrett, of Third street, who has been very seriously 111 for the past month, is not expected to live. Immediate friends have been called to her home. Miss Havenstrife, of Third street, who has been quite 111 with diphtheria, is slowly convalescing. Miss Annie 'McChrone. of South Main street, was severely Injured Thursday evening by falling over a pile of water pipes which had been placed near the road by the water company. Dr. P. C. Manly attended to her injuries. l'ECKVIU.i:. Colonel Eugene Call, of Scranton, was a caller In town yentcrday. - Mrs. John Walne left yesterday to spend Sunday with relatives at Nan tlcoke. ' . O. L. Keller has accepted a position In the store of the Mt. Jessup Coal com pany. . .Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bennett, of Plalns- vllle, called on the latter's parents last' Tnurstiay, Mr. ana Mrs. Columbls Green. Mr. H. 8. Plummer. who has been a great sufferer from paralysis for the past five years, Is now at Santa Fe, New Mexico, In search of Schlatter, the great healer. PlTlCWuiRG. , Mrs. William Smith, of North Main street, Is seriously 111. The several Polish societies of this town will participate In the parade In Olynhant today. v Our new base ball grounds will be opened today. lllhOOP." The raffle for the benefit of tho fami ly of the late John Burnett, which was postponed, will come off on June 10, MONTROSE AND VICINITY. I Tke .Pythiu Home Project Lfct of Officers of the Association Per soul ud Otker Topics. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Montrose. May . The Pythian Home project, of which C. W. Broad head, of Montrose, Is the progenitor, is rapidly nearing a point where the plana have crystalised to the extent that It is already an assured success. Mr. Broadhead said in response to The Tribune correspondent's inquiry: "Yes, should like to see the nome located in Montrose, but will work Just as hard for It If It is to be located elsewhere. First let us make the home an abso lute surety: then the location can be easily made." Mr. Iiroadhend Is receiving dally many letters from different lodges In which hearty sunport Is assured, and lie is firm In his belief that his efforts have not been in vain. The officers of the Knights of Pythlns Home association are: W. J. P. Will iams, president. 490. 144 South Sherman street. Wllkes-Barre. Pa.; Jacob Stet- zer, first vice-president. 27S, Wilkes- C. W. BROADHEAD- Barre, Pa.; Willis H. Faber. second vice-president, 19, WHUamsport, Pa.; H. M. Stever, financial secretary. 349, Avoca, Luzerne county, Pa.; H. N. Dunnell. treasurer, 263, Scranton, Pa.; executive committee, P.-1. Lott, chair man, 43. Montrose, Pa.; C. W. De Wight, 401, Scranton, Pa.; T. A. Mur phy, 174. Wllkes-Barre, Pa.; J. E. Ep ler, 44. Pottsvtlle. Pa.; G. W. Miles. 132, Danville, Pa.: G. W. Hayes. 356, Sha mokln, Pa.; W. B. Frltchman, 3U4, Free mansburmh. Pa.: A. P. Williams, 254, Tunkhannock, Pa.: J. N. Callff, x290, Towanda, Pa.; C. W. Broadhead, cor responding secretary, 473, Montrose. W. 8. Mulford Is spending a week at Scranton. Perry Smith returned to Chicago on Thursday, having spent several days here, the guest of his parents. W. C. Cox has returned from a visit with his brother, Charles Cox, of Scranton. O. E. Gilbert, Edward P. Munger and D. Austin were In South Auburn on Thursday, where they conducted a road view. The Montrose Base Ball club has been organized for the season. On Wednes day night an enthusiastic meeting was held. Norman Stewart was elected manager and Wert Conklln captain. The club will gladly entertain chal lenges from any club In tho state, that is willing to post a guarantee. I saw In the Montrose Demccrat that somebody takes exception to a special I sent The Tribune and other papers regarding a farmers' fight. As there was but one eye witness and he being a young boy, hardly knew what had happened when these sons of toll en gaged In their muscular controversy, for the reason that he was scared nut of several years growth, and as rry Infor mation was given by a reputable un biased person It ts but a natural de duction that Mr. Gage has a backer. It 13 so seldom that we have a good fight hire that If these men can only "get together" and pull one off I believe It will be a success. Monkey wrenches could he displaced by 6 ounce gloves and Hickory grove will be a good place with Hopbottom for second choice. AVOCA. Office hours today will be from 7 to 9 a. in.. 10 to 12 and 0 to 7 p. m. The Ladles' Missionary society of the Primitive Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. John Atwell on Thursday. Mrs. Pierce and son. Frank, and Miss Hopgood spent yesterday at the home of Mrs. N. E. Hoskins, of Lincoln Hill. An Ice cream and cake social was given at the Methodist Episcopal par sonage last evening by the Ladies' Mis sionary society. A large number from this town will attend the game of ball at Scranton today. It is expected that Howard Luckey will pitch for the Wllkes-Barre team. The Misses Greener and Miss Evans, of Scranton, were visitors In town yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Schlager, of Oly phant, were visiting friends in town this week. Patriotic exercises were conducted In the public schools yesterday afternoon, Miss B. Morahan Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas O Urien, of Jer myn. Mrs. Dougher, of the North End, is Extreme tired feeling afflicts nearly every body at t his season. Tho hustlers cease to push, the tireless grow weary, the ener getic become euervated. You know just what we mean. Some men and women endeavor temporarily to overcome that Feeling by great force ot will. But this is unsafe, as it pull3 powerfully upon the nervous system, which will not long stand such strain. Too n;any people " work on their nerves," and t he result is seen in un fortunate wrecks marked "nervous pros tration," in every direction. That tired ing Is a positive proof ot thin, weak, im pure blood; for, If tho blood la rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it imparts llfeand energy to every norre, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sursaparilla for that tired feeling 1b, therefore, oppcrent to every one, and tho good it will do you is equally beyond question. Remember that -.'.'( Sarsaparilla 1 j tho One True Blood Purlner. AU druggists. It. i'repared only by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass, jT ji oill re My 10 take.. easy n00d S FillS to opsrst,. ttesntt. , Thai Tired! Fee! Highest cf all in Learcning Power. Latest U. S. GoVf. Report the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Gil bride, of Dunmure. The new school board will organize on Monday evening. Mir Wlntersteln. of Tlalns. was the guest of Mis. McKutcheon In the North End yesterday. , Fred Panders, cf Lincoln Hill, will leave In a few weeks for Delta. Colo, where he will reside for the future. Joseph Keed has removed his family to West PiUstcn. Mrs. George Lower was called to Mooslc yesterday on account of the death of her father. Mr. Tnomas Ellis. Walter Mullen, of Greenwood, was a caller In town cn Thursday evening. The borough council will meet in reg ular session on Tuesday evening. J. .1. Morahan will attend the Ancient Order of Hibernians' state convention at WHUamsport next month. -He will represent Division 8. Ancient Order of Hibernians. Board of America, of thla town. M. J. Dixon, cf this place, will gradu ate In law at the Pleklnscn college, Carlisle, Pa., on June 8. Anthony Walsh of Brownlown. will retr.ive his family to this place next week. MOSCOW. Mrs. Verdon 5m!th returned to her home in Nicholson on Monday, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Travis. Mr. and Mrs. George GUllland. of Gouldsboro, spent Sunday with Mrs. GHllland's mother. Mrs. Emily Travis. Miss Ida Loveland, of Scranton, Is visiting her brother. J. E. Loveland. Mrs. B. Miller and daughter. OlUe, oi Dalevllle, spent Friday with Mrs. George Hot-tree. The Moscow band will give an out door concert Saturday evening. Mrs. Jane Hinds returned home Sat urday, after spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in scranton ana Dunmore. Miss Lizzie Wason. of Scranton, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Watson. Mrs. Blon Miller Is quite 111. Edward Sheran. of Dunmore, spent Sunday at the homo of P. Conboy. Mrs. Lillian Weed, of Scranton, spent Thursday with Mrs. 8. S. Yeager. Mrs. Myra Stanton, Mrs. oeorge Shaw and Mrs. F. B. Moss were Visitors in Scranton Thursday. Cobe Pyle, of Rallston, Is visiting his sister. Miss Sue Pyle. Miss Nellie Hinds spent Wednesday in ncrumoii, Dr. Toung, of Toronto, Canada, Is the guest of Dr. S. W. Lamoreaux. NICHOLSON. Next Monday the. bass and pickerel fishing opens and the nsheman will be In his glory. Our base ball team was going to Tunkhannock yesterday to make a desperate effort to win a game from the club at that place, but the rain pre vented. A large number of Nicholson people would have accompanied them. A game will probably be arranged tor next week. Edward E. Thayer, of Blnghamton, X. Y an old resident of this placn, and the B flat cornet solo player In the old original Nicholson band of twenty-five years ago, was calling on friends and relatives here on Thursday. The Kej-Btone Ball team will play the Nicholsons 'this afternoon at 4 o'clock, after the Decoration Day services. Mrs. Harry Warner, of Scranton, is visitirg at K. U. Bacon's. Miss Edith, eldest daughter of Ira Miller, was married to Jesse D. Caryl, only son of Amos Caryl, on May 21 at the home of the bride's narents. Rev. Wilson Trelble, of Wyoming, officiat ing. WYOMING. Mrs. Alvln Robinson, Mrs. E. A. De Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Flnr.ey, of Fcrkston, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pugh, of Ashley, this week. Mrs. Fenner was visiting friends In Scranton Thursday. Mrs. J. B. Kitchen was calling at Plttston yesterday. Mrs. F. A. Brownscomb, of Wllkes- Barre, was calling on her brother, I. T. Shoemaker, yesterday. Mrs. Mary Wolf and daughter. Georgia, of Flttston, were calling on the former's mother, Mm. Shafer, yes terday. This place was visited by a treman dous rain fall Thursday evening. Many cellars on Eighth street were flooded, and the men put on their rubber boots and waded to prevent the children from being swept away. In less than ten minutes some parts of Eighth street were converted Into streams, the water tilling them from curb to curb. AIOOS1C. r Members of Washington camp, No. t74. Patriotic Order Sons of America, are requested to meet In Dymond's hall Saturday, May 30, at 1 o'clock p. m and from there march to McMH lan's hall and :arade with the Grand Army of the Republic and other or ganlzattons to the Brick Methodist Episcopal church. The George Hill post. No. 540. Grand Army of the Re public, will hold exercises over the giave of George Hill. An oration will be delivered by A. J. Colborn. Jr., of Hcranton. Mrs. W. S. Huchlngs was a visitor In scranton yesterday. James Levan & Son, bottlers, are having an extension put onto their al ready commodious building. Mrs. J. M. Robertson was a visitor In Archbald yesterday. J. W. Bonta was a caller In town yes- teroay. Mr. and Mrs. Nlel Brodhead, of Hutchinson, Pa., are visiting at the nome oi L. Hroclhead, Main street. CLARK'S SUMMIT. J. E. Rlker, of East Lemon, called on friend of thin place yesterday. Dr. E. F. Smith, of Ashley, visited r.t JJ. smith s a lew days th s week. A number of our townspeople went to Kcrnnton xuosuav and attended Bnr- num's show and the Knights Templar paraae. Some of our young men and their wheels, while returning from the Bhow Tuesday, hud quits a circus of their own. Their wheels are laid up for a rcn as tne result cr it. Mrs. Byron Iubshor vh'lted relatives in Hcranton a tew days th'n week. Mrs. William Mutchlcr has returned home from visiting relatives In Moscow a few days. Misses Grace King and Florence Keith and itev. f. W. Youiir- attended the Epworth league convention held at Plymouth Tuesday. Miss Laura Itought. of Scranton, Is visiting Mrs. John Stark. D, F. Smith wan called to Scranton yesterday by the illness of his brother, ir. m. smith. ' Wbca Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorlo, When sin was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When die become Miss, she clung to Castorla, wTisb she had CUldrau, she ave them Castorla, PURE AN OPINION CF M'KINLEY. Citizen Train's Reply to a Qaeslioa from Citizen Whitney. Prom Carbondale Leader. Hiiaqucnanna. .May 27. The following very important coi respondent Is self-explanatory : "BUFauehanna. P. Mar 30. 15M "Ctilzi-n George Francis Train, New York. iar eir: As the toremost American, great number of Pennxvlvania Deonl would like to know vour mtitilan of Hon. William McKlniey, who will probably be the nominee of the Republicans for president. With ureal respect. "r raternully yours, "C. & Whitney." "Organized Ht"h Treason Citixen Train Forecasts invents. New York. Miiv 25. 189. Citlsun C. E. Whl'.nev. Sus auchauna. Pa. "Dear Sir: Mellhtr ntr.iuiinfdl Hnlil Euic or Silver Hiik. Soeaker Reed calls MeKlnley StradMle-buu. I'luit (Morton's Hcomert declares him High Ait Kakir. Two-horse riders don't count now in l.',ree- ring rlrcuj. Water on both shouh'.ers sometime spills. If for sound money, : would say so! Straddling both, he Is int! Given rope, he han- himself! Ten m?n who munatre both cam us. I Rothschild Cu-:ol Court Downing street Kngllsh pi rate Rang) nave twenty years, d; nciicaie contract (Hundred Millions Capital) to boom gold through Harrison and Cleve land (who will be nominated!) Twelvo years bond swindle (already three term) will bo resumed at St. Louis and Chicago (C. O. D.). Demos elect Harrlton this timo and G. O. P. Cleveland next! That ends twenty years. English sold contract, but public- asses who vote In ditch (Of helpless slaves to church and statet mav struga'e out before reign at terror. As wo'id !ias but two dollars gold and three silver per capita and It took eighty (Oreen- ukckk; to save union, ai ten oiiuon cot and million lives. We must have elg..iy dollars per capita, as In Civil war to re store prosperity. Hence McKlniey Is part ly nimu, or gold and silver Kngliah pirates to stop Greenback (ro) evolution. Air Is ehuraed with death! High ti-esson will be courtmnrtioled when public conselun.-e quickens! Traitors will die! Psychlos hoid fort! Newspapers hedge against bankruptcy, booming treason! Facta show Greenbacks) Hlone are sound money. Sil ver locked up, and Gold cannot be cashe.1 without Greenbacks. How lone bffore ciy rings out, "Down with Traitors, and Save Republic from English .plrntes!" Do not Enylljh bandits, robbers and huca neer.t une Morton, Red. Russell, Hill, Alli son and Maud (for Harrison and Cleveland two-decade Kngllsh syndicate) to tore close Republic through "Sound money" Sc-callsil at St. Louis and Chicago? Day light Is lighted. Whon voters abolish gold and silver for greenback currency, thut saved flag from Knglirti Morgan, Hun. ting.on, .iiciYimey, Aiaoama s: cordially yours, "George Francis Train." OLD FORGE. Miss Grace Miller, of Scranton. was the guest of Miss Jennie Drake on Thursday. The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church gave a chocolate social In Drake's hall on Wednesday evening and a delightful time was had. The Epworth league of the Brick church will hold a festival on the church lawn today. Those so desiring can ohtaln a lunch. All those who can should endesivor to attend the exercises by the Grand Army m in r.epumiu at tne uricK church this afternoon. Several prominent speakers will be present. The parade will start from the post headquarters In Mocslc at 1.80. Husband and Wife Had Occasion to le It and Received Relief from Catarrhal Troubles in 10 Minutes. "My wife and I," So new John Uochror. of Buffalo, will tell the Inquirer, were both troubled with distressing catarrh, but have en- Joyed freedom from tho aggravating malady Elnce the day they uaed Dr. Agncw's Catarrhal Powder. Rev. Mr. Dochror Is the aged and beloved pastor of tho Evangelical Protestant Christ church, and hundreds in hla congres:;i- 41on are familiar with the Improvement which immediately followed the use of nr. Agnew s catarrhal Powder. Its actlcn Is almost Instantaneous, giving tne most gratecui relief within ten min uter or so In even the m-jst chronic cases, and straightway continues to cure until the last trace of catarrh Is gone. And the cured stay cured as thousands of testimonials prove. Eo cts. sold cy Matthews uios. Spier's Old Port Grape Wine from his Oporto Grape vineyards at Passaic. N. J., his Socialite Claret, vln. 1881, and his luscious uurgundy stand unrivalled by any wines In the world, especially tor invaiius. , uniformed colored porters are In charge of day coaches to show all atten tion to the passengers on the Nickel Plate Road. !T$ti)i$at ails you? Have you a feel- ra 'WSJ IV1 or weight sitting Belch ins of Wind Vomltingof Food i Waterbrash t t Heartburn Dad Taste in the Mouth I In the Morning Palpitation of the ) Heart, due to Distension of Stomach ( Cankered Month Gas la the Bowels J i f pi i. i .t.i , .... I p uv vt riesii riikic Awuvtite - I Depressed, Irritable Condition of the 1 l Mind Dizziness Headache Con- ' stlpation or Dlarrbiva? Then you have ' DYSPEPSIA . In oat of it mirtj- forms. Tlie wie pot I tire J 'curt for tliltdlstreulntf torn plaint It ' MMt Dpepsla l&ktu hy mr.ll, prepaid, on receipt of 2$ cento. Pltiitiir PiuftVY Ilitrnl litinri'tnl Vw I Yi rk.iy: I nP-rt'tl horribly 1nm ''- mw? niu. tut Ai-kft'n Tubk-u, taken alter ( ' iu?im, nave citreu nut. i Acker Me.lldue Co., i(iSChnmbers St.. N. V. E. ROBINSON'S SONS Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated llfcl CAPACITY! 100,000 Barrels per Annum Mb A FEW OF THE SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, JUNE 1, AT THE 0 400 AND 402 LACKAWANNA AVE niisiiuiiHiuuiiuiuiiiiiiii unuunuiiuniuunnai Tc following articles all at 19: each. Gents' 2ta NVrktlra. Uouta' Klc Shirts aud Drawers. Couls' Ha 8nspoadrs. Indies' tic kibbed Vesta. Ladles' 21e Hlk Mitts. I.diM' 35c Uoa. LkiIifs' Ho Handkerchief. Ladies' XAo U wet Covers. Ladios' &ic Chemise. Lndb' l!5e Drawers. Chililren' '.'fa Lace Csps. Children's &e Chiidmu's Uio Corset Waists. I'bildren'a t'e Hose Boy.' t ie Waist Ycur Choice at 10c or Three for goc' The following articles all at 75c sack. Ladim' V 0) r-orsets. Ladles' 1 ml (Shirt Wuists, Ladies' I. Ml h kins. LadinT i.0 Nitht Gowns. Uents' !.( Uliirts. 1 adies' 1 Oil Umbrellas. I.artin' 1 Sateen bkirta. Lali-a' !.00Car. hildren s 1.50 Jackets. Children's 1 DreMua. t li ldreo's l.!.i Lao Hati. 1.23 Chenille Table Cotdts. Lineu Tabli Covers. 1.26 Lai-e Curtains. Boys' 1.7& Suits. Ladios' l Bilk Bibbed Tests. Vonr choice at 7SC or Three for Is.oo. ladlis' 5d"taandksrrbtefs 1 Ladies' 80 Baudk iwhiet ZUo. Ladles' &!a Ribbed Vests 12fto, lite Towels only So. tOo Towels only Ho. Sue Table Linen only Ukj. v lOn Ribbon only Co. 16c Ribbon only sc. 25o Di es Boons UUa Ladies' SOc Btriped t oiler Skirts at He, sesetTeefHTeTTeTteseeeeTeeeTTTTTeeeeeeeM The Rush & here. Best pie have found out that our store is the place FOR CARPET BUYERS. : We have the goods and the prices are right, ; and naturally they are here after them. MATTINGS, MATTINGS In greater variety than ever. Chinese Mattings front $4 a roll, containing 40 yards. Japanese Mattings: in all the novelties. Plain Mattings with inlaid figures elaborate Carpet Patterns G KERR, Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming House, Branch at Carbondala. THEDJCKSONMANUFACTURINGC0 SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufaoturara of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUMPING MACHINERY. OMcrmJ Office: SCRANTON. PA. iiniiiHiiimium fl lftff All rLATtU UUI. The old Bugaboo about Ready-Made Clothing not 11 1 3 l Ti fitting well is played out. It nolouger applies to the right- 1 A, "if doesn't apply to the Cloth- ing we sell. We can fit you andyourboyoutjustasstjr . ishly as the merchant tail- or, and the cost will be about half. It is worth your while to look into the merits of this Clothing. Store. You can t make a mistake here, In any event, we agree to give you perfect satisfaction lsiiiHeuraseiHsiuMauuK All-Wool Cheviot Suit, 3-4 Button Sacks, All-Wool Casslmcre Suit, 3-4 Button Sacks, . All-Wool Ctcylots,' Casslmcras and Worsteds, . Unfinished Worsteds and Vicunas, ... Fine French Back Clay-Wcrjteds, Sacks and Frock Suits. iiyiiHiwiiumuuiaWUiiu FAIR Q SU1EER CLE RJ.16 SALE For One Week Only. Ceaaaatoclag Mask. day, jmm u IN OUR ssc DEPARTMENT ulasswaro. Crockery, Hardware, T lo wer, Woedeaware, etc. Vow choice of isc AiUcles, 3 for fee. The following article aU at joc each. Gents' too Nerk.les. Genu' Sue Underwear. Uente'Sile Suspenders. Ladies' firtc Coracta. Ladies' fide Night Gowns. Ladies' ove rkirte La'lirs' GOe Chemise. Ladies' Site Drawers. Children's Siie Lace Caps. ' Children's 60s Dreeaea. Ladies' 60s Shirt Waists. Ladle' &Ue Uloyee. Gnta' .toe Silk Handkerchiefs, (lent.- Site OutiuR bhtrte. t-oys' Silo Fonts. Boys' SUo Waist. Vonr choice at joc or Two far 7 f. The following article allateec each.' Lallee'liHHhirt Waists. Ladlee' I SA Cornet. Lattea' 1 SS Bkirta. Ladies' 1.80 Nlht downs. Ladies' 1.4 U morel as. ' La lies' 11 Kid blovee Ladire' 150 Haiooo fcklrta. . Ladles' 1W Dress ttkirta. Ladies' L 76 Capos Ch ldra's LRU Kreeoee. Children's 1.50 Jacket. . Bors' S 00 Suit. 1X0 Chenille Coror v 1.75 Laos Cnrtalns 1.60 Table Covers, Your Choice at ooc each, or j for la. go ESTABLISHED 1873. samn . il Ml 5151 reasons, too. The neo .. .. and all desirable colors. SON & GO. 408 Lackawanna Avenue iCIofhing B 1 On Credit s s A considerable part of our g trade is with men who "buy S on credit. Even those who g have the money in their a pockets sometimes prefer to S buy on our instalment plan. S It costs them no more than 5 the cash stores ask, and the 5 little amounts they pay us m eac" month are naraiy E m3sf& I You' may have an ideax a tnat our prices are raisea m a order tQ ake us safe in sell. . on credit but the accom. g ; lig ' ht t0 con. u tQ th8e contr& g , J g Compare This g List 0f PHceS g 1 with any other you can find g in Scranton. $7.00 ! 8.50 11.50 14.00 ! 15.00! AndUgwartfsJ 225, 227 and 218 1 CIOtWerJMd .mnaaiitA ft t ft fit Ilk f Berne Furnisher. VnlnHIui AYLNUt; o,,,,,,, i ; I., .