THE RCRAXTOTS TRIBUNE-WEDXESDAT MORNDTO. , MAT 27, 1896. 8 THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Arc. We extend a cordial invi tation to all Knights Templar and their families to visit our establishment while in the city. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR SOUVENIR. We have placed on sale an unique Knights Templar Souvenir. Also call attention to the public that our electri cal display will be lighted every evening. Constructed by the Scranton Illuminating Heat and Power Company. Don't fall to attend our great Wash Goods and Shirt Waist sale. During this sale reduced prices will hold forth in all other depart ments. The entire stock of Messrs. Birkcnfeld, Strauss & Co.. the celebrated Shirt Waist manufac turers that we bought at less than SO cents on the dollar, will be put on sale Monday and balance of the week. Don't miss it. Bhlrt waists, Lot No. 1, worth from f 1.W to 11.60, LEADER'S PRICE, S9c. Bhlrt waists. Lot No, 2, worth from $1.50 to 81.75, LEADER'S PRICE, 89c. Shirt waist. Lot No. 3, worth from 11.73 to 12.2.',. LEADER'S PRICE. $1.26 75 ladles' black brllllantlne skirts, worth 31.50, LEADER'S PR 89! One lot of our fine brocaded silk capes lined throughout with Bilk, hand I somely trimmed also velvet, worth MM. LEADER'S PRICE, 83.98. 60 24 and 20-Inch blue silk gloria umbrel la, the finest quality of natural han. dlei and silk tassels, with paragon frame, worth S1.25 and $1.40. LEADER'S PRICE. 89c. 75 24 and 20-Inch blue silk gloria um brellas, with choice Dresden and decorated China handles, worth II. CO and 11.75. LEADER'S PRICE. 98c. One lot of men a fine percale shirts, collars and cuffs attached, newest patterns, worth 75c, LEADER'S PRICE, 39c, One lot of ladles' muslin gowns, mother huhbard style, trimmed with embroidery, LEADER'S PRICE. 49c, 20 dosen ladles' 4-botlon real kid gloves In tan, brown and white, worth 81.00. LEADER'S PRICK, 9c. 12 dozen of Indies J. U. Corsets, In white only, worth $1.00. LEADER'S PRICE, 49c, 95 pieces of fine printed corded dimities, regulur price. 10c. LEADER'S PRICE. 6c. 75 pieces or much liner quality dimities regular price. lCi. LEADER'S PRICE. 7,c. za peres or tepnyr gingnams, regular itHna 10i. LEADER'S PRICE. 4'X.c. All goods in Wool dress goods and silk departments at a most liberal reduction; come ana see lor yourselves. 25 cases of new trimmed sullora, just received, PRICES RANGING FROM 39c. up, 200 bunches of flowers from a leading manufacturer at 35 per cent, below , regular prices. These goods start At lac. a bunch, 100 misses' trimmed hats from 98c. ud. Special sale of all our fancy ribbons at a Dig reuuction in price. , 16 pieces white India linen, regular price, 10c., ' LEADER'S PRICE, 6c, 4-4 Fruit of the Loom. LEADER'S PRICE, 6,,c. - Ainnnnvi IP. LEADER'S PRICE, Clic, 15 pieces 9-4 unbleached sheeting, regu lar price, lie.,' LEADER'S PRICE, 10c. 30 pieces ot wool challies, regular price. 15c.. , LEADER'S PRICE, Sc. If ' DISLIKE "SL'WASEK RIVER." uperstitous Sailors Request a Pretty Girl Not to Pluy the Famous Song. From the Florida Times-Union. Mlas Edna de Sequerla. the pretty irlrl who wraps candy In the salt water taffy establishment, does not confine herself to dispensing one kind of sweets. but sometimes, to please friends, will dispense sweet music on her guitar. A young gentleman was compliment ing her last night upon the deftness of her finger in. bringing forth sweet tunes, when she said: "But I really can't play, at least you wouldn't think you could play If a whole ship load of sailors had petitioned you hot to. "I was on the Iroquois coming down ' three or four weeks ago, and had start ed to play 'Way Down Upon the Hu- wanee River,' when I noticed that the aallora were not pleased. Finally one l them came to me and said that he had been sent by his mates to ask me not to play that piece. 'You see,' said lie. 'whenever that piece Is played inert; aure to De a storm.' "I stopped playing the piece, but In ' spite of the fact that I had played some of It. there was no storm. On the con trary, we had the very pleasantest of weather during the whole trip." . HOT WATER FOR NOSE BLEED. Just Stick Your Foet in It and Keep . .. Them There. Dr. Gregory was called to treat an obstinate easo of nose bleed which had defied the skill of several medical men, and tried that -much used remedy, hot water, with good effect. He gave a foot bath with water almost unbearably ' hot. The patient's feet were put In the ; water, Which was at 110 degrees F., and then aa She became accustomed to It he added boiling water, and in a few inln- utea the bleeding, which had continued for several hours, diminished and final- ., ly reaaed, her heart beat mora firmly and ahc was out of danger, la another cast he used the same ' remedy la a persistent caa of yomltlng . CIS WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS TkoufhU and Suaestioas Cooceniiot Proper Observance of Memorial Day. FROM JERICHO TO SUSQUEHANNA Politicians Viko Will Stay at Hume aud Plant I'oru--Relics of 1.0 ! Are I Discovered Xrar Oquaga'tim:r ous Political Fuiutt rs. Special to The Scranton Tribune. Kucniiohnnnn Mav 26. Susquehanna Is preparing fur a tilting and proper ob servance ot Memorial Day. Thcr will be a parade in the afternoon. In which Moody post, the old soldiers and sailois and the children from the school of this place will participate. r-'oliowing xne parade and decoration ceremonies In iha weral cemeteries, a public meet ing will be held In llogan Opera House, and addressed by Rev. William M. Hit ler, pastor of the Methodist cnurcn. in the evening a musical and literary en tertainment will be held In Hogan Opera house, under the auspices of Moody Relief corps. The proceeds will be used In defraying the necessary ex penses of the day. The nation's dead. Ah what a sacred trust. In narrow beds slow mouldering dust to dust All that Is mortal. But their memory Btlll Lives in each patriot's heart, and live It will . M So long as freemen live. Deeds do not die. For from the lonely mounds there comes a cry To which 'twere were well to give most loyul heed, , , Though tongue be silent, eloquent Indeed The Bpeech; and earnest, too, the pleas ing voice Amitnin tn iw this iluv ud we relolce: Guard well that which was purchased with their blood. Be true to self, to country, and to God. EN ROl'TE. I.. J. Thomas, of Scranton. who Is trumllinir a wheel barrow from Scran ton to San Francisco, with the very laudable Intention of securing i.ww more or less from Scranton men. who have money to burn, arrived In town on Saturduy, a little the worse for wear, but still In the ring. On the front of his barrow was the legend. "I am going from Scranton. Fa., to San Francisco, in 1L'5 davs." During the day he had walaed from Forest City. 36 miles. He arrived in Binghumton on Sunday af ternoon. While In that city he re marked that he does not like Pennsyl vania, and that dur nir his Journey he saw a mile-post. On one side was writ ten "Pennsylvania;" on the other "New York," and he stopped to wipe me uusi of Pennsylvania olf his feet. All this was very natural of Mr. Thomas, whose brains are evidently In his feet, but Pennsylvania will have to bear up bravely under the great stricture. FACTS SAWED OFF. A delegation from St. Andrew's com- mandery. K. T., is participating In the conclave In Scranton. A. J. Coloorn. Jr.. of Scranton. will be the Memorial Day orator at South Gib son, this county. James K. Foley, of the Oakland slue. has published a ukase, announcing that his wife. Carrie, has left his bed and board, etc. Mr. Foley Issues these bul letins seml-occaslonally. Moody post and Relief corps attended a Memorial service In the uaptist church on Sunday evening. The pas tor. Rev. O. H. Houghton, preached an able and appropriate sermon. Klverside park, ianesooro, was opened for the season on Saturday last, with a good-sited attendance. ONE MORE WANDERER. A queer chap, D. D. Killens by name, homeward bound from Jerusalem, went through this section recently. He is driving In a canvas-covered wagon, with one horse. He Is now making for Chicago. He has a book, which he has had with him from the start, stamped by the proprietor of the Hotel Belle- view, Jericho, and over fifteen sworn statements by the officials In the Holy Land, besides 1,800 In this country. His travels cover a distance of over 201,000 miles. It may be necessary to state that Mr. Killens did not travel the en tire distance from Jericho to Susque hanna by wagon. IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. A Franklin township farmer dis posed of 1,600 bushels ot potatoes for 75 cents for the entire lot. The next convention of the Susque hanna County Sunday School associa tion will be held In New Milford. The Susquehanna County Veteran association will probably hold its twenty-fifth encampment In Montrose, August 19. 20, 21. Susquehanna Pomona Orange will meet in Harford, June 3 and 4. Two Ararat young men have been ar rested and held for appearance before the grand Jury for disturbing public worship. LO! THE POOR INDIAN. A farmer, while plowing near Oqua- ga Lake a few days since, unearthed the skeleton of an Indian. The burial probably took place over one hundred years ago. Beneath the skeleton were found an old brass kettle, several pipes. arrows, etc., all In a fine state ot pres ervation. As soon as they were ex posed to the air, however, they par tially crumbled away. Years ago the unwashed and untutored Indian roam ed at will through this valley, slaying the early settler, the bear and the cata mount with strict Impartiality, ai d sou venirs of his presence are quite often discovered. POLITICAL POINTERS. It Is rumored that the Democrats of this district have engaged Lieut. Peary to discover a candidate for congress for the bosses. The space outside of the McKlnley breastworks has mighty poor picking for the bosses. There are "steen" Democratic can didates for county commissioner, and the returns are not all In from some of the cross roads. A number of Susquehanna county statesmen, who Intended to go to St. Louis. and whoop 'er up for Quay, will stay ojt home and plant corn. They have seen the handwriting upon the wall. They have had a revelation. Their whoop has died in their throat, and they have hung their harps upon a willow, and gone to the mountains to gnaw a file. ALONG THE RAILROADS. The Erie paymaster will scatter about $40,000 in town tomirrow. By an ol der Issued last week the Erie's eastern division will hereafter be known as the New York division. The western division has been changed to the Alle gheny division. In the year 1855 the New York and Erie railroad had 4.715 men In Its em ploy, 336 of them in Susquehanna. Late advices from the Susquehanna Carbondale delegation at the B. of L. K. convention at Ottawa are to the effect that they are having a glgantean time. Willlamsport people are again agi tating that Binghamton-Wllllamsport railroad. Binghamton will furnish the enthusiasm If Willlamsport will furnish the money. The much-advertised Boston, Cats kill Mountain and Lackawanna road has evidently struck a snag somewhere. The greater portion of the route has been surveyed, but the timea have been "out o' Jlnt." ODDS AND ENDS. A Suaquehanna county pastor Is pre paring a sermon on "The Bicycle and the Christian Life.". ... The bull frogs in the lowland swamp art chanting in a baritone. This la said to be a aure alrn of a dry summer- especially where the Raines bill ia In effect. 1-rof. Charles E. Moxley. of Hallstead. superintendent-elect of the schools of Susquehanna county, will assume the duties of his position June 1. B. njamin Sabln will again become proprietor of the Cascade House, June 1, Charles Strlngham retiring. The Woman's Foreign Mlslaonary so ciety of the Montrose district, Lacka wanna Presbytery, will meet In Brandt on Tr jrsany. Mrs. M. T. True, for twenty years a missionary in Japan, died in Toklo, April 18. She was well known through out this suction. ROD AND GUN. Edward Cahill, a famous New York spm tsmnii, tislied the creeks neav ltar ucca on Monday and gathered in some tine trout. A thirty-five pound wild cat was shot near Melrose on Saturday by a Carbon dale hunter. The wild cat crop is said tn be large. They are catching shad by the 'wagon load from the Delaware at and near I.ackav axon. Fishermen are making the greatest catches ever known. The squirrel crop throughout Susque hanna county will be large this year. THEY CALLED. Two veterans, members of a Susque hanna U. A. R. post, on Sunday called upon au Oakland pastor to make some arrangements for Memoral Day. One of the veterans was occompanled by his dog. As the visitors were seated In the minister's parlor, the minister's dog ap peared, and In about six seconds, stand ard time, a grand dog fight was In progress. The minister mounted a chair and culled to the dogs to stop. One of the comrades Jumped upon another chair, and shouted such words as are usualy Jieurd at a dog tight, but seldom In a parsonage. The clergyman's wife appeared and proceeded to sepaiate the dogs, being assisted by a ludy from an adjoining apartment, who poured a pail of water upon the parlor carpet. The dogs finally separated, and the com rades assured the pastor that they did nut call on Sunday to start a dog fight. The comrade who swore Is not certain whether he will apologize or keep mum. TUESDAY'S TIDINGS. Messrs. William Donahoe and Mat thew Lannon. experienced Susquehan na hotel men, are about erecting a sum mer hotel between Lanes boro and Wlror. Picturesque Starrucca haa the bicycle craxe In a chronic form. A strange lizard was captured at South Canaan a few days since. They are prospecting for silver over there, but a lizard Is better than no discovery at all. A Windsor young lady of twenty-five la soon to lead to the altar a blushing youth ot eighty. It is stated that the groom's parents will not oppose the marrlnge. Writes a Susquehanna county editor: "Some of the wood we took on subscrip tion last winter was so green and sappy that since this growing weather set In It has taken root and Is growing, bid ding fair to become a beautiful park be fore the season closes." WHITNEY. NEW CURE FOR COLDS. Bicarbonate efSoda in Small Doses Does the Business. Dr. L. Duncan Bulkley In the Medical Record gives a successful method for a common cold, based on the theory that there Is an acid condition of the system developed, which Is sufficient to Irritate the terminal endings of the nerves In the skin and mucous membranes, and ao to render them susceptible to Impressions of cold by derangement of the capillary circulation. Aa this acidity la neutra lised the normal conditions return. For f ti adult of medium alze and weight twenty to thirty grains of bicar bonate of aoda are given In two or three ounces) of water, every half hour, for three doses, and a fourth dojo at the expiration of an hour from the last one. To to four hours are then allowed to elanse, to see the effect, and the four doses are repeated if necessary, aa la frequently the case. After waiting two to four hours more, the same course may be taken again, although this is not often required If the treatment has been begun early in the course of the "cold." ii w PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT Let Radway's Ready Relief Be Used on the First Indication of Pain or Uneasiness; If Threatened with Disease or Sickness, the Cure Will Be Made Before the Family Doctor Would Ordinarily Reach the House. CURES THE WORST PAINS in from one to twenty minutes. A CUKE FOlt ALL A half to a teaspoonful of Ready Relief In a half tumbler of water, repeated as often as the discharges continue, and a flannel saturated with Ready Relief placed over the stomach and bowels will afford Immediate relief and soon effect a cure. Internally A half to a teagpoonful In half a tumbler of water will tn a few min utes cure Cramps, Bspasms, Sour Stom ach,, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Nerv. ousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache, Flatulency and all Internal pain. Malaria In Its Various Forms Cured and Pre vented. There la not a remedial agent In the world that will cure Fever and Ague and all other Malarious, Bilious and other fevers, aided by RADWAY'S PILLS, so uulck as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radway's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sick ness or pains from change of waters It Is better than French brandy or bitters as a stimulant. Price W cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Administratrix's Public Sale, Estate of John Schall, Deceased. Interest In Valuable COAL. LAN OS. SCHYIU.KILL COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 2 1396, AT ie O 'CLOCK NOON. I In the Public Salesroom, PHILADELPHIA i BOURSE, Fifth Street, Above Chestnut i Street, Philadelphia, Room No 301, I i-'lfth Street Entrance, will be Sold at PUBLIC SALE No. 1. One-half Interest In the Schall St Bannun tract, situate about ten miles from Pottsvlile. In Tremont township, Schuyl kill county. Pa.; containing about 400 acres, more or less; every foot within the coal measures, has both the north and south dips, and the principal coal veins. Mam moth and others. Adjoins on the east the Blackwood colliery, operated by the Le. high Valley Railroad company. Extends westward to within a half mile of Tre mont, with Swatura ureek running lengthwise over the tract, and has quan tities of timber and other material for min ing uses. The land is virgin and adjoins properties sufllclently developed to estab lish the existence within It of all the veins of coal. , turn to be paid at the time of sale. No. 2. Two-ninths interest In the Schall, Blckel & Repller tract, containing about 274 acres forty-three perches, more or less, In Blythe township, Schuylkill county, Pa. $100 to be paid at the time of sale. By order of REBECCA SCHALL, Ad ministratrix, D. B. N. C. T. A., of John Schnll's estate. For further particulars apply to AR THUR M. BURTON, Esq., Attorney, Law Ofllce, No. 604 Walnut street, Philadelphia. BARNES ..AND, LOfLANO, , Auctioneers, No. 14 ttouta fourth Street. Paila., Mar I, UM, . SUMMER COMPLAINTS Consumption $ Collapse in this disease is what physicians constantly are on the look-out for, knowing that it means the end. Just keep up the strength ; keep the body nourished prop erly, so that waste of tissue is checked, and with proper medi cines death is delayed indefi nitely, or a permanent cure, as has been proved in thousands of cases is accomplished. To effect this much desired result, give the patient Bovinine Dr. W. E. S. Preston, House Physician of the House of Rest for Consumptives," of Tremont, N. Y., says, " I have never known a case where the stomach has rejected Bovinine. In cases of collapse, so common among con sumptives, we always use it." Bovinine being easy to take, and quick of assimilation and a won derful food product, at once starts on its mission of creating strength, flesh and blood. It tones up the vital organs and by thus invigorating them, enables them to throw off disease and gives to the sufferer a new lease of life where such a thing ia possible. ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 2R CENTS. THTfl RULE -APPLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Male. WANTED TRAVELING OR LOCAL salesmen to sell onr goods on eomtni slon. Hid line or exclusively. Liberal terms. THE HOWARD OIL UREASE CO., Cleveland, Ohio. C ALESM BJ MERCHAN T8' TRAD& -10 D a week. New, quick, good. Light sam- Slufre". Side Hue nr exclusive. Mfrs., 8941 larkst St., Philadelphia. a1tednTgTnt IN EVERYBF!C tlon to canvass: 94.00 to fit On a day madn; arils at slant; also a man to sell Staple Goods ta dealers; best side Una J75.O0 a month: Hil ary or large commission made: experience uonecessa'T. Clifton Soap and llanufactnr log Co., Cincinnati, O. w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN overv town to solicit stock sttbecriD- tions; a aonopoly: big money for agents; no caattal reaulred. AKD C. FISH CO.. Borden Bloc. Chtoago. III. Htla Wantad Females. Wi ANTED - OIRL FOR GENERAL hn'iseworx: mutt be a good coek. Add1v at 821 Vine street 1ADIES-I MAKE BIO WAGES DOING J pleasant heme work, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending li cent stamp. MIs8 M. A. 8TEBBINS. Lawrence, Mich. WANTED I ADY AOENT IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Snyder's cake Icing: experienced canvasser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Writ for Particulars at once and get benefit of holiday rede. T. H. SNYDER CO , Cincinnati, O WANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO ENER getlo saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed 6 a day without interfering with other dutlea. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing atamp, Mango Chem ical Company, No. 78 John street. New York, For Rant. fl1 R PER MONTH WILL RENT A HOUSE tjMi) contain ng 8 rooms, hot and cold witer, bath tub. and a large well ventilated r-llar AprW "o THOS. D. WILLIAMS, 1520 Wathburn street. NINE-ROOM B tlCK.lOl SPRUt'K STREET, central location; rent moderate. Ad dress 153il Washington. FOUR KOOML. KZ Olive street, arranged for licht houaekeup.og; newly painted and pupered. FOR REST-HALF OK DOUBLE HOUSE: mod'-rn Improvements; mat reasmuble: cottier ot Pine and Biakely streets, D -nmorc. 17OR PEN T TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL modern conveniences. Inquire at 1251 Washburn st. CORRENT-NICEn FURNISHED HALL r suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEU MTN, 11V Wyoming ovsnue. For Sal. T-'OR HALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN JT double, b 11 euphonium, ninely engraved with trombone bell sold lined: neanv new and roet $W; will sell at a bsraiti. trtdress thia week to E. W. UAYLORD, LeRsysville, Pa. TOR SALF.OR HENT-SIX.ROOMEDCOT J tage. Wyoming Cam 11 Ground: partly furnished, w. H. HaZLETT, Scranton. TOR RALE-HORSE AGED SIX YEARS. I1 weight 1.C00 pounds; can be scon at 1821, y rice street. T?OR SALE - MY COTTAGE AT ELM JT burst and the four lots on which it stands: also the four lots adjoining; most de sirable location in Elmburtt: prices reasona ble: terms eanv: toremion given at nnce, E. P. KINGSBURY. Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa. FOR SALE-TWO HORSES. 2 BUTCHER wagons. 2 boggles, 1 sleiirh, harnesses and all of butcher's outfit; also meit market for rent; eoiugontof business; must be sold by April 1st. Inimire of L E. SCI1CLLER, Hlakely street, unnmore. Steamship Line. www OTBAMSHIP TICKET AND DRAFTS AT O J. A. BARRON S, 21 Lackawanua ave nue, Scranton.. Lest. T 0T-OILT PURSE WITH NAME 1 J Edvths enraved on ton. Liberal re ward and no questions asked if returned to Gerson's mtlliuery store, 1421 Lackawanna ave. Application for Charter. TVTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVE V THAT AN appllitailon will ba mado to the governor or rennayivaniaon uune irtn, iaw,uy wuuam F. Mattes, Louis T. Mattel, John F. Lewie. Charles ('. Me tres and Mary U. Mattes nndur an Act of Aitomblv entitled "An Act to uro- vido for the Incorporation and regulation ot certain corporations," approved i.prll !2D, 1874: and supplements thereto for a harter of an intended corporation to be called "1'no Lackawanna Lubricating Company." the cnaraoter ana oojti ot wnien is tor operat ing foundry and machine shop and manu' fucturina aud seliliiH lubricating devices. lubricant', en Infers' supplies and any other articles or coronierne out 01 mecais. woon, rubber or other sulaUances, and to hold such patents 11a may be nweesary for carrying on euch business: and for theae DurooJea to have. posses and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privllegea of, the said Aot of Assembly and supplements mere to. 1 . WANUkN A KNAPP, Solicitors. c ominolli &, Wallace Call and see them. They're worth more than we ask. CONNOLLY & cents Wanted. UTANTED-SALESMAN: SALARY FROM start; permanent place. BROWN BROS. CO , Nurserymen. Rocnmter, N. Y. UC'NTSWATED'n'8ELLciUARsl $76 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cunt stamp, FIGARO Ci GAH CO.. Caicaa-o. AGENTS TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL geld, ailver. tic.kel and copper electro platers: price from S3 upward; aalary and ex penses paid; ont-lt froe. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN 51 FG CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TODEALERS; 125 weeklr and expeuscs; experience un necessary. ( ONSOLIUATEO MFG. CO., 44 Van Buren St.. Ch'cago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 2) per cant, commission; sample book mailed free. Address L N. CO.. Station L, New York. AT oj CE AGENTS" APPofNTED TO sell new lightning selling table cloth.mos qnito and hoase fly liquid at Id cents and 25 cants a lo-tle. Sample tree, BOLQLs.NO M'F'G Co., Baltimore. Md. A GlSNTBlHNDE'fcf patent"' univer t sal Hair Curlers and Wavers Cased with- out hnstl. nnri "Pvr Pointed" Quir Pins. Lib- rral commissions. Free sample and full par- tlcnlnrs. Address P. o. Box ta Kew York. Horses for Sale. TI7ST ARRIVED WITH A SELECT CAR- fl load of Illinois horses: good workers and drivers: weight from 1.100 to l.CO; can be seen at 834 Raymond oourt F.M.COBB Furnished Rooms for Rent. 1,'URNISHED ROOMS. WITH USEOFGA3. 1 hot and cold batb. sitting and reading rooms. 216 Lackawanna avenue. Dissolution of Fartnershlp. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVBN THAT THE nartnerahln lately aubetstinsb'tweon the undersigned. Charles J. W elchel aud George V. Millar, carrying on Dimness ac rrraaiou. l a., under the strle of Weichel A Millar, waa mi hla twnv.tlitrit dav nf Uav. 1KUA. die- s lived 1 y m-uu 1 enrsent, and the bnsiaaao in mtnre wilt oe carriea on oy in sam vewce V. Millar, and tnat all raooeya payable to the aild late Arm are to he paid to the said George V. Miller. CHAR I K8 J. WEICRBL, UUOUOG V. BUL)LiAB. Scranton. Pa, May 23, Hit. Special Notices. tlftlHE HOI.rjIERlN OUR CIVIL WAR.' 1 You waut this relic. Cental as all nf Frank Leslie's famous old War ins the fores In actual battle, sketcaed on the spot Two volumes, 2.0U) pictures, Sold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex- frees complete, au ci arrea prriaua. jmurnee P. O. MOODY, 02 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA zinea. etc.. bound or robound at Tab Tribdnb ofllce. tjulck work. Reasonable prices. Executor's Notice. 1 ft STATE OF HANNAH HEWITT. LATE J ot the city of Scranto.i, Lackawanna county, Pa,, deceas-d. Letttre ttstimentary upon ine aoove naniAit estate havinff been aratited to the un dersigned. h11 persona having claims nr de mnis against tne am estate win p rs-nt them for payment, and those indebted theteto will please immediate payment to JOHS HALE. Sorentoo, Pa. McAskie A BnDBi'RT. Attorneys. Sealed Proposals. PROPOSALS WILL, BE RECEIVED BY tne nnderslrned until Vi o'clock noon Mnntav. June 1. ISnil, for driving a rock tu'i nal at L'-e. P., from the "Hoes" to tlie "Hod Ash" veins nf coal, a distance of aliout one hundred C1001 feet mora or lens Tlie under signed company will furnish "air compressor ' -toem. machin-s ai d d i'le. Proposals must stute price p-r lineal toot or vara Kneeim-ii lions an bu aeon at th company's orhce Th company reeervee the riht to accopt or re ject any oral) bids. For further informatl' n iinply or write to Thomas W. Morran, inside loreman. Address all proj osala to the Melville Coal, Co., Lee, Pennsylvania. v " MELVILLE COAL CO. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED - A WIDOW watita work cleaning offices or any re spectable work. Address F. A., Tribune office. C-1TCATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI ii enced housekeeper for a gentlemen; must bs in good standing. Address MISS LAW, Goneral Delivery, city. SITUATION WAN TED TO GO OUT washing; washinss taken home also. Call or address L. B.. 334 N. Sumner avenue, Hyde Park. WANTED - POSITION AS COLLIERY olerk bv young man 20 years old: eight years' experience at pay roll and coal office work; can also telegraph; good recommenda tions and the best of reforences. Adoress II., 003 Mulberry street, city. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE O aged single man; V" xi bustler, go d gar dener, good milker. Address Mc, J Spruce St., Scranton. h'lTUATION WANTED -BY YOUNG MAN, experience In grocery; speaks Lithuanian, Polish and Huogariau. Address C. H. C. 1)16 Penn avenue. w T ANTED POSITION AS BARTENDER I nr restaurant c ok. by young man -8 vaieanlil- tnizht vnars' ex nerience comes roc- ommonded. Artnres'.T. W. S.. Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG lady; thoroughly understands bookkeep er wo dd accept a position as clerk In store. Ad'lr. as COMPETENT. hSI Sumner ave.. city. SITUATION WANTED BY A RELIABLE ij woman ia a respectable Protestant fam ily: country preferred. M. BURCU, Rear i:jl Lafayette street Scranton. CITUATION WANTED BY A BOY IB C yeirs of age. desirous f learning the drug business. Address corner Ninth and Fellows streets, city. DRUGS-RELIEF OR PERMANENT Po sition wanted by a graduate of the Phil adelphia College of I hirmacy: over 5 years' experience. A.idrfs ROHERT BHKKWIN, 61K East Market street, city. YOUNG LADY WOULD L1KB POSITION Inollloe; understands st -nographv and typewriting: has had experience. Address NELLIE, W5 N. main avenue. Medical. LADlKSf ChlchMttr. English Pennyroyal PHI LADIES' AT 5.00 WALLACE, TRY US. 601-804 UCKL AVE.. COR. I0M1 Proposals. OrrirR or thi Board or Commissioners or Public Ghourdb aro Buildinqs. Daniel H. Hastings, J. C. Delaney, Governor. Superintendent, Amos. H. Mylln, Benjamin J. Haywood, Auditor General. tttata Treasurer PROPOSALS FOB FURNISHING BTA tlouery. Fnel and other Supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we hereby invite sealed arepeaala, at "Brines below maximum rates nxea inaaaedalee, ta furnish stationary, furniture, fael and ether supplies for the several department ot tka State Government, and for maklmr repairs In the several denartmente aad for the distribu tion of the pukHo doauinente, for the year ending the first Tuesday of June, A. D. 1W7 Separata proposale will ba received and aea ara a contracts awarded aa announced In said eeaed tiles. Each proposal must ba accom panied by a bond, with at least twa earieflee or one snriety company, approved by a JufWa of the t'tu t of Common Hos of the oeouty In which the person or pereoas may reel, conditioned for the faithful performanae at tba contract, and addressed and delivered to the Board of Commissioners of Public Grenade and Buildings before twelve o'clock M., of 'I neaday the 2d day of June. A. D.. INS, at which time the proposals will be opened and published, In the Keeeptiea Room of the Ex ecutive Department at Harriebnrg. atad coa t reels awarded aa aeon thereafter as araa tlcable. Blauk bonrta and schedules containing all nroeeaary inf ormatioa can ba obtained at isle Department. J. C. DSLAKBT. For the Board nf Commiiaioaert of Public Grounds and Building. Carps t Waavirtf. CARPETS MADE TO ORDER JACOB WALTER, &27 Wyoming avenue. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect May 19, isoj. Trains Leava Wilkes-Barra as Follows 7.26 tr. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburs, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the Wait. 10.15 a m., week dayi, for Hazleton. Pottsvtlle, Reading, Norriatown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harriaburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. . 3.17 p. m., week dava, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitta bure and ths West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, (len'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST, Ueneral Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehlgb and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EKFKCT MCH. 15, ISM Trains leava Scranton for Pitts ton. Wllkes-Barre, etc at 8.20. .lo, a, m ! 12.45, 2.00, 3.05, 6.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays. S.OO a. m.. 1.00, 2.16. 7.10 p. m. ' For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 8.06 (express) p. m. Bun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12 45 n m arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term lnal, 6.22 p. m. and New York .oo p. m For Mauch Chunk. Allentown. Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia. 8.20 a. m 12.45, 8.06, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) a. ml Sunday, 2.15 P. m. "' '" For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, ate., at 8.20 a. m., 12.45 p. m. " For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg via Allentown, 8.20 a, m., 12.45. 6.09 p. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. " " For Pottsville, 8.20 a 12.4S p. m. Returning, leave New Tork, foot of Lib erty atreet, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m.. 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. 8unday, 4.80 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal .00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had cn application In ad vance to tbo ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pnss. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN. Oen. Supt DELAWARE AND HUDSON TIME TABLUJ On Monday, May 18, trains will leave Scran- VatTfVffaa 1011 as follows: MM MMmm For Cai-bonilain1i; Wm0m 7.S5. 8.55, 10.15 n. m.; 12.00 Fif r noon; 1.21. 2.20, 8.52. 6.25. P 6.25, 7.57, 8.10, 10.30, 11.55 p. m. For Albany. Saratoga. Montreal. Bos. ton, New England points, ete.-r6.46 a. m.; 2.20 n. m. For Honesdule 6.43, 8.63, 10.15 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 2.20. 5.25 p. m. For Wllkcs-Barre-8.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.38, 10.45 a. m.; ll'.uo, 1.2V, 2. Jo. i.ii, 4.41, S.OO, 7.50, 9.50 11.38 D. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley railroad 0.45, 7.43 a, m.t 12.05, 2.30, 4.41 (with Black Diamond ex- pressi p. m. For Pennsylvania railroad points 4145. 9.SS a. m.: 2.80. 4.41 n. m. For western points, via Lehigh Valllev rallroad-7.45 a. m.; 12.05, 3. S3 (with Black uiHtnonu express), s.iiu, 11.3s p. m. Trains will arrive Scranton as follows: From Carbondale and the north 6.40. 7.40, 8.40, 9.34, 10.40 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 1.05, ss, its a up a fast e ir Mar? l a p im . ', 9.60, 1.0 , O.tO, 1.10, 11. M p, llle Prom Wilkes-Bar re uid tha itouth 1V4A 7.60, 8.50, 10.10, 11.66 . nr; 1.16, 114 148, U3't O.a.1, I.H, eT.Wt V.1B, lleMI (la UU 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, Male 0?er Mattresses, Male and Repair Spiia Sell Iron Beds, Male Fine Mattressei May 17, 1898. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia) and New York via D. A H. R. R. t .ta, 7.46 a. m , 12.06, 1.20, 2.30, 4.41 (Black Dia mond Express) and 11.38 p. m via D., L, V W. R. R 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., an 1.M p. m. Leave 8cranton for Pittaton and Wilkes Barre, via, D.. L. ft W. R. R., lot, tM, ll.M a. m 3.40, 6.00, 8.62 p. tn. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha aleton, Poltevllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via D. ft R. R. R. at lie, 1.4S a. an., 1X.06, I. 20, 2.30, 4.41 p. m., via V., L., (.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 140 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburs; and M Intermediate points, via D. ft H. R. R. (.46, 7.46 a. m.. It., 1.30, 2.30, 4.41 (Black Diamond Ex press), 11.28 p. m.. via D.. L. ft W. R. R., .5, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.80, 3.4 p. m. Leava Scranton for Tuskhantiock, T.w' wan dm, Klmira, Ithaca, Geneva, aad Intermlate points, via D. ft H. R. R.Vw a. m., lt.06 and 11.36 p. m., vis D., L. ft W. R. R 8., (. a. m., L30 p. m Leave Scranton for Roohsater, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all poloa west, via D. A H. R. R.. 8.46 a, m.. 12.06, 133 (Black Diamond Express), 1.50, II. 38 p. m., via D.. L. ft W. R. R. and Pitta, ton Junction, 108, 9.66 a. m., 1.30, 8.60 p. m. For Elmlra and tba west, via Salamanca, via D. ft H. R. R., 146 a. m., 12.06 p. m., via D., L. ft W. R. R.. 108, 9.66 a. m., 180, 140 p. m. Pulman parlor and aleeplng or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L ft B. Junotion or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Oen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE. Oen. Pass. Agt., Phlta., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHIslR, Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Scranton Office, 809 Lackawanna avenue. Del., Lack, and Western. . Effect Monday, April 20, 1891 Trains leava Scranton aa fnllnam- press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2,60. 6.15. 100 and 9.6S a. n.; LU and 1.34 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and tha South, 6.15,100 and I.U a. m. i 1.15 and 134 p. m. vvasnington ana way station, 4.00 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, (.10 p. an. Express for Binghamton. Oswego. El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, liounc . Morris and Buffalo, 12.20, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m making close connections at Buffalo to all polnta in tha West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9.15 a. in. Binghamton and way stations. 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and IK P . a,. isingnamioii ana xiiiuiav tiina . w w. Fxureaa for Cortland. Syracuse. Oswego." -- Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.36 a. m., and 1-21. P' m-- . ... Itfiaca z. ana sain aw u. ana a.u For Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberlan and Willlamsport, Harrisburg. Baltimore, Washington ana ine oouin. Vnrihnmherland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.00 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.53 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. vot ueiaueu information, pocs nmf tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 32 Lackawanna avenue, er depot ticket ofrlce. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Effective May 25. Trains leave Scranton for New Tork, Newburgh and Intermediate polnta on Erie, also for Hawley and local points at 7.05 and 8.45 a. m. and 2.28 p. m and ar rive from above points at 10.46 a. m. ana 3.18 and 9.38 p. m. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 5.16 p. m returning arrives at Scranton at 7.42 and 8.16 a. m. scnAOTox Division. In Effect Hay 10th, 1801k North oawal. sjesUi Baa Stations L 95- ai a a wTams uaiiy, sx- "IS 5 r. ceDt aundari IP a Arrive Leave 7 ustN. Y. Franldln 7l0Weie 4xod street 1 ml WaataawkKB Ir MlArrlve Leavel 1 IhHancock JuncUon Hancock StarUght Presten Park 1.481 hi mmA 12 2M Pnvntollaj ' Id delmrmft Pleasant Mt knew uaionaaie Forest city 114 1184 uarpouaaus 16 48lUVi Whits Bridge isyBeld Jermyn Archibald . Wluton Peckvllle Olrphaat Dickson THroop Provldenoe park Place 7.7JS 8.41 T18!i9 4a 7141 8 4l o eaiiiisn 841111 M 6 9111 1 M'Hin 6 Mil It 0 WU 07 SSI 11 01 7n" rut' 361 .... ri .... SAM .... W .... 784407 7e!-4ia m it ml lOl 6 is n mi I ia fioiff 7 8tf' 4 1 V al T4 171 7 451 4 HOI Ir h I i!tare Arrive (1010 5M soranon i nr AU trains run dsjly except eiwday. t. ilgtiinesthal trains stop oa signal for pas. Secure rates vis Ontario a Western before Sorciuuiwt tickets and save moaer. Oar ana T. niterott, 9IY. Fus, A Mraataat, fa. J 1803011 ISA. ... VU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers