The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 26, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
TUB SCB ANTON ' TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 26. 1896. ' 3 z. ' n is lis flirt hoi IS It Is in Gala Attire in Honor of the Knights Templar They Began to Arrive at Noon and Continued to Come on All the Trains During the Kcmaioder of the Day Sketch of the Coiutnandertes Programme for Today. R. K. SIR EDWARD R. SPENCER. tf Philadelphia, Grand Commander. The Knights Templar are here, that is, most of them are here, as at midnight neurly oil of the thirty-seven com manderies which will participate In the conclave had arrived. Those which had not put in an appearance are lo cated in nearby cities and they will ?ome In time to participate in the. par ade which begins at 10 o'clock this morning. , Hugh de Payens was the first organ ization to report. It reached here on the Jersey Central mad at noon yester day and headed by its own hand, the Couturier, and l?d by an escort of local Sir Knights and Bauer's band, marched to the Hotel Jermyn. From the time the Eastoninns arrived until midnight there was almost a continuous Incoming of corr.manc'eries. The str-els In the business section resounded with the strains of spirited band music and saw eommandery aiter command'ery go passing by. Sir Knights ore everywhere. Some are In uniforms, some are without, Bnd where the Hir Knight does not appear In person Ahere Is n banner, a cross, a crown, or some other thing to denote that he Is hereabouts. An Important fact, and one which was last night known to only the Grand eommandery officers. Is the pres ence at the Hotel Jermyn of Right Kminent Sir AVnrren Larue Thomas, grand master of the United States. He is the most exalted officer of the Ma sonic order In the country and Is In general command of HO.ono men. Grand Master Thomas reached here at 10 o'clock, having come via. Philadelphia direct from his home In Maysvllle, Ky and was accompanied by Right Kmin ent Sir James H Hopkins, of Pittsburg-. HONORS. THR OCCASION. It is not all state Masonic organiza tions that can secure the presence of the national grand master, and his pres ence is considered no less an honor to the city and state than to the Grand eommandery. For obvious reasons It was not made known last night, even to prominent Sir Knights, that Grand Master Thomas wes in the city. He was. somewhat fatlsued and while he pilngled wl'.h the grand officers late in the evening there was a successful ef fort to keep his presence unknown. He .will probably accompany Right Emin ent Hir G'rnnri Commander Spencer In this morning's parade and will be one of the reviewing party. Tlr.' extent of the crowd already in the city was not fully appreciated until after 8 o'clock. From that hour until 11 o'clock the strei ts in the business section ami especially In the hotel dis trict were fairly choked with Sir Knights and their fair companions, bands and commanderles in bodies. The coining and going was Incessant and it was with difficulty that carriages could be driven through the streets. one could not turn a corner without run- nlng Into a bund. Women were every where. Not a few of th"m were In evening dress. The presence of so many on the street was particularly due to the receptions, from one to three being held In each of the large hotels. Neither yesterday nor last night saw the real beginning of the conclave which starts with the parade and review at 10 o'clock this morning. The evening however, was given over to the order, ns there was a big reception by the .grand officers In the parlors of the Hotel Jermyn and an elaborate "at home" of the two Scranton commanderlps, Mellta and Coeur de Lion, in the Scranton Rowing club rooms on Spruce street. In addition there were individual eom mandery receptions at the Wyoming, House, the St. Charles, the Valley House, and the Hotel Jermyn and a band concert at Hotel Terrace. HEADQUARTERS THRONGED. Throughout the day the headquarters of the grand officers at the Jermyn and of the local executive committee in the Frothlnghani arcade were thronged .with visitors. At the former place the callers were those who had business w ith Grand Recorder Mont H. Smith or with the other grand officers relative to grand eommandery matters, while at the local headquarters there was u volum of Inquiries answered and other business done concerning the more general and detailed conclave arrange ments. From the time the commanderles first began to arrive there were many ex presslons of compliment and approval concerning the welcome accorded them, the decorations, the detailed plans and everything that had to do with the conelave. During the day and night not a hitch occurred nor did an ar rangement miscarry. At midnight all the grand officers had arrived and by 9 o'clock this morning tl is likely that the following past grand commanders will be here. General J P. 8. Gobln, who Is a past grand master or tne United States and the present commander or the Third brigade, Na tlonal Guard Pennsylvania; Hon Irv ing f, w anger, of Norrlstown, con gressman from the . Seventh district: ; Inn. James H. Codding, of Towanda, congressman rrom the Fifteenth an. qtrlfctf District Attorney Georire L Gra- hain, of Philadelphia; Joseph Alexan- I J 3 Kill o o der, Jr., of Scranton; Andrew J. Kauff mun. of Columbia; Iee S. Smith, of Pittsburg: Hon. James II. Hopkins, of Pittsburg, who is also a past grand master of the United States; Colonel William W. Allen, of Philadelphia, and George VV. Keiulrick. of Philadelphia. Another pust grand commander whose pieseiiee Is possible Is Christian F. Knapp. of MIoomsburg, probably the oldest active Sir Knight in the date. INCOMING CCMMANDERIES. Were .Met nl Hie Million by Delega tions of I.ocnl Knights. The reoeptun committee composed of Sir Knights from both of the lueal com manderles, Couer De Leon unil Mellta, In coinmund of K. Sir R A. Zimmerman, were busy from mini yesterday until late in the night meeting tile incoming commanderles and escorting them to the hotels. Our citizens all felt a just pride In the splendid uppeurunce--our local Knights inutle in ihelr handsome iii:iroiin and their military bearing. This committee wus ubotit sixty strung and was headed by Mailer s bund. The earliest commiindcries to arrive In the city were the Hugh de Payens, No. J!), of East. m and tlie Kudosh, No. 29. of Philadelphia. Ruth of the com manderles are stopping ut the Jermyn. The Hugh de Payens bring with them the famous Couturier bund of Kustou. which will head them in the parade with thirty-two pieces. The conimund ery came in about fifty strong but their number was Increased by several new arrivals during the evening so they ex pect to take at least sixty swords into the parade. The eommandery has about u dozen ladles In the party. The De Molay. No. 9, and the Rending, No. 42, commanderles, both of Reading, also came In shertly after noon yester day nnil put up ut St. Churles. Togeth er they lire about one hundred and twenty-five strong. The Hospitalers, No. 4;, of Lock Haven, were early ufter noonarrivnlsaudstopped nt theConway house. They number about forty and have brought with them their own hand. Raldwln II., No 22, of WUllnms port, came In on u special car via Sun bury at r.22 p. in. They were Joined at Sunbury by five members of Gethse mune. No. 75. of York, and also four members of St. John's, No. 8, of Carlisle, Sir Knight M. J. Wert, of Continental eommandery. No. fti. of Chambcrsburg. also enme on with the purty. These three commanderles, are quartered In Hotel Terrace. St. John's of Cnrllsle, and had their ranks in creased by late arrivals last night. The Baldwins 11 nre twenty-six strong and had In their party ten Indies. This eommandery brought with it the well known Flsk Mllllnry band of Williams port, which discoursed delightful music during the early part of the evening much to the pleasure of the guests of the hotel and the residents of that por tion of the city. NIGHT OF RECEPTIONS. Grand Olliecrs nnd iWnnr Com man lcr:c keep Open House. It reiiulred some expert engineering and a great deal of fast traveling on the part of the Sir Knights and their latlles to attend all of last night's re ceptions and at homes. And the crush at each was so great that when it was ail over there was many a ruliled toilet which had been fair to look upon when the reception tours began, Hnd there was many a tired Sir Knight who had earlier felt equal to the task of escort ing a dozen wives If need be. The throng centered in the vicinity of Wyoming avenue und Spruce street and was ut times so dense that foot tralllu was only pos-slble along the pn ve ment. It was nn orderly crowd und one of good quality and constated mostly of the reception callers. The reception by the Grand officers took place In the Hotel Jermyn parlors. Grand Commander Spencer und the other fifteen grand oflicers were attired In evening dress, and, excepting grand eommandery badges, wore nothing to denote their rank or Templar connec tion. They relieved each other by groups and received In the east parlor. Music was furnished by Matter, Re freshments were served in the breakfast room adjoining the parlors. Coeur de Lion, No. 17. and Mellta, No. tis, the two Scranton commanderles. Jointly gave an ut home in the Scran ton Rowing club rooms on Spruce street. The committee which conduct ed the off air was usslsled by a number of Indies. This was probably the most largely uttended reception of the even ing, but tlie three Poors contained in the Rowing club's commodious home obviated the crush which would have prevailed in smaller apartments. Punch and lemonade, ice cream and sand wiches were served nnd music was sup plied by u party of Matter's inusleluns. The committee in charge was com coir.posed of Sir Charles S. Seamnns, chairman; E. Hir Charles M. Merman, K. Sir Charles McMulleii, E. Sir Charles I. Sanderson, K. Sir Kuril C. Drowning, E. Sir Andrew H. Holmes, Sir Thomas D. Howe. Sir Alfred 11. Hhnplnnd. Sir George S. Kingsbury, Sir Walter M. Dickson, Sir Arju Williams, Sir Rufus J. Foster. They were assisted by the following ladles: Mrs. E. If. Rlpole, Mrs. J. N. Rice. Mrs. F. H. Swan, Mrs. A. Foster. Mrs. George- H. Benore, Mrs. 11. A. Council. Mrs. W. 1. Council. Mrs. C. B. Dermnn, Mrs. Conrad Schroeder, Mrs. S. C. Gernon, Mrs. T. F. Penman, Mrs. C. It. Shryer, Mrs. Joseph Alexan der, Jr.. nnd Misses Frederica Merman, Emily Stevens, Ada Sterling, Carrie A. Drowning, Rena Howe, Mae Klefer, Dertha Jenkins, Jean McKcnna, Alice Darker. Quantities of tlie oflieiul sou venir badges wciv distributed. Two receptions were held simultan eously ut the Wyoming. Philadelphia Cuinmandery. No. 2 received In Parlor A on the first floor. Eminent Sir Walter Jones, captain general; Eminent Sir P. J. Linden, Eminent Sir George W. Ken drlck. Eminent Sir Frank M. Hlghl-'y, Eminent Sir Amos H. Hull and Sir Wil liam King were most prominent in en tertaining the callers. Th- ladies com. mundery assisted. St. Albans. No. 47, also of Philadelphia, had one of the ladles' parlors on the second lloor as Its social headquarters. Right Eminent Sir W. VV. Allen, Eminent Sir K. H. Cohen and Eminent Sir H. W. Smith, together with a corps of ladles looked after the visitors. Ringold band of Scranton rendered concert selections during the reception. De Molay. No. 9. and Reading, No. 42, of Reading Joined In receiving at the St. Charles. They made a very preten tious effort to have their reception considered the most attractive of them all and many who attended accorded them the distinction. The sample room on the first Hor In which tlie receiv ing oflicers and their ladles were sta tioned was transferred Into a floral tower. Gfrmanla band of Reading rendered the music. . Souvenirs In the shape of champagne glasses, suitably -engraved re presented to all who called and each was also served, with refreshments.'" i- - - Kodash Commandery. No. 2, of Phil i i. 1 adelphia probably had more callers than any of the ether commanderles which received nt he hotels. Their re ception room was on the tirst fl xir of the Jermyn, just off the main corridor and as everybody and his wife went to the Jermyn at one time or another during tlie evening the aforesaid bet ter half took in the Kodash reception. Five hundred souvenir China cups and saucers were distributed among the lady visitors so from this it Is safe to say that twelve hundred people nt-tendi-d. Bauer's orcJiestra furnished music and waiters from the dining room served luncheon and punch. Chester Commandery No. 8, of Ches ter, kept open house at the Lackawanna Valley House during the curly part of the evening end was honored by hund reds of callers whom they entertained with true Quaker hospitality. DECORATIONS ABOUT TOWN. Thy Are ul'uu Artistic and Elaborate Nature. That the art of the decorator Is no longer dependent for its pleasing effect upon the use if Hugs, streamers und bunting, would have been nuparent to the most casual observer walking along the business thoroughfares of tlie city, lust evening. Electrical figures of every slae and design llavlied out beams of vuriegated colors from the doorways, ills and ro.ifs of the business blocks on Lackawanna and Wyoming avenues, transforming these ordinurily well lighted sections into highways of bril liancy, suggestive of the approach to the pleumne gardens of an Indian prince. The willingness which our merchants displayed to decurat their business establishments In response to the itrouest of the local Knights und the elaborate und expensive scale upon which many of them ornamented their Plates goes far towards maintaining the reputation for hospitality und gen eral good cheer gained for our city upon numerous past occasions of similar character. lAickawaiina and Wyoming avenues, as viewed from the Wyoming house cor ner, presented the effect of waves of noting colors. The striking black and white decorutlons with the Intermedi ary colorings of red, yellow und dark blue, suggested the luvlshness und dis play of some old Spanish city en fete for a great religious holiday, and this ef fect still further augmented by Maltese and Iitln crosses seen on every side night carry the mind of the Imagina tive i n looking back to a 'emote period In the history of medieval Europe where he sees bunds of tierce, iron mulled warriors, moved by the burning elo quence of an obscure monk to under take the rescue of the burial place of the founder of their fuith from the bands of the desecrating Infidel. He sets them make perilous Journeys of hundreds of miles through Inhospit able hinds; he sees their c ,?s In mortal combat with the crescent ot the Orient; he sees a kingdom founded, flourish nnd fall; he sees it rescued, re-established and finally fall again, and forever; but midst ell the blood and sacrifice of two centuries, he sees arise a mighty organ ization which shall outlive the sanguin ary times which gave it birth, and here our dreamer stops; his mind makes u mighty vault, and he Mnds himself on the streets of our city In the year of our Lord 1S!1. engrossed in a prosaic observation of banners nnd bril liant colorings, displayed In honor of the very organization his mid-day rev ery hud led him to contemplate. The decorations ns a whole were very hamUome and possibly have never fmmsk SIR JAMES H. HOPKINS, Of Pittsburg. Past Grand Commander and Pust Urund .M ister of the L'nKsd States. been equaled before in the city. The building on Wyoming avenue occupied by the offices of the Illuminating. Heat und Power company was ablaze of electrical designs which flashed their colors out on the avenue from early evening until the crowds of sightseers und visitors hud deserted tlie streets. The top of the building was surmount ed by a crown and cross figure. On a lower slil were the giant letters, K and T. separated by the figures 4!i, symbolic of the forty-third state con clave. On this same building was an arrangements of lights in the lower coiner of which was a Hashing star, a design probably appreciated more by tlie Knights than the ordinary sight seer. The display made by Lebeck & Cor In, of the Lender, was one of tlie most unique and beautiful ever seen in this city. Our city authorities have been experiencing a vast amount of trouble fiver the portico which Mr. Frotliing ham has erected ns tin entrance way to his theater, but hud Mr. Frothliiglia'ii taken the pains to have His structure J lie ornament to the highway which the beautiful creation in black und white which stands in front of the Coal Exchange, the uppeul to the artistic mind of our people would have been so strong that our mayor and street commissioner would not huve the cour age to run counter to it. The handsome decorations which adorned tlie stately building of tlie Traders' National bunk and the excel lent taste shown in the grouping and distributing of the heavy colors such as the black und dark given was mghly creditable to our local decorators, Messrs. Fuhrmun & Co. Among the most striking decorations on Lacka wanna avenue were those on Sumter Urus., Collins & Hackett, the Henwodd block and Goldsmith Mros. The Li brary building, on Wyoming avenue, was a muss of Hags and bunting. Last night the electrical features of the decorations showed forth In great beauty, notwithstanding, the drizzling ruin, which gave the bunting und flags a bedruggled appearance, THOSE WHO ARE HERE. Names of the Nir Knight nnd the !udict Accompanying Them, Following appears as complete and correct a list as It Is possible to ob tain of the Sir Knights and their ladles now In the city; the names are classi fied by commanderles: PHILADELPHIA COMMANDERY, NO. 2. PHILADELPHIA Kminent Commander Eminent Sir Walter Jones and wife, Captain General Sir William C. Machett and wife, Treasurer Emi nent Sir Frank M. Highly, Recorder Sir Clnrence E. Steel, Past Grand Com mander Right Eminent Sir George W. Kendrlck. Jr.. PaBt Commanders Kml nent Sirs Richard Main, Jills worth i J Wmmm n. e II. HuUs, George B. Wells, Samuel W. Rudolph and wife. Amos 11. Hall, George J. Vundegrift. William II. List, Robert J. Linden, Harry W. Quick. Levi B. McClees. William King and wife, Samuel Anthony. Francis J. Cal lahan and wife, W. H. O. Albertson, Jerome R. Jandella and wife. William H. Sheeneman and wife, Kdward W. Mulin. Michael C. K reitzer. Sir Knights John C. Mulh rschon anil wife. George Vt Lower, George Denkler. Thomas L. Esslck and wile, James A. Robinson, Francise A. A. George. A. Howard Thomas. Miss Muliiu and sister. Sir Knights J. H. Lcfland, Thomis 11. Dillow and daughter, William Hae berle. Elwood Meeker, Thomas Par ker, wife and son, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. . Bailey, James E. Highlev, Sir Knights Harry Perkier. F. P. Weiss, rrank U Muck, J. W. Price. A. A. Laubensteln, Edward L. Scholl. ST. JOHN'S COMMANDERY, NO. S, CARLISLE. Eminent Commander H. S. Mohler, Generalissimo Niles M. Fis sel. Sir F. E. Thompson, past eminent commander; Sir Ed. S. Manning, past eminent commander. l'E MOLAY COMMANDERY. NO. 3. READING Eminent Commander Chariest E. Miller. Sir Charles 11. Ar mour and wife. Sir William Diesel nnd wile. Sir Lemon Much. Sir N. M. Davis. Sir C. W. Edwards, Sir R. J. Hampton and wife. Sir John E. Hill und daugh ter. Sir v. W. Seltzmyer and wife. Sir Mack M. Shaw. Sir Aaron D. Stein, Sir George T. Wink. PILGRIM COMMANDERY, No. 11, H A R RISI Jl ' R( 1. Eminent Sir Frank Rldgewuy eminent past commander, S r Robert C. Walsh, generalissimo, Sir Joseph Pomeroy captain general. CRl'SADE COMMANDERY. NO. 12. MLOO.MSMriUl. Right Eminent Sir C. F. Knapp. Eminent Sirs J. M. Stover. W. M. Poust, L. S. Wlntersteln und wife, H. A. McKillip, V. S. Rlshton E. SIR THOMAS F. PENMAN, Chairmun of Executive Committee. and wife, S. R. Arment. wife, daughter and the Misses Mclntyre, P. S. Harman and wife. G. W. Mertsch, E. D. Hughes, Sirs J. H. Eisenhauer and wife, J. J. Lewis, Frank Miller, D. J. Rogers, C. U. Robbins. H. H. Hulur. J. L. Dillon. wife and daughter, George E. Wilbur, 1' . I). Dentler, Daniel Doughton, A. D. Pennington and wife, Daniel Reedy, H. Zebelmoyer, J. Q. Monkley, W. D. Meckley, N. M. Fitch and wife. LANCASTER COMMANDERY. NO. 13, LANCASTER James C. Wllev, eminent commander; John R. Kauff- man, generalissimo; Richard C. Rose, captain general; Past Commanders Henry Carpenter. Amos Manahan, James M. Strine, David H. Longfl An drew H. Mersney, Joel S. Ealiy. David A. Sawdoy, (No. ;:); Sir Knights Daniel E. Atikamp. Henry S. Imtnel, William H. Mitner, John Y. Lansinger. Howard W. Mush, Kvcrhardt Lumparter Red mond Conyngham, Charles li. Lehman, Sidney '.. Evans, William L. Marshall, Jacob li, Es.hlernan. John D. Milleysack, J. Fred Fisher, Albert I). Pinkham, William F. Fisher. William G. Rapp. William H. Goll, Grant Rohrer. Waller W. Grlel, Milton T. Reeder. John S. Grnhnin. Harry C. Seldomridge. Peter C. Hiller. Jncob Stoner. John G. Haas, George H. Strlckler. Harry M. llyus, Jacob Wolfer, Charles H. Welelians. PALESTINE COMMANDERY. NO. 14, CA IIHONDALE Past Eminent Commander George Murrell and wife. Past Eminent Commander Frank E, Dennis and wife, Pust Eminent Com mnnder Sanford J. Engle and wife, Past Eminent Commander William H. Hollenbuck and wife, Past Eminent Commander S. A. Mc.Miillen. Past Eminent Commander Edward W Mills, Past Eminent Commander Da vld R. Ntcol, Past Eminent Commnnd er George M. Patterson nnd wife, Past Eminent Coinmunder Gustave F. Swi gert and wife, Post Eminent Com mander John M. Stewart and wife, Past Eminent Commander Thomas M Lindsay, Past Eminent Communder llnain R. Barker. Pusl Eminent Com mander Robert Carter, Past Eminent Commander Sumner D. Davis and wife, Past Eminent Commander John W. Dlniock. Past Eminent Commander Charles O. Mellen, Past Eminent Com munder Joseph li. Van Mergen, Past Kminent commander William L. rar Huston. Sir Knight Jesse H. Magley and wife. Sir Knicht John S. Merry and wife. Sir Knight William J. Dlak eiiy. Sir Knight C. L. Dell, Sir Knl:;ht Alexander Coyelar.d and wife. Sir Knight Orson Case und wife, .Sir Knight Henry Curler ami wife. Sir Knight Samuel S. Cobb and wife. Sir Knight O. T. Chambers, Sir Knight John R. Cameron, Sir Knight Charles O. Ellis nnd wife, Sir Knight R. A. Ferber, Sir Knight rt'alter Frick nnd wife, Sir Knight George E. Ferret und wife. Sir Kniajit Charles h. Geary, hir Knight F. A. Grinnell and wife-. Sir Knight H. T. Hudson, Sir Knight L. W. Hofllcker, Sir Knight John W. James. Sir Knight John Ktihbaeh, Sir Knight P. J. Lee. Sir Knight John 11. Lingfelter, Sir Knight Grant W. Lane, Sir Knight A. L. Patterson, Sir Knight I.. A. Patterson, Sir Knight Frank Roemmeliiioyer, Sir Knight J. Li. Stephens. Sir Knight James (1. Shep herd, Sir Knight Samuel T. Sly ami wife, Sir Knight Jonn M. Shannon and wife, Sir Knight Georire W. Twifmcver, Sir Knight A. li Tiliuny, Sir Knight Joseph 11. Vtinnuii, r., Mr Knight R. M. Vannan, Sir Knight R. Wonnaoott, Sir Knight II. T. Whitney, Sir Knight W. H. Wildenbergen. JERUSALEM COMMANDERY. NO. If.. PHOENIXV1LLE. Eminent Com mander George D. Peters and wife. Generalissimo H.A. Zenks, Sirs J. M liuckwalter, W. N. Hitting. W. R. Dob son, D. M. Williams. Wlllium Reit Jr., and wife, Samuel Dilmer, George M. Dilmer, A. R. Taylor and wife. N. M. Garber und wife, S. M. Plush, M. D., and Miss Sallio Dilmer. With this eommandery also come Sir George R. Duviesund wife.emineiit commander of Centennial Commundery of Coutesvllle, and Sir John L. Webber, eminent com mander und Sir M. M. Cookerow of the Nativity Commandery, No. 71, of Pottstown. NORTHERN COMMANDERY, NO. 1C. TOWANDA. Hon. J. J. Codding. past grand commander and wife. Eminent Sirs William Chambelluln. ' M. M. Spul ling, vteorge Kirby, C. S. Fitch, A. J. Dowd, George E. Davis, Charles 1,. Tracy, John McGoven, W. H. Dodge, E. O. Mucfarluln, Henry C. Porter, W. H. Nlelser, O. L. Havcrly, Sirs Asa D. McHenry, J. A. Decker, M. E. Her muns, F. L. Kunen, F. L. Klster, O. A. Gilbert, G. M. Clark. L. D. Frist, who Is division communder of the Ninth divls Ion, of the Knights Templar of Pennsyl vuulu. HUGH DE PAYENS COMMAND ERY, 19. EASTON-S. S. Yone und wife. Miss Edith Yohe. T. A. Stelner and wife, Howard Mutchler nnd wife, 'A. Taylor and wife. Miss Edith Taylor, H. A. Hartzell and wife, William Laubach, George A. Laubach, J. A. Zearfoss, W. H. King, John A. Weaver, M. W. Schee bell, J. 8. Hunt, Howard A. Huyden, George M. Hebler, William Cameron, A. Stelnmeti, William Zehner, J. Kdward Abel, William 8. Semple, E. A. Berkey, William G. Heller, Henry W. Belts. P. C M 1 Evans, R. A. Mlddaugh, George 8. Sle gert. A. Dinkey. Henry Weidknecht. S. C. Weidknecht. James Adam. George E. Sclpfe. H. 11. Taylor. Joseph K. Crater, Wlllium E. Crater. Morris Kirkpatrlck. O. D. Ayers, George E. Ielninger, Wil liam K. Howell. K. Harris. Ashton: A. J. Clifton, Henry Freyberger, C. Gels- singer, F. Stilts. E. H. Shawde, R. F. Sihwarz. J. M. Case. R. Mloys, H. G. Tumbler. James Young, A. S. Delch mun. J. F. G winner, R. o. Magee, Frank t). Cowell, J a ires K. Mrodhead. Orrln Scrfass, C. E. Weigel. W. S. Shufer. Jostph M. Ktrr, J. P. Rodine. MALDW IN II. COMMANDERY. NO. i. WU.I.IAMUPOltT-l'riiiicnt fc.m- mander Sir Thomas f.spaugh and I wife. Generalissimo Sir Herbert R. Laird, Captain General Sir James II. Krause, Past Commanders Sirs John F. Lacdlein. wife and daugh ter, T. S. Clark arid wife. Alex. Meede. W. H. Mloom and daugh ter, Fred H. Keller. Daailcl bailey Else, William M. DuFour and wife. Sirs Hugh McDonald and wife, J. A. Shoemaker and wife, A. Laedlcin and wife. William Howard und wife. F. R. Konkle und wife, William Mendeiihall and v.ife, W. A. Durham and wife, C. E. Mell and wife. li. S. Dunn and wife. John M. Hayes and wife. W. C. Sidell und wife, R. C. ljuiggle and wife. Tru man P. Rcimeyer. John 1. Hall, Joseph W. Cochran. W. S. Huzlett. H. G. Phil lips. A. M. Champion, li. E. Lewis. J. C. Good. J. H. Wagner. John A. Muck. H. H. Montolins. J. W. Keller. Deiriek Latnude, Joseph H. Mat-key. R. L. Mc Culloh, William C. King, W. H. C. Huff man, John J. Young, A. G. Llr.iley, Joseph G. Sonesifer und John E. Put nam. ALLEN. NO. 20, A LLF.NTOAVN. Eminent Sirs Daniel Z. Walker, com mander; William F. Sehleehter. past commander, Sirs Frank Martenus. Wil liam Jacobs. Charles W. Wotfertz, Churles W. Flnudy, Edwin Mast. John J. Lack. Frank Glover, Charles 11. Hel ler, John Allen. PACKER, NO 23, MATCH CHl'NK.--Eminent Sirs Asa R. Decrs, acting com mander und wife. Eugene H. Mlukes lee. Laird H. Durber, Leonard Yeuger, F. G. ibash and wife, Elwoud M. Kuntz, Charles A. Mlakeslee, Sirs C. W. Monner and wife, Asa P. Mlakeslee, Oliver A. ciuuss.Chaties E. Hiinknmn. William H. Obert, Georg? Relcliard. Marvin O. Kuntz, Perry J. Kistlcr, Thomas Smith am, William II. Davis. Frans Market, Daniel Smith, George Dpclsbach, Harry M. Price, J. Martin Ross, Herman Stoll, Hiram Aumau, Joseph Schneider, Ira G. Ross, Harry C. Loblen, Willlum L. Yeager. T. C. Williams. HERMIT COMMANDERY, NO. 24, LEBANON. General J. P. S. Gobln, most eminent past grand master; Mr. A brum Hess, pust eminent command er; Sir. John E. Raudenhush, pnst em inent commander; Dr. John C. Muchtr, eminent commander; Wlllium T. At kins, generalissimo; Henry T. Rich ards, past emlneneommander. GREAT MEND. NO. 27. GREAT BEND. Eminent Sirs E. R. W. Searle, commander, and wife, J. R. Raynsford and wife, W. J. Day and wife, C. H. Tuttle and wife, D. C. Ainy. M. D., Sirs J. K. Weldon and wife, C. M. Shelp, B. C. Raitt and wife, Charlts Relnhart and wife, Joseph Bond, Charles Emerson, N. O. Major. Thomas Hutchings, John Tanner, Thomas Sum merton and wife, Charles Curran and wlfe.Eugene Swartz and wife, L. E. Coyne, Joseph Wesley. F. F. Luderlid, C. R. Newton. M. D., David Depue, F. J. Lott, S. S. Wright, E. P. Hinds. M. D., F. D. Klauss and wife, F. L. Johnson, Charles A. DeLancey. Henry Wilson. KADOSH.-NO. 29, PHILADELPHIA. Eminent Sirs Churles J. Cook, com mander, and wife, Joseph L. Mann and wife. Stockton Mates and wife, Walter K. Lifts and wife, J. Mackie and wifc John Lunn and wife, J. L. Flannigan and wife. Sirs George Zimmerman nnd wife, William Campbell and wife, M. M. Muckman und wife, Joseph Whiftakcr and wife. J. Neblg and Miss Neblg, Howard Patterson and wife, Wesley liaiinlgan. Charles J. Cook, jr., Hen Jamin Cook, Joseph hct3tone, Chas. Adshead' and wife, George Lnudeti sehlager. William A. Foster, George Miller and wife, K. M. Trout, William G. Parker, James Kelly and wife, William Gray and wife, I VAN HOE COMMANDERY, NO. 31, MAHANOY CITY. Alfred Palmer, eminent commander; Helster Reed, generalissimo; J. D. Jones, captuin general; T. L. Hess, J. Y. Sollenberger, Robert Llttiehales and wife, John Hol land nnd wife, M. M. MacMillan, wue and daughter, Phaon Harmony and daughter, J. W. Hardley. C. E. Glen, J. A. Depew, L. V. Ransch and wife, T. L. Thomas, William D. Reynolds, George Gllgore, J. W. Thomas, Oliver Goodman, A. C. Schmehl. CY RENE COMMAND E R Y. NO. 34. COUJMMIA. PA. Right Eminent Sir Andrew J. Kauffmun, past grand com mander of Pennsylvania; Eminent Sir Henry C. Young, eminent commander and wife; Sir Isaac S. Gelst, general issimo; Sir William F. Maulick, cap tain general; Sir George M. Ross. MARY COMMANDERY, NO. 3(1, PHILADELPHIA Eminent Com mander William McCoaeh and wife. Generalissimo George Eiter, Jr., and wife, Captain General Alfred K. Greg ory and wife, John H. Dye nnd wife, Edgnr S. McDowell and wife, William Mclntyre nnd wife, George Hessler and wire, Clifford P. Allen and wife, George 1". Allen und wife, Fred click Muut h nnd wife, Louis C. Schuch ler and wife, Charles W. Mittcr and wife, Thomas W. Evans nnd wife, John H. Daman and wife, James W. Malrd and wife, Alexander Y. Hanna and wife, Thomas Holt and wife, E. V. MoCr.ulley and wile, Frank H. Herst and wife, John G. Vogler and wife, Theodore Drake and wife, Robert Pat terson und wife. Edward A. Parker and wife, James W. Howard and wife, Reu- V.. SIR FREDERICK L. BROO, Secretary of Executive Committee. ben A. Rhetzline nnd wife, Robert Mc Neil und wife, Daniel Sutter and wife, James A. Connelly and wife, J. Addison Lberly and wife. Harry Q. Huiekle and wife. William M. Murk and wife, Samuel Y. Thomson and wife. James Henry and wife. Wilbur F. Short and wife, David L. Laird and wife. John W. Mar tin and wife, Charles J. Miller and wife, M. Harmcr Rrooks and wife, Albert C.Mowbray and wife, John N. Gill and wife, William H. Davis nnd wife, Mrs. George Mranson. Miss Julia Robinson, Miss Florence Shnw, Miss Elizabeth Cartledge, Miss Elizabeth Patterson, Mrs. Dr. Alfred Laymun. Miss M. Re becca Ranch, Mrs. Joseph Polllb, Mrs. William S. Allen, Mrs. Hannah Smith, Mrs. J. M. Jenkins, Mrs. David Mc Coaeh, William J. Mllllgnn. Alexander McCune, William A. Hamilton, John D. Phillips. William B. Levis, John Rob inson, R. T. Hii-ston, Edward H. Wil lard. Park B. Tucker, Harmon Johnson, Charles Shaw, W. 8. L. Rhoads. 8. B. Nurcross, Willlnm H. Borchert, Robert Gillespie, LoulB E. Rauch, William Pat terson, AVIlllam J. Kelly, Ezra 8. Bart lett, Arthur A. Muth, William A. Wlth erup, William H. Burkhardt, Frank Huff, John K Keen, Harry H. Heist, Henry Dukes. William J. DlehL Lewis Gross, Daniel Kirby. Charles W. Pack er, Nathan L. Seger. CALVARY COMMANDERY, NO. 87 DANVILLE Eminent Commander William K. Rogers, Sir W. O. VVarck and wife. Sir W. Kaseweet and wife. Sir N. P. Pursel, Sir D. M. Curry, Sir A. N. Watkins. Sir I). 8. Bloom. Sir W. S. Brown. Sir Theodore Chester, Sir Alex J. Frick. Sir John W. Farnsworth, Sir C. P. Handeock. Sir P. E. Maus, Sir George Muiera. Sir E. S. Miller. Sir W. N. Monroe. Sir J. C. Pelfer and wife. Sir R. K. Pulk. Sir C. H. Pettrs. Sir Charles Hermans, Sir Rev. M. L. Shindle. Sir W. W. S. Batter, Sir John Taher. I. J. RolU. J. P. MeCabe, Mrs. Oscar Lenegur and son, Miss Clara Jacobs. READING COMMANDERY. NO. 42. READING. Eminent Commander David 1. Schmehl. Sirs John Murkey, H. M. Malta, E. M. Mrasettcld, S. D. Delbert and wife, John P. Danth and wife, John Daniels and wife. W. N. Deullngr r and wife, Frank B. De Lurk, A. 8. Deyshcr and wfe, E. W. Davis, Lewis Dauth, Paris E. Eacher, J. R. Esser. Allen J. Fink, Jr., H. K. Gitte man. S. A. Hennlnger and wife, Daniel Haltig. E. S. Hassler, Daniel J. Han del, II. 1. Reiser nnd wife. F. S. Kutz and wife, H. Kreiss and wife, W. B. Krick, N. J. Kutx. Samuel Keppel, J. Harry Suppe und wife, C. N. Markley, Mathlas Moyer, Isaac Mcllose. Charles Pottelger, F. G. Potten, J. H. Relnhold, Daniel Hitler, William Rltter. George Rebar, W. W. Seetzinger und wife. A. It. Schmehl, George E. Shollerberger, O. B. Wehlerholtl and wife, T. E. Neber, George C. Wilson, James W. Yoeum and wife. W. C. Gorder. HOSPITALER COMMANDERY. NO. 4ii. LOCK HAVEN. Eminent Sirs J. H. Messina. Philip S. Kift, George W. Mason, John T. Beardley, George R. McCreu, Robert S. Barker, Sirs Kimball D. Butchcler, William F. Elli ot, Frank Beardley, T. Frank Ferres, John MtCard, Albert Marolf. George W, Vernes, James A. Williams, James M. Miller, Johu Crispin, Irvln W. Glea son, Robert D. Peck, John Noble, Jacob V. Qulggle, P. Peter Rltman, William O. Bentley, Harry Peck, Thos. Mr Lain, A. B. Schell. William N. Beck, James Hamilton, J. F. Seltzer, W. H. Kunes, Clarence Weymouth, C. W. Marks, John Fry, Frank Schroat. John Dubler, Grant Kelster, M. K. Zlndel, Harry Sorgen, Claude Miller, C. Gren inger, Harry Scheitxer, John Dealing, Harry Render, Louis J. Ardmore. Otto Heldrich, James Reynolds, Irwin Bloom, John Bushe. ST. ALBAN COMMANDERY, NO. 47. OF PHILADELPHIA. Mr. and Mrs. John R. McFetrldge. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Benerman, Mrs. A. H. Benerman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carlile, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Carlile, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Mustln, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Reeves, Mr, and Mrs. Francis Fenl more, Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Hem perley, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Lewis Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Pferschlng, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Pearson, Master Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. William W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mall, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson I. Lenhart. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wlllard, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Radellff, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Corbin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luerssen, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Coave, Mr. and Mrs. Clark J. Wood. Mr. and Mrs.. John W. Hlbliert, Dr. Joseph B. Kghert, Dr. M. J. Wilson, William K. Williamson, Joseph B. Egbert, William Cook, Charles S. Wood, James McGnr- vey, Henry W. Smith. W. K. Roedel, Levi Lewis, Charles C. Roberts, M. L. Kimball. Alfred J. Wilkinson. CORINTHIAN CHASSEUR COM MANDERY, NO. ft3. PHILADEL PHIA. Henry G. Rrunler. Harry K. Morzell, William Callemon, Charles Cary, George M. Cromwell, Harry P, R. E. SIR J. P. S. OOBfN, Of Lebanon, Past Grand Commander and Past Grand Master of IC lilted States, Cromwell. Mrs. Harry P. Cromwell, John M. Crean, F. W. Crankshaw. Ed ward T. Davis, Mrs. Edward T. Davis, Thomas B. Dale, Richard W. Denver, Hurry Orciner, Charles W. Goldbeek, Jacob S. Gilhin. James F. Hause, Chas. T. Lownes. Mrs. Charles T. Lownes. E. S. Little, Mrs. E. S. Little, James McCormlck, John McDonald, W, H. McCulluin, Frank P. Mason, K. W. Morris, Johu A. Manz. Mrs. John A. Manz, Joseph .1. Neff, John O'Donnell, James A. Parke, L. M. Phillips, Ed ward Perry. Henry Schaffer, Mrs. Henry Schaffer, Frank Stevens, Harry Sigcl, William M. Trimble, E. H. Tag gart, Alfred Welden, J. Henry Will iams. William Wright, William M. Weber, Mrs. William M. Weber, Harry Z. Ziegler. J KENSINGTON, NO. 54, PHILADELPHIA.-Eminent Sirs Joseph I., 'full, commander, Stephen C. Frnley and wife, J. George Mrueckmun and wife, C. C. 'full, John A. Volard John F. Raw, Isaac Albertson, Sirs John S. Firth and wlf.;, Thomas B. Disney, John S. Rlche, R. Mrook Terry, 10. S. Titus und wife, Joseph L. Tuil. C. W. Ruffell, J. M. Crouthnmel, II. C. Fisher, F. J. Mau ver and wife, M. Zelgler, John A. Ro land. M. I)., J. K. Rougher and wife, Paul Diver, .T.rf. Jenkins. CONTINENTAL COMMANDERY, NO. r.ti, CHAMBKRSBI'RG. Sir M. J. Wert. WYOMING VALLEY COMMAND ERY. NO. r,7. P1TTSTON Eminent Commander Stephen M. Dennett and wife, Pust Eminent Commanders Cyrus K. Campbell. William L. Mi Dougall and wife. Jesse M. Cur penter. Franklin O. Mosler, O. G. Tay lor Griflln and wife, John Muirhead and wife, John S. Hurlbert and wife. Theodore Hurt, Hubert D. Judd; Gen eralissimo V. Murray Carpenter and wife; Captain General James Ryan and wife. Treasurer Alexander McDougull and wife; Sir Knights James Auld, James Boase, Solomon Deeble and wife, George W. Hogadorn, Adam Harkness, Louis C. Hessler. William I. Hlbbs, Andrew J. Hale, Richard M. Hughes and wife, T. Wilbur Kyte and wife, James C. Klpp and wife, Henry J. Kelfer and lady. Charles H. Marcy and wife, Charles F. Naumun and wife, Edward E. Reynolds and wife, Louis Selblf, Edward G. Sylvara and wife, Henr M. Stark and wife. William Steel, Allen J. Williams and wife, W. Oscar Walbom, W. H. Holllster and wife. Rev. John Jones and wife. TRINITY COMMANDERY, NO. 58, BRADFORD. Past Eminent Com mander Francis W. Sprague, Eminent Commander John Ley. OSCALON COMMANDERY, NO. 59, ALLEGHENY. Eminent Commander Wlllard E. McCarthy, Past Commander D. Gale French. TEMPLE COMMANDERY, NO. 60. TMNKHANNOCK. Eminent ' Com mander Leroy T. Rums and wife. Generalissimo Robert W. Bannntyne. Captain General George 8. Baldwin, Past Commander and Re corder Bradley, W. Lewis, Past Com- mandera Frank H. Piatt. Draper Bill nigs. C. A. Little, Truman B. Voaburf. G. Tracy Roberts. James W. Pratt and wife, Moses Shields. Jr.. Henry F. Met- calf. Edgard Harding. Sir Knights U K. Hewitt and wife. J. Selden Swisher and wife. John B. Fassett. Charles M. Burlow. E. Mortimer Phillips. C. a. Knapp. Charles G. Brown, K. A. Ad ams. John K. Jennings, Charles E. Space, J. E. Idt Barre, Ruel E. Billings. E. S. Handrick. N. A. McKown. A. H. Mowry. D. W. Stark. Koscue T. Hand rick. George W. Cooke. HUNTINGDON COMMANDERY. NO. Si Eminent Commander Harry W. Read and wife, John White and Wife. CHESTER COMMANDERY. NO. Kminent Commander W. H. Ford. Sir Robert Miller and wife. J. W. Arm strong and wife. Sir Edward North- uegle. Sir Edward Oliver, Sir Crosby M. Black and wife. Sir Samuel C. Turner and wife. Slr Thomas Oliver and wife. Sir C. D. Wilson and wife. Sir Frank Broadbent and wife. Sir W. O. Howland and wife. Sir I. Irvln Taylor and wife. Sir George Van Horn, Sir G. F. Baler, Sir Stacey O. Glauser. Companion B. D. Lane. Miss Mame Glauser. Misa Mame Ford, Mrs. H. VV. Wreldner. This eommandery procuretl tho Cerniajila band ot this city. PENNSYLVANIA COMMANDERY. NO. 70. PHILADELPHIA. Sir Georga N. Sehotield, Slr t.eorge N. D. Apple, Sir R. Hawley and Sir VV. E. Lander son. Dl'QCESNE COMMANDERY, NO. 72. PITTSBURG. Eminent Command er. K. Sir William K. T. Sohm, Sir William P. Price. MT. VERNON COMMANDERY, NO. 73, HAZLETON Sir A. K. Ray son. Sir L. T. Conner, Sir Joseph Levy, Sir F. L. Snyder, Sir George L. Miller. Sir II. C. Miller. Sir James G. Harvey. Sir Wil liam F. Adams and wife. Sir T. H. Willltims and wife. H. P. Kuntz and wife, L. T. Brantkw antt wife. Sir John L. Porter and wife. Sir H. E. Bocheit, Sir Johu W. Crelllii. Sir Orover Wil liams, Jr., Sir John VV. Clark. Sir Jere McAvoy, Sir Thomas A. Harris, Sir Peter J. Miller, Mrs. R. B. Roberts. GETHSEMANE COMMANDERY, NO. 7f. YORK. Past Commanders Eminent Sir Samuel J. Rouse, Emin ent Sir Kdward M. Van Der Sloot, Eminent Sir Harry K. Buckingham, Kminent Commander, Kminent Sir William T. Nelson; Generalissimo Sir N. Sargent Ross, Captain General Sir Charles I. Nes, Treasurer Sir Alex. E. McLean, Recorder Eminent Sir Samuel J. Rouse; Sir John W. Buckingham, prelate; Sir J. Frank Small, senior warden; Sir John T. McFall, Junior warden; Sir Melch'r O. Lewis, stand ard bearer; Sir Phllip-K. Devers. sword bearer; Sir J. Lewis King, warder; Sir Lewis U. Wampler, first guard; Sir Matthew D. Porman, second guard; Sir Alex E. McLean, third guard: Sir Hlrsm Young, Sir C. A. Klinefelter, Sir H. C. Niles. Sir William Wltta, Sir Lemon Love, 8lr J. Frank Burnham, Sir Lewis Shlve, Sir George P. Stem, Sir J. Ferd Kissinger, Sir John McCal lister Gemmlll, Sir George VV. Drury, Sir Jnseph Stormbaugh. CLARKNCE COMMANDERY. NO. 51, CORRY, PA. Eminent Commander Jerome Hyatt. MALTA COMMANDERY, BINO H AM TON, N. Y. Past Commander, C. F. Paige; Eminent Command er, T. P. Calkin; Generalissimo, A. W. Parmelee; Outside Guard, H. A. Cameron, Sir Knights, H. F. Barrett, Alfred Benson. William O. Buckland, 8. N. Carman, L. M. Caf ferty, Charles Coon, William E. Car penter, J. W. Cutler, William T. Clarke, E. E. Durfee. D. D. Depew, K. C. Delavan. F. P. Fisher. R. H. Grant, J. H. Gould. L. 8. Hulslander, D. M. Johnson, Charles McKlnney, F. B. Newell, H. A. Nichols, E. D. Ostrom, E. L. Ostrom, F. P. Rnuk, K. P. Smith. J. Schcfers. G. H. Smith, F. H. Stephens, W. W. Slsson. Charles C. Simmons, A. B. Smith, A. Van Wormer, William H. Watson. F. M. Weed, J. M. Warner, L. D. Wltherell, S. L. White. W. H. Wntklns. J. C. Liveazey, O. L. Davis, J. B. Day, J. M. Warner, T. P. Knapp, L. P. Knapp, L. S. White. S. M. Ben jamin, S. F. Smith, George Lalnhart, H. P. Rockwell, S. F. Falrchlld. N. A. Stevens, Hay M. Colby, C. 8. Scott, Daniel Johnson, C. P. Starr, C. B. Dean, K. L. Tompkins, W. A. Smythe, F. W. Richardson, F. A. Darrow, George Tru man, Jr., J. A. Goodrich, O. M. Feer, C. W. French. W. R. Lounsbury, M. L. Dauer. H. C. Haywood, H. Van Duzer, C. R. Heaton, M. D., E. H. House, A. W. Parmlee. TODAY'S PROGRAMME. This Morning's Parade and Tonight's Ball Are the Chief Features. Thirty-seven commanderles and nearly as many bands will participate In the parade. It will start promptly at 10 o'clock on Lackawanna avenue, and after traversing the pre-arranged route mill pass down Wyoming avenua and be reviewed from the stand at the Wyoming house by R. K. Grand Coui monder Suencer and the other grand officers and by eight or ten pust grand commanders. The line of march Is as follows: On Lackawanna avenue to Washington avenue, to Spruce street, to Jefferson avenue, to Pine street, to Washington avenue, to Linden street, to Adums ave nue, to Spruce street, to Washington; uvenue, to Linden street, to Wyoming, avenue, passing reviewing stand at Wyoming hotel, to Lackawanna ave nue, to Peiin avenue, to Spruce street, and dismiss. The parudw -will form In three divi sions, the First on Franklin uvenue. the Second on Linden street, and the Third on Spruce street, the First fac ing South and the two latter facing west. Grand Captain General E. Sir Henry H. Kuhn, of Johnstown, will lead tha parade and' will be attended by Chief of Staff E. Sir Ezra H. Ripple, of this city, and aids with the mounted Corin thian Chasseurs, of Philadelphia, as tlie Grand eommandery escort. Tln n will follow ft. E. Grand CommaiKler Kdward M. Spencer and the officers and past grand commanders. The three di visions will appear in the following order: FIRST DIVISION. Marshal Eminent Sir Lester R. Frost. Aids .Eminent Sir Edward L. Hack, Eminent Sir George S. Klnibull, Sir Prank II. Jermyn, Eminent Sir Frank H. I'iutt. Commanderles Philadelphia, No. i: St, John's. No. 4; DeMoluy, No. M. ami Rend ing, No. 42; Crusude, No. VI; Uiniuslcr, No. 13; Palestine, No. 14; Jcrusulem, No. li; Northern, No. 10. SECOND DIVISION. Marshal Eminent Sir Hubert D. Ju Id. Aids Eminent Sir Penned C. Evans, Eminent Sir M. M. Mu.-Mlllan. Kminent Sir V. L. Brown, Sir Joseph Ober. Commanderles Multu, of HIiiKhumtoti, N. Y., Coeur de Lion, No.. 17: Hugh de PayeiiH. No. 19; Allen, No. 20: Baldwin II, No. 22; Packer. No. 23; Great Bend. No. i'7; Dyagaghtoii. No. 28; Ka.losh, No. 2); Hutchinson. No. 22; Allegheny, No. 3o. THIRD DIVISION. Marshal Eminent Sir it. A. Zimmer man. Aids Eminent Sir Elliott R. Morgan, Eminent Sir C. F. Wright, Sir Joseph L. Chapman, Sir L. C. Heler. Commanderles Mary, No. 36: Ciilva'-y, No. 37: Dleu le Vent, No. 4,r: Hospitaler, No. 4ti; St. Alban, No. 47; Kensington, No. M; Wyoming Valley .No. 57; Temple, No. to; Chester. No. titi; Melita. No. UK; Penn sylvania, No. 70; Mt. Vernon, No. 73; Gethsemane, No. 73; St. Andrew's, No. 70. The first Grand commandery session will begin at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the Frothlngham theater, when a wel come to tho visiting members will ba extended by E. Sir William L. Connoll, ex-mayor of Scranton. In the evening takes place the Knights Templar ball at the Frothlng ham, to which admission will be by Templar uniform. The entrance will be front Wyoming avenue. Dancing begins at 9 o'clock and will be preceded by a band concert. Refreshments wilt be . served beginning at 9.30 o'clock In the temporary supper hall, which has been erected at the-rear of the the ater, and which will be entered from Continued on Pag 11 .;.Ij. 3